• Published 27th Feb 2014
  • 1,001 Views, 54 Comments

An (Ex)Raiders Wanderings - Resurgent Wanderer

After a misunderstanding, a former Raider by the name of Sia finds herself in the Northern Mountains of Equestria, just in time for conflict between Gryphons and Diamond Dogs to come to a head.

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Ch. 5: Heroes and Horses.

Author's Note:

Finally got this chapter up and running.

I will say, I'm in a wee bit of a dilemma. You see, I need an editor that either uses, or is used to, British English as opposed to American English. My former editor Jeff was doing an admirable job, but ultimately the differences between the operations of the languages were a bit much for him(And also not his fault. I have problems understanding terms used by american fiction writers occasionally too).

So if there's anyone good with British English who wants to edit, please give me a holler.

Anyway, without further ado, I give to the first half of the end of the Den Arch. Chapter Six will be the second half and the opening of the Desert Arch.

The next five hours of the journey had passed relatively quickly, what with Sia telling the tales of her father’s decisions and how her earlier life had been. Throughout the tale, Amais and Oran were able to draw similarities and sympathise with how hard it must have been, not just for Sia, but for her father as well. All of it leading up to one final act to preserve what the man had spent his whole life working towards.

It was a marvel, both Amais and Oran thought, that the woman had even made it as far as she had. Even with her father’s aid, the fact that she hadn’t been found out as female in the raiding group, shot, left behind, grabbed after the raiding party, or faced a foe truly stronger than her meant the only deciding factor was that there was a lot of luck involved.

Reaching the crest of the hill they had been marching up, Amais reached out and put paws on both Sia and Oran’s shoulders and smiled at them.

“Ah would say it seems abou’ time fer a break. How about we take a seat an’ enjoy some rations?”

With nods and a groan or relief each, Oran and Sia removed their packs and lowered them to the ground. While the walking wasn’t too terrible, Amais was both more in shape than them, not to mention one step was about one and three quarters a step for Oran, and three steps for Sia.

The two females borderline collapsed to more comfortable seated positions while Oran reached into her pack and pulled out three canteens before passing them out.

“So, Ah do have one question for ye,” Oran piped up after a couple drags from her canteen. “Wha’ happened tha’ made Cassandra th’ one you met, an’ no the one ye thought she’d be?”

Before Sia could say a thing, Amais also turned and gave her a questioning look.

“She’s the one ye have the bad dreams abou’, righ’?”

Taking in a breath, Sia thought back to one of the first times she had heard of Cassandra’s name. It had been a few years ago at this point. Her father had been leading their raiding part towards the shelter of an old airport when a number of Legionnaires appeared. The majority of them had heavy wounds and when they had spotted the raiders, they hadn’t even grunted outside of eyeing the group warily.

Confused, Sia’s father flagged them down and questioned them, albeit at gun point, where they were told of a woman described as both a messiah to the weak and a devil to her enemies. It had been the starting point of Sia’s urge to become a ‘hero’.

When her father had died, along with the rest of the raiding party, Sia had made a point to avoid any other raiding parties she’d found, but also lay out evidence to get them caught. All the while she made her way to the lights shining in the darkness of every night.

New Vegas, home of Cassandra, the woman who was brave enough to take on hordes of enemies to protect the ones she loved. Sia heard tell that she was a magnificent and wonderful ruler, keeping everybody safe and ensuring everything there ran smoothly.

Cassandra, in truth, had been in Sia’s dreams for ages, but only recently had become a nightmare. Before, Cassandra frequented her dreams as a loving woman with a bright smile and kind eyes. She would lead Sia through dreams of clearing out fiend dens, slaughtering Deathclaws, and saving innocents from harm.

In Sia’s dreams, they were an unstoppable force that no one could defeat.

They were heroes.

At least that’s what had been the image of Cassandra before they had finally met.

Oran scooched closer to her smaller friend and wrapped an arm around her as Sia began to sniffle, obviously trying to hold back her emotions.

