• Published 26th Nov 2013
  • 8,413 Views, 169 Comments

Luv Sic - chaosknight72

Music caries the emotions of the hurt. it conveys how we feel, and shows our pain. It can also pull us together. And open new doors we never thought were avalible

  • ...


“So, what have we learned?” Twilight asked with a rather smug look on her face. Her head followed a stack of moving books as it made it's way across the library floor. Putting the books down, Spike let out a grunt and sigh as he shot his sister a dirty look.

“I'm not allowed to get dragon-napped ever again without expressed written consent from Twilight Sparkle and/or Princess Celestia so long as I continue to draw breath,” he groaned with a rather disdained tone of voice.

“Very good. Now you just have to say it convincingly so that I can actually believe you,” Twilight mused as she walked up to him. She giggled lightly as she levitated over a glass of water for her assistant. He knew she was only messing around, but the overflow of work was a bit much. Spike thought back to getting off at the train station.

After waking from a fit of restful sleep, Spike stretched his arms out and let out a long yawn. His serpentine tongue lulled out and tasted the air much like a snake would. It was a small habit he had acquired after his greed growth not too long ago, and seemed to stick for a while after. He didn't rightly mind it. It let him get a taste of the atmosphere, pun intended. He looked around as his eyes adjusted to sunlight once more, catching glimpses of the two sleeping mares across from him. Vinyl, was sprawled out all over her seat. Her blanket half covering her and the other half covering a portion of the floor. Her mouth hung open as she snored loudly, her shades covering her eyes as to block the sun as she woke. 'Clever,' Spike thought to himself. His gaze soon shifted over to the other mare. Octavia was much more neatly wrapped up in her blanket with her head poking out the top. Her eyes lightly shut and her mouth slightly agape as she breathed gently. Spike watched her as she slept, knowing almost full well that he was being creepy. His scales began to warm as his cheeks flushed. His hand lightly opened and closed, remembering the plush feeling of her fur against it. His eyes lingered on her muzzle, those plush lips that opened and closed gently with each breath. He felt himself swallow a rather large lump in his throat. His eyes trailed to her eyes which were still closed. He really wanted to see them, those beautiful mulberry pink eyes that seemed to capture his attention every time he saw them.

'Eeyup, I'm crushin' on her,' he thought to himself as he managed to tear his gaze away from the sleeping beauty. He looked out the window as the familiar landscape of Sweet Apple Acres. He tried to take his mind off Octavia, but Celestia knows it was tough. He really couldn't help it since Luna had decided to almost blab about his dream. He took another glance over at her and let out a soft sigh. Removing his blanket from him, he hopped down and folded it up as neatly as best he could before heading off to find some parchment and a quill. Acquiring both, the set about writing Twilight a quick letter letting her know he was almost home and would be back at the library as soon as he could. Taking a breath and shooting a small flame at it, he magicked it away and simply waited for a response. Returning to his car, he saw Octavia begin to stir. Her eyes slowly began to flutter open as she rose to her forehooves. Rubbing her eyes gently, she started shaking off the hold of sleep. Sitting on her haunches she stretched her front hooves above her head and groaned lightly at the needed pain of loosening her body. With that small morning ritual taken care of, her eyes glanced over to the amethyst drake that was steadily walking back into view.

“Good morning Spike,” she said softly. She had a small smile on her face as she addressed him. Spike caught this smile and tried rather hard to suppress a blush before he answered.

“Morning Octavia,” Spike responded with a shy smile. The cellist looked at him as she slowly felt her body begin to function correctly again. His shy smile was quite cute on him. Octavia kept her smile as she looked at him, noting how his eyes shifted back to her and then away from her every so often. Her ears perked when she heard a very loud snore come from her right. Turning her gaze to Vinyl, she shook her head as her smile changed to one of knowing.

“Vinyl never could sleep properly,” she mused to herself. She glanced back over to Spike, who was now getting situated in his seat. After fully adjusting himself, he looked back to Octavia with a smile.

“We're almost at the train station for Ponyville,” he said taking a quick glance outside. Octavia's line of sight followed his as they watched Sweet Apple Acres roll by them. “This was nice,” he said. This caught Octavia's attention and caused her to turn her head back towards the drake. He had a very content look on his face. He looked back to her with that smile on his face. It was a content smile that just seemed to capture her attention. He looked so happy, and it seemed like he was happy just being near her. Her thoughts derailed as the loud train whistle ripped through the sky and shattered the peaceful quiet of the world around it. The sound slapped Vinyl in the face and forced her to wake with a start. Panicked and confused she flailed aimlessly till she fell from her seat in a heap of blanket and limbs. Octavia tried to hold in her laughter, if only for her sake. Spike was not so forgiving. He let his laughter flow like a river. He had bent forward as he continued to laugh loudly as Vinyl tried desperately trying to get herself free from the blanket.

“Little help here guys!” she shouted as she struggled. Spike slowly caught his breath as he walked towards her still chuckling.

