• Published 18th Dec 2013
  • 13,301 Views, 904 Comments

The Equestrian Wind Mage: Season 2 - LordSiravant

Ganon has now come to Equestria. And as Vaati and the Mane 6 race to stop him, an even greater evil plots from the shadows.

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Episode 18: Harmony and Power Part 1

Episode 18: Harmony and Power Part 1 – Ganon's Last Stand

Vaati and the others were greeted by a scene of utter destruction. The Throne Room was in ruins. Rubble lay strewn everywhere, and there were numerous small fires and smoking craters on the floor and walls. The Crystal Throne was knocked over and broken into several pieces. To everyone's horror, Princess Celestia and Princess Cadance lay spread-eagled on the ground, bruised, battered, and unmoving. But then their attention was drawn to something else, and all but Vaati recoiled in brief but fierce terror.

Looming over them, looking rather bruised and battered itself, was an enormous Moblin-like beast clad in armor and covered in faded blue fur. Its porcine face was contorted into a vicious scowl as it raised a black trident over its head, its attention occupied by another body lying at its cloven feet. Vaati knew immediately who it was.

"V-Vaati?" Twilight whimpered. "I-is that…?"

"Yes," Vaati interrupted, knowing what she was about to ask. "That is Ganon's ultimate form."

"Holy crap, he's bucking huge!" Gilda exclaimed.

"I can feel more power and hatred emanating from him than I've ever felt in any single being before," Chrysalis breathed. "His presence alone is…stifling!"

"He smells bad," Rover growled, which elicited several confused looks from his fellow allies that he eventually took notice of. "What?"

"So this is the beast that has laid siege to Equestria?" Ahuizotl spoke, appearing more curious than frightened. "Interesting; he almost reminds me of Grogar."

"But twice as ugly," Daring observed, though she truthfully didn't have the foggiest as to what the Dark Lord of Tambelon actually looked like.

As the Mane Six and their allies took in the sight of the King of Darkness, the transfigured sorcerer realized whose head Ganon was just now starting to bring his trident down upon, and with a cry of horror and anger, the Wind Mage unleashed a mighty beam of light from his eye just before Ganon could complete his swing. Ganon appeared to not have expected this sudden attack, for he didn't even look up in time to see it, and with a mighty explosion, both Ganon and Luna were flung into the air like toys. Vaati swiftly stretched out his claws and caught Luna's falling body while Ganon crashed hard onto his back, his chest scorched black.

To their surprise, Ganon seemed to take his time heaving himself to his feet, and it seemed he was actually…weary. Had the Princesses truly put up enough of a fight that Ganon had actually been significantly worn down? If that was the case, then they actually might have a chance at beating him, even without the Element of Magic.

Ganon gritted his teeth as he stood, leaning heavily on the Trident to support himself. "Curse you, sorcerer. Another few moments and I would have properly disposed of your loathsome princesses."

Vaati's wings flared out, and his friends and allies all braced for the fight they had been waiting for.

A fight Ganon knew he was not ready for.

"Your days of menacing this world are at an end, Ganon!" Vaati declared. "Surrender yourself now and we might spare your life!"

Ganon snarled. "Even I cannot face you as I am now. I need time to recover…"

The transformed Gerudo pointed at the Wind Mage and his entourage. "If you are still bold enough to challenge me, come to Canterlot Castle!" With a flick of Ganon's hand, Luna, Celestia, and Cadance were all enveloped in pink energy crystals, imprisoning them within. "The last of your precious Elements and your princesses are waiting for you!"

"NO!" Vaati roared, starting forward, but Ganon vanished with a deep, but noticeably winded laugh, taking the Princesses and the Element of Magic with him.

Frustrated, Vaati slammed his claws down upon where Ganon had once stood and released a howl of anger and despair. "No…" Twilight softly said, shell-shocked. "We were so close…so close!"

Vaati silently transformed back to his normal form and slowly turned to face them. "We don't have much time," he said resolutely. "Ganon said it himself; he's been weakened and needs time to recover. We cannot give him that time. We need to make haste to Canterlot Castle and take advantage of this before this window of opportunity closes."

"But Canterlot's hundreds of miles away!" Rainbow exclaimed. "How're we gonna get there in time?!"

"It's too far to fly or run there," Daring said. "It'll take us days to get there by hoof."

Everyone was silent as they pondered this, until Twilight finally gasped and cried, "The Friendship Express!"

Everyone immediately looked to her for an explanation.

"The train?" Chrysalis asked.

"When we arrived here, I noticed that neither the train nor the tracks had been destroyed by Ganon's troops. They were so focused on the Empire, and they must not have known what it was or its significance to us, so they probably ignored it! If Ganon hasn't destroyed any part of the tracks, we could use the Express to get to Canterlot! It's our fastest method of travel!"

"Then let's hurry down there!" Rainbow pressed.

"Get that ready," Vaati said, striding past them. "First, I need to have a word with Maulgrim. I'll meet you at the train station."

The rest of them exchanged looks as Vaati left.


"Are you sure? You are absolutely certain that is all you saw?"

"Yes, sire."

Vaati pursed his lips as he interrogated the Darknut commander, obviously not satisfied with the information he had been given.

"I was not there when it happened, but we must be thankful that we were ultimately not needed," Maulgrim said.

"I should have been there," Vaati muttered under his breath. Looking back up at Maulgrim, he asked, "And Scootaloo? How has she been taking this?"

Maulgrim sighed. "While she will bear no physical scars from what she witnessed, the experience has indeed changed her and her friends."

Vaati's heart constricted, fearing the worst. "How so?"

"They are more…serious. Now that they have obtained their marks, they are no longer causing mischief around town as children are wont to do in their efforts to gain them. Now…now they have been forced to grow up. All of them realize they are about to enter a terrifying world of violence and a struggle against the greatest evil of all, and they each have been studying with an almost religious fervor everything they can about Hyrule's history and subjects that pertain to their specific talents. Scootaloo herself wishes to become a warrior, a soldier in Princess Luna's royal guard. Rarity's younger sister has expressed an interest in becoming an archmage, and to this end, she has been studying every book we have on Hyrule and Equestrian magic, and she has begun training with Nigellas personally. The farmer's sister…she has expressed the desire to become an engineer specializing in siege machines and weapons of war. Now that each of them has found their true calling, they each are excelling at what they wish to do. I am rather impressed by some of the blueprints the one called Applebloom has shown me."

"But they haven't been…traumatized by this?"

