• Published 30th Aug 2013
  • 16,944 Views, 544 Comments

Solitary Pinion - Tystarr

In a strange world, in a strange body, Viktoria struggles to cope after encountering an unfamiliar mirror and what occurred afterwards.

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Chapter six: Doubt

With great, painstaking care, Viktoria moved what should have been her arm, and placed what should have been her hand down onto the grass. A leg then followed, finding that the alterations to her foot and ankle made the whole thing decidedly more awkward than it really should have been. The limb still retained the same amount of bends as far as she could tell, for the most part at least. However, the altered lengths, she decided, was what was making the simple task of walking all the more difficult.

Soon, another arm, no… another foreleg followed, as her fingertips… no, her… hoof, pushed down into the grass when she shifted her weight accordingly. Thus the pattern was repeated and, no matter how much she tried to ignore it, Viktoria simply could not get used to how moving on all fours felt. It felt like she was balancing on her toes and fingertips, but, in reality, she knew that was not the case as she had neither. Flexing the muscles of her wings – another bizarre sensation to get used too – Viktoria found her balance improved substantially with the feathery limbs slightly spread.

Understandably, all this, combined with her newly altered centre of gravity, resulted in each step having to be carefully – and slowly – taken.

Yet, even as she was focused on trying to simply master walking, her mind refused to let go of something she had learned just previously. Something, that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t fully accept.

She didn’t know what Earth was… Viktoria breathed heavily out her nostrils, barely noticing the look of concern slipping over Flitter’s face out the corner of her eye. I told the doctor where I was from, and… nothing. But, she didn’t even seem confused, so then, do they know? Is this normal for them? No… That doesn’t make sense either.

Doubt, like a nefarious serpent, coiled around the hope Viktoria fervently clung on to. Despite this, she had to hold onto the belief they knew, and, accordingly, knew how to get her back home. Otherwise, the alternative, as horrifying as it was, was that they had no idea at all.

If they don’t know how to change me back and send me home, then… A grimace slid over the transformed girl’s face at that thought, desperately hoping she was wrong. Of course, given the struggle of walking at the best of times, being distracted with her thoughts ultimately led to one, inevitable, outcome.

Whether it was her muscle memory betraying her, or simply not lifting her limb high enough, Viktoria issued a soft, strangled, squeak as one of her hooves clipped the ground. Feeling herself start to tumble, she tried to move a hand to steady herself, only to be cruelly reminded yet again of her altered anatomy as her non-existent fingers refused to spread.

Luckily, before she could surrender to gravity entirely, she felt soft feathers rest to her belly, helping to steady her. Catching her breath – not to mention feeling her heart stop its thundering in her chest – Viktoria moved her front leg so as to rest the hoof properly onto the grass.

“Are you okay?”

Feeling her ears flick to the question, Viktoria gazed to the side to see Flitter lowering her head, a small, unsure, smile sliding over the mare’s muzzle.

I guess she really is looking out for me, isn’t she? The realisation prompted a small amount of warmth to fill Viktoria, offering her own smile – albeit a smaller one – in return.

Indeed, Flitter thus far had been a… pillar, a constant within Viktoria’s life since she had arrived in this world. So it was no surprise that she felt the presence of Flitter nearby to be, well, reassuring. Evidently, the mare had stayed in Viktoria’s room the night previous to watch over her, and, it seemed, had also constantly kept vigil over her during the day so far. On saying that, Viktoria did find it… well, a little creepy that a stranger would do that for her. Even so, she couldn’t fault what the mare was doing given it was a nice gesture in and of itself.

After all, to think otherwise on the act would have labelled her a hypocrite, especially since she herself was no stranger to watching over others, having done the very same for one of the younger orphans, Fiona. The girl had suffered from night terrors, and on a particularly bad night, Viktoria had stayed in the room to provide silent reassurance that she was there if needed. The memory once more reminded her of the issue at hand; noticing that Flitter was still looking at her, the concern returning to the mare’s features.

“Dank… You.”

Smiling in a more earnest fashion at the gratitude given, if also somewhat relieved, Flitter replied with a small dip of her head.

“You’re most welcome.” Flitter’s voice was gentle, her wing remaining under Viktoria’s belly to help with her movement. Grateful for the assistance, Viktoria focused on moving her limbs properly, using the opportunity to distract herself from the concerns building within.

Maybe… Maybe I should just ask her what they think happened to me? Looking to the side, Viktoria ran her awkward tongue over the back of her new teeth, contemplating on how exactly to word her question. As she worked up the nerve to ask, however, she felt one of her ears flick just before noticing Flitter’s attention going skyward.

The flapping of wings overhead caused Viktoria to tense for a second, her own head angling up to see a grey blob in the air above them. Slowly the shape grew more defined as it descended, a spikey mane identifying it as Cloudchaser long before the mare was low enough for the artificial breeze from her beating wings to roll over Viktoria’s back.

Once Cloudchaser had rested all four hooves on the ground, Viktoria was able to see the mare glancing over at her sister, a raised eyebrow given to the other mare. Feeling her brows knit, Viktoria witnessed Flitter look down at her before the pegasus’s eyes widened slightly, only to then offer a smile and then mouth something to her sister. Thoroughly confused, Viktoria felt her ears slowly flatten before Flitter bumped gently against her.

“So, Vik-tour-e-a… is it?” Flitter questioned, the mare following up with a hopeful gaze to which Viktoria nodded, still remaining somewhat confused over what she had just witnessed. Before she could dwell further on the issue, however, she found Cloudchaser offering a small grin down at her, turning her head to look up at the mare in turn.

“Vik-toria? That’s… your name, is it?” Again, Viktoria nodded, Cloudchaser looking thoughtful prior to flapping her wings, lifting her off the ground enough to tap at her muzzle with one hoof.

Show off… Viktoria resisted the urge to frown, knowing it wasn’t their fault they could do things so easily, while she herself could barely walk. Apparently unaware of this, Cloudchaser continued to ponder before resuming trotting – if, a little bit slowly – beside her.

“Hmmm, I wonder how that relates to your special talent.” Strangely enough, after having said that, Cloudchaser grimaced, looking aside while both her ears flattened down against her hair. “I mean… Not that it’s bad you don’t have a cutie mark, or that… Hey, ow!”

“What Cloudchaser means…” Flitter trailed off, a frown given across to her sister who, at that point, was rubbing at her side with a wing. Viktoria, however, was only growing more confused, even as the wing that had been supporting her returned to press gently against her belly. Seemingly satisfied, Flitter continued “what Cloudchaser means is that it’s a very nice name. Isn’t it?”

