• Published 26th Nov 2013
  • 8,425 Views, 169 Comments

Luv Sic - chaosknight72

Music caries the emotions of the hurt. it conveys how we feel, and shows our pain. It can also pull us together. And open new doors we never thought were avalible

  • ...


With what little understanding the small dragon had, he could gather that his white mare friend Vinyl needed them to go somewhere right this second. The other, minor detail mind you, was simple

“Where are we going, and why?” he asked looking at Vinyl. Vinyl kept sprinting as she began to explain.

“I couldn't really sleep all that well cause I was thinking a lot,” she said looking back at him.

“Isn't that a dangerous pass time for you?” Spike asked cocking his eyebrow and then smirking. Vinyl shot him a quick glare before continuing.

“Yeah yeah yeah. Shut up and listen. It was while I was thinking that I remembered my home colt Neon Lights wanted me to join him on a new track that he was working on in Canterlot. And I figured while we were there I could get you to record your song! By the way, what do you call it anyway?” she asked tilting her head back to hear him.

“Luv Sic,” he said simply. Spike could only ride as the psycho mare he was currently on just barreled through the streets on full sprint. Surprisingly they made it to the train station with more time then Vinyl thought, which just left the wait for Octavia. Spike climbed down and thought for a few seconds before asking a question.

“How long are we gonna be in Canterlot? Cause I do have choirs and stuff back at the library,” he said looking to Vinyl.

“That all depends on you Scale Head. If you can knock the song out quick then we can be back in 2 days,” the DJ answered. Spike just looked up at her and sighed. Vinyl looked the drake over before saying anything else. “Dude, are you alright? You look kinda tense. You know aside from me dragon napping you and all,” she said sitting down next to him. Spike looked at her and blew a plum of smoke from his nose.

“Nah, just that jerk bag Thunderlane,” he said sighing. Vinyl looked interested now, but before she could push the subject Spike began to explain. “While we were waiting for you to show, Rarity showed up with Thunderlane. I decided the best way to get over the fact that Rarity is with him was just to face it and show some support,” he said closing his eyes as he remembered what happened only a few moments ago. “Everything was goin' good till he said he and Rarity were at our show last night. Apparently the music we made was too boring for his taste. So he and Rarity left before we finished the encore,” he looked to the ground as anger started to swell in his belly. More smoke pluming from his nostrils “So not only did he take the mare I loved, but also trash talked my music. To my face!” he shouted. A small burst a flames shot from his mouth as he did. Vinyl jumped to her hooves and backed up a bit.

“Whoa, easy there Spike. I can understand you're upset. I've had my fair share of critics. Celestia knows that,” she said. She approached him slowly and placed a hoof on his shoulder. Spike looked to the unicorn and saw an easy going smile on her face. “Just let it roll off your shoulders Spike,” she said calmly. Spike sighed lightly and let his shoulders slump.

“Alright Vi, I got ya,” he said softly. He took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. Letting most of his anger seep through with it. He looked up to see a very winded Octavia run into view. She panted lightly as she drew closer and stopped to try and catch her breath.

“Vinyl, never *huff do that huff* again,” she warned through segmented breaths. Vinyl simply started laughing.

“Oh come on Tavi, you got winded just from that? You need to improve your stamina,” Vinyl said between chuckles. Spike smiled lightly. These two really knew how to get him to smile. With the three together once again, they hopped onto the train, after purchasing tickets, heading straight to Canterlot. The trip would take them a day to get there and a day to get back. During this time, Spike decided it best to let Twilight know what was happening. He asked around the other passengers for a pencil and paper. Acquiring both, he sat down in his seat and started writing.

Dear Twilight,

As you can tell from this letter, I probably won't be coming home this evening. Or tomorrow evening. Vinyl, oh so gracefully mind you, has dragon napped me and Octavia to go to Canterlot to meet her friend Neon to record our song. I know I have chores to do, and I'm sorry I won't be back for a few days to do em. You can give me a nice earful later, but honestly I blame Vinyl. I will write you when we get to Canterlot. Also, I'm gonna send a message to the princess to see if she can help us out with some room and board. See ya when I get back


He looked the paper over a couple times, and with a small burst of fire, it was off to his sister.

“What was that?” Vinyl asked.

“Just sent a letter to Twilight saying how you dragon napped me. And If I get chewed out because of this, I'm blaming you,” he said pointing to the unicorn. Vinyl just shrugged it off.

