• Published 26th Oct 2013
  • 6,368 Views, 70 Comments

Friendship Goes Both Ways - Mooncalf

A charming piece of jewelry promises to give Trixie an unusal kind of revenge. However, things don't turn out as expected...

  • ...

Everypony loves Trixie

Trixie stared at the small item in the display case. It looked like a simple mane pin. Possibly because it was a mane pin. Rather tasteful, in silver and blue paint, shaped like a star. Something a little colt might pick up for maybe ten bits as a gift to his schoolyard crush. It certainly didn't look impressive enough to justify the price tag it did have, several magnitudes higher.

Trixie's gaze turned to the merchant of the dirty curio store she was in, an old earth pony with a wide, customer-pleasing grin. "The Great and Powerful Trixie isn't sure she understands. THIS is an artifact of great power? What does it do?"

"It brings the wearer great charisma and personal magnetism," the smiling merchant assured her. "When it is active, anypony you wish to influence will regard you as a loved friend and individual of great importance."

"The Great and Powerful Trixie IS an individual of great importance," she sneered.

It wasn't what Trixie was looking for. Trixie had need of power – more power than her already considerable reserves of magic. Enough so that she could teach the ponies of Ponyville.

And her. Twilight Sparkle. Pretending to be just an ordinary, run-of-the-mill unicorn, just so that when she did bring out her power, she'd make Trixie look like a weakling in everypony's eyes, by comparison.

Twilight Sparkle. Whose casual dismissal of her own accomplishment – 'that was just an Ursa MINOR' – had ruined Trixie's entire career.

Clearly a toy like this would not accomplish that goal. Still...

"If it could do that, why don't you use it yourself?" she asked, crooking one eyebrow at the merchant. "Make some wealthy pony your friend, charm every customer into buying everything at premium prices? Make pretty mares fall in love with you?"

"Ooh, wonderful idea, miss!" If anything, his grin grew even wider. "Sadly I would need magic power the likes of which you are so blessed with." He tapped her horn gently. "Besides, I made a pretty mare fall in love with me many years ago, and I call her my wife."


Still, she had to admit that it held a certain... allure. Trixie may not have had the opportunity to stand on a proper stage for a long time, thanks to Sparkle's insufferable influence, and may have had to take odd jobs to build up her funds – if she never had to see that rock farm again in her life, she would be a happy mare – but she was a show pony at heart, and the power to entrance and dazzle the crowds was dear to her. Although she still had faith she'd be able to accomplish such things by her acts alone – once she'd cleared her reputation, that is – the idea of charming everypony by magic sounded fascinating.

An idea suddenly entered her mind. What if Trixie were to turn this power upon Ponyville? Make everypony her adoring fan. Turn Twilight Sparkle into her own servant, lovingly doing everything she asked out of sheer admiration. A whole town loving her, Trixie. Just as they should.

An absolutely brilliant plan. One that could only have been conceived by the genius of the Great and Powerful Trixie.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie will take it!" She dumped a sack of golden bits on the desk, wincing slightly as she realized that the purchase devoured almost the entirety of her gathered funds, but as she slipped the ornament into her mane her confidence reasserted itself. Once her plan was complete, she would want for nothing ever again. Her wonderful shows alone would shower her in riches when everypony loved her. "Now, what is stopping her from simply turning its power on you and making you give her money back?" She was curious about the last bit, really. Surely he'd never sell this if she could just enslave him to her will?

"Ah, I am but a humble earth pony, but I have quite some experience with magic items... and insidious customers." He smirked lightly. "You will find that I'm not easily affected by charm, magical or natural. Also, all sales are final, miss."

"You should have informed Trixie of that first... hmpf!" She was beginning to fear that she may have been tricked. “Do you at least know how Trixie will make it work?”

“Oh, yes, I remember it very well,” the merchant said. “Simply charge it with your magic and it will work just fine. But it will take an awful lot, or so I’m told. Better hope you really are powerful, miss, for it will likely take all that you have.”

All Trixie’s power? Oh, the sly mule… if Trixie tries it out now, she’ll be too tired to walk to Ponyville. So there’s no way she can call his bluff if this thing is fake! Well played… She turned and headed for the exit. "Trixie will accept this for now. But if this thing does not give Trixie her money's worth, she will be very cross!"

After the pony had stormed out, the merchant laughed softly into his hoof. "Don't worry, miss... you will get what you deserve, I'm sure."

Several days later, Trixie approached the outskirts of Ponyville. It had been a long walk, but Trixie had been walking on her own since the night her wagon was crushed by a giant star-bear. She was used to it. She had not met many ponies on the way for her to test her magic purchase on, though. And those she had met... she hadn't met anypony she really wanted to waste her magic strength on, not when she was this far away from Ponyville. And there was that slight worry that maybe nothing would happen, that maybe she had wasted all her money on a worthless trinket. The fear of disappointment had made her put the test off several times.

But when she saw a familiar sight off the side of the road, she realized with a sinking feeling that she would have to find out very soon. There, mending a fence by hoof, was one of Sparkle's accomplices. The orange one, with the hat. She'd recognize her anywhere, even without seeing her cutie mark.

The farmer was completely focused on her fence, and had not yet seen Trixie. This was it. Trixie's horn lit up, and the magic empowered the mane pin. A sense of relief welled up inside her as she felt the magic take hold and the jewelry started to do its work. It didn’t even take that much power. Clearly, that simpleton of a merchant had never met a unicorn of Trixie’s level. With renewed confidence, she stepped forward and approached the working pony.

"Well now, if it ain't Trixie!" the farmer exclaimed when she finally noticed Trixie's approach. Her face split into an honest, happy smile. "Sure is a pleasant surprise! Ah was wonderin' if you'd ever want ta come back here, after what we did to ya." She took Trixie's hoof and gave it a strong, but genuinely friendly shake.

It's working! Trixie struggled to keep her jaw from dropping in bafflement and marshaled her usual haughty expression to cover herself. It's really working! "Yes, well, Trixie did not enjoy what happened, but thinks it would be cruel to deprive the masses of her glory."

"That's mighty fine an' noble of ya, Trixie." The apple pony swiped her hat off. "Ah, where are my manners? Ah'm Applejack. Ah can't believe Ah ruined yer show without even introducin' mahself properly. C'n ya ever forgive me, Trixie?"

A part of Trixie's mind wanted to tell off the pony for not addressing her properly as the Great and Powerful Trixie. No, she thinks she's Trixie's friend, doesn't she? And friends are fairly informal, right? Trixie put on her best and most magnanimous face. "Of course Trixie will forgive you, Applejack. You simply could not fully grasp the incredible glory of Trixie's performance."

"Good to hear, Trixie," Applejack said, giving her a friendly pat on the withers. "Hah, you talk just like Twilight, all them fancy educated words. Have you had a chance to see her yet? I'll bet she'll be pleased as punch to see ya again!"

"No, Trixie has not." A smirk appeared on her face. "Why don't we go pay her a visit?"

The walk into Ponyville proper was amazing. Everywhere, ponies turned to look at her, wave at her, and whisper excitedly among each other – she thought she heard a few say "It's Trixie!" with excitement. As though they were happy to see her. They really are! They want to see me! They want to have me here! This is wonderful!

After a short walk, during which Applejack made small talk – mostly about apples, which Trixie politely pretended to care about, but also about Trixie, which she readily basked in – they approached a curious house made out of a huge tree, outside of which stood a very familiar-looking lavender unicorn.

"Oh my goodness!" Twilight Sparkle exclaimed, trotting forward in a hurry. "Trixie, is that really you?"

Whatever grand declaration Trixie would have presented in reply was never heard, as Twilight immediately closed in on her with an enthusiastic hug. "It is you! The Great and Powerful Trixie! I almost thought you'd never come back, I thought you hated us after your wagon got crushed..."

Being reminded of the loss of her old wagon and stage stung a little, but Trixie didn't feel like demanding restitution right now. Plenty of time to get back at Sparkle later. For now, let's be the bigger pony. "Trixie was upset about that, of course. But it would be unjust to deny Ponyville of her grand presence for so long."

Twilight nodded happily. "You're right, who would want to miss a chance to see the Great and Powerful Trixie's wonderful performance? Still, I'm sorry that everything went so wrong that night."

"Yes, well... Trixie will forgive you." No need to be petty when she so obviously adores me. She put on her most winning smile. "Trixie will magnanimously let the past stay in the past. After all, we are... friends."