The last part seemed to be pointedly directed at Cloudchaser, the mare quick to smile before nodding; several times, in fact.

“Of course! It’s a lovely name.”

Flitter sighed at her sister’s words, a fact that did not go missed by Viktoria. Before she could ponder more on their meaning, one of her ears flicked at the sound of Cloudchaser clearing her throat. Turning her head, Viktoria watched the mare flap her wings before tucking them once again against her sides.

“So, see that stallion over there?” Cloudchaser asked, her tone now decidedly casual. Viktoria blinking at this, looked in the direction that Cloudchaser indicated with a tilt of her head before squinting, her brows lowering. Try as she might, however, all she could see was a dark grey shape near, what she presumed to be (given the vague colours,) trees. “That’s Thunderlane and…Well, he’s a bit of a twit at times.”

“Cloudchaser, you shouldn’t say such things about him…” Viktoria blinked again as Flitter spoke, turning her head to see that the mare was fixing her sister with a look of disapproval. Though, before Cloudchaser could say anything in her defence, Flitter continued on as her expression softened. “You should let Viktoria make up her own mind about him.”

Cloudchaser, wilting slightly from her sister’s words, silently fell back into step but with both ears now half lowered. With that, silence fell over the trio for several seconds; that is, until Flitter cleared her throat before exhaling. “Although, I guess, sometimes he can be a bit of one...”

Flitter rolled her eyes at Cloudchaser’s ensuing smug expression even as Viktoria continued to remain perplexed over the whole thing. Unsure on just who they were talking about, but thankful for the distraction nonetheless, she continued to carefully place one front hoof forward, a hind leg soon following this action.

I just… want… to… walk! Why is that so difficult?! Frustration nibbled at Viktoria’s patience as she continued to fight against her own body. The wings were, overall, just another distraction, what with feeling new muscles, tendons, and bones shift in uncomfortable ways with even the slightest movement. The tail, her tail, on the other hand, was… strange, but not quite as intrusive given she really didn’t pay much attention to it. She could feel it move, but ultimately it seemed to do its own thing for the most part. I hate this body…

More than a little aware of the self-loathing beginning to colour her thoughts, Viktoria instead put her best effort to staying focused. Noticing this, both Cloudchaser and Flitter shared another glance between them, a small smile crossing their muzzles while remaining close-by; each silently matching her, admittedly, glacial speed. Pressing onwards – all the while allowing Flitter to guide her to where they needed to go – Viktoria felt the breeze change direction when it brushed against her muzzle.

Frustratingly, even as the cool air slipped over her altered face, Viktoria was then presented with a new problem. Her blonde hair, tousled by the breeze, was teased over her eyes in an almost malicious action. With her already questionable ability to see now reduced to absolutely nothing, Viktoria scrunched up her nose and tried to shake the blonde locks from off her face. Every attempt, however, was met with the wind simply flicking it back over.

“Mmmph.” The sound, one of grumbling more than anything, issued from Viktoria’s mouth as she then attempted to blow it off. This, for obvious reasons, proved to be rather ineffective in the grand scheme of things. Her ears flicked on their own accord as she heard the two escorting her voice their concern, but, at that particular moment, Viktoria’s attention was firmly entrenched on the problem of her hair.

All she wished to do was reach up and brush it from her face, maybe even tuck it behind her ears to keep it from becoming the wind’s plaything again. Although, as she paused to perform this very action, she was once again reminded of her lack of fingers, instead finding a hoof impacting against the top of her muzzle. Wincing, more annoyed than hurt, Viktoria felt a growl of anger bubbling in her throat only to feel soft feathers slide over her face. Blinking in surprise as her hair was brushed from her vision, she was about to offer her thanks to Flitter; that is, until she realised that the wing had never left from supporting her.

Looking to the right, Viktoria offered a small, yet hopefully thankful smile to Cloudchaser, the mare returning a more confident variant in return.

“You’ll get the hang of it,” Cloudchaser offered in a soft-spoken tone, the pegasus’s wing tucking back against her side.

“D-Da…T-Thaaank you.” Viktoria, after working her mouth to get the correct enunciation out, followed with a small nod to the mare’s words. Again, she felt conflicted on whether they knew what had happened to her or not. Still, before she could dwell on it further, her ears pivoted as a male voice from ahead caught her attention.

“You do realize that the ‘twit’ could hear you both from over here the entire time, right?”

Curiously, Viktoria felt the feathers under her belly spread a little, the limb tensing for a second prior to relaxing. Muffled laughter caused her ears to move, yet again move without her command as both flicked, causing her to peek to the side. Interestingly, she noticed that Cloudchaser was looking thoroughly amused about something. Glancing to her left, however, Viktoria saw Flitter’s cheeks – or the fur itself – turn somewhat crimson. Soon, though, the pegasus chewed on her lower lip prior to lowering herself down so as to look at Viktoria directly.

“Please don’t get the wrong idea about him, Cloudy and I… we’re just teasing him. Thunderlane is actually a really nice stallion.”

“Yeah…” Cloudchaser offered, agreeing with her sister when her laughter had abruptly ceased. Instead, the mare issued a small chuckle before gazing first at Viktoria, then in the direction they were heading. “Thunder… He’s more like the brother we never had.”

Nodding her understanding, an action that caused Flitter to visibly relax, Viktoria took another step before stopping. Squinting, she could just make out – now they had closed the distance somewhat – that what awaited them, sitting on the grass, was a dark-grey-furred male stallion.

“Oh. L-Liiike ooor…oooor-fins?” Viktoria questioned, only becoming further irritated by being unable to communicate properly. Still, she blinked as the wing tensed under her once again, turning her head to notice that both sisters were now looking at her. Blinking again, she gazed at Flitter, seeing the mare open her mouth before slowly shutting it, then unexpectedly lowered her head to get down to eye-level.

“Well, yes, I guess like that. Except, that we’re not… orphans.” Flitter looked unsure as she spoke, her mouth shutting for a second time prior to looking over Viktoria’s head at her sister. After a second, Flitter then lowered her head again, gazing aside prior to looking directly into the transformed-girl’s eyes. “Viktoria… Are you an orphan?”

Nodding once, Viktoria realised that little piece of information had not been given by the doctors when Flitter had come over. Still, the reaction caused her some unease on seeing a pained expression fall over the mare’s face before she covered it up with a smile.

