• Published 8th Oct 2013
  • 854 Views, 53 Comments

Not just a walk in the park - Dead Lock

I was walking home one day, when I was transported to Equestria. I found all the characters I love from the show. They did't know me though.

  • ...

Chapter 9

After everypony was done hugging, Fluttershy left to take Scootaloo home, I volunteered to bring Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell home. After explaining what happened and being thanked from the Apple family (man, for ponies who doesn't have hands, they sure can give ya one of an arm ripping shake), I was walking to Carousel Boutique with Sweetie Bell at my side to take her home.

When we got to her home, I knocked on the door, I heard Rarity saying, "Come in, come in!" And we walked in.

There was Rarity making dresses (I may not be a professional in dress making and designs, but dang these are the most beautiful dresses I ever seen).

"Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is-," but she stopped when she saw it was Sweetie Bell and me, "oh thank goodness, where were you?!" Rarity asked. Sweetie Bell explained what happened. Rarity started saying, "Thank you Kevin, whatever can I- WAHHHHHH!" She screamed when she got a good look at me.

"Darling what happened to your clothes!" I looked down at my clothes and saw that they were ripped and cover in dirt,

"Oh yeah, the cockatrice must have ruined my clothes." I said.

"Doesn't matter, I was going to see you sooner or later about that! Oh, you should've come sooner! Oh well, I guess I can make clothes for you now!" She said with a gleam in her eyes.

Turning to her sister, she said, "Sweetie Bell if you could be a dear, and show Kevin to the bathroom so he can clean up."

"Sure thing sis!" She said, and started up the stairs, and I began to follow her.

She lead me to the bathroom, and I have to say, the bathroom is huge, big enough for a bedroom (wouldn't be surprised if it was a bedroom once).

I told Sweetie Bell to wait. I closed the bathroom door and took off my clothes, I opened the door just a crack to give Sweetie Bell my clothes.

"Can Rarity fix up these clothes for me?" I asked.

"Sure she can!" She replied as she took my clothes.

I closed the door and lock it, and got into the tub. Everything was just like a human bathtub, but slightly wider. I turned on the hot water, and let me tell, it felt like heaven to shower away all the dirt and grime that accumulated on me since I got here. I then took the least girly wash product and washed myself.

After I finished I looked around and spotted a simple white towel, I grabbed it and dried myself. I wrapped the towel around me after I was done, I was opening the door, when I thought came into my mind. I smiled at the thought, and decided to go with it. I took a step forward, and found myself behind Rarity drawing.

"Wha' 'cha doin'?" I asked doing the best Pinkie imitation I could do.

She jumped into the air when I spoke, "Pinkie how many times do I have to say to stop doing tha-aaahhh!" She yelled when she saw me there instead of Pinkie.

"How did you do that? When did you get here? Where did you come from?" She stammered as she tried to understand what I did.

I put up my hand quieting her, and said, "Rarity, let's just say that I am a human version of Pinkie, but without all the hyper energy."

After I said that, she relaxed and said, "But how did you do that?"

"Sorry I can't say, I Pinkie Swore to Pinkie that I won't tell."

"Well anyway, there are your clothes." She said pointing on the table, "I cleaned and repaired them, and I also used them as templates for your future clothes."

I picked up the bundle of clothes, and let me tell you, they looked way better than before, "Thanks Rarity." I said as I was going behind a changing screen to change into my clothes.

When I came out from behind the screen I asked, "Is there anything I could do to repay you?"

She put up her hoof and said, "No, you don't have to repay me, I am thanking you for saving my sister, and letting me make you new clothes. Oh and before you go here is the jacket you let me borrow." She said as she went up to her desk, opened one of the drawers, and pulled out my jacket.

"Thank you Rarity, you are truly the Element of Generosity."

Rarity blushed from the praise I gave her.

I left the store feeling really great. As I was walking through the square, I noticed that there was a trailer cart in the middle of the square. Now why does that look so familiar? I noticed that other ponies were starting to gather around, talking about the cart.

Just then there was a loud bang and the square started to fill with smoke, as everypony in the square was coughing, we all heard a loud voice.

"BEHOLD! THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE HAS RETURNED!" Said a light azure unicorn pony wearing a wizard hat and cape, a lot of the ponies in the square immediately sighed in annoyance at Trixie's arrival, some just left.

"The great and powerful Trixie has returned!" She repeated, "And this time she comes back with more magic, and power!"

