• Published 7th Jan 2014
  • 4,346 Views, 296 Comments

For Whom The Belle Tolls - Darksonickiller

A secret Rarity and her sister tried to hide begins to fall apart, a secret that hides a past so painful it brings tears to her eyes just to think of, will she be able to tell the ponies she loves the truth?

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Bonus Chapter

For Whom the Belle Tolls
Bonus Chapter

Sweetie Belle walked down the dirt roads of Ponyville waving hello to ponies that would greet her. There was plenty of new faces in town and she could tell from the houses being built, new booming businesses, and many new ponies that moved into town, (each of whom Pinkie Pie threw a party for) that a lot had changed but also stayed the same in the past ten years.

When she wasn’t working with Rarity on a new line of dresses, She was singing at what ever gig she could get, or hanging out with her friends, she would go walking, and clear her mind, on a beautiful sunny day like today. Guess she should thank Scoots for that.

She and the other crusaders had all graduated from Cheerilee’s school a few years ago and were now all in their early twenties and finally had their cutie marks as well. Sweetie’s mane curls and tail were much longer now and it was the same for her friends.

Sweetie continued her walk looking down at the golden chain necklace around her neck it had a magical preserved cyan feather attached to it that belonged to her sister given to her by her mother years ago. She treasured it and would wear it everywhere.

As she was examining it for thousandth time just thinking about her sister a familiar voice pulled out of her thoughts. Looking up to the sky she saw the new head the weather team, Scootaloo giving out orders to some new recruits before they quickly flew off to do their assignments.

It had taken a lot of time and effort and many many lessons from Twilight but she finally mastered the skies and just like her idol she was a speed demon the Wonderbolts themselves would be hard pressed to keep up with her. She eventually took over Dash’s job on the weather team and she was damn good at it too.

“Hey Scoots!” Sweetie shouted with glee hoping the get the speedy pegasus’ attention which she did.

“Unh” Scootaloo said looking around for the voice before finding the source to be below her. “Oh hey Sweetie what’s up.?” She said smiling hovering in front of her best friend.

“I was heading to the cemetery to visit Dash.” She said told her orange friend. “ Do you want to come with?”

“Well I got to keep an eye on the newbies.” Scootaloo answered noticing Sweetie’s smile fade slightly. “But as soon as I make sure they don’t accidently create another tornado again I’ll meet you there promise.” She said seeing her friends smile return full force.

“Okay then that sounds good to me Scoots,” Sweetie said hoof bumping the pegasus. “I’ll see you there.”

“Okay see ya Sweetie its back to work for me.” Scootaloo replied and before the unicorn could even blink she zipped away as fast as lightning kicking up a cloud of dust as she went and was out of sight and earshot almost immediately.

After the dust settled and Sweetie was able to stop coughing she continued on her way to her destination. she had been so caught up in her thoughts that she reached the cemetery’s rusty gate before she knew it. The gate creaked as she opened it and navigated her way through the many gravestones until she found the one she was looking for near the back of the cemetery.

She trotted over to her sister’s grave and took a seat right in front of it. She would come here every now and then to pay her respects. Sometimes she would come with Rarity or her mother other times like today she would come alone.

“Hi, Dash” Sweetie said, staring at her sister’s gravestone. It was an old and faded stone now but it was still perfectly readable. She had read it just as many times as Rarity had.

“I just wanted to come for a visit, Scoots says she’ll be here later.” She spoke to nopony removing some weeds that had grown over the headstone. She and her family had made a habit of clean it every time they came.

“Even though we have all moved on since your passing it still hurts knowing you’re not here even now ten years laters.” The cemetery was dead silent as she spoke and a gentle breeze ruffled her mane.

“It took so long for Rarity and mother to recover but with help from our friends they finally got better and now they are both doing great now.” She continued talk to her deceased sibling. “It was hard at first for Scoots and I we didn’t talk to each other much for awhile we owe Applebloom a lot for being as stubborn as her sister because she never gave up and kept her promise to you and held us together.”

“You know sis Rarity always tells me how great of pony you were and how she wished she had more time to spend with you.” Sweetie paused to take a deep breath. “And that made me realize something, It made me realize that even though Rarity’s time with you was short my time was even shorter and I to wish I had more time to get to know you better.

She looked down at her feather necklace again and gave it a kiss before she began to speak to Rainbow again. “But I’m not going to be sad about that instead I’m going to be grateful for every moment I did get to spend with you even before I knew you were my sister.”

“I don’t remember all of it because I was little but Rarity would tell me when ever she need to work and I was in the way” Sweetie giggled at herself as she reminisced. “You would always be there to play a game with me or color with me and for that I will always be grateful.”

She was about to continue when she heard hoofsteps behind her. She turned around to she see Scootaloo and Applebloom walking up to her.

“Hi Girls.” Sweetie waved at the two mares as they sat down on either side of her.

“Got here as soon as I could those newbies are a real hoof-full .” Scootaloo giggled.

“Don’t Ah know it, they ‘bout drowned the Apple farm last week.” Applebloom huffed then gave an annoyed but happy smile.

“Yea, sorry about Applebloom.” Scootaloo said rubbing the back of her head with her hoof neveriously.

“Thanks for coming girls.” Sweetie said as she continued looking at her sister’s grave.