“Hello, you have magic. Why not use it?” he retorted. To which Vinyl stopped struggling. The blanket became shrouded in her magical grip as it levitated up with her still inside it. Eventually, gravity took hold and deposited Vinyl firmly on the ground. She rubbed her flank and groaned loudly and rubbed her flank. “Son of a horse that hurts,” she complained. She shot a glare at Spike, who was still stifling his laughter. “Thanks for the help ya little whelp,” she spat. Spike smirked and finally stopped laughing.

“You're welcome,” he said with a bright smile which only seemed to irritate the D.J further. Octavia simply laughed at the two once more. They felt the train lurch forward, causing Octavia to lose her footing and bump into the dragon next to her. He reacted rather quickly. Planting his feet, he braced for the addition of the mare to his balance. He leaned into her as to keep her on her hooves and looked up at her once the train car had righted itself. Their eyes met and maintained a gaze for a few moments. Spike could see a faint blush appearing on Octavia's muzzle. She backed off of him and gave a quick word of thanks before clearing her throat.

“Well, shall we disembark?” she asked. Vinyl, who was out of Spike's range of sight, gave the gray mare a knowing sly smile. Octavia furred her brow and looked away still blushing.

“Yeah, lets get out of here,” Vinyl said standing up. She dusted herself off and started to walk between Spike and Octavia. Spike shook his trance off and followed after the unicorn. For a moment, Octavia's expression shifted from annoyance to a distant gaze as she looked at Spike. Smiling softly to herself, she followed after them. The three hopped out of their car and each did a slight stretch to simply get loose.

“Ahhhh, home sweet home. Good to be back in Ponyville,” Vinyl said as she looked over the train station. Spike walked up next to her and just shot her a sideways glance.

“It's only been a few days, why would you mi-” Spike's sentence was cut short as he felt a massive pressure. His eyes widened as he felt a creeping sensation start crawling up his body, slowly encasing him in a familiar sense of dread and worry. His gaze shifted, as he now was completely enclosed in a shimmering lavender aura. At the stairway of the station, stood his sister. She had a smile on her face, but not the kind of smile that denoted affection. This smile felt menacing.

“Welcome home Spike,” she said. She approached him and levitated him into the air and out of her way. “Good morning ladies. It was very nice of you to make sure that Spike was safe during his time away,” she said addressing the two mares. Vinyl and Octavia looked at each other nervously. This was a mare not to be messed with.

“It was no trouble. Spike was very well mannered and helped us get lodging at the palace,” Octavia said. Her eyes shifted back and forth and then back to Twilight, who kept her smile. Twilight simply shifted her head to the side and kept her smile.

“That is very good. Well, I do believe Spike has some choirs to do,” she said. Her head leaned towards the drake and her eyes slanted as she grinned. Spike felt his blood run cold and felt his body shake a little. “Come along Spike, you've got work to do,” she said with a grin. She placed the dragon on the ground, but did not release him from her magical hold. As she began to walk, Spike looked at his body inspecting the aura. It wasn't till Twilight was a good 10 feet away did he feel himself being dragged along the ground on his feet. He looked down to see the small dust trail kicking up from his unmoved feet and let out an annoyed sigh.

“See you guys after I clean the library...3 times over,” he said in a defeated sigh. Octavia and Vinyl simply waved nervously as they watched their dragon compatriot get dragged back to his home. Along the way, Twilight simply went over the ins and outs of why he was in trouble, what he could have done to prevent it from happening, and what steps will be taken to prevent it from happening again. Though all Spike heard was; Blah blah blah I haven't eaten a home cooked meal in days and the library looks like Cerberus lost it's favorite chew toy and tore the place up looking for it. He let out another sigh and started to think of Octavia again, which caused a very pleasant feeling to wash over him. Once they had arrived at the library, Spike was released and got to work almost immediately.

That was three days prior to this current conversation. It took 2 days of nothing but shelving and reorganizing to even get the library into a decent state. And that was not including stopping to cook meals and handle business. Spike leaned against his broom, having swept for what felt like the hundredth time over the past 48 hours. He looked over at Twilight, who had a small smile on her face as she read a book. He smiled simply and shook his head.

“So helpless,” he said to no one in particular. As he set about sweeping once more, the series of knocks rang through the room. He looked to the door and wondered who in the wide world of Equestria could be knocking right now. Setting the broom against a nearby wall, he walked over to the door with slight urgency as the knocks came again. He opened the door to see a dirt brown stallion wearing a cap and uniform. On his shirt were the initials U.E.S.

“Spike Sparkle?” the stallion asked. Spike could only cock an eyebrow and nod. “Got a delivery for ya, sign here,” he said. From under his hat his horn began to radiate with a teal aura that opened his messenger bag. Spike was soon presented with a quill and clipboard with a line for a signature. Shrugging, he signed his name and handed it back. With the form signed, the stallion looked to the side and jerked his head. Both he and Spike moved out of the way as two more stallions walked in. these two earth stallions carried a piano carefully and set it along one of the more vacant walls.