“Eh, I can live with that,” she said putting her hooves behind her head. Octavia just smiled and laughed at the two. She gained a distant look in her eye as she recalled what had happened in the cafe. Rarity, who seemed like she was more interested in Spike's music then she let on, was seemingly willing to put whatever bad blood was between her and the dragon behind them. She didn't come off as snobbish or anything else like that, but considering it was her first time meeting the seamstress, Octavia couldn't really say. However, the one thing that would remain unforgivable for quite some time, was Thunderlane. She did the right thing by slapping him across his face. He had deserved it for such remarks. Her gaze fell upon Spike once more, noting that he still had some plate fragments in his claw.

“Spike, would you like us to get those out for you?” she asked. Spike blinked a couple times before looking at this claw. He chuckled a couple times.

“Ha ha, forgot those were in there. Thick scales and all,” he said. He set to work pulling each of the pieces out. Vinyl and Octavia watched him, unsure really what could be said.

“So, got anything else stuck in that head of yours?” Vinyl asked. Spike looked up at her and thought for a moment.

“Maybe. I usually only come up with stuff on the fly when I play. Kinda like a trigger or somethin',” he said shrugging. Vinyl smirked. And then looked to Octavia.

“Then I guess we will have to put him through 'that' when we see Neon,” she said with a wink. Octavia looked confused but then realized what Vinyl meant by “That”. She smiled and nodded simply. The three began a simple conversation about some of their best memories of Canterlot. Interestingly enough, Spike had the most out there tale when he recalled how he and Princess Celestia fought off a army of giant Cockatrice using a trident.


Back in Ponyville, Rarity and Thunderlane had made it back to the boutique after the “incident” at the cafe. Rarity had remained quite for the most part and so did Thunderlane. Upon arrival, Thunderlane invited himself in and sat down on the sofa Rarity kept in the main lobby. He could still feel the sting of Octavia's hoof against his muzzle. It didn't sit well with him.

“Hey babe, I wasn't wrong in saying all that about the dragon's music right? I am entitled to my opinion,” he said defending himself. Rarity looked to him blinking a few times before she answered.

“Actually, I think you were very wrong in what you said,” she announced. Thunderlane shot her a odd look. As if he couldn't really believe she was siding with Octavia.

“Are you serious? The music was boring. It was such a snore that no one in the audience was even enjoying it. They cheered out of sympathy for that first one,” he said snorting. Rarity gave him the same look she had the night of the concert. The look that she didn't want to believe he was this much of a jerk.

“You must be joking. The first song was moving, and spoke of matters of the heart. Anypony could see that. And as for the second, it was a very very lovely experience. One that you, to be quite frank about it, robbed me of simply because you couldn't understand it's beauty,” she retorted. Thunderlane hopped off the couch and looked Rarity in the eye.

“Oh so I should have not complained that his music sucked huh?” he snorted as he got in Rarity's face. She wasn’t backing down from his advances.

“No you shouldn't have. He made something wonderful. You were just too ignorant to get it,” she said raising her voice. Her raised tone earned her a solid glare from the stallion.

“Well, if you like It so much, then you can enjoy your crappy music. Alone. We are done here,” he said taking his leave. Rarity turned around just as she saw him heading out the door.

“Wait!” she shouted. Thunderlane gained a smirk as he started to turn around.

'Knew she wouldn't want it to end like this,' he mused to himself. As he now faced the dressmaker, he noticed that her horn was surrounded by her magical aura. Around her, floating and pointing at him, were pins, needles, scissors, and various other pointed objects.

“Don't ever come back!” she shouted. Thunderlane's face paled as he bolted out the door. An array of objects hurtling towards him as he fled. With a satisfied smile, Rarity slammed the door shut and trotted back to her inspiration room. Her smile faded soon enough though. Her head slumped and she simply sat in the middle of the room. “Perhaps I should have given Spikey a chance,” she said softly. Looking around the room, a red glint caught her attention. Enclosed in a golden necklace, sat the heart shaped fire ruby Spike had given her. It gleamed brightly in the afternoon sunlight, casting a red reflection along the ground. She gazed at the gem, remembering the day he gave it to her. A small smile graced her muzzle as images of the gentledrake filled her mind.

“I made a horrible mistake,” she said closing her eyes, letting a single tear fall down her cheek. She reopened her eyes with a determination. “A mistake I will rectify! As Celestia as my witness, I will regain Spikey Wikey's trust!” she shouted to the heavens. With that outburst, she ran from her home and headed straight for the library. Twilight, who was casually reading a book on ethics, sat quietly. Her trance was broken when a burst of green fire swirled in from her window and transformed into a scroll. She eyed it curiously before using her magic to open it.

“Huh, so he wont be back till the day after tomorrow and Vinyl is to blame. Hmm, he still should have come home first to tell me,” Twilight said rolling the scroll back up and then setting it on her desk. She nestled back in with her book just as the front door slammed open with the force of a train. The librarian's head shot up and turned to the door.

