• Published 12th Mar 2014
  • 12,884 Views, 934 Comments

The One Pony You Never Prank - Deep

Rainbow Dash accidently pranks Celestia. Her life is basically over.

  • ...

The One Prank To Rule Them All

The time had finally come for Twilight's big announcement, the moment of truth.

Everypony in Ponyville crowded around the now good as new town hall jerking around and fidgeting from the anticipation. The moon hung over the crowd and sparkled off the magical shield still encasing them all. Every inch around the town hall was covered with ponies, so much so that even scratching yourself was a challenge in and of itself. The only space left open was around the podium that stood in front of the entrance of the hall and that too was flanked both sides by a row of the muscular royal guards in shades. Celestia, now ten times as fat as the day before, laid on her gut on a fine carpet on the ground surrounded by a pack of royal guards, both regular and muscular. The look on her face was one of anticipation mixed with anger, like the ponies' in the crowd except with a death glare added on. This was her night, the night of her vengeance and the night when her justice would finally be given, and from one look at her there was no denying that she couldn't wait to give it.

Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Fluttershy stood at the front of the crowd nearer to the podium. All three shook with the same anticipation as those around them but also hung their heads with a frown, Pinkie more than the others. Everypony around them talked and gossiped about who the criminal might have been, sounding almost pumped, but the three remained silent. Mayor Mare was the most excited out of anypony and jumped around like she had just won the lottery. The three Element bearers kept to themselves, not even looking at each other, and tried to just ignore the euphoria of the night, though that could only work so long.

"What's the matter with you three?" Mayor Mare said, noticeably holding in her laughter, "Of all the times to be happy this is it! Come on, celebrate... We owe it to Twilight to be happy. We got them! Wooooo!

"Oh... sorry," Fluttershy said, still facing down, "It's just that... I don't think I can stay here knowing what's going to happen."

"Same here," Applejack said, "I get ya'll are mad bout' what happened to the Princess... me... uh included... But I ain't exactly in the mood to watch somepony get blasted on away to the sun, if ya know what I mean."

Pinkie didn't say a word or even move a muscle. The only thing on her mind was the mission she had come here to accomplish; nothing else mattered anymore. As the seconds passed they only made her frown hang lower.

"Oh lighten up," Mayor Mare said, "This might be the only time you'll get to see something like this, so at least try to enjoy it! You too, Pinkie, it's not like you to act like this."

"Yeah... everything okay?" Applejack said, "I mean we all sad too but you're just moping on a whole nother' level."

Pinkie sighed, "Sorry... just having a bummery day." She gazed up at the empty podium and then gulped. Remember why you're here, Pinkie... for her!

The scene continued for another half hour until the anticipation in the air seemed like it was ready to boil over into a riot at any moment. Just then, as the ponies in the crowd all squirmed and yelled for the event to start, Twilight Sparkle took her first step into view behind the row of guards. The crowd froze and turned to her with their undivided attention, leaving the sound of her hoofsteps as a series of booming explosions. Applejack and Fluttershy both picked up their heads and did the same. Pinkie's head remained low, with the alicorn walking in front of her only serving to make her heart tremble.


As Twilight walked up to the podium more of her body revealed itself as the row of royal guards ended. By far out of anypony in the area, Mayor Mare included, the look on her face was the most overjoyed. She didn't jump around like the rest though but walked chest out and head high in a very professional manner which was only contrasted by her smug smile. It was obvious to everypony that Twilight was trying to force her mouth shut and keep her serious stance but was failing.

At least YOU'RE happy... Pinkie thought, lifting her head up.

Twilight put her face next to the microphone on the podium. "This is it..." Mayor Mare said, now shaking more than ever. A dead silence followed as the crowd and Twilight looked upon each other.

"My fellow citizens of Equestria," Twilight said, still fighting to muzzle her enjoyment, "As you all know, I come before you tonight to... Oh forget it. It's over everypony! After days of investigating we finally figured out who the criminal is!" She slammed the podium with her hooves, "I'd like to say that this was a hard case but I'm sure that Princess Celestia wouldn't appreciate me lying. This was an easy case from the start, with-."

"Just say who it was!" a mare in the crowd yelled.