“Well, I promise you that you won’t be alone again. Alright?”

The kind-spoken words from Flitter only served to confuse Viktoria further. Yet, even with her unfamiliarity with their faces and expressions, she knew enough to tell that the smile was forced. Again, the doubt gnawed at her desire to believe they had the answers, but, for now, she merely nodded. Again, this caused the two mares to relax, and from what she could see, also Thunderlane if his drooping wings were any indication.

Choosing to distract herself, she instead focused on trying to discern what Thunderlane looked like now that she was close enough. By what she had seen so far, and, making a guess off his face and his slightly bulkier body shape, she could roughly tell that he was a stallion. Although, in truth, she knew that already, and once taking another step closer, she could also confirm that he was also a pegasus. Squinting, she tried to make out a few more details before she saw him rubbing at the back of his neck with a foreleg, his eyes refusing to meet her own.

Realising she was staring, Viktoria instead looked down at her front hooves, seating herself while Flitter’s wing slipped gently over her back.

“So…” Cloudchaser’s voice broke the quietness that had fallen over their small group, Viktoria in turn looking up at the mare who, with a tilt of her own head, directed Viktoria to look forward. “Viktoria, this is Thunderlane. Thunder, this is Viktoria.”

With the – somewhat brief – introductions over, Thunderlane seemed to relax a little, moving his head to look at Viktoria before a smile appeared to slide over his muzzle.

“It’s nice to meet you.” The stallion bowed his head, Viktoria blinking before returning the gesture, finally remembering her manners. This action caused him to chuckle a little, further surprising Viktoria as she felt her ears push into her hair. Seeming to notice this, Thunderlane moved a little closer, thankfully allowing her to see him more clearly as he paused for a moment, then, unexpectedly, offered a front leg in her direction. “I’m Thunderlane, or, the ‘twit’ if the two lovely pegasi, both of whom I might add I thought were as close as sisters to me, are to be believed.”

For several seconds the hoof remained in the air, Viktoria noting that the stallion had the smile fixed on his face the whole time.

Does… Does he want me to… shake it? How? Looking down at her own forelegs, Viktoria felt her eyebrows knit. Not for the first time, she found herself wondering just how they managed to grip things as she had seen them do. Feeling the wing shift on her back, she raised one of her own forelegs to intently stare at the hoof.


The sound caused her ears to flick again, her head tilting up to notice Thunderlane looking decidedly uncomfortable. As his forelimb waivered, he glanced first at Flitter, then Cloudchaser. Viktoria, unable to see their expressions, then noticed both his ears soon folded down beside his striped mane.

“Okay… Well, that was awkward.” Viktoria heard Thunderlane mumble under his breath before he grinned widely, the same foreleg that was offered to her then moving to rub into his mane. “Well, I guess I am a twit then. Good to know… Good to know.”

“Well,” Cloudchaser begun, moving forward so she could nudge the stallion with one hoof with a playful tone of voice. “I guess I was right before then, huh?”

It was at that point that Viktoria witnessed Thunderlane move an – admittedly blurry – wing, and, in a show of dexterity she never thought the limb could possibly be capable of, pulled Cloudchaser closer against him. Then, following up in a surprisingly fluid motion, he reared up, one of his forelegs moving about the mare’s neck to position her head against his chest. Caught off guard by the suddenness of the whole thing, Viktoria continued to watch the slightly out of focus scene as Cloudchaser began flailing, ineffectively trying to free herself from the headlock she now found herself in.

“Is that so Cloudy?” With a grin slowly spreading along his muzzle, Thunderlane used his other hoof to push against the other pegasus’s hair and rub, much to Cloudchaser’s continued annoyance. Ignoring her calls for him to stop – not to mention the flailing legs and wings – Thunderlane continued the onslaught, even if he did have to move a little forward to keep his hold secure. “Jeez, at least I didn’t bring attention to her lack of a cutie mark! Now that was just- Ow!”

Viktoria felt the wing pressing to her back shift, and, with it, the feathers spread to rest over more of her spine accordingly. The other wing, she realised, was folding back against Flitter’s side, a look of annoyance clear on the mare’s features. Evidently, it seemed, the roughhousing of the other two had brought them in range of Flitter’s feathery-wrath, something that Thunderlane had clearly overlooked if the rubbing to his side was any indication.

“You just did.” Flitter stated, her words spoken evenly as if she were annoyed over the matter. What that something was, Viktoria really had no idea. Still, the two other pegasi looked somewhat chastised, Thunderlane releasing Cloudchaser before rubbing into his mane yet again.

“Well, yeah. Sorry, Flit. I guess we got carried away.” Shifting uneasily, Thunderlane and Cloudchaser exchanged a glance before the mare lowered an eyebrow, poking at him with a hoof.

“We? You’re the one who put me into a-“

Cloudchaser’s argument was cut short due to Flitter clearing her throat, this action also causing the two others to cease their bickering immediately. Yet, before Flitter could speak her mind, a sound, one most unusual and not unlike a snort, caught the attention of the three older pegasi.

However, as they looked down in alarm, they found the source to be none other than Viktoria. Their concern grew, as, seconds later, the sound grew more guttural prior to shifting into something else entirely. Flicking her ears, and unbeknownst to Viktoria, Flitter was the first to realise what the sound truly represented, and, thusly, found herself relaxing before the others followed suit.

For the sound was none other than that of laughter.

Now, admittedly, it was more than a little disjointed, and sounded somewhat staggered, but, undeniably, it was indeed the sound of amusement. For Viktoria had been unable to hold it back on seeing what had just transpired before her; the whole scene reminding her of her own antics with the other orphans. The bickering, the playful banter, and even the rough-housing, all were activities she was well acquainted with herself.

To see these pegasi acting in such a familiar fashion, well, it seemed to be so crazy, so strange, that she couldn’t help but laugh. Plus, she was more than acquainted to being in Thunderlane’s position, Ralph usually having to take role in being the voice of reason.

Eventually though, as the laughter died down, Viktoria moved a front hoof to rub at her eyes. Although, having learned from her previous mistake, she paused and moved to lean more heavily against the wing behind her. Slowly, and with no small amount of concentration, she then gently moved the back of the furred appendage under her eyes, collecting the tears of mirth that had spilled.

I… I needed that.

After exhaling softly through her nostrils, Viktoria came to the realisation that she was being gazed upon fondly. A little self-conscious from the attention, she looked aside while feeling her ears lower against her hair.

