• Published 5th Sep 2013
  • 27,843 Views, 882 Comments

64 vs. Equestria - Jman9877

When a male human is created in the Canterlot Underground Labs and tortured for experiment, what will he do in order to free himself from his captors and live the life of freedom he craves?

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Chapter 24

Chapter 24

3rd Person POV

64 continued through the Everfree Forest towards Twilight Sparkles’ location, hoping that Shining Armor wouldn’t get too roughed up back with Super Nova. He looked down at the pin that Shining shot onto him for a moment.

“Why the hell did he give this to me?” 64 yelled in his head, making Vi wonder as well. It was an Equestrian Royal Guard pin, practically deputizing anypony who received it from the Captain of the Royal Guard.

“I’m not sure, but I do know this. He for some reason trusts you with his sister’s life, and I wouldn’t sully that trust after what he just did for you right now.” Vi answered, wondering what the pin was for as well.

Most of the regional creatures within the Everfree Forest were much tamer than usually tonight, even running away at the sight of 64 as he came near. Vi quickly chalked it up to still having the incredibly evil stench of Super Nova’s magic on him after he was caught by the tendril of the stuff. As 64 continued, he began to notice that some of the plant life around was beginning to char and blacken, despite not even being near a flame.

“It’s Super Nova’s evil magic affecting the natural wildlife. It permeates an evil aura which is practically eating the plants from the inside out, and is making the Animals fear for their lives against the smallest of insects. This might be a good thing for you though, because you can easily traverse through these woods and not have to worry about fighting any creatures.” Vi said as a matter of factly.

“Yeah, but that gives me another reason to try and stop her. It’s only a matter of time before she and Shining Armor are done back there, and she will stop at nothing to find me and shove my head onto a burning pike.” 64 whispered morosely. At last 64 made it to the Cloudy Gorge once again, but saw that this time, a bridge was now available, but it wasn’t like he needed it though. After running across the bridge, he once again saw the Ruins of an Old Castle, the area of the Nightmare Moon showdown.

“Vi, track Twilight Sparkle’s location, is she inside of the Ruins?” 64 asked, slowing to a walk. It didn’t look like there was much activity going on inside, but it never hurt to check.

“Yes, she’s inside the 2nd Tower, 2nd story. She seems to be trying to calm down Fluttershy who is crying her poor soul out.” Vi said sympathetically.

“Ok, let’s get this over with.” 64 said with a groan, walking into the dilapidated tower.

64 POV

I walked up the decaying stairs of the tower, preparing myself for what I was about to do. I needed to talk to Twilight, but with her other 5 friends there, it would be very difficult to get any words in edgewise. Walking up to the doorway, I hid just to the side of the door to listen in on their conversation.

“What in the hay was goin’ on back there Twi? What in Celestia’s name was that thang?!” The country mare yelled. I recognized it as the mare that was chasing me throughout Ponyville about a week ago.

“That was a surprise that even I didn’t want! I mean, what kind of surprise was that? There was an explosion and then that weird thing on two legs came and saved Twilight then that fireball fell from the sky and it got really hot and then that thing told us to run while he started to fight that thing that came out of the fireball!” A semi-excited voice said. I recognized the voice as the same mare that was bothering me while I was trying to sneak out of Ponyville after planting the now destroyed evidence about Celestia’s plans.

“Pinkie dearie, we need to calm down about this matter. Although we have many questions which need to be answered, we must keep calm for the time being. Rushing into the situation with prior knowledge will likely get us all killed. Twilight, you must know something about this situation.” A posh sounding voice sounded. I couldn’t recognize this voice, but if I had to guess, it was probably a visitor from Canterlot or something, that accent sounded too distinct for a small town like Ponyville.

“Whatever the buck that thing was, it doesn’t seem like a thing anypony would want to mess with! I mean, it was made of lava! That would be awesome if it wasn’t trying to kill somepony, but we don’t know what it’s trying to do!” A more tom-coltish voice sounded. I couldn’t recognize that voice either, so I knew that I would have to reveal myself soon enough so I could get a good look at these mares.

“Listen girls, I have a small idea what that was. But for now let’s all get some rest; we’ll need it to tackle whatever that thing was.” I heard Twilight Sparkle say.

“I know what that thing was.” I said, still hiding behind the wall. I could feel the mares on the other side of the wall tense up and shuffle away from the noise. I had obviously scared them, so I needed to show them that I wasn’t an immediate threat to them. I holstered Peacemaker into my waistband, and put my hands up in surrender.

I walked into the open and saw 5 of the mares jaws drop. The only one who actually looked a bit delighted to see me was Fluttershy apparently, and in fact went to address me.

“Oh hello there Mr. Creature! I didn’t think I would see you again. After I saw you were gone that night I got so scared and thought you were mad at me.” She said, hiding behind her mane.

Although I had spent countless nights facing blistering heat, fearsome creatures, and an army of Royal Guards, I still knew cute when I saw it, and Fluttershy was it. I was nearly about to greet Fluttershy, until A the Rainbow mare came barreling down, tackling me and forcing me onto my back.

“And just how do you know Fluttershy huh?! Are you some sort of spy!?” She yelled in my face as she pinned my shoulders down. Although I could have easily pushed her off of me, I decided that I would be better if I didn’t address myself as hostile.

“Rainbow! Ah think he’s ok. After all he did end up savin’ Twilight’s hide, so ah think the least we owe him is a chance to explain himself.” The country mare said, actually giving me a chance to talk for a change.

“Thank you kindly ma’am. Now Rainbow, if you please?” I said, motioning for the mare to get off of me. She grumbled some vulgarities before getting off of me, and stood off to the side.

“Now that I’m off, you better start talking!” Rainbow yelled in my face, but this time I put a finger to her lips.

