• Published 24th Sep 2013
  • 18,039 Views, 1,911 Comments

An Affliction of the Heart: Volume Four - Anonymous Pegasus

A hybrid develops new powers, a dark queen escapes, while a pegasus and a changeling try to normalise their married life.

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Swarm sulked.

Frowning deeply, hooves crossed and sniffling faintly as she sat in front of the principle’s office.

Barely two minutes had passed between Swarm’s display in the playground, and a teacher swooping in and almost physically dragging the foal to the principle’s office.

The principle, an older unicorn named Ramrod, was in the middle of a meeting with a parent, and thus Swarm was forced to sit in an uncomfortable chair, waiting, and sulking as hard as she possibly could.

The door creaked open, and the large, imposing form of the principle appeared, staring down at her with pursed lips.

“It’s not my fault!” Swarm protested immediately, cowering slightly under the disapproving gaze.

“Come into my office, young lady,” Ramrod said bluntly, holding the door open, while a unicorn adult stepped outside, waving farewell.

Ramrod smiled at the parent, and then turned back to Swarm, his expression returning to stern and disapproving. He made an impatient motion with a hoof.

Swarm slid off the chair and lowered her head, walking dejectedly into the office.

The office was an almost uniform white, broken up by the wooden desk, a window, and a large staff photo on one wall. The desk itself was almost completely bare, except for a notepad, inkwell, and a jar full of lollipops.

Swarm stopped awkwardly in the middle of the room, while Ramrod circled his desk and sat behind it, placing his ‘elbows’ on the desk and tapping his hooves together lightly in front of his nose, looking thoughtful.

“So, do you mind telling me what you did wrong?” Ramrod asked, raising a brow.

Swarm huffed softly, ears pinning back as she lowered her head. “I didn’t do anything wrong!”

“Witnesses on the playground and a very distraught unicorn seem to think otherwise,” Ramrod stated bluntly.

Swarm scowled to herself but didn’t respond.

Sighing faintly, Ramrod leaned forwards, rummaging around in his jaw with a hoof and coming up with a red lollipop. He held it out at hoof’s length.

Looking up, Swarm’s ears splayed back further, and she move to take it.

Ramrod rolled his eyes, wiggling the lollipop temptingly. “It’s not going to bite you.”

Swarm took a tentative step forwards and then gingerly took the lollipop, pulling the wrapped off and then stuffing it into her mouth, sitting down on her rump and staring up at him.

“Now, as I understand it, you used your magic on another pony?” Ramrod asked levelly.

Swarm nodded, lowering her head slightly.

“This is a clear violation of our rules, Swarm. Using magic against another pony is a very serious offense. It is not allowed.” Ramrod sighed faintly, sitting back in his chair, tapping his hooves together thoughtfully. “Your parents will have to come in, and there are going to be consequences for this, you understand?”

Swarm nodded unhappily. “Bwuff thees weernt-”

Ramrod held up a hoof for silence. “Take the lollipop out of your mouth before you talk.”

Swarm huffed, tugging the lollipop out of her mouth. “But it wasn’t my fault!”

“Did you, or did you not, use your magic against another foal?” Ramrod asked bluntly.

Swarm scowled deeply. “I wouldn’t have used my magic if she wasn’t being such a bitch.”

Ramrod slowly raised an eyebrow, tapping his hooves together again. “I can see you are much more mature than your classmates. Probably smarter, too.”

Swarm perked up at that, ears raising.

“But you’re letting your emotions get the better of you. This is not how a pony acts. Where do you think I would be if I uses offensive magic on everyone that annoyed me?” Ramrod asked, eyebrows raising at the foal.

Swarm scowled deeply, looking away, mumbling something unintelligible.

“Be that as it may,” Ramrod said with an idle wave of a hoof. “You are to act civilised. And unfortunately, the only way to drill this into your head at your age is negative reinforcement and positive reinforcement. Right now, you’re going to get a healthy taste of negative reinforcement. But I want you to know, if you act right, you’re not going to get into trouble.”

Swarm snorted once. “It wasn’t even my fault.”

“Convince me that it wasn’t your fault and I won’t call your parents,” Ramrod said bluntly.

