• Published 28th Sep 2013
  • 7,496 Views, 111 Comments

Vacation Revelations (Or, Why Do Humans Bother to Wear Bikinis?) - ssjgokillo

Completely stressed out, Twilight decides to get away from it all by going to visit the world of Canterlot High. When she gets there, she sees... herself? With Rainbow Dash! How did that happen?

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Ensure That You Have Proper Attire

The trip to Rarity’s boutique had passed without incident. The four friends chatted happily about their plans for the next day, though it seemed like anytime Princess Twilight attempted to ask what Pinkie had meant by “sexy swimwear”, she would be interrupted by Pinkie regaling them with some story about customers that had come to Sugarcube Corner.

Princess Twilight wasn’t quite sure that Pinkie wasn’t doing it on purpose.

Still, she wasn’t too worried. She was honestly more excited at being able to see another one of her friends. Which actually begged the question, “Hey, what about Fluttershy and Applejack? Will they be joining us at the beach?”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “Fluttershy’s parents took her on some nature retreat for getting straight-A’s again. But Applejack is gonna meet us at the beach tomorrow, but she said she’d have to work and extra shift on her family’s farm today to make up for it. Honestly, I think she’s just going through the trouble so she can see Rarity in a bikini.”

Twilight’s shook her head in exasperation. “Don’t start that again! There’s nothing that even suggests that Applejack looks at Rarity as anything other than a friend!”

Princess Twilight turned to Pinkie Pike, who had been skipping along next to her. “What are they talking about?”

“Dashie thinks that Applejack has a big old hidden crush on Rarity! She keeps saying that the two are made for each other and mushy stuff like that.” Pinkie completely ignored the glare that Rainbow Dash shot her at the word ‘mushy’. “Twilight thinks that the two of them are just like, the bestest of friends without any unresolved sexual tension at all! So the two sillies argue about it instead of just asking Rarity or Applejack.”

“Rarity and Applejack?” Princess Twilight thought of her pony friends. The Rarity and Applejack from her world were friendly enough with each other, but she couldn’t see them as a couple. Sure, Applejack admired Rarity’s dedication to her craft, and sometimes even the designs she made. But for the most part, Applejack wasn’t interested in fashion. The same could be said for Rarity, who admired Applejack’s work-ethic and how she cared for her family. Hay, after the near-disaster that was Princess Twilight’s first slumber party, the two had gained an even greater appreciation for each other.

“They always sit next to each other whenever we go places!” Apparently Rainbow Dash had decided to continue to argue her case.

“So we’re talking seating arrangements as evidence now?” Twilight asked, “Then quite obviously Pinkie Pie has a secret unrequited love for Fluttershy!

“Actually, Fluttershy knows all about my unrequited love for her, it’s not secret at all!” Pinkie Pie happily interjected. Her statement caused both Twilight and Rainbow Dash to pause.

“Wait… Pinkie are you being serious?” Twilight asked. She looked shocked, and maybe a tad nervous that she had brought up such a touchy subject.

Pinkie Pie simply looked between Rainbow Dash and Twilight, before bursting out into playful laughter. “Of course not silly-billies! I don’t have a crush on Fluttershy… at least I don’t think I do. And I’d think I knew if I did, because if I didn’t know and I’m me than who would know? I mean nobody knows me better than me right?”

“Hah! Good one Pinkie!” Rainbow Dash said as she gave the pink haired girl a high-five. Twilight simply sighed in a mixture of relief and annoyance, glad that she hadn’t accidentally brought up a subject of heartache.

“Um, excuse me girls, but isn’t this Rarity’s?” Princess Twilight said, attempting to catch the other’s attention. They had indeed made it to the building that housed the shop Rarity ran for her parents.

“Yeppers! Quick, let’s go inside!” Pinkie Pie said. She then started to push Princess Twilight towards the door. “Rarity is going to be so surprised to see you!”

The door opened with the sound of a bell jingling above it. Princess Twilight could see Rarity perk up from her place near the register, though she still had her back turned to them.

“Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where every garment is chic, unique, and magnifique! How can I…” She trailed off as she turned around and saw Pinkie and Princess Twilight. “Oh! Good evening girls. I’m surprised to see you here, Twilight. I thought you had a date with Rainbow Dash?”

“We met up with an old friend so we put the date off for now!” Rainbow Dash said. Her tone was jovial, as she walked up next to Pinkie Pie, with Twilight following her.