“SPIKE!!! SPIKEY ARE YOU HERE!?!?” she heard a frantic pony scream out. The voice registered quickly enough as she gazed upon Rarity.

“Rarity, what are you doing here?” Twilight asked just wondering what in tartoras she was screaming about. Rarity approached her quickly and slammed her hooves on her shoulder and began to shake the lavender mare.

“Where is Spikey? I must speak with him immediately!” she said frantic as she shook her. Twilight's head whipped back and forth as she tried to both not lose her lunch and try to make sense of what was being said.

“Spike isn't here. He went to Canterlot,” Twilight said between shakes. Rarity stopped suddenly and let Twilight go. The librarian made a rather unpleasant grunt as her body collided with the ground. Rubbing her neck Twilight got herself to a vertical base before questioning the fashion mare.

“What do you mean he went to Canterlot?? he was just at the cafe a little over a half an hour ago!” Rarity questioned. Twilight groaned loudly and motioned for her friend to sit down. Rarity simply nodded and walked over to the nearest seat. Twilight sat herself down across from her and lit her horn up, levitating the letter she had just received to Rarity to read.

“I just got a letter from him not a few seconds before you came in. he said something about Vinyl snagging him and Octavia to go record their songs with one of Vinyl's friends named Neon,” Twilight explained. Rarity looked over the letter quickly and noticed the name Neon just as Twilight said it. Her head shot up in sudden realization.

“Wait, Neon? As in The Neon Lights? One of the most sought after D.js in all of Equestria?” Rarity asked.

“Guess so. I don't know anypony else with the name, so logic would dictate that that's the stallion,” Twilight said in a matter of fact way. Rarity's face looked like a mix of shock and awe.

“Oh my. My little Spikey Wikey is going to work claw in hoof with Neon lights!” she squealed out with a huge grin. Her eyes snapped shut as she could just imagine the unicorn stallion and the young drake on a stage together, playing whatever kind of music they wanted. Her thoughts were suddenly derailed and ground to a halt when Twilight cleared her throat. The white mare looked at her friend, who had a different look about her now. One not of excitement like she thought it would be, but rather one of judgment.

“I'm sorry, but 'your' Spikey Wikey?” Twilight asked. Rarity froze hearing the emphasis on the term you're. Rarity looked offended for a moment before speaking.

“And just what do you mean by that Twilight? Of course he is my special little dragon,” Rarity argued in a rather haughty matter of fact voice. This tone caused Twilight to grow irritated. Closing her eyes for a moment, Twilight sighed and then looked to the mare in front of her. Rarity felt a chill run down her spine as Twilight's gaze felt like it was shooting daggers into her.

“He hasn't been 'your' Spikey Wikey since you broke his heart,” Twilight said bluntly. Rarity's mouth dropped open as if she couldn't believe what she had heard.

“Now see here-”

“I'm not done,” Twilight said very sternly. Rarity fell silent at the increased volume of Twilight's voice. “It's been months since Spike found out about you and Thunderlane. Do you know what he did after he found out?” she asked looking Rarity in the eye. Rarity opened her mouth to respond, but was soundly cut off. “Rhetorical question; I'll tell you what he did. He burned the poem he had written for you, came home, and stayed in his bassinet for 4 days. He didn't come out to eat, do his choirs, or even talk to AppleJack, Fluttershy, or anypony else who came by. On the fifth day he came down finally. His eyes were red and puffy from crying so much. I tried to ask him what was wrong but...” she trailed off remembering just how that little interaction went.

Twilight sat at the kitchen table, sipping some warm tea as she went over some of her reports for the princess. Her ears perked when she heard steps coming down the stairs. Her eyes widened and a smile adorned her muzzle as she ran to the steps to see him. And sure enough, there was Spike. His eyes were closed as he descended the stairs. Twilight's smile faded as the impression she got from him was one of anger and hate. As he reached the very bottom step, he bumped into her. His face bounced off of her chest and he raised his head to her. His eyes opened, causing Twilight to recoil.

“Sorry about that Twi,” he said. His eyes were dyed a blood red, dark circles enveloped the scales just under his eyes, and all of his scales had a dulled look to them. He looked as if he had gone through Tartarus and back. He turned towards the kitchen and opened the fridge, snagging an apple before closing it. He sat at the table and simply looked at the apple in his hand. Twilight stepped into view and looked at the drake. He clearly was not himself.

“Spike? Is there anything I can do to help you?” she asked softly. Spike closed his eyes and shook his head no.

“ 'What would it take for me to fly?

To finally be able to touch the sky, I would need something that makes me want to try

To grow wings I would need a shove, and the only one who can provide it is you my love

For Time has passed and this fire won't grow colder, it makes me want to act a bit bolder

My love for you is more powerful then that of the sun, and I know with me you will have such fun

So please let me soar straight into your heart, and I will forever be your other part.