"I'm glad to hear that, Trixie," Twilight said with a delighted grin. "I've always wanted to be your friend. Are we going to see your magic show for real this time? We could probably set up a stage in the market square, everypony will come and see."

"Of course, Trixie would love to hold as many performances for Ponyville as she can." Inside, Trixie fought hard to hold down her swelling pride and excitement at the thought of finally performing for an appreciative audience. Yes yes yes yes yes! Her inner filly jumped around in circles at the thought, and she was of half a mind to join in herself. "Trixie has a feeling that she won't have to worry about hecklers this time."

"Of course not, Trixie," Twilight reassured her. "Now, where do--"

*BOOM!* A massive cannon burst went off right in Trixie's face, showering her with confetti, streamers and balloons, and blowing her mane straight back. "SURPRISE!" a manic-looking pink pony she didn't recognize yelled, appearing next to the large-bore cannon that had somehow blindsided her. "Were you surprised? Huh? Huh? Were you?"

"..." Trixie managed.

"I'll take that as a yes!" The pink-coated and pink-maned hyperenergetic pony started to bounce around her and Twilight with incredible exuberance. "Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie! And you're new to Ponyville! Except you're not new because you were here a year ago but you left suddenly before I had a chance to meet you and say 'Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie! Welcome to Ponyville!' so Hi! I'm... wait, I already said that! Anyway, welcome to Ponyville! Again! Now I got to throw you a welcome party and make it even better to make up for missing the last one!" Pinkie Pie bounced one more time and zoomed off.

"...what just happened?" Trixie asked in a weak voice. She gingerly levitated the party paraphernalia off her coat, noting with mild interest that the cannon had disappeared again. How do you perform sleight of hoof with such a large object?

"That was Pinkie Pie. She's..." Twilight looked lost for words for a moment. "...difficult to explain. But she's the best friend you can ever have, and she's friends with everypony and everyone in Ponyville. And she's throwing you a welcome party tonight, it seems."

"A party? For Trixie?" Nopony ever made a party for Trixie! Sure, Trixie's performed at parties, and she's been invited to a few when her career was at its peak, but... never a party just for me...

"Are you okay there, Trixie?" Twilight asked, touching her hoof against Trixie's forehead. She sounded slightly worried and concerned.

"I... Trixie is fine." Trixie quickly slipped on her usual demeanor of polite aloofness. "Trixie looks forward to her party. It has been some time since she had the opportunity to enjoy festivities."

"Well, Pinkie throws parties all the time, so you won't be bored for long in Ponyville," Twilight said. "Speaking of which, I tried to ask you before Pinkie showed up, but where are you staying? And how long? You probably have a busy schedule, but you're always welcome here, naturally."

"I... ah... well, of course Trixie feels welcome when she's among friends!" She fought down an unexpected feeling and continued, "Trixie is actually taking a bit of vacation from her travelling and may stay for a while." Trixie didn't bother to mention that said travelling had been mostly scrounging for jobs and a lot of rock-breaking. "Also, Trixie was hoping that she could stay with you, perhaps?"

Take that, Sparkle! Trixie will invade your home and eat your food and mooch off of you in every way she can! And maybe she can find out how you got all that power and claim it for herself! Living well is the best revenge, and now Trixie will get the best revenge by living well at your expense!

"Yes, of course!" Twilight exclaimed with what could only be described as an excited, foal-like squeal of delight. "You can be my guest! And we can have breakfast together, and read books, and discuss serious magic – honestly, I love this town, but nopony even understands Neighton's third law – and I can help you with magic tricks, and we can watch the stars, and tell scary stories, and talk about our adventures, and, and... it'll be like a sleepover every night!"

She actually wants me to stay with her? Is that something friends do? I didn't even pretend to imply that I was going to pay for anything, and she still wants me to live with her? And have a sleepover? "Trixie... never had sleepovers as a foal."

"Oh my gosh, me neither!" Twilight gushed, sounding if anything even more excited. "I had one with Rarity and Applejack, and it started kind of bad, but once they stopped fighting and we got the tree out of my bedroom, everything turned out fine. We should have a real sleepover, Trixie! Just you and me! And maybe one with all our friends!"

As Trixie watched her lavender nemesis head into Pinkie-like levels of exuberance over the possibilities, she wondered if her magic mane pin might have caused some damage to Twilight's brain. Still, sleepovers are supposed to be... fun, right? Maybe it could be nice, even with a pony like Sparkle. Although I wonder if that bit about getting trees out of the bedroom is some kind of euphemism...

And once again Trixie found herself interrupted by physical ponyhandling as her friendly enemy hugged her again. "This is going to be so much fun!"

The party was in full swing, and Trixie was loving every moment.

There were snacks, and drinks, and a large cake with a beautiful rendition of Trixie's cutie mark and blue frosting the same shade as Trixie's coat. There were balloons, and streamers, and noise makers and party favors that Pinkie Pie just couldn't get enough of. There were music, and when Trixie made fun of Twilight's absurd dance moves, she just laughed in reply. They played a game of 'pin the tail on the pony', which Trixie excelled at, even though such childishness should have been beneath her. Twilight had introduced all her friends to Trixie, including the aptly-named Pinkie Pie and a cripplingly shy pegasus named Fluttershy, as well as the other two ponies she had humiliated that one night. Trixie even performed a few magic tricks – simple illusions and sleight of hand, really – which drew shouts of delight from her friends.


They're not really my friends... but... it feels... it feels...

"It feels what?" Rarity asked, snapping Trixie out of her reverie. "I'm sorry, you were mumbling something."

"Um..." The magician silently chastised herself for her lapse. "Trixie merely reflected that spending time with... with friends, feels different from the adoration of the fans."

"Well, of course, dear." Rarity tossed her mane lightly and adjusted her dress; she had come to the party in a festive dress, claiming that she liked to make the occasion a little more special. Trixie had found some satisfaction in the fact that her own magician's outfit was much more eye-catching, so Rarity wasn't trying to show her up at her own party. "The adoration of the masses is all well and good, but you simply cannot trade it for the camaraderie of friends."

"Yes, friends are good," Trixie mumbled, staring down into her glass of punch. Her reflection stared back. "Trixie never really had many friends."

"Yes, well, friendship is a kind of magic all on its own, Twilight says." Rarity took a sip from her own glass. "She never had any, either, before she came here, and now look at her. Or take, for instance, Applejack. Such a ruffian, I thought. Unwashed, uncouth, uncultured. Yet she is so very dear to me – as are all my friends – for all those qualities that make her, her." She took another sip and smiled warmly at Trixie. "And then there is you. At first I thought you were just a rude and unmannered braggart, swaggering on your stage and showing off your magical might. I really should have recognized a stage persona when I saw it."

"Stage persona?" Trixie asked, slightly confused.

"Of course, darling. Have to give the audience what they want, am I right? Once you realize that you're doing it for the benefit of your audience, it all makes sense. The Great and Powerful Trixie is somepony we're supposed to look up to, after all." Rarity suddenly leaned closer to Trixie's face. "On that note, how would you like to model my latest creations? You have such panache, such presence... and, may I say, considerably good looks. You would be perfect!"

"Well!" Trixie drew herself up with pride. "Of course Trixie has great stage presence. She is, after all a star of any stage. Naturally Trixie will model anything you wish, as long as it looks good on her." This Rarity pony is obviously gifted with refined taste, if she recognizes Trixie's grace. Pinkie's party is fun, but Trixie needs to be adored in style!

"Darling, you have no idea how happy that makes me to hear." Rarity draped her hoof around Trixie's withers. Evidently friendship means having no personal space. "And of course I'll make sure it looks good on you, though I'd suspect anything would. Even with all that travel dust, you look splendid. Oh! What do you say about a visit to the spa tomorrow? I'm going with Fluttershy on a regular basis, and it'd be so nice to have you with us. And maybe Twilight? Pinkie Pie got banned after she brought bath toys, though. Applejack and Rainbow, that's more effort than it's worth..."

As Rarity lapsed into a tirade on beauty habits of the uncouth and veering into gossip territory, Trixie idly wondered how magically mind controlling another pony into being her friend had somehow landed Trixie with unexpected favors to do. And why do I actually feel okay with it?