“What's this about?” he asked the main stallion.

“Special delivery curtsy of the Royal Pony Sisters. Said it was a thank you for 'making the night more wondrous',” he said quoting Luna. Spike's eyes lit up happily as he looked at the Piano again. It was brand new. Its wooden frame highly polished black oak. It glistened lightly in what natural light filled the room. “Have a good day Mr. Sparkle,” the stallion said as the other two walked out with him. Spike approached the instrument and gently ran his claw over it. His excitement only grew as he lifted the key covering and gazed on the fresh ebony and ivories that he would soon be pressing. He looked to Twilight, who was still somehow fully engrossed in her book. He questioned her ability to focus on a singular thing, but decided it was not important right now. Looking back to the piano, he grabbed a stool from the kitchen and set himself down. Giving each key an experimental press. The sounds were nice and crisp to his ears as he slowly started pressing them more and more. Soon he was in full rhythm. His music relaxing and soft now that he had done his experiments. Twilight's head lifted slowly and her eyes were brought to the playing drake.

“When did that get here?” she asked, clearly oblivious to all that had happened. Spike simply shot her an odd look and rolled his eyes afterward.

“Like, a minute ago,” he said rather amused at her. Twilight approached and glanced over the piano. Her eyes soon locked on a plaque made of gold with a few amethyst stones around it. The engraving said simply “to my son, Spike Draco-Solaris”. Twilight smiled and then looked to the playing drake. Who was slowly ending his test session. As the last key sounded, he sat back on his seat and smiled from fin to fin.

“Feel better?” she asked with a light laugh.

“You have no idea,” he said riding out this small bit of euphoria. He looked to his sister and they both shared a smile with each other. The happy moment was soon ended by another set of knocking on the door. Spike was about to get up to answer it, but Twilight stopped him with a gentle hoof.

“I'll get it. You keep playing,” she said smiling at him. He smiled gently and nodded and went back to playing. Twilight looked back at him before opening the door.

“Hello Twilight,” a very recognizable voice said cutting through Spike's good mood. His claws landed ungracefully on the keys in a dis-harmonic fashion as his head snapped to the door. In the door way stood Rarity, wearing a sun hat, scarf, and sunglasses. She had a smile on her muzzle as she addressed Twilight. “I was just in the area and I wanted to see i-” she started. Her eyes peered into the library and caught sight of the amethyst dragon at the piano. He had put his back to the door as if he were concentrating. Pressing her way past Twilight, Rarity approached Spike and gently placed a hoof on his shoulder. She felt him shudder under her touch, making her retract the hoof. “Spike,” she called gently.

“Hello Rarity,” he said keeping his face away from her. His response wasn't exactly what Rarity wanted, but at least he greeted her. She cleared her throat and gathered up her resolve.

“Spikey, I wanted to apologize to you,” she said simply. She saw his body shift at her words. She took it as he was listening and began. “I know what Thunderlane said was quite uncalled for and rude. He couldn't fully understand what you and your friends had created. So I want to apologize for his hurtful words and for dragging my name along with him. I found your music simply divine Spikey Wikey. You are truly a wonderful talent that I would love to call friend again,” she spoke. Twilight watched the exchange with great attention. Ready to step in should Spike need it. Spike turned in his chair and looked into Rarity's eyes. For a second he looked as if he was in thought and looked away from her for only a few moments. He looked back up to her and had a smile on his face.

“Apology accepted,” he said. Rarity's face lit up and she wrapped her hooves around him. Snatching him up into an overjoyed embrace. She squeezed him tightly and nuzzled his cheek. Twilight watched with a small smile on her muzzle, but soon noticed something that Spike would usually do when anypony hugged him like that. He hadn't wrapped his arms around her neck in the slightest. He still had his smile, but his affection was almost entirely gone for the mare.

”if she wants her 'Spikey Wikey' back, guess she will have to earn it,” Twilight thought to herself. Rarity finally set the drake down on the ground.

“Spikey, I was actually wondering if you'd help me with a project,” she asked innocently. Spike simply rolled his eyes.

“Ok, but only if you can make me a suit,” he said crossing his arms. Rarity looked confused. “My friend Octavia and I have been invited to play music at a beneficial that's taking place some time next week. And I kinda need a new suit,” he said explaining himself.

“Oh my. It's not the same beneficial that Fancy Pants is holding is it?” Rarity asked. This time it was Spike's turn to look at her with a confused stare.

“Yeah, that's the one. How did you-”

“Fancy Pants just invited me a few days ago. He also requested I craft him a new suit,” Rarity explained.

“Huh, imagine that,” Spike said with a small sense of wonder. “So do we have a deal?” he asked. He extended his claw for her to shake and bore a smile. Rarity giggled at the gesture and placed her hoof on his claw.

“Deal,” she said. The two shook and laughed lightly. Twilight smiled and stepped forward.

