• Published 11th Jan 2014
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H'ven Sent - otherunicorn

Sent to investigate a problem in the small spherical world in which she lives, Aneki finds her life in danger.

  • ...

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Chapter 41. Getting to the Root of Matters

As expected, the publicly accessible section of the deniable facility was as nondescript as one could get, both outside and in. After all, they were trying to hide their entry in plain sight, if one could say that about a mundane doorway in an underground passage. The door closed behind us, leaving us standing in their false store, the so called recycling center. The walls, painted in the standard cream color, were covered in a relatively neat grid-work of notices, each containing an image of an ancient piece of technology, and an estimated value. I recognized the food generators, and a few of the other odds and ends, but some of the pictured items were totally alien to me.

Directly opposite the entry was a chest-height counter, topped with a sturdy set of bars. To the right, a box and slide rails were built into the counter, allowing items to be passed from one side of the bars to the other, without ever allowing passage to a pony. To the left was a sturdy security-door featuring a small window and a keypad.

Aside from the four of us, there was one more pony in the room. A middle-aged beige mare was standing behind the counter and going on the surprise evident on her face, customers were unexpected, particularly when dressed in strange clothes and traveling in packs!

"Can I help you?" she asked in an austere voice.

"Oh, don't concern yourself. We'll let ourselves in," I replied, approaching the security door.

"You will do no such thing. The public are not permitted behind the counter."

"Oh, really? Do tell," I said, without breaking my stride.

The keypad on the door illuminated, indicating it recognized my ID card from where it was concealed, on the lanyard around my neck, and was waiting for my code. I reached out with my telekinesis, tapping in my secret number. The door beeped with approval and unlatched itself, swinging out of my way. The mare, who had not seen me touch the keyboard, panicked, jabbing her hoof on a large red button before moving to try and block my progress. After I stepped through, I heard the door closing behind me.

"No one may enter without a valid security pass!" the mare insisted. "I don't know what trick you used to bypass the door, but a member of the security staff will be here momentarily, so I suggest you freeze, if you do not wish to get into even more trouble."

"It is you who will be in much trouble, if you do not learn your place," I said, withdrawing my ID card from my clothing, and thrusting it into her face. She stared at it wide eyed, before muttering an apology.

I heard Cacha chuckle from the other side of the counter. "You enjoy confrontation, don't you, 1C3?"

Moments later another beep was followed by the sounds of the door reopening. Cacha had entered her code.

Two burly stallions burst into the room as Kakuun and Maisie entered, and stood behind me. Seeing all of us inside the secure zone, and that the beige mare did not appear to be under direct threat, they slowed.

"Miss Coco, what is the problem? Who are these ponies?" one asked.

"I do not know, 2D0, but everypony appears to have clearance," she answered, bowing her head in resignation.

"Why did you call for us, then?"

"One bypassed the lock on the door," Miss Coco answered.

"Really? I do not see how that would be possible."

The stallion moved to a terminal near the closed door, and accessed the entry logs, scrolling though them. "Can't see it. All entries appear to be valid. 1C3 and 1C4 are the most recent, both entered with codes. 1C5 and 1D2 came through with them. IDs were recorded, but no codes. Is that what you mean? What's the problem?"

"No, the door simply opened as this one approached it. She did not key in any code."

"Just because she did not see me enter my code does not mean it was not entered," I said.

"Would be kind enough to allow me to personally see your ID cards? I will also insist that 1C5 and 1D2 log in at this terminal. That should satisfy all, should it not?" the stallion suggested.

"Sure," Maisie said, shrugging. Lifting her ID card to the machine, she typed in her code when prompted.

"1D2 next, please."

Kakuun floated her ID to the machine, and keyed in her code with telekinesis before anypony even realized what was happening. That done, the lanyard, to which her ID was attached, settled back around her neck. She smirked.

"Ah," the stallion said. "All has become clear. Unicorns. Don't see them often."

"You don't see them ever," the second stallion said.

"We just saw one now, and who knows what that mare in the fancy dress has hidden under her get-up," 2D0 said.