A few hours later, Trixie staggered back towards the library, feeling tired and bloated and with Twilight in tow. "You really shouldn't have had so much cake, Trixie," Twilight said cheerfully. "Pinkie makes them big and filling."

"Trixie's party, Trixie's cake," Trixie muttered. She didn't mention that it was the first time in a long while she'd had cake. "Sooo good..."

"Fair enough, oh Great and Powerful Trixie." Twilight swung the library's door open for her. "You seemed to really enjoy the party, though."

"It was re... it was a fairly good party, by Trixie's estimation. But then, any party improves in standard when the Great and Powerful Trixie is in attendance." Trixie walked inside and found herself unexpectedly face to face with a vaguely familiar purple lizard. "Um, hello?"

"Huh? What are you doing here?" the creature asked. The voice sounded very familiar to Trixie.

It's that creature Sparkle brought to my show! He kept insulting me and egging Sparkle on to challenge me! And he sounds like he's not affected by the magic! What if he sees through my trick, and tells everypony? How do I fix this?

Help came from an unexpected source. "Spike, you big silly!" Twilight exclaimed. "This is Trixie, our friend, remember? She's come to visit and will be staying for a while, so we threw her a party to make her feel at home." She tapped him on the head pointedly. "Remember how I said only a few days ago how nice it would be if Trixie came to visit us again? And here she is!"

Spike stared at Trixie for several seconds, and then a look of recognition settled on his face, along with a friendly smile. "Oh, of course. Our friend Trixie, how did I forget that?" Trixie felt relieved. Somehow, Twilight's reassurance had managed to push past his defenses and allowed the spell to take root properly. Still, she made a mental note not to aggravate him, in case the illusion was disrupted again.

"Trixie, this is Spike, faithful baby dragon and my number one assistant," Twilight said proudly. "He lives here too, so if there's anything you need..."

A DRAGON for assistant? And here I thought that Sparkle had run out of ways to outdo me... "A pleasure to meet you. Are you by any chance immune to magic?"

"Huh? Spike said, wondering where that remark had come from. "No, but I have really thick scales. Still, if you need to test out spells, let me know first, okay?"

"I'm sure Trixie wouldn't do anything like that without permission, Spike." Twilight suddenly stopped and turned around. "Now that I think about it, why weren't you at the party? Didn't Pinkie give you an invitation?"

"Yeah, but you know..." he waved a claw dismissively. "Crusaders needed my help with something."

"Ah, of course. Any results?"

"None, as usual."

"That's a pity."

"Yeah, but who wants a trebuchet on their flank?"

Trixie, meanwhile, had realized that the conversation had drifted into the field of the incomprehensible, and took a good look at her surroundings. "Twilight, why do you live in a library?"

"Because I'm a very lucky pony." Twilight yawned deeply. "Right, bedtime. Let's get the guest bed set up..."

The spa was almost as enjoyable as the party. Rarity had insisted on signing them all up for the full treatment, and the place did not fail to deliver. Trixie had soaked in a hot tub, undergone a full-body massage, and more. Her coat shone vibrantly, several months' worth of aches and tense muscles were gone as if by magic, and her entire body felt years younger. Right now her hooves were getting an expert hooficure from one of the twins running the place – Lotus or Aloe, Trixie recalled, although she kept mixing them up. The rest of Trixie was slumped over in a puddle of pure bliss.

"Trixie feels like a phoenix, reborn from the ashes of her old self," she announced to the world at large.

"Poor dear," Fluttershy said from a nearby couch, where the other spa twin was placing hot stones on her back. "All that travelling and excitement must take its toll on you."

"Of course, but Trixie can weather the harshness of the world for the sake of her fans." Trixie did not bother to mention that most of her weariness came from breaking rocks under Humble Pie's stern gaze. Wait a moment. Pie... Pinkie Pie... no, that must be a coincidence. They're nothing alike. "And yet for those same devoted fans, Trixie must endeavor to look her best. And for her friends, of course."

"I take it that we have another pony for our spa dates, then?" Rarity said from where she and Twilight were submerged to their necks in mud. (Not the kind of common, everyday mud you might get all over yourself by working on the farm a whole day, but expensive, mineral-rich mud imported at great expense from distant lands, which was a completely different thing.) "Splendid! I'll see about getting you your own monogrammed bathrobe, then."

"Mmm... ah, yes, do so." Inwardly, Trixie squealed in delight at the thought of enjoying beauty treatments on a regular basis. But it's expensive... and Trixie doesn't think that her enhanced charisma will make Rarity cover the bill more than a few times, unfortunately. "Trixie will definitely want to make a habit of this."

"Thank you, Miss Trixie," Aloe (Lotus?) cheerfully replied. "We're delighted that an accomplished pony like you think so highly of our service."

"But of course. Trixie only attends the very best spas in Equestria," Trixie lied. "...and this is unquestionably one of the best she has attended in a long while," she added honestly.

"...so Trixie may have to find some income while she's staying in Ponyville," Trixie explained. Today, the girls would be meeting for a picnic. Spike had gone ahead of them to set everything up with Rarity or something. It was the perfect weather for the occasion – sunny, cloudless skies courtesy of Rainbow Dash – and she and Twilight were taking their time, enjoying the walk to the park. As they trotted along, ponies stopped to wave at her. She waved back. Trixie's magic is still working perfectly.

"But isn't this your vacation, Trixie?" Twilight asked. "Surely you shouldn't have to work on your own free time. And if you're worried about grocery costs, I really don't--"

"No, Trixie insists. Besides, Trixie may find herself with unexpected expenses, and will not beg for handouts from you." She paused. "I mean, Trixie is far too great and powerful to have to rely so much on her friends."

"Well, if you're that set on it," Twilight agreed. "Maybe you could have charged more for your stage performance?"

Trixie remembered last night well. It had been the first time in a long while she had carried out her true profession. She had gone on the simple stage her friends had put together, with an attendance of the entire Ponyville, and it had been absolutely perfect. Her acting had been rusty at first, but all her skill was there. There had been no hecklers, no complainers, no problems; just wonderful feats of magic and the cheer of an audience that loved her. And her friends. Even when a few uncontrollable boasts and tall claims slipped in – she had tried to cut those from her repertoire to avoid another 'incident' – nopony minded. She had enjoyed it so much, it wasn't until later she realized she had forgotten to charge for attendance. Still, there had been plenty of tips.

"...Trixie? Are you okay, Trixie?"

Trixie was brought out of her reverie by Twilight as she was leaning very close and peered worriedly into Trixie's own eyes. "Trixie is fine!" She took a step back in surprise. "Just reminiscing about last night. Trixie prefers to open with a free performance, to draw in new crowds. Trixie usually makes her income from the tips, anyway."

"If you say so," Twilight replied, breaking off her concerned scrutiny. "Still, if you need some extra bits, the library could always..."

Twilight's voice died down as they walked around a bush and came upon three little fillies in distress. The cause of their problem was obvious; the large tree in front of them had captured a kite, a ball, and (somehow) a scooter in its upper branches, and refused to return them. One of the fillies, an earth pony, was bucking the tree with little effect, while her pegasus friend buzzed her wings desperately trying to gain height. The third one, a unicorn, tried to bring her magic to the mix, but only managed to fire a cascade of sparks from her horn despite tremendous effort.

"Oh no. Girls, what happened here?" Twilight asked.

The three fillies stopped what they were doing and ran over. "Twilight," the earth pony filly exclaimed, "our toys got stuck in the tree..."

"All of them?" Twilight frowned. "How did that happen?"

"Well..." The yellow filly scuffed at the ground. "Mah kite got stuck, so Sweetie Belle tried to knock it down with her ball..."

The white unicorn filly continued, "Then my ball got stuck, so Scootaloo threw her scooter..."

The pegasus filly was about to speak up when Trixie interrupted. "Yes, yes, the Great and Powerful Trixie sees how this must have happened. Fear not, little ponies! Trixie will vanquish this taking tree and reclaim what is rightfully yours!"

Trixie took a dramatic stance, generated a light breeze to make her cape lift, and gave the tree a shake with her telekinesis. She could have just plucked the toys from the branches, naturally, but that lacked a certain required excitement. As the three objects dislodged, she caught them in her magic and gently placed them before the three fillies, who were staring wide-eyed at the spectacle. She winked at them. "All yours, little ponies."

"Wow..." "That was cool!" "Thank you, Great and Powerful Trixie!"

