• Published 7th Jan 2014
  • 4,350 Views, 296 Comments

For Whom The Belle Tolls - Darksonickiller

A secret Rarity and her sister tried to hide begins to fall apart, a secret that hides a past so painful it brings tears to her eyes just to think of, will she be able to tell the ponies she loves the truth?

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Chapter 5

For Whom The Belle Tolls
Chapter 5

When Applejack’s vision cleared, she and her friends were upon the threshold of Ponyville Hospital. Normally after Twilight's teleportation spells, she would her head would spin and a queasy feeling would befall her, but ever since Rainbow’s accident those sensations had become the norm. The farm pony felt so relieved she thought she might cry. They made it. They’d gotten Rainbow to the hospital. She turned her gaze once again to the pony who lay upon the ground. Her eyes were still open, trails of tears running down her face. It hurt Applejack more than she could say to behold her friend in such a state. Both her wings were bent at painful angles, as well as her left foreleg and her back leg on the same side. Her body was covered with cuts, and one massive laceration across her rib cage. Rainbow was broken, shattered upon the ground before her, and it was all her fault.

Purple and blue auras surrounded the pegasus’ body once again, as she was lifted, both Rarity and Twilight giving it there all to get her into the emergency room. Pinkie ran behind them, and Applejack kicked up dust to run next to Rainbow. The doors opened before them and Rarity was the first to burst out.

“Help! Somepony help us please!”

Fluttershy came into view, flanked by two doctors, each wearing looks of severity. Fluttershy’s chest heaved, she looked about ready to collapse to the floor, but she joined the rest of her friends.

“What happened?” One doctor asked.

“There’s no time, she needs oxygen, we’re losing her!”

Applejack met eyes with her athletic friend, who was blinking slowly with a distant look. One doctor’s horn lit up as he rolled a stretcher over. The other’s horn also illuminated, casting a third aura over the blue mare. Each unicorn set her down as gently as they could, but even so when her body touched the stretcher she cried out and tried to curl up. The doctor with a brown coat and mane took off with their friend in tow, barking orders to the nurses. All five friends began to take off after him, but the mare who had entered with the brown stallion held them all back.

“We have a room prepped for her, this young mare explained the situation.” Said the other doctor pointing a hoof at Fluttershy.

“Though I’m afraid you all must remain here until we have her stabilized.”

Applejack looked up with shock and both she and Rarity began to shout arguments, but the mare wasn’t having any of it.

“Please, stay here, and we will inform you when the situation is under control.”

Just as Rainbow’s body began to round the corner, Rarity cried out.

“I love you Rainbow!” Her knees buckled and she fell to the floor sobbing. Pinkie and Fluttershy began to cry nearly as hard, while Twilight maintained a look of concern she rarely ever wore. Applejack simply stood, allowing tears to roll down her cheeks as she cried silently. This was all her fault. Scrapes and bruises. But it wasn’t. Rainbow had nearly left them as they ran to save her, the orange mare watched as the light dimmed in her eyes. One of her best friends was in mortal danger, and she was the cause. Her breath shook. She noticed what Rarity had shouted, but she paid no mind. She loved Rainbow too, she didn’t want her to die, especially not for her own sake.

Twilight was the first pony to make her way to a chair in the waiting room. Wordlessly she walked, slowly and deliberately, taking a seat in an uncomfortable green chair, staring down the hall blankly. Taking notice, Fluttershy followed her purple friend’s example, sniffling and crying all the way to the chairs, where she sat next to Twilight, resting her head on her shoulder. Pinkie followed next, not bouncing, not frolicking. Her face was pointed down as she joined her friends. Applejack followed next, her ankles itchy from standing still so long. Rainbow had been injured grievously, it would be a long while before any news from hospital staff came. She took her place far from her friends however, unwilling to be in such comforting company. She didn’t want company; she didn’t deserve it.

Rarity remained in her own spot however, resting her haunches on the floor, allowing her mascara stained tears to fall to the floor. Applejack watched her. Another casualty of her dimwittedness. She wished she could get up and do… something. Hold her, tell her it would be okay. That this day wouldn’t end in tragedy. But she hardly believed it herself, and even if she did, as she looked upon Rarity, one feeling began to prevail above all others. Fear. She was afraid of Rarity. What she was thinking, how she was feeling. Does she hate me? She wondered. She hoped she did. She hoped that beautiful pony would hate her, with every fiber of her being, that she would scorn her, wish her dead. It would be a fitting punishment, one Applejack would take gladly, though it would hardly begin to make amends for what she had done.

But despite her hopes fear still held sway in her heart. She wanted to be hated, but she didn’t. What she really wanted, was for this day to have never happened, for Dash to be alright, for them to be sitting down eating breakfast, not crying in a hospital. If only she had blinked.