I love you Rarity, the diamond of my eye. So please grace me with your love and let me fly',” he said softly. He looked to Twilight, who had tears rolling down her face. “Tell me Twilight, how long was I so oblivious to how she felt about me? Tell me I had some chance with her. Tell me I'm not as worthless as I feel right now!” he shouted. His voice growing more and more anger filled by the second. “Tell me why I'm a worthless dragon who can't have the mare that he loves!!!” he screamed. His face smashed into the table as he started to sob again. He felt a hoof touch his shoulder. He looked to see Twilight crying as well. Pressing his face into her chest he screamed his frustrations and sorrow till he couldn't anymore. Twilight held him tightly, doing her best to just be there for him.

“Your not worthless Spike. You are never worthless,” she said softly. She could hear his sobs start to slow as he wrapped his arms around her as tight as he could. He pushed away slightly, signifying that he was ok for the most part. Twilight loosened her grip and looked down at him. He was wiping his eyes trying to stop the tears.

“Thank you Twilight. Can...can we go see mom?” he asked timidly. Twilight showed a gentle smile and nodded. Spike smiled softly and wrote a quick note to the princess to let her know that they were on their way. And after packing a few essentials, the two left for Canterlot


Rarity sat dumbfounded at what she had just heard. She had no clue she had caused Spike so much pain. Twilight leaned back in her seat and pressed her hooves together before speaking.

“We spent a week in Canterlot, simply to help Spike distance himself from everything. The princesses welcomed us with open hooves and Spike just wandered the city when he could. Meeting up with all his old friends, and even I think making a few new ones before we left. After that, we came home. He still rarely left the library unless it was with me, or to go help at Sweet Apple Acres. Other then that though, he was with me,” Twilight said looking at the alabaster mare in front of her. “So you will have to forgive me for being rude when you call him 'your' Spikey Wikey these days,” she finished.

“Twilight, I had no idea he was going through any of this,” Rarity said trying to hold back the flood gates in her eyes. Twilight's expression shifted to one of anger for a few moments.

“Well maybe you shouldn't have lead on a young dragon for so long,” the lavender mare said closing her eyes. “Look Rarity, I don;t know why you decided to do what you did in regards to Spike's feelings, but you have to at least attempt to make things right,” Twilight said. Her expression softened looking at her friend. “I know you both can reconcile.”

“Twilight, Spike spoke today,” Rarity said finally. Twilight tilted her head to the side in slight puzzlement.

“What do you mean?”

“Today. Myself and Thunderlane went to the cafe for a lunch date. We saw Spike and that earth mare, what was her name again...”


“Yes, Octavia. We saw them sitting at one of the booths. Spike saw me and invited us over to sit with them. He looked...happy to see me. Celestia knows what was going through his mind, but I was terrified. I knew he was mad at me for not telling him, but he seemed to forgive me, or at least try to,” Rarity explained. Twilight finally had a smile on her face for the first time since their conversation had began.

“That's good. That's really good. That was really big of him,” Twilight said feeling a little proud of her brother.

“Well, it was going fine. He was asking me about how my business was going, and how things were going with Thunderlane. It was very nice, until Thunderlane made that remark,” Rarity said sighing. Twilight once again had a curious look on her face. “He said that Spike's music was boring” she said looking at Twilight, who's mouth was now wide open. “Yes, I know. It wasn't just that, it was also how Spike how reacted. He had a very fake smile on his face as if he wanted to just hit Thunder as hard as he could. That was when a white mare burst in and snatched up Spike and left. The other mare, Octavia as you said, slapped Thunderlane before she left. After that, we went back to the boutique, where we broke up,” Rarity finished. Twilight was still processing what she just heard.

“At any rate, Spike won't be home for a few days at least The only thing you can do now is wait. Once he gets back, then you both can sort this all out,” Twilight said. She got up and placed a comforting hoof on Rarity's shoulder. “Don't worry, everything will work out alright,” Twilight said softly looking to her friend. Rarity looked up with hopeful eyes and let a small smile grace her muzzle. The two began talking more relaxed as the conversation swayed back to an upcoming event.


Evening began to steadily creep in as the train continued on its way to the capital city of Canterlot. Spike sat idle looking out the window, watching the scenery be bathed a golden orange as the sun began to set.

“It's almost night time,” he said softly to no one in particular. He exhaled gently and started humming to himself. As he sat quietly, he didn't notice the mares he was with talking quietly to themselves.

“So once we get to Canterlot, we should find a place to stay while we visit Neon. Gotta let him know whats goin on,” Vinyl said leaning back in her seat. Octavia tilted her head to the side in confusion.

