• Published 28th Sep 2013
  • 7,496 Views, 111 Comments

Vacation Revelations (Or, Why Do Humans Bother to Wear Bikinis?) - ssjgokillo

Completely stressed out, Twilight decides to get away from it all by going to visit the world of Canterlot High. When she gets there, she sees... herself? With Rainbow Dash! How did that happen?

  • ...

Vacation Planning

Everything was not okay.

Princess Twilight Sparkle almost grimaced to herself as she thought of the optimistic words she had cheered shortly after her coronation. She should’ve known better than to make such a cheery declaration, it was just asking to be proven wrong.

Things hadn’t even been that bad at first. After her coronation the only major upset had been when Sunset Shimmer had stolen her crown during the Princess Summit. And that had ended with her making new friends, getting to see and experience a whole new world, and possibly even showing Sunset Shimmer that there was more to life than her ambition.

After she returned however, things quickly began to take a turn for the worse. She had practically lived the past month in her old room in Canterlot, after Princess Celestia asked her to sit in on some meetings with various nobles and diplomats. At first it was all very interesting, but Twilight soon began to see that politics simply wasn’t for her. These ponies (and sometimes other creatures) could drone on and on for hours about the most mundane thing! A griffon ambassador had spent most of the day trying to impress upon Celestia that extending the free-fly space between the Griffon and Pony territories by a single meter was of the utmost importance.

Or the various nobles who came in demanding to be taxed less for the most ridiculous of reasons! One particularly stubborn noble had even tried to appeal to Twilight when Celestia had refused him, saying that unicorns should be taxed less simply based on the fact that they were unicorns! That stallion had soon found himself teleported right over the fountain in the castle courtyard. Celestia had jokingly mentioned that she may have to hold off on teaching Twilight the “banish to the moon” aspect of the Elements after that.

It was maddening! She hadn’t had a moment to herself in months. Every time she thought that she could finally relax and maybe read a book, there was some new problem that demanded her attention. Even the time she was able to spend with her friends was more focused on saving Equestria from whatever crisis had sprung up.

And then there was Flash Sentry…

The (admittedly handsome) pegasus had apparently asked for the appointment as the head of Twilight’s guard. Twilight hadn’t even known she’d had a guard until that point. At first she was ecstatic at the prospect of having Flash around. Though she didn’t know him very well, the version of him she met in the world beyond the mirror had been nice, and charming. She had been looking forward to getting to know Flash better, and perhaps a little more intimately.

The problem was, Flash turned up everywhere! Twilight couldn’t take more than a couple steps in the market without running into him (literally in some cases), always followed up with him flashing a smile and remarking on how they “had to stop bumping into each other like this”. The first time it was cute. The second time… well she still thought it was cute, but after a week it had just gotten old. Twilight even began to suspect that he was following her, even when he was off duty.

So Twilight found herself once again in the presence of her mentor. Princess Celestia had calmly let Twilight rant until the little princess ran out of steam. “It sounds like you need some time to yourself Princess.” Celestia said.

Twilight groaned and nodded her head. “I would love some, Princess Celestia, but everywhere I go I’m surrounded by ponies wanting favors, or guards who think I can’t look after myself! Did you know Flash Sentry insists on checking the books I read for traps?!” One of Twilight’s eyes began to twitch, and her mane started to spring up in places, signs that Celestia recognized as the growing stress in her student.

Celestia hummed to herself thoughtfully. It was a problem she herself often experienced, when the rigors of helping to rule Equestria would become too much. There were very few places a Princess could go without being hounded by everypony. Illusions never lasted long enough and were too easily recognized, unless one was a changeling of course.

There was however one option that she knew was available to Twilight. “I think Twilight, that you need to take a few days to rest and relax. Your training is important, but not at the point where you should feel so overcome.”

Twilight nodded, but still seemed unsure. After all, she still had no clue where she could go to get away from it all.

“Oh! I almost forgot to mention.” Celestia said as she gave Twilight a small, mischievous smile. “We’ve had the magic mirror moved back to the castle from the Crystal Empire. I had figured that with how well you everything went with your last visit, that it was safe enough to bring it back. It’s currently being stored in the storeroom behind the throne room, if you’re interested in seeing it.”

Twilight looked at Celestia questioningly, wondering why her teacher had thought to mention the fact. "Umm, that's nice Princess, but the portals should still be closed for..." Her eyes widened with sudden realization, and after some quick calculations a smile graced her muzzle. “Oh thank you Princess!” Twilight said as she ran up to the bigger Princess and nuzzled against her.

“You’re very welcome Twilight. Enjoy yourself, you’ll have much work ahead of you when your studies resume.” Celestia said. She blinked as she realized that there was nopony in the room with her. It seemed Twilight had been more excited than she’d thought.


Twilight grinned happily as she approached the mirror. Seeing her reflection in the magical device was like a salve to her exhausted mind. She was sure of it, it had been exactly thirty Moondays since she had last gone to the world beyond the mirror. A little over seven months ago. Or as Princess Luna liked to say, thirty moons. That meant that the portal would be open again!

It was perfect. She could have three days to relax and hang out with the friends she had made during her stay there. Perhaps she’d even have time to study more about the human world, now that she didn’t have the urgent mission of retrieving her crown hanging over her head.