"Was there ever any doubt?" Trixie said with a confident smile. "Now..." She paused, and looked inquisitively at the unicorn filly. "Little one, are you having problems with your horn?"

She looked bashful. "Y-yeah... my sister's really good with magic, and I try to do what she does, but nothing's happening!"

"Very well, Trixie will help. Close your eyes, little filly, and listen to Trixie's voice." The little unicorn did as she was told. "Imagine a lake, a great wide lake, full of sparkling, pure water. So much cool, clear water."

"Yes..." the filly whispered, letting the beautiful scene unfold in her mind.

"Imagine sinking into the water," Trixie continued. "Let it flow around you. Drink deep from the water, let it fill you. Let it fill your heart and your soul."

"Okay..." She smiled blissfully, feeling as though she was really there. The water felt so good. Unbeknownst to Sweetie, her horn started to gather a faint glow.

"The water is magic," Trixie intoned. "The water is you, and you are the water. It is yours to do anything you wish for, and it is always within your reach."

"Sweetie Belle, it's working!" the pegasus exclaimed in shock. Sweetie Belle's eyes sprang open and rolled upward, trying to catch a glimpse of her horn, which now glowed steadily. "It is! It really is!" she squealed. Then it immediately faded. "No!"

"You lost your concentration," Trixie explained. "But you should be able to do it again now. Try it."

Sweetie nodded, and repeated the exercise, this time without closing her eyes. She concentrated hard, as she usually did, but instead of the pitiful sparks she was used to, she saw the magic build up, tentatively, making her horn shine once more. With some effort, she managed to hold on to it. She turned around and looked at her ball, and a faint glow built up around it and shakily lifted it off the ground. Her friends stared at the spectacle with wonder.

"My, a fast learner. Trixie is impressed that GYAH!" Trixie was cut off as the three fillies tackled and hugged her, amidst shouts of "Thank you!" and "You're amazing, miss Trixie!"

"All right, girls, she gets the point." Twilight stepped forward from where she had observed the whole thing and lifted the grateful trio off of her showmare friend. "We have a picnic to get to, so why don't you three go see what you can do with Sweetie's new skill? And don't do anything dangerous," she added. Once the three fillies had rushed off, chattering about madcap plans for adventure and excitement, Twilight turned to Trixie with a warm smile. "That was wonderful."

"Merely a little trick Trixie learned somewhere," Trixie said dismissively as she straightened her mane. "Trixie recognizes a magic blockage when she sees it."

"Actually, those can be really tricky to fix, but that's not what I meant." Twilight took a step closer and gave Trixie a knowing look. "It was really sweet of you to help them."

"That, that was nothing, really," Trixie stammered, wondering why Twilight was making a big deal out of this. "I would hardly be very great if I let little fillies cry without doing anything? Now hurry up, or the others will eat all the cake without us." She hurried off, feeling oddly embarrassed, while Twilight followed, still smiling and looking like she knew something.

"Spike, remind Trixie again why we have to do this." A heavy lexicon landed on the shelf with a dull thud, guided by magic.

Spike sighed deeply, not for the first time. "I told you a dozen times, Trixie. We have to put the books on the shelves. We can't just leave them lying around everywhere or nopony will ever find anything."

"But Twilight just takes them down again!" Trixie yelled. "She's the one who leaves books everywhere, why can't she at least clean up after herself?" Another stack hoisted itself off the ground and, after a quick look-over by Spike, flew off to their designated shelves. By themselves, the books weren't nearly heavy enough to bother Trixie's magic strength, but the sheer number of them was beginning to wear. Not that she would admit as much.

"Eh, you know how Twilight is when she has an idea." Spike shrugged dismissively. "She gets all worked up and runs off to do everything without any thought about other things. And I have to pick up the pieces, scrub the soot off the walls and clear up the book piles. But then, I am her number one assistant." He beamed with pride. "Of course, you don't have to do my work for me if you don't want to, Trixie. You're our guest, after all. If it's too much..."

"Nonsense! This is no trouble at all!" Trixie protested. She took the opportunity to set down the books and sit down for a bit of rest while she talked, though. "The Great and Powerful Trixie would hardly be much of a friend if she didn't help out a bit, would she?"

"I guess," Spike said. "Sure beats having to do it on my own." Noting that Trixie had taken a break, he added, "Want a drink?"

"That would be nice," Trixie said. He nodded and walked off to the kitchen, and returned a few moments later with a glass of juice and a bowl of snack gems. "You really like working for her, don't you?"

"Like I said, number one assistant." He drew himself up proudly, like a soldier standing at attention. "Sure, there's Owlowicious, but we worked out our differences. He's a good friend."

"Hmm, yes." Trixie had met the bird in question and had a brief and one-sided conversation with him. She took the glass and sipped from it thoughtfully. The Luna-forsaken bird will regret making a fool of Trixie, oh yes. "But that's not all, is it?"

"Well..." He popped a garnet into his mouth, silent for a moment. "It's complicated. I've literally known Twilight my entire life, see? She hatched me and all."

"Yes, Twilight explained that earlier." Why couldn't Trixie have taken a test like that? Trixie would have aced it and gotten a dragon servant of her own. But nooo, only special students like Twilight Sparkle gets exciting tests while the rest of us have to write essays.

"So she's practically my mom," Spike continued. "Or my big sister, more like. And sometimes she's my best friend, and other times when she gets caught up in something, she's a bossy boss who hardly notices me unless she wants something." He took up a small sapphire and twirled it in the palm of his claw, staring into the many Spikes reflected in its facets. In a small voice, he continued, "Sometimes she and the girls run off for some big thing and leave me behind, like they forget I exist."

"..." Trixie said. This took her by surprise, to say the least.

"And other times we're in it together," Spike continued in a bolder voice. "Like we're a team, you know? Sometimes I'm even the one who saves the day. Like that time with the Crystal Empire. Twilight would have been lost a bunch of times without me, and in the end I was the one who saved the day."

"Suuure, you saved the Crystal Empire." Trixie rolled her eyes dramatically. "And Trixie singlehoofedly defeated the dreaded Ursa Major, right?"

"I'm not making this up!" Spike protested. "I got my own stained glass window in Canterlot and everything!"

Trixie ruffled his spines playfully. "Sure, sure. Of course Trixie believes you, oh savior of Equestria." As Spike fumed, she added, "If Trixie had an assistant like you, she'd have him on stage almost every night."

Spike immediately perked up. "Really?"

"Certainly!" she exclaimed. "With a real, live dragon, there's no end to the amazing performances she could do!" The dragon's eyes lit up with excitement. "You did say you were fireproof, right? Thick scales and all that?"

Spike visibly deflated as the unicorn giggled. "Yeah, yeah. Real funny." He dug into his gem bowl again, muttering under his breath.

"Yes, Trixie certainly is, thanks for noticing," Trixie said, trying to stifle her laughter. She waited while he chowed down on a fistful of emeralds. "So, speaking of relationships, you have a crush on Rarity?"

Spike promptly did a spit take, sending crystal shards everywhere. "W-what?! What are you talking about?! That's absurd!"

"Oh, come now, Trixie can read you like an open book." In large type. With illustrations and pop-ups. "Your thick-scaled heart aches for Ponyville's one-of-a-kind fashionista, or Trixie will eat her hat."

"Okay, but keep it to yourself, okay?" he hissed, as though fearing that anypony might overhear. "It's supposed to be a secret! And it's more than a crush. She's so beautiful, smart, refined and wonderful..."

"Yes, that describes Trixie perfectly, but weren't we talking about Rarity?" Trixie said.

Spike glared at her. "In your dreams, Trixie. And my nightmares," he added. "It's more than a crush, though. I really think I love her. I... you probably think it's a silly idea, huh?"

"Maybe, maybe not." Trixie tapped her chin thoughtfully. "On one hoof you're a different species, you're likely to eat her merchandise by accident, and you still live with your mother." Drawing a fair amount of satisfaction from Spike's expression, she continued. "On the other, you're a dragon. Trixie won't delve into what that could mean, but the prospect itself might be intriguing enough to catch her interest. You've got some shared interests, you're financially stable, and she actually seems to like you for some reason. Your only risk is that you wait too long and some eligible socialite stallion gallops in and steals her away." She paused. "Though if what she told Trixie about the Gala was accurate, she may have lost interest on that particular front. Still, Ponyville has a good number of stallions that might catch her eye if you keep dawdling."