An hour came and went, and the five mares had hardly moved. Other ponies in the ER stopped to talk to them sometimes, asking what happened or telling them Rainbow was in their prayers. Applejack ignored any who came her way, unwilling to deal with their petty false condolences. She just stared down the hall, waiting for a doctor to round the corner. Part of her almost didn’t want to see the doctors return. As long as they were away, Rainbow was still alive and they were fixing her.

Finally, Fluttershy of all ponies stood up from her chair to go to the white unicorn, who sat upon the cold hospital floor. Applejack cringed, expecting Rarity to lash out on the poor timid mare. But Fluttershy said nothing, only putting a hoof on her back. Rarity looked up and put on a brave smile for her friend, more than could be asked of anypony in such a situation. Thinking on it, it dawned on Applejack that had the yellow mare approached her, she might’ve snapped at her, told her to leave her be. The thought only added to her guilty heart.

The farm pony felt confused. All the things she wanted contradicted each other. She wanted to be with her friends, but she wanted to be left alone. She wanted to offer her sympathies to Rarity, whom she thought the world of, but she wanted Rarity to loath her, look at her with disgust. Only one thing made sense in her mind. She wanted to see Dash again, smiling and happy, her pain alleviated. She didn’t want her friend to die.

Rarity held Fluttershy’s hoof and rubbed her cheek on it, looking for comfort. She got up onto her hoofs and followed the pegasus back to the chairs, making Applejack the only pony out of the group. But she wouldn’t follow. Her friends knew it, she was a stubborn bull headed idiot farm pony who didn’t know nothing about anything. Tears began to well in her eyes again and she buried her face ing her hoofs. She wept silently, her guilt riddled heart broken. Why were they here at the hospital? So many times had they taken Dash to the hospital, her daring lifestyle introducing her to many injuries, but never had they waited to hear whether or not their friend would live or die.

A world without Rainbow. It was difficult to think about, mostly due to the fact that when she tried, she just cried harder, knowing that the weight of such a world would rest on her shoulders, because she made a stupid mistake. While wallowing in her own retched feelings, Applejack felt a soft breeze, and heard the chair beside her creak slightly. Fluttershy sat beside her. She didn’t put a hoof on her back, but she locked concerned eyes with her. The orange mare felt embarrassed, her friends thought she was acting out to gain their sympathy.

“No, no Fluttershy, Ah’m fine, you go back.”

The shy little pony said nothing, only stareing at her with concern. She opened her mouth to tell her to leave, but she couldn’t. Did she want her to leave? She couldn’t tell. The chair to her other side made a noise as it scratched the floor. In it rested a pink pony, giving her the same look as Fluttershy. Twilight walked over next, standing in front of her, the strong leader of their group.

Applejack began to tremble.

“Please don’t.”

Finally she looked up to see Rarity, her tear stained face a mask of all emotion. Aplejack felt ready to wretch.She decided; she didn’t want her friends. Or at least, she didn’t want them to want her. She stood up from her own uncomfortable chair fast enough to send it sliding back a little.

“Look… Ah’m gonna go get Apple Bloom, and try to find Scootaloo. They should be here.”

Rarity held her stare.

“She’s right, the fillies should be here, I’ll go get Sweetie.”

“No Rarity,” Applejack said swiftly. “I’ll find her too. Odds are they’re all together anyways, and you need to stay in case- When Dash gets up.” She was worried the unicorn would attempt to argue, but she nodded solemnly, finally dropping her eyes from Applejack’s. The orange pony shuffled past her friends, keeping a steady trot towards the door, and going faster, and faster the further she got away from the hospital, until she was sprinting with all the speed she could muster, kicking up a dust cloud.
She was half right. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo where together in the streets, only a block away from the hospital.

“You two need to get to Ponyville hospital.” She said urgently.

“Why what’s happened?” Sweetie asked, her smile immediately vanishing.

“There’s been an accident, Dash’s hurt, but Ah don’t have time to explain. Do you know where my sister is?”

“She got hungry and decided to go back to the barn.” The uncorn filly said, taking initiative. Scootaloo looked terrified, and pulled her friend down to the hospital.

Applejack didn’t say another word, making her way back to the farm. When she did find Apple Bloom, she scooped her up and put her on her back explaining the situation along the way. Despite her ease in locating the fillies, the trip from the hospital to the farm was an extremely long one to make, and it had taken her the better part of an hour to finally return. When she re-entered the ER, all her friends and the little fillies she had directed there were gone. She saw nurse Redheart approaching.

“The doctor came out not two minutes ago and told your friends to get to room 211. If you're fast I bet you could meet them along the way.”

The farm pony tipped a hat to the kindly nurse and followed the signs to the designated room. True to her word, as she rounded one of the last corners, the hallway was packed with seven ponies all trying to make their way down.

