• Published 18th Dec 2013
  • 13,308 Views, 904 Comments

The Equestrian Wind Mage: Season 2 - LordSiravant

Ganon has now come to Equestria. And as Vaati and the Mane 6 race to stop him, an even greater evil plots from the shadows.

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Episode 5: Seeking Kindness Part 1 - A Plan And A Nightmare

Episode 5: Seeking Kindness Part 1 – A Plan and a Nightmare

The return journey back to Ponyville passed without incident. The Everfree Forest had lost that extra degree of menace, and no more monsters, both native and undead, harassed them for the remainder of the hike. It was approaching the time when Luna would call down the moon when the group of ponies, sorcerer, and zebra emerged from the Everfree on the outskirts of Ponyville. It was then that they noticed all of Vaati's monsters, as well as most of Ponyville's residents, hard at work fortifying the town. Some of the monsters were planting huge, sharpened stakes in the ground all over Ponyville's perimeter, facing outward at an angle. Other monsters, as well as some of the stronger ponies, were carrying over more stakes to other areas of Ponyville where others were waiting to implant them as well. Meanwhile, the remaining monsters and ponies were constructing wooden towers at various key points of the town and along each corner of the field of stakes encompassing the outskirts of Ponyville.

"W-what's all this?" Twilight gaped.

"What in Equestria is everypony doin'?" Applejack asked.

Vaati smirked as he observed. "Heh. An old Blin tactic," he explained. "During times of war, the Moblins and their various cousins would surround their cities and fortifications with sharpened stakes like these, as well as sentry towers that were garrisoned with archers and spear throwers. These were meant to repel, or at the very least, delay an enemy's advance, as the invading force would have to maneuver past the field of stakes without impaling themselves, which would give the archers plenty of time to whittle down their numbers." Then Vaati noticed something else. "Huh…that ballista tower's definitely a Darknut thing, though."

"Ballista tower?!" Rainbow Dash cried.

The ballista tower in question was being constructed smack dab in the middle of the marketplace at the center of town. The fact that it was also significantly taller than the Moblin sentry towers meant that, once it was finished and the ballista attached to the top, it would have an uninterrupted view of the entirety of Ponyville.

"What kind of range does it have?" Rarity asked, eyeing the distant tower with a critical expression.

"I wouldn't know," Vaati replied. "I've never seen a Darknut ballista in action myself, but I've heard various accounts that say they can accurately hit a target at over five hundred meters away, and their maximum range is about eight hundred meters. Whatever the case, I do hope a time doesn't come when they actually have to put it to use."

Twilight sighed, looking downcast. "I hate this. Equestria's been a peaceful nation for centuries. And now, just like that, the home I love, the ponies I live with and care about, all of them are preparing for war. I hate war. I hate violence. And seeing these towers being put up…even after we defeat Ganon, Ponyville will never be the same, will it?"

Vaati felt a familiar sinking feeling in his gut as her words reminded him that all of what was happening was basically his fault. "I'm sorry," he muttered.

Barely had the words left his mouth when he felt something wrap around his waist tightly. "Vaati, don't you dare blame yourself for this," Twilight chided as she hugged him. "You couldn't have known something like this would happen. None of us could. So don't beat yourself up over it."

"That doesn't change the fact that I am responsible for it, however unintentionally," Vaati retorted. "Twilight, Equestria is going to war. Ponies, possibly ponies you know, are going to die. And it's all because my appearance in Equestria has damaged the boundaries between our homeworlds, allowing fiends like Ganon to appear where they feasibly should not."

Twilight bit her lip at the harsh truth of his words. If Ponyville did end up facing an attack, there would most likely be casualties. And she knew almost every pony that lived in Ponyville, even if they weren't close friends or anything more than acquaintances. The idea of any of them being killed in the heat of battle was a mortifying thought.

"If it comes down to that, we can still help," Gladstone finally spoke up.

"I'm sure your friends and family could use a couple of extra hooves," Roneo added. "We may not be invincible zombies anymore, but all of us can still throw down if we need to."

"Do you see those monsters?" Vaati pointed out. "Ganon employs those creatures too. Do you truly feel yourselves capable of tussling with the likes of Moblins, Darknuts, and Wizzrobes?"

"We used to live in the Everfree Forest," Starlet pointed out. "You really think we didn't have to drive off monsters that came wandering in from time to time?"

"I still remember that incident with the chimera," Gladstone remarked with a chuckle. "Mind you, this was before we all got cursed, because after that, the magic of our curse drove off any nearby monsters, as they could sense something was not right about Sunnytown and wouldn't dare go near it anymore. Even the Timberwolves stayed away."

