• Member Since 21st Dec, 2011
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Comments ( 1383 )

Ah, I can't stand wing dismemberment...

If you don't like it then don't click on it.
Embrace all of it or bog off.
Good day.:moustache:

For some reason this interests me will track, will read.

Hmmm, I remember reading 'A Precious Rainbow' and deciding it was the best alternate ending of 'Cupcakes.' Really loved it actually.
Defiantly going to give the rest of it a read.
On another note, I don't see why people see 'Cupcakes' so negatively. To be honest, there's worse stuff out there and, besides it makes an interesting read.


Agreed, I read cupcakes and it wasn't that bad. I've seen much much worse on this website alone that IMO beats cupcakes in the creepy category. Although it was pretty terrible, and I felt worse watching the animated version. :pinkiesick: Great now I'm going to be sick, now I have to go listen to Pinkie sing about smiles.


It's truly a shame that Equestria Daily caters to people like you. It really is.

Freakey :rainbowderp: i was literally thinking no less that 2 hours ago "Hmmmm, i really want to read that one cupcakes fic......" and here it is all re uploaded

I detect Mad...



Pfft. If I was mad I'd be deleting your comments up and down. You're a troll, not a Brony. I don't get mad at trolls.

302300 ive never heard of that alt ending?

302397 for future reffrance,there is a block feature

302459 Oh no worries, already done. I simply humored him for a few posts to determine if he was a disgruntled Brony or a troll. I got my answer.

I just got done reading the first and second bits and it was very nice! It felt very warming to see this ending, and I think the explanation you gave for AJ's rescue is great! I will continue to read more. :twilightsmile:

It's above you, first 4 chapters, 'A Precious Rainbow' o.O

I understand Dashie so well :fluttercry:
The power of words somehow gets overlooked, the one trying to stand up against them is always at fault.
And if Dashie's mother realy hate's it that much that her co-workers are talking about her daughter, then how n the world doesn't she understand her daughter, who got an even worse fate?
I know, I'm reading to much into this but I always thought it's kinda unfair, especially for kids :ajsleepy:

...This is so much better then the original. Even if :pinkiecrazy: died, I would rather this be the real end to what Pinkie was doing. Great job so far.

I love this story! I'm really glad that you've continued it for as long as you have. I was really excited to find that you had written more after reading "A Precious Rainbow" several times. (I still reread parts if it :rainbowwild:)

Keep up the great work; I'm loving the latest installment!

So... Loving the story but the last couple chapters not counting this one hit my sanity pretty hard surprised myself when I made it to the end.

302646 i assumed you were talking about one of the original 8 alt endings to cupcakes :P

sorry if that made you even more confused

I'm actually writing my own extended cupcakes fic right now:pinkiecrazy:. I'm so checking this out for inspiration (not not idea plagiarism):pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

I loved every single installment of TCC so thanks for giving me an excuse to read them all over again...not that I needed one of course :raritywink:

DUN DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUN!!!!!:pinkiecrazy:

I read it in deviantart, awesome fic.

306048 Yep, now I'll be updating all three sites at the same time. DA, FFnet, and FiMFiction. Pick your site! ^_^

I have mixed feelings about the story so far :applejackunsure:
Being able to match the same quality as 'A Precious Rainbow' would be difficult to achieve but I felt these following stories/chapters/sequels are still good. However, it just has the feeling of any old Rainbow Dash/Applejack shipping story now. It's still a good read but it doesn't feel as unique as before when it was more related to 'Cupcakes' and Rainbow's struggle following those events.

306768 In the months that it has been in planning, Rainbow After The Storm has been aimed at returning to the roots set in A Precious Rainbow. I hope I'm successful in that endeavor.

Very interesting, I have to admit I would have liked it more if :pinkiecrazy: lived and it had been about her interaction with Dash afterwords, but having read all you have written so far I really like it. good work. :pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by Geyshawins deleted Mar 24th, 2016

So this story is based off the video when pinkie tortured rainbow dash right?

309450 No, It's based on the fic when Pinkie tortured Rainbow Dash, Cupcakes. The videos were also based on this.

309845 isn't that what I said?

Look's like they are going to have a new Iron Pony competion

309882 No, you were asking if it was based on one of the videos. The fic came long before any of the tribute videos, and this fic picks up right were dash was about to get gutted in the original.

I personally would have preferred this without the corny overused appledash stuff.:unsuresweetie:

bleh was good fanfic til this appledash gunk came up :applejackunsure:

im confused. how is rainbow dash reading the journal if this took place when the investigation had barely begun?

311409 If ya don't like it, don't click on it. I make no apologies for the shipping.

311449 The end of Investigations of a Nightmare was near the conclusion of the investigation, when Luna first discovered the journal. Rainbow reading it takes place one month later, at Sweet Apple Acres.

This is really awesome, can't wait to read more!:raritystarry:

It's a really nice story, and I love it.

But I just noticed something.

"And indeed he did. Eggs, fresh apples, and orange juice."
Well I don't think ponies eat eggs from another creatures. :rainbowwild:

319027 I didn't know what else to put. The only thing that was off limits was any kind of meat.

This seems interesting, and I want to read it, but I really don't want to read cupcakes or anything like it. Still the concept of this seems intriguing to me, can anypony tell me if there is gore or anything like that in here before I read it?

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