• Published 12th Mar 2014
  • 12,883 Views, 934 Comments

The One Pony You Never Prank - Deep

Rainbow Dash accidently pranks Celestia. Her life is basically over.

  • ...

The Power of Hamsters

Dash flew towards the front door of Fluttershy’s cottage, charging faster the closer she got. She blasted through the door, shattering it into a million pieces, and touched down in the main room. “Fluttershy! Fluttershy! You here?” She turned her head in every direction. Fluttershy stood in the corner of the room and shook, no doubt still in shock from the explosion. Next to her was some woodland critter nopony except her knew or cared about. Dash charged towards her, pressing her face against Fluttershy's.

“Oh my... Is something wrong?” Fluttershy said.

Dash pressed her face harder. “Yes. Everything!” She detached from Fluttershy and walked from side to side in front of her. “You can’t imagine the day I’ve had. I’m talking about a day so bad it should be illegal. But it’s doesn’t matter now. Cuz I have you.” Dash faced her now only friend and smiled. “I need your help Fluttershy. I don’t really know what you can do…but I still need it.”

Fluttershy put her hoof on Dash. “Of course I’ll help you. You don’t have to ask me.” Her and Dash shared a warming smile. “What is it?”

“Alright…” Dash gulped. “But first you gotta promise me something.”

“Anything,” Fluttershy said.

Dash looked Fluttershy right in the eye. “Promise me you won’t tell anypony—I mean Twilight, Princess Celestia, Angel, the trees, whatever—what I’m about to tell you, under any circumstances. I mean even if your life was in danger and the fate of all Equestria rested on you telling what I’m about to say, you won’t.” She put her hooves of Fluttershy and shook her. “Can you promise me that?”

Fluttershy smiled. “Is that all? Don’t worry. I won’t tell a single soul. I promise.” Dash didn’t react. Her face stayed the same and she kept her hooves right where they were. Fluttershy grunted. “I have to say it don’t I?” Dash smiled and nodded. Fluttershy rolled her eyes and sighed. “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. Happy?”

It was now official. Dash flew up and circled around in the air. “Yes. Woohoo. You have no idea.” She pulled out and performed a bunch of gloats and poses she kept in reserve for when she eventually made captain of the Wonderbolts. Fluttershy chuckled from the theatrics. “It’s finally over. I win! You ready Fluttershy? And remember, you Pinkie promised to help me.” Fluttershy nodded. Dash took a deep breath. “The truth is-.”

The sound of approaching hoofsteps came from outside the building. “Hey there Fluttershy.”

It was Twilight. Within seconds she appeared in front of what was left of the front door, followed by dozens of animals and critters Dash could recognize from Fluttershy's picnics and such. Twilight's back was covered by a bag almost as big as she was, labeled Evidence. She smiled. It'd been a while since Dash had seen her this happy. "I...hope I'm not interrupting anything," Twilight said, looking at the wreckage.

"Well...I am sort of busy with Rainbow Dash," Fluttershy said. She embraced the pack of animals that ran to her.

Twilight gave a warm smile to Dash and turned to Flutters. "Sorry, but whatever it is you two are doing will have to wait. It's urgent."

Fluttershy ran to her. "Really? What it is?"

"It's about the investigation. I need more of your animals, if that's okay with you obviously," Twilight said. She stood tall to keep her bag from falling forward.

"Of course it's okay. But why do you need more?" Fluttershy picked up a hamster and held it in front of Twilight. It showed off its adorable little eyes. "Did they not do a good job? Because if you want me to train them some more I'm always available and-."

"Calm down." Twilight chuckled. "They're actually doing better than expected." She rubbed her nose with the hamster's. "That's why I want more of them."

"Okay, somepony help me out here." Dash scratched her mane. "Cuz I'm not getting how a bunch of hamsters can help with anything."

Twilight chuckled, "Not surprised," and turned around to her critters. "I use the critters to help find evidence I otherwise wouldn't be able to find. You'd be surprised by what a 'bunch of hamsters' can do." A rat ran into the building carrying a piece of metal covered in dirt and frosting. It was a part of Dash's remote--there was no denying it. The rat growled at Dash and showed off its teeth. Twilight took the piece of metal with her magic and put it in a plastic bad inside of her evidence bag. "Like I said. You'd be surprised."

Dash kept calm. Fluttershy had Pinkie promised her after all, the most official of all agreements. There was nothing Twilight could do to take that away from her. She still had the upper hoof.

"How is the investigation going anyway? I mean I know it's only been a few hours, but I still thought I'd ask," Fluttershy said.

"Very well." Twilight smiled with confidence. "I have more evidence than I know what to do with, and I'm only getting more. I couldn't dream of a stronger case."

"Really!?" Fluttershy and Dash screamed in unison. Fluttershy leaped forward smiling. Dash felt like screaming and looked around for the nearest object to slam her head against. The solid earth ceiling was far too soft.

"Yep," Twilight said joyously, facing Dash. "My case is so fool proof there's nothing the criminal can do now. They might as well just turn themselves in right now." She turned to Fluttershy. "It doesn't matter who helps them. Justice is coming to them no matter what."

"I'm so happy to hear that. I never could've imagined you'd do it so fast. Princess Celestia will be so happy," Fluttershy said. She turned to Dash. "You hear that? Isn't it just wonderful?"

Twilight walked towards Dash, still smiling. "Yeah Dash. You should be happier."

RD silenced the negative thoughts trying to pop out of her brain and pushed out here chest to keep up her usual appearance. She forced a smile and nodded. "Of course I'm happy. I just don't wanna get excited over nothing, that's all...When do you think you'll get them?"

"It shouldn't be long now until I make an arrest," Twilight said. Her voice dropped. "That's if the mob doesn't get to them first."

"Mob? What mob?" Dash rushed outside and faced Ponyville. Her ears dropped. "Well there goes my plans."

All of Ponyville was on the move. A horde of ponies swept through the town, with torches, pitch forks and other accessories in hoof. They went from building to building, interrogating and accusing every non-mobster in sight. Ponies on platforms gave speeches and posters with Princess Celestia's face rained from the armada of pegasi above the clouds. An effigy of a pony in a bandit outfit was paraded through the streets and beaten, burned, gouged and every other verb you can think of. A whole section of the town was even on fire.

Dash grunted. "What was the point of even coming here?" she said to herself. She looked up at the sky and sighed. "Guess I got no choice now. Only one option left."

Fluttershy walked out of the house, facing away from the carnage in front of her. "You're leaving already? But you didn't even tell me what you needed help with."

Dash readied her wings. "It's too late for help. And besides, it's only a matter of time before Rarity nukes the town or something."

Fluttershy paused. "What?"

"Have a good one." Dash flew off into the sky. Destination: Bye Bye Equestria.

Author's Note:

Hope you all liked the story :twilightsmile:

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