"We can handle them just as well as anypony else can," Three Leaf said. "That's the best anypony can hope for, I guess."

"You say you're worried for the ponies," Rarity inquired. "But do you worry for the monster folk?"

Vaati gave her a questioning look before he finally answered with a huff, "As far as servants go, it would be a shame to lose such fine ones as I have."

The Mane Six smirked at Vaati's defensive reply. Clearly he couldn't just spit it out, but his roundabout answer was enough to indicate that he did indeed care for his minions. "Alright, let's go see how everyone's doing," Vaati said, walking towards the fortified town.

As they approached a break in the fortifications, they happened upon Nigellas, who was sternly directing his Geomancer Wizzrobes into magically digging holes en masse for more stakes to be put in, hopefully cutting down on valuable time. Nigellas was so invested in ordering his kin about that he at first didn't notice Vaati and his company approaching. "Nigellas!" Vaati barked.

The sound of his master's voice snapped Nigellas out of his reverie at being the boss, the Wizzrobe commander saluting. "Lord Vaati, you've returned!" he exclaimed.

Vaati waved his hand dismissively. "At ease. I see you lot have been busy during our short absence."

Nigellas glanced over the various defensive modifications surrounding them and nodded. "Aye. While we were all still holed up in the Palace, that Mayor pony called all of the monster leaders together. The whole thing was that Moblin chief, Borus's idea. We're just adding our own touches."

The Wizzrobe then looked down at the Sunnytown ponies gawking at the multitude of strange, two-legged beasts intermingling with the townsponies as though nothing were unusual about it. "Uh…who are these guys? Never seen them around here before."

Surprised at being addressed, each of them began to open their mouths to fumble out some excuse, as they weren't quite sure how these huge and dangerous-looking creatures would react to the truth. But before any of them could utter a word, Vaati stepped in smoothly and said, "Just a few strays we picked up along the way. They will be remaining in Ponyville for the time being to aid you in any way."

Nigellas inclined his head in understanding. "Ganon's toadies drive you out of your home?" he inquired.

"You might say that," came a voice from behind them.

They all turned to see that Mitta had returned, with a certain grey-coated filly who was distinctly NOT a ghost close at her side. The Sunnytown residents gasped at them in surprise. "Mitta?! Ruby!" Gladstone gaped.

"W-what are you doing here?" Starlet uttered. "I-I thought…"

"We're all being given a fresh start," Mitta plainly interrupted. "I really don't care about where you all go, but Ruby and I are staying in Ponyville. Ruby's already got a friend here, and obviously Ponyville's the friendliest place around, if all of this is any indication." She gestured at the scene before them.

"That it may be," Vaati pointed out. "But all of this is being put up for a reason. Ganon's forces could attack this town at any moment, and that's definitely no place for a child."

"Are any other towns better defended?" Mitta asked.

Vaati opened his mouth to list off the various other settlements dotting Equestria's landscape, but then thought better of it. Most of them were probably being abandoned, as Celestia had implored her citizenry to make for the Crystal Empire and other territories beyond Equestria's borders with all due haste. "Uh…well, Canterlot's already been evacuated, as it will be a high-priority target for Ganon's forces, and Princess Celestia strongly urged everyone else to leave Equestria and take shelter in better-defended allied territories, like the Crystal Empire. So, no."

Mitta and the other former undead looked at him in confusion. "Crystal Empire?" Mitta repeated. "What Crystal Empire?"

Twilight closed her eyes and raised a hoof, a sign to Vaati and all her friends that she was about to enter her dreaded "lecture mode". "Well, about a thousand years ago, a group of Earth ponies, who were escaping persecution from the pegasi and unicorns, traveled up north to find a place out of the way enough for them to settle. When they got there, they discovered a huge field of crystals that…"

"Long story short, city made out of crystals got taken over by an evil king who's basically our world's Ganon about a thousand years ago, got cursed and disappeared for a thousand years, and then it came back, we found the Crystal Heart and made said king go boom, and now Twilight's brother and sister-in-law are running things up there!" Pinkie Pie less-than-eloquently explained before taking a big gasp of air.

Twilight flashed her overeager friend the stink-eye as Pinkie cheerfully kept smiling. "So…you've done this before?" Ruby asked.

"I've been pulling most of the weight, honestly," Vaati admitted. "Not that these ladies can't handle themselves. I just tend to get to the bad guy first. But I think it's safe to say I can't do all the heavy-lifting anymore, now that we're contending with someone who is much more powerful than me and has his own army at his command."

"We still have the other Elements to find," Zecora spoke up. "Is there a reason we returned here first? What is on your mind?"