Rarity’s eyes widened in shock, her mouth opening and closing as she pointed first at Princess Twilight, then at Twilight. “Bwah-There’s….” After a moment, her mind seemed to have made sense of what she was seeing. She dashed around the counter and wrapped Princess Twilight in a hug. “Oh it’s so good to see you again Twilight! Er- you are the Twilight from the mirror are you not?”

“She sure is! Though we’re calling her Princess for now so there’s no confusion.” Pinkie chimed in helpfully.

“It’s good to see you too Rarity! How have you been?” Princess Twilight asked.

“Oh simply fabulous darling! My work has kept me busy of course, but I have made some positively dazzling outfits. Why, one of my signature pieces was even purchased by Sapphire Shores!” Rarity gave a little squeal of excitement at that.

“That’s wonderful Rarity!” Princess Twilight was truly glad to hear her friend was doing well. Thought it did make her wonder about how events in this world correlated with hers. After all, the Rarity in her world had already made several high-profile sales. Then again, the Rarity in her world owned her Boutique. She would have to look into it if she had time. It would be something interesting to study, if nothing else.

“So, is there anything I can help you girls with? Or were you simply here to chat?” Rarity asked.

“Actually, we were wondering if you had anything for Princess here to wear at the beach tomorrow?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“But of course! Even if I didn’t I would make sure to create something. I could never let one of my friends go out without looking their very best.” Rarity began fussing around Princess Twilight. She pulled her mane away from her back and gave the pony-turned-girl and appraising look. “Luckily enough I think I have something that will fit you. Follow me please!”

Princess Twilight followed Rarity to one of the dressing rooms. Rarity held the curtain aside and motioned for Princess Twilight to step inside. “Go ahead darling, I’ll grab some pieces I’m sure you’ll love and you can try them on.”

Princess Twilight nodded and stepped inside. She was a little excited to see what Rarity had for her. She’d always enjoyed the outfits that Rarity had made for her, in both worlds. She was certain that whatever “swimwear” or a “bathing suit” was, that Rarity would chose one that would be perfect.

After a few minutes, the cloth curtains rustled as Rarity’s arm was stuck through it, holding onto a couple of hangers. “Here you go darling, try those on and tell me what you think.”

Princess Twilight took the offered hangers, but something seemed off. There was very little cloth on the hangers. In fact, it looked to her like Rarity had only given her underwear. “Uhhh, Rarity, I think you forgot the actual suit. You only gave me the underclothes.”

Rarity gave a polite chuckle outside the dressing room. Princess Twilight waited, wondering where the rest of the bathing suit was. “Uh, Rarity?” She called.

“Yes Twi-Princess?” Rarity asked.

“Are you going to give me the rest of the bathing suit?” Princess Twilight had begun to wonder if her friends were playing some kind of joke on her.

“Princess, darling, those are bathing suits.” Rarity said patiently.

Princess Twilight stared at the sparse pieces of fabric and string. “Oh come on Rarity, I know I was a little confused on the whole clothing thing last time, but I learned my lesson. From you as you may recall. I’m pretty sure you said that walking around either naked or in my underwear was against social customs.”

Rarity blinked in confusion for a moment, before she gave a sigh. “You’re quite correct Princess. However I assure you that the garments I gave you are indeed proper beach attire.”

“You’re kidding! This covers up even less than what I’ve got under my clothes right now!” Princess Twilight protested. “Why would anyone even bother to wear this, they might as well just be naked!”

“Well, we’re not going to one of those kinds of beaches Princess. Now, are you going to try them on or not?” Rarity asked.

“Are you sure you’re not playing some prank on me?” Surely, the small dark purple fabric could not cover much.

“Oh for the love of! Bunch over Princess!” Rarity said. Her patience had just about run dry as she pushed her way through the dressing room curtain.

“Rarity?! Hey wait! What’re you doing?!”

Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash all watched in amusement as as Princess Twilight gave a shriek behind the curtain. If anybody else had walked into the boutique at that moment, they may have been worried about what was transpiring behind the curtain. Rarity’s demands for Princess Twilight to “quit struggling”, while Princess Twilight yelped at the touch of “Rarity’s cold hands”.

Actually, most people may have paid for the chance to look behind the curtain. Twilight actually had to pull Rainbow Dash back to her seat. She chose to simply ignore the small bit blood that was running from Rainbow Dash’s nostril.

