• Published 24th Sep 2013
  • 18,040 Views, 1,911 Comments

An Affliction of the Heart: Volume Four - Anonymous Pegasus

A hybrid develops new powers, a dark queen escapes, while a pegasus and a changeling try to normalise their married life.

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Kuno chewed on her bottom lip with one of her longer fangs, squinting down at the tangled mess of threads and fabric that comprised the sweater she was trying to knit. She was sitting in the foremost ‘tower’ of the mansion, a squat stone structure with a ring of windows at the top. An old loom sat in the corner, covered in spider webs and dusty with age from long disuse. Kuno had picked the room largely to keep an eye on Warden while he doddered about on his gardening duties.

Kuno shifted slightly, leaning forwards to in her chair to ensure that she could keep an eye on Warden as he went about his daily activities. He was in the garden now, wandering aimlessly from plant to plant, checking each vine over with an idle gaze even though Kuno had seen him check each twice already. A little further off, she could see Green Hoof tending to the much more intensive aurora growing. The aurora was growing in large trellises, as Warden had specified, each one ten metres high, with an improvised water system made from old copper piping that had been hoof-made to Warden’s special design.

But even now, when Warden wandered closer to the trellises containing the aurora, one of the royal guards held up a spear to halt his progress, and the pegasus slunk away, head lowered.

Kuno watched all this with a long sigh, shaking her head and returning to her knitting.

“Warden! You’re bleeding again!” Kuno tutted, turning from stirring a pot on the stove to pick up a dishcloth, wetting it in the sink and then dragging her husband towards it to dab the cloth against the end of his muzzle.

Warden wrinkled his nose deeply, averting his gaze. “I must have gotten a nosebleed.”

“You tripped again, didn’t you?” Kuno accused, gently dabbing at his lips with a deep frown.

Warden sighed and nodded. “Aye.”

“Open your mouth,” Kuno ordered.

Warden complied, opening his mouth for her.

Kuno tutted again, shaking her head and then peering at his tongue closely. “You bit your tongue again. Wash your mouth out.”

Hanging his head, Warden moved to the sink and scooped up a hoofful of water from the running tap, washing out his mouth and spitting out a glob of drying, coagulated blood. He wrinkled his nose deeply, cringing. “Oh that is disgusting.”

“Well it was in your mouth,” Kuno said with a wave of a hoof. “The doctors said you’d be able to feel things again soon, since they’re dialing back your dosage.”

“No such luck, yet,” Warden replied immediately, working his muzzle a few times and then giving a long sigh. “I can’t farm… I’m not allowed to fly… I can’t even…” he trailed off, sighing and hanging his head. “I can’t even play with you…”

Kuno frowned deeply, pulling him close and hugging him firmly, nuzzling into the base of his neck. “It gets better, Warden.”

“I can’t even feel you,” Warden sighed, lifting a hoof to lay against her wing and then dropping it, staring at the floor.

“I don’t know what to tell you…” Kuno admitted, nudging him firmly with her nose. “But you know that it’ll get better, once you get off the aurora.”

“That’ll be another six months,” Warden responded dejectedly, kicking at the floor with his hoof and then frowning. He lifted his hoof to his mouth, clasping his teeth around an old nail that had somehow made its way into his foreleg, and tugging it out, spitting it into the bin. His hoof began to bleed small pinpricks of blood across the floor.

“Oh come on Warden!” Kuno said, shoving him with a hoof. “Go get in the bath!”

Warden frowned, nodding and heading upstairs, leaving a trail of small blood droplets on every other step.

Kuno snorted once, picking up the washcloth, rinsing it out and starting to clean up after him.

Warden dropped into the bath, resting his nose on the edge of it miserably.

Kuno very, very carefully dipped a hoof into the water to test the temperature. Warden had gotten in the habit of having baths that were either as cold as ice or the general temperature one would most likely think a dragon would like.

Finding the temperature viable for living creatures, Kuno flicked on the hot water tap to get it up to a good, warm state, before slipping in herself. The warm water splashed up over her chitin, leaving it shiny and slick, while she crawled over closer to Warden and hugged him from behind.

“Depressed?” Kuno asked, gently nibbling at the side of his neck.

Warden nodded slowly, heaving a long sigh. “Yeah. I guess.”