“It’s nice to hear you laugh.” Cloudchaser’s words, soft spoken as they were, caused Viktoria to look up at the mare. What she saw was a sincere smile given down to her, the same expression mirrored on the other two. It was at that point that Viktoria picked up the sound of someone else approaching, and, by the way the others looked behind her, she was not the only one to notice.

“I think, Miss Cloudchaser,” the voice of Doctor Remedial said, a small chuckle following before he resumed his earlier thought, “that is something we can all agree upon.”

Looking over her shoulder, Viktoria found herself squinting, yet unable to properly determine where he was due to the colouring of his fur. Frustratingly, the stallion blended in far too well with that of the grass and trees, becoming nothing but another addition of green in her vision. Eventually, though, by deducing where he was by the moving bronze colour of his mane, she noticed that he paused as she tried to locate him. A soft murmur, one lost to the breeze, was given by the doctor before he continued to approach, his form slowly growing more defined against the background colours.

Shifting where she sat, Viktoria saw a look of concern on the unicorn’s face as he got closer, something, evidently, that she was not alone in noticing.

“Is… Is something wrong, Doctor?” Flitter questioned while her wing slowly moved up and down Viktoria’s back.

“I…” Doctor Remedial paused, again looking down at Viktoria before he got close enough so that she could see the tired smile on his face. “I certainly hope not, but, I believe there is something I have to enquire on.”

Trotting around the group so that he was now near Thunderlane, the doctor levitated a clipboard from the saddlebag worn on his side. Although, before any questions could be asked to explain what he meant, Remedial instead moved to lower his head down to Viktoria’s level.

“Vik-toria?” Her name, put forward as a question by the doctor was met with a hesitant nod from the teenager. Seeing that he had pronounced it correctly, he smiled once more. Yet, even with her eyesight, Viktoria could see that the expression never quite reached his eyes. “Now, I know you’ve been asked many questions already today, and you’ve done wonderfully so far, but might I ask something, and please, don’t be afraid to tell the truth.”

Viktoria, feeling her heart thunder in her chest, swallowed to clear her throat before giving a nod for him to proceed.

W-Wait, do they really know? Feeling her tail shift along the grass, she was a little surprised as the wing on her back pulled a little closer against her. Still, with bated breath she waited, her eyes gazing up into his own almost imploringly, waiting to hear the question she desired to hear.

“Do…” Doctor Remedial began, pausing as he cleared his throat. “Do you have any difficulty in seeing, any at all?”


Trying not to let the disappointment show on her face, Viktoria instead nodded, moving her wings against her own sides in a bid to distract herself.

“Y-Yes,” Viktoria finally offered in reply. Then, after considering for a moment, she looked imploringly at the doctor, trying to work the words from her throat to her altered mouth. “I ha-have… nevh-a… sa-eeen prah… prah-pa-lee.”

Frowning afterwards, Viktoria felt anger at her inability to enunciate properly. Scrunching her nose up, she knew she couldn’t ask them now if they knew how to change her back. She could barely communicate, how could she ask something like that without somehow messing it up?

And… What if they don’t?

So focused on this was Viktoria, that she failed to see the pained expression flash – however briefly – over Doctor Remedial’s face. In this reaction, however, he was most certainly not alone. Cloudchaser’s eyes were wide, her wings quivering against her side while Thunderlane could only look at the filly before him, unable to believe what he had just heard. Flitter, meanwhile, curled the wing further around Viktoria, almost as if she was trying to protect her from anything that had done, or possibly could do any wrong to her.

“Ah, I see…” With a soft sigh, Doctor Remedial’s ears flattened into his mane, although, through it all, the warm expression never left his face. “Well, the good news is we have an ophthalmic optician on site at the moment.”

Oh seeing the confused glances given his way by the three females, the doctor chuckled before gesturing with a hoof in the air. “An optometrist is somepony who helps with vision problems.”

As three looks of understanding replaced those of confusion, Doctor Remedial then looked to his side where Thunderlane sat, the pegasus appearing to be struggling with the information.

“Is that why she was squinting so often?” Thunderlane asked, yet the question remained directed at no-one.

Snapped out of her self-deprecation, Viktoria looked up at him, nodding slightly to his words yet finding herself more than a little confused by his reaction. “Yes?”

Thunderlane, on having further confirmation, rested a hoof between his eyes, a soft groan escaping his mouth. “I just thought… Actually, I don’t know what I thought. Really? You… Ugh, I really am a twit.”

Stomping a hoof into the grass, Thunderlane released a soft ‘tsk’, his head looking away as he warred to keep the anger from flowing over his features. Cloudchaser, however, was having less success in this regard if the gritting of her teeth was any indication. Doctor Remedial, seeming to notice this, cleared his throat before smiling down at the now thoroughly befuddled Viktoria.

“Thank you very much, Viktoria.” Sitting up, Doctor Remedial then started to write down on his clipboard, the contents of which were unknown to Viktoria. On seeing her looking curiously at what he was doing, he chuckled again, the sound cutting through the tension that fell over the group. “I am just making a note to set you up for an eye exam later today, then, from there, we can sort out some correct eyewear for you. Does that sound alright?”

Unsure on how she should feel over the whole thing, yet still grateful for the prospect of being able to see more than an arm’s length from her face, Viktoria nodded. Smiling at this, Doctor Remedial stepped back before his eyes went wide and he turned to look at the other stallion seated near him.

“Ah, I do apologise, I don’t think I introduced myself earlier.” Offering a hoof towards the suddenly bashful-looking Thunderlane, the two males then shook, each hoof somehow grasping the other’s wrist – or fetlock – while how they did so still eluded Viktoria. Watching on, she saw the doctor then release the limb to rest all fours back on the grass before continuing.

“My name is Doctor Remedial and I am the one assigned to Viktoria here. Now, contrary to what I saw earlier, I would assume you are friends with Miss Cloudchaser and Miss Flitter, correct?”

Seconds passed as Thunderlane shifted where he sat, his wings ruffling against his sides. Soon, after clearing his throat, the stallion then opened his mouth, shut it, and then opened it again before a lopsided grin tugged at his muzzle.

“Well, yeah, I’ve known them since we were foals. Ah, but… just so we’re clear on this, just… how much did you see?” Thunderlane enquired, a soft snigger from Cloudchaser soon following. Viktoria, watching all this, couldn’t help but grin as she found herself once more amused by Thunderlane’s behaviour. An expression that, unbeknownst to her, did not go unnoticed by those present.