“There!” Rarity finally said, though she sounded a little out of breath. “What do you think?”

Silence reigned through the boutique for a moment. The three outside the curtain imagined that Princess Twilight was looking herself up and down in the mirror.

“Seriously?! This looks even more provocative than if I wasn’t wearing anything!” Princess Twilight exclaimed.

“That’s kind of the point darling. It shows off enough skin to be sexy, but the parts it covers adds to the allure.” Rarity said.

“I don’t know Rarity. I don’t think I’ll be comfortable going out wearing something like this.” Princess Twilight said. Her voice was uncertain. She could definitely see how this would be considered “sexy”, but it made her distinctly uncomfortable to think of people looking at her in such an outfit.

“I see. Well I believe I still have some one-piece suits that should suffice. Though I really think you should reconsider darling, you look absolutely stunning!” Rarity’s voice came through as encouraging.

“Well… I guess. You’re sure this is appropriate?”

“Of course Princess. I would never set you up for some kind of fashion faux-pas has part of a joke.” Rarity reassured her.

“Okay, I trust you Rarity.” Princess Twilight said. The two gave a slight jump in surprise as Rainbow Dash let out a cheer, before she cried out in pain as a smacking sound was heard.

“Heheh, Dashie you’re so silly!” Princess Twilight and Rarity stuck their heads out of the curtain. Rainbow Dash was nursing the back of her head, and apologizing to Twilight who looked more than just a little annoyed with her girlfriend.

Rarity rolled her eyes. “I had better go make sure that Twilight doesn’t start beating Rainbow Dash with my fabric rolls. Go ahead and change back into your clothes darling. The swimsuit is on the house of course.” With that, Rarity stepped through the curtain.

Princess Twilight stared at herself in the mirror once more. The swimsuit Rarity had forced on her was a darker purple than her skin. It wrapped around her chest, but did not go over her shoulders. The valley between her breasts was emphasized by the way the top pushed against them. The bottom was only a little better, covering her front but leaving a bit more of her behind exposed than she’d care for.

Still, Rarity said that she looked good in this, and neither Rarity had ever let her down before. She’d simply trust in her friend’s judgement.

She quickly changed back into her clothes, making sure that she hung the bathing suit back on the hanger Rarity had provided. She stepped back outside the curtain to see that Rainbow Dash and Twilight were smiling at each other. They had apparently already gotten over their disagreement.

At least they had, until Rainbow Dash saw Princess Twilight step out of the dressing room. “What? You’re already dressed? Awww man.” Rainbow whined.

Twilight rolled her eyes, before pushing Rainbow Dash off the chair she had been sitting on. The rainbow haired girl fell to the ground in a heap, as Twilight stood up and began making her way to the door. “Thanks for your help Rarity, I’ll see you girls tomorrow!” She said.

Rainbow Dash quickly picked herself up off the ground, and chased after Twilight. “Hey! Aw c’mon Twi, you know I was just kidding!” The bells jingled over the door to the boutique, as the two walked out. Princess Twilight was a little worried, until she saw them pass the window. Twilight was smiling again, and walked hand-in-hand with Rainbow Dash.

“I don’t know how she puts up with Rainbow Dash, but they do make a cute couple.” Rarity said.

“I know right!” Pinkie Pie said. She then bounded over to Rarity. “Oh! By the way Rarity, Princess here is going to be staying the night at my place. You wanna come over too? We could make it a sleepover party!”

Rarity smiled, but shook her head. “I’d love to Pinkie, but Princess is not the only one who still needs suitable swimwear. Applejack is going to be stopping by today after she finishes her work on the farm. I’ll have to take a raincheck on the sleepover I’m afraid.”

Pinkie Pie grinned at that. “Okey-dokey-lokey! You two have fun! Don’t do anything your aunty Pinkie wouldn’t do!” Pinkie Pie grabbed Princess Twilight’s hand and pulled her towards the door to the boutique, but not before the purple haired girl caught sight of deep blush that graced Rarity’s face.

Rarity began to sputter out denials as the two exited, Pinkie laughing the whole time while Princess Twilight was lost in thought. Applejack and Rarity? Who knew?

Author's Note:

I wonder what Twilight would have thought if the Princess of the Fall Formal event had had a Swimsuit Competition? How do you even begin to explain that to someone who is used to not wearing any clothes at all except for special events?