"Yeah, we just wanna see them get sent to the sun already!" a stallion added.

Pinkie took a deep breath, Guess this is it...

This was supposed to be the scary part, the calm before the storm that determined whether or not she would go through with it. As the crowd yelled at Twilight all Pinkie could think of was the promise she had made and what she now had to do. The thoughts of the pain she would now have to endure beagn to crush her, but there was no turning back, not for a pony like Pinkie Pie. The sun, a million years, a billion, a trillion, her hooves didn't once tremble from the thought of it. Pinkie wasn't scared by the slightest by the fate that awaited her and could only smile knowing that her end would give another pony, a friend, new life.

Twilight growled, "Alright, alright... Just thought you all would appreciate the extra context. You can settle down now... sheeeesh!" She cleared her throat and then paused for a few seconds. The moment she opened her mouth again the audience all drew their heads closer to her. Before a single word could escape her though a scream shout out from the front of the crowd in a bubbly voice.

"It was me!"

Everypony turned to the source, Pinkie Pie, who stood dripping with tears but yet still with a smile on her face. Nopony said a word but stared shaking their heads with their jaws dropped. Twilight and Princess Celestia too shook their heads and stood frozen with a look of unimaginable disbelief. Pinkie looked around at the eyes all pointed at her only able to feel a sense of joy. She took a step away from the crowd and began slowly walking to the podium, her cheeks still wet. "Y-You heard me... So what a-are you waiting for? Send me to the sun..."

Twilight stood frozen with her eyes unable to look away from the pink pony in front of her, "Pinkie..."

Celestia used her magic to lift herself up. She stumbled to Pinkie with the shock wearing off her and transforming back to a look of disgust. Pausing in front of the pony that had done so much to her, she shook her head one last time unable to look at Pinkie. "There are no words left to be said now," Celestia said, "All I will say is that I can assure you that for your crime your pain shall know no limits... farewell."

Celestia's horn began glowing and shooting out a booming sound louder than any cannon. Pinkie closed her eyes, now smiling more than ever, and held the mental image of all her friends and the ponies that had meant so much, and always would. As the booms grew louder Pinkie took one last breath, and prepared for the end.

"Stop!" a scream shout out, ripping through the air.

Pinkie's heart fell as she recognized the pony behind the scream.


Rainbow Dash stood alone behind the crowd, now the fixture of everypony's gaze. Her stance was rigid and tall, like the Dash everypony had always known, but behind the cover of her confident smile lay a pony unable to form another word. All eyes were on her, Pinkie's, Celesita's, Twilight's. For a second the thought of just flying on out of there popped up again but was quickly squashed. "D-D-D-Don't... send Pinkie Pie to the sun... She's not the criminal." The moment ate away at her, but it would have to be endured. She gulped hard, "Cuz..." and then paused, once again paralyzed. Come on, Dash... just a few more words. She then raised her voice to the max and yelled, "It was me! I pranked Princess Celestia... It was all me!"

As the final word slipped out it gave a sense of relief, but only for a moment as the realization of what the rest of her life and beyond was now going to be like sunk in. The crowd all shot her death stare unlike any she could've imagined, Princess Celestia included whose eyes were glowing more red by the second. Fluttershy's mane could be seen shaking on the ground with her hooves trembling even more over it; she was no doubt now on the ground in her usual cowering position. Applejack held one eye shut and looked on with a face that just screamed, "I'm sorry!"

The face that stung the most was Pinkie's, who shook her head mouthing the word "Why?" As much as it hurt though Dash could only feel joy; the sun really was the obvious choice.

Twilight was the only pony who didn't glare; while everypony else had their eyes on the criminal she blushed and magically threw her speech papers behind her at cannonball speed. She then put on a glare and joined the rest.

Celestia began walking towards Dash with a now fiery aura around her eyes, "You would be in the sun already, but I feel that you have some words left unspoken... speak them!"

"Unspoken..?" Dash said, "Well, I guess I do got a bunch of stuff to say... might as well say it while I can." She stood tall and returned a glare to her executioners, "Yeah, I do got something to say. When I pranked the Princess it wasn't even for her... but even if it was, you're all insane! You hear me! Yeah, I get that she's the almighty bringer of the sun, our beloved princess, but still, it's just a cake! What the heck is wrong with you guys!"

