• Member Since 15th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Tuesday


Slip into a world where the air I breathe is mine, nothing to overwhelm me and nothing to cloud my mind, come with me into it and you know what you will find, time doesn't exist here~

Comments ( 56 )

Haha, Bravo!

That was fast. :pinkiegasp:

Allow me to be your first view, possibly? That would be kind of cool. :rainbowdetermined2:

Wait, is this another clop?

Or is this a shipping?

Already adding to my favorites.

One doesn't ask for the clop. The clop merely calls to you, and you either answer its pleas or leave it to die. You have answered the call! :pinkiecrazy:

Also, I'm sensing a pattern with your chapter namng schemes...

Well... You DID say you were going to make this a wet one.

And you made them get high of off each other.

Not bad. I loved it!

~Skeeter The Lurker

D'oh ho ho ho. What misadventures lay in wait, I wonder?

Wow, starting with "X needed Y sexual act" is going to be a common thread in your clops, isnt it?

3500002 I am a fan of excessive cum in both reality and with my ponies. I love the stuff. Does the story have your approval?

3500041 You know damn well I am a colt of motifs, running gags, puns, aliterations, gimmicks, and limericks.

Another A.J. x R.D. clopfic? Kilted, you're spoiling us.:raritystarry:

If I had squirted in a cup drinking it down would be pretty killer right now too!


Also, A.J. could totally use Rainbow Dash as a water gun... Or should I say a squirt gun.:trollestia: Yeah, I apologize for that one.:ajsleepy:

Ugh... I made it through this one, but it was close. I almost had to stop reading. Good job, though. It was well-written. But, is there actually going to be a second chapter? It's marked as Incomplete.

3501229 Made it through? In a good or bad way?...

Yep! Three in fact!

3501276 Ugh... I don't know if I can take two more chapters. In answer to your question, I hate clop, but I sometimes play a game with it to see how far I can go before feeling too sick to continue. I very nearly threw up from Chapter 1. Hopefully the rest won't be as difficult.

3501538 ... Wow... that might be the most insulting thing I have ever read on one of my stories ever.

Or if I may be more blunt, you seriously might want to reconsider what you do with your time if you want to see how long you can go because clop triggers a gag relax for you.

Congratulations. You like wasting your time and torturing yourself. Please consider readjusting your life priorities. If you would truly like to be disturbed, may I interest in you far worse things, such as motherless.com, or gurochan?

And if I may be even more blunt, why the fuck are you telling me this? Now if there was something in the story you didn't like but walked into thinking you would like, I am more than open to your thoughts and ideas. But if you read - and the more I think about it the more I've read comments by you on other stories like this - clop just to test yourself and then tell us all how much you hate it, that's kind of the definition of a schmuck. And someone who just needs to perhaps realize smartphones, other pony fiction, life, and other hobbies are more interesting.

3501807 I'm sorry that I can't keep my humor from slipping into even my clop. It's... part of who I am. You may spank me later.

3502024 Chapter two will be up tonight or tomorrow morning.

3502038 I never say it was a bad thing. I love comedy:pinkiehappy: and well writen fics!:rainbowdetermined2::raritywink:

Just... no spaking. Don't need to.

3501655 If the clop made me almost throw up, that means the story was very well-written. Bad clop doesn't do that; it just seems stupid. So in a really wierd, fucked up, roundabout way, I just told you your story was really really good.

3502098 You still need to seriously readjust your torture habits dude. Like, for real.

One of my best friends loves to be degraded to the point she breaks out into tears, but she knows full well that 'torture' is for release. What you are doing...

Man, you might want to see a doctor about that. And that's coming from a guy who sees a shrink.

Don't read 'good' clop for the writing if it makes you want to puke. Read good shippin to make your heart melt.

Another good work here.

I'm not too fond of AppleDash fics but I'm suprised how well this one came out. It was "intriguing" to say the least, you sick, brilliant bastard. :rainbowkiss:

Congrats, you have attracted my attention. Not many clopfics do that, tis funny and rather... I'm kicking myself right now for saying this, but rather arousing.

