• Published 20th Dec 2013
  • 5,278 Views, 100 Comments

Star Fox Equestria - Pronche

Since the Anglar Blitz, the galaxy is at peace... until this day, with Oikonny's invasion on Katina. But, in another system away from Lylat, a new threat arise and only one famous team can intervene: The Star Fox Team.

  • ...

I wonder what's for dinner?

Fox James McCloud looked at himself in the mirror.

'This Rarity has very good taste in fashion. Who knew I looked great in a grey tuxedo?' He thought, chuckling.

Moving his left wrist at eye's level to see the time, his watch/communicator/P.D.A indicated he had half an hour before the beginning of the dinner with the dignitaries of the neighboring countries.

'I wonder what the others are doing right now...' Fox sighed. 'Heck, I'm sure Falco would laugh at me if he knew what I'm doing tonight. This brainless bird always preferred nightclubs to fancy dinners and for once, I share his opinion.'

The mercenary finished to brush the white part of his fur on his head when somepony knocked at his door, quickly followed by a voice.

"Fox, are you ready? The guests will be here shortly."

"You arrived at the right time Princess, I'm finishing one last thing and I'll be there in a moment."

He put the brush on the sink and left his bathroom before walking to the door leading to the balcony and closing it. Then, his legs lead him to the door and he opened it. Celestia was in front of him, wearing a very light gold/purple dress with small diamonds in it. She was also wearing her royal attire. The colors were in perfect harmony with her eyes and her coat.

"You look pretty in this dress; I suppose we shared the same seamstress to work on our clothes, right?"

A faint tint of red appeared on Celestia's cheeks but it quickly disappeared.

"Indeed and thank you for the compliment."

"Think nothing of it."

The bipedal fox and the white Alicorn walked in direction of the entrance of the Castle. Princess Luna was already there, waiting for them to arrive. Just like her sister, she had a dress which was perfectly matching with her coat and had sparkle of sapphires instead of diamonds. The sunlight was reflecting in them, adding some small blue dots on the ground. Contrary to Celestia, the Lunar Princess wasn't pretty in her dark gown, she was beautiful.

"Good evening, Princess Luna."

She turned her head in direction of the two and smiled.

"Hello to you too, Mr. McCloud. Are you ready for the main event?"

He slightly blushed in embarrassment and scratched the back of his neck with his right paw.

"Yeah, it shouldn't be too difficult... I hope."

The Night Princess merely chuckled and looked in direction of the medieval city. Fox still didn't know what to think about what happened three days ago. The kiss she gave him was a chaste one and the sentiments behind it were almost non-existent. At least, that's what he hoped. On his part, Fox didn't have any romantic feelings for her and still had Krystal in his mind. A small part of him wanted to see the blue vixen again, to hold her in his arms, tell her sweet nothings and watch the sun set in Sauria as if nothing else mattered but the moment they would share together.

After a few minutes of waiting in silence, a single carriage driven by two Earth Ponies from the Royal Guards was coming in their way before slowing down and stopping in front of the stairs. The door opened and a pink Alicorn, slightly shorter than Luna by a few inches, walked out of it. She dashed to the trio and jumped at Celestia's neck.

"Auntie Celestia! Aunt Luna! It's so good to see you two."

"It's the same for us my dear niece, we should make a tea party more often."

"I agree with you, sister."

The pink pony nodded then moved her eyes to meet those of the fox. His green eyes were looking at her with curiosity, apprehension and a faint hint of guilt and sadness. Of course, the last part wasn't directed to her but more to something that happened before his arrival in Equestria. For her, it was clear that what was paining him was a matter of heart and was affecting his mind. Cadance wouldn't be surprised if he was suffering from depression. And as the Princess of Love, she had the obligation to help him.

"And here is the famous creature that everypony talk about. My name is Mi Amore Cadenza but everypony call me Cadance. I'm the niece of Princess Celestia and Luna, Princess of Love and ruler of the Crystal Empire along with my consort, Shining Armor. You are?"

