• Published 10th Oct 2011
  • 3,654 Views, 116 Comments

TCB: Yellowstone: The Series - Anonsi

An allegedly good sequel series to Yellowstone. Features Humans, Ponies, and monster hunting.

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Episode 1: Heads Up Part 2

The Series
By: Anonsi(You are now reading this as Morgan Freeman)

Episode 2 : Heads Up!
Part 2

The thrumming of helicopter blades was rhythmic, calming, and combined with her research, Twilight almost fell asleep. ‘Well the seat isn’t the comfiest in the world, but if I need a pillow, Hawk’s lap is right there,’ she mused to herself. Realizing what she just thought, she shook her head until the thought was gone. Twilight didn’t want to get too comfortable around Hawk. He was a human agent after all, and had made a living off killing other humans.

“You alright Twilight?” Hawk asked as the unicorn finished shaking her head.

“What? Oh! N-no I’m fine. It’s just the noise this thing makes is kinda hypnotic is all.” Twilight gave a quick smile before burying her nose into the book she was reading, "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow." If she and her friends were going to fight this monster, it would help knowing where it came from. Fortunately she was almost done with the rather odd story.

Hawk rolled his eyes, noticing a blue pegasus with a rainbow mane was watching him. Intently. After an awkward staring contest, with neither of them blinking, the winged pony finally spoke, “So. Agent Hawk. Remember me?”

Hawk scanned his memory and drew up a blank. One would think he would remember a pony that looked like this. “Uhhhhh…” he started, unsure what to say.

She frowned, “Rainbow Dash? We met at Twilight’s homecoming party two months ago when you brought her back? I won the Best Young Fliers Competition?” Hawk gave a weak shrug. Rainbow Dash threw her hooves into the air, “Oh come on! I remembered, like, everything about you!”

Twilight stifled a giggle at the exchange, as Hawk continued to not remember her spectrum colored friend. Finally Rainbow gave a shrug of her own and smiled at the human, “Whatever. I guess I just get to tell you all about it again!” Hawk took a deep breath and sighed through his nose.

Twilight finished reading, and closed the book. She shut her eyes and began to sift through what she had just read. The book itself revolved around the legend of a human warrior that had his head blown off by a cannon, and would ride to the site of the battle in search of his head, taking anyone else's along the way. The troubling thing about the story was that the characters in the book never defeated the horseman. In fact, the ghost only showed up on the last page, as some comeuppance for the book’s villain.

Twilight looked around the helicopter’s cargo bay. Rainbow Dash was in the middle of telling Hawk another story that revolved around her. Twilight saw Hawk’s thousand yard stare and gave a smirk.

She looked beyond and saw Zorro chatting it up and laughing with Rarity, Dimitri, and Pinkie Pie. All of them seemed to be having fun, and Rarity seemed very susceptible to the human’s compliments and smooth talking.

Applejack was unsurprisingly leaning against Megan as the two talked quietly about something Twilight couldn’t hear. Those two had become almost inseparable during the last two months. It was like they already knew each other or something, but Twilight didn’t like to think there was anything odd about it. A friend is a friend after all.

A woman’s voiced blared over the intercom interrupting the other conversations, “Okay ladies, we’ll be touching down in five or so minutes. I think there’s a good landing zone where we can set up camp near enough to the target location. I’ve signaled our contact to meet us there.”

The humans all stood up, Hawk wearing a rather relieved expression, and began making sure all cargo and ponies were safely strapped in. From what Twilight knew, landing could be a little rough. Hawk went over to Twilight first and asked, “So Twilight, did your research provide anything?”

Twilight noticed how gentle he was being when he tightened the straps. Or was she just imagining it? Blinking the strange thoughts to the back of her mind, she composed herself and replied, “Only that the horseman is a ghost, and according to other human and equestrian texts, ghosts can’t be killed.”

“True,” responded Hawk tightening the last strap and giving Twilight a soft pat on her side, “but we humans have ways of dispelling them.” He looked off to the side, “Well, allegedly anyway. We never really had a chance to see if they work before.” He stood and went off to help Dash with her straps.