Maulgrim slowly shook his head. "The inner strength of those three is beyond imagining. I have even seen qualities within them that the Golden Three value and embody most; Applebloom bears the wisdom of Nayru, Sweetie Belle's quest to obtain the power necessary to defend all that she cares about hearkens to the strength of Din, and Scootaloo doubtlessly possesses courage to rival the Hero of Legend himself, a quality Farore prizes. 'Tis no wonder that the three of them have caught the Golden Ones' attention."

Vaati sighed. "Applejack and Rarity…they don't know yet. I was so concerned about Scootaloo that I've neglected to tell them that their own sisters were involved in this madness."

"Then I implore you to tell them, milord," Maulgrim rumbled. "They deserve to know."

Vaati nodded. "I know. I'll tell them on the train. How is Helmaroc doing?"

"His injuries are many, but he is expected to survive. The same goes for Shining Armor, who attempted to bar Ganon's path to the palace, with predictable results."

Vaati shook his head. "What an idiot. What was he even thinking?"

"To be fair, Ganon was intent on harming his wife and family."

Vaati conceded that point.

"What of them, by the way?" Maulgrim asked. "The princesses? Did they survive Ganon's attack?"

Vaati sucked in a breath and said in a shuddering voice, "Yes, but…Ganon has taken them, along with the Element of Magic, to Canterlot Castle. He's waiting for us up there with them."

Maulgrim frowned. "But…they live?"

Vaati nodded. "For now, but…I don't know how long it will stay that way. Which is one of the reasons we have to hurry. Look after the Empire. I don't know what Shining plans to do now that he's bedridden and everyone else with any Equestrian authority has been captured by Ganon, but do whatever he needs you to do."

Maulgrim put a fist to his chest. "I will see it done, sire."

Vaati happened to glance past the Darknut and saw a pair of nurses he recognized from Ponyville solemnly carting a stretcher into a building that had been converted into an infirmary, as the hospital down the street was overcrowded. Something pony-shaped was covered by a blood-stained white sheet. He felt his chest tighten, wondering if someone he knew was under that sheet, and said, "You have your orders."

Without another word, Vaati stepped past the Black Knight and headed towards the infirmary. Seeing where the mage was headed, Maulgrim sighed heavily with melancholy.

Vaati slowly walked into the infirmary, bracing himself for whatever he might see. As soon as he entered, the sounds of pained groans, talking, and grief assaulted his ears as he took notice of the scene. Unicorn nurses hustled between countless simple beds, tending to patients both equine and otherwise. Changelings, Diamond Dogs, a few Buffalo, several of his monsters, and even a handful of the creatures from the Everfree were intermingled amongst numerous ponies. A heavy scent of blood hung in the air.

Vaati's ears pricked as he overheard a nearby conversation and turned his head, noticing two ponies he remembered seeing in Ponyville a few times, one of which was lying in one of the beds and the other at her side, tears streaming down her face. The one in the bed had a bloody hole in her chest that appeared to have been caused by an arrow, and it was easy to see that the wound was mortal.

"C-Cloudchaser, don't talk like that!" the one with the less-crazy hairstyle whimpered. "You're gonna be alright, you're…"

Cloudchaser looked into her sister's eyes, but Vaati could tell that the life was starting to leave them. Cloud Kicker could see it too, for she put a hoof on Cloudchaser's shoulder and stuttered. "Don't go…Cloudchaser, don't…!"

Cloudchaser gasped for air, looking into her sister's eyes one more time as she croaked, "Sis, I…l-love…"

But Cloudchaser never finished. With one last strangled gasp for air in a desperate but futile effort to cling to life, she went limp and moved no more, her eyes staring up at a ceiling she could no longer see. Cloud Kicker's lip quivered as she looked into her sister's eyes, not ready to believe it. "C.C.?" she whimpered in a small voice.

But Cloudchaser didn't answer. She was gone. The heavy truth of this finally seemed to dawn on Cloud Kicker, and she buried her face in Cloudchaser's stomach, away from the bloody arrow wound, and wailed into her fur.

Vaati wordlessly looked away, unable to fight back the tear that trailed down his cheek. He then saw a pony he remembered being named Caramel just in time to see Nurse Redheart tearfully pull the white bedsheet over his head. The sorcerer noticed that the bed right next to him also had a sheet pulled over something underneath, but the head didn't look pony-like. Morbid curiosity taking over, Vaati gingerly lifted a corner of the sheet…and fought back a retching fit. Seaswirl's corpse lay beneath, her helmet deeply dented, likely from a Darknut mace. Vaati could smell brain matter, but blessedly, her helmet had been left on. Vaati laid the white cloth back over the dead pony and gulped back his bile. He saw two of the three Flower Pony sisters, Lily and Daisy, grieving at the bedside of Roseluck, who appeared to have already passed from the world, her eyes closed as she was now sleeping the endless sleep without dreams. Derpy cried as she hugged the still body of her friend Raindrops, closely watched by Doctor Whooves, who simply stood there with a resigned, melancholy look, as though he had been prepared for such a tragedy, but hating it all the same. Vinyl Scratch sat in a chair, staring at the unmoving body of Octavia lying in a bed right in front of her, still as a statue and a broken look on her face, as though she had lost her whole world.

This is all because of me, Vaati thought to himself. All of them would still be alive, still be living lives of happiness and warmth if I hadn't come here and opened the door for the likes of Ganon and Majora. That pony over there would still have a sister, and countless other families would still be together.

His heart heavy with guilt and sorrow, Vaati turned to leave, but then something stopped him. He turned to see Lyra sitting like a human in a chair, playing her harp for Bon Bon, who was lying in bed with the white covers pulled up to her chest, a bandage wrapped around her head. But her eyes were half-open, and she was smiling as she let the plucking of Lyra's harp lull her to sleep. Lyra seemed to be smiling in relief, which meant that Bon Bon might yet survive. Sitting around her was a multitude of Miniblins, each with various bandages covering their tiny bodies, eagerly listening to Lyra play. And then she began to sing some tune Vaati didn't recognize, a lullaby perhaps to go with her harp, and the Miniblins listened with rapt attention until, one by one, each of them fell asleep as well.