“I dunno, I just thought, for so many good things to have come from her actions, she had to be good right? It would have made sense. But I saw it when she grabbed me as I dove out the window. She wanted me dead. She didn’t care who I was, or what my life had been like, nor what my dreams were. She just wanted me gone… and she was all I had left.”

As Sia fell into her sorrow, tears drifting down her face, Amais wrapped both her and Oran into a large hug and sat with them.

After letting Sia’s crying run its course and Amais had rose up to go make a fire while Oran turned to the young woman still cuddled up to her side with a semi-sad smile.

“Ye know, Ah find it an odd coincidence tha’ we met. Ye lost yer folks, Ah lost mine too. Granted Ah was jest a wee bairn, so Ah dinnae have many memories. Glic and Amais were there fer me, as were th’ rest o’ the clan. One big lump o’ kin, taking care of each other.” The she-dog smiled as she ‘saw’ Sia turn her head up and face her. “An’ d’ye know what? Most o’ us in the clan consider ye tae be part o’ th’ group. Sure ye have a few nasty blighters like Glac, but he was allus one toe away from breaking one law’r’another, so we all knew t’was a matter o’ time fer him. You though, well ye don’ have tae be alone. If ye’ll let us, we can be tha’ fam’ly you wanted.”

Sia sat silent for minutes, her expression unreadable as her gaze had returned to the ground. Then, slowly, ever so slowly, she turned back to meet Oran’s gaze.

“I don’t want you to be my sister, or cousin, and I don’t want Amais to be my brother or cousin either… I… I…”

For Oran there was no need for words. It was understandable that Sia wouldn’t want more family, lest she run the risk of losing them again. As the she-dog made to lean down and nuzzle her companion comfortingly, she was shocked when Sia’s arms wrapped up around her neck and pressed her lips to Oran’s.

As Sia finally pulled back, the woman had a hot blush showing furiously on her cheeks, and it wasn’t helped when she noticed both dogs’ attention was focused on her. Ducking her head down, Sia realised how awkward things had suddenly gotten and tried to smooth it out.

“I didn’t know how I was supposed to say it, and well… It isn’t just…” Sia trailed, swallowing nervously as she hesitantly raised her gaze to meet Amais shocked eyes. “It isn’t just Oran, it’s… well… all… like, both, not just… uh, you know…”

About ready to give up on her floundering, Sia prepared to say ‘fuck it all’ and dash for the tree line when both Oran and Amais moved forward and lifted her into a large hug. In seconds, Oran’s lips found Sia’s before pulling away and allowing Amais to do the same.

It wasn’t like the dogs weren’t going to fail to understand, after all, for their clan polyamorous relationships were not altogether uncommon due to the bonds formed in hunting packs.

For Sia, though, she was confused and understood all at once. Even as a thousand fears raced through her mind, she also found herself happier than she had been in a very long time. It had been so confusing, making friends, trusting people, and the feelings she couldn’t place that she had always felt around Oran and Amais had not been helping her. But now things seemed to make sense all while leaving her with more questions.

Tears once again flowed down the young woman’s cheeks before she started laughing. Why was she laughing when she was crying? Fuck if she knew, but as she looked up she felt the urge to kiss the pair again. Starting with Amais, Sia leaned up as far as she could, the larger dog understanding and leaning down. As their lips met, Sia practically melted and she felt her back come to rest against Oran’s chest.

After a moment of kissing the woman let out a shocked gasp, tingles racing through her body as she felt Amais slip his tongue into her mouth. At the same time she felt Oran’s lips meet the back of her neck.

Moments later, time stopped mattering to Sia and her companions only began to mean that much more.

Sia yawned hazily, unsure of what to do with herself as she awoke cuddled up snugly between Oran and Amais. She blushed faintly as she remembered how she had wound up between the pair. Smiling, knowing that they had not gone ‘all the way’, Sia leaned forward a bit and snuggled closer into Oran’s chest. In doing so, she must have alerted Amais somehow because the still sleeping dog wrapped one huge arm around her and Oran’s side and dragged them all closer, leaving Sia comfortably sandwiched in the middle.