It seems humans have a way to kill anything. Even if it's already dead,’ mused Twilight, letting the residual feeling of Hawk’s hand sink into her skin.

The helicopter touched down about fifty meters from the tree line of the New York State Woodland Preserve. The loading bay doors opened on the transport, and the eleven passengers disembarked, Hawk leading the way.

Immediately taking to the air, Rainbow Dash began to circle their landing zone with a pleased expression. “Feels good to stretch the wings after a long ride, right Fluttershy?”

“Um…yeah,” replied the meek yellow pegasus as she stretched out her legs and gave a dainty little yawn.

Zorro came down the ramp carrying both his and Rarity’s luggage. Rarity seemed rather taken with the gesture, as her hunt for the perfect stallion hadn’t gotten far. “You are such a gentlecolt Zorro!” she said before blushing, “I mean gentleman of course! Oh how silly of me!” Zorro chuckled and gave Rarity a suave smile, turning her to a deeper shade of red.

Once everyone was out of the helicopter’s cargo bay, Hawk turned to them all with a stern look, “OK, here’s where we are setting up base camp. I’m going to need Dimitri, Megan, Pinkie, Rarity, and Applejack to help me unload supplies and set up shop.” Those he selected nodded and moved back into the bay to extract the needed materials. “Fluttershy, and…uhhh…Rainbow! Right, you two are going to go scout the area. If you see anyone else here come tell me, or if anything odd catches your eye. It might be important so come tell me.”

Dash rolled her eyes, “Right, like hunting headless ghosts in human lands isn’t odd enough.” Both pegasi flew off together as Hawk moved to go help unload, but he found himself blocked by Twilight.

“What can I do?” she asked, eager to be of some help.

Hawk pointed at the pilot of the helicopter, who was currently extracting herself from the cockpit, “You are going to go with Captain Barnes to meet our contact and see what he knows.”

The pilot reached Twilight as Hawk disappeared into the cargo bay. She had unzipped her dark green jumpsuit on the way over revealing a gray Air Force tank-top. She wore large sunglasses that covered her eyes, and at her hip was a pistol with the markings ‘Colt Combat Commander’ on its side. The sandy blond haired woman walked past Twilight with a curt, “Come on, our guy is already waiting.”

Twilight got the feeling that Captain Barnes wasn’t going to be as friendly as other humans she had come to know. But regardless, she followed the woman closely. ‘Who knows?’ thought Twilight, ‘maybe she’s just acting tough for her first impression?’

When the pair reached the tree line, Barnes stopped without a word or warning, and Twilight was barely able to stop herself from bumping into her. Twilight peered out from behind Barnes, seeing the cause for the sudden halt. A stocky man, wearing the apparently ever popular open over-shirt, t-shirt, jeans with wide brim hat combo, stood in their path. He had a long shovel lying across his shoulders.

“Mr. Keller?” asked Barnes.

“Aye,” he replied, his eyes darting between Barnes and Twilight.

Barnes walked up to him and extended her hand, “We’re with the Agency. Tell us what you know.” Twilight noticed a certain coldness in the woman’s voice that put the little unicorn at unease. With a nod Mr. Keller gestured to two tree stumps and bid Twilight and Barnes to sit. Then he started to tell them about the horseman.


It was a short time until nightfall, and Twilight and her friends were growing restless. Hawk and the others had set up base camp, which consisted of a series of tables, generators, computers, radios, and a black tarp as a canopy above them. Going by the information Mr. Keller had provided, the team had laid, to quote Hawk, “Anti-Ghost” traps along the horseman’s route. All that was left to do was wait.

“Can we please do something?” moaned Rainbow as she tossed and turned on the ground at Hawk’s feet, bored out of her skull. “I can go scout again! I just need to do something!”

Hawk didn’t even look up from his revolver maintenance, “Can you see in the dark?”

“No, but I don’t need to. There’s a full moon out tonight, and it’ll be plenty bright!”

At this, he gave out a sigh, “Fine. Go then. We’ll put up a spot light so you can find your way back. If you see the horseman, come and tell us.”