Flitter’s sigh did catch Viktoria’s ears though, looking up to see the mare smiling down at her. Offering one of her own back upwards, she felt her own troubles be pushed aside; even just for the moment, at least.

“No more than what I saw earlier, and enough to tell that our little patient here seems to be quite relaxed in the company of you three, isn’t that right?”

Feeling her ears flick, Viktoria looked forward again to see an expectant smile on Doctor Remedial’s face. Realising the last part had been directed her way, she nodded, partially from politeness, but, also, from a surprisingly genuine desire to have the stallion around. The interactions between him, Cloudchaser, and Flitter all reminded her of home and how she, Ralph, and Anton would behave around each other.

“See, it looks like there’s at least one girl around here who appreciates my company.” Thunderlane grinned after his comment, even chuckling as Cloudchaser leaned over to thump him gently with a hoof. Flitter instead chose to roll her eyes at his words, the stallion raising his forehooves in a placating gesture in response. “Okay, okay, I know you both do as well.”

Lowering his forelegs soon after, he then looked down at Viktoria, one brow rising as he turned to look at Doctor Remedial.

“Oh! Flit, I mean, Flitter, said we should ask you if it’s okay if I stay around to help out. I mean, I w-“

“Mister Thunderlane.” Remedial raised a hoof as he spoke, cutting the male pegasus off as the clipboard, encased in a emerald aura, slipped back into his saddlebag. “You are more than welcome, as are both Miss Flitter, and Miss Cloudchaser, to remain helping with Viktoria’s recovery. Of course, it would be strictly voluntary, but-”

“That doesn’t worry me at all, thanks Doc.” Thunderlane interrupted prior to Flitter leaning forward, Viktoria this time catching the wing moving to smack the stallion on the side. “Ow! I mean, thank you Doctor Remedial.”

Glancing across at Flitter, Thunderlane then sighed before rubbing absently at where he was struck, the corners of his mouth curling upwards. “See, Flit here will keep me in line.”

“Hey, what about me?” Cloudchaser enquired to which Thunderlane blinked, looking at Flitter then back at the other pegasus sister.

“Well, I guess Flit can keep you in line as well Cloudy, I mean-“

“That’s not what I meant!” Cloudchaser huffed, her cheeks puffing that only served in making Thunderlane laugh under his breath while Flitter and Viktoria shared a small smile between them.

The doctor, appearing quite amused by this, stood upright, shifting the saddlebag to rest more comfortably while he adjusted the coat worn. Satisfied, he then turned his head to address the gratitude given his way. “You’re most welcome. Now, as I mentioned to the ladies earlier, Miss Viridian will be aiding in Viktoria’s rehabilitation and, hopefully, should be joining us in a moment. But, I am sure she will agree that having another pegasus around, will help with Viktoria getting used to using her wings.”

So, they do know I didn’t have wings before? Viktoria found herself again conflicted. Yet, before she could ponder further on the issue, or work up the courage to ask, she heard Thunderlane speak.

“Wait a second…” Raising one of his front hooves, Thunderlane pointed the limb towards Viktoria before rubbing under his muzzle for a second. A glance was then given to both Cloudchaser and Flitter, each looking slightly uneasy before nodding back in his direction. Rubbing under his muzzle again, he then lowered himself down before Viktoria prior to holding a hoof towards her left wing. “May I?”

What’s he…?

Feeling more than a little confused, Viktoria instead looked up at Flitter who nodded in return. Seeing this, the transformed-girl shifted her front hooves a little into the grass before gazing at Cloudchaser, the mare offering a reassuring smile.

“I just want to look at your wing for a second, if that’s alright?” Thunderlane explained, looking at the girls for any kind of help. A glance was also given to Doctor Remedial, who, appearing intrigued as to what was going on, stepped back a few paces and nodded his consent.

“If she is alright with it, I see no issue, but just what is it you’re looking for?”

Before Thunderlane could answer, however, Cloudchaser lowered herself down as her sister’s wing rubbed up and down Viktoria’s back, getting herself down to eyelevel with the teenager.

“Thunderlane just wants to see the condition of it. He helps out the young fliers in Ponyville, plus, he also has a little brother he’s teaching how to fly.” Cloudchaser explained, then, with a little thought, she hummed, gazing first at her sister, then back at Viktoria. “We both promise you’ll be fine.”

Relaxing somewhat – although still remaining more than a little puzzled over what he was up to – Viktoria moved the wing, spreading it out slowly as she felt the new muscles, tendons, and bones move. The additional sensation of a hoof pushing to the wing was something else entirely, wincing slightly before noticing Thunderlane stopped immediately, his hoof pulling back in a jerking motion.

“S-Sorry.” Viktoria offered, spreading the wing back out much to the evident relief of the stallion. Gently he moved the hoof back against the wing, rubbing slowly along the feathers. Unaware what he was looking for, she endured the extremely odd feeling for several long seconds; that is, until he abruptly removed his hoof accompanied with a thoughtful sound.

“Well, the wing seems strong enough, and I don’t see any problems with it. The primaries, secondaries and the coverts are all in good shape although...” Moving to sit, Thunderlane then tapped under his muzzle as he again looked over the feathery appendage before raising a brow. “I mean, it’s strange since the feathers are all in great condition, well, nothing a little preening wouldn’t fix, but… it’s almost like most, if not all, were recently pin feathers, they look, well, new.”

This information caused both Flitter and Cloudchaser to exchange a glance, one that didn’t go unnoticed by Thunderlane. “What, is there something I don’t know about that?”

It was at that point the sound of another approaching caught Viktoria’s attention, her ears perking at the sound of hooves pushing into grass.

“Oh, I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

The female voice, another that Viktoria had just recently come to know, spoke gently as the hoofsteps got closer. Without looking she knew who the speaker was, having just been introduced to her while being asked questions several minutes ago.

“Not at all; in fact, I was just about to go get things organised.” As the mare, the one called Viridian, trotted into Viktoria’s view, she also noticed Doctor Remedial offer a nod towards the mare before he then looked at the others. “Miss Viridian here will be aiding Viktoria with her physical rehabilitation, but for today, it may pay just to become acquainted with her. In any case, I shall see you all shortly.”

With that, the Doctor nodded to those gathered before casting one last look at Viktoria, his eyes seeming to linger on her wing before he smiled and trotted off towards the hospital. Yet, as the doctor trotted away, Viktoria felt the wing on her back press closer, even as Viridian joined their group. For her part, she was a little confused as to why Doctor Remedial had left so quickly, but, figuring he was just wanting to get things ready for the eye exam, she brushed it off.