It didn’t take long to fall back asleep.

”Well, I’m glad to see that you have been doing well, young one. And scoring not one, but two lovers? I must say I am impressed,” giggled Luna as Sia floated herself out of the embrace of dream Amais and dream Oran with red hued cheeks.

“I…” started the woman before just laughing and shaking her head. “Yep, I got lucky I guess. They are both just so… so… gods I can’t even describe. And that whole time, they are both so much bigger than me, but they were gentle, and well…”

Sia stopped for a moment to rub at the scars left from Glac’s bite, shuddering at how the gnashing teeth had slammed shut on her shoulder, her memory reminding her just how painful it had been.

“They took care of me, and when I got nervous and asked to stop…” biting her lip, Sia suddenly took note of what she was explaining to the amused Luna and shut up quickly.

Rather than make light fun of the woman, Luna just chuckled and found herself pleased that the she had found some form of companionship, knowing full well the tortured past of the Sia through her dreams.

“Well, as much as I do enjoy hearing about such tales, I will not bother you for them. Instead I was just going to ask your progress,” soothed Luna.

“Uh, well, I think we’re probably a day away. It would have been less if we, uh… yeah, that.”

Shaking her head and laughing lightly Luna stood and nodded at Sia.

“You are performing plenty well young one. Enjoy the bond you have found, but do try and make it by tomorrow night lest any unfortunate accidents occur. I would hate to start off relations on the wrong hoof, or paw as it is.”

With a nod Sia floated herself back into the embrace of her dream companions, closing her eyes to ‘sleep’ so that she could arise in the morning.

Awakening in the warm dual embrace, Sia snuggled forward, then backward, then forward again, followed with another backward snuggle. She then realised that it was really hard to snuggle two people in opposite directions at the same time.

“Oh, lookit this Amais, the little one’s finally woken up!” Oran laughed as she poked Sia lightly in the side of her bare stomach, eliciting a giggle from the woman. As she pulled back against Amais for refuge, she suddenly stopped as her eyes got wide and her cheeks lit up like a bonfire.

“Amais, that’s a knife right…?”

The larger dog chuckled nervously before responding.

“S’no’ mah fault, this always happens tae males in the morn.”

Jerking forward, Sia hauled herself up and over Oran’s side sporting crimson cheeks as she started grabbing her over clothes and putting them on.

“Nope, nope, that didn’t just happen. Come on you two, up, clothes on, that never happened, let’s go!”

Amais smiled sheepishly as he stood and wrapped his kilt back around his waist whilst Oran belted out laughter at the situation she had inadvertently caused.

As the trio finished getting their over clothes back on, Sia couldn’t help but feel a sudden shyness around her two friends… or lovers… that wasn’t anything like the way she had felt when she had first met them. It was something else entirely, like she kept expecting one of them to do something, or react to something.

Her confused expression hadn’t gone unnoticed though, and Oran moved over to her and wrapped two arms around the woman before placing a light kiss on her lips. Sia responded, kissing back. After a moment or so, Oran pulled away with one arm and Amais stepped forward and wrapped an arm around each of the pair, leaning down and kissing Oran before turning and planting a kiss on Sia as well.

As Amais and Oran pulled away to begin hiking yet again, Sia felt the skin that had fallen under their touches lingering, as if they still held her close. It caused her heart to swell and a wise smile to break out across her face. Looking up, Sia saw that both Amais and Oran were waiting for her.

Stepping forward, Sia put herself in the proferred place between the pair as they made their way down the other side of the hill, following the path laid out by Luna in her dreams. As they walked, Sia took note of the occasional times either Oran or Amais would rub an arm against her, or when one of their tails would swing up and brush against her legs, or in Amais’ case, occasionally swat across her backside.

After a long walk in silence, Sia finally let curiosity get the better of her.

“Um, what are we now? What with all the stuff from last night and this morning? I’ve only heard of it happening between two people, but even then I’ve never actually had any… well, experience,” the woman admitted, somewhat embarrassed as the fessed up to her naivety.

