• Member Since 14th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


"Friendship is an island that you retreat to. And you fall on the floor and laugh at all the ninnies who don't have enough brains to have your good taste." --Ray Bradbury


Rainbow Dash dies and discovers that the afterlife is stranger than she could imagine. With guidance from her new boss, she finds plenty to do to keep herself busy as an angel.

Note: This story takes place during the events of "Equus Mortis", only with no gore or blood.

Edits were done by the invincible Rethkir. Go read his pony words.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

This is what Ammit more or less looks like.


Someone's probably going to wonder what it looks like, so I thought a pic would help.

Can we have a sequel to this that happens in same time the sequel to Equus Mortis?

6330502 If I can think of anything interesting, sure. I'm glad you like my Dashie-as-an-angel idea enough to want to see more. :rainbowkiss:

Ehhhhh... It's all well good but I just get the feeling that Rainbow got over this way too quickly. Yes it's well written and everything and the dialogue is lovely and you're descriptive enough to paint a picture but not overwhelm but I just think that Rainbow just probably shouldn't get over this... She was tortured to death by her lover XD I'd think that even the "she was possessed" excuse wouldn't fly (pardon the pun) well with her. Imagine if your best friend decided to do the same to you and then a weirdo with a creepy Jackal head told you it was an ancient evil moon lady that did it. Wouldn't you be skeptical? Now this is Rainbow and we all know her intuition isn't exactly sharp but she isn't this trusting.
On a side note; isn't Anubis a servant to another God? If so... Wouldn't he be a eunuch? Just a thought XD

6541669 Since not even modern day Egyptians take Anubis seriously anymore, I figured his god status as servant is no longer relevant in the grand scheme of things. (In Neil Gaiman's "American Gods", Anubis works in a funeral home, for example.)

It would take a long time to get over one's death, especially in Dashie's case, but just like with "Stillborn", I had to make sure the story wasn't a pain to read.

I'm glad you liked it.

6566063 He WAS a servant is what I meant :/ . He wouldn't regrow genitals just because he left the other gods service... Maybe? Bloody death gods and damned difficult to figure out powers :rainbowlaugh:

6566140 Well, sex is nothing more than a dim memory in the pony land of the dead, anyway.
This reminds me of a joke that Phil Folio did in an old cartoon. Two ghost guys are looking at a living woman. One says to the other, "Do you know what I'd do to that lady if I were still alive?"
The other ghost says "I don't remember."
"Neither do I."

6566782 Fair point but Anubis isn't a pony, he's still a god. Maybe he stole a penis? "Anubis?" "Yes Rainbow?" "I've been wondering.... Why is your dick indigo?" "... Afterlife stuff" "... Ok?" (In Anubis's head) "shit she's onto me!"
On a side note, auto correct isn't very reliable at all. It's either correcting things into other things that I don't want or it's not working at all. Thanks Obama!

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