“The unicorn was throwing dirt in Iron’s eyes!” Swarm protested.

“Gilded Facet?” Ramrod queried.

Stupid Facet,” Swarm corrected with a growl.

Ramrod gave a soft chuckle at that. “How very inventive. So you say that she threw dirt in Wrought Iron’s face?”

“In his eyes!” Swarm corrected.

“That matches what we were told,” Ramrod said with a thoughtful hum.

“Then why am I getting in trouble?!” Swarm protested, stamping a hoof.

“Well, using magic to protect a classmate is certainly not something I would persecute you for,” Ramrod admitted, sitting back in his chair and pursing his lips at her. “But you did it with clear malice. You threatened to have her killed.”

“And I will!” Swarm said, stamping her hoof with a growl. “My mommy kills bad people! And she’s bad!”

“And therefore, I’m going to have your mother come in and explain exactly why her daughter thinks this way,” Ramrod stated.

Swarm huffed, snorting once and turning away, stuffing the lollipop back into her mouth.

Warden gave a soft, low groan, stretching out lazily as Kuno slathered numbweed across his bad wing.

“So, you gonna hit him tomorrow?” Kuno asked.

“I already tried to and he just ducked it,” Warden complained, giving a soft sigh, his bad wing twitching faintly.

Kuno giggled, rubbing more intently at his wing with the cool green paste, massaging it in. “So how long before Green Hoof can take over production of the aurora?”

“Never,” Warden said bluntly, giving a long sigh. “There’s a reason I’m the only grower.”

“Because you’re special,” Kuno cooed, kissing one of his ears.

Warden rolled his eyes, giving a faint snort. “Hardly. I just have the patience and lack of a social life that allows me to tend to the needs of a dependant plant.”

“You sure Green Hoof couldn’t be taught to tend to them herself? You and her all alone up there all the time makes me… well, uncomfortable,” Kuno admitted, frowning to herself.

Warden rolled his eyes. “I’m not going to cheat on you. Not in the least because you’d eat me afterwards.”

Kuno snorted once, chewing on one of his ears playfully. “And you’d better believe it, mister.”

“It’s cute that you get jealous though,” Warden said with a faint smirk.

“So… tell me, why do we live here?” Kuno asked bluntly.

Warden blinked once, peering up at her for a long moment. “Live here?”

“In this cottage. Out of the way,” Kuno explained, kneading at his wing slowly.

“Because it’s my home,” Warden replied blankly.

“I know that. But… you earn enough money to live wherever you want, and yet you live out here… in the middle of nowhere,” Kuno stated with pursed lips. “And you have to limp into town to get supplies…”

“Well… This was my grandfather’s cottage, way back when,” Warden admitted with a faint smile. “My family used to use it as a retreat. A place to get away from civilisation.”

“And cripple ponies shouldn’t be away from civilisation,” Kuno said, poking him firmly.

Warden snorted rolling over and nudging her cheek with his nose. “Did you just call me a cripple?”

“If the horseshoe fits…” Kuno teased, training off with a smirk.

“Well… Swarm is buried here too. I have a lot of memories in this place,” Warden admitted, frowning to himself. “Not all of them good, really.”

“I’m just saying… we don’t need to stay here. Not on my account,” Kuno said, nudging him gently with her nose. “I enjoy being able to parade in my scary, creepy natural form, but I’d give up my sunning time if you didn’t have to limp miles to get stuff.”

“Last time I rented this place out, the pony was growing mushrooms in my cupboards,” Warden complained.

Kuno rolled her eyes, nudging his neck gently. “Plus, Swarm would be closer to school… we could get a bigger house, leave this thing behind and use it as a getaway. Plus, you could get an aurora field made instead of using that… whatever it is you use.”

“Oh I see, now you just want me for my wealth,” Warden accused, kissing her nose.

Kuno giggled, squeezing him with her forehooves. “Not to mention all the free love.”

“You already have a place picked out, don’t you?” Warden asked, suspicious.

Kuno shook her head. “No, what makes you think that?”

Warden slowly raised an eyebrow.

Kuno looked away for a moment, biting her bottom lip. “Daggertail’s old mansion. His family can’t pay the rates on it any more and so it’s going to auction. Pretty cheap, too, considering no one’s actually lived in it for the last few years. It’s all in disrepair.”