“Wait, you mean he doesn't know we are coming?” Octavia asked. Vinyl smirked happily.

“Nope. Not in the slightest,” Vinyl said resting her hooves behind her head. Octavia sighed lightly and cracked a small smile. Her thoughts were interrupted by the faint mumblings coming from the small dragon.

“Almost night, the time for some to fade from sight.

From the bright light that hangs in the night, the dark ones know the time is just right.

To let loose under Luna's silver moon, feeling the rhythm will move them real soon

It's in this time that I try to find, the proper beat to complete the proper flow to my rhyme.

Luna gave us the moon, such a beautiful sight, to bring out the animal that will party all night.

So let the moon glow and aid in my flow, and head to Canterlot; the happenin' place to go” Spike rhymed unconsciously He had a small grin on his face as he watched the sun fad to the horizon and the moon begin to take it's place. Unknown to him, both Octavia and Vinyl were now staring at the back of his head.

“Spike?” Vinyl asked. Her voice snapped him from his trance and he looked over.

“What's up? Did you guys wanna go to the dinning car?” he asked.

“No...where did you hear that rhyme from?” Vinyl asked getting a little closer.

“Oh, that. It just kinda came to me. Seeing as how we are going to Canterlot, and the moon is coming up, I thought about Princess Luna. Why, was it bad?” he asked turning his full attention to the others.

“Not in the slightest. That was actually really good. I think you an' Neon are gonna get along just fine if you can come up with raps like that of the top,” Vinyl said smiling.

“'Raps'? Is that the stuff ponies like P.M.X do? Cause Twilight says I'm not allowed to listen to that stuff,” Spike said scratching the back of his head. Vinyl proceeded to laugh borderline uncontrollably, earning a stern glare from Octavia.

“There are variants of the genre that we preformed. Your song 'Luv Sic' is more akin to 'hip hop' and jazz rather then the works of P.M.X. Don't worry. You have nothing to worry about,” Octavia said reassuring the drake. Spike smiled softly and nodded. His eyes seemed to look up as if a thought had just come to his head and he had to confirm it with his brain before speaking.

“Say, where are we gonna stay when we get to Canterlot?” he asked.

“Oh yeah, that,” Vinyl said finally catching her breath. “I figure we could hit a hotel or somethin' while we work with Neon,” she said still wiping tear drops from the corners of her eyes.

“Well, if nothing is decided, I could probably get as a couple rooms at the castle,” Spike said looking a tad nervous. Vinyl poked her hoof into her eye and let out a quick yelp of pain. Octavia sat idle waiting for a explanation as to how he could manage that. “Well, I am good friends with the Royal Pony Sisters, and Me and Twilight lived in Canterlot before Ponyville. So I think if I asked nicely, we might be able to stay there,” he said. It does help that the princesses are my mom and aunt he thought to himself with a slight smile.

“If you can make it happen then do it up little dude. If not, we can always put Tavi on the corner to earn some bits,” Vinyl said. This earned her both a blush and a backhoof from the cellist.

“What dose that mean?” Spike asked curiously.

“Nothing in the slightest. Vinyl is just being vulgar,” Octavia said clearing her throat. “So then, to the dinning car?” she asked.

“Sure thing. Hope they have at least some gems,” Spike said grumbling out his hope for a tasty mineral treat. The three approached the dining car and shared in light conversation. Spike mainly asking what Neon Lights was like. The best way to describe him and his style, in Vinyl's opinion, was a bit throw back. He preferred using live instruments rather then samples like Vinyl. He also had a bit of a flare for lyrics and word play. Between conversations, Spike once again secured parchment and a writing tool.

Dear Princess Celestia,

It's me, Spike. My two friends, Vinyl Scratch and Octavia Melody, whom you met at the performance just last night, and myself are coming to Canterlot to meet with a mutual friend of theirs named Neon Lights. They say that he is a music producer and they want me to play for him. Seeing as how this will be an overnight trip that may last a few days, I was hoping that we could arrange to stay in the palace for the duration of our visit. I would very much appreciate a response at your earliest convenience.


Spike Sparkle


Thank you for showing up at the show last night mom. It was great seeing you and Aunt Luna

Spike looked over the letter briefly and with a sharp breath, ignited it. Sending it to his mother and hopefully getting a response back soon. Time passed rather quickly. Much talk and laughs were had. then, just as the three travelers were about to go to sleep, Spike belched very loudly and very nastily. A burst of fire launched from his mouth and quickly transformed into a scroll. Vinyl started laughing hard looking at the drake.

“Nice one Scale Head,” she said having herself a hardy laugh. He shot her a look and snatched the scroll from the air. He opened it up and read it to himself.

“Who is it from?” Octavia asked. Spike smiled and rolled it up.