"I am concerned that Miss Coco appears to be using a real name," Kakuun said. "Is that not against policy?"

"Miss Coco is actually 2C0. We merely use the familiar form when she is minding the front desk," the stallion stated.

"So, who are these ponies, and why are they here?" the second stallion asked.

"According to the log, they are all Central Inspection Branch officers. Even the kid."

"CIBO? What the hell? We weren't advised of any inspections. And four at once??"

"What can we do for you, Ma'am?" 2D0 asked me.

"Secure the exits. No pony is going home until we are done. I want a list of all staff who are presently here, and a list of those currently absent," I said.

"But why? What has brought on this unscheduled inspection?"

"We are investigating the capture, treatment and subsequent disposal of a member of the Hellspawn," Cacha said, darkly.

"Oh, shit. That," 2D0 said.

"Go on."

"Several staff took demotions or early retirement over that. Apparently, the queen was really pissed."

"List those staff members."

"Just a moment," 2D0 said, as he typed at the terminal for a few seconds, bringing up a list. "1K8, 5D3, 2EQ, 3C3 and 5G4."

"A 1xx series?" Cacha asked.

"The former head of this establishment."

"Anypony important to you, 1C3?" Cacha asked.

"I'm not sure. These ponies were the ones on staff that night. Two janitors, and three others, within the offices," I said.

"Guilty by association?"

"Guilty of direct involvement. All of them lost their ID cards to the Hellspawn, ultimately allowing her to escape," I said. "Get me a list of those that were directly involved with the research on the Hellspawn. Get me any research data you can, and please find me a room where I can interview them in private. And, finally, assuming he is here at the moment, get me 4J2. I'll start with him."

"Yes, Ma'am."

The room in which we were to conduct our interviews was fairly nondescript, not to mention, relatively small, and the four of us were sitting in there on the provided cushions, awaiting our guest of horror, er, honor. I was sitting behind the other three, in the corner furthest from the door, my hat hiding my face. Cacha was going to manage the first round of questions.

Around five minutes passed before a pastel blue pony with a chocolate mane and tail was shown in by 2D0, who passed me a brown folder, before leaving and closing the door behind him.

"So, you would be?" Cacha prompted.

"I am 4J2."

"Ah," I said. He didn't look too bad, at all. "This is something you should know, seeing as how you work here; how secure is this room? Can anyone outside hear what is being said?"

"Nopony can hear or see what goes on in here. It is secure. Why?"

"That would be because we are now going to discuss your involvement in the disposal of the Hellspawn mare. I believe her name was Aneki." Cacha said.

"I was not present when she was disposed of," 4J2 said, shifting uncomfortably.

"The report indicates that you were the one that administered what should have been a fatal dose of sedatives to her," Cacha said.

"Err. Yeah. That was not something I'm proud of, but the mare deserved a little respect, so I volunteered to do it," 4J2 said.

"You have heard the new ruling regarding the treatment of Hellspawn?"

"Yes, and thank Luna for that. I only wish it had come through in time for her."

"That's a nice sentiment, and one I believe you have held for some time. Isn't that right, 4J2?"

"I don't understand."

"You are lying through your teeth. Who are you trying to protect? Her? Yourself? We both know that you didn't administer any sedative that day. In fact, you injected the subject with a stimulant, waking her. You then, via the comms unit you had given her, proceeded to help her to escape the facility," Cacha said.

It was a good thing 4J2's eyeballs were attached to his head, or, otherwise, I suspect they may have become lethal projectiles. His whole body went rigid, and he started sweating rapidly.

"The only way you could possibly know that would be if you had talked to that mare, herself," he said, his voice quivering.

"You don't deny it?"

"No. I did what was right."

"And if it had been an ugly old stallion instead of a pretty mare?"

"I don't know. Maybe my beliefs would have won out, or maybe my fear would have prevented me from taking any action."

"I see."

"So, where does that leave me? Am I off to prison, scheduled to be fed to the plasma-arc furnace, or am I merely going to be demoted back to a store clerk?"

