• Published 1st Mar 2014
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Urohringr - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash and the Noble Jury fly east.

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The Rarest Fire Still Burns

"It behooves me to mention once again..." Roarke droned. "...that I have claimed all your weapons as my own. That being said, we all know that you have the resources and wits to get out of the wastes safely. I suggest you return home to your brood." Her copper lenses glistened menacingly in the starlight. "Because if you don't, I will track you down and feed you more than your own skin."

"We'll pretend not to be insulted by the fact that you still feel the need to threaten us," one of the three Lounge members stated. They stood side by side on their ship across from the Jury. In the cold arctic air, their outfits once again brimmed with steam and amber light. "You have ridden us of the burden of a weak leader. We can now continue to accomplish that which we originally set out to do years ago."

"And just what is that?" Josho asked from the sidelines.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash glided in from the Tarkington and touched down on the opposite end of the deck. She quietly gazed at the exchange.

"Keeping the skyways safe for trade and mercantilism," a naga said. "With the Strip of Flurries no longer an issue, and the War in the West fully ended, we will be needed now more than ever."

Roarke's teeth grinded. "If you so much as think of transporting slaves and unjust prisoners anymore—"

"To fall back on our own habits would be an unforgiveable act of frailty," one spoke. "All Razzar's methods ever brought us was a cycle of anguish and failure. It would not be beneficial to us—or any other creatures—to repeat that."

Another Lounge member nodded. "We owe it to your intervention for teaching us that, Roarke Most Rare."

"Yeah." Josho smirked. "And all it took was the deaths of half your crew to accomplish it."

"Breeder..." Roarke hissed out the side of her muzzle.

"Vaughan's and the other's deaths were the consequences of their own failures," the Lounge said. "If their passing means that the ones still alive can warn the world of the Changeling Queen, then so be it. We will honor their memories under the shadow of Quezaat."

"Make sure you do that," Roarke said. "Just... far away from here."

"Please believe us," they said. "We have no long-standing affinity for this place. The Wastes can—in the words of ponies—go buck themselves."

That said, one naga signaled to the rest. The others nodded, then turned around. All three marched slowly into the bowels of the ship while the outer hull slid shut like a giant black clam shell. With a flash of amber light, the Lounge's ship spun around, descended, banked, and cruised its way east over the frozen waters.

Roarke took a deep breath, watching the ship disappear like a black dot along the starry horizon.

Josho shuffled forward. "From what I hear, you were on board that claustrophobic ship for a long-ass time." He squinted at her. "Feel a sense of attachment?"

"I am elated to be rid of its smell," Roarke grunted. She turned and glanced at several crates full of dismantled weaponry and energy conduits. "Besides..." She slid a hoof out from her cloak and felt along the metal braces clinging to her limb. "...I got what I wanted out of the whole debacle. An arsenal. The makings of a new suit. A transport..."

Josho raised an eyebrow. "A transport?"

"Mmmm. Yes. Vaughan's personal craft, a rather small yet utilitarian thing. Assuming it still exists beyond the former boundaries of Stratopolis, then I might be able to make a swift—" She turned, her copper lenses reflecting several colors. Roarke's words cut off.

Josho glanced at Rainbow Dash, then back at Roarke. "Ahem..." He shuffled past the two mares. "I'm going to go... be fat elsewhere..." He marched his way down the stairwell. "...preferrably below deck. Well outside of knife range."

Once he was gone, the wind occupied the upper deck with a deep chill. Somehow, only Roarke was trembling. When Rainbow Dash shuffled forward, the bounty hunter's strong gaze fell to her hooves. She may have even squirmed slightly.

"Hey..." Rainbow murmured.

Roarke took a deep breath. Avoiding Rainbow's gaze, she droned, "I hear you found a sword."

Rainbow blinked, then nodded. "Uhhh... yeah. An ancient artifact belonging to Commander Hurricane. From what I can tell, it's totally still filled with the same burning power that allowed her to drive the undead pegasi back to the heart of Stratopolis."

