• Published 5th Sep 2013
  • 27,844 Views, 882 Comments

64 vs. Equestria - Jman9877

When a male human is created in the Canterlot Underground Labs and tortured for experiment, what will he do in order to free himself from his captors and live the life of freedom he craves?

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Chapter 2

Chapter 2

64 POV

Two weeks later, and a whole lot of shocking and corrosive gases later, the time was near. It was time to finally end everything that was happening down here. Every time the sessions were over, it seemed that the new guards that acted as escorts to and from my cell wouldn’t shut the hell up. They talked about the “weapon” that was being created endlessly while dragging me back to my cell.

They were apparently so excited because Celestia herself would choose the wielder of the “Peacemaker” that the weapon would be. Apparently the guards never knew that I was conscious after each torture session, and just rambled on and on about the precious weapon.

"Have you seen the thing before?"

"No, but I heard it's a brand new spear that shoots magic, that any pony can use."

"I heard it was a hoof spike that allows anypony to conjure anything they want."

"Whatever it is it sound cool incredible."

I looked up at the clock on the wall. 5 minutes till the escorts came, time to put on the finishing touches. I needed to look absolutely terrible for this to work. I used the fingernails I had been sharpening with my teeth to create cuts along my eyes, along with shallow gashes down the sides of my arms and legs. I smeared the blood I drew along my chest all over my torso, giving me an incredibly injured look.

I looked up at the clock and awaited my countdown, ready to finally get some payback. I dropped to my knees and dropped my head, giving me an unconscious look.

30 seconds. The guards needed to buy this….

20 seconds. It’s time for some payback for all of the shit that they've done to me.

10 seconds. Why I didn't do this sooner is beyond me. I was scared, but not anymore.

5 seconds.


A few clicks sounded within the room, and the door swung open.

“Alright Project 64, we got all new toys for you today, rise and shin-- Oh shit... GET THE MEDICS! GET KNIGH-- ARGH!" The guard yelled out, before I lunged out towards him.

I hit him with a cross on the left side of his jaw, before grabbing his neck and pulling it back swiftly, as I heard a sickening snap. While the other rookie guard was in shock from my outburst, I grabbed the base of his horn and pulled with all my might, snapping it off as it discharged magic in all directions.

"MY HORN! YOU BROKE MY FUCKING-- AGH!" The guard squawked, before I gripped his neck tightly and added pressure to it. I stared deeply into his eyes with all of the hatred and malice I could muster, before speaking.

“Enough... ok? ENOUGH! I've been here for my entire life... and I am sick and tired of it... everyday I've been subjected to torture both psychological and physical, for no discernible reason. I've been listening in on your little conversations for the past couple of weeks, and you've been talking quite a bit about this so called, 'Peacemaker'... so you tell me where the hell I could find this thing, and I won't kill you right here, right now, fair trade in my opinion." I explained, making sure not to let up the threats.

I could see the tears starting to form as he was being scared out of his mind. His mouth opened as he started to whimper something, so I applied a bit of pressure to his neck and he cried out.

“PLEASE! I’LL TELL YOU! J-just don’t hurt me anymore! It’s downstairs in Cell Block G, room G-23! PLEASE LET ME GO!”

I obliged and let him go, before sending a right hook towards his jaw, knocking him out immediately.

“Let’s go.” I stated, grabbing a Spear that the now deceased Pegasus guard dropped in the process of running out the door.

The hallways of Cell Block F were twisting and turning in a never ending maze, and it took about 3 minutes before I found the staircase leading downstairs, almost impossible to catch due to its unmarked door, just like very single other door. I often wondered what other ponies or creatures were hidden in these cells, and why I never saw another soul within them besides the occasional guard checking the empty rooms. My name had to mean something, right?

I ran down the stairwell at a dangerous speed, as I saw a clearly marked door named “Cell Block G”. Jackpot.

I burst through the door and saw a large rec room, full of doctors in white coats staring straight at me. Their petrified faces were more than enough payback for the years of torment, even though most of these unmasked ponies never laid an eye on me before.