Being a gentleman, Fox took her left hoof and kissed it with a smile on his muzzle.

"Fox McCloud, ace pilot, ex-soldier and Captain of a mercenary team called Star Fox. Temporary ambassador of the Lylat System during my stay here."

"My aunt said you were coming from the space and I have to say, it's difficult to believe something like this. How is it possible?"

Before the orange vulpine could answer, the Sun Princess stopped him. "As much I hate to interrupt your discussion, it is better if we wait for all the others guests to arrive before talking about this kind of topic."

"Not a problem Auntie."

Not long after this, eight silhouettes appeared in the sky, coming from the east. The four didn't have to wait long to know who it was and see them landing at the foot of the stairs. There were five griffons and three dragons. Six of them were wearing armors while the two remaining had little to nothing on them.

What surprised the two rulers and Fox was the fact that the dragons were sending an emissary with two guards to ensure his security. Usually, the 'flying reptiles' as Blueblood would call them, weren't going out of their country that much, except for the dragon migration. And at the same time, the ambassadors of Prench and Saddle Arabia cancelled their journey to Equestria because they had more pressing matters in their countries.

Just as the vulpine imagined them, the griffons were walking on four legs and were part-lion, part-eagle. Their ambassador had feathers white as the snow while his, or her, companions were covered in armor, head to pelvis. Contrary to the diplomat, their coats were fully brown.

As for the dragons, they were all different. One of them was yellow, the other mauve while the ambassador had dark red scales.

Not wanting to stay outside any longer, Celestia cut short the presentations.

"Ambassador Breeze, Lord Rhêm, this is Fox McCloud. Dignitary from the distant solar system called Lylat. You'll have plenty of time to ask him questions later. Your companions are invited to stay in the barracks with our guards and share a meal with them while we discuss in the dining room. Is it to your convenience?"

"It is." reply the white griffon, who was obvious a male, thanks to his deep voice. "We thank you for your kind hospitality and sharing such news as the discovery of another specie, especially one coming from beyond the sky."

He then turned his head to look at Fox with his deep yellow eyes.

"I hope I didn't offend you by talking about you as if you were just an animal. You may call me Breeze."

Fox smirked and crossed his arms. He liked him already. "None taken, I was expecting something along those lines."

The group was now inside, letting the Royal Guards close the door behind them. One servant took the dignitaries' bodyguards with him and gave them the tour of the castle while the three princesses, one bipedal fox, one griffon and one dragon walked in direction of the Royal Kitchen.

"Queen Chrysalis isn't going to come?" asked Fox, slightly surprised to not wait for the last member of the meeting.

Princess Celestia has a faint smile on her lips, almost invisible to anyone who wasn't paying attention to her facial expression right now.

"She is. And I'm pretty sure she's already waiting for us in the dining room."

"That evil witch is here?"

The orange vulpine and the others stopped in their track when they heard the voice and looked at the flying reptile. He had a look of pure rage on her face.

"Do you have something against her?" asked the Princess of the Sun, raising an eyebrow.

"She's bad, the evil incarnated! You shouldn't let her assist at all of this, Celestia. Her and her minions had stolen a lot of our eggs to feed on the warms emotions of our hatchlings! She's an enemy of the dragon's nation!"

"Firstly, would you be kind enough to not call me by my name? It's not because I'm an old friend of your uncle that you have the right to not call me by my title. You're nothing more than a dignitary here, even if we were alone. Secondly, Chrysalis and her changelings redeemed themselves for the Canterlot Invasion. Princess Mi Amore Cadenza was the first one to forgive them and I quickly did the same. We're often giving them emotions to feed on and they're now friends of Equestria. A war against them would means against us. You wouldn't that, would you?"

The mercenary choose this moment to step in.