Still, as she sat there and watched Viridian introduce herself to others, she couldn’t help but notice how the mare kept glancing in her direction. Feeling a little self-conscious, Viktoria instead tried to relax, knowing that at least soon, she might be able to get something to improve her vision. And, while that was not what she truly desired, it was at least a start.


True to his word, after leaving the group to head back inside, Doctor Remedial had met with the optometrist and arranged for Viktoria to be booked in for an eye examination. Admittedly, it had been rather easy for him to do so. A few favours were indeed called in to schedule her in on such short notice, but, primarily, the fact that it was a pegasus with vision problems at Viktoria’s age, that alone seemed to be the deciding factor on making it happen.

Yet, now he found himself in his office, gazing at several expanded prints of various parts of his patient’s body. X-rays mixed with a few body shots, each showcasing the truly monstrous act that had befallen the filly. Or, so he had suspected. With a small application of magic, he moved one x-ray of Viktoria’s wing across, pinning it to the wall beside a full shot of the wing, feathers and all.

“How could I have overlooked something so obvious?”

With self-directed anger tainting his words, Remedial flicked his gaze over to several other pictures. Yet, inevitably, his eyes invariably fell back onto those two in particular.

“Overlooked what, doctor?”

Remedial looked at the other speaker, the nurse who had aided him in collecting the pictures, and, more notably, also with Viktoria upon her arrival into his care. The teal unicorn stood near him, her head angled up to gaze at the pictures intently before turning her attention over to him.

Raising a hoof, Remedial pointed at the first picture, the one depicting the x-ray of the wing, then the other, showcasing the wing in its entirety. “Tell me what you see in these two pictures, from the viewpoint of a medical professional, Nurse Bloom.”

Turning her head to look back at the pictures, the nurse furrowed her brow, the purple hair moved from her eyes with a quick use of her magic. For several seconds she looked, analysing each and every piece of information provided, until, with a soft click of her tongue, Nurse Bloom directed a hoof towards the x-ray picture first.

“Well, as we discussed on first seeing the extent of her injuries, it seems that at some point she has suffered multiple fractures, and, from what we saw while probing with the healing magic, it seems this isn’t just isolated to her bones. Here, for example…”

Nurse Bloom, encasing a nearby ruler with her scarlet aura, moved it to tap several places on the wing, each being called by name as she continued. “The humerus, ulna, radius, carpometacarpus, even the pollex shows signs of previous fractures, all to an extent that, in my personal opinion, I'm simply astounded the patient is in the condition she currently is.”

Nodding, Remedial gestured for her to continue, Nurse Bloom looking a little confused before turning her attention back to the picture, this time at the full diagram of the wing.

“The feathers are all accounted for, yet, alarmingly, all show signs of having a recent moult. This would fit in with your theory of her being in a distressing situation, where, in similar cases, some pegasi have been known to self-harm in the way of plucking healthy feathers, even, in rare cases, pulling all of their primaries out at once.” At this point, the mare blinked, her eyes narrowing as she studied the picture more closely.

“But… the condition of the wing and from what you’ve told me…”

Remedial nodded, his eyes moving from the pictures to the nurse, each meeting the other’s gaze.

“Yes, the question now becomes, how could a wing that has entirely new feathers, and, also shows clear extensive damage to the bone structure-“

“Look to be in such good condition, especially if the filly, as you said, is barely able to use the limbs?” Nurse Bloom muttered, finishing Remedial’s sentence as he, in turn, nodded sagely.

“Indeed. That seems to be the mystery we are now faced with.” Going silent for a moment, Remedial looked up at the pictures, his eyes roving over the shape of the wing. Soon, however, his vision moved over onto the image displaying the filly’s body. Lifting a hoof to rub at the base of his horn, the doctor closed his eyes before voicing his thoughts.

“How does a filly showing signs of previous immense physical trauma look to be in such good health? After all, we both know healing magic cannot stop the natural atrophy of unused muscles.”

“Yet, she can barely walk, talk, and, from what you’ve told me on the way here, she seemed amazed when informed she could fly.” Nurse Bloom found a headache working into her skull, the sheer enormity of the whole thing starting to become quite clear to her. “I really don’t understand this. Could whoever did this to her have moved her limbs for her, simply to stop the atrophy from occurring?”

Remedial shook his head to that, both knowing the futility of what she just suggested, and that they were simply now grasping at straws.

“Admittedly, it wasn’t until Thunderlane, one of the pegasi who seems to have taken Viktoria under their wing, inspected her feathers that it became clear.” Rubbing under his muzzle, Remedial gazed at nurse Bloom before once more looking at the images. “But, regardless of my own failings, it is now apparent that there is something more to this filly.”

“Don’t be too hard on yourself doctor, you weren’t the only one to overlook it.” Nurse Bloom offered, a small smile given his way that was returned, followed closely by a subdued chuckle.

“Thank you Miss Bloom, but nevertheless, I fear this is outside my realm of expertise.” As he spoke, Remedial pulled the pictures from the wall, correlating them back into a pile. Then, trotting over to his desk with Nurse Bloom close behind, he placed the stack of photos onto the polished wood. “It all makes some degree of sense now though…”

Looking first at the photos, then at Doctor Remedial, Nurse Bloom blinked before trotting a little closer, her ears slowly lifting upright once again. “What does, Doctor?”

“Well, we have been going off the assumption that the various injuries were all caused over a period of time and healed accordingly.” Seeing the mare nod, Remedial continued, his head turning to look outside, and from the vantage point of his window, to see the filly at the centre of it all attempting to walk while Flitter and Viridian both encouraged her onwards.

“Now, instead, let me put a different theory towards you. What if, and this is purely conjecture, what if they were all caused at once? Her feathers, for example, as you saw, they are entirely new, every… single… feather. Then, as to the evidence of injuries, most of her body consists of fresh tissue, and her bones, despite showing signs of fractures, are each perfectly set.”

With a shake of her head on realising where he was going with his line of thought, Nurse Bloom placed a hoof down onto the floor for emphasis with a resounding ‘clack’. “But… But that would be impossible!”

Reining in her emotions, the mare then exhaled before rubbing under her horn with one hoof. “Even if that were so, healing magic, unless done by, say, one of the princesses themselves, wouldn’t be able to keep the filly alive during the process, and for what reason? Just so they could sadistically torture the filly? Even several unicorns pooling their resources wouldn’t be able to…”

Seeing the dawning realisation, Remedial offered a humourless smile, a nod of his head following to encourage her to continue.