"None of the above. We certainly want to ask you for more details, but on the matter of the escape, you are actually to be commended," Cacha said. "I was just following orders has to be one of the most worn-out excuses for reprehensible behavior, and I do not look favorably on those who use it."

4J2 relaxed, curiosity taking over, as there was no point in keeping up his charade. "So, what became of the mare? You must have seen her. How is she doing?"

I flipped off my hat, revealing my face. "I'm doing quite well, thank you, 4J2."

His eyeballs tried to escape his head, again.

"It's a small world, isn't it?" I said.

"Literally," he replied, drolly. "So, somehow, you have gone from being the most wanted fugitive, to being CIBO."

"You have no idea," Kakuun said.

"So, what I wish to know is are you the father of my foal?"

"Am I the who of your what?" 4J2 almost exploded.

Evidently not.

4J2 had calmed down a little. He was now sitting on another of the cushions, facing us. He was sipping on a drink to replace the liquids he had sweat in his fear.

"Please explain what is going on," he asked.

"It's fairly simple. When I went down to investigate the damage in the sublevels, I wasn't pregnant. In fact, I was a virgin. After I escaped from here, I found out I was pregnant."

"What about the Hellspawn that assisted you when you were injured?" 4J2 asked.

"I don't have a dick," Cacha said.

"Uh? Oh, that was you, was it?"

"The timing is wrong too. I certainly became pregnant while I was strapped to that table," I said.

"So what made you think it was me? Do I look like the type of pony that goes around raping sedated mares? For that matter, we were all afraid of your Hellspawn modifiers at the time."

"No, that was not what I thought, at all. You helped me escape. You apologized, as if you had personally done me wrong. I thought that maybe you had donated sperm, and were helping me to escape in order that your child may live."

4J2 tapped the floor with his hoof absently, looking somewhat more relaxed. "Okay, I think I understand where you are coming from, but it certainly wasn't the case. It is as I told you last time. I liked you. You are interesting. You think. You are not like all the mindless drones out there, but my interest in you certainly did not extend to getting you pregnant."

I heard Kakuun cough. The drones comment had perhaps been a little too close to home for her liking!

"And now?" I asked.

"I guess it's the same, but now I have a girlfriend, and she would object if I made a move on you."

"What do you know about the source of my pregnancy, then? Do you have any idea at all?"

"I know they tried injecting or inserting all sorts of things into you to see how your body reacted. It dissolved metal. It dissolved the tracking beacon. Many chemicals were either absorbed or expelled. Bacteria and poisons were killed and neutralized. As you know, sedative was unaffected, as were some other drugs. The more harmful the foreign matter, the more likely your body would to be to reject or neutralize it. Things that are beneficial to a pony remained beneficial; vitamins, stuff like that," 4J2 said.

"Do you have the details?"

"Nope. I learned that much merely by monitoring what was going on in the lab from my station. My job is really to keep an eye on what's going on when the scientists are not active. There's another couple of fellows who take the alternative shifts, when needed."

"So, who was on monitoring duty the night I was being disposed of?"

"After I knocked off, no one. The escape would not have worked if there had been. There were no other experiments that needed constant observation at the time, either, so staff was minimal: just a few ponies catching up on paperwork and the two janitors."

A knock at the door interrupted us, although the line of questioning seemed to be at a dead end anyway. Maisie opened the door, and was presented with a bundle of folders by 2D0, who then backed away, allowing the door to be closed again.

"I wonder if he ever gets called Dodo," Maisie said.

"Of course he does," 4J2 confirmed.

"And you?"

"Usually just Jay."

"Well, Jay, you can help us with our investigation. What are the identities of the staff most likely involved?"

"What about his breaking of the rules?" Kakuun asked. "Right or wrong, he did let you escape. That should be considered."

An expression of worry again crossed 4J2's face. I could understand that. One moment he thought the worst was over, and he had escaped relatively intact, and the next, his behavior was being evaluated.

"I prefer ponies who are prepared to do what is right, over those that simply follow orders and pass the blame and responsibility on to those who make the commands. My inclination is to promote, not to punish," I said. "I would be even happier if the system allowed those who felt that way to give feedback, to be able to query suspect commands."

