• Published 30th Aug 2013
  • 16,944 Views, 544 Comments

Solitary Pinion - Tystarr

In a strange world, in a strange body, Viktoria struggles to cope after encountering an unfamiliar mirror and what occurred afterwards.

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Chapter five: Suspicion

Overhead, the trees were teased by the soft wind cooling the warm spring air. Like a playful spirit, it glided around the branches, rustling the leaves to create a most relaxing kind of sound. In short, the overall ambience was that of a peaceful sunny day, the type where you could lie on the grass and simply forget your troubles.

Unfortunately for Thunderlane, he seemed to only have half that equation down. He was indeed sprawled out over the grass, but the forgetting of his troubles continued to be somewhat elusive. Admittedly, was he to stop and think about it for a second, there were many reasons for that being the case. Perhaps it was due to having just figuratively stuck his hoof so far down his throat that he was choking on a fetlock. Or maybe it was how Flitter was seemingly ignoring him, seated a small distance away and observing the other group where the filly sat.

Or maybe, just maybe, it was the weight on his back from where Cloudchaser resided, appearing quite content with her current position.

It was a difficult problem to try and put his hoof on just one of those reasons as the underlying cause.

Cloudchaser, however, was indeed quite happy with the current arrangement. Although, that was readily apparent in how she was lazing over Thunderlane where his run for freedom had been cut short. For the most part she was content with the outcome; even her own annoyance at his thoughtless comment had been long forgotten. Still, she remained amazed that it had been Flitter no less that had actually caught him, she instead taking the opportunity to pin him after the act. Yet, the resulting silence was beginning to get to her as much as it was the stallion she lay upon.

Eventually it was Thunderlane who broke the stalemate. Wriggling a forehoof along the ground, he absently rolled his eyes up to peer at the mare on his back. “So… Do you think she’s still mad?”

“I’m not mad.”

Both flicked their ears, sharing a glance seconds later before gazing over at Flitter. Despite speaking for the first time in several minutes, the mare continued looking elsewhere. Only the occasional ruffling of a wing or pawing at the grass gave any clues for the two to gauge her mood on.

“Yeah, she’s mad,” Cloudchaser murmured in a hushed tone. Her words were immediately followed by a wince as Flitter looked back at them, one brow raised to show she had overheard.

“Well, if she wasn’t, she probably is now,” Thunderlane grumbled. The stallion nonetheless found himself grimacing as Flitter released a frustrated sigh. He could deal with many things; one of the sisters genuinely upset was not one of them.

“I’m not mad, okay?” Despite herself, Flitter felt the volume in her voice rise before pushing a hoof to her forehead in exasperation. “I said I was sorry, I… I’m just…”

Cloudchaser furrowed her brow, being fully aware of why her sister was acting in such a way. Yet, before she could move to comfort her, she felt her seat start to move. Thunderlane, having also noticed Flitter’s mood despite not knowing the exact reasoning, pushed himself into a standing position. This action came with the added benefit, at least to him, of hearing a startled cry followed by accusations that he had cheated issuing from the grass behind him.

“Flit, what’s really bothering you? I mean, normally you just let Cloudy deal with my comments.” Pausing for a moment, Thunderlane sat beside the quiet mare before offering a wing gently over her back. When she didn’t pull away, he also offered a lopsided grin and nudged her gently with a hoof. “I do think you’re both cute, you know that, right?”

Flitter couldn’t help but gain a small smile, moving just enough to push him back with one of her own hooves. “You have to; it’s an obligation of being our honorary brother.”

“Oh come on, I have grass in my mane now!”

The complaint (one of many) coming from behind the pair resulted in Flitter giggling behind a hoof. A quick glance behind only added to her mirth at seeing the confused looks ponies were giving her sister as they trotted past. Thunderlane, on sighting this, opted to instead roll his eyes before sharing a conspiring grin with the mare.

“Well yes, but one of you is far cuter than the other.”

“I heard that!”

Flitter felt her unease slowly ebb away as the giggles began to take her, smiling afterwards as she leaned partially against the taller stallion. “Thanks Thunder, I needed that. I am really sorry about tackling you, though.”