Kuno frowned, hugging him from behind, resting her face in his mane. “You know I love you.”

“I know…” Warden said quietly, before giving a disconsolate sigh.

“Warden… I… I don’t know what I can say,” Kuno admitted, biting her bottom lip and gently nuzzling against his mane.

“There is nothing you can say,” Warden said, his tone dead. “My life is an ordeal now. An ordeal that I have struggle through. After Swarm died…” he trailed off, looking away and shaking his head slowly. “After all the aurora I did… I promised myself that I would be dead before I ever got on this shit again.”

Kuno gave a half-hearted giggle. “You’re a stallion of your word.”

“You know what I mean,” Warden snapped, angrily squeezing the edge of the tub with his hooves. “I’m addicted to this… this stupid shit again. I can feel it. And I hate it. But when I try to go off it it hurts. It hurts so fucking badly I want to curl up and cry and stop breathing until I die. And while I’m on it I can’t even feel your hooves around me… I can’t feel your chitin against my fur. I can’t even smell you. It’s like you’re there but you’re a ghost. What kind of a life is this? What kind of existence is it to have to choose between unending pain or the kind of shallow ephemeral chasing of sensations that I can only associate with when I was high off my ass every day?!”

Kuno splayed her ears back at the tirade, her wings twitching unhappily.

“Am I crying?” Warden asked, rubbing a hoof against his cheek harder than necessary. “I don’t even know if I’m crying!”

Kuno it her bottom lip, before she surged forwards and wrapped her husband up in a hug, pulling him to face her and tugging him until his face was in her neck, gently rocking him back and forth and squeezing him intently.

Warden sobbed against her neck brokenly, limp and weak. “I wake up and I don’t even want to live any more… I don’t want my life to be one unending chain of pain…”

Squeezing him intently, Kuno gently rubbed her nose through his mane. “Think of the things in this world that are worth the pain,” she suggested, tilting his head up to catch his gaze. “Am I worth the pain?”

A long silence stretched out between them, and Kuno felt her heart breaking.

“I-is anything worth unending pain?” Warden asked quietly, before looking away again, laying his cheek on her neck. “I want to say that you are worth it… I want to believe that… but my entire life is either pain or nothingness… sometimes I feel like I’ll never be happy again…”

Kuno frowned deeply, staring down at him, gently brushing some of his mane away from his face. “How did you feel after Swarm died?”

Warden twisted slightly to peer up at her, his ears splaying back. “Like… like I’d never be happy again…”

“But you were happy again, weren’t you?” Kuno asked gently.

“So happy…” Warden admitted, trailing off uncertainly.

“Remember that, Warden. Remember that you’ve already been through all this. You can do it again. You’re strong enough,” Kuno soothed, gently squeezing him.

“No… no I’m not,” Warden asserted, shaking his head sadly. “I was never strong enough for that…”

“Your current existence says otherwise,” Kuno retorted.

Warden frowned deeply, placing a hoof against his wife’s chest, wishing that he could feel her heartbeat. “No… that was you. That was you that made me strong. Without you, I’m a weakling. I’m a weak-willed useless piece of crap…”

“And I’m here for you,” Kuno soothed, squeezing him again, gently licking at his muzzle. “You know that. I’m here for you, no matter what. I brought you back from the dead. No amount of passive-aggressive bitching, drugs, depression, and lack of erectile function will keep me from being there for you.”

“I love that you put the most important one last,” Warden said with a hollow laugh.

Kuno nodded, pushing her muzzle up against his own firmly. “I love you, Warden. And you know how special that is. You know I’ll be here for you, no matter what. Forever.”

“But it’s hard…” Warden said, his bottom lip quivering. “It’s so hard… and it hurts so much…”

“I know,” Kuno crooned, gently rocking him back and forth, nuzzling against his neck reassuringly. “But I made a vow. In sickness and in health.”

“In sickness and in health…” Warden repeated quietly.

“And you’re going to owe me the craziest, kinkiest amounts of sex when you’re better,” Kuno reminded, nudging him firmly.

“You promise?” Warden asked, closing his eyes and nudging against her nose awkwardly, clumsily bunting his head against her own.

“I promise,” Kuno affirmed, holding him close.

Author's Note:

Short chapter so you all don't have to wait more weeks! Apologies!

Just getting back in the swing of things. Longer chapters to follow.