• Published 10th Oct 2011
  • 3,654 Views, 116 Comments

TCB: Yellowstone: The Series - Anonsi

An allegedly good sequel series to Yellowstone. Features Humans, Ponies, and monster hunting.

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Episode 1: Heads Up Part 1

The Series
By: Anonsi(It’s a working title)

Episode: Pilot
Heads Up! Part 1

For ages, Equestria has existed separate from the rest of the world, protected by a magical barrier that kept it from being seen, touched, or reached by humans and their machines. But five years ago, the ponies of Equestria landed on the shores of human lands, and claimed to be there to save the earth, and humanity, from pollution, hate, and greed. To do this, the top human scientists and pony magicians created a potion to turn humans into ponies in places called, Conversion Bureaus. Within two years of its release, more than half the total human populace on Earth has converted. The balance of the world has been forever altered, as the remaining human nations form new governments for those that remain.

It has been two months since Twilight Sparkle returned from an expedition that took her deep into the western frontier. She and two human agents had escorted the first pony settlers into the abandoned human territories, and returned with a new understanding of the humans she had been for so long considered to be savage and brutal. She understood why so many humans wanted to be changed, but also why some needed to stay as they were. Because there was evil in the human world, and someone needed to stand up to it.


Twilight Sparkle looked at the digital clock that came with her office at the New York Conversion Bureau with weary eyes. It was two-thirty in the morning and she was neck deep in paper work. As administrator, it was her job to oversee everything that happened in this facility, from ponifications to the lunch menus. A job she fully enjoyed doing a month ago, but now made her bored out of her skull.

Nearly two months had passed since she went to Yellowstone with the two human agents, Hawk and Zorro. Despite the bloodshed and death she had seen on this excursion, it had reminded Twilight of the days she had spent back in Ponyville, going on adventures with her friends. For two months she had been longing to get out of this office, and had asked Princess Celestia several times if her and her friends could be rotated back to Equestria, where maybe something exciting could happen.

For two months the Princess had said, “My dear Twilight Sparkle, you are head of the largest Bureau in the world, and only you can run it. As long as there is need of you here, I’m afraid that I must refuse your request.” Twilight had no choice but to accept her Princess’s decision. Celestia was a princess after all.

Twilight sighed through her nose and got out of her seat. She decided to handle this mess tomorrow. Using her magic, she turned off her new computer and then moved to the door. “I can’t believe I actually miss all that violence. I should be happy that the Princess trusts only me with this position. How many other unicorns can say that?” Twilight said quietly, trying desperately to convince herself that being here was better than being out in some desert with two crazy humans getting shot at or chased by wild dogs.

She moved into the darkened hallway that led from the offices to the main lobby, past the dormitories. Looking down the dormitory hallway, she let out another exasperated sigh. “More converts looking for a better life. Where oh where are we going to put them all?” She continued her walk to the lobby, exhaustion weighing heavy on her shoulders.

In the months since escorting a family of earth ponies to Yellowstone, many more pony families had been sent to the humans’ western territories, all of them making it there with no real problems other than the occasional attack from wild animals.

Twilight entered the main lobby, noting the receptionist, “Derpy” Ditzy Doo, sleeping behind her desk with her daughter Dinky wrapped up in pillows and blankets. Twilight gave a smile as she walked past the snoozing pair. There were plenty off rooms available, but the Bureau’s policy of never locking its doors had made the wall-eyed pegasus insist of keeping watch over the lobby. That kind of devotion was what Twilight liked about Ditzy. It reminded her of Hawk.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a faint screeching that came from outside, and it was getting louder by the second. Twilight dashed to the main doors with a confused look. She scanned the ground in front of the Bureau, seeing nothing but street lamps and long abandoned cars. The screeching was still getting louder, and seemed to be coming from above. Looking up Twilight saw what seemed to be a multicolored star coming right at her. It glowed with a familiar white light that made the unicorn’s eyes gleam with wonder.

Moments later, Princess Celestia made a hard landing on the asphalt parking lot, shaking the very ground. She looked as divine as ever, not a single sign that she was tired from her flight or that even a single hair of her wondrous mane was out of place. Several car alarms were blaring, but the Princess seemed too focused to care. Twilight stood dumbfounded, stuck in place behind the glass doors to the Bureau, weariness now completely forgotten.