And then something else caught his eye. Sitting at a table was a Moblin, with a bandage covering its left eye, and on the table was a chess board. On the other side of the table, Berry Punch, with a bandage wrapped around her barrel, reached over from where she sat on her hospital bed to lift her remaining white bishop and place it on the far corner of the board, putting the Moblin's king in check. The Moblin snorted as it moved its own black bishop right in front of the black king to block Berry's attempt. Berry managed a grin as she moved her bishop away from its opposing counterpart. "You're lucky I'm not drunk. Otherwise I would've beaten you at least eight…moves…ago…"

She trailed off as the Moblin smugly moved its rook into a position that checked the white king, but the only way to move it would put it in the path of the waiting black queen. Berry's mouth fell open in utter shock as the Moblin crossed its arms over its chest and grinned. "Checkmate," it grunted in a deep, guttural voice.

Berry was astonished. "What?! Ach! ACH! Oh, I've really hit rock bottom…"

Aloe and Lotus were both in the middle of massaging an unarmored Darknut who was lying on his back, bandages covering his head and his right leg. The Darknut, for his part, was looking far more relaxed than Vaati had ever seen a Darknut look. The spa ponies were making idle conversation in their thickly-accented voices, which the Darknut replied to in short sentences punctuated by groans of pleasure. The sight of these brought a small smile to his face.

And then again, if I hadn't come here, neither I nor these monsters would have found friendships like this. We would all just be fodder, mere footnotes in the pages of the history books if we were lucky. They would just be simple soldiers, expected to fight and die without question for causes they didn't believe in and masters that cared nothing for them, resurrected time and again to repeat the process over and over, with no sense of fulfillment or purpose in their lives. Perhaps there is a silver lining to this after all.

Finally he noticed a pair of Royal Guards standing by another bed, and as he drew closer, he discovered why; the occupant was none other than Shining Armor, who was heavily bandaged but otherwise coherent. Twilight, a concerned look on her face, was speaking to him. As Vaati approached, both siblings took notice of him. "Vaati," Shining said with surprising strength in his voice. "Twily told me about what happened up in the Throne Room. Are you going after him?"

Vaati nodded. "Yes. We've backed him into a corner. It's time to put an end to this madness."

Shining looked down, a dark look crossing over his features. "No…this madness won't end with him."

Knowing what he was talking about, Vaati said, "Majora likely plans to wait at least until the dust has settled from our campaign against Ganon. Majora's been sealed for thousands of years; he's likely learned first-hand the value of patience."

Shining seemed to accept this, nodding in agreement. "I sent one of my guards to fetch the conductor. By royal decree, he'll be taking you to Canterlot so you can finally face Ganon once and for all."

Vaati nodded his head in thanks. "C'mon, Twilight. We had best get to the station."

Twilight knew he was right, but was unwilling to leave her brother's side. "Take care of yourself, Shiny," she implored softly.

"I'll be okay, Twily, I promise," Shining replied, attempting to assuage her fears. "You've faced down fiends like him before. I know you guys can do it. Good luck, all of you. And…tell Chrysalis. Tell the Changeling Queen that…we wouldn't have lasted nearly as long as we did without her people's help. I'm sorry I was hostile towards them, and I'm thankful they were here to help."

Vaati and Twilight nodded. "You just sit back and wait," Vaati said. "We'll put Ganon in his grave before you even know it."


Imperial Hospital

Daring Do silently made her way through the crowded halls of the hospital, weaving past hordes of nurses pushing stretchers carrying ponies both living and dead. As she saw the faces of the deceased, she thought bitterly to herself, If Ghirahim hadn't come and changed everything…would I have even known about all this? Ponies I know could have died, and I would still be off in Tenochtitlan, none the wiser.

After many minutes of maneuvering through the crowds of nurses and patients, Daring finally spied a familiar flame-haired mare standing outside a door. Daring picked up her pace as she pushed past the last few nurses. "Spitfire!" Daring called out.

Spitfire looked at her, surprised, and that was when Daring realized that the Wonderbolt captain was in tears. Daring's brow furrowed and her heart pounded against her ribcage as she feared the worst. "Spitfire, what happened?" Daring demanded, finally reaching her.

Spitfire's response was to tearfully wrap her old college friend in a hug, fighting back a sobbing fit. "Fleetfoot, s-she…" Spitfire whimpered.

Daring braced herself for the worst. "Did…did she…?"

Spitfire finally disengaged from their hug and looked Daring in the eye, slowly nodding as she sniffed. "Took a ballista bolt right to the chest just as the fight was starting," she spoke in a cracked voice, wiping her eyes with a hoof. "She was dead before she even knew what hit her."

Daring couldn't stop her own tears, both of grief and of shame. "Spits, I…I'm sorry I've been away for so long. I'm sorry I never tried to keep in contact with you guys after I left."

Spitfire let out a sound like a mix of both a chuckle and a sob. "Y-you turned down a gig with the Wonderbolts too…Fleetfoot, she…when we heard, we were surprised, but…F-Fleetfoot wanted to smack you silly for turning down the chance of a lifetime and just u-up and leaving like you did…"

"I know, I'm sorry," Daring apologized. "You weren't the only ones I hurt when I did that. I…I was running away from a responsibility I wasn't prepared for. And before you ask, I'm not referring to the Wonderbolts offer…I'm talking about my daughter."

Spitfire gasped. "Y-you…I didn't know you had a…w-when did this happen?"

"It was while I was on the archaeological dig in Saddle Arabia. I met a pegasus named Rainbow Blitz there and we eloped. I found out I was pregnant shortly before the dig ended, and that's why you didn't see much of me at the academy. But when she was born…I chickened out and left her with Blitz. It was a stupid, stupid thing to do, but I was young and terrified. I tried to get as far away as I could and start a new life away from all that, but…after a lot of strange things happened, I came back. I finally saw my daughter again, and I got to see the mare she had grown into. I thank Mother Faust that she and I were able to reconcile after all this time."

Spitfire took this all in silence, shocked by this, until something occurred to her. "Your daughter…what's her name?"

"Rainbow Dash," Daring answered.

At this, Spitfire finally managed a laugh. "Ha, that figures. I can see the resemblance. Yeah, she's a real chip off the old block, Daring."

Daring blinked. "You've met her before?"

Spitfire nodded. "A year or so back, she not only won the big flight competition, but she also saved all our flanks after an accident sort of, uh…knocked us out of commission for a moment. So we let her hang with us for a while, and…I gotta say, it was almost like having you back. She was just so full of energy, definitely full of herself…" At this, Daring scoffed. "Yeah, keep laughing, you know I'm right. Anyways, we also saw that she definitely had potential, a lot more than we've seen in most recruits. And of course, on top of the fact that she's one of the bearers of the freaking Elements of Harmony, I'd say she's done pretty well for herself. I'm just surprised none of us managed to catch on."

