• Published 11th Jan 2014
  • 5,384 Views, 1,250 Comments

H'ven Sent - otherunicorn

Sent to investigate a problem in the small spherical world in which she lives, Aneki finds her life in danger.

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Appendix - A glimpse at Cacha's history.

"I'm a guy. I'm gal. I'm a guy. I'm gal. I'm a guy. I'm gal," the pony chanted to itself as it trotted along the abandoned corridor. Of course, that sort of attitude made it hard to assign a gender to the little equine, although at a glance, one could be forgiven for assuming the pony was a young mare. Actually, if one was to watch it closely for some time, one would come to the same conclusion.

The pony's body was completely black, from its nose to the tip of its hooves. Its eyes had an orange sheen to them, but could not be clearly distinguished due to the protective layer over them. Its mane and tail were another matter. It was as if they had no desire to be part of the black and muted scheme, preferring to be an explosion of yellow instead. The mane had been tied in a high ponytail. The tail? It was a pony tail already.

"How can I ever solve this? Is there a solution? Do I have to be trapped in this frustrating no-pony's-land between male and female?" the pony asked itself.

The pony turned a corner, and a lamp on the ceiling in its new direction lit, the one in the former direction switching off, recognizing the futility of remaining lit. At least the lights still worked in these abandoned corridors. They were considered important enough for no pony to have ever stripped them from the corridor ceilings as salvage. Admittedly the pony's glowing eyes were designed to work in total darkness, but visual range was limited due to the weak light-output of the eyes. It made rushing through the unlit machinery of the lower levels both dangerous and exciting.

"I'm a guy. I'm gal. I'm a guy. I'm gal. I'm a guy. I'm gal."

Despite the pony's feminine appearance, its chromosomes were those of a male, yes, chromosomes with the X and Y pair. Yet something was missing – stallion bits. The pony didn't have the stallion bits between its legs. Those were the most desirable bits to have, with the ridiculous female to male ratio from which the lower levels suffered. There were simply not enough males – true males – to go around.

Conversely, there were plenty of sexless freaks, like this pony: female external bits, but no womb inside. For an endangered species there was nothing quite as useless as these not-a-girl, not-a-boy ponies. They were useless enough to be considered expendable. If there was a dangerous job to be done, it was always given to one of the sexless. No true pony really cared if one of these things died, if it saved them from having to risk themselves.

"Curse this stupid body. Why couldn't I be a true stallion?"

The pony had been raised as a female, until the shortfall had been noticed, but despite its extremely feminine appearance, it or she had preferred to pursue more male-centric interests. As soon as she was able to, she had taken to galloping around the dark network of catwalks, taking leaps of faith over unlit gaps and that led to her being given the name Catwalk Runner instead of the placeholder Little Miss she had been called as a newborn. It wasn't a name she was fond of, but it led to her answering to a somewhat different name, and that itself was ironic.

She had not yet been upgraded to a Hellite, thus, resplendent in her natural pink coat, was vulnerable to the low temperatures and general dangers of anywhere outside their ramshackle living quarters. Because of this, concerned adults would often try to intercept her when she decided to go for one of her wild runs. Cries of "Catch her!" would go out, and the nearest adult would block or tackle her if they could. Mostly they were successful. Eventually, as soon as she heard "Catch her", knowing her exploits were about be cut short, she'd abandon her attempt – effectively answering to "Catch 'er" as if it was her name. In time, that was exactly what it became – Cacha.

She had been considered an eccentric filly. Of course, apart from her father, there had been no other males with whom she could interact, and that led to her preferring to be a loner when she wasn't interacting with her immediate family. The other three males that lived in the lower levels each had their own family groups, and had she matured as a true mare, Cacha would have moved in with one of them, perhaps moving between them to spread her genetic contribution around. As it was, no pony would want her genetics, not that she had a way to pass them on.