It almost seemed like Amais was about to speak, but Oran quickly reached out over Sia and smacked his arm.

“Ah’m doin’ this, because ye couldnae hit romantic iffen it was a bleedin’ buzzard target fer yer damned club.” Oran jabbed before smiling widely. “Well, ye see, tis actually perfectly normal fer th’ members o’ hunting packs tae share feelings for one another. Seeing as ye don’ join a hunting pack tha’ ye don’ like th’ members o’, it only makes sense. Tha’ bein’ said, it’s also standard fer th’ one who initiates the action tae be th’ pack leader, an’ while we’ve all shared tha’, in startin’ this yesterday, ye’ve actually made the assertion tha’ y’are th’ pack leader.”

“Not tha’ Ah mind it one bit,” grinned Amais as he brought Sia into a one armed hug and swatted her tail end playfully with his own tail, causing her to yelp loudly and flush with embarrassment.

‘Well, congrats genius, you don’t want to be in charge and lo, what do you do. Well, if I’m in charge, and if Amais thinks he’s funny with that tail swat of his...’

Darting over to the side, Sia picked a bright pink flower with four heart shaped petals. Using her natural agility, she scampered up Amais’ back and slid the obnoxiously feminine looking accessory into the fur next to one of his ears and giggled.

“That stays right there, by the way.”

Regardless of her words, Amais reached up to grab the thing only to have Sia swat him with her hand.

“No! Bad pack member. Pack leader gave you a command. Don’t make me treat you like a pet,” laughed Sia as she watched Amais eyes narrow.

“Alrigh’, maybe Ah liked ye better when ye were a wee blushy lass.”

Giving a faint blush, Sia kept her head enough to nimbly dodge away from another swat and chided the large dog jokingly while moving to Oran’s other side.

“Since some puppy can’t act like an adult, I guess I’ll just stand on this side of Oran, and we can share company while you walk over there and look pretty with your precious pink posies.”

Ignoring Amais’ grumbling, Sia and Oran continued on. Sia decided she would also continuing her questioning.

“So, what all does being, well, what we are now entail? We’re lovers, right? But, I mean, this sounds stupid, what does it mean exactly?”

Instead of Oran speaking, Amais took lead on this point.

“Simply means tha’ we treat each other the same as we always ‘ave. We still care fer one another, we still look out fer each other. We jest add a bit more to tha’ now. Hugs, kisses, sharin’ beds when we’re all in a mind fer it.”

“Besides, love,” continued Oran, who noticed the giggle that escaped Sia’s lips at the term, “it’s no like we didnae all care fer each other tae begin with. Now it’s just summat more.”

A soft warm feeling coursed through Sia’s body as a large and peaceful smile fell across her face. Subconsciously the woman drifted back in between her two companions. She felt at peace as either Oran or Amais’ fur occasionally brushed against her arms, though thumped Amais across the arm the next time he tried to swat her rump.

The precise march quickly devolved into a game of tag all while they continued talking, throwing out jibes and jokes here or there. It wasn’t until Amais let out a barking laugh about how his father would find the situation humorous did Sia suddenly remember the one question she hadn’t asked.

“Soooo, you guys know what’s up with my family, but when we get back, do we announce it? Do we keep it to ourselves? Is there going to be some ceremony? Do we have to explain how someone swept the other off their f-whoah!”

As Sia attempted to continue she felt Oran’s paws wrap around her lower back and thighs as the she-dog pulled her from her feet and jerked her into a spin. The woman would have thought it was an attempt at tagging her if not for the two arrows sticking out of the ground where she had just been. Seconds later the she-dog erected a small shield over them as two more arrows came down and shattered against the magical barrier.

Amais watched and immediately went into action. Launching himself up into the boughs of the trees, the dog immediately began moving through them in an attempt to locate the archers. As he did so two gryphons came out of the branches and slammed harshly against the shield that Oran had constructed.

Knowing it would fail, Sia leapt from her pack mate’s arms and willed her tomahawk into her hand in time to block a slash from the smaller, black gryphon. Behind her Oran deftly dodged an overhand swing from the other brown gryphon’s warhammer. Spinning under a dead wing swing from her opponent, Sia saw one of the archers up in the trees.