Daring sheepishly scratched the back of her head. "Yeah, I have to admit, even though I've written books about all my adventures and have tons of ponies who look up to me as a hero, Dash has definitely outdone me in the hero department. So, does she have a chance at the Wonderbolts?"

Spitfire smiled, but it was a sad one. "Well, we do have an opening position now, but we need somepony with experience. Dash's turn will come, but she'll have to work for it like everypony else. However, I think I know just the pony who's up for the job."

Seeing the look Spitfire was giving her, Daring shook her head. "Spits, I-I couldn't…I gave up on that dream completely when I left. I can't possibly replace Fleetfoot…"

Spitfire put a hoof on Daring's shoulder. "I'm not asking you to replace Fleetfoot. You're your own pony; we want you to be who you are, not what Fleetfoot was. We want what you can contribute to the team. How about it?"

Daring was silent, seeming to consider all this. "And as icing on the cake," Spitfire continued, "one day you'll fly with Dash as not just mother and daughter, but as fellow Wonderbolts."

Daring finally looked up at her old friend and smiled sadly. "If…if that's what you guys want…I'll do it. But…first there's something else I have to do."

"You're going with Vaati and the others to fight Ganon personally, aren't you?"

Daring nodded. "I got caught up in this adventure. Even if I'm not the center of it all, I intend to see it through to the end nevertheless."

Spitfire consented. "Alright, but promise me you'll come back. I already lost Fleetfoot, and I damn near lost Surprise too, after one of those giant bat monsters, Vires I think they're called, bit her wing and knocked her out of the air. I don't want to lose another close friend of mine. Promise me you'll make it back in one piece, because you still gotta tell me about that…shall we say, unique stallion of yours once it's all over."

Spitfire winked conspiratorially as Daring's cheeks flushed crimson. "You're as terrible as always," Daring indignantly muttered. "Fine, I promise."


Imperial Train Station

Vaati arrived around the same time as Daring did, where the others awaited them, but to his surprise, somepony else was standing there with them. Something about her seemed to ring a bell in the sorcerer's mind, but he could not put his finger on it.

Twilight, however, would have known that hat and cape anywhere.

"Trixie?" Twilight called out in surprise.

Vaati's eyes snapped wide open as it finally clicked. That little upstart magician that came to Ponyville and spun all those tall tales shortly after I came to Equestria, he thought to himself in realization. Heh…I'd forgotten all about her.

Trixie turned towards them from where she had been heatedly arguing with a sour-faced Applejack and Rainbow Dash, and her eyes widened with fear as she saw Vaati coming towards her. To the Wind Mage's surprise, though, Trixie actually managed to force down her fear and put up a mask of neutrality.

I can sense she's not the same pony I met all that time ago, Vaati thought. She actually seems a little more…disciplined. Intriguing.

"Trixie, what are you doing here?" Twilight asked.

"I'm going with you," Trixie answered plainly and simply.

Vaati folded his arms over his chest. "Why? Our quest against Ganon is no business of yours. Besides, you couldn't even handle an Ursa Minor. You really think you could tussle with the likes of Ganon?"

"If I recall, you didn't fare much better against that beast," Trixie replied smugly, and she savored the look of surprise and indignation that flashed in Vaati's eyes. "And for your information, it is my business. Ganon kidnapped my mentor, and I want to help get her back."

"Your mentor?" Vaati repeated.

Trixie grinned. "Princess Luna."

Vaati's jaw dropped, and the Mane Six's eyes widened in total shock.

"Luna?!" Vaati exclaimed. "Why would…is she…what?!"

"Shortly before Ganon launched his attack, Princess Luna came to me and offered me a chance to become her student. Princess Celestia had Sparkle, and so Princess Luna decided it was time to take in her own pupil. And she chose the Great and Powerful Trixie."

"Still milking that title for all it's worth, are you?" Vaati sneered. "Especially considering it's all horseapples…"

Vaati trailed off, and his mouth hung open in horror as he abruptly saw something appear behind all of them. "What?! No! Ganon!" he cried, firing a beam of energy at the King of Darkness.

However, the beam passed harmlessly through him, as though he were but an apparition. "Vaati, what are you doing?!" Twilight cried. "There's nothing there!"

Vaati shook his head, trying to understand what had just happened, and then heard Trixie laugh.

"Oh, you have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that, Vaati the Wind Mage," Trixie sneered, and the apparition of Ganon disappeared. "Ever since our encounter when I came to Ponyville, I've been practicing all of my spells, strengthening and perfecting them, long before I was even approached by Luna, especially my powers of illusion. It was all I could do after word of my tall tales got out and ponies stopped attending my shows…"

"Yer damn right mah folks weren't gonna let a dishonest pony like you swindle honest ponyfolk outta their bits!" Applejack snapped.

Trixie scoffed. "I had a feeling it was your family of ignorant, self-righteous hicks that made life hell for me. Everypony knows that the Apples are virtually everywhere. But it doesn't matter anymore. I came to the Crystal Empire, where I was planning to make a comeback, an honest comeback, but then the drafting order came, and we were all ordered to start military training. Thus, Trixie's self-discipline paid off, and Princess Luna gave her an offer she couldn't possibly refuse. I assure you, Wind Mage, I am far more Great and Powerful than I was when we first met, and under Princess Luna's tutelage, one day I'll become greater and more powerful than you, and when I do, at last I will have vengeance!"

Vaati listened to this tirade with a disinterested gaze, but when she finished, he burst out laughing. "You, greater than me?! Don't set your bar higher than you can reach, little girl! You have chosen ill your rival, for I have the power of a demon, the Wishing Cap, and the Light Force within me!"

"Then I have a long way to go, but it gives Trixie a sense of purpose. One day, when I'm ready, I will face you again, and it will not turn out the way it did before! In the meantime though, I am going with you to help free Princess Luna from Ganon's clutches and prove to her that I am worthy of her apprenticeship!"

"Once this is over, I'm going to have a little chat with her about this," Vaati replied. "I hope you realize that Luna and I are very close. Be certain to remember that, and what it means for you."

"So you would rather hide behind the Princess than let me prove myself worthy of facing you on equal ground?" Trixie taunted.

Rage burned in Vaati's eyes as he drew himself up to his full height, his eyes glowing slightly as he glared down at Trixie, who at least did draw back in fear. "Watch what you say, 'Great and Powerful Trixie', if you know what's good for you. Princess or no Princess, I'll throttle you if you disrespect me like that again."