"The Princesses are kind enough to house me in their palace while I'm stuck here and they did nothing wrong for now. So, if your country wants to be in war with Ponykind, you'll have the Lylat System against you too. And there're twenty billion of people who will be more than happy to participate at something like this." His voice was now cold and calculating. Fox hated to act like this but he didn't have the choice. The situation didn't give him the possibility to react differently. "Think twice before saying your next words."

"Y-you're lying!" stuttered the drake, pointing an accusing finger at him. "You can't be that much where you're coming from!"

"'Does I look like I'm not telling to truth? Watch closely my face. You'll know the answer."

Nopony said a single word for the next ten seconds. The Princess of the Sun had to break the silence by clearing her throat.

"Shall we move on?"

"I think we can Princess, I'm beginning to be hungry. This journey was rather boring and we didn't have a hot meal since this morning." said the white griffon, a broad smile on his beak.

This time, it's was Luna's turn to talk. "Then, follow us and don't worry friend, we'll talk of the matter at hoof during dinner."

"That's good to hear."

After a couple of minutes, they arrived in front of the dining hall and entered. Inside the room was a creature, bug-like, who was sitting in one of the few seats present in the room. Fox quickly deduced it was the Queen of the Changelings, Chrysalis. Her hooves and mane had holes in them, her horn didn't have a distinct form, contrary to the three Alicorn, and her eyes were like those of a cat or a dragon.

She was watching the group intently, and Fox more precisely. Her eyes were following all his movements, analyzing his way of acting and walking. A smile appeared on her lips. Maybe with some work, she could taste the mercenary before the end of the night.

But like everything, she had to wait a little before setting her plan into motion.


"So, Mr. McCloud, could you tell us more about yourself?" asked the red drake. "I'm eager to know about you and your kind."

The vulpine stopped munching on his salad and looked at the dragon, giving a small smile.

"Well, I don't have much to say. I was born in a normal family with both parents but no siblings. I went to the Corneria Flight Academy as a first class pilot, just like my father before me. But when I turned eighteen, a mad scientist named Andross who was exiled on Venom, another planet of the Lylat System, decided to declare war to the entire system. My dad was the creator of a mercenary team called Star Fox.

With the help of Peppy, my mentor and best friend of my father, we resurrected and added two members to the new team. Then, the four of us fought Andross' forces in the whole system. We even went on the sun to kill a bio-weapon. The temperature was almost unbearable. Anyway, we reached Venom and I killed Andross, avenging my father's death at the same time. Since then, we saved the system a few times. Peoples considered us as heroes but for me, I was just doing my job."

Celestia's eyes widened when she heard this.

"You're telling us you went on your sun?"

He nodded.

"Yes. The Arwing can take up temperatures to nine thousand degrees."

The griffon ambassador raised her arm. "Excuse-me but, what is an Arwing?"

"The Arwing Mk I is the result of twenty years of hard labor. It's one of the most powerful spacecraft in the whole galaxy made by Arspace Dynamics Company. Even today's aircrafts can't reach his level. His mobility and destructive power is far superior in comparison to the conventional fighter. You can think of it as a carriage completely made of metal and which can reach the space at high speed."

"It must be something very big if you talk about it so highly."

This time, Fox smirked.

"Quite the contrary, the Arwing can only transport its pilot. Nothing else."

Cadance gave a small nod, memorizing the newly acquired information about the fox and his origins. Lord Rhêm was very curious about the Arwing and its capacities.

"If we were in a situation where both our worlds were at war against each other, who could be the winner?"

"Considering you're living in the medieval age and the best weapon you can have is a giant crossbow which launch spears. Even with your magic…. you don't stand a chance against a few frigates and their ships…which is nothing when you think about the fight we had in Area 6. I think I destroyed forty frigates all by myself, if I remember correctly."

Everyone in the room had their eyes on him, not believing at all what he was saying. It was already difficult to think there was life somewhere else and that magic didn't exist there. But to hear that all their efforts would be vain if they were in conflict with those anthropomorphic animals was unconceivable for the rulers of the different countries of Equus.