“Rarity, what’s going on?” She asked.

“We aren’t sure, he just said to follow him, and he would explain when we got to her room.”

Applejack didn’t pressure her further, not wanting to speak to her grieving friend more than she had to. All the ponies walked silently at a brisk pace wanting to see their friend. If he dragged them all the way out here without explaination, she couldn’t be dead right? They had saved their friend. She knew it wasn’t certain, but still Applejack let the smallest hints of relief creep in, and it relaxed her like nothing she ever felt before. She counted the rooms.



211. They stopped. The doctor leading them was the brown coated stallion again, and the farm pony was immediately disquieted by his look of uncertainty.

“We have done everything in our power to help her. Your friend sustained a terrible amount of damage. Broken bones, multiple lacerations, severe blood loss and internal bleeding. Quite frankly, it’s amazing she lasted as long as she did. She isn’t in any pain, we’ve given her the strongest anesthetics we have, and a few moments ago she regained consciousness for the time being.”

“So, she’s going to be okay?” Rarity asked, her tone cautiously hopeful.

“Honestly, we don’t know. As I said, we’ve done all the reparations we can, but I’m not sure if it was enough…”

Rarity looked down, a tear slowly rolling down her cheek. Twilight stepped up to the front.

“May we see her?”

The doctor gave a small smile, Applejack twitched slightly. Who could smile in a situation like this?

“The first thing she said when she woke up was that she wanted to see her friends. Now, according to hospital policy, not all of you should be in the room at a time. But, it’s rare we ever see circumstances like this, so I’ll just look the other way.” The stallion’s horn illuminated with a blue aura. The same aura coated the door handle and it swung open.

“There is a panic button under her bed,” He said before they all entered. “If her condition changes suddenly, please do not hesitate to press it.” He stepped away from the door and all the ponies entered, save for the doctor, who pulled up a clipboard and walked back in the direction of the lobby. Applejack wondered what kind of news the next ponies would get. A beloved family member passed on? A co-worker who would never come back to the job site. Hospitals always held an air of doom to Applejack, but she forced her mind in every possible way to attempt positivity. Rainbow deserved that much at least. The fillies and mares walked calmly, with the farm pony at the back of the herd. The area just after the door was very tight and enclosed, but she could see where it would open up. Where her friends hospital bed lay. They gathered around it. Applejack expected to see a grim looking pony, laying frail, breathing heavily as she sat upon deaths doorstep.

But Rainbow seemed fully awake. Both her left foreleg and her back left were in casts, the latter limb being held up towards the ceiling. Her foreleg was in a green sling, matching her hospital gown, underneath which she was sure was wrapped in gauze. A bandage was wrapped tightly around her head, and, upon closer inspection, Applejack could see both her wings in casts. Though the sight of all the medical equipment holding her friend together made her wince, just seeing her with open eyes was enough to bring some light back into Applejacks heart. The blue pegasus stared out her window, the sunlight streaming in through the translucent curtains. But as her friends slowly encircled her bed, she turned to face them, her eyes bright and clear despite the pain-killing drugs being dripped into her bloodstream through her I.V. Her face lit up with a smile, and already, Applejack could feel her eyes watering, but she held back.

“Hey guys.” Rainbow’s voice was happy, but lacking her old excited joviality. Everypony was silent, unsure how to react. The three young fillies stayed close to each other, their bodies pressed together, all of them staring worriedly and confused at the spectacle before them. But even with the silence, the blue mare’s smile didn’t falter. Rarity stood to the right of Dash’s bed, already sobbing heavily, her eyes wide open staring at the bedridden pegasus. She rested a white hoof on the thin green sheets, obviously afraid to touch Rainbow, fearing she could hurt her.

“Oh Rainbow we were so worried. When we dug you up, I wasn’t sure if…”

“Hey,” She said sympathetically, scooping up her white hoof and placing it on her chest. “Don’t freak out. The doctors told me everything. I know it could change later but as of right now, I’m fine.” Rarity sniffled wiping away her own tears. She was the first of the friends to let themselves smile. She bent her head to kiss Rainbow on the cheek. Somewhere distantly Applejack felt something resembling satisfaction, but her guilt was far too heavy to dwell on it. But it didn’t her heart good to have one less thing to wonder about. Rainbow looked around, her eyes landing on the fillies, her eyes widening in surprise.

“Hey girls, I didn’t think you’d be here. But I’m glad you are.” Using her good hoof, she tapped a spot on the bed, beckoning for the little ones to come and sit. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo immediately took off for the bed, clambering into it.

“You can sit too Apple Bloom, its okay.” Dash said. Apple Bloom looked to her big sister, unsure if it was okay. Applejack nodded.

“Just be careful, don’t hurt her.” Applejack said to her younger sibling.