“Well if you're gonna get that suit and be ready by next week, you better get going. You've cleaned enough Spike,” Twilight said. With a simple nod, Spike followed Rarity out and walked the familiar path towards the boutique. Along the way, Spike glanced to his side and saw Octavia walking towards Sugarcube Corner. His face lit up a little more and flagged her down.

“Octavia!!” he called out and ran up to her. Octavia stopped and turned in her tracks to see Spike approaching her. She smiled happily and trotted towards him.

“It seems you finally got off your punishment,” she said playfully. Spike rolled his eyes and went along with her musings.

“Jeez, don't remind me. Where ya headin' to today?” he asked. Octavia looked back towards the corner with a smile.

“I'm just meeting up with Vinyl for a quick snack at Sugarcube Corner. Would you like to join us?” she asked. Spike smiled even brighter at the prospect of seeing and hanging out with both mares again, but he sighed and shook his head no.

“I can't today, I was asked to help Rarity with a project,” he said. Octavia gave him an odd look coupled with a cocked eyebrow. He put his hands up and smiled. “It's ok. We are on good terms and she is going to make me a new suit for our performance next week,” he explained. Octavia breathed a sigh of relief and then smiled.

“Alright, so long as you are alright with the arrangement,” she said. Spike nodded and the two exchanged goodbyes. Heading back to Rarity, who lightly berated him for leaving a lady waiting, Octavia watched as he smiled with her and continued their original path. Her eyes continued to follow them until somepony bumped her flank and pulled her back to Equestria.

“Helloooooooooo~ Equestria to Octavia~ anypony home?” Vinyl called obnoxiously in Octavia's ear. This action caused her to get swatted at by the rather miffed cellist.

“Yes, Vinyl, I'm here. Wait, what's with the sack?” she asked now getting a look at her roommate. A rare sight indeed was Vinyl actually wearing saddle bags. She didn't normally do this unless the need ever arose, and it seldom ever did.

“Oh yeah, these. We we kinda just got our royalties from the Luv Sic E.P,” she said levitating 3 bags full of bits, “Its about 2000 even between the three of us,” she said setting one sack down in front of Octavia, who's face contorted into one of total surprise.

“6000 bits? How many copies did Neon sell?” Octavia asked rather dumbly. To better answer her question, Vinyl levitated a letter she had received along with the bits.

“-cough- 'Dear Vinyl, Octavia, and Spike: as you can see from this bag of loot that must have just been dropped off at your house, the sales of your E.P entitled Luv Sic has been pretty much a best seller. We've sold over 400,000 units in the past few days to various music stores, clubs, and other places. Its been going over great with the jazz and hip hop scene and I feel like there needs to be a bit more to hook in some of the other musical tastes. As a bonus, I did manage to squeeze in the Moonlit Sonata track on and that got great reviews from the classical crowd. Anyway, here are your royalties and an additional copy that Spike requested for his listening pleasure. My advice, you three make a complete album and simply watch as the bits roll in. Neon out',” Vinyl read. She levitated the letter back into her bag. “So, that's your bag o' bits. I got mine, wanna go drop off Scale Head's?” she asked. Octavia was about to reply with a steady yes, but then remembered Spike was otherwise preoccupied.

“He seems to be helping his 'friend' Rarity for today in exchange for making him a new suit,” Octavia said. Vinyl, ever so subtle that she is, decided to address the issue as she so saw it.

“You don't like Rarity do you?” she asked bluntly. Octavia sighed. Noticing they were still just standing in the middle of the street, she motioned for Vinyl to take her sack of bits back and the two started to walk in the opposite direction they were suppose to go.

“It's not that I don't like her. I mean I hardly even know the mare. She just...I don't really know how to describe it...” Octavia tried but couldn't really vocalize what she meant

“She seems to be manipulating his friendship to better serve herself and her goals without really giving much consideration to how he feels or has felt in the past and it pisses you off,” Vinyl said bluntly and accurately. Octavia simply stared at Vinyl who just kept walking forward. With one last look towards the shadowy outlines of the drake and mare, Octavia finally turned her attention towards Sugarcube Corner and followed after Vinyl. The trip to the corner was quick, aside from the pink missile that hit Vinyl upon touching the front door. The mares got a collective one eclair, 3 double chocolate donuts, and a cup of hot chocolate. Laughs were shared between Vinyl and Pinkie as they started planning music for Pinkie's next party. Octavia smiled at the two as they planned out their next big collaboration. The walk back home was relatively quiet, except for some light conversation. The two mares now had with them, a 3 double chocolate donuts, an eclair, and one cup of pipping hot hot chocolate. They returned to their home soundly just as the sun started to drift towards the horizon line. Octavia gave one last look towards the dirt path that she had seen Spike and Rarity take earlier. Vinyl, having unlocked the door, looked back at Octavia and smiled.

“You got that concerned look. Spike is gonna be fine Tavi,” she said reassuringly. Octavia, blushed as she was pulled from her stare and turned back towards the house. She huffed lightly and trotted in past her roommate and tried to play off her concern.