Trixie caught herself and let out a huff as she haughtily stepped onto the train. The Mane Six exchanged worried glances as they followed her, with Vaati and the others bringing up the rear.


Three hours later, the Friendship Express

True to his word, Vaati had finally revealed to Applejack and Rarity that Scootaloo was not the only Cutie Mark Crusader who had encountered Majora and been changed by the experience. Naturally they were first angry at Vaati for neglecting to tell them for so long, and then they were angry at themselves for not being there to protect them. Knowing that Vaati had felt the exact same when he had heard about Scootaloo, their anger at him ebbed away, and each of them vowed that they would help the inseparable trio of fillies along the path they were destined for, even if it meant that they would soon be on the front lines of an apocalyptic war against an apocalyptic enemy.

Meanwhile, Rainbow was in the middle of catching up with Gilda, and even Pinkie Pie was extending her hoof in an offer of friendship, which, with great hesitation, Gilda finally accepted. And thus both the young Griffon and party planner had a good laugh at Rainbow's expense as Gilda learned from Pinkie about how her long-lost mother had the hots for her former nemesis, and the idea that Rainbow could have probably the most unique stepfather in all of Equestria. Rainbow went beet-red as she glared daggers at her two chortling friends, but on the inside, she was glad that her first friend was finally starting to learn how to share her with her new ones. Unbeknownst to her, Daring, sitting not too far away, blushed as well as she overheard their boisterous conversation. Daring then noticed Ahuizotl looking at her, fighting back a grin. Her eyes narrowed. "Don't you dare say anything."

Ahuizotl promptly lost control of himself and burst into laughter.

Rover was tapping his foot impatiently as he sat at one of the booths. Chrysalis was sitting in the same booth, not willing to tolerate any Equestrian company more than she needed to, and glared at the Diamond Dog. "Stop that. You're making me nervous."

"Can't," Rover replied simply. "Too nervous."

Chrysalis sighed and leaned back. Admittedly she was already nervous enough; Ganon had already soundly crushed her once, and he never even bothered to take that dreadful ultimate form of his! And she thought Vaati had been the most powerful thing she had ever fought…

Zecora sat alone at another table, meditating to herself as she mumbled a chant in her native tongue. Fluttershy too sat by herself, looking out the window with an expression of fear and dread, knowing that the final battle was almost upon them all. Twilight simply watched Trixie pace impatiently up and down their car, as if she wanted to make conversation but didn't know what to say. Truthfully, Trixie probably wouldn't have graced her with a response anyway.

"Attention, passengers," the voice of the conductor abruptly spoke over the intercom. Trepidation was evident in his voice. "We're nearing the city of Canterlot. Estimated time of arrival; five minutes. Thanks for riding with us, and…good luck out there."

Everyone's face hardened as they all looked out the windows. They could clearly see Canterlot getting closer, and before long they were winding up the mountain towards the city entrance, and a few minutes later, the Friendship Express pulled into the Canterlot Station and slowed to a stop. Vaati was the first to step out, glancing warily about the station for any signs of hostility.

However, the station was deserted.

Vaati looked towards his companions and motioned for them to follow him outside. After they had left the station and entered the main street of Canterlot, they found, to their surprise, that the whole city was utterly deserted. There was no sign of life anywhere, not a monster to be seen.

"Where is everybody?" Rainbow whispered suspiciously.

Ahuizotl and Rover sniffed at the air, but they could not catch any strong scents. "The city is indeed deserted," Ahuizotl spoke up. "I cannot pick up the scent of any of the creatures we have faced so far."

"Then it seems luck is on our side," Vaati surmised. "Ganon must have sent all his troops out to the Empire, and since we've far outpaced the survivors, there's nobody left to stand between us and him. Let's hurry and get this over with."

Everyone followed the Wind Sorcerer through the streets up to the castle entrance, which lay in ruins, thus providing easy, if foreboding, access inside. As soon as they were inside, they took note of several things. For starters, it appeared the castle had begun a slow transformation, indicating the change in ownership. Parts of the castle, especially towards the throne room, now had a sinister look, the walls deepest black instead of white, statues of ponies replaced by statues of demons, and numerous stained glass paintings now depicting effigies of Ganon in various scenes of brutal conquest over the many tribes and nations of Equis. Some parts of the original architecture remained, though, and the two formed a stark, sharp contrast that dizzied the mind. Discord would have definitely approved.

And then the pipe organ music came.

Loud, keening notes reverberated throughout the walls of the castle and in the ears of those who listened. None of them were familiar with whatever tune was being played, but it spoke of a sort of elegance that was at the same time beastly, sinister and commanding, befitting the man who was surely playing it even now.

Fluttershy whimpered at the sound of it, and Rarity put a hoof on her shoulder to comfort her. "It's almost over, dear," she soothingly said.

"Why do we tarry?" Chrysalis demanded. "Let's crush this upstart once and for all!"

Vaati rolled his eyes, but inwardly he agreed. "Come on, everyone. Our final battle awaits."

Vaati, the Mane Six, Daring, Ahuizotl, Gilda, Chrysalis, Zecora, Trixie, and Rover trudged up the stairs and towards the Throne Room. The closer they came, the louder the music became, heightening their collective anxiety. All too soon, they reached the doors of the Throne Room, which were rattling on their hinges from the organ booming its sinister tune on the other side. Once there, they all stopped.

"Alright, is everyone clear on the plan?" Vaati asked. "When it starts, I will draw Ganon's attention and try to wear him down, while you find a way to retrieve the Element of Magic. Once you have it, use the Elements' power against him once again. If fortune favors us, hopefully it'll finally put a stop to him."

"And what are we supposed to do?" Chrysalis demanded. "You forget; most of us came with you for the chance of getting a little payback!"

Before Vaati could open his mouth to reply, Rover sharply began sniffing at the air, followed by Ahuizotl. The both of them growled and turned back towards the stairs. And as the music's intensity lowered for a moment, all of them could hear the unmistakable sound of many footsteps rushing towards them. And soon enough, a horde of monsters emerged from wherever it was they had been hiding. Blins, Darknuts, Iron Knuckles, Stalfos, and hundreds of others began rushing up the stairs, intent on preventing the heroes from confronting their lord.

"Dammit," Vaati growled. "I should have known."

Daring turned towards Vaati. "You guys go on ahead. We'll hold them off."

"Mom!" Rainbow cried, starting forward.

"No, Dash!" Daring replied. "You and your friends ultimately need to be the ones to face Ganon! Not us, you!"