Dash flared out her wings, “Awesome.” She took off at ludicrous speeds that nearly took the man’s hat off. Hawk just gave a bit of a chuckle.

As he finished his gun maintenance he stood up and loaded cold iron bullets into the chambers, closing it with a spin. “Okay, it’s about time to get into positions!” he called to the rest, who were all doing something to pass the time. Without hesitation, the other humans and the remaining ponies got up from their tasks and stood at attention.

“Right,” started Hawk, “According to Mr. Keller, the horseman starts his journey riding through the town proper, then he takes the western road through the forest to the site of the battle, where he then wanders looking for his head. Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Dimitri, you three are taking the first position in the town church. Rarity, Applejack, and Megan, you’ll be taking the west road in the forest. Myself, Zorro, and Twilight will be at the alleged site of the battle if the horseman gets past the traps. Barnes will stay here with Rainbow Dash and keep us informed of what’s going on. Everyone clear on their jobs?”

Those assembled either saluted or gave a cheer.

“Good, then let’s get to it.”

The distant voice of Rainbow Dash was then heard by all of them as she flew closer with blinding speed. “Hawk! HAAAWK! We have a big problem!” She made a hard landing, but managed to give a salute with her forehoof, “There’s a crummy looking bus in the town and a bunch of humans and ponies are moving into the inn!”

Hawk furrowed his brow. “Dimitri,” he said, “When you get to town, convince those people to leave immediately. If they won’t go, knock out the guy in charge and move the civilians into the church. They should be safe there.” With that Hawk holstered his revolver, “We don’t time to waste agents. Let’s get a move on.”

Everyone gave a salute and started either jogging or trotting off to their positions. Rainbow Dash tried to bolt after Hawk, but found her tail caught by Barnes. “You’re with me kid,” she said, her tone calm and authoritative. Dash gave out a disappointed moan.


“And they did the mash! They did the monster mash!” sang Pinkie Pie as she bounded through the forest.

“The monster mash! It vas a graveyard smash!” Dimitri sang the next part from her left.

“The…um…monster mash! It…it caught on in a flash!” Fluttershy squeaked out from behind the other two. It was in a tone that implied she was trying to enjoy herself, but she was just a bit distracted by the dark and foreboding forest and the possibility of her or her friends being decapitated tonight.

Pinkie started giggling like a school filly at Fluttershy’s attempt, which caused her to snort that made Dimitri burst out laughing. The meek pegasus blushed before suddenly coming to a halt. The trio had arrived at the town. The buildings of the town were more than run-down, and just looking at them gave Fluttershy chills. It didn’t help that nothing seemed to grow near the edge of the town. No trees, flowers, or even grass. To add to the uncomfortable atmosphere, not a single bird or cricket could be heard, a fact that greatly disturbed the timid pegasus.

On the main street of the town, parked in front of a very large building, was the undeniably crummy looking bus Rainbow Dash had described. Its paint was either dirty or rusting off, and on top of it all, there was a billboard on the side that read:

“Davey Newman’s Headless Horseman Tours!
Meet the ghostly menace!
100% SAFE! Only $25 per customer!
No Refunds.”

“Сукин сын,” Dimitri grumbled. “Let us get this over with.”

Pinkie bounced next to him, “Hey Dimitri!” she giggled, “What were those funny words you just said?”

“Nothing you need to know.” Dimitri wiped the smile off of his face and unlatched one of his tomahawks. “Come, let us conwerse vith the head of this group.”

Pinkie and Fluttershy exchanged glances. Pinkie’s face had an optimistic smile on it that could melt the frown off a sour puss in ten seconds flat. Fluttershy had a face of concern however, as she was worried things would get violent.

There was a large group of tourists, both humans and ponies, most milling around the entrance of the inn while others extracting their luggage from the bus. The man in charge, Davey Newman probably, was not hard to spot, as he was the one with the megaphone. He was short, pudgy without being grotesquely round, had a large bald spot on his head, and just kind of looked like a sleaze. His Hawaiian shirt was bright green with pink flowers, and Pinkie Pie would have loved it, were it not for the dark stains under the man’s armpits that looked like they had been there a while.