"...huh. Thanks, Trixie... I'm gonna have to think about this." Then he smirked. "So if you're such a whiz at romance, how come you're still single?"

Trixie harrumphed. "Trixie is a free spirit, little dragon. She simply hasn't met the pony who could win her great and powerful heart, that is all."

The door burst open, and Twilight dashed in. "Spike! Brownian Motion: A Study of Isolated Patterns, where is it?! Oh, hey Trixie. Everything all right?"

"Um... yes?" Trixie said, stunned.

"It's under Physics, over there," Spike said, pointing it out.

"Right, right." Twilight yanked the book from the shelf, leafed through it, then pulled out more books for cross-referencing. Satisfied, she discarded the books on the table and made a few scribbles on a scroll, which she pocketed. "That's all I needed to know! See you later!" She dashed off again.

"...like I said, that's Twilight." Spike tapped the new book pile with a claw and grinned. "Ready to help some more, Great and Friendly Trixie?"

"Ugh," Trixie groaned. "Trixie is starting to reconsider her offer..."

"Ow! Watch it, Rarity!"

"Do stop fidgeting, dear," Rarity said, pulling back one of her floating needles. "This is delicate work, and you need to stand perfectly still if I'm ever going to get everything right."

At the moment, Trixie was standing in the middle of Carousel Boutique, modeling an extravagant gown while the fashionista made several minute changes with the aid of a veritable swarm of needles, scissors and other tailoring tools. Trixie had no idea why Rarity needed her to wear the gown for the procedure – there were several ponyquins of differing sizes all over the room that would do the job just as well – but her faux-friend had been insistent, and Trixie had found it easier to just accept it.

"Trixie does not care for this gown," she announced as the swarm made another turn around her midsection, adding bows. "It is far too overdone, and the colors don't suit her."

"Oh, I know, dear, but it's to the customer's exact specifications, and customers need to get what they ask for if I am to stay in business." Rarity shuddered a little. "Besides, it's not the worst demands I've ever received." She made a few cuts in the fabric uncomfortably close to Trixie's mane, and the magician quickly pulled her precious locks back. "Your style, on the other hoof, is tastefully simplistic. Whatever made you settle on that particular look, anyway?"

"Trixie dresses in the manner of the classic stage magician. Daring, eye-catching, and easy to move in." She smirked confidently. "It never goes out of style, so Trixie looks magnificent everywhere she goes."

"Ah, to be unshackled by the cruel and ever-changing demands of modern fashion," Rarity said wistfully. "Sadly, I have to keep up with the trends or nopony will take me seriously." She removed a few misplaced bows, glued more gems in place, then lifted the end of Trixie's mane and scrutinized it. "But I really want to create something for you, if only for the challenge. Something matching your style. You have such lovely colors! And I owe you for what you did for my sister yesterday."

Trixie was confused. "You have a sister?"

"Why, yes. Sweetie Belle? Little white unicorn with light lavender mane?" Seeing Trixie's face light up with recognition, she continued, "She had been so despondent lately, and I couldn't do anything to help her. I asked Twilight for assistance, of course, but she just gave Sweetie a big stack of books on the subject and assumed that the problem was solved."

Trixie could see Twilight do just that. "Naturally. Anyway, she simply didn't know how to bring out her magic properly. It was easily remedied." She stuck her nose in the air proudly, shifting slightly, and promptly got stung in the leg by a needle.

"Of course," Rarity continued, "this just means that the Crusaders added magic to their supply of trouble-making tools. There may be dire consequences."

"Crusaders?" Trixie asked. "Trixie has heard that word before..."

"The Cutie Mark Crusaders," Rarity informed. "On a quest to find out who they are, to get their cutie marks, and to get into trouble each time." She rolled her eyes. "There's Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom, who's Applejack's sister, and Scootaloo, who's... well, they're not actually related, but if you didn't know better you'd swear she was Rainbow Dash's sister. And between you and me, I think Rainbow's warming up to the idea."

"Trixie understands." There was a pause before she continued, "Though Trixie has trouble seeing that show-off speedster taking in a filly who can hardly fly. No offense."

Rarity chuckled knowingly. "Heh heh. Trixie, there's a lot of things you never learn about another pony before you get to know them. And our Dashie has a lot more to her than she lets on." She added on some clashing fabric to the gown, in accordance with customer specifications despite her own sensibilities. "Once you get to know a pony, you might find that she's quite different from who you thought she was."

"Ah. Sadly Trixie has never really stayed long enough to get to know other ponies very well."

"No," Rarity mused, "I can tell."

Why am I looking at the stars with Twilight Sparkle?

The two unicorns were sitting under the starlit sky together, up on a bare hill that the unicorn said was an ideal location for stargazing. They had set up a telescope, which Twilight was repeatedly peering through while taking notes, and the hill was cluttered with books she had brought with her for reasons that made sense only to her, and they had brought blankets to sit on, as well as to keep them warm later. They had brought sandwiches and thermoses with hot chocolate. It was like a late-night picnic, with only the two of them. Of course, the others had been invited, but had declined. Spike had called an early night and was deep asleep back at the library.

I like stargazing. They've always been there, every night I've been on the road. And of course Twilight likes stargazing, because she's an egghead.

"Luna's really outdone herself tonight," the egghead in question said.

But Twilight wouldn't like to look at stars with Trixie. Not really. Nopony likes Trixie, after all.

“I’m glad you came to visit, Trixie,” Twilight said. “It’s nice to have a fellow magic aficionado helping out around the library. Spike’s rather… territorial, but I know he’s thankful for the help too. Hah, and here he said that you’d be a layabout your whole stay.”

Who would have a reason to like Trixie?

"Hey, what got you so quiet?" Twilight asked, giving Trixie a playful nudge. "It's hardly like you to clam up like this."

"Um. Trixie was merely thinking..." She paused, and continued, "thinking about how the stars make the loveliest backdrop. It's one of the reasons she likes to hold her performances at night, after all."

"It does add a certain ambience, doesn't it?" Twilight agreed. "Say, do you have a favorite star, Trixie?"

"A favorite star?" Trixie asked.

"Mmm, yes. A star that felt special, just for you." She pointed to the sky. "Mine is the North Star, there. Bright and significant. I always thought it was standing alone, until I realized that it always have its friends nearby."

"How poetic," Trixie replied dryly. Can this pony say nothing without bringing up friendship?

"So which one's yours?" Twilight asked.

Trixie raised her hoof. "That one."

Twilight followed the outstretched hoof and giggled. "Trixie, that's the moon. Let me guess, it's the only thing on the sky great enough to match the Great and Powerful Trixie?"

Trixie frowned self-consciously at the barb. "Of course. But more importantly, ever since she was a filly, Trixie felt a... kinship with the Mare in the Moon."

Twilight was silent for a moment. "...but Trixie, Nightmare Moon was evil."

"Trixie didn't know about Nightmare Moon then," the magician retorted dismissively. "Hardly anypony in Equestria knew her from an old legend. All Trixie saw was the face of a pony who was always alone." Like Trixie. "And just wanted to share her greatness with everypony else." Like Trixie.

Twilight didn't respond. Instead, she scooted closer to Trixie and wrapped a blanket around them both. "I'm cold. Aren't you cold?"

Trixie had been feeling a little chilly, but right now she felt very unexpectedly warm. Time to change the subject. "Twilight, do you like Trixie?" Wait, wrong subject!

Twilight peered into her eyes quizzically. "Of course I do. Who wouldn't like you?"

"I mean..." Trixie decided to press on. "I mean, would you like Trixie even if Trixie wasn't your friend?"

"That doesn't even make sense, Trixie." Twilight gave her a reassuring smile, the kind that said that everything was just fine. "I like you because you're my friend, and you're my friend because I like you." She nuzzled the blue stage pony affectionately. "Does that answer your question?"

"Yes," Trixie sighed. "It does." I'm sorry...

It was barely a week later that Twilight got her wish and all her friends agreed to have a sleepover together. Twilight began the night by announcing her plans to "do everything by the book", and Applejack responded by pinning her to the floor while Rarity stole the book and hid it somewhere. Twilight was less than happy about this.

