• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 1,039 Views, 61 Comments

Equus Mortis - Eskerata

Ponyville mortician faces murder, madness, ghosts and Nightmare Moon.

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Comments ( 40 )

This was definitely something I did not expect when I started this. I am open to reading anything, even darker fics like this. I honestly don't usually enjoy them, as they always seem dark for the sake of being dark. This was different. Never did I feel that you wanted to be twisted, evil, or vile. You wanted to tell a story. It was a fantastic story, though maybe a bit short, but with that being my only real complain, I would say you have quite a bit going for you. I wouldn't mind a sequel, and if I may throw a suggestion, I think you have the workings of a good crime drama author. Something along the lines of using his newfound respect to help with more high profile cases. Possibly sitcom like. No matter what direction you take this, if any, best of luck to you and keep on writing. :rainbowdetermined2:

3687842 Thank you times ten million! You are the first fan to make a comment on my story in five flippin' weeks! I thought that maybe after the first chapter, I started to lose my audience. But then the favorites got a few bumps and a fan ove on deviantart liked it enough to make fan-art of it. (see my latest blog.) I am, in fact, working on an Equus Mortis sequel, but it'll be a while for this cake to be baked. I have to make sure I'm not running over the same acre of soil, after all.
I do like crime dramas, though I watch very little television anymore. (Takes away time from this site, after all.)
Again, thank you for all of your comments. I wish I would get more of them. I'll keep on writing.
See you in 2014.

3702619 And thank YOU times ten million.:pinkiehappy:Yeah, I did a lot of research on human and equine autopsies to get the terminology as accurate as I could without being boring. I hope you like the rest of the story as much. As you can see by the skimpy comments section, I don't get much feedback.:pinkiesad2: Yay for Blown Gasket!

So, wait, hang on, maybe I missed something (I'm stupid, keep this in mind). Did Luna turn into NMM again, or was this an alternate universe variation on her return from season 1?

3706717 It's an alternate universe version from season one. In what I suppose I could call the Mortis-verse (hmm...catchy title), NMM is basically the female version of Loki. Or the devil.

3706561 I'm always on the lookout for new music. I'll give this a listen when I have the time.
(I'm writing this about an hour past my bed-time.):pinkiehappy: Thanks for the link.:pinkiecrazy:

Congratulations! Your story has officially been deemed a Dirty Ruby by The Gem Hunters
Having recently read through this story made it an easy grade for me. Congrats again and best of luck in the future.

3736558 Thank you! A dirty ruby, eh? Well, dragons do love their jewels. :pinkiehappy:
This means a lot to me. This makes me strive to be diamond quality in the future.
Thanks again.:raritystarry:

3737926 Indeed. Only reason it is in the dirty category is the mature rating. Still definite quality

3739591 :twilightoops:OOPS! Dang it....
Now THIS is why I love getting feedback. You are the only one who caught that. I'll change it when I get the chance. (Geesh, I'll have to do the same for my Deviantart copy, as well.)
Rest assured, there's a lot more to this than just a shout-out to "Cupcakes".
That Dashie joke was pretty awesome.:rainbowlaugh:
I hope you like the rest of the story.

3739747 I'm glad someone spotted that Kirkbride reference. When I came up with the name Kirkbridle, I thought "Ech, that's a terrible pun". Then I realized, "Wait! There are scads of word-play puns all over this fandom! It's perfect!":pinkiehappy:

I think a good continuation for this story would just be his daily life as a mortician and the strange deaths he encounters while in that crazy little town.

3779623 I'm glad you liked it. I am working on a sequel, but it'll be a while before that cake gets baked. One thing I'm trying to do is put more details, more character depth into Equus's next adventure. I'm not done with my little death-pony yet.

Congrats! Your story has been reviewed
This awesome link right here!

I rather enjoyed this. I think it has a few small rough patches, but it was a good read. There were a lot of very good little details, and great turns of phrase, particularly.

3994463 Thank you very much!:yay:
I'm casting around for an editor to help me polish "Equus Mortis" and "What My Dark Half Is Telling Me" to get rid of those rough patches you mentioned. I've had one nibble, but I'm looking for two.:pinkiehappy: Anyway, I'm very glad that you liked the details I put in and the overall story.