Taking a steady aim, Sia shot her arm out and released the tomahawk straight at the oblivious cat, catching him perfectly in the throat. At the same time the woman pulled her karambit into her dominant left hand and grabbed the wing joint of the gryphon with her right. Sia kicked off the ground and expertly levered herself up to slam the blade of her knife home at the base of the gryphons neck, killing him instantly.

Above his comrades Amais leapt from a particularly springy branch to catch one gryphon midair and slam him down into the dirt about three metres below. The sound of crunching bones accompanied the gryphon’s touch down and Amais rolled off of him and pulled his Hackit Stick from his back before directing the end of it to the face of a foolish earth pony that had come racing out of the bushes at him.

Oran just smiled as she saw that her two friends were safe and continued her game with the sluggish warrior that faced her. She had clasped her paws behind her back and was nimbly and easily dodging the gryphon’s swings all while giving him tips on how to properly use his weapon. She smiled the whole time before the gryphon finally over balanced and presented a perfectly brutal opening. Bringing her knee up, Oran smashed the underside of his beak, cracking it, before spinning around and delivering a brutal kick to his temple. He dropped like a stone in water.

As the last of the aggressors fell both Oran and Amais’ ears twitched, attuning to the distant sound of combat. Sweeping Sia into his arms and then swinging her onto his back, the large dog began loping towards the noise with Oran hot on his heels.

Jad Allah stood firm, a head taller than the other horses that he led in his platoon. A powerful kick from his hooves flashed out faster than the eye could see and sent a rogue gryphon tumbling away before halting, completely immobile. Seeing one of his brothers singled out, the stallion raced over faster than seemingly possible before slamming his head against the neck of the gryphon viciously, snapping its neck with a brutal headbutt.

“Brother, get back into the line! Stay true and Epona will guide us!”

As he spoke he suddenly whipped around and slammed a spear through the stomach of a minotaur that had frozen behind him.

“Son of a fuck!”

As the hunting pack grew near Sia could see clearly that their rendezvous was currently being interrupted by a group of cultists. Seeing a minotaur, and having developed an extreme dislike for the beats, Sia shifted herself into the perfect position before leaping from Amais’ back.

Karambit in hand, Sia slammed roughly against the beast’s back, immediately wrapping her right arm around its shoulder as she deftly rammed her knife home not once, but twice at the base of the bull-man’s skull. Almost a millisecond later a spear erupted from the minotaur’s back and hit Sia in the stomach roughly.

“Son of a fuck!” she exclaimed. Thankfully it had hit her clothes so it only felt like she’s been punched.

As the beast fell Sia rolled off of it and found herself eye to chest with a massive horse. The stallion glared down at her for a moment, as if to determine if she were friend or foe, before jerking to the side as a cat leapt onto his back attempting to stab him in the neck.

Using the stallion’s leftward movement to her advantage, Sia levered herself around and tackled the cat off the horse’s back before driving a knife into its heart.

“Thank you strange creature, would it be safe to assume you are a blessing of Epona?” the stallion asked.

Willing her tomahawk into hand before throwing it into a distant archer, Sia raised an eyebrow at this and chuckled.

“I’m just a girl. The real blessing is those two packmates of mine.”

Jad Allah’s eyes went wide as he witnessed the most disturbing of sights. Two Diamond Dogs, his national enemy, were tearing into the cultist forces that had attacked his brothers. In the safety of the moment Sia continued.

“I’m Luna’s envoy, by the way, and those two are very good friends of mine that have kept me alive. So, if you guys could not-ah fuck, talk later!” Sia shouted as she raced off to take down another cat targeting Oran, something she was beginning to be exceptionally good at.

Oran chuckled as she dodged yet another attack with ease before delivering a vicious set of strikes to the offending gryphon’s face. With in seconds the gryphon dropped. Turning about, Sia was finishing the last immediate threat.

Pleased with their work, the three packmates moved closer to each other, but Oran detected something in her echolocation.