Thankfully, this time they avoided any infighting, and had settled down in the library's main room – where they had set up their sleeping arrangements – to relax and have fun before it was time to sleep. Applejack and Pinkie Pie was making s'mores over the fire, while Rarity was taking great delight in styling Fluttershy's mane. Spike had leapt at the opportunity to play host, mostly for Rarity, and was readily providing snacks and drinks for everypony. Twilight was trying to do some light reading, but her attention kept drifting to the center of the room, where Trixie was challenging Rainbow Dash in three-card Monte. Or, rather, beating her completely.

"Okay, that's gotta be the princess," the flyer said, pointing to the left card. "I swear I saw you put it there."

Trixie flipped the card over, revealing it to be a deuce. "And you are once again wrong. Does the fastest flyer in Equestria not have the fastest eyes in Equestria?"

"One more time!" Rainbow Dash demanded. "You can't win every time!"

"Very well," Trixie said. She flipped the cards over, revealing a princess and two deuces. She then flipped them back and quickly shifted them around with her hooves. "Best out of twenty-three, then. Where's the princess?"

"You're pretty good at that," Twilight remarked, putting her book away. Rainbow kept her eyes on the cards as they flew around, then slammed her hoof on what she thought was the winner.

"Trixie was taught by her uncle Con Job," the showmare replied, blithely revealing that the chosen card was, once again, a dud. "Of course, Trixie has never resorted to playing the game in full, because of course she is not a criminal." Again she scrambled the cards around, this time without looking.

"Wait, this game is illegal?" Rainbow asked. "Um... that one."

"If Trixie were to play this game properly, we would be placing bets." She revealed another incorrect card. "And Trixie would have an accomplice who would pretend to play and win, to fool you into thinking that this was a fair game where you could make some easy money. And Trixie would have another accomplice who would pick everypony's bags while they watched the game."

"That's... an interesting skill to have," Applejack said carefully. Her expression made it very clear what she thought about any friend of hers plying that kind of business.

"Better not let the Crusaders see that, Trix," Spike said wryly. "I don't want to know what Granny Smith would do if Applebloom came home with a con artist cutie mark."

"Eeech." Applejack made a disgusted face. "Flim and Flam were bad enough..."

"Trixie would never sink to the level of those shysters,” Trixie said with a hard expression. “Trixie assures you, Applejack, she has never gone those lengths. Trixie has standards." She rearranged the cards again. "Still, it is very good training."

"Yeah, I can tell," Rainbow muttered, pointing at the middle card... which was another deuce. "Ponyfeathers! Why can't I ever win?!"

Trixie grinned wanly. "You want to know why?" She flipped over the other cards, revealing two more deuces. "You never had a chance to begin with."

"What the..." Rainbow's jaw worked itself up and down in silence. "How the hay does that even work?"

"Ooh, I see!" Rarity said, excitedly. "You switched out the princess every time and hid it!"

"But I never saw your horn glow," Rainbow protested.

"Sleight of hoof," Twilight said with a knowing grin. "It's a must-have skill for any showpony. Looks like Trixie fooled you, Rainbow!"

Yes... looks like Trixie fooled you all...

Trixie stared at the princess card in her hooves. "..."

"Um, is there something wrong, Trixie?" Fluttershy asked, sounding concerned. "You look a bit, um..."

"You're right, Twilight," Trixie said weakly. "Trixie fooled you. Trixie has deceived you all."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "It's just a card game, Trix. I'm not gonna get huffy about a little thing like that."

"Not that!" Trixie roared. "It's not... it's much, much bigger."

She looked at the ponies and dragon around her. Seven faces masked with confusion and concern looked back.

"It began when Trixie returned to Ponyville..." She indicated the jewelry in her hair. "This mane pin, it, it is magical."

"Oh, really? Can I look?" Twilight asked. Before Trixie could stop her, she had plucked the pin from her mane and held it up for scrutiny. "Hmm, it's nothing I'm familiar with. Rarity, do you recognize it?" She floated the decoration over.

"No, don't!" Trixie screamed. She felt the magic break off, and looked at her 'friends' in horror. Now that the spell was broken, they would see her for who she really was. They would hate her, and cast her out.

Any moment now.

Any moment.

"Are we making funny faces, Trixie?" Pinkie asked. "Because I'm good at those!" She quickly contorted her own face and blew a raspberry. "Pbbbt!"

Applejack and Rainbow Dash looked dumbfounded. Fluttershy frowned. Rarity was studying the mane pin with a loupe. Twilight looked inscrutable. None made any indication of malevolence.

"As far as I can tell, it has a simple perfume charm," Rarity concluded. "Makes you smell nice under any circumstance. Good choice, Trixie dear. We should get one for Applejack."

"Very funny," Applejack deadpanned.

"What?!" Trixie didn't understand. "No, it's supposed to make everypony love and adore me!"

"Darling," Rarity said with a careful tone, "I think you're grossly overestimating the benefits of a little perfume." She levitated the mane pin back to Trixie's hooves. "Although everypony knows that smelling nice really helps when you want to be socially accepted, Applejack."

"Cut it out, Rarity," Applejack mumbled.

"But... but... but..." Trixie stared at little silver ornament lying in her hooves. "But... Trixie... but... how..."

Twilight sighed deeply. "Girls, I think it's time to come clean."

"See, Applejack?" Rarity said in agreement. "Twilight knows the importance of good hygiene."

"Rarity," Applejack retorted, "If you don't cut the jokes, Ah'm gonna kick ya all the way from here to the Everfree forest."

"Ah, yes. Point taken," Rarity agreed. "Go on, Twilight."

Twilight sat down next to the stupefied showmare and put her hoof around her. "You see, Trixie, you haven't deceived us. We have deceived you. I'm sorry about that."

"Haah?" Trixie managed.

"Toldja," Spike said to Pinkie, nudging her. Pinkie just giggled.

"This thing?" Twilight tapped the silver pin. "It can't actually do anything like what you thought it could. It only has a little charm to make it seem magical at a cursory glance."

"Well!" Rarity huffed. "I may not be a magical powerhouse like a few other ponies here, but it's my spell and I'm proud of it. And I think I did well with the pin itself, don't you, Fluttershy?"

"Oh, absolutely," Fluttershy agreed. "The colors really go well with her mane."

"B-but... you... e-everypony's been nice..." Trixie stammered.

"I asked them!" Pinkie Pie declared proudly. "I'm friends with everypony in Ponyville, so I asked everypony, 'Pretty please be nice to Trixie when she shows up, even though she was kind of a jerk last time', and they said yes! ...though I had to bribe some with cake. Twilight, you owe me for fifty-seven cakes."

"An' before you ask, that shopkeeper you bought it from is a friend of mah uncle Apple Strudel," Applejack declared. "It was easy as pie, gettin' that li'l doohickey in your hooves, once we heard you were sniffin' around for powerful magics."

“And we knew about THAT because it was the only thing you'd talk about, my dad said," Pinkie added. “He said it was a miracle you didn’t explode from all that anger and revengeance talk, but I said that ponies can’t actually explode on their own, except this one time when Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, Spike and I went to the bog, but Twilight only caught on fire that time, sooo…”

"And yours truly ran interference from above," Rainbow Dash said with a grin. "Just in case you decided to ruin the plan by, I dunno, go to Saddle Arabia or something."

“...why?" Trixie managed to say.

"Because we wanted to be your friends," Twilight said simply.

"Because Twilight wanted to be your friend, actually," Rarity corrected. "Well, that was true at first."

"Yeah, it was Twilight's plan all along," Rainbow Dash agreed.

"See, I heard what happened to your magic show," Twilight continued, "and I wanted to help you fix that, since it was... in part my fault your reputation was hurt." She didn't bother to say anything about Trixie's own part in her downfall, because this was not the time to criticize Trixie for old mistakes. Besides, she probably knew it all too well already. "But you'd never accept my help if I just outright offered it, seeing as how you... uh... hated me."

"So you concocted a plan to make Trixie think she made YOU think she was your friend, by tricking her into buying a fake artifact and making a whole town pretend to fall for it?" Trixie ventured. "That is by far the craziest, shakiest, most harebrained scheme Trixie has ever known, and her uncle once tried to fake the theft of the Manehattan Statue of Friendship."

"Oh, we know," Spike muttered. "We said so dozens of times. She just never listens."

"It worked, okay?" Twilight protested.

"And what did you hope to accomplish with this amateurish plot, anyway?" Trixie asked angrily. "What was your game, Sparkle?"

"I was hoping that if we treated you like a friend, you'd be friendly back," Twilight replied.