Raising a brow, Thunderlane began chuckling before tucking his wing back against his side. Pulling slightly away from Flitter he regarded her with a raised brow when she blinked at his reaction. Before she could apologise further, he shook his head and laid the wing back over her spine reassuringly.

“You’re serious, aren’t you? Jeeze Flit. The fact you managed to catch me, let alone tackle me, was impressive as heck.” Blushing a little at his praise, Flitter shifted on her hooves, uncomfortable at being congratulated for such an act. Noticing this, Thunderlane pressed on, gesturing with a hoof towards the other gathering of ponies. “It was about the filly, wasn’t it? C’mon Flit, I’m not stupid, contrary to popular belief. I can figure out you wouldn’t normally react in such a way, so what’s the story?”

What do I say? Indecision ate at Flitter while she contemplated on just how much she was allowed to divulge. Chewing absently on her lower lip, she was saved when her sister took the decision out of her hooves.

“Well, for one, you deserved that tackle after what you said.” Thunderlane had the good grace to look sheepish at Cloudchaser’s words while she sat herself to the other side of him. Ignoring the expression on Flitter’s face – one that gave silent warning not to continue – Cloudchaser gestured vaguely with a hoof before continuing.

“We found the filly while heading back from setting up the weather. She had… Fallen into the lake just outside of Los Pegasus. Flitter helped her out, but she could barely move, let alone talk.” Closing her eyes, Cloudchaser recounted the events from memory, purposely omitting several tender subjects. “After she got treated at the hospital, she was found to be… Badly injured, or at least in the past. So we’re both staying to help out.”

Flitter exhaled softly, glad that her sister had not delved into the more sensitive information, that which was given to them in confidence. Catching sight of this, Cloudchaser leaned past Thunderlane to give a frown, knowing what Flitter most likely had expected. An apologetic smile was given back that placated the pegasus, one returned in kind a second later.

Thunderlane, however, raised a brow as he looked between the two and their exchange of expressions.

“Uh…huh.” Knowing they were keeping something from him, he decided to let the matter drop. He could tell the filly meant a lot to the two of them; he had the bruises to prove it. He also couldn’t help but notice how Flitter was fidgeting again, her eyes fixated on the blonde mare seated in the other group. He was not alone in this observation, Cloudchaser ruffling her own wings before clearing her throat. On obtaining her sister’s attention she raised a brow questioningly, a hoof gesturing in the direction of interest.

“O-Oh.” Looking where the limb pointed and realising she had been caught out, Flitter flattened both ears into her mane. A raised brow invited a little more robust explanation as she exhaled and pawed absently at the grass.

“It’s just that…That mare you arrived with, she keeps staring at the filly.” Flitter’s question was met with a knitted brow from her sister, she too now looking in the other group’s direction. Thunderlane, meanwhile, clicked his tongue before gaining both mares’ attention.

“Oh, her? She said her name was Viridian. Apparently she got asked to come help with a-“ Pausing when he saw both sisters now looking incredulously at the mare, Thunderlane blinked while looking between the two. One of his ears splayed outwards at the unusual reaction, raising a hoof to scratch at his chin absently. “Uh… Is… Is that a bad thing?”

“That’s Soarin’s mom?” Cloudchaser queried, now studying the mare more intently.

“I guess so.” Flitter’s reply was quiet, her voice distant as she continued to observe Viridian. It was becoming abundantly clear to her that something about the filly had either surprised or interested the earth pony. Whatever it was, she very much did not appreciate how uncomfortable it seemed to be making the young pegasus appear.

“Wait… Wait, that’s Soarin’s mother? As in, Soarin’ from the Wonderbolts’ mother?”

Cloudchaser blinked as Thunderlane directed a hoof towards Viridian to accompany his question. Oddly enough, at least to the mare, his jaw remained partially lowered while he flicked his gaze between her and where his limb was pointing. This action was repeated several more times until Cloudchaser shared a glance with her sister, the two becoming mildly concerned.

“Uh… Yes?” Cloudchaser ventured, only to have the stallion slam both hooves into the grass causing Flitter to jump slightly. Seconds crawled by, both not daring to move as they leaned away from Thunderlane, their faces reflecting the unease they each felt. Abruptly, however, he hung his head, a groan escaping from his throat.