“Princess Celestia arranged for an escort to pick us up from the train station and rooms at the castle. We're all set,” he said laying back in his seat. Octavia and Vinyl smiled at each other and then to the dragon.

“Well, that takes care of that. We should arrive in the morning. Let's all get some shut eye,” Vinyl said waving a hoof. Octavia smiled and nodded her agreement. “Night Tavi, night Scale Head,” Vinyl said drifting to sleep.

“Good night Spi-...” Octavia began. Her gaze fell on the dragon once more, who was staring at the ceiling. Spike had a distant look in his eye. As if looking for something in the far off world that lay beyond the ceiling of this train car. “Spike, are you alright?” she asked.

“Just...thinking. Let me ask you something Octavia; would....would you consider me coltfriend material?” he asked. Octavia's eyes widened and her pupils turned to pin pricks. A deep crimson blush shot across her muzzle. She shifted her gaze in obvious embarrassment. Vinyl, who was about to go to sleep, heard his question and watched her best friend's reaction. Her eyes slanted waiting for a response.

“Well, Spike... I would...umm,” Octavia started to stammer out. Spike smiled to himself softly.

“You don't have to answer. It was a stupid question. Good night Octavia.” he said softly before rolling towards the window. Latent pain, however faint, could be felt in his words. Octavia felt her heart go out to him. And unknown to the two of them, a third heart also went out for the young dragon. Soon enough though, the three drifted to sleep.

“ike....Spike.....Spike....tis time to awake,” a warm voice called cutting through the darkness of Spike's mind. His eyes flickered open slowly, his eyes still have glazed from time passed since they were last open. Under his claws he could feel not the fabric of the train car, but the plush feeling of blades of grass between his fingers. Raising a claw and rubbing his eye, he warded off the remaining foggy feeling in his eyes to get a full look of his surroundings. He was sitting atop a grassy hill under a large tree that had white blossoms accompanying the green leaves on the branches. The sky was painted a deep midnight blue that gradually turned white as his eyes drew towards the full moon that sat in the middle of the sky. With a deep in hail, he breathed in the cool night air that seemed to relax his body and mind. Around him was nothing but silence, save for the wind which rustled the grass and trees every so often. A smile crept onto his maw as he relaxed.

The silence was soon broken by the sound of hooves against the grass. His fins twitched and drew his attention to his right side, where the princess of the night walked into view.

“Hello Princess Luna,” he said softly. The midnight blue mare smiled sweetly at the young dragon and draped a wing around him, pulling him into a gentle embrace.

“Spike, you know that once we are alone in your dreams, such titles are not needed,” she corrected. Spike let out a soft chuckle and nodded.

“Another beautiful night you made Aunt Luna. It's as beautiful as always,” he said closing his eyes and wrapping his claws around her neck. She returned his affections with a gentle nuzzle.

“It is my duty as the princess of the night. To have ones such as thee praise my nights warms the heart,” she said softly. The two sat quietly, simply enjoying the others company. “Tia has informed us that you will be coming to the castle to stay for a few days. Has something happened in Ponyville once more?” she asked. Spike shook his head and sighed softly.

“No, it was Vinyl's idea. She wants to introduce me to her friend Neon Lights. She thinks it would be good to preform for him,” Spike said looking out over the grass covered landscape. His eyes grew downcast as he pulled his knees to his chest and sighed heavily.

“What ales you, Spike? You have always been able to speak freely with me,” Luna reassured. Spike looked up to his aunt. Her teal eyes glowing in the moon light full of reassurance and caring. He let out a much smaller sigh and lifted his head.

“Well, there was this thing that happened at the local cafe today,” he began. He explained how he and Octavia had been enjoying each others company, how Rarity and Thunderlane had joined them, and then how Thunderlane had insulted the dragon. To which he said that after that Vinyl had snatched him up and took him to board the train to Canterlot. Luna had a distinct scowl on her face at the news of such an insult.

“I can see how such a comment can trouble you my dear Spike,” Luna said once Spike had finished his tale. He looked away from her before he continued to speak.

“It's not just that...” he said into his knees. “Why would Rarity choose someone like him?” he asked softly. Luna's face changed to a saddened expression.

“You still can not bring yourself to look past her?” the midnight alicorn asked. Spike shook his head.

“She was everything to me. I just wanted to make her happy. Turns out she was just using me. Always keeping me her little 'Spikey Wikey' to help her when she needed it. Maybe that's all I'm good for,” he said. His mind grew more dark as his thoughts shifted to a depressed state. He soon felt hooves wrap around his body and pulled him inwards. Luna dipped her neck down and nuzzled him once more.