Her audience didn't respond but kept on glaring. "But... I guess this could be my fault too," Dash said. "I mean if all of you are so pissed and not me then maybe I'm the one not getting something." She sighed, "I mean... in the beginning just Princess Celestia was pissed... but then my fri... well most of my friends left me... you all even burned the town down just to find me... and everything I did just made it worse." Dash chuckled, "I'd tell you what I did... but I don't wanna go down as the village idiot."

Dash and Celestia looked upon each other, eye to eye. "Still though," Dash said, "I'm owning up to what I did. NO way I'm letting Pinkie take the fall for me like that... That just ain't the kind of pony I am! You hear that Princess... You can put me in the sun until it explodes but there's no way I'm ever turning my back on my friend! In fact, the only regret that I got is that I didn't do this sooner!" Celestia stood unaffected. "So just send me to sun already... it's not like my life's been any better the past couple of days." Dash kept her eyes open; she wanted to look Celestia right in the eye as she was banished. Celestia might've been the winner in all this, but if Dash was going down she was doing it under her terms.

Celesita didn't move a muscle but just stood there with the same look of disgust.

"What!? Don't got the stuff the do it now?!" Dash yelled at the Princess's face, "Just do it already!"

Still no response.

"Do it!"

Celestia and Dash continued staring each other down in silence. As the seconds passed Dash only intensified her glare while her rival's remained unchanged. Then, out of nowhere, Celestia's face of fiery rage broke down, leaving in its place the sound of muffled laughter. An instant later the mountainous princess broke out laughing in a manner most unprincesslike. "Now, Rainbow Dash... really, why would I banish you to the sun for?"

Dash's jaw collapsed followed by the jaws of Pinkie, Fluttershy, Applejack and Twilight. "Haaaaaaah?" Dash said. The crowd made no sound or movement.

Celestia giggled, "What... did you truly believe that I had gotten mad? I was never mad, not even a little. Like you said; it was only a cake."

"What?! The yell came from two ponies, Dash and Twilight, who both glared at the Princess with a look far more full of anger than any fiery rage. Twilight's yell was louder.

As the three ponies exchanged looks the crowd that encompassed all of Ponyville began to giggle and then broke out in ear shredding laughter. Dash looked back and forth between the mass of ponies behind her and the smug faced alicorn in front of her. "Alright... what the heck is going?! Cuz if I don't get some answers then I'm gonna start laying a beat down!"

"Relax..." Celestia said, still with a smug smile.

"Relax?!" Dash screamed, "You know what I've been through cuz of this?!"

"Of course... and I do have to say that you have made me very proud," Celestia said.

Dash's ears dropped, "Wha..?"

"Allow me to explain... I arranged this whole ordeal to teach you a very important lesson in friendship, one that I am glad you had the courage to understand." Dash still stood confused. "It is understandable that you still do not understand. You see, you had the opportunity to walk away from this and let another take the blame for your action... and yet, knowing the consequences would be grave, you took responsibility for what you did. You told the truth, even though by all logical sense it wasn't... the smart thing to do, as you would say. That is what this was all meant to teach you... to accept your actions and take responsibility for them, no matter what the cost, as that is the true sign of loyalty to one's own values."

Dash stood stiff and with eyes that were twice their normal size and popping out. She stuttered, "B-B-But... why?"

"It was out of necessity that I had to do this," Celestia said, "I had been receiving reports for quite a while now of your out of control behavior... pranks, lying to get out of trouble, always attempting to run away from the consequences, I could only ignore it for so long. And then, right before I made my trip here I received news of yet another incident, this time big enough to make the press.... I only did what was necessary for you to see the error of your ways. As you saw, running away from your actions only made things worse... If I did not do this then it was only a matter of time before another did, one that was not acting."

Dash didn't respond but remained still and stared inwards. The pieces of the puzzle that was the past few days were finally beginning to join together. "Wait!" She turned to the crowd who were all still having a laugh attack, "You were all in it too!"

"Duh!" said Mayor Mare with a smug smile, "That's what you get for messing with my beautiful mane! Don't act like you didn't have this coming!"