“And just what make you think that I am overly concerned about Spike?” Octavia asked trying not to seem too obvious about it. Vinyl just shook her head lightly and used her magic to put the bag of pastries on the coffee table before answering.

“Well, that look you had is the same one you usually gave me when I would go out on a gig. Or when I had to go to Canterlot for longer than a few days,”Vinyl pointed out. Octavia stopped in mid trot and blushed hard. Was she really that easy to read? She looked over to Vinyl, who was preparing the food. It was at that point, a thought slipped into Octavia's head.

“Vinyl, why haven't you looked for another relationship?” Octavia asked. This got Vinyl's attention. She cast a slightly confused look towards the cellist before actually thinking about why. True enough, she enjoyed going out, meeting new ponies, having a drink every so often, but Octavia was right. She had not pursued a new relationship since the two had broken up. She looked up at Octavia and saw the same eyes that had stolen her heart quite some time ago. The same eyes that had entranced a certain drake not too long ago. Vinyl came to a conclusion, and the thought just made her smile.

“I guess it's because I want to make sure you are well off before I try again,” she said with a simple shrug. This was not the answer Octavia had readily expected. She would have at the least thought it was because no pony was as eccentric or outgoing as she was to keep up. But to say she was waiting for Octavia, just felt so wrong to the cellist.

“But why? Why wait for me to move forward?” she asked again. This time Vinyl knew the answer with no real sense of conflicting. She approached her friend and gently placed a hoof on her shoulder.

“Because I love you, and I just wanna see you happy Tavi,” she said with a smile. Octavia felt her world begin to shift. After all this time, Vinyl still loved her. Vinyl's smile switched swiftly to one of concern as she examined Octavia's face. “Tavi, what's wrong?” she asked with a sense of concern. Octavia blinked and felt her muzzle grow a little wet. Touching her cheek with her hoof, she felt the fresh tear stain that had just dampened her muzzle. She looked back to Vinyl, her eyes now a strong mixture of confusion and regret. Octavia couldn't readily take much more. Her new feelings for Spike, her old feelings for Vinyl, the two now clashed in her mind as she slumped down and started to cry gently. Simply muttering the words “I'm sorry” over and over again. Vinyl was right there, holding her best friend gently. Giving her reassuring strokes on the back while constantly telling her it was simply not her fault. Octavia remained in Vinyl's hold as the sun soon dipped further down the sky.


As the sun soon began to reach the final part of it's downward ark, the two travelers had begun to make their way back. Rarity, who still looked just as pristine and proper as she had before they began their excavation, and Spike, who was covered in dirt, dust, grime, much, and at least 3 layers of sweat. He was also the one pulling the cart now full to the brim with gems. Spike pulled and grunted hard against load that easily outweighed him. Thank the Solar Goddess he didn't have to wait long before dropping the load off at the boutique.

“Well, we certainly got quite the haul today, didn't we Spikey?” Rarity asked examining the rather large hoard in front of her. Spike simply nodded and puffed out a few breaths before taking a seat near by.

“Yeah, it was a heck of a trip,” he said between pants. “Mind if I go wash off? I smell like a Diamond Dog,” he said motioning for the hose outside.

“Certainly you can darling. Just be sure to clean up thoroughly so I can take your measurements for your new suit,” she said as she began to sort through the massive pile. With Rarity now busy with sorting, Spike took this small reprieve to simply cool his scales. After propping the hose up to an ideal degree, he turned the faucet and let the water begin to rush around his body. It was cold at first, but once his head was doused in the cool water it became bearable really quickly. Using a brush he had been given from the times he had done this kind of work before, he started to scrub down as best he could. All he really wanted to do right this second was head home and play his new piano. Though looking into the newly darkened evening sky, he simply assumed that it be way to late to try his claws at it for the evening. If anything he could just write music if he could. Maybe get that other song he had been thinking of down on paper.

“Spike? Are you all set? I can take your measurements now,” Rarity called from her work room.

“Ok, I'm coming,” he called back. He proceeded to close the water valve and dry himself off with a few quick bursts of flames. Hurrying inside, he soon made his way to the work room. Rarity, as prepared as ever, had several fabrics on display for him to choose from and an assortment of accenting gems to coincide with each fabric choice.

“Ah you arrived rather quickly. Enjoy your light shower?” Rarity asked smiling at the drake as he entered the room.

“Sure did. Nice and cold to really help get the scales to sparkle,” he said showing off his glistening scales. Rarity giggled at his anticks and approached him.

“Now than Spikey, if you would hold still, I just have to get a few measurements down,” she said. Holding his arms out, Spike waited for her to begin. It was no real surprise that she got as close as pony possible to take down these numbers. Eying each and every line on the tape with such scrutiny to get the exact number. Spike couldn't help but laugh every time she pressed hard into him. His reaction got a smile out of Rarity.

“So, I heard that you were working with Neon Lights,” Rarity said looking up at the dragon. Spike simply shrugged at the comment.