"Friendly?!" Trixie sputtered. "You-you thought... I... you're crazy!"

"Oh?" Pinkie asked with a devious smirk. "Who's been enjoying my parties?"

"Who's been going to the spa with us each week?" Fluttershy asked.

"Who's been modeling dresses for me with such patience?" Rarity chimed in.

"Who helped the Crusaders when they were in a pinch?" Applejack added to the mix. "Not ta mention fixin' Sweetie's magic. That was a mighty fine thing ta do, sugarcube. Those three really like ya, see?"

"Who's been helping me and Spike with the library?" Twilight asked. "And gone stargazing with me? And discussed magic theories and ideas with me?"

"I totally thought this would suck, but..." Spike chuckled lightly. "Guess you're not that unbearable after all."

"Let's face it, Trix," Rainbow Dash said with a confident grin. "We all stopped pretending weeks ago. You've been a friend all this time. You just didn't know it."

"What a twist!" Pinkie exclaimed with a shocked expression.

"No, Trixie only did those things to reciprocate, so the illusion wouldn't break..." Trixie protested.

Twilight shook her head. "I don't think so. If there had been a spell, it wouldn't have needed anything like that. You did those things because you wanted to." She sidled up to Trixie and hugged her. "I hypothesized that beneath that haughty showpony exterior was a nice, friendly pony, and if we just treated you nicely, it'd come out. And I can conclude that I was right."

"Fine. You win. And," Trixie mumbled, "what is it with your friendship that hates personal space?"

"Does it bother you?" Twilight asked, not letting go.

"...not really," Trixie conceded. "But you're not off the hook yet."

"Darling, what are you talking about now?" Rarity asked.

"You've all deceived and manipulated the Great and Powerful Trixie," Trixie announced. "Trixie will generously allow you to call her your friend, but this affront demands revenge. Pinkie! Rainbow! Trixie demands your assistance! Tomorrow, Trixie will play great pranks on you all!"

"All right!" Rainbow Dash announced, then looked suddenly confused. "Wait, on us too? How does that work?"

"Ooh, I get to prank myself? I bet I'm a really tough customer, but I'll crack me!" Pinkie announced.

Twilight sighed, and smiled. "Fine. Payback with pranks tomorrow. But not tonight, okay?"

"Of course not," Trixie agreed. "Tonight Trixie has a sleepover with her friends."

"Good. And we'll stay friends, right?" Twilight asked.

"Certainly. So you can probably stop hugging Trixie now."

"Oh, sorry."

Dear Princess Celestia,
I’ve learned that all ponies have a bit of niceness inside of them, but sometimes it’s difficult to bring it out. Sometimes you have work hard at it and go about it in unusual ways. Much like how you sent me to Ponyville to make friends, I had to use trickery to win my new friend over, and though I feel a bit bad about deceiving her, it all worked out in the end.

Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle

P.S. Do you know any spells for restoring a pony’s coat to its original color?

Author's Note:

Well. I'm not actually certain how I got the idea for this story, but once I had it, it had to be written. I hope you've enjoyed it, and I hope you enjoyed the plot twist. Can you find the subtle hints suggesting that something's not right, before the reveal?

Trixie's uncle Con Job was borrowed from Stryke's stories. Trixie's skill with sleight-of-hoof was inspired by her portrayal in the Lunaverse.

Many thanks to Talon and Thorn for prereading and quality feedback.

Additional thanks to Swashbucklist for additional prereading and pointing out that Spike had been inadvertently neglected. He said he'd give his left arm for more Trixie and Spike interaction, so I added a scene. Let's see if he holds up his part of the deal, shall we?

Comments ( 70 )

Mooncalf old buddy old pal,
you wrote a story?
You know what this calls for!
*Pulls out a small box with a red button on the top*
Super muffin Engage!
*Presses the button.....nothing happens*
Wait for it......
*Suddenly a small shadow forms on the ground*
*As the small shadow starts to rapidly grow he looks up to the sky*
Behold The super muffin!
*Suddenly from out of the sky, a muffin the size of a large house crashes into the ground*

As I told you before I really like this story, I could see it as an actual episode of the series. The plots a little implausible but it fits with the series' tone.

The addition of the friendship report at the end is nice as is the vague Trixie / Twilight shipping.



Anyways, it was really sweet. Pinkie's dad being in on it explains pretty much everything.

A very clever premise. Rather than just straight-up tricking Trixie, they got her to recognize and admit her faults on her own. Joss Whedon has said that a more satisfying way to deal with a villain than killing them is to get them to realize how villainous their actions are. I also enjoyed the market scene, in which you not only compensated for every slick trick the merchant could have pulled (as opposed to just having Trixie get duped without ever suspecting a thing), but also had Trixie herself attempt to catch him on those tactics to show that she is a shrewd pony. And even then, she was not without a sufficient measure of her typical idiocy. There was a lot of subtle humor throughout that had me grinning several times and laughing out loud more than once.

At first I was on the fence over Ponyville's natural sense of community fooling Trixie or the merchant having sent a message to Twilight explaining the situation. I started to suspect the latter when I remembered that Applejack had planted herself on the road in, then specifically guided her to Twilight. Every clue afterward supported that conclusion.

It was all fun until Twilight implied that she lives alone. Mood went back up when Spike's absence from the party was explained, but it still felt as though he had just been shoehorned into that scene so you could pretend to avoid pro-pony favoritism while continuing to portray the “mane six” as a circle of friends he isn't part of. It's sad to think that the lead character's most supportive and familiar companion would have to be shoehorned anywhere. Those ponies would be hard to like if they allowed their demographic similarities or EoH status to decide who their closest friends should be. It was never mentioned why he wasn't at the picnic, either (he once joined his friends at the spa, of all places). I actually groaned in frustration when Trixie started to come clean; to me, it was just another bonding experience that he would be excluded from for no reason whatsoever.

Your synopsis is also a little flawed: Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie never said a thing against Trixie, and Spike was one of the spectators who did. Trixie would only desire revenge against four ponies and a dragon, not six ponies.

It was a fun, gratifying story, but it had my good mood going up and down like the thermometers around here, and it left me at a low point.

3402648 You're a silly pony. Thanks.

3402774>>3402858 Thanks!

3402873 It's Pinkie Pie, what can you expect? Thanks!

3403885 Thank you for the in-depth analysis. I enjoy that.

Nice to see that you caught on that early. It's not a competition, of course, but it's fun to know how well people does.

Sorry to hear that you took offense at Spike's absence. I assume he's a favorite of yours? There's a reason why Spike wasn't at the party, and this is a spoiler for anyone reading the comments before reading the story: He was avoiding her. Because Spike doesn't, at least not initially, like Trixie. Same reason why Rainbow Dash doesn't get any mention until the end. She may have been at the party, but she did her best to not talk to Trixie.

Besides, the story is from Trixie's point of view, and filtered through her perceptions. This is why, for instance, nopony gets named until Trixie knows who they are. Things happening that she's not aware of or doesn't care about don't really get noted. And although she slowly warms up to the others, the pony she's most focused on (besides herself) is Twilight, which is why she gets so much spotlight.

I have no idea why you think Twilight implied that she lives alone or that Spike was excluded from the picnic.

Thanks for pointing out the error in the synopsis, it was a rushjob. Will fix.

Sorry to hear you didn't enjoy the ending.

Hey i take offence to that!
Err wait,
i am silly...
Never mind:pinkiehappy:

I had a feeling the pin was fake, but you worked this so well that I had to do a re-read to pick up on everyone's intentions. Good job---and that last line made me laugh. :)

Glad to hear you enjoyed my stories. And nice to see that you caught on to the subtle hints. I wanted the reveal to be surprising, while at the same time make sense. It seems I've struck a good balance.

This was... NEARLY... Flawless.

However you had Trixie 'saying' '...' several times in the story, when describing her silence would have been, in my opinion, the better choice.

In addition, while the overall character arc was great, I found the resolution to be a tad rushed.

But there is one totally unforgivable mistake in this story that needs to be rectified!

There is no sequel.:trixieshiftright:

Also, while I picked up on the fake/malfunctioning pin, I didn't suspect that the Mane Six were behind it all along.


However you had Trixie 'saying' '...' several times in the story, when describing her silence would have been, in my opinion, the better choice.