"So would I," 4J2 said.

"I know you feel that way. You expressed that sentiment when we first talked. Perhaps you could help draft up something so that such a system can be implemented."

"I'd love to, but do you have enough influence to put such a system into practice?"

"She does," Kakuun said.

4J2 raised his eyebrows. "How so?"

"What I am about to say does not go beyond the walls of this room. Understood? By hearing this, you effectively become CIBO yourself, at least for the duration of this meeting. Are you prepared for that?"

4J2 nodded. "I understand. As you know, I can keep secrets."

"I have enough clearance to access material that is classified for the queen's eyes only."

4J2 stared at me, not quite comprehending for a few moments, then his eyebrows went up again. "Oh!" He bowed. "Your Majesty."

Again, I flicked through the documentation 2D0 had brought me. So far, none of the ponies we had interviewed had anything of real value to say. It had taken 2D0 a while to unearth the documentation on those with the greatest involvement, despite knowing who the primary culprit was. I had decided to postpone interviewing him until I had read his report, something I had just done. That, however, had led me to change my priorities.

"As we expected, 2Q9 was the pony most involved with my case. We already know he had assistants, but there is another pony listed as being in charge, when present: 2B3," I said

"2B3 was not heavily involved," 4J2 said.

"According to this, he visited every week or so, but was mostly involved after the majority of tests were completed. His period of greater involvement is around the right time, and there are surprising lack of details as to what he was doing," I said. "He also signed off on my disposal. I suspect he would be most likely to be in the know."

"She, not he," 4J2 corrected me. "What makes you think it was her?"

"2Q9's reports and logs are comprehensive, but there is no mention of messing with my uterus. He hasn't classified anything he wrote beyond his own rank, either. The data is all here. Modifiers, theories, observations. Everything."

"And 2B3?"

"Dates, times, and besides that, it's marked For the Queen's Eyes Only. No details are given."

"Could the queen actually have been involved?" Cacha asked.

"Maybe?" Kakuun shrugged.

"Probably not," 4J2 countered. "Some ponies just like to keep their findings to themselves, and sometimes they discover things that are banned knowledge. It's kind of counterproductive, but there are guidelines on what they are allowed to share, and if they rediscover something that has been banned, then it gets marked as For the Queen's Eyes Only."

"Well, she isn't here today, so let's have her called in and find out what she's hiding," I said.

"And while we wait, let's get something to eat."

"Good idea. And while I think of it, Kakuun, can you organize to have 4J2 upgraded to a 1xx ranking?"


Kakuun was standing by the open door, staring down the corridor. We were waiting for 2D0 to return with 2B3, who was not on duty today. We had been informed she had arrived at the front desk only minutes ago, and was none to pleased at being dragged in.

I watched as distant hoofsteps attracted Kakuun's attention, then a look of panic painted itself across her face.

"Shit! Her!" she gasped, ducking inside the room, and bolting around behind me, where she crouched down. "I think I should hide, if you don't want to stuff up your interview."

"You know her?" I asked.

"I've seen her before, actually talking to the former queen!" Kakuun said. "She will recognize me."

"So there really is the possibility of the queen's involvement? This could be interesting," I said as I rapidly disrobed myself, tossing my dress over the huddled changeling, followed by my jacket and hat. The result was a satisfactory, untidy heap.

Moments later 2D0 guided a white mare with pale grey tail and mane into to the room. Why Kakuun had been worried was immediately obvious. 2B3 was a glowing pony, a changeling. No Hellite said anything, because there were those here that knew nothing of the presence of changelings in our society. 2D0 did a double take when he saw me in all my Hellite glory, but withdrew from the room without saying anything.

"Oh, so it's you, and now you are pregnant. Isn't that ironic?" 2B3 said.

"What's so ironic about that? I suspect you are to blame for it in the first place," I said.

"What? No way! Impossible! Are you sure?" the mare blurted out. That was an interesting mix of total denial, and an admission of hope and guilt.

"Now I am, thank you," I said.