“Yeah, it was fun,” he said. He looked up in thought for a few seconds before continuing. “Well, aside from being put in that room by myself for a half hour,” he mused aloud. This earned a shocked gasp from Rarity.

“My word! What ever would cause him to do such a thing to you?” she asked both startled and intrigued by this new information. Spike just laughed looking back at the experience.

“It was to see if I had any other musical talents. Turns out I can play the drums pretty good,” he said. This earned him a smile from Rarity.

“Well, just so long as you had a good time. I have your measurements darling, you're all set,” she said with a grin. Spike proceeded to hop down from the platform and watched as she pulled a few choice bolts of fabric from her collection. With a noticeable yawn, Spike started to rub his eyes gently. He had been up way too long, and this dragon needs his sleep.

“Are we all set for today Rarity? I was thinkin' of heading home now,” he said pointing his thumb to the exit. Rarity looked at him for a moment. The Spike she knew would always want to stay till it was almost curfew.

“I suppose we are all set for today. Will I be seeing you tomorrow?” she asked. Spike thought about for a few moments.

“Maybe, I was gonna ask Octavia if she wanted to work on a set of songs we could preform at the beneficial tomorrow. If I’m free, than I'll swing by ok?” he asked. Rarity was slightly taken aback by the question. If he was free? He was always free when it came to her. Her thoughts were soon derailed when Spike was continuously using her name. “Rarity? You ok?” he asked looking concerned. She shook her head lightly to try and get rid of those thoughts.

“Yes, I'm fine Spikey Wikey. We should be all set for today, you should head on home now,” she said with a gentle smile. With that, Spike gave her a light hug, which she returned immediately before he departed. As Rarity watched him walk away, she still felt a slight bit put down. Apologizing was not gonna be enough to reclaim her Spikey Wikey. It was going to take time and effort on her part, and patience. She sighed gently and closed her door, getting back to work on his and Fancy's suits.

The walk home was relaxing. Spike hadn't been outside the library at this time of evening in days. He enjoyed looking at the lit up homes of his friends. It gave the town an even more friendly glow as the moon began to rise. He inhaled gently and took a glance to the side, noting the home of Pinkie pie. He laughed lightly seeing as he hadn't seen her or any of the others since he got back into town. He glanced to the other side of the street and was forced to stop. It was Vinyl and Octavia's house. He felt his heart thump a little harder in his chest. Should he go see if they're home? It had been a while since he saw Vinyl.

“Why not,” he said gently. With his choice made, he changed course and walked towards their home. He stepped up to the door and knocked. Inside, Vinyl was still up, having sent Octavia to bed after her crying fit. Her ears twitched lightly and looked towards the door. Putting the doughnut she was eating down, she trotted over to the door. The last thing she expected to see just happened to be at the door. Her eyes stared at the dragon for a few moments, effectively making the dragon feel uncomfortable.

“Umm, hey Vinyl...” he said nervously. He started to fidget a bit looking up at her and her still just staring at him. “I uhh, was just swingin' by to see how you and Octavia were doing,” he said now looking back and forth a little nervously. As he was looking away, Vinyl just smiled happily.

“Well Scale Head, it's been a while,” she said snatching him up and giving him a noogie. Spike, surprised and happy, started struggling to get out of her grip. The two laughed hardily and Spike got loose. The two laughed a little more. “So what brings you around here?” she asked.

“Not much. Was walking home and thought I would swing by and see how you guys were doing,” he said with a grin.

“Well, Tavi is asleep right now and I'm working on a project, wanna check it out?” she asked. Spike seemed to light up a bit.

“Sure thing!” he said following her in. Vinyl lead him to the stairs and up into her room/ studio. He looked around. It was a little messy, what with empty soda cans and bags of chips and other things. But her studio area was clean and organized. He looked over at her bed and took a seat on it. Vinyl used her magic to close the door and activate a sound proofing spell around her room before she got started.

“Alright, so this is just in the prototype stages, so just let me know what you think ok?” she asked. Spike nodded, and she started the mix. It started off low with several synth rifts slowly growing louder. The music started to build more and more until somepony screamed “Oh my Celestia!”, causing the beat to drop and the music ramp up in volume. Spike listened almost critically. The song was great, and he could feel himself dancing to it. His body started to move almost on instinct. The rifts now making his head bob up and down to them. The track ended rather suddenly, and Vinyl looked to Spike. “So what do you think?” she asked.

“That was really cool,” Spike said giving her a thumbs up. “Is that what you are gonna play with Neon next week?” he asked. Vinyl smirked and leaned on her turntable.

“Hay yeah I am,” she said confidently. “But It's not done yet, got any suggestions?” she asked. Spike could only shrug at this one.

“Your the Dub-trot expert here. I only stick to classical instruments,” he quipped. Vinyl smirked at him knowingly.

“Oh so that's why you like Tavi?” she asked. Spike's face turned deep red and he sat up straighter than before.