“My dearest Spike. You are far from just a assistant. You have shown great creativity and generosity for one of your heritage. You hold fast to your convictions to help others when you can, and do so selflessly. If the mare you cared for so deeply can not see your princely charm, then she simply is not worth your efforts,” Luna said comfortingly. Spike glanced to the side to see a very warm smile on Luna's muzzle. Exhaling softly he began to let his worries and troubles start to slip away.

“Umm Auntie, well...” Spike started. Luna gave him a curious look and let him finish his statement. “Since Rarity doesn’t like me. Is it ok if I start liking other girls?” he asked meekly. Luna's eyes widened with excitement and scooped him up. She shot off the ground and squeed loudly.

“This is most wonderful news! Who is the lucky mare who's captured your eye? Or perhaps two?” she asked happily. Spike's scales changed from amethyst do a deep crimson as he started stammering loudly. From his reaction, Luna knew she had hit the nail on the head. She giggled happily and nuzzled him once more. “When you feel you are ready, talk to them both. I assure you, they will be most pleased,” Luna said lowering the two to the ground. Spike continued to blush, unsure of what he should say.

“Aunt Luna...thank you,” he said looking up with new hope in his eyes. Luna smiled softly and nodded. Spike was about to say something when he felt his head begin to hurt.


“Whats happening? My head hurts,” he confirmed putting his claws on his head. Luna placed her hoof on his shoulder gently.


“You are starting to wake up. Until we meet in Canterlot my dear nephew. Farewell,” Luna said giving a soft hug before rising into the air. Spike groaned louder and louder as the world around him began to shake.

“Spike, we're here. Wake up,” A voice called to the waking dragon. Spike's eyes fluttered open to see Octavia's eyes gazing down at him. Sitting up he rubbed his eyes and forced them to focus.

“Come on Scale Head! Get the lead out!” Vinyl shouted from the doorway off the train.

“Hold your horses Vi, I’m up,” he grumbled out. He looked up at the cellist and smiled. “Morning Octavia,” he said pleasantly. Octavia returned his smile with one of her own.

“Good morning Spike. I trust you slept well?” she asked. The dragon nodded and hopped off of his seat. The two began walking as Spike responded.

“Sure did. How about you?” he asked. Octavia rolled her eyes.

“About as well as I could. The seats aren’t exactly meant for resting comfortably. If Vinyl hadn't been so hasty, we would have been able to get tickets in one of the cars with beds,” she said lowering her head and yawning. Spike laughed lightly. The sunlight stung his eyes once they were off the train. He raised his claw above his eyes to help shield them from such bright light.

“Come on guys! We gotta get to the studio,” Vinyl said stomping her hoof.

“Whats the rush anyway? It's not like they are expecting us,” Octavia asked slightly annoyed.

“Because, if we wanna get to use the equipment first before it gets all used and sweaty,” Vinyl defended. Spike just looked at Octavia, who was rolling her eyes. The trio started walking. Talking lightly about what they would be doing once they got to where they were going. One thing that kept coming up was a “thing” that Vinyl kept saying. As if it were something to the effect of hazing, Spike grew more nervous about the whole thing. Several turns down various streets later, they arrived at a large building with a record on the side. The sign on the front read “Music Maker Studios”.

“This is it. Home away from home,” Vinyl said smiling wide. Octavia smiled and cast a glance at Spike, who was looking a little more nervous.

“Spike?” she asked. This startled him enough to draw his attention to her.

“Y-yeah?” he asked.

“You're acting a bit jittery. Are you alright?” she asked. Spike shook his head vigorously.

“Then Let's do this!” Vinyl shouted kicking the door open and rushed in. “YO NEON!!! GUESS WHOS HERE!?!” she shouted at the top of her lungs.

“For the love of Celestia do you KNOW what time is!?!” shouted a very very annoyed pony. He walked into view with very angry stomps. A light gray colt walked into view. His black mane frazzled and matted from sweat, most likely from doing something the night before. His eyes looked slightly bloodshot as he rubbed one with one of his forehooves. On his flank was 3 stars grouped together.

“Neon whats up?” Vinyl said with a huge grin. Neon glared at her with a look that could kill. His gaze shifted to Octavia, his expression changing quickly to a wide smile.

“Oh hey, Octavia. I didn't know you were here too,” he said. He cleared his throat and smiled. “So what brings you guys here?” he asked. Octavia simply tilted her head to the dragon next to her.

“Well, you see Vinyl got the idea that we should bring Spike to you. He is quite the musician,” Octavia said gesturing to the dragon. Neon scanned the drake a couple times.

“What dose he play?” Neon asked.

“The piano,” Octavia responded.

“Can it talk?” he asked staring at the dragon. Spike looked to Neon and huffed.