I simply yelled in anger as I rushed forward, spear in both hands as they scattered in fear, some even fainting on the spot. It felt sadistically pleasing, and I simply ran towards the clearly numbered cells. These doors were in the 60’s, and descending. So I ran through the hallways, turning left or right at multi-passage routes, following the numbered doors. I came to yet another large room, clearly some sort of lab due to the lab tables with various chemicals in vials and beakers that littered every table top. I quickly wondered if this was the room I was made in. Time to fuck some shit up.

I swung the spear at every table top, destroying the glass vials and bottles, equipment that sparked with electricity, and the tables themselves. As I gasped for air as my rage came down, I looked around with a satisfied sigh, until I heard something terrible.


A fucking alarm. No. NO!

I had to move faster, and I knew that they would be coming soon. Very soon. I ran as fast as my legs allowed, even dropping the spear in a stupid move to gain more speed, but it worked. I looked at the door markers.
G-30, G-29, G-28, G-27, G-26, G-25, G-24.


The door was a larger metallic Hydraulic Door, which opened upwards into the ceiling. There was a small switch on the side of the wall, which I quickly flipped up, and the door opened. I made sure to smash it off before walking into the door.

I walked in, saw another switch on the inside, flipped the door down, and then smashed it, leaving anyone who tried to get in locked out. I bent down to put my hands on my knees, and caught my breath. That much running could not have been very good on a very malnourished body.

After catching my breath I saw the dimly lit room had small steps up to a pedestal in the center of the room. I walked up to the stairs and walked up, wondering what was at the top of the pedestal. As I ascended, I finally got my answer.

On a small raised table on the pedestal…

Sat a small metal black bar. Just a small bar, no more than 3 feet long, sat upon the table. I stared at it dumbfounded, until I heard a loud banging on the door. Obviously the Calvary knew where I was, and that door wouldn’t hold forever. So I picked up the black bar, and looked for a blade, or a power switch anywhere. No battery compartment or button anywhere. Just a small cold metal bar.

No, No, no, no, no, NO!


I slumped onto my knees as I saw what the “Peacemaker” really was. A sham. I can’t believe I got suckered into doing all of this planning to just fail now. I just stared at the bar, letting my eyes start to swell with tears and sadness. Maybe the punishment for this one would be losing an arm, or maybe actually being sentenced to death for snapping that one Pegasus's neck. I’m fucked, I am so fucking fucked.

Eyes closed my eyes and started to weep, weep for myself, weep for what was to come in my torture session, and even weep for that poor little filly that was being used but didn’t even know it. She would most likely end up in here just like me, with sensors attached to her horn and purposefully extracting the magic from her slowly. If I could save her I would, but I couldn’t from in this fucking place. Please forgive me Twilight…..

A teardrop fell onto the black bar, and a small hum was made, inaudible to me though. The hum got continually louder until I could finally hear it over the banging on the almost broken down door. The humming started to get me dizzy as I felt a form of unconsciousness sweep over me, but it felt warm and safe, unlike the cold and scary black outs. I closed my eye contently, and opened them quickly.

I was no longer in Cell G-23, but in a completely white room. The brightness was a stark contrast of the gray and bleak walls of the Underground Labs, but they were pleasing, and felt protective, like the entire room was made out of a mothers love. I got up to my feet as I looked around. The room looked devoid of life, and I ran forward to see if I could find anything. After running for what felt like 10 minutes, I stopped, but amazingly felt no signs of fatigue or tiredness.

“Hello?” I called out. “Is anyone in here?”

I heard the same hum again, this time coming from behind me. I turn to see what looked like pixels starting to form another human body. But this type of body looked… sleeker, and thinner for that matter. As the figure started to form it was clear that the formation was feminine, and wore a blue tight fitting skin suit. She finally became fully formed, a blonde haired girl stood there with her arms to her side and eyes closed. She opened them, revealing a pair of ocean blue eyes.

“So you are the one who I sensed care for.” She spoke with a beautiful yet slightly monotone voice. “I sense great fear in you, pain and suffering, and terrible hardships. You are the one they call 64.”

“Y-yeah.” I responded. “That’s me. Where am I?”

“You are in my domain, inside the Peacemaker. I summoned you into the weapon to discuss a matter of great importance.”