Right then and there Twilight and her friends entered the square, they saw me and came up to me. Twilight asked, "What's happening?"

"Apparently Trixie is back." I replied, and they all groaned.

"Again? didn't she learn from last time when she boasted about her abilities?" Twilight asked.

Apparently Trixie's hearing also got better, "Yes Twilight Sparkle, the great and powerful Trixie did learn from last time she was here, so she studied for a long time, learning more spells and magic, now come up here and face the great and powerful Trixie, to be defeated and to show to everypony here, who is great and powerful!"

"No Trixie, I won't do it!" Twilight annoyed.

"Challenge me Twilight Sparkle, so Trixie can prove that she is better than you!" She said, getting frustrated.

I decided to speak up, "Trixie listen, if Twilight says that she doesn't want to do it, than she doesn't want to do it."

Trixie looked at me then gave me a disgusted look, "And what does Trixie pray tells, a hairless, tailless, monkey to tell the great and powerful Trixie what she can do, and can't do?" She said with a smug expression.

"Because I accept your challenge Trixie!" Twilight and her friends, along with everypony in the square looked at me.

Trixie started laughing, "And what makes you think you, a monkey, can take on the great and powerful Trixie!?"

Twilight quickly said, "Kevin, you can't! If what she says is true, then you can't beat her!" With a worried toned.

"Don't worry I can handle it, beside there is a couple of things I don't like, and boasting is one of them."

I walked up to the platform and stood there, "Well Trixie, what's the challenge?"

"That's great and powerful to you primate." Said Trixie with an annoyed expression.

"Ok let's get this strait, first I'm a human, second I have a name, and it's Kevin."

"Alright ready, the challenge is to try to out magic the other, got it?"

"Got it, let's get going." I said.

"I go first." She stated, her horn glowed and with a flash, and there in the middle of the stage is a small tornado, sucking the air into, then it burst , showering everypony in the square with lights and sparkle.

Everypony gasped and awed at the display, "Now your move." Trixie said.

I looked around and in the sky I noticed a couple of clouds, an idea came into my head. I concentrated, but to put some show into this, I whistled at the clouds, they came down near me and floated there.

I concentrated once more, I turned the clouds to water I quickly froze the water by slowing down the molecules, thus making a series of crystallized ice spires, that refracted the sunlight's ray making a display of rainbow lights. Now for the final step.

I concentrated, and then the ice spires shattering into thousands of pieces, scattering among the crowd of ponies. They all cheered at the display I gave them, I bowed, causing more cheers to come.

"No! The great and powerful Trixie is not finished yet!" She screamed, and her horn glowed and the whole square became enveloped in light.

"Behold and be amazed as the great and powerful Trixie well summon the most powerful creature in all of Equestria!" There was a bang, and there standing above us all is a freaking Ursa Major.

"HOLY CRAP IS THAT WHAT I THINK IT IS!!!" I yelled, freaking out.

"It is, and the great and powerful Trixie can control it, as long as Trixie is awake!" After she said that last part, she was swaying side to side, and fainted. The Ursa Major roared, and everypony started to scream and run away from the square.

I heard a pony crying out, "THE HORROR, THE HORROR!" I would have laughed, but right now is not the time.

"STOP, THIS INSTANT!" Yelled a voice, everypony and me looked around and there standing Princess Celestia and Princess Luna at the entrance to the square.

Everypony and I stood there stock still as the princesses walked up to the enraged Ursa Major.

When they got up the Ursa Major, it started growling, grunting, in some kind of language, after a while, Princess Celestia said, "I'm sorry that a pony took you away from your home and baby, but I will send you back." With that her horn glowed and with a flash the Ursa Major was gone.

We all stood there are mouths opened, I quickly recovered, "How did you know about the Ursa, and you can understand it?"

Princess Luna looked at me and said, "We felt a powerful spell being used in Ponyville, so we came to investigate, and it looks like we came just in time, and the answer to your second question, it's a celestial creature, and we are celestial beings." She said with a smile.

"That actually makes sense."

"Now to talk to pony that did this." Said Celestia, we all looked where Trixie is, but she wasn't there anymore, along with her cart.

"I guess she did learn a few things after all." I said with wonder.

Author's Note:

Omg. I'm being watched by people! It's kinda creepy. This chapter was fun to write. Trixie is cool to work with. I might even make another fic off her. Hmm.