“Great,” the stallion muttered, his wings starting to droop. Flitter, on seeing this, absently chewed on her lower lip before leaning slightly closer. Yet, before the mare could enquire as to his change of mood, she jerked back again as he pushed two hooves to his forehead. “I can’t believe I told her the joke about the griffon, the earth pony, and the pineapple.”

Both sisters sat silent until Cloudchaser broke the tension, glancing at Flitter before prodding Thunderlane with a hoof.

“Really? That’s what you’re worried about, jus-“ the mare paused before one of her brows raised to gaze quizzically at the stallion. “Wait, why were you telling her that one in the first place?”

Having been put on the spot, Thunderlane gave a little chuckle while rubbing at the back of his head.

“Well, because she seemed a little nervous so I thought I would lighten the mood some; you know how I can’t stand to see a pretty mare look upset.”

Cloudchaser raised a brow, her sister reflecting the expression until they caught each other’s eye. This action prompted Thunderlane to sit back, lifting both hooves into the air with a groan.

“Okay, I admit it, she was cute and I panicked a little for a conversation topic. I mean, she found it funny, but still…” Hanging his head once more, all three became silent, the breeze teasing through their manes. As the silence lingered, Cloudchaser chewed on her lower lip in thought while her brow knitted. Looking over at Viridian, then back at Thunderlane she waggled a hoof absently in the air.

“So… Did you really try to chat up Soarin’s mother?”

Flitter reacted to her sister’s words with a raised brow towards the stallion. Soon coming under scrutiny by both females, Thunderlane pushed a hoof to his forehead in frustration.

“No, I…” Exhaling he lowered both eyelids, staring resolutely ahead. “Okay, seriously. I said she was cute, I said the filly was cute. I think we have already been over this. For one, she doesn’t look old, and secondly I didn’t know that was the filly that was mentioned in the letter. Anyhow, I believe I am well within my rights to compliment somepony without the third degree.”

Flitter seemed to accept his words, quietly offering a mumbled apology. Cloudchaser, evidently not about to let it go just yet, leaned across to prod Thunderlane in the ribs earning a muffled grunt from the stallion.

“I think it may have been the part about ogling her that got you in trouble. I mean, you got Flitter mad over it.”

“I already said I wasn’t mad.” Flitter countered her sister, both ears partially lowered before choosing to ignore Cloudchaser. Instead the mare returned to her silent vigil over the filly, Thunderlane finding his attention instead drawn to the other pegasus beside him.

“She was mad.” Cloudchaser, evidently disbelieving her sister, whispered into the stallion’s ear, his exasperated expression showing exactly what he thought of that. The trio then sat in silence, Flitter observing the other group with an air of anxiety almost palpable surrounding her. Noticing this, Cloudchaser and Thunderlane shared a glance between them before the stallion rubbed under his muzzle thoughtfully.

They’re not telling me something. I’ve seen Flit upset before, but this is different, and even Cloudy is on edge. Thunderlane clicked his tongue before pushing the thought away. The fact Flitter had actually gotten angry with him earlier was proof enough that there was something more going on. Still, he knew better than to pry, and instead leaned partially to brush a wing over Flitter’s back, surprising her.

“Hey, you both know I’m sorry about what I said earlier, you know I was just joking around, right?” A small nod answered his question, although Cloudchaser remained looking sceptical. Ignoring her for now, Thunderlane nodded his own head, his mind made up. “Look, I don’t know the full story, but if it’s important to you two, then that means it’s important to me.”

Both sisters blinked at that, exchanging another glance as he continued on, unaware of, or perhaps uncaring about their reactions.

“So, I think I will hang around here anyhow. I already arranged with my uncle for a place to stay, and I left a message for Rainbow Dash. ‘Sides, I was due a little time off anyhow.”

Cloudchaser and Flitter blinked again while the leaves rustled above. The former even lost any trace of suspicion as her brows lifted.

“Wait… You left a message for Rainbow Dash? You mean she isn’t back from Canterlot yet?” Cloudchaser looked uneasy as she did the math in her head, Ponyville now evidently down four weather ponies in total. Flitter however had more immediate concerns.

