• Member Since 26th Apr, 2012
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Resurgent Wanderer

Am back, may continue writing.


Sia, formerly a raider in the Mojave Wastes, has found herself on the wrong side of everyones favourite Courier and Wanderer, Cassandra and Ethan Smith, as well as Equestria's Celestia and Twilight.

Thanks to a series of unfortunate event Sia will find herself involved in the ongoing struggle between a cult and a clan. Sia will have to figure out who to support while also learning how to fit into a world where ponies are actually occasionally civil.

All the while her past weighs heavily on her mind and in some ways is even more dangerous to her then the inhuman creatures inhabiting the strange land she’d ended up in.

A.N.~ As a Fallout related fic, and a Wanderings-verse fiction, expect common uses of curse words and occasional sexual references.

Edit: Now with JeffCvt as an editor as of March 10, 2014 GMT

In conjunction with the Wanderings-verse by ed2481

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 54 )

4010570 Well if came from the standard approach of being the Courier, Wanderer, Ulysses or Graham then it wouldn't be my trademark out-of-the-box approach silly.

Let's see if I can keep your attention, no?

Chapter name: Today is 'Piss off the worst possible living beings day'. It's starting off swimmingly.

And I know I'm going to enjoy this story. I've yet to read past the description and chapter titles.

I was informed to come here.
I'm here now, there's no need to worry.

4055402 Hahaha, nice, yeah, I just found out Ed put me on both a blog post /and/ a tumblr post.

Isnae bad and is a damn site better the some of the shite I see sometimes, but I never liked raiders, I think its alright that people try to make characters out of am, but to me they'll always just be another bunch'o bastarts who need a good bit a metal in the head. good luck regardless.:eeyup:

4055504 Thanks, though if you take the term raider at face value you might not learn a thing or two about semantics, just saying.

Brought here by Ed himself...

I've concluded that I love this story so far. :rainbowwild:

Liked, favorited, followed. :moustache:

Also, some of my thoughts on this story... I thought that Ethan, Twilight and Cassie were going to be part of the story due to the story description, but, thats fine, because I really enjoyed your story set up. I'm also interested what you're going to have as the main storyline, and what our favorite snarky badass, his equally badass wife, and his also equally badass-partially-cyborg-pony companion are going to do about the random Wasteland human that disappeared into Equestria.

4055549 Well, the chapter I just put up explains exactly what Ethan, Cassie and Twi think of the random Raider romping about.

Woah!! I just posted my conclusion of my reading of the first two chapters, I go to your profile to check out your other stories and notice another chapter was posted! :pinkiegasp: And pretty long one this time, too. We both have some awesome timing.

Edit: Gonna comment my conclusion to the new chapter after I read it depending on what happened.

Okay, I'm loving this story more and more. Your writing is awesome. Time to play some Fallout 3 while waiting for another chapter. WOOO!!! :derpytongue2:


Yeah, I see that now, heh. I'm also gonna share this story on my local Brony group on FB to get you some more story views.

Comment posted by AdmiralPopeyesBeard deleted Mar 9th, 2014

Oh Luna and her trickery.
So cute, yet so efficient

4055702 Glad you like it so far. I knew this was either going to be good, or fail terribly haha

4055808 Luna's trickery? Like, her dream magic? I guess it's cute, but it's also an effective way to track someone.

Accent is difficult to understand; but a good aspect of characterization.

4057295 I wanted to not just make the differences in how Sia and the Tauth Clan act vastly different, but also ensure a large differentiation between the Tauth Clan Dogs and the Dogs that Ethan had to deal with.

So I made them Scottish and seem less stupid and inbred...

(Anyone who gets the joke gets a cookie haha)

I think you achieved your intent flawlessly.
I don't get the reference.
And you did the fight scenes in this chapter very well, imo. Good melee.

So, I like this. I like this very much.

I feel like it's a good example how much can be done with the base ideas of New Vegas. The Raiders in the game were always very flat, and I suppose that's how they were intended to be, but I feel as if there could be more to explore with them. And cue this fic appearing, doing exactly that.

Sia is an excellent character, I'm not going to lie, or compare her to Ethan or someone else. She's very, very real, and what I'm assuming to be an accurate representation of a Raider that goes against the grain. It's fics like this that really bring the game to life, you know?

So keep at it, author! This is going to be quite a tale, and I'm happy to see that it's getting off to a healthy start.

4065854 Well, I suppose I'll start be saying I love getting these in depth comments.

I always felt that as nice a game as the Fallout series is, it tends to be extremely one sided. Sure, you are the good guy, but it's like that one First Recon chick said, "You see this cute little fiend bitch who's so drugged up she doesn't even know she's the bad guy."(Totes got the line wrong)

That and I myself was not always the best of people, having also been born into a set of nasty situations that for a time left me cold, violent and a two pack a day smoker who wound up forgetting what the outside of a pub looked like for two years.(obviously not the case anymore *yay* :yay: )

That insight into the 'other side' led me to the realisation that not all 'bad guys' are bad people. Some just don't know how or have the will to do otherwise.

Thus I created Sia. She isn't perfect, but she isn't meant to be. While Ethan and Cass are shown as power house with a few weak points, Sia is built as a large weak spot to show what it's like to push through it. It is, in my eyes, far more akin to how people live their lives when faced with adversity. That and they can't do it alone, cue her two friends.

Anywho, enough of my jargon, I'm happy you enjoy the fiction, and I hope I continue to please. :twilightsmile:

Yeah, I just have to gush about your comment for a second.