“What are you talking about!?” he asked startled. Vinyl just walked over and sat next to him.

“Dude, it's obvious on your face that you are crushin' on her hard core,” Vinyl said. Spike kinda withdrew on himself. He felt embarrassed for being noticed so quickly. Vinyl pulled him into a tight embrace. “Ain't no shame in it Spike. I can totally sympathize with you for liking her,” Vinyl squeezing him. This pulled Spike from his embarrassment and caused him to look up at her.

“You can? How?” he asked.

“Well, couple years back, she was my mare friend,” Vinyl said with a smile. Spike's jaw dropped at this news.

“You mean you?” he asked. She nodded. “And she?” he asked. Again she nodded. Spike hunched over in thought now. He hadn't expected this one. Did this mean he didn't stand a chance now? Should he give up on this crush and just go down this road alone? As he thought, he felt a hoof smack across the back of his head. His claws instantly shot to the bruised spot and applied some pressure. He glared at Vinyl who just smiled her cheeky grin that she always had.

“Relax Scale Head, she swings both ways. It just depends on the pony,” Vinyl explained. Inwardly, Spike breathed a sigh of relief. That was one crisis averted.

“So why did you guys break up?” Spike asked. Vinyl sighed gently and eased off of him. She got a rather distant look in her eye as she explained.

“It was my fault entirely. Wish I could say it was both our faults, but nah. I gotta own up to this one. I was wrapped up in my carrier the later half of our relationship. Going to gigs, workin' the studio, late nights comin' up with mixes. I didn't make time for her or the things that were important to her,” Vinyl explained. “The night she broke up with me, I was at the studio with Neon. We were working on a new mix, and she called me on a prototype phone I gotten. I tried to explain to her that I was working hard on these tracks, but she couldn't take it anymore. I had missed so much with her, that I don't think I'll ever get another chance to fix things,” she took a breath and then glanced at Spike. “If you really do care about her, than I say go after her and don't wait. She needs somepony like you,” she said rubbing his head. Spike blushed and just nodded. He thought about it for a few moments.

“I'll ask her when we are in Canterlot next week,” he said with a bit of resolve in his voice.

“That a boy,” Vinyl said patting him on the back. Though she was smiling, Spike could just somehow sense that she was still holding something back. “It's pretty late, I'm sure Twilight wants you back home soon,” Vinyl said. Spike sighed and groaned lightly.

“Yeah, I know,” he said looking none too pleased to going back. The two hopped off of Vinyl's bed and made their way to the door.

“Oh yeah, before I forget,” She said looking towards her saddle bag. Her magic opened it up and pulled forth his bag of bits and the record. “Royalties for the E.P and your own copy. Courtesy of Neon,” she said with a grin. Spike looked at the bag of bits wide eyed and then back at her.

“You mean this is all mine?” he asked.

“Well duh. Me and Tavi already got our shares. It's only fair you get yours Scale Head,” she said with a smile. Tentatively, Spike took the bag of bits and the record.

“Thanks Vinyl,” he said looking up at her.

“Hey, no sweat,” Vinyl said. She smiled at him and rubbed his head. To her surprise, Spike wrapped his arms around her neck and hugged her tightly. She looked down at him for a few moments before returning the embrace with fervor. With a few words of goodnight, Spike began his trek home. “HEY SCALES!!” Vinyl shouted. Stopping, and looking back, Spike gave the D.J his full attention. “This week, me and Pinkie are doin' a thing. You wanna play? You know, keep your skills up?” she asked. Spike thought about it. His mind recalled one of the first conversations he had had with Octavia. About how he wanted to make Dub Trot that she would like. The idea was starting to form and take shape. Vinyl noticed the thoughtful look on his face and smirked knowingly. She loved it when he got that look. That look meant that something awesome was gonna come of it.

“Heck yeah! Count on me!” he said giving her a confident smile and thumbs up. Vinyl laughed from her door and waved him good bye. Closing the door, she gazed into her home. She took a deep and let out a light sigh.

“No wonder Tavi fell for that guy,” she said lightly. She smiled gently to herself. She was starting to admit that Spike was even more of a catch than she originally thought. And now with the added little tid bit of him being a Prince, she could see his appeal skyrocket. Though to her, he'd always be the little dragon she saw around Canterlot with the musical talent. She looked into the distance as she began climbing the stairs to her room. She looked at Octavia's door for a moment. She placed her hoof on the door and gently ran it down the wood. She felt a flood of soothing memories was over her. She felt a smile pull at the corners of her mouth, just as a tear slip down her cheek.

“Man, I really did screw up huh?” she said gently. She felt something creeping up her spine. A feeling she had long sense locked away, hoping that it would never resurface. Loneliness and sorrow. The cruelest of mistresses, were now starting to take hold of Vinyl once more. She let out another sigh as she walked back to her own room. Sleep did not come easy for Vinyl. She constantly tossed and turned, searching in vain for that one sweet spot on the plush mattress. With a few loud grunts, and switching the pillow over to the cool side, she eventually found her groove and slipped into sleep.