“Yes I can. My name is Spike sir,” he said narrowing his brow to show slight annoyance. He hated being refereed to like that by anypony.

“Well alright then Spike. Lets see what you got,” Neon said turning back to a door and trotting to it. Vinyl got behind Spike and pushed him towards the door.

“Go on. We'll be right here,” Vinyl said nudging him more. Spike swatted her away and proceeded to follow the colt. Vinyl shot Octavia a look with a knowing grin. As soon as Spike was out of sight, she turned fully to Octavia. “So, Neon still has a huge crush on ya. Good to see bringin' you along was a good idea,” she said patting Octavia on the back. Octavia shot her a look of annoyance.

“Are you really still trying to set us up?” she asked very much annoyed. “You know he isn't even my type of colt,” she said.

“Oh I know. Besides, your tastes have changed fairly recently haven't they?” Vinyl asked winking. This caught the gray mare off guard, and making her blush.

“I haven't the slightest what you're talking about,” Octavia said trotting to the observation room. Vinyl chuckled to herself and followed after her. The two watched from behind one way glass as Spike and Neon entered the room in front of them.

“So, piano huh? Not many around these parts to play it,” Neon commented. He looked back at Spike, who was still scowling. “Hey, I just woke up by a very rude mare, you would be cranky too. Didn't mean to call you an it dude, seriously.”

“It's fine. So they kept saying you were gonna try and do some 'thing' to me when I got here. Is that about to happen now?” he asked looking around.

“Yeah, it's just a little game,” Neon said. Spike smiled lightly, feeling that he was no longer in any potential harm. “You just have to sit in here with no pony else,” he said. A door slammed shut, drawing Spikes attention. He was now alone in the room. Neon had slipped into the room with Octavia and Vinyl. “Alright, lets see what this kids got. If he can impress you two, then I should expect something interesting,” he said sitting down next to Octavia. They watched silently as Spike took in his surroundings.

“Great...” he said grumbling. He looked around and saw a couple of mics, recording equipment, and various instruments. He put his claw to his chin and started to think. He recalled the feelings from his dream. The calm quiet, the gentle breeze, the cloudless night sky with the moon hanging high above. A smile formed on his maw and he went over to one of the recording tools. It was very technical, the screen displaying various bars and information. He looked at the mouse. It was the same size as a hoof with two buttons on the back and front. Placing a balled up claw on it, he examined the equipment till he found the microphone selection and recording tools.

“Good thing they made this stuff easy to use,” he said. He selected the closest mic and ran over to it after hitting the record function. He sat close enough to it and then began to clap. Doing this in several intervals, he hopped down and stopped the recording. He headed to the next instrument, a drum set. He looked around and soon found drumsticks. Giving each drum a test smack, he found the order he wanted rather quickly. Readjusting how he was holding the sticks, he began a simple enough beat, once again repeating the process several times before stopping. After that, he decided to try his hand at mixing. On the screen, he scrolled through the options until he found the help and tutorial screen. Studying it for a few, and practicing with what he had made. In the other booth, Neon placed both his hooves under his chin.

“Kids resourceful, gotta give him that,” he said watching. Vinyl smirked.

“Well, he ain't done yet. He hasn't touched the keys yet,” she said with a smirk. Octavia was also curious about what he was doing. Spike ran to another mic after setting it to record.

“Head high up, high up high. Your head high up, high up high,” Spike said into the mic. The three ponies were confused to be certain. But Spike kept singing. “You're a flower, you're a river, you're a rainbow,” he said softly. He hopped down and dashed over to the recorder. Mixing it into the song as well. After some more tinkering, he had placed the clips in various places. The beat and clap set to a loop and the words in various intervals. Spacing it all a good 30 seconds, he hit the record button and ran to the piano. His claws descending on the keys in a rhythmic fashion. He smiled playing the piano in the proper place he had set it up on the music and just continued to play. The ponies grew more curious. Octavia, the first to spot them, saw a set of headphones on the ground near their hooves. Picking them up, she slide them over her ears. The resulting sounds caused her to open her eyes wide and her jaw to slack open slightly. The music was beautiful, that much could be said. Octavia found herself no longer in the booth, but sitting atop a hill overlooking a small town. The cool night air crisp on her fur. The wind flowing through her mane as she gazed on midnight beauty. The music had brought her here, and she was more then happy it did.

“Tavi? You ok Tavi?” Vinyl asked. She noticed the headphones and trailed the cord down to a second set. Slipping them on, Vinyl received the same reaction as Octavia. The music sending her to the exact same setting. From the looks on their faces, Neon could see this was something very good indeed. He smirked and stood up, leaving the booth and knocking on the door of the one Spike was in.

“So, how'd I do?” Spike asked.

“Kid, we are gonna have a lot of fun,” he said