“OKAY FOLKS! RIGHT THIS WAY! WELCOME TO SLEEPY HOLLOW! TOLD YOU WE’D GET HERE DIDN’T I? AND AIN’T IT A LOVELY LITTLE BURG?” Davey walked to the door of the inn and tried to open it, but found it stuck. “Heh, just a little misunderstanding ‘tween me an’ the door folks! Don’t you worry none!” He rammed the door with his shoulder, dislodging it from its hinges and sending it loudly crashing to the floor of the inn. “Oh…uhhh…I’ll fix that right up while all of you get comfy! COME ONE COME ALL! LET’S GET READY TO SEE THE HEADLESS HORSEMAN!”

By now, Dimitri had moved through the crowd and had gotten close to Mr. Newman. With barely any effort he seized the megaphone from the sleazy man. Without hesitation Dimitri spoke into it, “THERE IS BEING A CHANGE OF PLANS. EWERYONE GET BACK ONTO THE WEHICLE. THIS AREA IS OFF-LIMITS TO CIWILLIANS BY ORDER OF THE PRESIDENT.”

There was a bit of an outcry from the crowd, and Davey grabbed the megaphone from Dimitri, who only released it because he didn’t need it anymore. “Hey! Who the hell do you think you are!”

With a curt bow, Dimitri faced Mr. Newman, “I am Dimitri Augustus Romanov the IV, Agent for the President of the United States, and you Mr. Newman,” Dimitri towered over the man, “Have exactly three minutes to get these people as far avay from here as possible.”

Davey regarded Dimitri with scorn, “I don’t care who you are comrade cock-sucker! These people paid me good money to see the Headless Horseman up close and I’m gonna give it to them!”

Many of the ponies in the group, and some of the humans, scrunched up their faces at Mr. Newman’s outburst, but the majority of the ponies, including Pinkie and Fluttershy’s, looked rather confused. Dimitri however, glared into the man’s eyes, growling, “Вы - глупое, грязный, жирный, побочный, и если Вы будете говорить это снова, то я убью Вас.” Nobody knew what he just said, but it did not sound friendly.

Seeing violence on the horizon, Fluttershy flew in between the two men, quietly clearing her throat, “Um, excuse me Mr. Newman?”

Davey looked at her, his glare still stuck on his face, “Yeah what do you want?”

His harsh tone made Fluttershy flinch, but she continued, “C-could you please go? I-it’s just that, I mean…it isn’t safe.” She gave Mr. Newman one of her pleading looks, her large sweet eyes glistening with could easily turn into tears.

Mr. Newman gave her and Dimitri a sneer, “Like hell it isn’t! The guy doesn’t have a head! He can’t see, hear, smell, or even taste us for Christ’s sakes. All me and these good people are going to do is stand in this here hotel, take some pictures as he rides by, and then get some shut eye. As the sign says, one hundred percent safe!”

“Yeah, and a hundred and one percent dumb!” Pinkie called back. “He’s got Ghost Sight silly head!”

Everyone turned to face the pink pony, who wore a stern look on her face. Fluttershy knew she only wore this particular expression when the pink pony meant business. Mr. Newman shot her a scowl however, saying, “What did you just say you little-!”

Whatever he was going to say was interrupted by the painfully loud whinny of a horse. All heads turned and looked down the dark road. An eerie red light glowed from what seemed to be nothing, and from the very air around the glow came a circular portal made of fire. From the portal galloped a frightening black stallion, with eyes that glowed like hot coals. On its back rode what appeared to be a man, wearing a leather and cloth cuirass engraved with the emblem of a Hessian commander, wielding a large sword above him. His clothes were as warped and terrible as his horse and behind him flowed a dark and tattered cape. The only thing he was missing was a head.

But fortunately for him, there was a whole busload of heads right there, so he dug his spurs into the sides of his cursed steed, and charged the crowd.

Continued in Heads Up! Part 3!
I know I promised action in this part,
but I didn’t have enough disposable characters.
Oh hey look! A whole bus of nameless people!
I promise that in the next part, Heads Will Roll!