Before she could do a thing a thrown spear slammed into the small woman’s back, and while it didn’t pierce her enchanted clothes it knocked her breathless to the ground. Herself, Amais and one of the horses all cried out in shock, but already Oran was moving.

Placing herself in between the group and the now enraged Amais, Oran realised that the larger dog was about to lose himself having witnessed an assault on someone so close to him this soon after a battle.

With an ungodly roar Amais threw himself at the enemy only to find himself suddenly immobolised. Oran quickly went to work putting Amais under, but as she did so Sia got back to her feet and looked, for the first time ever, angry.

“I am so fucking sick…” Sia wheezed as she angrily made her way towards the horses. “Of all you fucking fucks fucking trying to kill the fuck out of me the first fucking time I fucking meet any of you fucks! The only fucks that haven’t fucking tried to fucking kill me are my two fucking packmates, you stupid fucking fucks! So fuck you all to fucking fuck and fucking back, cause I’m going to fucking ki-mmph mmmhm mmph phmmm mmhmhph! Mmm Mphmm mmmph!”

Oran held Sia sheepishly, keeping a paw planted firmly over the woman’s mouth as Jad Allah organised his own troop.

“So, wonderful weather we’re having, is it no? Anyway, don’ ye lot mind this lass or tha’ lad o’er there. They’ve both had a hell o’ a day. Frayed nerves an’ th’ lot, y’know?” the she-dog tried to joke. “Anyway, anyone up fer some tea? Ah’ve always made good tea.

Jad Allah could only nod as he watched the strangest trio that Epona had ever have him meet.

About thirty minutes later Oran had managed to make enough tea to fill the bellies of all the horses as well as the now calmed Sia. Amais was still asleep from the effects of the spell Oran used to get him to sleep.

“So, young lady, I see you have calmed from your incident, which I apologise profusely. Do not worry, I did locate the perpetrator and have stripped him one paygrade rank.”

Sia just nodded, still somewhat surprised at herself for her outburst.

“I also want to apologise, Jad Allah-”

“Jad works perfectly fine, lady. You are not required to call me anything formal.”

“Oh, well then call me Sia. And anyway, I want to apologise. Usually I don’t get angry like that, it’s just…” Sia trailed, trying to think of a better way to word her thoughts, only to have Jad sum it up.

“You can’t seem to meet anything that doesn’t almost take your life seconds later?” the large horse offered. “No apologies needed. Now, if I may ask of your, well, if you’ll excuse the expression Lady Oran, but frankly you make for odd company, and an odder ally that Luna would offer us.”

“Oh yeah!” Sia suddenly exclaimed, “There were supposed to be three Lunar Guards, where are they?”

Jad allowed a light laugh at a memory before answering.

“I’m afraid they are escorting three ‘Cutie Mark Crusaders Northern Crusaders’ back to Canterlot after I found the darling fillies hiding in one of our equipment cases. They certainly are rambunctious. I must be honest, seeing you ladies fight, and the resourcefulness of those fillies, I do question why we Saddle Arabians treat our mares like such sensitive beings. Back to my original topic though, as it is making my stallions quite nervous. What is the situation with you Diamond Dogs?”

Sia sat and waited for Oran to begin speaking. And waited. And waited. Finally she turned to find Oran urging her to speak. Leaning back she whispered her frustration.

“Don’t make me do this, you know more and have it all memorised!”

“Yer pack leader in this situation, yer required to speak fer us!” Oran whispered back.

“Fuck that, I’m no politician!”

“Ye are now!”

“Then I order you to speak on my-”

“Ahem, is there an issue, Sia, Lunar Ambassador for these Diamond Dogs?” Jad questioned.

“Eh heh… Uhm, uh, no, sorry. No issues.” Sia sputtered as she tried to gather her quickly fraying nerves, “Uh, I’m Sia… of the uh… I’m the pack leader, well, hunting pack leader of Oran and Amais. Anyway they’re, uh, I mean we’re all part of the Tauth Clan Diamond Dogs. We’re all civil and would like aid in removing the threat the cultists pose. And uh, maybe have future negotiations for peace, and uh, stuff.”