Celestia moved to the doors with a purpose and opened them with a small flash of magic. “Twilight, my dearest pupil,” she said as she strode through the doorway, her voice sounding somewhat distressed, “there is a matter of great importance we must discuss.”

The Princess’s tone snapped Twilight out of her awestruck state. The small unicorn’s expression became one of concern as she nodded her compliance and stepped aside to let the majestic alicorn pass. As Celestia walked in, Twilight worriedly stated, “Of course Princess, we can use one of the empty lounges to-”

Celestia cut her off with a curt “Thank you,” and walked briskly towards the lounges, glancing for a moment towards the pair of curious faces peeking out from behind the desk. Twilight hung her head low, trying to think of what could be bothering Princess Celestia so.
The young mare followed her teacher, whose glimmering white body seemed to illuminate the dark hallways of the Bureau with a soft comforting glow, until at last they reached a comfortable looking lounge. The Princess went to the center of the room and sat down on her haunches, looking at Twilight with a mix of worry and determination.

“Princess,” started Twilight, closing the door behind her, “What’s going on? Has something happened?”

Celestia took in a deep breath and exhaled, preparing herself to deliver dire news. “Twilight, do you remember the day you saved my sister?”

Twilight nodded, “Yes, of course I do. It was my first day in Ponyville where I met my friends. I could never forget that.”

“Of course...of course. I am still grateful to you and your friends for rescuing my sister, but there may have been consequences from that day that neither of us could have seen.” She paused, gesturing for Twilight to sit down, who promptly hopped onto the closest couch. “When Nightmare Moon escaped from her lunar prison, I was not able to reinforce the barrier that kept Equestria separate from the rest of the world, as I have done for every Summer Sun Celebration, save for that one. The human President has informed me, that a small breach formed in the barrier that day, which allowed the pollution of the human lands to seep into Equestria…” Celestia lowered her head to the side, as if ashamed, “…and the magic of Equestria to seep out.”

Twilight blinked and repeated her mentor’s words in her head, trying to digest what this might mean. She gave a thoughtful smile to her divine teacher, “But isn’t that a good thing? Now we can share the magic that made Equestria prosperous with the humans and save the planet all the faster!”

Celestia returned her student’s smile with a shake of her head, “If only that were the case Twilight.” Standing up with a sorrowful expression, the Princess moved to Twilight and nuzzled the side of her student’s head. “Magic is fickle Twilight. Where it brings us prosperity and peace in Equestria, here in the human lands, it is wild and untamed. It is altering the natural order of their world, and making their very nightmares come to life.”

Twilight didn’t know how to take that last bit of information. Humans could be nightmares in and of themselves, and it frightened the young mare as to what humans would consider scary. Taking a gulp, Twilight returned the Princess’s tender nuzzle with one of her own, and weakly asked, “So this is our fault?”

“No Twilight,” the Princess responded quickly, her eyes starting to water, “No. It’s my fault. It’s my fault for what I did to my sister all those years ago, and now innocent lives are paying for my mistake.”

“Princess…” Twilight was trying to think of something to say to comfort the mare she had idolized since she was a filly, “…is there nothing we can do?”

At this, Celestia’s face brightened with a determined look, “Yes Twilight. The human President has already enacted a plan to combat this threat. He has assembled a team of his top agents to keep both humans and equestrians safe from harm.”

Top agents?’ thought Twilight, ‘Well, if Hawk and Zorro are on this team, then everything should be fine! They are the best after all!’ Her worried face melted into a calm smile, feeling sure that things were fine in the capable hands of the two agents who had protected her on her journey westward.

Noting Twilight’s smile, Celestia felt a twinge of guilt as she came to the point of her visit, “And you are going to be on that team Twilight, along with the other elements of harmony.”

Twilight’s smile disappeared in an instant when she heard those words. “What?” was all she could say to the Princess’s last order.

Celestia locked eyes with Twilight, an urgent tone fueling her voice, “You and your friends are going to help the humans fight back this tide of nightmares and protect both man and pony from harm.”

“But…” Twilight started, “…surely there are more qualified ponies to do this! Why us? We’re not soldiers!”

“Yes, I know Twilight,” Celestia said, giving the unicorn a pleading look, “but within you and your friends lies the power of the Elements of Harmony. You six wield the light that banished the dark magic of Nightmare Moon and restored my sister to her true form. You vanquished the chaos of Discord and brought peace back to all of Equestria. It has to be the six of you.”