"There's no way we can take 'em all!" Gilda exclaimed.

"We need not fight them all," Zecora said. "Merely hold them back long enough for Ganon to fall."

Chrysalis huffed. "Curse him…fine. But you fools had better hurry!"

Pinkie laughed, tapping her axe against her hoof. "I think you guys got this covered! Just make sure they don't spoil the party."

Rainbow glanced worriedly between Daring and Gilda. "Are…are you really sure about this?" she asked uncertainly.

"Go on, Dash, we'll be fine," Gilda said, readying her bow.

"Besides, this is your story," Daring added with a smile. "I'm just the guest character. Go get 'em, kid."

Rainbow smiled and wrapped a foreleg around each of them and pulled them close. "I love you guys," she whispered.

Gilda groaned. "Ugh, cut it out, Dash. I got a reputation to keep, you know!"

To be fair, Gilda didn't try to pull away, which Dash did not fail to notice. "Yeah, whatever you say, Gilda," Rainbow laughed.

"Perhaps it's best this way," Trixie observed. "None of us could be of much help against Ganon himself. But I think we can handle his goons just fine."

Rover smacked his mace against his paw and grinned. No words were needed, as far as he was concerned. Vaati turned towards the doors, where he knew Ganon awaited them on the other side. "Time to end this," he said mostly to himself as he thrust the doors open.

He and the Mane Six entered, leaving their allies alone to face the oncoming horde of Ganon's minions. As they heard the doors slam shut behind them, Daring's eyes narrowed. "Bring it on!"


As soon as Vaati and the Mane Six entered the throne room, the doors slammed shut behind them, and were probably now sealed, imprisoning them within the inner sanctum of their enemy. Here the music assaulted their ears with oppressive force, finally reaching its grand crescendo. Their eyes were drawn to a scene at the far end of the room. A large pipe organ sat where the Equestrian thrones once occupied, and hovering over the mighty instrument were the three Princesses, still unconscious and imprisoned within their pink energy crystals. And as they expected, Ganondorf sat at the organ, his fingers tapping the keys with practiced precision. After a few tense moments, Ganondorf finally finished his leitmotif and laid his hands in his lap. Without turning to face them, he said, "Nothing relaxes me quite like the sounds of an organ. Its keening wails producing such a powerful voice…truly a musical device worthy of a king."

Ganondorf slowly stood from his chair, but still kept his back to them. "I've underestimated you yet again. I expected to be given more time to regain my strength. Much more time…but it matters little."

With a dramatic flourish of his wine-red cloak, Ganondorf finally turned and stared his enemies down, his yellow eyes boring holes in them. "Again and again, I have bested you, sorcerer, and each time I used but a fraction of my power. While a fraction is all that I have, it will be more than enough to finish you and your loathsome friends once and for all!"

"Ganon, why can't you just see reason?!" Twilight abruptly exclaimed, stepping forward. "You can't win! We have most of the Elements back already, most of your monsters have been defeated, and you admitted yourself that you haven't fully recovered your strength. Please…just stop this. It's over."

Ganondorf seemed surprised by this, but quickly recovered and sneered. "It is indeed over…for you."

Ganondorf thrust his palm out, emitting a violet wave of darkness at the young unicorn. However, the attack was abruptly stopped by an energy shield. Ganondorf lowered his hand as Vaati lowered his barrier.

"This will not end the way it did before, Ganon," Vaati declared, his tone full of confidence. "While you have diminished, I have strengthened. With all the fighting and practicing I have done, I'm a lot stronger now than I was before. And finally, I'm going to prove it to you!"

Vaati summoned his rapier and stepped forward. "Remember, stay back until I need you!"

It was then that Twilight noticed the last Element, her Element, tied to Ganondorf's waist as the King of Darkness smirked, drawing his own Gerudo saber.

"So, you wish to begin our last contest by testing our skills with a blade?" Ganondorf said. "As you wish."

And then Ganondorf struck, aiming right at Vaati's head. Vaati quickly blocked, but he underestimated Ganondorf's brute strength, and the Gerudo King quickly began pushing Vaati's blade closer towards his own neck. Realizing this, Vaati teleported, causing Ganondorf to stumble forward. Vaati reappeared behind Ganondorf and tried to slash his back, but Ganondorf whirled around and knocked his blade away from him. And then Ganondorf executed a fierce combo attack that Vaati was hard-pressed to defend himself against. The mage quickly began losing ground to the warlock. To even the odds, Vaati drew back and cast a spell upon his sword-hand, increasing the speed of his attacks, and he launched himself at Ganondorf and began his own series of attacks. However, Ganondorf proved capable of keeping up with Vaati despite his enhanced speed, never leaving himself open. Vaati inwardly cursed; Ganondorf was far more skilled with a sword than he had anticipated. It was taking all that he knew just to keep Ganondorf at bay! Ganondorf seemed to realize this and pressed his attack, grinning savagely. Vaati's arms grew increasingly sore from all the strong blows he had been forced to block.

"Tired already, Vaati?" Ganondorf taunted. "I thought you were going to show me how much you've improved."

With Ganondorf's attention fully centered on Vaati, Twilight knew it was time. Staring intently at the Element of Magic, Twilight began to call out to it with her mind, bidding it to rejoin with its master. Her aura began to envelop the golden tiara as it pulled against its bonds. Ganondorf felt it and looked down in surprise just in time to see the Element of Magic vanish from his side and reappear on Twilight's head.

"What?!" Ganondorf roared.

In his shock and anger, Ganondorf had dropped his guard, and Vaati immediately took advantage, rushing forward and plunging his rapier through Ganon's armor and into the center of his black heart. Ganondorf gasped in pained surprise and reeled from the blow.

"Do it! Now!" Vaati cried to the Mane Six.

"C'mon, girls! Let's do it!" Twilight cried.

"About bucking time!" Rainbow exclaimed as she and the others tapped into their Elements, slowly beginning to rise into the air.

"NO!" Ganondorf abruptly bellowed, unleashing a massive wave of dark energy from his body, which shorted out the Elements and sent their bearers falling to the ground in surprise. "I will not be defeated!"

Ganondorf wrenched Vaati's sword out of his chest with a grunt, and then snapped the blade in two, casting its broken pieces aside. "Can't you see that it's hopeless?!" he snarled, dark energy radiating from his body. "Can't you see that your struggles are in vain?! You cannot defeat me! YOU! CAN'T! DEFEAT ME!"