Rather than laugh at her, as Sia was certain Jad was going to do, the horse rather stood and gave a nod.

“A reasonable request in this time of strife. We lost four stallions during the fight, and I do believe that you three can aid us as well. You see, we have located the main camp of the enemy, and we plan to strike it tonight.”

“Tha’ sounds like a masterful plan,” boomed a loud voice as Amais walked up to the group. “An’ perhaps tha’ bleedin’ quint oe’r there abou’ tae piss ‘imself can make up fer attacking my pack leader an’ love.”

Nodding, Jad stood up and moved to his own tent.

“We attack tonight. I personally advise you find a tent and rest yourselves.”

Once alone Sia pulled her two packmates into hugs.

“Gods, I thought you were going to do something stupid Amais. Just, don’t risk yourself like that again, okay?” Kissing her two packmates, the trio wandered amongst the tents for a time.

“Amais, I…” started Sia before she stopped to fish for a way to word her sentence. “Say they’d killed me. Like that one horse, out of fear. If he’d killed me, why attack? I get the protection thing, but if I was already dead, it would be up to you to forge peace a-”

“Ah woulnae want fuckin’ peace if they’d’a killed ye lass. Ah’d want tae murder the bastard!” the dog growled venomously.

Even though she’d known Amais for about three weeks now, and he had saved her a number of times, the sheer hatred in his voice caused her to stop hesitantly and naturally shy away from him. Realising this, the dog loosened up and gave Sia and apologetic look as Oran spoke up.

“Sia is righ’ Amais. If we killed any o’ th’ horses fer bein’ afeert o’ us, then we’d only be playin’ along tae their fears. We’re better than tha’. Ye know how the Southern Dogs act, an’ we have tae prove tha’ we’re no like tha’ if we’re ever tae expect peace and civility, even if they make a mistake, regardless o’ how fuckin’ stupid the cunt who made it might have been,” Oran reasoned.

Hearing this, Amais’ ears folded back as he realised how right both Sia and Oran were with the points they were trying to make. Before he could apologise though, he felt the two females hug him as Sia spoke.

“I just want you to understand that the entirety of chances for coexistence for the Tauth Clan literally ride on the backs of these horses. If they see you are good, they will claim that you are. But if not… people know where you all live now, and I don’t want to see anyone getting hurt if they don’t have to.”

Nodding, Amais continued on, using his stature specifically to look for an empty tent. Once spotting one, he led his pack leader and pack mate over to it, pulling the flap aside to allow them unhindered entry. Once inside, they seated themselves and pulled open their packs, grabbing at their rations.

Right after tucking in there was a polite cough at the opening of their tent. Looking up, the tent flap shifted aside to reveal Jad.

“If it were not too much of a bother, Sia, Amais, Oran, I would wish to speak with you.”

The woman gave a slight smile and nodded, inviting Jad Allah to sit with them and offering him a chunk of honeyed bread.

“So, um, what is it you’re wanting to talk about Jad?” Sia spoke between mouthfulls of food.

“Well it is truly a simple task, but it will lead you to faraway lands. You see, if you truly wish to have peace with my kind you must meet with Prince Farid and his consort, I mean ‘fillyfriend’, Atiya,” Jad corrected, testing the words on his tongue as if they were uncommon to him. “Prince Farid is a good natured soul. He believes that we horses should take more after the Equestrians. That being said, he has adopted many of their terms and tries his best to implement many of their policies. He is an odd prince, but a much loved one. Back to the topic at hoof though, our nation largely expects females to be submissive to their male partners.”

Both Oran and Amais let out disgruntled growls while Sia just sat silent, not sure what to do with the information. It wouldn’t be the first time she shut up and kept to herself. Probably wouldn’t be the last either.

“I just thought it best to inform you, as some horses can be rather rude about the subject. As for the meeting with Prince Farid and Atiya, once our business here is finished we will be leaving for Saddle Arabia. I think it would be best for you three to come, as you are the ones that saved us. You would have the word of all my soldiers at your back, and no one would dare argue against that.”