"We're not equipped for a long journey," Vaati answered. "We need supplies. Food, weapons, medicines, things of that nature. That, and Ganon may have placed at least one more Element somewhere by now. You'll need to check on that and get some rest while we're at it. Go home to your families, rest among them, for we will likely not see them again for some time."

"Sounds good," Twilight agreed. "So, Zecora, are you planning to go with us?"

"Indeed I am, my good friend," Zecora replied as she nodded. "I will help you see this journey through to the end."

"You can spend the night at my house, then," Twilight said. "I have an extra bed for guests at the library."

"Yes, quite nicely that will do. I can use your lab to mix many a special brew."

"You might need some Red Potions for your trip too," Nigellas advised. "I'll have someone bring you a few, master. Shall I ready a satchel with a bottomless charm as well?"

"A bottomless charm?" Rarity inquired.

"I know what that is!" Twilight exclaimed. "It's a spell that enlarges the inside of a container or bag directly proportionate to how much stuff is put in it, so that it never gets full, and doesn't get bigger or heavier! I recently put one on my own bookbag!"

"Hmm, then that's the one we'll use," Vaati replied. "Bring all the Red Potions you have available to Twilight's library so she can store them."

"I'll see to it, then," Nigellas responded with a bow before turning towards the busy Geomancer Wizzrobes. "You boys know what to do. Keep at it!"

Several of them grumbled irritably in response as Nigellas teleported over to the Palace of Winds. Deciding to set to work, Three Leaf stepped forward and asked, "Any of you gentlecolts need help?"

"You can help carry some of those stakes over yonder," one Wizzrobe said, gesturing towards a pile of timber that a pair of Moblins was sharpening.

Roneo glanced at Vaati and the Mane Six. "Again, thank you for everything," he said, the other former residents of Sunnytown nodding in agreement. "We won't forget it. C'mon, ponies, let's get to work!"

As they set off to go help in any way they could, Vaati and his entourage observed for a moment before Rarity said, "I had best get to the boutique. Sweetie Belle will probably be worried, and my parents have likely fled towards the Crystal Empire too."

"Ah can have Big Mac 'n Granny Smith look after her 'n Scootaloo while we're out 'n about," Applejack suggested. "They'll be safe with mah family."

"I appreciate it, dear," Rarity replied with a smile. "The little ones can think of it as an extended sleepover."

"That will be quite alright, Applejack," Vaati added. "Scootaloo is certainly welcome at your place at any time, but I do think Maulgrim and Nigellas can do a sufficient job of caring for her in my absence. Out of all my monsters, those two dote on her the most."

"I'd better check on Spike too," Twilight interjected. "Why don't we all meet up at the Palace entrance at 7:30 sharp tomorrow morning?"

"Ugh, that early?" Rainbow griped.

"Early bird gets the worm, Dashie!" Pinkie chirped.

"You're all going to need weapons too," Vaati spoke up. "And ones that aren't covered in rust. Stalfos weapons won't last long in combat."

"I'll settle for a simple sword, darling," Rarity said. "Though it would be nice if you could set a jewel or two in the handle somewhere."

Vaati rolled his eyes. "I promise nothing, but I'll see what I can do."

"All I need is right here!" Pinkie gestured to her axe.

"I could use a better spear, I guess," Rainbow said. "Though can you make it more my size? Your monsters' weapons are too long for me to use."

"Um…can't I just rely on my magic instead?" Twilight asked nervously. "It's just that…I don't feel comfortable using a weapon, and…"

"Twilight, there are many beasts out there who are resistant or even immune to magic," Vaati interrupted. "What will you do then, without a weapon to defend yourself with, hm? You can't afford to cling to your pacifistic ways right now, Twilight."

Twilight sighed. "I know, you're right. I hate it, but I can't argue with your logic. Just get me whatever you feel like."

"Thank you, Twilight," Vaati replied with a triumphant smirk. "I knew you would see it my way."

"Oh, hush," Twilight chided irritably, to which Vaati snickered.

"Ah've said mah piece already, but Ah don't need a weapon," Applejack stated matter-of-factly. "Bucky McGillicuddy 'n Kicks McGee'll do me just fine."

"At least put on an iron horseshoe or something," Vaati advised. "Something that'll offer protection for your legs and put a little more pain behind your kicks."

"…Okay, Ah guess somethin' like that'll be just dandy," Applejack relented.

"Um…I-I, uh…" Fluttershy stammered, knowing they expected her to say something on the matter too.

"It's okay, Fluttershy," Twilight began. "You don't have to have a weapon if you don't want…"

"She needs one too," Vaati interrupted sternly.