"Is it true, Fox?" demanded Celestia, with a small hint of worry in her eyes.

"As much as I hate to say it, yes. We, Cornerians, have the firepower to destroy a world like yours, to only leave ashes in our path. But I can assure you that on my side, I'm going to do my best to not let something like this happen. If we work together, I'm sure great things can come out of it. The Cornerian Government is pacifist and would only attack if they think their citizens' lives are in danger."

Now, the features on their faces relaxed.

The dark dragon didn't completely believe him, he still had some doubts about the fox's words.

"And what if you're lying?"

Ambassador Breeze, Princesses Luna, Celestia and Cadance were looking at him, surprised. Chrysalis still had a stoic face and was silently observing the scene. As a great specialist of lies and deception, she knew that the mercenary was telling the truth but wanted to see how he was going to answer Rhêm's insecurities.

"I can prove it to you. My Arwing is parked in the Royal Gardens. I could show you what it's capable of."

The dragon's ambassador, confident that he's right, gave a smirk. Seeing this, Fox smirked too.

"After you, Mr. McCloud."

"With pleasure."

All those seated at the table stood up and left the room in direction of the gardens, following the orange vulpine and the royal sisters.


The little show with the Arwing went well, very well. A little looping, barrel roll, U-turn here and there, followed by a few accelerations with one breaking the sound wall was all Fox needed to convince the white griffon, the dark red dragon and the pink Alicorn that he was telling the truth. All the dignitaries decided to stay at the Castle for the night and leave the next morning.

Now, the pilot was currently in his room, looking at the stars on his balcony with a faint smile on his muzzle. He was happy with himself; the meeting went without a hitch, if you don't take in account the tension between Lord Rhêm and Queen Chrysalis. A chuckle escaped his lips. He was certain that Peppy would have been proud of the diplomatic skills he displayed tonight.

Unfortunately, his train of thoughts was interrupted by the sound of hoov…no, more like feet or paws, coming in his direction.

"Something's wrong, Fox?"

His heart froze.

This voice…it couldn't be! Her? But how could she be here? It's impossible!

Fox did a quick 180°; he unsheathed his blaster and pointed it at the blue vixen standing a few meters away from him.

"Who are you?"

She looked at him with surprised eyes.

"But Fox, don't you recognize me?"

He snarled and tightened his grip on his weapon. "Don't try this bullshit on me! You're not Krystal, so I will ask one more time before shooting: who are you?"

Her shocked expression immediately changed to a wicked smile. Green flames engulfed her body, replacing fur by shell and adding two insect-like wings. In front of him now stood Chrysalis. Even after seeing this, Fox didn't lower his arm. If there's one thing the vulpine hated the most, it was people toying with his emotions. Despite the fact he wanted to put a bullet right in her forehead, Fox decided to calm himself. She wasn't worth it.

"What do you want?" he asked, putting his gun in his blaster.

"You're something intriguing, interesting and…exotic. I love everything that's exotic." Then, the Queen licked her lips, making a lewd sound.

"Listen, I know what your kind is capable of and what they do to survive but I'm not interested."

"I can be everypony you want, even that disguise I just used."

He raised an eyebrow.

"How did you do it?"

"A changeling never tells its secrets. But know that I never looked into your mind, nopony can do that. Are you sure you don't want to change your mind? It's been some time since I had some fun."


Chrysalis shook her head and snorted.

"Well, at least, I tried."

She trotted outside and spread her wings before taking off, leaving the mercenary alone. The latter sighed and walked inside, he then closed the window and lay on the cover, too exhausted to remove his clothes. Five seconds later, he was sleeping soundly.

Author's Note:

I'm sorry for the wait everyone. I procrastined too much and had to take care of some administrative problems with my school but I'm back. Don't worry, the wait for the next chapter isn't going to be as long as this one ><