Seeing that Amais was about to belt something out, most likely in the defence of his pack mates, Sia held up a hand to silence him and turned to Jad.

“So, pretty much expect people, er, horses bad mouthing Oran and I because we’re female?”

Jad turned to look at Sia, then Oran, opened his mouth, shut it, looked back at Oran, then back at Sia and frowned.

“In all truth, I do not think my kind would be antagonistic of the dogs, but instead fear them and stay silent. You are small, though. I merely wish to warn you, as you may become a target for verbal abuse due to your stature and gender. Prince Farid, however, will not, and will be quick to welcome you as ambassadors. He is a gentle loving soul, and I am personally proud to serve in his forces. Anyway, you should get some rest, we move out in four hours.”

Smiling at Jad’s words and advice, Sia finished her food as the stallion left before turning and giving both her pack mates kisses before laying down between them and drifting away to sleep.

“Okay, so they did try to kill you, or one of them at least. But come now Sia, must you really be so petty?” Luna asked.

Sia just swam amongst the springs, having imagined her ears away hours ago when Luna first showed up.

“It is absolutely childish what you are doing. Are you even listening?”

Facehooving, Luna finally forewent her attempts and haughtily turned away.

“Fine then Sia, we shall leave you this night. Hopefully when we visit again you will not be so childish.”

That night the group had been awake and moving silently through the bushes for hours. The Saddle Arabians had expertly made their way around to the back of the Cultists encampment without alerting a soul. To their surprise, and good fortune, they only seemed to have a light guard set up, but still, from the short cliff they now found themselves on, there wouldn’t be a single way victory wouldn’t be possible if there was a direct confrontation.

“I do believe my brothers are ready. Sia, Oran, Amais, follow me. We will sneak into the main tent to take down their leader. Once that is finished my brothers will mop up all survivors.”

Nodding, Oran lifted Sia onto her back while Amais secured Jad Allah to his and then began scaling the crags down into the camp. As they grew closer to the ground, Sia spotted a guard below them. Sliding her karambit from its sheath, the woman fell from Oran’s back and onto that of the unsuspecting earth pony.

With the guard out of the picture, Jad led the trio through the encampment until they reached the largest tent. Moving deftly, the quartet slipped inside, weapons at ready.

“I do not understand. This tent, it is empty?!” Jad exclaimed.

The tent was filled with extravagant gold and silver linings of thread and other niceties, but there was absolutely no sign of either Mons Montis nor He-Who-Flies-True.

“Is it possible they heard tell o’ yer plans, Jad?” quested Amais as he poked around the empty tent.

Any response was ended by Sia running back from the back of the tent with a sickened expression on her face. Before she could be asked what was wrong she held up a slip of parchment.

This was followed by a thunderous roar and a series of cracks.

A shockwave tore through the the air, ripping the tents from their foundations as well as throwing even Amais through the air. A rippling cloud of dust raced through the entire camp as the cliffs that had held the Saddle Arabians were reduced to nothing more than rubble. Shrapnel made up of shards of stone ripped through the canvas of many of the tents, and it was clear that whatever had just happened was done with the intent of destroying anything in the encampment’s boundaries.

A rough cough is what allowed Sia to know she was still alive. Groaning in pain, she dragged herself out from what appeared to be the remains of a table and looked about the destruction.

Tears dragged out of her eyes and horror overtook her as she looked up to where the cliff that had held the Saddle Arabian forces. It now was rent in two with a massive crater carved into the middle of it. It was obvious some sort of explosive force had caused the damage, and it immediately brought back the memories of her own home.

Attempting to rise, Sia’s wobbly legs failed and gave out beneath her. Hitting the ground, Sia rolled to her back and found herself alone as her eyes closed again. The last thing she saw was ash and canvas falling towards her.

Comments ( 1 )

No comments for the new chapter? Wow. Well, I do have to say that's an interesting twist at the end.

Oh, and awesome chapter. :moustache:

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