"Yeah! You had this coming for awhile now!" a stallion yelled.

"We're tired of your pranks!" yelled another.

"They were kinda funny at first but now they're just annoying!" The rest of the crowd joined in and all shouted their opinions on the matter at the Pegasus.

Dash just took the verbal slaps and shook her head, " I can't believe that this was all just a... prank..."

"You can't believe it...?!" Twilight yelled, "I can't believe it! And here I was thinking Princess Celestia actually believed in me enough to make me lead detective!"

"Oh, just shut it, Twilight," Dash said, "You're not the one everypony wanted to boil... And how could you think any of this was real?! I mean I didn't have a choice since I was constantly on the run... just admit that you were in on it too!"

"How could you?!" Twilight screamed back, "It's not like I know everything!"

"Eh... to be fair, I didn't know either," Applejack said, walking with Fluttershy and Pinkie to the two ponies.

"Me neither," Fluttershy said.

"Me three!" Pinkie said.

"And it's not like we knew either!" It was Shining Armor with a group of royal guards. "We were as clueless as the rest of you!" he said, "We were just doing our jobs... We couldn't just say no to the Princess, especially when it seemed like everypony was going crazy over the prank... I just pretended to be mad cuz everypony else was."

"Yeah!" the guards all said in unison, looking mad.

"That's pretty much my story," Applejack said, "I mean I knew somethin' was off and had a hunch it was somethin' like this, but I didn't wanna say anything unless I was sure... Ever since this whole thing started it's been like one giant witch hunt!"

"What?! What about that whole 'finding it funny' thing?" Dash said.

"What about it? I meant everythin' I said back then... still do," Applejack said.

Dash growled, "Alright, I can get you all," she said, pointing at Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Shining Armor and the guards, "But you..!" She glared at Twilight.

"What about me?!" Twilight said, looking falsely accused.

"You were out to get me as much as everypony else!" Dash screamed, "They were just pretending... So what was wrong with you?!"

"I was mad... What, do you expect me to just sit back and do nothing after seeing Princess Celestia that sad?"

"It's not like I expect you to help her send somepony to the sun either! Whatever happened to second chances... Isn't that like all we do?!"

"Yeah... but... but... You saw how sad she was..."

Dash felt like growling but opted to just shake her head instead, Note to self... get back at Twilight.

"Well I'm just glad that nopony's going to the sun!" Pinkie said, smiling like her usual self, "Come on, girls, isn't that the most important thing!"

No response from anypony.

"Hey... what ever happened to Rarity?" Dash said, "Last time I saw her she went crazy and wanted to take me out herself... To be honest I thought she was gonna jump me here with a giant robot or something."

"I actually haven't seen her since right after the prank," Fluttershy said, "Oh... I hope she's okay."

"I can explain..." Celestia walked towards the group, "There is a reason she has not been seen since... I had caught wind of her plans and had her detained before anything regrettable could of been done. I understand if you are all mad as she was a dear friend-."

"Keep her in there as long as you want!" Dash said, "I owe you one! What kind of 'plans' was she planning?"

Celestia laughed, "I think it is best if you do not know... You cannot comprehend what she was ready to do to you... and please, do not waste your thanks on me; I am not the one who caught onto her schemes." Celestia turned to Applejack after which everypony else did.

"Let me guess... Rarity wanted you to join her?" Dash said.

"Yup... Happened to you too?" Applejack said.


"I visited her a few days ago to talk about what was going on... but when I went in saw her with... I don't even know what! She started tellin' me what she was up to and tried to get me to help her as her 'assistant', but I just galloped on outta there as fast as I could to the Princess! That crazy pony wasn't kiddin' round like the rest."

The ponies all shook their heads at the story. "You know what... Not even surprised," Dash said.

She paused for a bit and then sighed, "Well, at least this whole mess's over... I'm gonna need some serious off time after the stuff I've been through.. but seriously, thank Celestia it's over!"

"Same here," Applejack said, "The way everypony started going all crazy I didn't know what was gunna happen... I'm just glad the farm wasn't burnt down during them riots."

"Or my cottage," Fluttershy said. She shot a dirty look at Dash, "My door was kinda destroyed though..."

"I can't believe that it was you!" Twilight said.