Fluttershy 'eeped' in dread. "Vaati, Fluttershy's…" Twilight began to say.

Vaati sharply cut her off. "Fluttershy has to go with us, but without some kind of weapon, she has literally no way to defend herself. If she can't protect herself, she will be nothing but dead weight to us, and that is something we absolutely cannot afford any of us to be. A pacifistic lifestyle will get you killed out there, do you understand?"

Twilight bit her lip. She knew Vaati was right, but she also knew that Fluttershy would never lift a hoof to harm anypony. It was a dilemma that even her calculating, clever mind could not find an immediate solution for.

"U-um, Vaati?" Fluttershy timidly spoke up.


"Um…I…I have a-an idea…t-that is, i-if you d-don't mind…"

"And that is…?" Vaati pressed, quirking an eyebrow.

"I-I'll take a w-weapon, b-but…I really hope I-I don't ever h-have to use it, s-so…c-can I b-be more o-of a healer i-instead?"

"A healer?" Vaati repeated, confused. "What are you talking about? You don't have any access to healing spells."

"Vaati, I've been looking after animals most of my life," Fluttershy responded with a bit more strength behind her voice. "I can bandage a pony just as well as any animal…um, i-if that's okay with you, that is…"

"If I may interrupt, I think Fluttershy has a point," Zecora interjected. "Her skills and my remedies should be an effort that is joint."

Vaati just stared flatly at the zebra for a moment. "You're starting to get desperate with the rhyming, aren't you?"

"I do have the occasional off day, but doing this requires me to think before I say."

"That…actually makes a lot of sense," Vaati admitted before regarding the rest of his companions. "So, everyone clear on the plan?"

"I'll go to the library and gather some books on healing spells and herbal remedies," Twilight said.

"I'll go to Sugarcube Corner and whip us up some delicious cupcakes for the trip!" Pinkie chirped.

"I'll take Sweetie Belle to Sweet Apple Acres with Applejack, and then close up shop at the boutique," Rarity informed.

"Ah'll go back home 'n tell everypony 'bout the situation," Applejack said. "Ah think we'll git some apples 'n apple treats ready for y'all too."

"I'm gonna go and make sure the weather team can manage without me for the time being," Rainbow said. "And then I'm gonna take a nice, long nap."

"I'll go to my house, tell Angel to take care of the other animals for me while I'm gone, and gather up all the medical supplies I have," Fluttershy murmured.

"My dear Twilight, could I trouble you for use of your lab?" Zecora asked. "My current collection of salves is looking a little drab."

"Sure, whatever you need," Twilight answered.

"And while you're all doing that, I'll be having the monsters work on your weapons and some traveling armor," Vaati finished. "Nigellas and Maulgrim can look after Scootaloo in my absence. We'll all meet up at the Palace at 7:30 am sharp. Got all that?"

Everyone nodded their heads. "Alright, see you all tomorrow, then," Vaati bade, at which point the group separated.


"Are…are ya sure, Doc?" Applejack asked again, her voice cracking. "Are ya absolutely certain?"

Doctor Strange Love, a unicorn doctor who specialized in Cutie Marks and the various maladies that affected them, nodded his head solemnly. "I'm afraid so, Miss Applejack," he replied. "We've gone over the results of the test again and again, as I'm sure you understand how serious a matter this is. But the results speak for themselves; your sister has a very rare form of albinism that basically renders her body and soul unable to produce a Cutie Mark, even if she did finally find her special talent."

"W-will…will she know it's her special talent?" Applejack asked.

Strange Love sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I honestly don't know. She might not, seeing as how your sister and her friends have been going about getting their Marks over the years."

Applejack leaned back in her seat, staring into space with a look of utter devastation. "…What am Ah gonna tell her?" she whispered to herself.

"That's up to you to decide, Miss Applejack," Strange Love replied. "But if you want my advice, I think it's best that she knows this now so that she can move on with her life."

Applejack held back her tears as she shook the doctor's hoof. "Thank ya for yer time."

The walk home passed in agonized silence as Applejack's mind warred with itself. One the one hoof, Applejack hated lying, and lying to her sister, of all ponies, was something she considered an unspeakable act. But on the other hoof, telling her sister the truth would be certain to shatter every last hope and dream Applebloom had. It was a painful decision to make, but ultimately Applejack's sense of honor won out. She would tell Applebloom the truth, even if it broke her heart.

As she approached the farmhouse, she sniffed and wiped the tears from her eyes before opening the door. Big Mac was currently out working in the fields, and Granny Smith was fast asleep in her favorite chair. Applejack decided to leave her other family members be for now; she could tell them the news later. Applebloom deserved to hear it first.