“She wasn’t tortured, was she?” Shaking her head, Nurse Bloom felt her headache only grow in severity as she looked at the stallion. “But we checked for transformation magic and there was no spell on her, well, aside from just a trace of magic that we put down to the remnants of healing magic! Besides, that school of magic alters the individual seamlessly, not… breaks them.”

Nodding once, Remedial gazed back out the window again, his ears flicking as he saw the filly stumble. As the two older mares moved to help her, Viktoria seemed to use her wings to wave them off before struggling back onto her hooves. From there, the filly continued trotting, if at a rather slow, yet steady, pace.

“As I said, it is purely a theory.” Remedial chuckled softly after the comment, surprising the nurse as she tilted her head, the doctor smiling in direction with a touch of mirth. “Which… admittedly, I seem to be making a bad habit of doing lately.”

Moving from the window, Remedial trotted back to his desk, then, after fishing out a leaf of paper with his magic he dipped a nearby quill into an ink pot. Ignoring the quizzical expression given his way by the nurse, he started to write a letter, detailing everything he knew about Viktoria.

“But, if it isn’t healing magic, or transformation magic, what could have caused such… heinous injuries to the poor thing? Her vision is damaged, transformation magic wouldn’t cause that, it… it would fix it!” Hissing from her teeth, Nurse Bloom tried hard not to think of who, or what, could have done such a horrific thing to such a young filly. “Yet, how can she be in otherwise such good, physical condition despite that?”

With his writing complete, Remedial then cast a simple heating spell over the paper, the ink in turn drying almost immediately. Folding the letter up, he slipped it into an envelope tugged from his drawer, a stamp soon placed as the entire thing was sealed.

“Alas, as I said earlier, this is unfortunately outside my field of expertise. However, I do know of an old friend, who, without a doubt, is one of the best when it comes to magical analysis. He will be able to tell us if there are any traces of healing magic, and, if not, he will help us get to the bottom of this mystery.” Writing down the address and name, Remedial then lifted the envelope up, another drying spell applied before he waved the letter in his aura and handed it to the mare. “Could you send this for me, please?”

On receiving the envelope in her own scarlet aura, Nurse Bloom turned the letter over, reading the address on the front with a raised brow.

“Doctor Carehoof, at… Ponyville of all places? Oh, well, of course! I’ll do this right away, Doctor.”

A nod was given in answer as Doctor Remedial once more trotted over to the window, hearing the nurse depart to carry out the task asked of her. Gazing outside once more, as he observed the filly’s struggles and her determination, a tired smile found its way across his muzzle.

At least it seems whatever they did to her, they didn't break her spirit. Sighing gently, the doctor got to his hooves to cast one last look outside, noticing Viridian and Flitter, both remaining close by to help if needed. Chuckling quietly to this observation, he then trotted slowly out of the room to head off and aid with the eye examination.

After all, if his patient was going to push onwards despite whatever horrors she had endured, she deserved no less than her doctor doing everything in his power to assist.

Comments ( 186 )

You just made my night. Reading now.


Huzzah. ^-^

It was a long time overdue to get this out. x.x

W00t update! commence reading! :twilightsmile:


I hope you enjoy. ^-^

Updates! Delicious updates! :heart: Thank you! :pinkiehappy:


Um, you're welcome? ^-^;

You made my night. My ever growing sleep deprived night. I really hope you come out with another chapter soon to follow up! Cant stop that ever growing anticipation when I read one of your updates. Good luck.


Thank you, and I am glad you enjoyed. I hope to get my updates out much faster, I am ashamed it took over 4 months for this one!

4859265 Hey you update`ed, that's not a common thing any more on this site. (As far as the good authors are concerned.) Mirror reflection has updated twice in the time span you have had this story. The fact you did it and did it well counts for a lot in the fan fic department of the internet. Now other than you I only follow one or two story's. (Check my following page damn near blank.) other than that I don't really brown nose too much when some one post so I splurge on other who do a good job on something for free. Of course this is coming from a complete stranger on the internet, so take it with a grain of salt. :trollestia:


I used to update every week, then, every two weeks, so I feel I have slipped considerably. I will try my very best to get the chapters out faster. That is, even if my shoulder constantly tries to stop me. x.x

A lovely update, and certainly it keeps bringing me to smile, and wanting so much more, argh! I really hope your muse runs strong for such amazing works.


Thank you, and I am glad you enjoy. ^-^

This was a great thing to wake up to. Made my day for me already. New chapters to my favorite stories make me so super happy :heart:


I am glad you enjoyed. ^-^


And I'm glad you're such a good writer ^-^

I really do enjoy your writing and it sticks with me. I don't need to go back and re-read anything, it leaves an impact emotionally and visually, I just remember everything clear as day :heart:

4859313 I've enjoyed each and every chapter of all the works you have done.


Thank you, I'm flattered. I hope I can live up to your expectations! ^-^


Well, thank you! I hope I continue to write things you enjoy. ^-^;

Just a side not to any one who cares, but does this story seem to be taking a sort of Frankenstein's monster vibe with the whole "total reconstruction" the doctors talk about in the first and most recent chapter?

Other than that I find is strangely funny I have yet to go to bed and right now people are waking up to this story. O-well, not like I haven't taken the thirty hour challenge before.

There is one thing I have to ask.

Why, since he full realises the problem with making assumptions, does he not just ask her? Start with the relatively innocuous and open 'Can you tell us what happened before you ended up in the lake?' Then work backwards from there, the extent and extremely unusual combination of her injuries and health requires them to know more about he background.


Well, he just came to that conclusion, and on top of this, he knows she can't talk in a fluent fashion. Give it time, things will be revealed, I promise! ^-^

It's well established that Viktoria can barely talk. Trying to get an intelligent explanation from her would be daunting at best, and impossible at worst for both parties. At least, at this stage!

4859174 I absolutely loved it :pinkiehappy:

I'm always looking forward to your writing :twilightblush:

4859364 Well to me this story so far has only unfolded so far in what? Three or four days. That and they have the very nudged assumption that she may have been forced and torched in what would be equivalent of having your bones broken and then set only to be broken a few months later. Then this is a split off of a little girls show made a lot more dark and deep by a fic author. Really your are spot on but still the former stands as the case and point of the one damning thing that plagues logic. DRAMA! :pinkiecrazy:

Reading all these on-going stories on fimfiction astounds me with how well I remember each story, though I'll admit this is one of the more memorable ones in my favorites.
I suppose if I want more writing, I'll just have read some of your other stories soon.
Regardless, enjoyed the chapter.