Many years later, her adolescence had come and gone, or perhaps more accurately, the time for it had passed, and she had not developed into a true mare. Some privacy invading tests had proved what she feared – she was neither female or male, but stuck somewhere in the middle. So, she was one of the despised sexless and to the other ponies was nothing more than an exploitable resource. After all, why would you send a viable mare into a dangerous situation, when you could send one of these sexless rejects. Stallions, being the extremely rare resource that they were, never had to do anything that would put them even at the slightest risk.

Author's Note:

I wrote this a while ago, planning to take it further, but never did.

Comments ( 24 )

Huh, weird little update.

Lots of small stories in a large colony. Even more after the colony opens.

Dude I totally forgot about this story. Gotta reread, it was so good. Put me in mind of Neal Stephenson's Anathem almost.

Thanks for the addon.

The tail? It was a pony tail already.

...well played :facehoof:

Eventually, as soon as she heard "Catch her", knowing her exploits were about be cut short, she'd abandon her attempt – effectively answering to "Catch 'er" as if it was her name. In time, that was exactly what it became – Cacha.

And here I thought it was some deformed abbreviation of "Catwalk Runner" :rainbowlaugh:

Nice little bit of insight! Thanks!

This is a nice little update to this totally epic story. :rainbowkiss:
I like hearing a little bit more of Catwalk's backstory

Thank you. Reread this. Its one of my favorites. Maybe you could add it Between chapter 19 and chapter 20?

Discord could very well send the aliens to Timbuktu with a snap of fingers and there will be no ring to stop him.

Also, is sad that there will be no sequel, it could be good to see what happened in the other side, the talk between Celestia and Aneki, maybe see more of the ring as the civilization regrow and while not reunite, maybe a alliance of sorts, maintaining the contact and exploring other planets if they could want or other aliens finding them.

Discord can do all that and I was worried about Aneki being a Mary Sue??? Seriously, if Discord was used to his potential, no fan fiction would exist as Discord could solve everything immediately. But he doesn't, not even in the TV series. Maybe he was enjoying the chaos?

I left plenty of hooks in the story for other stories to be spawned from it if needed, but I have moved on to other things.

Talk it with Hasbro or Lauren Faust, they are the creator of that Gary Stu

I remember having read that story a long time ago.
It was very good!
Thank you for writing it.

Small question: Where did you get the cover art, if I may ask?
Looks custom-made.


(You do know you are using an cropped version of this picture, right?)

Considering that I was the one who cropped it, yes. The image size of the thumbnail above is fixed, so the characters were too small in the uncropped version.

Deciding too read this for my fourth time :pinkiehappy: This story is so good. It would make an awesome TV series! Here we go again!

One would be used as a thumb, but it doesn't have to be the same finger each time! It all depends on what they are grabbing.

Being an alicorn, yes, but that would still not stop her wanting to be on the side that was doing the messing!
I am not sure what Eclipse would have to say about it at all. She's a wee bit into the whole proper thing.

Just finished rereading this story, and it is as good as I remember it. My favorite bit, the line "...adjusted my Cacha..."

I think you mentioned your favorite line previously! :pinkiehappy:

Probably, but I still stand by it, haha.

11172031 Best solution I came up with was to create a fantasy/DnD style magic world with humanoid races standing in for the pony races.
Humans as earth ponies, elves as unicorns, dragonkin as pegasi (some can fly others are heat resistant, others with long lives) dwarves for the diamond dogs, and shape shifters or mimics for the changlings (think mystique from xmen or double trouble from She-Ra).
The Alicorn equivalent is made from Humans, Elves and Dragonkin, and the shape shifters might have a scent or perhaps raised body temperature as their tell that humans can't detect.
I will be missing some key points but you can craft the new races to stand in and adjust the problems and solutions a little to get it to work.

Yes, that could work, I guess. Next would be dealing with the MLP lore. Some of the lore with the fake luna/celestia moon/sun borrow on old sci-fi to start with, so they wouldn't be such an issue. Others? I dunno.

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