"But how? You weren't pregnant when you escaped. I would have kept you here if you really were pregnant. Your body killed off the embryo, just like it got rid of every other piece of foreign material we tried." The mare took a couple steps closer, noticing 4J2 for the first time. "What's he doing in here? He isn't cleared to witness this discussion."

"He's CIBO, like everybody else in this room."

The changeling mare looked at me through squinting eyes. "You are posing as CIBO, aren't you? You aren't really an inspector."

"You could interpret it that way," I confirmed.

"Impostors!" she said, swinging back towards the door. "I'll have security deal with you. I want you back in the lab."

Using my magic, I forcibly held the door shut. "You aren't going anywhere."

"I'm not dealing with you, other than as a subject. Even if you really were CIBO, you would not have a high enough clearance."

"You have totally got the wrong idea. Our CIBO credentials are quite real, but there are two of us in this room with top level clearance."

"That would be queen's eyes only, and I don't see any queens in this room."

"That's just because you aren't looking hard enough," Kakuun's muffled voice said from under my heaped clothing. She levitated them off herself, moving into view.

"Princess, what are you doing here?" 2B3 asked.

"I am assisting the queen with her enquiries," Kakuun answered.

"I was dealing directly with the queen herself. Why would she send you in her place? For that matter, why does she even need to investigate this again? I already gave her a full report."

"Clearly it needs investigating again because I am pregnant," I growled.

"You are aware that Queen Iridescence is dead, are you not?" Kakuun asked.

"I had heard as much, in which case, I assume Princess Morphia has taken over, and is behind this enquiry. I will deal directly with her."

"I hate to burst your bubble, 2B3, but I am the only remaining member of the royal bloodline, but I am not the new queen."

"What? Who?" 2B3 looked somewhat taken aback, her personal reality having just been snatched from her.

"That would be Her Majesty, Queen Aneki of the Hellites," Kakuun said.

"No, You couldn't possibly mean..."

"Me? Yes," I said, pulling my 1A1 identification card from its scan-proof wallet and holding it up.

2B3 looked like she'd been whacked across the back of her head. Her eyes glazed over and she collapsed onto her backside. I could understand her reaction. After all, she had just discovered the pony to whom she had done unspeakable things was now in the position to return the favor severalfold, and any changeling who could protect her was now dead.

"Holy Chrysalis, save me," she muttered. Presumably this Chrysalis was the changeling deity that was the equivalent of the ponies' deity, Luna.

"I wouldn't count on your changeling god helping you," I said, letting her know I knew full well what she was, "but tell me what I want to know, and I won't send you to join her."


"Don't worry, 2B3," Kakuun piped up, "Aneki is really sweet, when you get to know her."

"So how did it happen? I mean, one day she is a fugitive, the next the monarch?"

"She bested the queen, my grandmother and mother in totally unfair combat. Oh, and she bested all of the guards and staff that were in the throne room, too."

"Aneki was unfair? That isn't honest." 2B3 looked doubtful.

"No, no, no. Queen Iridescence was the unfair one. Aneki prefers to negotiate. She did not strike until she had no choice," Kakuun said. "She will be a better queen than any member of my family ever was. All the same, don't provoke her, because when she strikes, buildings collapse."

"Buildings... collapse?"

"Yes. You should see what's left of the throne room. And that big black spot on the sky, that was her doing too, all with one strike." Kakuun nodded sagely.

"And you, Kakuun? If I may ask, would you not be next in line for the throne, with the death of your three predecessors? Despite what you say, how do you feel about this Aneki taking that from you?"

"Aneki took nothing from me. I gave the throne to her. No changeling in their right mind would challenge her. I am still queen of the changelings, both biologically and politically," the youngster said.

"You do realize I am standing right here, listening to you," I said.

2B3 put her hoof to her chin, rubbing it. "You are, aren't you."

"Are you prepared to tell me who the father of my foal is, or at least, show me the notes from your experiments?"

"If you are prepared to prove this ID card is valid, by accompanying me to the vault. I insist that my research remains for the queen's eyes only."

"It is valid. I shall accompany you."