Applejack climbed up the stairs towards Applebloom's room and nudged open the door. Applebloom was currently sitting on her bed, drawing up plans for another crusade. Applebloom was the only member of the original Cutie Mark Crusaders to not have gotten her Cutie Mark, despite the fact that she was now almost old enough to graduate from Cheerilee's school. And so, Applebloom was now crusading all on her own, which made what Applejack was about to say hurt all the more.

"Hey, Applebloom?" Applejack asked. "Can…can we talk for a moment?"

Applebloom looked up in surprise. "Oh! Sure, sis! What is it?"

Then the younger sibling noticed something alarming. "Applejack? Why are ya cryin'?"

Applejack sniffed and rubbed her eyes with a hoof. "Ah just went 'n saw that Cutie Mark specialist again…and he figured out why y'all don't have yer Cutie Mark yet."

"It's cuz Ah haven't found mah special talent, right?" Applebloom asked.

Applejack slowly shook her head. "No, Applebloom. That…that ain't it."

Applebloom's brow furrowed in confusion. "Ah don't understand. Is…is somethin' wrong?"

Applejack was silent for a moment, her mind struggling against her heart at what she should say once again. "Ah…Ah'm so sorry, 'Bloom," she finally said, fresh tears streaming down her face. "The doctor said…" She took a moment to compose herself before continuing. "He said that…you have a condition…one that…that means that you'll never be able t'have a Cutie Mark of yer own."

She felt her heart break as she saw the look of shock on Applebloom's face quickly morph into a horror-stricken, wide-eyed stare. "A-Applejack…are ya pullin' mah leg?" Applejack said nothing, and Applebloom's eyes became wet as well. "Sis, t-this is a joke, right? Tell me it's a joke!"

"Ah wish it were," Applejack responded. "Sweet mother'a Celestia, Ah wish it were."

"No…" Applebloom whimpered, shaking her head in horrified disbelief. "N-no! No! NO NO NO NO NO!"

"Applebloom, Ah…" Applejack began, but before she could say anything more, Applebloom leapt from her bed and flew past her sister, bawling.

"Applebloom!" Applejack cried, turning to follow, but suddenly she felt a hoof touch her chest, stopping her.

She looked to see her brother, Big Mac, lower his hoof and shake his head sadly. "Let 'er be alone a few, AJ," he advised solemnly.

Applejack looked at Big Mac and realized he was right; Applebloom needed a few moments to come to terms with this revelation on her own before the rest of the family could move in to comfort her over the news. "Ah'll go get dinner started," Applejack responded, barely above a whisper as she struggled to compose herself.

Dinner was soon ready, yet Applebloom hadn't returned. "Now where'd that 'lil ol' Applebloom run off to?" Granny Smith asked. "She never misses dinner."

"Ah thought she'd be back by now!" Applejack worriedly said. "We gotta find her!"

The Apple family all quickly rose from their chairs and each grabbed a lantern before rushing outside. "Ah'll check th' clubhouse!" Granny Smith informed.

"Ah'll check th' apple fields!" Big Mac spoke.

"Ah'll check th' barn!" Applejack cried, and they all separated to go search their chosen areas, calling out Applebloom's name.

Applejack rushed over to the barn and saw that the doors were ajar. She remembered having closed them earlier today, which meant that Applebloom was probably in there. Applejack pushed the door open and looked inside.

And she screamed.

Applebloom, her little sister, the jewel of her family that she had sworn to her late parents she would protect, was swinging limply from the rafters, a noose tied securely around her neck.

When all the truth does is make your heart ache, sometimes a lie is easier to take


Applejack was still screaming as she catapulted awake, along with every other member of her household. Big Macintosh burst through her door, his expression a combination of grogginess and terror. "AJ! Y'alright?!"

Applejack stopped screaming and jerked her head towards her brother, panting heavily. "Ah need t'see Applebloom!" she suddenly said, rushing past Big Mac without offering an explanation.

Applejack ran down the hall to Applebloom's room and had to restrain herself from outright throwing the door open. Applejack breathed a deep sigh of relief as she saw Applebloom sound asleep in her bed, somehow having not even heard Applejack screaming earlier. Her light snoring was a reassurance to Applejack of her sister's safety.

"Is somepony gonna tell me what all th' hullabaloo's about?" Granny Smith demanded in a whisper as she slowly hobbled down the hallway. "Ponies're tryin' t'sleep here!"

"AJ, what's goin' on?" Big Mac whispered. "Ya just started screamin' outta nowhere. Scared me half t'death!"

Applejack shuddered as she slowly closed Applebloom's door. "A-Ah don't wanna talk about it."