Vaati could not help but recoil, as it sounded like Ganondorf was actually starting to lose his grip on whatever sanity he had left in him. There was a wild look in his eye as the Gerudo began to change into the giant Moblin.

"YOU WILL NOT DEFEAT ME!" Ganon bellowed again, his Trident ablaze with dark energy.

And then Vaati finally realized it. He's not stating it like it's fact anymore. He's not trying to convince us. It's almost like…like he's trying to convince himself.

Vaati grinned at the realization. He's getting desperate. We're winning and he knows it.

Without further ado, Vaati morphed into the winged eye and drew himself up to his full height, which, while not quite as large as Ganon, came pretty close. "You've lost already, Ganon!" he boasted. "But now it's so obvious even you have noticed. Your plans, your schemes have all failed! And now there is nothing left but your demise!"

Ganon let out an animalistic roar. "DIE!"


Outside the Throne Room

The horde of monsters surged relentlessly towards their waiting enemies. With a grin, Trixie's horn flashed. "Let's give these neighsayers a show they'll never forget!"

Suddenly an explosion of magical fireworks flashed over the monsters' heads, blinding and disorienting them. As they collectively recoiled, Chrysalis's horn flared with energy. "BURN!" she roared as she fired a wave of magical green flames at the monsters, setting many of them on fire.

Zecora reached into her satchel and unleashed the last of her potions, enveloping the monsters in a cloud of acrid green smoke. Although most of the monsters were hampered by its effects, some fought past it and rushed at the group. Daring reacted first, jumping into a high flying kick that knocked a Moblin flat on its hindquarters, a horseshoe-shaped mark planted on its face. Ahuizotl picked up a piece of rubble in his tail-hand and chucked it at a Darknut's head, denting the helmet and felling it. Trixie blasted a Stalfos to pieces with a well-placed energy beam as Gilda shot down an approaching Lizalfos with an expertly-aimed arrow right between its eyes. Rover swung his mace right across another Moblin's face, crushing in its skull.

The mist was starting to dissipate, and the fireworks had stopped, allowing the monsters to slowly recover and press their attack. Chrysalis unleashed another wave of green flames, pushing the monsters back. "Fools!" she laughed. "You aren't even a challenge anymore!"

Suddenly they felt an explosion in the room behind them. "The buck was that?" Gilda exclaimed.

Daring turned towards the throne room doors with a worried expression. "I hope they're alright in there," she murmured to herself. "Keep at it, kid."

"They're fine," Chrysalis snapped. "We have other problems to focus on right now!"

Daring shot Chrysalis a foul glare before refocusing her attention on the horde of monsters still approaching.


The giant Moblin fell upon the demon eye with fearsome strength, smashing the Trident down upon his head. However, Vaati caught the shaft of the weapon in his claws and wrenched it out of Ganon's grip, tossing it aside. Before Ganon could even register what had happened, Vaati's fists crashed into his face again and again as the transfigured mage pummeled him. However, Ganon recovered and caught Vaati's incoming fist with one hand, and with the other knocked Vaati back with a wicked right cross.

The ground shook as Vaati's weight slammed against the floor. Vaati shook himself and saw Ganon bearing down on him, having regained the Trident. The eye promptly vanished behind a swirl of dark clouds, avoiding the Trident that smashed into the ground where he had once been. Ganon stood up and whipped his head around. "Where are you, you gutless coward?!"

Suddenly he sensed magic growing beneath him, and became intangible, spinning his Trident over his head as he phased back on the other side of the Throne Room just as Vaati's claw burst out of the ground, missing the king by a mile. Vaati emerged behind him, his eye flashing red. Ganon turned just in time for Vaati's strongest attack to hit him full on in the chest, blasting him back into the middle of the chamber, sending him crashing onto his back.

As Vaati neared, Ganon heaved himself to his feet and spun the Trident over his head. Vaati recognized this trick, readying himself. Sure enough, a ring of fireballs began circling over Ganon's head, which became a horde of flaming bats. In answer, Vaati summoned a ring of stone eyes just as the bats came flying at him. The stone eyes intercepted the bats, each enchanted projectile destroying the other.

Ganon snarled in anger as he threw the Trident, the weapon spinning through the air as it bore down on Vaati. Vaati saw it coming and teleported past it, reappearing right in Ganon's face. Ganon tried to punch him, but Vaati drew back out of range as a multitude of dark tendrils emerged from his body, wrapping around Ganon's appendages. Knowing he wouldn't be able to hold Ganon for long, Vaati heaved the King of Darkness over his head into the path of his own Trident, causing an explosion as the weapon and its owner collided.

However, Ganon was not down for the count just yet. He forced himself to his feet and raised his Trident over his head, charging it full of energy. Vaati braced himself for whatever this attack might bring. Suddenly a flurry of energy balls exploded out of the tip of the Trident, spreading out in all directions, including towards the still-recovering Mane Six. Vaati quickly threw himself between his friends and the energy balls, hissing in pain as they impacted his body with concussive force.

Pressing his attack, Ganon then charged the Trident full of energy again, and this time a hail of lightning bolts lanced out of the Trident, aimed at his friends. Vaati raised a shield to ward them off, but they were surprisingly strong, and Vaati knew that he was beginning to tire. They didn't have much time; if Vaati ran out of steam before Ganon did, they were all screwed.

"Coward!" Vaati bellowed. "You try to attack my friends to draw me away from you! I thought even you had some semblance of honor in that black pit you call a heart!"

"You deserve no more honor or mercy than a mosquito biting at my shoulder," Ganon snarled. "And it's time that I squashed you!"

Vaati and Ganon both roared as they charged one another, throwing both their weights against each other as they clashed arms. The two titans came to a standstill in the middle of the chamber, their strength seemingly equal. With Ganon's hands occupied, Vaati flicked one of his wings, summoning a swarm of Eye Sentries that began circling over the two demons. The Eyebats then began sending a searing rain of thin laser beams at Ganon, burning into his skin and causing him to grit his teeth in agony. Punching one of his hands free, Ganon seized hold of one of Vaati's larger wings and threw the demon eye over his head, sending him crashing painfully to the ground. The Eyebats, however, never let up their assault, and Ganon thrust his Trident up at them, unleashing a wave of dark magic that instantly destroyed the entire swarm. But they had definitely taken their toll; Ganon's body was absolutely covered with scorch marks that smelled of burnt fur and charred flesh.