Twilight was silent. There was a lot to consider here after all. This sounded extremely dangerous, and Twilight wasn’t prepared to lose even one of her friends. ‘Hawk will be there. He’ll protect us. Zorro too, and hay, probably Megan. What’s to worry about?’ Twilight had wanted to catch up with her old human guardian again, and her friends would be fine with it. Probably.

Twilight gave a resolute stare, and with as authoritative a voice she could muster said, “You can count on us Princess.”

With tears streaming from her eyes, and a large smile across her face, Celestia gave her student the biggest, warmest, and strongest hug Twilight had ever received from the Princess. “Thank you Twilight, I knew I could count on you. But please be safe. Please please please come back safe. I couldn’t bear to lose you.” Twilight felt awkward. Celestia never revealed this level of emotion around…anyone really. After a few more moments in the Princess’s warm, maternal embrace, Twilight’s weariness caught up with her and she fell asleep.

Celestia dearly wished to stay with her student, the closest thing she had had to a daughter of her own, but she remembered her duty. Placing Twilight in a comfortable spot on the couch, Celestia turned and left with a sigh. Leaving the lounge area, she moved back into the lobby, where a small crowd of human and pony residents stood in confusion and awe. Celestia ignored the murmurs and quiet questions the crowd made as she passed, and moved into the front parking lot.

The Princess gave a long glance back into the Bureau’s dark interior, and with only a sorry look, she flew out into the night.

* * *

In the morning, Twilight had assembled her friends in the front lobby. She told them exactly what Celestia had told her only hours before, and they had all spent the next hour preparing for what very well could be an extremely deadly jaunt out into human territory.

“Okay,” began Rainbow Dash, trying to take in what Twilight had just told her, “Explain this to me again. Why do we need to help? We’re just ponies! Aren’t humans good enough at killing each other that they don’t need us in a fight?”

Twilight gave her friend a flat look as she paced around the front lobby, “Because Dash, we ponies are the reason these new monsters are running loose. And in order to set things right, they might need the help of the Elements of Harmony.”

Applejack gave a small sigh “Well ah’m not one ta’ turn down some pony in need, but this sounds a might bit dangerous. An’ ah don’t know ‘bout the rest of y’all, but me and Rarity have family to consider. Are you sure these humans are as good as you say Twilight?” The farmer pony only faintly remembered the two human agents from the party two months ago, and thought the woman Megan, who she had had spent much time with over those months, didn’t seem the sort for violence.

Giving a nod and a smile to Applejack, Twilight confidently stated, “Yes I am Applejack. They are the best agents in the human president’s roster! I’m sure we’ll be absolutely fine.”

“Ooh!” exclaimed Rarity as inspiration struck her, “If we’re all on a team, I can design uniforms!” She began listing through possible designs and ideas as Megan entered the lobby with a rifle across her back and a rucksack slung over her shoulder. She wore her standard orange shirt with leather vest, and blue jeans with cowboy boots combo, with a red bow in her blond hair tying off a ponytail.

“Knowing those two, they wouldn’t wear them for more than an hour before they got wrecked Ms. Rarity,” said Megan, knowing all too well the recklessness of her past partners. Rarity gave a harrumph, but kept adding to a mental list of possible design choices.

The thrumming of helicopter blades could be heard, and everyone began to tense up, except Pinkie Pie, who started to bounce around with anticipation. Twilight however, had a slew of feelings churning in her stomach. There was worry about the whole mission and possibility of death, but there was also the excitement of seeing the two humans she owed her life to again.
Twilight looked at her friends, Rainbow, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Megan. Save for the woman, her friends had never been to the human lands, and even though Twilight had made it very clear to them that it was extremely dangerous, none of her friends even considered refusing to help. As the helicopter came into view, thoughts of her last venture out into the human world began to resurface in Twilight’s mind. Images of dark whirlwinds, dead dogs, and vile humans all flashed before her eyes.

“Heeeeeree it coooooomes!” called Pinkie.

In the parking lot, a large black helicopter began landing, sending wind and noise everywhere, until it touched down with its back facing the Bureau doors. A loading ramp lowered revealing the interior of the vehicle and three humans.