“Oh, it’s fine AJ. These painkillers are crazy.” Rainbow smiled to her orange friend, but Applejack looked away, unable to meet her eye. When the young ponies were up with her Scootaloo was the next to speak.

“Rainbow, what happened?”

“It doesn’t matter,” She responded sweetly. “But there are some things I’d like to say to you three.

“Scootaloo, you are an amazing filly, you have so much heart, and bravery it bewilders me, and believe me, the day I took you under my wing, I was just as proud to call you my sister, as you were to call me. Don’t stop doing what you’re doing. Because I know one day, wings or no wings, you’re going to soar. And no matter what happens to me when that day comes, I’ll still look to you with nothing but pride and love.” She gave the filly a small peck on her purple mane. Scootaloo let a few tears roll down her face.

“I love you too Rainbow Dash.”

“Sweetie Belle.” Rarity’s little sister blinked her big green eyes. “I know this whole thing between me and Rarity was confusing for you, but you took the news like a champ. And I just wanted you to know every time I came over to the Boutique I was always hoping you’d be there, because I just love seeing you. And I know I’ve never said it outright to you, but we are sisters, you and I. And I love you.” All the girls looked bewildered at the news but thought nothing more of it, but Sweetie crawled over and nuzzled her face into the crook of Rainbow’s shoulder.

“I love you too! I tried! I tried to say it so many times, and I’m sorry I didn’t!”

“No, no, don’t apologize Sweetie. It makes me so happy to hear you say that though. Hopefully soon, we’ll be saying it every morning.” After a few moments, the little pulled her head away. Rarity was still crying, she covered her mouth with a hoof, happy to see her sister taking so well to Rainbow.

“And Apple Bloom. We haven’t spent too much time together, but I’ve known you for long enough to know that you are an awesome little filly, and a great friend to both my sisters. And I was hoping to ask a favor of you. If the worst does happen, it would mean the world to me, if you would keep looking after my family.”

The little earthpony was shocked that Rainbow had anything to say to her, with two filles she loved sitting with her, but Apple Bloom nodded her head.

“Good, it’s a relief to know they have somepony as amazing and competent as you looking out for them."

“Now, I think that’s about as grim as I feel like getting today.” Her tone suddenly changing again.

“Alright everypony, this isn’t my first hospital trip, and I feel way better than I look. So how about we talk and laugh, just like we do every time I end up in the emergency room. I have no intention of making this my final visit, so let’s stop talking like it is.”

It took a long while. The mares remained reserved and worried for nearly an hour, but as Rainbow talked and laughed it became more apparent that she was indeed feeling good. The whole wall incident had been frightening, but ponies didn’t come tougher than that blue pegasus, if anypony could survive such an accident, it was her. All the friends began to shed their fears and for anypony who wasn’t looking, it was just like any of the other dozen trips they had all made to the ER with Rainbow in tow. Applejacks mood improved, but still, she laughed a little less than the others, spoke a little more quietly.

Even if Rainbow was fine, it was her fault they had ended up here, terrified, wondering if one of their best friends would survive. She found it difficult to meet Dash’s eye. She would give her a proper apology soon. But the day dragged on and the sun dipped, and they all knew soon the doctor would come by and tell them to leave. And as the clock read eight o’clock, the stallion poked his head in, visably relieved to see his patient in such high spirits.

“Sorry everypony, but visiting hours are over, I’m afraid you will have to come back in the morning.” All the mares said their farewells and again Applejack was at the back of the pack as they filed out of the room. She looked back, seeing how empty it was. With everypony else gone, she could finally apologize to Rainbow, and maybe she could help her come to terms with her guilt. It was worth a try, she couldn’t see herself sleeping very soundly tonight in any case.

“Hey doc,” The orange pony called. “If it’s alright with Rainbow, could I stay overnight?” He arched an eyebrow.

“Rainbow, what do you say?”

Applejack turned to face her cyan friend. She looked almost happy she’d asked.

“Of course she can stay!"

Applejack stopped.

“Alright then,” Said the doctor. “You may stay, but I cannot let you leave the room until tomorrow morning, is that alright?”

“Yes of course.” The farm pony said, happy as she could be on a day like today. Rainbow’s doctor was very kind, she wished she’d taken the time to learn his name. She turned around and was about to get settled when another voice piped up.

“Oh, doctor, would it be alright if I stayed too? I would feel much better to know I was close to her.”

“Yes you may stay as well, but I’m afraid everypony else will have to wait until morning.”

“Thank you very much.”

Applejacks heart leapt into her throat as Rarity walked back into room 211, and the door shut tight behind her.

Author's Note:

Here you go guys chapter 5, don't forget to check out Ghosttown Brony's awseome stories!
Again the better the feed back the sooner we update!