Granny Smith narrowed her eyes. "Applejack, ya know there ain't no hidin' stuff in this family. Tell us what's on yer mind. Maybe we can help."

Applejack sighed, knowing it was futile trying to hide something from an Apple. "…Ah had a nightmare."

"A nightmare?" Big Mac repeated with concern.

"Princess Luna's s'posed t'be lookin' out fer that kinda stuff!" Granny Smith huffed. "Where in tarnation was she?!"

Applejack shook her head. "She 'n Princess Celestia're probably busy tryin' t'reassure everypony that Equestria ain't gonna go down without fight and that everythin's gonna be okay. Maybe she didn't have time t'patrol our dreams tonight. Ah'm just gonna…go back t'bed now. Maybe it was just a one-time thing."

"Are ya gonna be okay, AJ?" Big Mac asked.

"Ah'll be fine," Applejack replied, forcing a smile. "We Apples're made'a strong stuff, remember?"

Big Mac smiled in reply. "Eeyup."


The Crystal Empire, Princess Luna's room

Princess Luna rose from her bed, confusion and anger taking root in her heart. She was the Goddess of Dreams, and she was well aware of the distress fair Applejack had experienced in her nightmare. However, when Luna had attempted to approach the Element Bearer's subconsciousness to appease the admittedly-horrifying nightmare…she could not quite describe it, but something had abruptly pushed against her, and it had pushed hard. Not expecting such an attack, Luna was helpless to stop this terrible force from literally pushing her straight out of the dream world.

She had never been pushed out of the dream world before.

The realization hit Luna like an oncoming train, and she bared her teeth in a snarl. For a moment, her teeth sharpened, and her eyes narrowed to catlike slits before she managed to control the remnants of the dark power that still remained within her. But her fury did not abate, for she knew now what she had encountered.

Dream manipulation.

Luna was not unfamiliar with dream magic. Not only was she the ultimate authority on it, she had encountered others in the past, when Equestria was still adjusting to the Princesses' rule, who had been foolish enough to use dream magic to attack others in their sleep from afar. Most were inexperienced, and Luna had caught up with them quickly and justice swiftly served. After the first few incidents, Luna had convinced Celestia, with little resistance, to abolish the practice altogether save for Luna herself.

Dream magic was a dangerous weapon in the wrong hooves. The possibilities for inflicting harm were many, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Mostly it had been used to torment ponies, but Luna had always found the perpetrators before too much harm could be done.

That was before King Sombra had come along.

Sombra had mastered dream manipulation to a level that had rivaled her own. As the self-proclaimed Master of Fear, Sombra had been able to enter the dreams of key members of Equestria's military and economical leaders, torturing them for information. And unlike with the ponies of the past, Sombra had demonstrated an ability to not only torture his victims into insanity, but he could also outright kill them in their sleep, either by literally scaring them to death or inflicting injuries on them that appeared on their bodies in the waking world. There was a very good reason that many ponies, especially in the Crystal Empire, still thought of Sombra as the Bogeymane rather than Nightmare Moon. And worse still, his raw power and talent had been enough to keep Luna at bay long enough to get what he needed, leaving her helpless to watch as he tortured ponies she knew and cared about.

There was nopony she hated more in the world than King Sombra, and for a split-second, she contemplated the possibility that the son of a Diamond Dog was not quite as dead as everypony had believed. But then the rational part of her mind cut in and pointed out the truth.

Whatever she had encountered attacking Applejack's dreamscape, it was not King Sombra. It was completely foreign, a presence like nothing she had felt before…


She had felt it before.

Unbidden, a hidden memory surfaced in her mind, a horrific cacophony of hideous, multilayered laughter, mocking her powerlessness.

The world of dreams…our world…Gwo hoh hoh hoh hoh hoh!

Luna shuddered, trying to suppress the quiver of fear than ran down her spine. Something had invaded her realm, and it was powerful.

Perhaps it was Ganon?

But then she shook her head. It hadn't felt like Ganon's presence either. That, and she had felt this other force long before the Dark Lord had appeared in Equestria. Something else was at work here, beyond the evil of Ganon. And it was targeting the Elements of Harmony. Just what was going on?

Luna resolved to tell her sister all about this when she awoke to usher in the morning, but for now, Luna resolved to reenter the world of dreams, hopefully to single out this dark power and obliterate it at the source. But as she focused her power and poured her essence into the infinite expanse of dreams, she realized that the presence was gone, as though it had never even been there.

Luna whinnied in abject frustration.