What a fantastic thing to wake up to. I actuallly shouted with joy when I saw this update.

So the good doctor is slowly starting to realize what happened.

Yahoooo! Update!!!!


I am glad it made you happy. I know you've been waiting a while for it, and I apologize!

Ttystarr, I am absolutely loving what you have done with this story so far. What stands out the most, to me, from all the amazing qualities this fanfic has to be the pacing. You haven't given any eureka moments, yet it has never felt like there should be a loss of hope. Few fanfics have I read that that make me excited and impatient for updates, and yours is one of those few; however, do not let my impatience rush you. Take you time with updating this incredible story! :twilightsmile:

Another wonderful chapter to a wonderful story. I love the characters in this story and their interactions.

Greetings all and especially the Author...
I wanted to thank you for your stories Tystarr. I found them by chance and I enjoy the details and fullness of the characters experiences. I enjoy the patient pace of your writing and your ability to write characters who display different levels of maturity. Its refreshing to say the least (smile). I had a question about this tale (please understand that I have no desire to be critical at all and am horrified at the thought):

1. I don't know if the ponies have social services as I suspect they might in a city (more ponies leads to a concentration of more social problems). Most of the time the ponies on the show live in an more idealized existence than our own, and ponies needing social workers and other professionals would be greatly reduced but in a suspected case such as this (abuse and abnormal development :no cutie mark:) they (in our world at least) would be informed automatically and would likely be doing an evaluation as well. At this point it would be behind the scenes as the patient seems a bit fragile for questions deeper than the good doctor and the therapist have already probed yet the patient is being treated as mature enough to handle some of these grown up issues (ponies do develop differently from humans). Basically when this happens there is a whole team who attend the child (acting as the "child safety net" when the child's primary caregivers are not evident or in this case, exist at all). Is it how you view pony society that at her apparent pony age she could be emancipated and on her own? There are grounds to support this from the show.

It could also be that the doctor has not asked more directly because the therapist will do so when they feel that the time is right (when the patent is ready). From the shaky condition of this one such questions can wait, but it won't be forever. After all, if this pony is in such shape, others could be as well. If this pony had siblings...
Of course, her ability to communicate is compromised, so speech therapy (if the ponies have it) would also be ordered.

A very nice chapter. :twilightsmile:



Holy shit, it updated!:pinkiegasp:

Huzzah, it's not dead!

I saw this and made a "eeeeeeee" sound, I love your stories this and the voice duo are in my top ten!


Made his night!? You made MY whole day!

A great update to see, and it made my day.
I really like the way you have been writing for Dr. Remedial a lot. You have a great and believable progression in his assumptions as to what has happened. And also all the great characterizations and interactions I've come to expect from your writing. It's great that I don't really have to go back and re-read the last chapter because thanks to the feeling and emotion of the story it all comes right back instantly after starting back into the tale again.

And again. The waiting was worth it. It maybe has not much action, but that doesn't makes it less interesting.

I just wait for the Reactions from the other Ponies when it comes out what Victoria really was before.

4859370 That's true. At the same time, you could almost call this an experiment on Remedial's powers of analysis, because he's making all these ideas about a patient when he has every reason to believe that ultimately the patient will be able to tell him what actually happened. Under those circumstances, calling in just the one expert is probably enough.
It's nice to see this updating again.


all she could see was a dark grey shape near, what she presumed to be (given the vague colours,) trees.

There should be no commas after "near" and "colours".

As his forelimb waivered


Plus, she was more than acquainted to being in Thunderlane’s position, Ralph usually having to take role in being the voice of reason.

The last part of the sentence seems really awkward. I think it would be better as, "having to take the role of being the voice of reason", or, better yet, simply "having to be the voice of reason" or "having to act as the voice of reason".

Hmm, so I'm trying ti figure this out. Possibilities given how the issue of transformation has been discussed:

The mirror may have been intended as a means of inter-world transportation but was not working properly either as a result of poor design or being broken. The nurse's dismissal of transformation magic may suggest the former. Perhaps someone or somepony was experimenting with some alternative form of transformation but only got so far as a sort of crude prototype.

Of course, I could be completely wrong in this, guessing as much as Dr. Remedial.

You did another great chapter, I really liked Thunderlane in this one. So are we going to see the mane six soon?

You better update soon... I know I'm going to be intrigued by whatever conclusions this doctor will draw, as well as what Viktoria will endure under the care of Flitter and Cloudchaser.


That was very good as usual, and I am really wondering where this expanding circle of exploration is going to end. There are a lot of wildcards here and I can easily see this escalating all the way up to Celestia in a chain of confusion at this bizarre situation.

Comment posted by NebulaNyx deleted Aug 16th, 2014

And finally its here. As always the sheer quality makes it more then worth the wait.

You know, I was wondering when the Doc, would notice something peculiar. Also, I know that the orphans would be scared once Viktoria disappeared, but wouldn't they look for her? I mean, I'm basing my theory on that the mirror would transform the user easier each time its used, so what's to stop an entire orphanage of kids looking for Viktoria from falling through that mirror?

Great chapter.

Thank you for updating. I know you put a lot of effort into getting this out to us and I appreciate it.

There's something I like about this over AVAtS (although that's still my favorite so far). Whereas Jessica was not able to communicate due to a language barrier, Viktoria knows exactly what's being said. Jess could just tune out what the ponies were saying as unintelligible babble, but Viktoria knows exactly what's being said around her and has to deal with not being able to get her word in.

I'm the final proofreader, so I have to accept responsibility for all those mistakes. I don't even know how I missed that last one.

If you're teasing, you ought to state it. Intonation is vital to marking the difference between teasing, sarcasm, and serious talk, which makes using the former two difficult online.


In the cold, dark void in between seasons.
the updates from your story's are bright warm beacon's of pony.
keep making gold, I be patience. :scootangel:

Damn alot of my favorite stories have been updating lately. Project Sunflower: Harmony, A Zoologist's Dream, Metroid: Equis and now this one too. Only one word can describe my feelings right now.

I especially like the take we got on Thunderlane this chapter, I hope we get a more direct view on his flight teaching techniques once they all get back to Ponyville.

It's funny. I was just thinking about this story last night. And lo' and behold! A wild update appeared :D

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