“You’d want to live in that place?” Warden asked, blinking once.

“Whyever wouldn’t I?” Kuno queried, tilting her head curiously.

“Well… because you kind of… murdered someone there,” Warden pointed out.

“It wasn’t so much murder as… post-game self-defense,” Kuno said carefully.

“Very nice defense,” Warden said with a roll of his eyes. “It doesn’t bother you, though?”

“I’m a changeling, remember?” Kuno said, poking his nose with a hoof.

“Vaguely?” Warden offered.

“We’re just pure awesome and it really doesn’t bother me,” Kuno explained with a soothing nod, nudging him once with her nose.

Warden gave a long sigh, wrapping his hooves around the changeling and lightly stroking a hoof along one of her wings. “Well… if I buy you a mansion, I hope you’re not expecting anything for your birthday.”

“We both know what you’ll be giving me for my birthday,” Kuno stated.

“Something that starts with ‘c’ and ends with ‘k’?” Warden asked with a teasing smirk.

“Cake?” Kuno asked, perking up.

Warden blinked once.

Kuno lowered her head slightly. “Okay, fine, I don’t spell words very well. Kinda wasn’t high on the list of things to learn.”

“But how can I love you if you can’t spell?” Warden asked, squeezing her with his hooves.

“Because you’re not an English teacher, so shush,” Kuno snorted, chewing at his nose playfully.

Chrysalis looked up as the door to the dungeon creaked open slowly. There was a pause, and then the guard usually stationed outside of the dungeon fell across the entryway limply. Shining Armor stepped over the body, stooping to collect the keys.

Wings buzzing in anxious anticipation, Chrysalis rose to her hooves, dancing slightly in place. The shackle around her ankle clicked and jangled. It was looped through one of the holes in her chitin, and was impossible to remove without grievous harm or the keys.

Shining Armor pursed his lips as he stepped closer to the queen, peering up at her with wide eyes, his chest heaving with excitement. “Tell me we’ll be together, Chrissy.”

“We’ll be together,” Chrysalis promised, a low purr building in her throat, idly turning away and offering him her hindleg.

Shining Armor immediately ducked under her tail, slotting the key into the shackle and twisting it, tossing the useless shackle aside.

Chrysalis gave a low purr, turning to face him again, her wings giving an eager buzz. “Let us be free of this place.”

“I need to stay here,” Shining Armor protested, shaking his head. “They’ll suspect me if I don’t.”

“They’ll already suspect you,” Chrysalis stated flatly, waving a hoof imperiously. “Now come, we’re leaving, together.”

Shining Armor looked back and forth between Chrysalis, and the doorway, frowning deeply, stamping a hoof in agitation. “But… Cadance…”

Chrysalis gave a low growl. “Forget that useless mare. You have me now,” she stated flatly, eyes narrowing at him. “You do love me, don’t you?”

“I… yes,” Shining Armor responded, rubbing a hoof against his temple distractedly. “I don’t know what I was thinking.”

Chrysalis gave a low purring hum at that, leaning forward to kiss his cheek lovingly. “Yessss… Now come, we’re leaving.” She turned in place, and then headed for the door, stepping casually over the unconscious form of the guard. Shining Armor followed after her, squinting slightly in what appeared to be pained confusion.

Kuno hummed faintly to herself, stirring a bowl full of cake batter with a wooden spoon. She was wearing a pink hoof-made apron that had the words ‘WILL MAKE FOOD FOR ♥’ stitched across the front. Warden was on the other side of the kitchen, setting up the stove, wearing a matching blue apron with the words ‘WILL MAKE ♥ FOR FOOD’ stitched across the front.

There was a rattle from a bronze tube sitting on the counter, and a puff of green flame was emitted from the top of it.

Kuno put down the mixing bowl for a moment, opening up a slot on the device and pulling out a letter, frowning down at it, and then giving a long sigh. “We’re being summoned to the school.”

“Oh, that can only be a good sign,” Warden groaned, heaving a heavy sigh.

“Does this mean no cake?” Kuno pouted.

“We can make cake when we get back,” Warden promised.