“And what importance would that be?”

“Selecting you as my wielder.”

What?! Wielder? What the hell? I stood there in shock, wondering what in the hell she just said. How can I “wield” a person?

Was I dead or something? Because this wasn’t happening.

“Now, although we have much to talk about, I will make this brief.” The girl said with a sense of urgency. “My name is Vi, and I am within the Peacemaker. I am what makes the weapon work, and no one will wield me without my consent. Those monsters who call themselves “doctors” want nothing but another weapon to keep the masses scared when everything is made public on The Longest Night of the Thousandth Year. Everything will be revealed, and Equestria will be made a strict Dictatorship under Princess Celestia. This has been their plan since the beginning, but now is not the time for a full explanation. We must go, NOW.”

And with that, I felt myself being pushed out of the realm that was The Peacemaker.

I jolted awake, still on my knees, and still with The Peacemaker in my hands.

“Vi? You there?” I asked at the weapon in my hands.

“I am here, and you need not be afraid.” Vi’s voice echoed through my head. “I can communicate through contact of The Peacemaker in your hands, and now I need to give a quick lesson before that door breaks down.”

I nodded and looked at the door while getting into a standing position.

“What do I do with this thing? I don’t see any power button or any kind of switch.”

“Close your eyes, and focus…”

I did as I was told, trying to concentrate on Vi’s voice, and not the constant banging of the door.

“Now picture a small blade, not too long, and not too wide, but enough to hold comfortably.”

This was more difficult than it seemed, and I needed to sit down in order to get it right. I pictured a knife that had a back curving blade, and a serrated edge. I opened my eyes, and saw my creation. The blade looked like it was made of light, shining white and blue. I put a hand up to the blade, expecting my fingers to just pass right through, but the light was very solid, and very sharp.


Shit. I needed something bigger. I closed my eyes once again. I focused on making a simple yet intimidating weapon, and ended up making a regular long sword, which was used in an experiment to find vital spot within my “new” body and learn to patch them up as quickly as possible. Another thing to get payback for.


“That door will hold for approximately 120 more seconds. It will be much easier to threaten the ponies once they come through the door rather than fighting them all in combat.” Vi’s voice said, ringing through my head.

I nodded and got ready. There was a humming noise that permeated through the room, and a light started burning through the door. A few seconds later the door exploded, and through the smoke, 3 dozen Pegasus and Unicorn Guards came rushing in, surrounding me in a tight circle, ready to apprehend me.

“ASSUME THE SUBMISSIVE ESCORT POSITION, NOW!” Dr. Knight yelled as he came rushing through the door. It wasn’t until he saw what was in my hands that his eyes opened in shock, and he started to stutter.

“H-how….. What d-d-did you do!?” Knight yelled, as other guards started to become slightly frightened of the menacing blade in my hands.

“I just hit it once” I lied, with Vi chuckling in my head. “It was pretty simple. Now here is what is going to happen. You will give me safe passage out of this shithole lab, or I will cut all of your heads off one by one personally.”

Apparently one of the more cocky Pegasus guards tried pulling something stupid, because one came rushing towards me, spear in mouth. I looked at him, and it seems like time started to slow. I saw a red circle surround his wing, taking it as a sign to hit that area. I side-stepped and slashed downward, slicing his left wing straight off.

“AGHH! YOU FUCKER!” The Pegasus yelled, clutching at the stump of a wing he no longer had.

I looked back at Knight and motioned with my hand to make a passage for me to exit. Knight only stared, frightened, and moved slightly out of the doorway. Other guards followed suit, and there was a clear exit.

Freedom is in my grasp, now I just have to hold on a few more moments, I thought, as I quickly ran out the door, watching behind me for any stubborn guards who would chase me down.

Back to the staircase, I looked back at the path I just took. No guards. All I had to do was get out of the Palace, and maybe I could get the word out about Celestia’s wrong doings, and save Twilight Sparkle from a life in here. All I need is one last big push.

I'm coming Equestria.

Author's Note:

Yep, back to editing this, and I realized that I had to get back into an entirely different kind of writing style. Ahh... memories...