The Badlands, Changeling Hive

Queen Chrysalis, resting in her chamber after overseeing another batch of eggs be laid by her breeder drones, received the first frantic warning from her guards at the entrance right before they were sharply cut off by cries of pain followed by deadly silence. Chrysalis stood as she learned from the constant information her hive filtered into her mind of the bipedal, armored beast that had calmly strode into her kingdom as if it owned the place, casually blasting aside any Changeling that dared stand in its way.

"Speak, you miserable creatures!" Ganondorf snarled as the Changelings finally decided that it was smarter to back off. "Who amongst you has authority to treat with me?"

Deciding that she would not give this beast any more chances to harm her subjects, Chrysalis teleported right over and appeared before Ganondorf in a flash of green light. Immediately, her Changelings regrouped behind her, emboldened by their Queen Mother's presence.

"I am Queen Chrysalis of the Changelings!" she challenged the invading Dark Lord. "Who are you, vermin, to come to my hive and desecrate it with your wanton violence?!"

Ganondorf's lips curled up into a smirk as he folded his arms. "Who am I? I am he who holds the power of the gods at his fingertips. I command armies of beasts and monsters numerous beyond measure. I am Ganondorf, King of Darkness, he who shall rule this world, and if you value your life, and the lives of your kind, you will bow to me."

Chrysalis's eyes widened in shock at this man's impudence. "You…you think I would just bow to you?! To anyone?! How dare you?!"

Chrysalis's horn flared green as a bolt of energy lanced out of it, aiming for Ganondorf's chest. With an idle backhand, the Gerudo King deflected the attack into the wall. "Do you truly believe you hold the power to oppose me?" Ganondorf sneered. "Because I am feeling generous, I will ignore your ill-advised move if you bow to me."

"NEVER!" Chrysalis roared. "Changelings, to me!"

Her fellow Changelings gathered behind her, glaring at Ganondorf with fiery intensity. Ganondorf's sneer never left his face. "So be it, then," he intoned before turning his head back towards the mouth of the cave. "Come, my Gohma! Before you lies your new hive, and your waiting feast!"

Chrysalis and her Changelings all blinked in surprise as the realization sunk in. He hadn't come alone.

And then they came.

Horrific beasts suddenly appeared and began clambering into the hive, a horde of arachnids both big and small, all with the same defining characteristic; a large, round, yellow eye with a green iris, and a yellow pupil shaped like a division symbol. The hideous beasts that went by one name that would send shivers down Changeling spines for the rest of eternity.

The Gohma.



Rarity awoke with a start, her mind reeling from what she had just witnessed in her dreams. Ganon had attacked the Changelings. And if she had seen it, then that meant that one of those…things, was carrying her Element of Generosity. Vaati and the others needed to know this. She looked towards her window and saw that it was still dark out. Releasing a groan, her head hit her pillow once more.

To Tartarus with it, it can wait till morning, Rarity thought to herself before falling back to sleep.


Palace of Winds, War Room, the next morning

"You are certain of this?" Vaati asked.

"I know what I saw," Rarity retorted.

"It seems you were right, Vaati," Twilight said. "Ganon's taken control of the Changeling Hive and placed an Element there, just like you predicted."

"What I wasn't predicting, and really should have, considering Ganon's love of dramatic irony, was that he would unleash a Gohma infestation to keep them imprisoned," Vaati replied. "A hostile takeover, one hive to another."

"O-oh, my…h-h-how awful!" Fluttershy gasped, putting a hoof to her mouth. "I h-hope they're alright!"

Vaati rolled his eyes. "Fluttershy, I'm sure they would appreciate how your heart bleeds for them, but your Element is much closer to us. We have to get that one first, I'm afraid."

"B-but, what about…?" Fluttershy began.

"What about them?" Vaati snapped. "They're just a bunch of parasitic monsters that can't survive without leeching off of others! I personally believe the Gohma are doing your world a favor by slowly devouring every last one of them."

"Vaati!" Twilight reprimanded sharply. "That's a horrible thing to say! You shouldn't think that about anypony!"

"Twilight, have you forgotten about…" Vaati started.

"No, Vaati, I haven't forgotten about their attack on Canterlot," Twilight cut him off. "I also haven't forgotten about seeing your monsters slaughter them by the hundreds with gleeful abandon, smiling the whole time as the Changelings eventually stopped trying to fight and just started begging for mercy! Vaati, how can you see nothing wrong with holding grudges like this?!"

"There's a difference between holding a grudge and recognizing the existence of an enemy as a safety hazard," Vaati retorted.

"They aren't our enemies anymore!" Twilight almost shouted, startling everyone around her before she composed herself. "Equestria and the Changelings signed a peace treaty after the battle, remember? We haven't been attacked by them since. I agree it's an alliance that's still a bit shaky, but that's how a lot of alliances start out! Vaati, why do you think Equestria has had so few wars?"