Oh it would be so exciting! She’d get to see if Sunset Shimmer had learned the magic of friendship! And she’d get to see all her friends…

That brought a stab of guilt to Twilight’s thoughts. Her friends… should she really be leaving without telling them? It wasn’t like she was abandoning them, she just needed some time to relax. And Princess Celestia had said that they couldn’t all go through last time. Besides, she hadn’t seen the mirror versions of her friends for two months!

Twilight sighed. She would just have to make it up to them later. Besides, it would only be for a few days. With that thought in mind, Twilight approached the mirror. She smiled nervously at her reflection, before she tentatively stepped forward.

Just like last time she passed through the mirror, before her body felt like it was being sucked through a straw. She could feel herself spinning and twisting through the colorful space between the two worlds, as a blinding light forced her to closer her eyes.

Then, just as suddenly, the crazy spinning stopped. She could feel cool stone beneath her, and the sound of a car driving in the distance.

Twilight blinked her eyes, trying to clear the spots from them and focus. Travel through the mirror had been just as disorienting as it had been the first time. Slowly, the world stopped spinning around her, and she could make out the familiar sight of Canterlot High.

She had forgotten how alien this body felt. She raised an arm in front of her and stared at her hand. She wiggled her fingers, still surprised at the dexterity of the little digits. She looked down to see she was wearing the same clothes she had appeared in last time she had visited this world.

Twilight shakily stood on her legs, being sure to give herself a moment to balance. Once she stood at her full height she took a tentative step forward. She felt a slight lurching sensation as her body moved, but she kept her balance. She gave a small smile at that, glad that she wouldn’t have to completely relearn how to walk in this body.

After she was certain that she wouldn’t be stumbling all over herself again, she looked around the courtyard of the school. She had hoped that she might run into one of her friends, but that was not the case. In fact, the courtyard seemed strangely empty. By her calculations it was maybe an hour before noon, yet there weren’t any students to be seen.

She slowly walked towards the doors of the school, her steps were becoming less wobbly as she went. She reached the entrance to the school and, remembering this time she did not have magic, gave the handle a tug.

The door barely budged. She pulled on the handle a couple more times to be sure, but the door was clearly locked. Twilight peered through the glass to look inside. All the lights within the school were off, and the hallways were empty.

Twilight sighed and stepped back away from the door. She wasn’t sure why the school was closed, perhaps some holiday? Either way, if there wasn’t anybody at the school, then finding her friends was going to be difficult. She wasn’t even sure if she could remember the way to get to the Rarity’s boutique. This place was much bigger than Ponyville, and one of her friends had always led the way last time she was there.

She closed her eyes as she tried to mentally visualize the route from the school. She was so engrossed in trying to visualize her directions that she did not notice as someone pulled up on a bicycle next to the stairs, or when the person slowly crept up the stairs, sneaking behind her.

“GUESS WHO!” Twilight gave a shriek of surprise as a pair of hands covered her eyes. However, even as her body reacted to the sudden shock, a smile spread across her face. She’d recognize that voice anywhere.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight said. She felt relief wash over her as the blue hands withdrew from her face. She felt one land on her shoulder, before she was spun around to face the rainbow haired girl.

Rainbow Dash grinned mischievously as she leaned closer to Twilight. Twilight blinked in surprise, slightly confused by Rainbow’s sudden close proximity.

“Got it in one Twi! You ready for your prize?”

“Prize? What priz-mpphh!” Twilight found herself silenced. Her eyes were wide with shock as she felt Rainbow’s warm lips pressing against her own. She could feel something running across her lips, almost caressing them, before her mind caught on to what happened.

She was being kissed, by Rainbow Dash!

Acknowledging the fact seemed to be the breaking point for the poor girl. Twilight felt lightheaded, before she closed her eyes and passed out.

Rainbow Dash grunted in surprise as she caught Twilight, before giving the girl in her arms a look of bemusement.

“Really Egghead? You haven’t passed out on me like that since our first date.” She grinned to herself, as she scooped Twilight off the ground, nuzzling her cheek affectionately against Twilight’s head. “Heh, looks like I still got it!”

“Still have what Rainbow?” A familiar, and irritated voice asked.

Rainbow slowly turned around, her eyes wide with confusion. She looked down at the girl in her arms, only to see the same girl standing in front of her. Twilight had an annoyed expression on her face, her hands planted on her hips as she glared at Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash opened and closed her mouth repeatedly as she tried to figure out what exactly was going on. She looked down once again at the Twilight in her arms, before she looked back at the Twilight who stood before her, who just now seemed to notice her double.

“Am… am I dreaming?” Rainbow Dash asked with a goofy smile on her face.

Twilight stared at Rainbow Dash for a moment, before she gave a sigh of frustration. This was already promising to be a looooong day.

Author's Note:

Hopefully by now anyone who has wanted to see Equestria Girls has seen it, so I'm not spoiling anything. If not, then I do apologize.

For those of you who may like Flash Sentry, rest assured, I have not intentions of bashing him in this story. I don't hate his character, I just think he's rather uninteresting.

Some of you may be wondering something like: Hey, Killo, why are you posting a new story when you haven't updated EKS or Twilight's Journey in almost a year? And hasn't it been like a month since your last Sparkle-Dash update?

Well you do make a valid point. I do have some valid reasons though, and I think that if you just take them into consideration you'll... LOOK OVER THERE!

Er... you're still here?