Rainbow Dash needed Applejack's vagina on her lips.


Didn't really read it. Not right now. I'm in a super weird just like "WHAT IS MY LIFE AUHGHH" mood right now and procrastinating an assignment. Ugh. See you.

3505648 ...K. You know that I'm a person with my running gags.

Love you~

I can't wait to get back to my other stories. Ugh... Not that writing clop is bad. In that, well, the other stories need to be done and tuned up!

Oh dear sweet LUNA, there's a second part now!



First of all, Kilted, thanks for the credit. I only gave you a few little ideas :ajsmug:
You do it very, very great and awesome. And the end of chapter 2... Oh, my Celestia, if Pinkie joins this is gonna be epic FUN!

A second chapter that's also really good? What are the odds:rainbowderp:

3505820 Yes I did. If it wasn't for you commenting in the thread than I would not have made it. I have done my Apple/Dash clop, and soon it will be time to return to my other works!

I think it's likely I'll write one final chapter in the next few days. Because... nopony has done Apple/Pink/Dash?

3506183 I told you. Swearing helps. It makes it more powerful.


ApplePinkDash? Not that I ever readed it...

*Evil grin*

I liked the idea a lot!!!!!! :pinkiecrazy:

3506428 I haven't written an aroused, sexually molested Pinkie Pie before. So many ways I can write her. I think I know exactly how...

Oh don't worry, she has a perfectly realistic grasp on a sex drive. She has to follow some rules of reality, and being horny is one she is all too keen on following.

Even when Applejack and Rainbow Dash abuse it heavily.

Nice and hawt!

Loved it!

Also, Dasha, huh? Unique and unheard of. I like it.

~Skeeter The Lurker

3510705 Someone else said that earlier.

I've grown much better at writing Applejack, and when I think of how she speaks, I can't think of her saying Dashie. So I do Dasha. Just as it sounds. Dash-sha.

And I like anal. Anus doesn't sound right in porn, so I use tailhole. It is directly under their tails...

So I write something no one else does! And I am certianly on the very high end when it comes to swearing and ponies.


Huh. Makes sense, and like I said... I like it.

Still, well done on this, man.

~Skeeter The Lurker

Cum sex cloud!

We are looking at 2 inches of cum in today's farecast. :rainbowlaugh:

Oh my god! this was probably the best clop I have ever read. I dont even know what to say honestly......

You fucking Rock! I love you guy's for this story! Love you! Love your editors, I love your couch! I love you again! :heart:

Thank you! :pinkiehappy:

So they used the dildo's dry :fluttershyouch: god it hurts just thinking about it.

3512553 It's comments like this that make me remind myself that people enjoy my writing. I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart. It means so much to me that you find my work so enjoyable. Even when it makes you squirt everywhere. Something about that is nice.

To say that this is the best clop story that you have ever read is an honor to me of the highest order. Thank you. I just... why did you enjoy it so much?

And there's only one person here. No one edited it but me, and I wrote it all on my phone on Write 2. I've grown much as a writer thanks to my fans, and I hope to upgrade the story that made me famousish for you.

Wow. To know that clop really made you that happy. Just... made my day. Truly.

I love my writing chair too.

But they have puffy puckers. They're horses. Squisher buttholes. E621 is your friend.

Rainbow Dash woke up with a craving: The craving of her tongue between Applejack's thighs.

Suddenly, everything is alright.

"Seems ya got a dildo up your butt, AJ. Must have fallen out of my pack"

You see, this is the problem with the clop game these days. All these kids focusing on fancy metaphors and giga-stories. We don't get gold like this anymore, and that's what we need. We need more writers who can write blasé anal dialogue.

3569437 Oh I love my romantic clop, and I do need to read more of it instead of doing other things, but I know right? Those squishy horse puckers need things inside of them, and Rainbow's here to put them up places!

I'm laughing so hard right now. Oops, seems you have a dildo in your butt! :rainbowlaugh:

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