"Because this world is made of sugar, spice, and everything nice?" Vaati asked snidely, which Twilight knew was a defense mechanism.

"It's because we look for diplomatic solutions, not cling to old grudges that accomplish nothing but killing more innocent people! The only reason we had wars with Sombra and the Griffons in the past was because Sombra and the Griffon King at the time were both evil tyrants that their own subjects hated and could not be reasoned with!"

"Please, stop fighting!" Fluttershy abruptly cried out before slapping both hooves over her mouth.

Both Vaati and Twilight went silent and stared at her in wide-eyed surprise. Fluttershy sunk lower in her seat, tears in her eyes. "I-I don't l-l-like it when m-my friends fight," she whimpered.

Vaati sighed heavily. "Just…understand where I come from, Twilight. Hyrule is not, and never has been a very forgiving place for anyone. Old grudges die hard in my world, a world I was born in and lived in for countless centuries. Viewpoints like that don't just go away after a year or two."

Twilight nodded her head. "No no, it's okay. I understand. Hyrule's a whole lot different from Equestria. It's something even I have to remember once in a while."

"Well, we know where two Elements are located now," Rarity spoke up. "And now that we're all sufficiently armed…"

Everyone took a moment to observe the weapons leaning against their seats. Vaati had his signature rapier crafted from the essence of a Sentry, with a scabbard to match. Fluttershy had been given a Bokoblin crossbow and a quiver full of iron-tipped bolts. Rarity had a custom saber made for her size, with a gold-painted hilt and a red gem set into the pommel. Twilight had received a halberd custom-tailored for pony usage, which she eyed with discomfort. Pinkie, of course, had her candy cane axe, which she regarded fondly. Rainbow was idly examining a Moblin spear that had been whittled down to size for her, with a strong, if gnarled, shaft tipped with a razor-sharp curved blade. A red strip of cloth was tied around the shaft directly under the spearhead. For a pony, it was more of a glaive than a spear. Zecora had her own satchel of offensive potions and some poisons. And finally, Applejack looked down at the metal horseshoes that adorned her hind legs.

"This is gonna be a li'l awkward walkin' fer me," Applejack commented under her breath.

"Twilight, you have the supplies?" Vaati asked.

"Right here," Twilight replied, lifting her satchel onto the table, where it made a heavy clunking noise that shouldn't have been made by something that size. "I made sure I did an inventory when we got here. I got all of our medicinal supplies in this pouch, two weeks' worth of food and water in this pouch, and some books on healing and pony combat in the main part."

"Alright, then it sounds like we're all ready to go, then," Vaati announced, standing from his seat followed by the others. "Has everyone said their goodbyes?"

The Mane Six glumly nodded their heads in confirmation. Vaati honestly understood; he felt the same way after he had seen a crying Scootaloo off to school. He knew that she was afraid they wouldn't come back, and he had promised her that they all would.

And Vaati's word was law.

"Off to the Diamond Dog Mines, then," Vaati intoned. "And then, we'll make for the Badlands and the Changeling Hive."

Once Vaati and his companions left, the Palace was virtually empty, as the monsters were still helping the ponies fortify the surface.

Which suited King Dethl just fine.

The Demon King of Nightmares appeared from the shadows and maneuvered its way through the Palace's halls until it came to the dungeons, which it knew, to its immense chagrin, Vaati had converted into a child's bedroom. But as disgusting a thought that was, that child still had something there that Majora knew about and intended to take advantage of.

"Search the child's closet," a voice whispered in Dethl's ear. "My visage lies there."

Dethl moved over to the wardrobe closet that had been placed in Scootaloo's room and magically swung it open with a flick of its finger.

Piled into the left corner of the wardrobe was Scootaloo's Nightmare Night costume.

Sitting over it was the mask she had worn as part of it.

Majora's Mask.

As Dethl looked at the metal replica, something smoothly emerged from the Nightmare's shoulder. It looked like some sort of parasite, shaped like an eyeball that had been ripped right out of someone's skull, with the veins still attached. The veins were a deep violet. The eye matched the color of the mask. Majora's Parasite crawled down Dethl's body towards the weapon it would use to tie Majora's presence to Equestria.

And from the parasite came a roaring bout of booming laughter that echoed across the rafters and empty halls, with no one around to hear the mad cackles of hell itself.

End of Part 1

Author's Note:

Can I hear an "oh shit!"?

Mmm, the plot thickens. I'm currently sick, so I don't have much else to say at the moment other than, "blargh".

Till next time.