"So... an efficient killing device?"

Rainbow opened her mouth, blinked, and ultimately rolled her eyes. "Or, y'know, a righteous tool."

"We all call weapons what we like to, so long as they service us."

"Nnnngh..." Rainbow face-hoofed.

"I had not anticipated the presence of such a blade. If I had, perhaps I would have unearthed it myself and presented it to you—"

"Roarke..." Rainbow glared up at her. "Why did you come back?"

Roarke stood dead still, saying nothing.

"Roarke, look at me."

The metal mare nervously obeyed. A pale brown face hung from the fully retracted lenses.

Rainbow leaned forward, eyes thin. "I told you to scram. I yelled at you. I..." She winced. "I treated you like manure, and yet... here you are. All of that infiltration of the Lounge. The stuff you gave Pilate. Commandeering the lizards' ship like you did..." She bit her lip before blurting, "Why?"

"Back in Searo's Hold, we gave our lives for the legacy of the Goddess," Roarke droned. "We spilled blood in the name of strength and honor. We lavished Lady Pestiferous with food, treasures, docile studs, and the spoils of conquest. We never expected anything in return, save for the opportunity to kill and scream another day—"

"Roarke, Searo's Hold imploded. I was there." Rainbow slowly shook her head. "But we're not in Searo's Hold anymore, are we? I'm here, and you are here. And against all odds too." She gulped and murmured, "Why? Why is that, Roarke? I need you to tell me..."

Roarke opened her mouth, but lingered. She stared past Rainbow Dash with nervous exhalations. At last, a quiet voice came out. "All of my life, all I ever expected to do was die. I never thought... th-that I would feel guilty... and that I would have the tenacity and foolish courage to live with that guilt. I did a disservice to your friends, Rainbow Dash. In some way or another, I brought pain and misery to the lives of the ponies you care for... the only souls left that you love. I thought I was doing something right by influencing Kera, but—in the end—all I did was ruin something... ruin the one thing that..." She clenched her teeth as her words trailed off.

Rainbow Dash stared at her.

After a deep breath, Roarke managed to say, "I gave myself one last chance, a chance to fix things. I knew that saving the day myself would not accomplish what needed to be done. But if I enabled somepony like Belle... or in this case Pilate, then I might help him finish the task. I could plant a spark of hope where Shell had dredged an impossibly black rift. But... even that was an inept plan at best. Once again, my foolishness almost cost the life of a pony you cared for. If Pilate had died on board Stratopolis..." She winced. "If you had died..."


Roarke's gaze fell. "I... I only know how to do one thing. I am the weapon, Rainbow Dash, not you. You were right to banish me when you had the chance. The fact that things ended up for the best does not excuse the vicious cycle of my inane philosophy. I appreciate the fact that the Jurists have allowed me a chance to house my equipment here for the interim, but the first opportunity I get, I shall take my leave of this ship and—"

Rainbow Dash marched forward.

Roarke actually flinched—until she felt a warm pair of forelimbs around her, legs that pulled her in tight and tighter.

Rainbow clenched her eyes shut as she buried her sniffling muzzle into Roarke's cloak. "Thank you," she exhaled.

"R-Rainbow, I cannot expect anything from you for—"

"Thank you." Rainbow squeezed her, murmuring. "Thank you... Thank you, Roarke..."

Roarke's lips pursed. Her lenses clicked as she stared over Rainbow's shoulder. After several seconds, she finally exhaled, her body going slack in the pegasus' grip. She brought a hoof up and tentatively—awkwardly—patted the back of the mare's neck.

The two huddled there in the cold breeze, though all the chill was gone.

At last, Roarke breathed, "Perhaps I will delay summoning Vaughan's transport until everypony is well situated—"

Rainbow's voice was like rust: "If you even think about leaving us again, I'll replace your spine with Commander Hurricane's sword."

Roarke gulped, and in a noticeably squeaky voice uttered, "Yes, ma'am."

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