Vinyl groaned loudly as she heard an alarm clock go off near her. Her head raised from the pillow it rested on as she glared at the alarm clock with great disgust.

“Who the hay sets an alarm on vacation?” she groaned out rather loudly. This caused a stir next to her. The covers moved back and forth as another form rose from the bed. Spike groaned out loudly and let out a loud yawn as he began to fully wake.

“Come on Vi, you know today is important,” he said. Vinyl looked him over. He was taller than she remembered. At least as tall as her standing on his back legs. His chubby belly was now lean and trim, scales hiding and protecting hardened dragon muscle. His snout was also longer, but not by much. As he stretched, a pair of purple wings unfurled behind him. They looked strong, their inner membrane colored the same shade of green as his spikes along his head and back. He looked over to her and smiled sweetly before planting a gentle kiss on her cheek. “You know its Tavi's big day,” he said. As if remembering in that instant, Vinyl's eyes widened and then relaxed.

“Duh, how could I forget that she was playing for the princesses today. Thanks for remindin' me Scale Head,” she said. She affectionately nuzzled his neck and he seemed to return the favor in kind. They stayed in bed for a few more minutes until they heard somepony clear their throat in the door way. Looking over, they saw Octavia, she had a somewhat displeased look on her face.

“I can not believe you two,” she said. Her eyes narrowing to a semi glare. The two bed occupants looked at each other and then back to the cellist. “Having snuggle time without me? That's just not fair,” she said. Her face instantly brightened as she trotted over and jumped onto the bed. Vinyl and Spike caught her, but the three fell to the bed in a sea of laughter. They all looked at each other, and with smiles and careful coordination, kissed each others cheek in a fluid fashion.

“I love you girls,” Spike said softly. Octavia and Vinyl both blushed at his gentle words of affection and could not contain their grins.

“We love you too,” they said in unison. Octavia turned to Vinyl, which caught the unicorn a little off guard.

“I love you Vinyl,” she said with a happy grin. Vinyl's blush only grew more intense. Its bright red color plain as day against her white fur.

“I love you too Octavia,” she said blushing with a goofy smile. “I never stopped loving you,” she said looking into Octavia's eyes.

“I know Vinyl,” Octavia said gently placing a hoof on Vinyl's cheek. The two smiled at each other before coming together in a gentle embrace. Spike simply smiled watching them as they shared a tender moment. A moment he played a small part in making a reality. As the embrace ended, the visions of Spike and Octavia began to flicker and blur gently. Vinyl looked to the two of them. Her head snapping back and forth as their bodies remained in this wayward state.

“Good tidings, Miss. Vinyl Scratch,” a new voice called out. Vinyl's head wiped around to see the lunar goddess slowly walk up to her. “What a wonderful dream you are having,” she said gently with a small smile. Vinyl looked back to the wisp like creatures that now resembled Spike and Octavia. Her eyes lightly watered.

“I get it...this is just a dream,” she said lowering her head. Her body lightly trembled as a few wayward tears leaked from her eyes. She felt a gently hoof be placed upon her shoulder, calling her attention to the princess.

“Take solace Miss. Vinyl. Your dream may yet come to fruition,” Luna said soothingly. Vinyl wiped her tears with her forehoof and looked gave the princess more of her attention.

“What are you talkin' about? Tavi and Spike would never agree to something like this. The loud and annoying D.J Pon3, in a loving and caring relationship with a pony and dragon she has gotten to love? That's a laugh,” she said. She had a fake smile on her face as she looked at the wisps once more. It made her heart ache thinking that the three could live together happily. It was such a pipe dream.

“And who is to say wither this is not to come to pass?” Luna asked. This caught Vinyl off guard only for a moment. “We have visited many a dream of ponies over the years we were entrusted with the nocturnal realm. We have seen potential love, and we have seen love lost. But of one thing we are certain. Fragmented hearts such as thyn and thy friends, can fill the gaps and allow love to flourish. Wither it be just two, or even three,” Luna said. She directed Vinyl's gaze back to Octavia and Spike. They were still smiling at her. Their gazes inviting as they waited for her return. Vinyl wiped her muzzle once more to rid herself of anymore tears. She looked back to Luna.

“Could the three of us really learn to love like that?” she asked gesturing to the two. Luna simply smiled and looked Vinyl in the eyes.

“We believe, thyn already has,” she said. And with that, Luna vanished from Vinyl's sight. Leaving her with Spike and Octavia.

“Yeah. I guess we do,” Vinyl said as she approached the two once more.

Vinyl smiled gently in her sleep. Her body quelled from its former restlessness, and her sorrow and loneliness now a distant memory. In their place was hope. Hope that her dream of being at Octavia's side with Spike would come to be. And the will to make it so

Author's Note:

I do apologize for the lateness of this chapter. i hit a hard writers block, as well as having a financial crisis for a few weeks. but anyway, hope you enjoy the chapter and the music. Stay chill everypony