Whoa i love the twist you did with the whole pinkamena cupcakes thing.

4656873 Thanks. I'm glad you spotted that.

You're welcome it's not often people do this. Sure cupcakes didn't explain anything and saregent sprinkles never meant to he didn't know his story would be infamous. I am glad he made it even if he regrets it. Originally the pinkamena persona came from an ask blog and no one ever considers that pinkamena couldn't have acted alone there was another force manipulating her. Like in this story.

I can now say I have read a great story.

You know, even though I hate Pinkie Pie, I like how her name was (sorta) cleared at the end.

Good job. :raritywink:

4752060 (Sqeee:pinkiecrazy:) I love, love LOVE it when I get this many comments on a story.
I'm glad you liked Equus. I tried my best to make sure that he was troubled, but not whiny. Smart but not omniscient.
I'm glad that you liked how I handled Pinkie. I couldn't just let her twist in the wind.
By the way, thanks for the watch and the fave!

4901213 Wow! Thanks a lot. I'm very glad you liked my story this much. (Now I can send you my annoying-ghost story.:rainbowlaugh:)
Luna needs her own emoticon.

5073867 Hmm...maybe she was.:pinkiecrazy:
It's cool that some of my readers have similar professions to Equus. (See the bottom of the comments.)
I hope you like the rest of my story. :pinkiehappy:

5076648 I'm glad that you like what you see so far. I hope the rest of the story grabs you just as much.

5120860 Serrated blade? :twilightoops: Oh, well. At least I was mostly accurate. I got my research from a horse autopsy (from a veterinarian surgery web-site) and numerous human autopsy reports online. I wanted to make sure the technical details were at least fairly accurate as it drives me buggo to see rampant inaccuracy on TV shows and the like.
(CSI and its ilk make me roll my eyes.)
I'm glad that you like what I've done so far. It's also cool that you study the same things that Equus deals with. :pinkiehappy:

5207140 Juuuuust keep reading.:twilightsmile: Most folks comment on this first chapter alone. I hope you like the other chapters as well.

5207152 Huh, Nightmare Moon using Pinkie as a puppet. That's new. :pinkiesmile: Thanks for a good story and an interesting OC. I loved that reference to Surprise!

5207547 I'm glad you liked the story enough to favorite it.:twilightsmile:. I'm also glad you like my little death-pony OC.
OCs often get a bad rap for being boring, overpowered or whiny. I think I dodged those bullets with little Equus, though.
Thanks for the comments. (And blanking out the spoilers.:pinkiecrazy:)

A nice, fun read. Loved Equus as a character.


5298227 Thanks very much! I tried to break the trend of boring OCs with Equus. I'm glad you like the story.
(I'm working on his third adventure now, but it'll be a while before it's ready for consumption.)

Thank you for uploading your story to The Dark of the Night! :twilightsmile:

5525187 Thanks! I'm trying to create a grim-but-still-good OC that doesn't suffer from Red-And-Black-Alicorn syndrome.
Sorry about the delay in responding. My house wi-fi got shut off so I have to go online at Burger Jester...King on my days off. (boo)

Does this story's title translate as "Death Horse"? If so :rainbowlaugh: very good

6538076 Har. Please bear in mind that I wrote this before "Rick and Morty" even existed. Neat coincidence, eh? Cool jokes.

6538101 BZZZT! Sorry, but no. I wrote a companion story to this grimdark called Strange Angel that tells who Dashie's boss is and what she was up to while Equus was fighting evil.

6537448 Yep! "Pony of Death", as i like to put it.

6540950 I might just check it out. I'm curious as to how someone can get over being tortured to death by a friend. Whenever I think of someone actually surviving or, perhaps worse, being resurrected from it I think of that one bit in the Witcher 3 where Yennefer revives Skjall. He's dazed, confused, horrified and in pain. I can't imagine Rainbow's mental state after it. I certainly hope that her new boss is a miracle working psychologist or something XD

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