It's a bit of an affectation that not everyone agrees with. (Including EqD's prereaders, apparently.) Personally I'm rather fond of it as a kind of 'audible silence', the character wanting to say something but being unable to find the words. Might revise in the future, though.

In addition, while the overall character arc was great, I found the resolution to be a tad rushed.

How do you mean? Should I have developed more on the opening of the last scene instead of summarizing? I admit that they do drop a whole bunch of new info on her very quickly, but that was the point. The cat's out of the bag, so to speak.

But there is one totally unforgivable mistake in this story that needs to be rectified!

There is no sequel.:trixieshiftright:

Well, not right now. We'll see in the future. I have a few wild ideas, but nothing concrete or that fits as a continuation. Obviously Trixie is wise to her friends' cunning mind games now. Still, only the future will tell...

3483310 I may not have been especially clear.

By rushed, I mean that I'd have liked to see more of Trixie's thought process during the end.

Throughout the story we got alluring peaks into Trixie's psyche, and I suppose I felt like I couldn't connect as well to her thought process at the end.


That... is actually a good point. Looking through the scenes, her internal monologue is a bit spotty. Of course, towards the end it's probably mostly Wait wait wait what?

I'll see what I can do when/if I do a rewrite. I submitted it to EqD, and got back a very terse rejection letter with a bullet list of badly explained errors. We'll see if I find the time to do something about it.

Hiya, Moon! I really liked this story :twilightsmile: Though now I'm kicking myself because I can't make the same jokes anymore. :derpytongue2: Spot-on Pinkie there at the end by the way. xD

That was pretty great, and it's awesome that you used part of my backstory for Trixie so thanks :pinkiehappy:

3505862 I like the idea of Trixie having a checkered and adventurous past. And I wonder how overconfident her uncle must've been, using a name that marked him as an actual criminal? She's had to have picked it up somewhere...

Thanks for the fave! They're like chocolate for my ego.

I am sorry to say, I kind of figured it all out at the Applejack scene. I just had this feeling that this was going to turn out like this.

Doesn't change it from being a great fic though

oh at the confession I was playing this

I felt it nessecary

I enjoyed it. And really, since "Mare Do Well" it's hard to say the main characters wouldn't try to fix someone's personality problems with a hair brained scheme.

3702864 I wanted there to be hints of what was really going on, so the ending wouldn't feel like a complete cop-out. Of course, that meant that some readers would catch on early. I don't worry, though; as long as people enjoy the story, they can read it any way they like.

Good to know that the heartwarming friendship ending I was aiming for qualified for a heartwarming friendship song. :twilightsmile:

3726246 Hair brained schemes are the best schemes. Whether they fall apart completely, or somehow manage to succeed in some absurd fashion, they are always fun to watch.

I really like this story. The characterization was superb, the plot was clever and fit into the series' general feel, blah blah blah, general rambling about the Great and Powerful...ness of this story... Just a few things:

Does it make me a bad person if I pictured the curio shop owner's voice with the cliched, cheesy Asian stereotype? Does it make me worse if I found it amusing?:fluttershysad:

A big, thick cake, frosted look like Trixie's coat, with her cutie mark emblazoned on it... does that mean that everypony there was eating Trixie's big, fat fl-- :rainbowhuh::derpyderp2:NOOO!!!! BAD BRAIN!!!:flutterrage: What was I thinking?:facehoof:

He said it was a miracle you didn’t explode from all that anger and revengeance talk

Is this a not-so-hidden Metal Gear reference? I wouldn't know. Never played the games, though I do know there is a title called Metal Gear Revengeance, or... something like that... I know it stars a cyborg named Raiden and that is about it...

Also, how does one decide how to type what a raspberry sounds like??? I never understood...


Does it make me a bad person if I pictured the curio shop owner's voice with the cliched, cheesy Asian stereotype? Does it make me worse if I found it amusing?:fluttershysad:

Given that is presumably the same guy who sold the Alicorn Amulet in canon, I don't think so. As long as you don't think any lesser of him, I think we're all good.

Is this a not-so-hidden Metal Gear reference? I wouldn't know. Never played the games, though I do know there is a title called Metal Gear Revengeance, or... something like that... I know it stars a cyborg named Raiden and that is about it...

Just Pinkie being Pinkie. She was going for 'revenge', realized 'vengeance' sounded more dramatic, then managed to mix them together somehow.

Also, how does one decide how to type what a raspberry sounds like??? I never understood...

Just go with the feeling. Onomatopoeia is tricky.

I'm glad you liked it!

3949913 Woo-hoo! Thank you!

I see someone missed the upvote icon.:trixieshiftright:

Trixie idly wondered how magically mind controlling another pony into being her friend had somehow landed Trixie with unexpected favors to do. And why do I actually feel okay with it?

This is a key line. The answer is "Because Trixie isn't evil, what she really wants is to be loved, rather to harm others." Even though she's gaining friendship by evil means (mind control) she is responding to that friendship as if it were genuine, and this makes her feel obligated to return it. She also isn't using the advantage she's gained to inflict harm on the ponies of Ponyville, even though she could. At her core she's a decent and honorable Pony; she's just uncertain about her ability to win friends by honest means.

The irony, of course, is that she could always have won friends, simply by being friendlier herself. As you indicate by making it a Magic Crow Feather. :twilightsmile:

Incidentally, I think you capture Trixie's personality and "voice" perfectly. And I'm demanding when it comes to Trixies -- I think most writers either have her be too sweet (she's sour, at least on the outside, which is why she's so lonely) or mistake her for a true villain (she's not all that bad either, or she would have been much crueler under the influence of the Alicorn Amulet in the main series continuity). You also don't have her turn completely sweet at the end -- she's still recognizably Trixie, just Trixie in a happy mood.

I initially thought that the pin would affect Trixie herself instead of the ponies around her, but the way you actually handled it works better I guess; I enjoyed the read :twilightsmile:

4173509 That would have been a pretty interesting twist, certainly. Nice thinking. Glad you enjoyed it!

This was very nicely done. I suspected what was going on fairly early in the story, but it still played out very enjoyably.

4207248 Indeed. The hardest part in pulling a twist ending is that it has to make sense, so you have to provide some support to it, and people often catch on to that. It's a balance thing - not too much, not too little, and depending on how genre-savvy they are, some readers will figure it out ahead of the plot.

Glad to hear that you liked it!

I have added this story to my new recommendation group here.

4232962 Thank you! I'll be sure to check your group for interesting stories.

This was really good. Made me feel the feel.

"...fine. “But it"
Inappropriate quotation mark.

I would have liked this more than 'Magic Duel'. Have a like and a fav.:pinkiehappy:

I saw the twist coming, but I still enjoyed the story nonetheless.

5296495 Yeah, I believe that a plot twist needs to have some grounding and shouldn't just come out of nowhere, so there had to be hints the reader could pick up on. Also, thanks! Nice to know that the older stories still get some attention.

That I managed to see the twist coming partway through in no wise detracts from the excellence of this work. A tidy little production with a very nice ending.

That was fantastic and well played. I'll admit, I didn't fully see the twist coming. The fact that you had me actually laughing out loud just from reading is rather impressive, multiple times actually. :rainbowlaugh: Putting Trixie in a new light like that where she actually got tricked by herself is something I would like to see happen in the show. :trixieshiftright:
High compliments to you for such a good story!

An enjoyable little piece, twilight's plan was a bit far reaching but it still kinda works as all the characterizations were so solid and enjoyable. (that and you lampshaded it in the end heh). It's nice to see a straight up story of friendship without crowbaring sudden romance into it as it usually the case with Trixie stories. easily became one of my favs.

"Don't worry, miss... you will get what you deserve, I'm sure."

That's a horrible thing to say. :-(


Feels like WAY too elaborate a deception IMHO.

Now I imagine a nasty showing up in Ponyville during this, Trixie tries to use the pin to get them to be her friend too (since they never bothered to include any 'limits' to its description) and gets the Tartarus beaten out of her.

5629959 That's a horrible thing to wish on anyone. Besides, if anyone tried to beat up Trixie just because she tried to be their friend, they'd have the rest of the protagonists on them in a heartbeat.

I meant a nasty on the level of say Tirek.

Awesome, this is better than the actual episode. The Alicorn amulet should not have been allowed to exist. Fav'd, will probably follow if the next thing I read of yours is this good.

I friggin love this! Tied with Revisions for best Trixie story on the site, heck, best story on the site ^w^

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