"What do you mean?" Dash said.

"I was way off with my investigation... way off," Twilight faced down with a frown, "You were on my short list at first... but I eventually dropped you."

"So who'd ya think it was?" Applejack said.

Twilight blushed and nervously laughed, "I'll tell you all some other time..."

Pinkie spoke up, "Hey... Dash..." she said, looking emotional, "Thanks..."

"What are you thanking me for?" Dash grabbed Pinkie and put her in a friendly headlock, "You're the one I should be thanking... Glad to have you as a friend... You got no idea." She released Pinkie and gazed at the rest of her friends, "And you got no idea how relieved I am now that I got you all back too... well expect for you," she shot a quick glare at Twilight, "This whole thing's been one heck of a roller coaster... Don't get me wrong; I couldn't be more glad that it's over... but still... I'm pissed, you know... at everypony!"

"And yet it is only at yourself that you should be 'pissed' at," Celestia stood beside them all looking down at Dash, "Like I have already said, it was your actions and yours alone that caused all this."

"Hold up... question," Dash said, "What about Pinkie? Not that I want her to get into trouble, but she was with me during my pranks... Why not her?"

"That may be true, but Pinkie Pie is not one to run away from the consequences... She too may one day have to learn a lesson..." Pinkie froze from the thought. "But it will not be this lesson... As for you, I trust that you taken the lesson I have thought you to heart?"

"Yeah... yeah," Dash said with a half closed mouth looking away from the Princess. Obvious anger was in her expression.

"I understand if you are upset with me," Celestia said, "But as you yourself stated, none of this would have reached the point it did if you had just told the truth in the beginning."

"You were gonna send the criminal to the sun! I thought you had lost it... What did you expect me to do?!" Dash yelled.

"Fair enough, but did trying to run away from the consequences make anything better? And when it came to it, in the end you still had to confess."

"I guess..." Dash said, facing down.

Celestia lifted the Pegasus's head, "Feel proud however that you made the right choice... remember that." Dash smiled. "There is however still the matter of your punishment."

Dash escaped the Princess's hoof, "What?! All that wasn't punishment enough?!"

"No matter how harsh the lesson, it is never the punishment," Celestia said, now glaring.

"Go easy on here..." Pinkie said, "Oh... pleeeeeeease!" Dash's other friends also pleaded.

"Do not worry," Celestia said, "Her punishment shall not be grave... in fact, she may even enjoy it."

"Huh?" Dash said.

"Sometime... somewhere... when you least expect it, I shall prank you back. That is your punishment."

Dash's eyes popped out, So she doesn't even consider all this a prank? The different scenarios of the Princess's revenge began playing in her head and she was left still, once again fearing the next second. It was right back to the past few days, like nothing had even changed.

Celestia's horn glowed and a second later she was back to her normal, skinny self, "Shining Armor, would be so kind as to finally remove this shield... I am beginning to miss the feel of fresh air." Shining Armor nodded and the shield that had entrapped Ponyville for so long vanished into the sparkling night sky. Celestia turned to Twilight, "I trust that you saw the rebuilding of the town hall?"

"Yes, Princess... Didn't look as hard as I thought it'd be to be honest," Twilight said.

"Perfect... then I leave the rebuilding of Ponyville to you," Celestia said. Twilight's ears dropped. "Now, if you'll all excuse me... this ordeal has been stressful on us all. I shall be heading off now." And with that, Celestia teleported out of the scene.


Celestia rematerialized in a dark empty room the size of a palace hall. The age of the cloths hanging from the walls, the decaying paint chipping away on its own, the ghostly interior, one quick glance was all the Princess needed to know that she was in the right place, the castle her sister and her had shared so long ago.

There wasn't a sound to be heard from any part of the castle. Celestia turned her head one hundred and eighty degrees with an annoyed look, "Luna... This is not the time for hide and seek!"

Luna teleported in her front of her and laughed, "My apologizes... couldn't resist... This place brings back memories. Wow... you went somewhere by yourself... that is a first. So... did you do it?"

"Do it?" Celestia said, "Ha! I had the villagers burn down the town and everything just like I said I would."

"No mind control?"