“In good time Rainbow, but for now, I have to talk to Twilight.” I said, walking over to her before kneeling down to her level.

“Now that you can see me for what I really am do you think I can ask some questions?” I asked Twilight, who still looked a bit shaken up at seeing e once again.

“I-I think I can manage this ti—“ Twilight said, before cutting off when she saw the pin attached to my shirt, and the large burn mark going across the left side of my chest.

“W-Who gave you that pin!? Only my brother can administer that Insignia to anypony!” She yelled, taking a few step back. The other mare also tensed up at the mention of the pin, apparently acknowledging the importance of it.

“I can answer that later. But for now I need some questions about Celestia which need answering at this point. Hopefully with your answers I can stop that thing which is probably on a rampage.”

Twilight looked down; shuffling as she stood to try and ease the nervousness she must have been going through.

“Umm…. I can try… and hopefully it’s gonna be enough.” She said, looking up at me.

I sat down on the floor and readied myself for the questions I was going to ask.

“Okay… first question….”

Princess Luna POV

I awoke in a daze, feeling disoriented at the amount of magical energy which was expelled in the explosion…
Explosion?! CELESTIA!

I got up and quickly surveyed the room. Although I was still slightly dizzy I was able to make out a few key things. There was debris scattered across the room, a large scorched area which Celestia made her transformation, and an entire wall of the throne room, the one heading south towards Ponyville, was utterly decimated. I quickly trotted to get a view of the view outside, and what I saw shocked me.

The forests which were below Canterlot Cliffs had a very visible scorch mark heading towards Ponyville, and there was an intense flame on the horizon which was a stark contrast to my calm night. I opened my wings and took flight towards Ponyville, praying that I could stop whatever had just occurred before anything happened.

I began to think about the reason that Celestia had unlocked her Nightmare. Silent Knight had informed us both that Project 64 had set off explosives which had destroyed the Clock Tower, supposedly killing Twilight Sparkle in the process. Although it might have fooled Celestia, I knew that 64 was in fact unconscious at the 10 minutes before the incident, not giving him enough time to set any type of explosives off.

As I got nearer and nearer to Ponyville I felt the heat start to increase tremendously, nearly making me land. I continued to fight through the heat, and flew forward, knowing that my sister had to be saved from herself.

“HELP! HELP ME PLEASE!” I heard a voice in distress call. I immediately dived towards the ground, quick to answer the cry of help. I broke through the leaves and landed onto the Earth, quickly turning in all direction to try and find the pony in trouble.

“HELP ME PLEASE! ANYPONY!” The voice called out again, and I was able to identify the voice as a mare’s.

“WHERE ART THOU?! I HEAR THE CALL OF DISTRESS IN THESE WOODS!” I yelled back, slipping into my Royal Canterlot Voice in a panic.

“Over here! Please help me!” The mare called again, and I rushed towards the voice. When I finally arrived, I saw a mare with a Pink Mane and a White Coat, lying on the ground while trying to soak a very bad burn which had charred nearly half of her right backhoof in a small stream.

I walked up carefully as she saw who I was, and I slowly started to examine her leg.

“What happened to your hoof young one?” I asked, helping by applying a light numbing spell onto her hoof.

“It was awful! Some fireball came from the sky and landed right into Ponyville! I tried to run away after some weird creature fought her, but when she escaped from the ice spell it did, tendrils of her magic came out and grabbed a few ponies. She threw me all the way into the forest, but luckily I landed in this stream so I wasn’t too hurt.” The mare finished, droning slightly in her voice as the sedative spell began to kick in.

“Ok, now you are going to feel a bit woozy, so just try and relax. What is your name?” I asked, preparing to teleport her to Canterlot Hospital with the correct information for a check in.

“T-Twinkleshine. My… name is… T-Twinkle…..”

The mare couldn’t finish, because she was face down in the dirt by the time I had gotten her name. I charged a Longshot Teleportation Spell, and blasted it at Twinkleshine, sending her to the Canterlot Hospital. Thankfully Celestia’s outburst didn’t harm anypony beside me and Knight, so the hospital wouldn’t be overwhelmed with injured civilians.

I took flight once again, although it was not needed, for I was already near the Outskirts of Ponyville. I looked around, and saw dying and decaying plants, roads were charred, and a large flaming crater on the side of the hill which the now destroyed Clock Tower stood upon. This was obviously the landing point of Celestia’s grand entrance, when coming to attack Project 64, who I still doubted had actually set off the explosives.

“What could have actually happened?” I thought to myself, looking at the slight destruction. Walking into the city, I looked around and saw many doors shut and windows locked. On some of these buildings I saw that there were large scorch marks, and even some buildings burned to the ground. There was an intense heat still in the area, so my sister had to be nearby, probably still looking for 64.

I heard a small groan, and turned in surprise. From what I saw I opened my mouth in shock, a quickly rushed towards the sound. On the ground, with a molten rock coat, and blue flaming hair, laid Shining Armor, obviously in pain.

“Captain! What has happened?!” I said, seeing he was trapped in the molten rock.

“S-Super Nova… Project 64… we tried to stop her… I told him to find…. Twilight….” Shining said, gasping with each miniscule sentence.

“What has happened to you though? Your coat! Your mane!” I exclaimed again, still in shock.

“Run Luna…. Don’t stay here….. When it happens…..”

Shining Armor fell unconscious, giving me his final warning. When what happened? What was going to happen? I felt the heat intensify behind me, and I turned to look. Standing there, with her flaming hair and her black, hardened coat, was my sister, apparently dubbed by Shining Armor, Super Nova…

“Hello sister.”

Author's Note:

New Chapter! Thanks for putting up with that slight delay, and enjoy this late release!