Most authors on this site, who have fics that aren't in the 500-like-zone, wouldn't be able to give a response like yours. I can tell that you absolutely know what you're doing with your writing, (and you have little to no grammar mistakes) and that will make this fic all the more exciting.

I think I'll promote this, given how you did Fallout so well. I'm writing a Fallout crossover myself right now, and I know how fun it is. This deserves more attention than it already has.

You know,Its probably a very bad thing that i can understand the Dogs without any problems.......I suppose ive played too much TF2 or something

4073146 I understand them without any issues as well. All it is is visualising the draw and strain of certain letters in words when affected by a Scottish accent.

Also, happy you favourited my story. :twilightsmile:

4073162 If its good enough to have my intrest,I favorite it

Consider me quite intrigued by this tale.

Also, if I may ask, where did you come across the word "vittles"?

4080961 Both my gran and grannie have used the term to describe all manner of food stuffs. Though I know it also has been used by the grandparents of a few of my mates.

Am I allowed to ask why you were curious? :trixieshiftright:

Cause the only place I've ever seen that word used (and I've never heard it personally used) is in Jacques Redwall series.

4081914 Ah, yes I forgot about that old novel series.

And he's a writer in the UK so I'm not too surprised. I wonder if he still writes books?

If memory serves, he actually died a few years back. *googles* Yeah, he died back in 11, which is a shame cause the Redwall books were generally pretty good.

4092849 Oh noes! :raritycry:

Anyway, I fixed it. And I didn't goof, I...uh...:trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright:....was testing the attentiveness of my readers. :twilightsheepish:

4092917 The Wandering-verse is the base universe for both Fallout America and Equestria set up by Ed2481 for his stories Drak Wanderings, Light Wanderings and Other Wanderings. The crossover factor comes in with Sia being a former raider of the Mojave Wasteland from Fallout New Vegas, and will be returning there towards the end of the story.

This story is based is Ed's version of the Mojave Wasteland as well as his version of Equestria from the Wandering-verse.

The only typo I noticed

The ground met Sia quickly quickly after her short ‘flight’.

I think I found a plot hole as small as it may be...

“Bring Dogs to meet with...Horses...that don’t like…” trailed Sia, her mind taxing itself trying to keep up with the political logic.

1 first being that I'm not sure if you were goin' for Sia meaning horses as in ponies in general going along with the common misconception, or that she actually knew that Saddle Arabians were actual horses. I don't remember her coming across that knowledge.

Besides them things, was a good chapter as always.

4093167 That is a small plot hole...I claim that Luna simply showed the Lunar Guard and Saddle Arabians in the dream realm while introducing them, because it's easier than any other excuse to fix that. :twilightblush:


Okay! :pinkiehappy: Makes sense to me!

And hey, you still need a grammar nazi fer your story here?

4092973 ....Yeah,basically,Its the story that started because The courier is 'fair'.......Yeah sure,Chopping bits off of a person who was forced into something is fair

4093224 I actually managed to locate one, thankfully.

4093229 And Cassandra, while not my character in particular, is a good person. This whole idea was derived from the saying "Good guys aren't always nice guys, and nice guys aren't always good guys." while exploring those grey areas a bit more.

That magical tomahawk is damn useful... I wish I had one for my guys, cause I loved the thrown melee weapons, but hated having to collect the stupid things.

Also, does it happen to share any other properties with Aegis Fang, or is any and all semblance of any kind merely coincidental?

4095135 Aegis Fang...I know I've heard that before, and I think it's from the Legends of Drizzt. If so, cool, I love that series. If not, shit, I tried.

And honestly when I made it I had two things in mind. Twilight knowing Ethan's ability to lose track of things, and the fact that Sia would be easy to physically overpower or disarm and she needed a trump card(One that won't always work, i.e. the minotaur at the hotsprings).

The easiest way to do that was make a weapon that returns to the hands of the first person to have skin contact(Ethan and Cassandra both wearing gloves that first chapter) with it when it is willed to do so.

In truth I never thought once of Aegis Fang making the weapon but now that you bring it up I realise the similarities. Anyway outside the ability to be called upon anywhere it really is just an extremely tough folding tomahawk That coupled with Sia's general .unwillingness to kill and you've got a rarely used yet powerful tool.

4095505 Eyup, right on the money, it's Wulfgar's hammer from the Drizzt series. And with that theory debunked, you're reasoning behind it is completely sound. Oh, and it needs a name! You can't have a magical weapon without a name!

So, I wonder when someone is going to mod one of these into the Fallout games...

4096596 Wouldn't be surprised if a mod for it is floating around. That or toggle god mode and never run out. And I prolly should name it. Chances are it'll be something Scots-Gaelic and get named by Amais or Oran.

4055504 Doesn't help when they attack you on sight and just talk about rape and pillaging.

Shit got deep, but seeing as this is a Fallout fic, that's to be expected from time to time.

I saw a few letters we left out on accident, a 'the' that should have been a 'they', and a few word usage issues. I would point them all out, but I just can't be arsed to do so.

4139625 Eh, not really your job anyway.

And yeah, I swapped up that one bit just for the whole "Wait, so that wasn't actually..."

And then it hits you and you're like, "But... why would you do that?"

In which I simply answer, because it makes for good story telling.

Dang.. readin' this chapter again while I'm not lookin' fer mistakes, I'm gettin' all emotional like. :fluttershyouch:

Must.. regain.. manliness!! HHNNNNGG- *pomf* Ahh, there we go. Grew myself a nice bushy moustache. :moustache:

Edit: "5K hunk of wordiness" Hah! I like long chapters though. Well, as long as shit actually happens in them.

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