Vaati had recovered in the meantime, and as Ganon turned back to face him, Vaati tackled the giant boar, trying to knock him over. Ganon, however, remained upright, but he skidded along the floor several feet before he finally managed to catch his foot on a broken part of the floor and stop himself. Bracing himself, Ganon roared as he pushed Vaati off of him, the giant eye stumbling back in fatigue. But as Ganon started towards him, Vaati's horns crackled with electricity. The King of Darkness paused and raised his Trident to defend himself. Suddenly a salvo of balls of electrical energy surged out of Vaati's horns. The Trident did nothing to deflect them; being a metal weapon, electricity only made things worse for the wearer. Ganon bellowed in agony as thousands upon thousands of volts of electricity coursed through his veins. However, Ganon pushed past his own agony and smashed the Trident directly across Vaati's face, knocking him on his back. Ganon stumbled, his body riddled with fatigue, using his Trident to keep himself upright as he tried to catch his breath and force back the pain.

Ganon recovered first and fell upon Vaati, thrusting his Trident at Vaati's eye. Vaati grabbed hold of the Trident, trying to keep those three sharp prongs at bay. Ganon began to pour dark energy into the Trident, causing the weapon to burn like fire at Vaati's touch. But Vaati held on for dear life, survival instinct overriding any sense of agony. Even as he tried to hold back the Trident of Power, more tentacles emerged from the Wind Mage's body and wrapped around Ganon's limbs, pinning him in place. Ganon snarled as he tried to pull away from Vaati's hold.

Looking towards where Twilight and the others were waiting, having finally recovered, Vaati yelled, "Hurry! I can't hold him for long! DO IT!"

Ganon's head whipped over his shoulder, his piggish eyes widening. "What?! No! NO!"

As Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie, Rainbow, Fluttershy, and Applejack again rose into the air in tandem, Ganon began to struggle more fiercely against his bonds. "I AM GANON! I CANNOT BE DESTROYED BY INSECTS LIKE YOU! NO!"

Turning back towards Vaati, Ganon attempted to drive his Trident into Vaati's eye once more, but for the moment, the sorcerer's strength was holding firm. Soon the Mane Six were enveloped by a white light, a light so bright that Vaati had to close his eye to avoid being blinded. And then a swirl of rainbows exploded outward from the hovering group of ponies, pulsing over their heads as it unleashed an all-encompassing wave of positive energy. Ganon could do naught but stare in open-mouthed horror as the Rainbow of Light fell upon him, ensnaring him within a vortex of many hues. Ganon, in desperation, attempted to bring the Triforce of Power to bear, to drive off the Rainbow before it could reach him. But he had used all his remaining strength. After all that had happened, he just did not have enough stamina left in him to resist, and a groan that sounded more piteous than enraged tore from Ganon's throat as the power of the Elements washed over his body.

Vaati opened his single eye, gazing in awe at the sight of Ganon standing over him as he succumbed to the Rainbow of Light. He couldn't believe it; it had actually worked. They had won.

All he could see of Ganon was his silhouette, black as the void against the Rainbow of Light, but to his surprise, something began emerging from Ganon's frozen, quivering body. A golden triangle that radiated a holy, alluring aura of sheer power, and Vaati's eye widened in shock and awe as he realized what it was.

It was the Triforce of Power.

But before he had a chance to properly marvel at this impossible sight, he saw something else emerge from Ganon's body, coiling around the Triforce of Power as though it were trying to use it as a shield against the Elements as it rose from Ganon's form. A black mist that exuded an aura of pure malice and hatred that clung tightly to the Triforce of Power as it escaped from the boundaries of the Rainbow.

With the Triforce of Power expelled from his body, Ganon collapsed to his knees, his body slowly morphing back into the Gerudo warlord, who then fell limply on his side. With Ganondorf down for the count, the Rainbow vanished as the Mane Six terminated it, the glow surrounding them slowly fading away as they floated back down to the ground. Opening their eyes, they took in their surroundings and soon found the unmoving body of Ganondorf lying not far from where Vaati lay, who let his arms go limp from the sheer exertion they had been forced to undergo. Then all eyes flew towards the golden triangle hovering proudly over them all, and the strange dark mist that was swirling around it more and more intensely.

Suddenly the mist began to grow, encompassing the Triforce of Power as it absorbed the holy relic into itself. Soon the Triforce of Power was totally consumed by the strange presence, and then the mist expanded outwards, slowly taking the shape of a humanoid form. "W-what's going on?" Fluttershy whimpered. "I-I thought we…"

"Everypony get behind me!" Twilight commanded. "I don't know what's happening, but I don't think it's good!"

"A-Ah don't understand!" Applejack stammered. "We beat 'im! So why's it look like the fight ain't over?"

As they spoke worriedly amongst themselves, the humanoid body began to grow specific features as it slowly descended to earth. It had a massive chest and broad shoulders, from which sprang two arms with muscles so thick they were larger than a pony's head. The same went for the figure's legs, which were similarly muscled, with bare feet. Slowly, from the blackness, scales began to emerge all over the figure's arms, legs, and back; black scales glittering with a red iridescence. The figure's lower body became concealed by a black kilt that trailed several feet behind it. And then a great mane of raging flames burst forth from the figure's head, illuminating his face. He had chiseled features, with a strong, square jaw supporting a mouth lined with razor sharp teeth. He had a large, round nose, and two large loops of silver hung from his earlobes. A white X was situated on his forehead between his heavy brows. His eyes burned like hot coals, with black vein-like lines spider-webbing out from his eye sockets and chest area, which was mostly white and devoid of the black scales. The black veins seemed to pulse, constantly fading in and out of view.

Soon the imposing figure reached the ground, and silently began inspecting himself with what seemed to be awe, as though he hadn't expected to be restored in such a way. He held up a hand, where the Triforce of Power glowed against his scaly wrist, and the figure smiled cruelly at this most unexpected triumph.

Twilight nervously looked to Vaati for an explanation, and saw, with a sinking feeling of utter dread, that Vaati definitely knew who this was, and he was utterly shocked and horrified at what he saw. And with a start, she too recognized the figure standing before them, who had thankfully not yet taken notice of them. She had seen him before, long ago, in the illustrations provided in the various volumes of the Hyrule Historia.

"Twi…w-who is that?" Applejack timidly asked, barely above a whisper.

Twilight gulped, and without turning away from the gigantic man-thing, she replied, "That's the demon responsible for Ganon's whole existence, a demon who's been dead for thousands of years and yet whose presence has haunted Hyrule and all its people for countless generations since."

The Mane Six's eyes widened as Twilight voiced what they all had simultaneously realized.