First out was the one called Zorro. He was a tanned man with smooth black hair and a well groomed moustache. He began walking down the loading ramp with a wide and charming smile. He wore only black, not in a way that seemed intimidating, but more stylish and loose. At his side hung a sword that Twilight remembered as both a graceful and deadly weapon.

Next to him walked a human Twilight had not seen before. He was shorter than Zorro, and looked much younger. He wore army-camo pants tucked into shiny black boots. Over his striped black and white t-shit, he wore a camouflage over shirt with the sleeves rolled up above his elbows. He had what appeared to be small axes attached to a belt on his waist, and a much larger axe strapped across his back.

On the opposite side of Zorro walked Hawk, a figure Twilight was all too familiar with. He had a long brown duster coat with matching wide brim hat. Under that he had a buttoned up flannel shirt and blue jeans, which covered his hard leather boots. At his hip were a familiar revolver and bowie knife.

It was Twilight who dashed out of the doors first, unable to hold back any longer, “HAWK! ZORRO!” she called with the utmost joy.

Zorro’s sultry voice returned her call, “My niña! It has been far too long!” He bent down and gave the unicorn a big hug. Twilight noted that he smelled like lilacs and mint, a not at all displeasing scent.

After being released from the hug Twilight looked to Hawk, who knelt down and looked at her in the eyes, “Hey Sprinkles, how’s your two months of R&R been? You haven’t been pushing too many pencils have you?”

“All I do is push pencils all day long, and I’ve gotten quite good at it,” giggled Twilight.

The two men gave a chortle, as Hawk stood up and gestured to the unknown human, “Anyway, this here is Dimitri. He’s going to be lending his guns and axes to the team.”

Twilight gave a small bow to Dimitri, who returned with a pleasant, “Здравствуйте Небольшое Пони.” The unicorn furrowed her brow and gazed up at Dimitri, who just beamed a friendly smile at her. Twilight turned to Hawk, a confused look across her face.

Hawk sighed, “That’s Russian for hello.”

By now, the others had caught up to Twilight, and Megan was already walking up the ramp, followed closely by Applejack. Hawk looked over the other ponies present, seeming to recall a few of them. “I’m going to guess you all know why you’re here, so I’ll skip that part and get right to the briefing.” All the ponies gave him their complete attention and leaned forward expectantly.

“We are going to a town called Sleepy Hollow to combat the Headless Horseman, an undead creatu-”

“A ‘Headless’ horse man?” interrupted Dash, “What’s so scary about that? It’s not like he can see us right? I mean it doesn’t have a head!”

Zorro piped in, “That didn’t stop him from decapitating two ponified tourists and a lost hiker, and then taking their heads back to his lair.” The ponies exchanged queasy glances, as Rarity rubbed a hoof on her neck. Dash looked very interested however.

Hawk continued, “Let’s hope we can avoid getting the same treatment. According to our information, the Horseman only rides at night, so we’ll spend today in transit and preparation for taking him down. Let’s get to it.” Hawk put a hand on Zorro’s shoulder, “Alright Z, you and Dimitri show the wee horses to their stables and get them strapped in.”

Zorro gave a smirk and nodded, “Alright, come on my little ponies, walk up the ramp and me and Dimitri will get you all settled.”

“Did he just call us horses?” asked Rarity as she passed by Twilight, to which the violet unicorn could only roll her eyes and nod. Rarity continued up the ramp with a face of mild annoyance. Twilight walked into the cargo hold of the helicopter and found that there had been modifications to it since last time she rode in it. The straps and seats now made it easier to accommodate ponies, a fact that Twilight found somewhat flattering, and there seemed to be a bit more space to walk around..

Hawk walked to the cockpit of vehicle, said a few quick words to whoever the pilot was, and then took the seat next to Twilight. “Here we go again,” he said smiling at Twilight.

“Yeah,” replied Twilight, sounding a little nervous, “except this time you’re up against headless swordsmen.”

We are,” corrected Hawk, “and we are going to be just fine. It’s just that we’ll have to think a bit more on how to kill stuff, but that’s why we got a smart pony like you.”

Twilight couldn’t help but blush at the complement before the Helicopter took off with six ponies and five humans, lifting into the clear blue sky.

Continued in Heads Up! Part 2
Oh those crazy Pilot episodes,
]Always being two parts
Hopefully any future episodes will be one
Until we get to Dracula of course.