"None... I just played the part of the princess in despair and they all did everything for me. Rainbow Dash is not exactly well liked... Popular, yes, but nopony wanted to miss an opportunity like this."

"I heard," Luna said in a sarcastic voice, "There were even riots in other cities!"

Celestia laughed, "Thought of by yours truly... I thought having ponies go crazy in just Ponyville would not be enough for the illusion so I had them start saying that. You can praise my brilliance you know; it will not make you any less of a pony than you already are."

"Ha!" Luna said, "Ooooh... you got a few ponies to say a lie for you that probably didn't even affect anything... Now I know why you are the superior princess!"

The two sisters stared at each other in silence. A second later they both broke out in laughter.

"All kidding aside however, this couldn't have been any easier," Celestia said, "Hear this... I had Dash convinced that I was going to send somepony to the sun tonight... tonight... the sun is not even out!" Celestia's stomach cramped. "But that's not the best part..." Luna drew her head in closer to her sister's. "I even gave Rainbow Dash a punishment... that I would prank her again!" Her limit had reached; Celestia fell onto the floor, jerking around from laughter and with her hooves on her stomach.

Luna chuckled, "You really don't know when to stop do you? Still though... a deal's a deal.. I admit... I was wrong... I lose... Happy?"

Celestia managed to get up, though it took her a few seconds, "Very... told you I could get away with it."

"You cannot blame me for doubting you though... I believed everypony would just think you had gone crazy with power or crazy in general if you told them to do this!"

"I can't believe it myself, really," Celestia said, "They followed me through it all... every townspony. I even got the fleet ready for when Rainbow Dash tried to escape. All I needed in the end was some dumb excuse of a friendship lesson like I always do... I didn't even know what I was saying as I said it... something about lying I believe? Not that it matters... I did it and you lost! I love being the Princess.... Still...poor Dash... oh who am I kidding, I'd do it all again."

"Remind me to never mess with you again!" Luna said, "So... are you going to follow up on that punishment of yours?"

Celestia laughed maniacally, "Oh you have no idea..."

Author's Note:

Hope you all liked the story :twilightsmile:

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Comments ( 96 )

Trollestia lives.:trollestia:

Comment posted by Europa deleted Jul 3rd, 2014

That ending completely ruined the story dude........... like completely. even if she is michevious it is never without a purpose........ making it having no purpose just kills this stupid story completely. she was just malicious there.

I would not have put up with this crap. I probably would have done a triple rainboom anyways. And also: fimfiction-static.net/images/story_images/118666.png?1374295322


~Crystalline Electrostatic~

I knew it! I knew it was all a prank! Celestia would never be THAT crazy! :rainbowlaugh: Great story, what a fun read!

"Just say who it was!" a mare in the crowd yelled.

"Yeah, we just wanna see them get sent to the sun already!" a stallion added.

To paraphrase one of the townponies: it was funny at first but now it's just annoying. This story is a good example of a writer writing themselves into a corner, and then having to twist and turn everything around to try to make it work. I would explain better but my intelligence has actually gone down by just skimming through this chapter.

Pinkie is totally best pony in this story. The amount she cares for Dash in this story is impressive.

i really really wanted everypony to get pissed off at her and preform a coup. With Twilight and her friends just out right kicking the shit outta Celestia



Anyone would run if threatened to be sent to the SUN!

Hm, not much to say about this chapter. It was a great story, but that ending was pretty bad. You built up the story way too much to have the princess calm everyone down by saying it was a friendship lesson. I think I'm with Luna here, Celestia is insane for pulling something like that.

4636639 My sentiments exactly. :unsuresweetie:

Really? You ended it that way? Rainbow Dash went through a complete mental break down... and that is how she reacts?

You better have a sequel where Rainbow Dash gets back at everypony, other wise all that build up of suspense was completely and totally wasted.

Deep #19 · Jul 3rd, 2014 · · 3 ·

You know I actually really like that idea for a sequel. :derpyderp2:

4636895 In that case, she should totally crack and start pranking every living thing mercilessly.

The whole thing was a prank?
Called it! :pinkiehappy:

I KNEW IT! I fucking knew it was a prank from day one. There was no way Celestia could ever be that pissed off.

Well this turned out to be Mare Do Well all over again. It started off so well too.