“Not a problem Sweetie Belle anytime.” Applebloom said.

“Oh hey Dash guess what!” Scootaloo suddenly perked remembering something. “I got accepted into the Wonderbolts Academy I’m leaving next month.” She said gleaming with pride knowing Dash would be proud of her.

“Hey Dash Ah just wanna thank ya for savin’ my sis all those years ago, It means a lot to me.” Applebloom said as she respectfully removing her red stetson.

The three mares sat there for who knows how long just talking and laughing about all the shenanigans they used to cause and what not. Eventually time just got away from them and Celestia’s sun was starting dip below the horizon.

“C’mon girls I think it’s time go it’s gettin’ late.’’ The apple farmer said getting up and placing her hat back upon her head.

“Yea you’re right I don’t want my parents flip out if I come home late again.’’ Scootaloo said remembering what happened last time she came home late.

They were about to walk off when Sweetie Belle quickly turn back around. “Hold on girls I almost forgot the whole reason I came here today.” She said walking back up the headstone.

Sweetie Belle opened her saddlebags and pulled out a bouquet of six different colored flowers and placed them by the grave.

“Happy Birthday Rainbow Dash” Sweetie Belle said to her sister and with that the three mares walked away.

Author's Note:

Hey guys since you enjoyed my story so much I've decide to give you a bonus chapter so enjoy.

Also for shits and giggles I listened to Timber while writing.

Comments ( 38 )

Gotta say, that's a great way to end a story like this. :pinkiehappy:
Well done sir. Dashie approves. :rainbowdetermined2:

4474500 I'm glad you enjoyed the bonus chapter!:pinkiehappy:

Aww... The feels, man! The feels! At this rate, I'll be a permanent member of "Feel Team Six"!
Anyway, great job, man! I loved this chapter!

Dam it, now I'm crying! This is just so wonderful, and I was both surprised and happy when I saw this extra chapter!
I really understand how Sweetie feel, and all this just makes me wanna cry!:fluttercry:

4481494 I'm glad you liked it!

I read it, and it's just like the rest of the story. Full of death.:twilightangry2:

Comment posted by Naruto deleted Sep 27th, 2015
Comment posted by bleach deleted Sep 27th, 2015

The story was just awesome. one of the best i have read in a while, i liked how you ended it ten years after RD died and on her birthday. :yay:

Er ma gawd. Dem feelz bruh. You almost made me cry! :fluttershysad: :heart:

Very interesting and appealing read! :twistnerd:

Nice touch, with the flowers.

Called the relationship. So sad, but I enjoyed it.

6171790 You don't have to point out every single error you know.:facehoof: Also if you don't like and are disappointed then just stop reading it and telling how disappointed you are.:ajsmug:

6171790 There was never any romance between them and if you are still disappointed at this point then this isn't the fic for you and you should just move along.

6171955 Ok save your comments till the end then. And seriously you don't have to point out every damn error you find do you know how annoying thats is?:flutterrage:

6171989 Ok I asked you twice to stop pointing out all of the errors and you completely ignored me so you are done commenting today.

6171989 If you are done pointing out all the flaws and telling me how disappointed you are in the fic you cant comment again.

i deleted all my previous comments. i still have reservations about certain plot elements and setting choices, but overall i found this to being a strong emotionally driving drama, it even made me sad :fluttercry:
i liked this story, despite my confusions early on, and i apologize again for jumping at pointing out errors, and i'm sorry i jumped the gun earlier on and posted every last nitpick. i am not the best reader, so sometimes i trip over myself. but you are a good guy and a decent writer, i hope you have a good day Darksonickiller :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Pink Rocket deleted Jan 17th, 2016

And this takes nu previous feels and ignites them again! Truly an absolutely wonderful story.

so nothing happened to the father? im sure testimony from not only an element of harmony but also the sister and mother would land him behind bars

I figured losing his wife and other two daughters was enough.

but it never said he lost his wife and he didnt seem to care about his kids just his bloodline

I said he was kicked out of the house and custody of Sweetie Belle was taken from him. If you wanna help me continue this story then Pm me

did it say that i must have missed it my bad


Since Rainbow’s passing, a few ponies started to behave differently. Rarity’s mother eventually divorced, kicking her ex-husband out onto the streets. And, with a little help from Twilight and her daughter Rarity, they were able to assign all custody of Sweetie Belle over to her mother. Nopony has seen, or wanted to see that stallion since.

yea i had to re read the the page and i found it im slightly tired and was speed reading the page and missed it on accident thats what i get for not slowing down and actually reading

So over all what did you think of the fic? DId you like it?

it was alright though genetics dont work that way if everypony in the bloodline were unicorns your not going to get a pegasus unless the mother was cheating with one and plus with all the times they said 'i love you' and kept kissing each other i can see how applejack would think they were lovers

A. Shit happens
B. That was the point. Keep the readers guessing till the reveal.

My thoughts on this story:

For being ten years old, it's still pretty good. It got me with the feels, which not many stories actually do.

All the characters were written pretty well! I will say, though, Rarity could use some more work, but that's about it. She was still written way better than I ever could.

While Dash's death does seem a bit unfair, it just adds to the emotional feels in the story, so I'm not mad at it or anything. If anything, I kind of support it for getting a message across.

Also, fuck the dad.


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