Kakuun nudged me.

"Yes, Kakuun, you may accompany us."

"For the queen's eyes only," 2B3 repeated.

"She's the changeling queen, and also has a valid ID card," I said. "I see no problems."

2B3 blinked. "You are prepared to share top level secrets with her? That is surprising."

"I told you Aneki will be a better queen. She is prepared to listen to those below her. She is a leader, not a dictator."

"What's a changeling?" 4J2 interrupted. That caused an outbreak of chuckles, causing 4J2 to blush in embarrassment.

"Technically, we are symbiotes or parasites, depending on the individual, that live on the emotions of ponyfolk," Kakuun said.

"But you look like regular ponyfolk."

We laughed again.

"Exactly," Kakuun said.

Our ID cards and codes had already let us take the elevator up to black level, which, in theory, should have satisfied 2B3, but she wanted to be doubly sure we had the clearance we claimed before she would say anything.

We now stood in the vestibule to the vault, and were faced with a scanner and keypad. 2B3 inserted her card in the provided slot and typed in her code.

"Please stated clearance level required," the scanner said.

"I want access to all of my personal logs," she said, not really answering the question.

"Some of those are marked for the queen's eyes only. All others present must either present adequate credentials, or vacate the vestibule," the scanner said.

2B3 smiled at us. "Be my guest," she said, waving us towards the scanner.

While I could have used my 1C3 identity, with its secondary code, there didn't seem to be any point to playing games at the moment, so I inserted my 1A1 ID card, and punched in my code, stepping back to allow Kakuun access to the scanner.

"1A1 identity confirmed. Queen Aneki has permission to enter the vault. Awaiting next input."

Kakuun pulled out her second card and levitated it into the slot on the scanner, entering her code using her telekinesis.

"1A1C identity confirmed. Changeling queen, Princess Kakuun has permission to enter the vault."

In response, the internal mechanisms of the vault door began to whir and clunk, and within moments, the heavy door lifted itself clear of the frame, retreating towards the ceiling.

"1A1C?" 2B3 asked.

"1A1 is the only code that has queen's eyes clearance," Kakuun said. "C is for Changeling."

2B3 shrugged. "The system likes both of you. I guess I have no choice but to believe."

The inside of the vault was entirely made of stainless steel, a change from the usual cream decor of H'ven. The walls were lined with smaller doors and drawers, one of which had opened, jutting into the room. 2B3 lead us straight to that, pulling a file from within.

"Of course, there is other material in there. I can't prevent you from looking through it, but it is irrelevant to your case. To sum it up, the queen had a problem, and so far all attempts to solve it have failed. I was the only changeling involved in this project, so not even Princess Kakuun would know about it. The queen had an embryo from a particular source that she wanted to mature, but so far all hosts we have tried have aborted or immediately rejected the embryo. The project was shelved after that, but when you were captured, we decided to try again.

"You were the first Hellspawn mare we had caught in a long time. Your body accepted several test embryos, which we promptly aborted, then we put in the one we wanted, and it promptly vanished. To us it seemed your body had attacked and destroyed it. It had been a long-shot, so I aborted the project and signed off on your termination. Nothing personal, of course, but your ability to see us had the queen spooked."

2B3 opened the folder and flicked through a few pages, before folding it back on itself, and passing it to us.

"That's the embryo we used."

"Oh...," I said. So, I was nothing more than a surrogate for... this.

Kakuun nudged me, so I passed the folder to her.

"Oh," she said. "I can see what Queen Iridescence was trying to do."

"So, if you would be so kind, Your Majesty, Aneki, I would like to closely examine you to see if that is indeed the embryo that has survived, against all odds," 2B3 stated.

I shrugged. "Unless another one was planted after that... but nothing was written in the logs..."

"It is entirely possible you were raped," 2B3 said. "In fact, I'd be more likely to believe that."

"If you were raped, I will personally have the balls of the perpetrator," Kakuun growled.

"If I was raped, at least the foal would be mine," I said, sadly.

Author's Note:

PM me with any corrections. Feel free to leave comments.

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