Well that was a ripoff.

I fucking knew it! :trollestia: awesome story. Crazy to think this thing finally came to an end.

Alternate ending:
"So you're sending nobody to the sun? It was all a prank?"
*Sends Dash to the sun*

I'm quite.......disappointed. Well written and all but, disappointed.

You know what? I would have actually liked Rainbow Dash to fly into the sun just to make every one of those fuckers depressed.

Well, I was fairly near the mark. Good story, but I think Celestia was a touch too malicious in her revealed intentions. Also, Twilight and Rarity actually wanting to banish/hurt whoever they thought was behind it all was somewhat unsettling in an otherwise funny story.

Celestia laughed maniacally, "Oh you have no idea..."

Oh, poor sweet Dash!

and this is the joke that went on too long, for about ten chapters.

the ending ruined the story, but I was meh about five chapters in.

This reminds me alot of The Many Secret Origins of Scootaloo

I so called this back in chapter one. I don't know what it is though, but your writing seems to have gotten better over the last few chapters. Keep it up.

"Go easy on her..." Pinkie said,

Wow...just wow. I'm sorry but the ending...what a let down. I was hoping that my hunch that this was all an over the top prank on Dash was wrong, too bad it was true.


I think twilight got a hunch for the sceme of :trollestia:

Fatch #37 · Jul 3rd, 2014 · · 1 ·

I'd say worse than mare do well, because this one was purely out of maliciousness. Author portrayed Celestia as 100% evil. Burning down the town for the sake of a prank? I'm not sure what's more unbelievable: That Celestia would do this, that nopony would have been hurt, or that all of them were in on it except the mane 6 and they never found out.

Not tyrantlestia thankfully, but still trollestia at her worst. More disturbing however is Twilight's reaction in all this and how she was A-ok with with having one of her close friends spend an eternity in burning agony for cakeing the princess. Did she not once think about how horrifyingly disproportionate the punishment was or that the sudden change of behavior might be the result of some kind of dark influence (dark magic has been shown to do this twice in the show)? If she had no reason to believe that then there really is a precedence for Celestia hoofing out extreme punishment, in which case never mind, she is tyrantlestia. Forget about pranking Twilight back, I would understand if Dash wanted to cut all ties with her.

with all that out of that way I don't think the story is bad; the writing is solid, the characters are interesting, and a lot of the jokes are hilarious. It's just that the central concete of the story poisons the rest of it with unfortunate implications.

Well, that was a disappointing ending.

Called it. Long live Trollestia.

I didn't call all of it, but a good chunk of it.

4636663 Yup. This is one Celestia I wouldn't mind seeing be murdered horribly.

And Luna was in on it, so kill her too.

Oh, and Twilight is clearly a Josef Goebles-like enforcer who would delight in torturing prisoners. So she has to die.

Rarity went psycho bitch and so much also end up in the wood chipper. :pinkiecrazy:

Dash, Flutters, Pinkie, and AJ are the only ones who deserve to live. :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

Time to unleash Discord on the Princesses, and have he, Dash, AJ, Pinkie, and Flutters (turned by Discord into Fluttercruel for the time being so she won't spill the beans) prepare the most horrifying, humiliating prank of all time.

...I'm sorry, but...that is just a horrible ending.
Celestia did all that to prove to Luna she could get away with it? She didn't care what happened as a result, or how it would effect the ponies most involved? What it would do to the bond of friendship between Twilight and her friends, necessary for the well being of the entire country?
Sorry, no. Just no. I stuck around to see where this would go, and I see I never should have tuned in.

Well it was decently written. But Celestia's 'lesson' got ridiculous to the point of being stupid. Twilight's actions earn her a "What the hell, hero?" Rarity... well the less said about her the better. And the final scene does make me hope Dash goes Psycho on them all.

BUT it was decently written, so...


Ending not so good, but then it was getting clear a few chapters back you were writing yourself into a corner without the skill to conclude it in a decent manner.

...I'm embarrassed I was even worried. :twilightblush:

Damn it, Trollestia. :trollestia:


Everybody? I think Pinkie should be exempt at least for trying to sacrifice herself for Dash. Besides she may need the help against such apowerful prankster.

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