• Published 8th Oct 2013
  • 855 Views, 53 Comments

Not just a walk in the park - Dead Lock

I was walking home one day, when I was transported to Equestria. I found all the characters I love from the show. They did't know me though.

  • ...

Chapter 7

"Concentrate." Said Twilight as I was sitting cross legged on the floor of the library.

"I am." I said as I was trying to levitate a book in front of me, but couldn't.

I sighed, "I can't!" I said, frustrated.

"Ok let's try something different." Said Twilight, after a few moments of thinking she came up with a solution, "Ok, instead of trying to force the magic out, clear your mind and look into yourself, and try to find something that feels it doesn't belong, but at the same time it does."

"Ok I'll try." I cleared my mind and look for what Twilight explained. I immediately felt a barrier in my mind (and to tell you the truth, it felt really weird), I prodded the barrier, then all of a sudden the barrier opened up, and I was immediately flooded with energy like I never felt before.

"Whoa." I said as I feel the strange energy flowing through my body. I looked at the book and concentrated, a silver aura covered the book, it went up about a feet into the air, and stayed there. I looked at other books that were lying around and concentrated on them and a silver aura surrounded them, and they too started to float into the air.

"That's impossible!" said Twilight, shocked.

"Why?" I asked, clearly confused.

"Because, right now you're doing a higher level of magic. And you just discovered that you have magic about half an hour ago."

"Well I was always a fast learner." I said. But I was nervous, because I was making her nervous about this.

"LOOK OUT!" Yelled a voice, then all of sudden Rainbow Dash came right through the window, and hit the bookcase across the room, causing the bookcase and me to drop our books.

"Heh heh sorry, the new trick I was working on backfired on me." She said as she peeled herself off the bookcase.

Twilight stood there and looked at the mess that she made, and said, "Let's stop for now ok?"

"Fine with me." I said glad for Rainbow Dash to crash in (hey look, I made a pun).

"Hey Dash, maybe you can show me that new trick of yours?"

"Alright then, follow me." She said excited as she flew out the window. I ran to the window and yelled, "Hey featherbrain, I can't fly, and I need to help Twilight to clean up this mess you made."

She came back and said, "Alright, fine I'll wait." And sat there.

I quickly helped Twilight clean up the library (with the help of my magic of course). Dash was surprised to see me using magic. I quickly finished cleaning the mess, and with a finally from Dash, she flew and I ran as quickly as I can to a field outside of Ponyville.

"Finally, what took you so long?"

"Hey some of us don't have wings here, and we aren't as fast as you," I replied as I regained my breath, "ok, now show me this new trick of yours."

"Alright then, but be prepare for the most awesome stunt you'll ever see!" With that she flew fast and high into the sky, until she was only a speck in the sky. She then started falling towards the ground with increasing speed. I saw the air bending around her as the sound barrier came into view. I was expecting her to do a sonic rainboom, but when she near me she smiled, then she did the craziest thing, she let the sound barrier fling her back into the air, she sped up then did a sonic rainboom in a few seconds, and then I heard the boom.

Dash landed right in front of me, then she took a look at my face, she tried to not to laugh, but failed, "BAWHAHAHA!!!" After a minute she calmed down and said, "You should see the look your face, it's priceless."

I realized that my eyes are wide, my month hanging open.

"That… was… AWASOME!" I said with awed, "I'm surprise that the Wonderbolt didn't let you join them yet."

Dash blushed from the praise I gave her, and a thought came into my mind, "Hey Dash, I was wondering, what does a cloud feel like?"


"Because in my world, people can't walk on clouds or control them."

"Really, then let me get one for you!" She flew off looking for a cloud.

"Wait!" I said as I tried to stop her, but I was too late, man, I just can't stop her from dashing off, I smirked when I made the joke in my head.

"Here you go!" Said Dash behind me.

"Ahhh! Dash, don't do that!" I said as I turned around.

There was Dash standing on a cloud laughing at my fright, after she was done, she said, "Alright here is your cloud." Jumped off and pushed it towards me.

As I was walking towards Dash and the cloud, and stretching out my hand to touch the cloud, saying, "Look Dash I'm telling you my kind can't touch clou-" I stopped in midsentence when my hand meet resistance from the cloud, it felt like a really soft mattress.

"Holy crap, am I touching a cloud?"

Dash was laughing again at my surprise, "Well get on then."

I got on the cloud and sat on it, and started to float a couple of feet into air, "Wow, I can see now why you like to take naps in these."

"Yeah, I do, but you have to be careful with these when sleeping on one, one time when I took a nap on one it was perfectly fine, but when I woke up, it looked like somepony used a giant cookie cutter to cut my cloud into a perfect circle."

"I wonder..." I said as stood up.

"Wonder what?" Asked Dash,

"I wonder if I could make it rain." I answered.

"Well that might be a bit difficult, because it takes a lot of training to be a weather pegasus, but give it a shot."

"Ok here goes something." I started to jump up and down on the cloud and some water started to out of the cloud.

"Not bad most ponies could only get a drop or two on the first try." She said as she was trotting underneath the cloud, then the cloud just released a couple bucketsful of water on Dash.

"Ah man, sorry Dash, I didn't know it would do that!" I said as I leaned over the clouds edge, staring down at her.

She shook the water off of her and said, "It's cool, just try not to release all the water at once next time."

"I wonder if I can make lighting."

"Ha, good luck it takes special training to make clouds to do that."

"Let's see then." I got up to my knees and kneeled up, I brought my hands with as much force I can get, unto the surface of the cloud, and a huge lighting blot came out of it.

"Ahhh!!!" Yelled Dash as the thunder came.

She stood there and started hiccuping, "Great, hic, I got the, hic, hiccups, hic, now."

I started laughing to Dash's hiccuping, "Man, that is the funniest thing I ever seen!"

"It's, hic, not, hic, funny!"

This just made me laugh harder, after a few seconds, I calmed down, and told Dash how to cure the hiccups, and Dash got rid of her hiccups.

"Hiya, what are doing!" Said a voice behind me, I looked behind me and there was Pinkie standing on the cloud with me. I yelled from fright and fell off the cloud.

"What happened?" Asked Dash when I landed on the ground.

"Pinkie is up there!" I said, shocked.

"But Pinkie is down here." I looked to my left and there was the pink party pony smiling.

"How did…, where did you…, you know what, you are just you Pinkie."then a thought came into my head, "Hey Pinkie, I have a question for you."

"Yeah?" She said with a gleeful expression.

I looked at Dash and said, "Can you leave us alone for a moment?"

"Fine, I have some work to do anyway. Bye!" She flew off, maybe to find a cloud to nap on.

I looked back at Pinkie and said, "Can you teach me, what you can do that no ponies can do?"

Pinkie's smile faded away, and she put a quizzical face on, and thought my question over in her head.

After a few moments she said, "Ok, I will, IF you do you the Pinkie Swear, and to never ever tell another pony FOREVER!" She said this last part in my face, then she looked into the sky and said, "Sorry folks, I can't allow you to see how I do this."

"Uh, Pinkie? who are you talking too?"

She looked at me and said, "Nopony. Well? Are you going to do the Pinkie Swear?"

I did the Pinkie Swear, immediately her smile came back, and said, "Ok let's get started, but meet me at Sugarcube Corner." With that, she dissappear in a pink haze.

I hope this doesn't get to weird for me, I thought to myself and started walking towards the sweet shop.

Author's Note:

Gah. Blehlehleh. Pbtbtbtbtptptptbtbt. Sheblebleble. I don't know. I'm tired. I gotta make 2 OC's for my friends. Ugh. K bye lulz.