“Thunder, you can’t just…” Resisting the urge to push a hoof to her face, Flitter exhaled and shook her head instead. “I mean, it’s nice seeing you, and I know your heart is in the right place but…”

“Then it’s settled.” Thunderlane interrupted with a firm nod as Cloudchaser held a hoof to her forehead, apparently lacking her sister’s self-control.


Cloudchaser was about to explain to him exactly why he couldn’t. The words were already on the tip of her tongue, ready to tell him as much as she could. About the filly’s possible suicidal tendencies, about her horrible abuse, how they found her. Even despite the look Flitter gave her before, Thunder deserved to know at least. Well, that was the plan anyhow. Thunderlane however derailed that as he cut her off with a firm shake of his head and stomp of a hoof into the lush grass.

“No, okay, not this time.” Shaking his head he surprised the sisters with a resolute gaze, first at Cloudchaser as she swallowed and then at Flitter who flicked an ear with a slight tilt of the head. Seeing he had their undivided attention, he closed his eyes, steeling his thoughts before continuing.

“Look, I don’t want to sound sappy, but you’re both like sisters to me. And, on saying that, this is obviously important to you both. Now, I don’t know the full story, but I want to be here for you and help out anyway I can. Miss Viridian let slip some hints, so I know whatever happened to that filly is pretty nasty. Nasty enough, I might add, that it has both of you very defensive over her. So yeah, I’m going to stay, for you both, and for that filly too.”

Exhaling once he opened his eyes, he looked first at Flitter who offered a small smile, then to Cloudchaser who gave a soft grunt before playfully nudging him.

“Okay, well, we’ll let Doctor Remedial decide when they’re done. But for now, I guess we just need to wait and see,” Flitter said, knowing full well he couldn’t be dissuaded. She even added a small sigh of defeat just for his benefit afterwards.

Cloudchaser, in turn, rolled her eyes as Thunderlane gained a grin that threatened to stretch from ear to ear. Despite her actions, she was glad to have him around. Although she did manage to catch Flitter’s eye, only to smile showing how she truly felt about the whole affair. With the expression returned, silence continued, as truthfully, no words were needed to reveal their thoughts.

Flitter continued her vigil while Thunderlane talked to Cloudchaser about how Ponyville was going. She flicked an ear, only half listening in on their conversation. Just as she heard mention of some event that had the mayor on edge – not to mention Rainbow Dash and her friends returning soon – she found her attention wandering. The sight of a mare and who she presumed was her colt trotting towards the hospital, however, managed to catch her eye, in turn setting her mind wandering.

I wonder if they will find the filly’s parents, and… If so, did they know what happened to her? Pawing absently at the grass, she tore her eyes from the sight, instead looking towards the filly. Surprisingly, the young pegasus was looking back in their direction, one ear flicking while clearly squinting. This action was evidently not lost on Doctor Dia, the mare furrowing her brow before speaking to Doctor Remedial.

Nodding in response to whatever was said, the male doctor made a beckoning gesture in their direction. Any doubt over what he wanted was dispelled when he raised his voice enough to be heard over the divide.

“Miss Flitter, could you come over here for a second?”

Flitter blinked, her wings partially spreading as she raised a hoof to gesture to herself. With a nod given from the doctor she exhaled, letting out some of the stress before getting into a standing position. Pausing for a moment, she glanced at Cloudchaser, then at Thunderlane, about to ask them to wait for a minute. Surprisingly, she never got the chance.

“Go on Flit, we’ll wait here, won’t we, Cloudy?” A nod answered Thunderlane’s question, Cloudchaser beckoning her sister onwards with a wing and foreleg.

“Go on sis, see what Doctor Remedial wants. I’ll keep Thunder out of trouble.” Cloudchaser nudged the taller stallion afterwards, a grunt and snort from his nostrils given in response.

“Okay, I’ll go see what he wants then.” Flitter took a deep breath before trying to calm herself. Despite this, she couldn’t keep the eagerness out of her pace, no matter how she tried.


Moments later, Flitter was leading Viktoria back to where the two others waited. During this, the mare used a wing to assist the filly’s balance whenever needed. Watching them leave, Doctor Dia couldn’t help but make her concerns known.

“Are you sure it is wise to leave her in the care of those three?”

Doctor Remedial exhaled softly, turning his head as he witnessed the filly stumble. Flitter immediately used a wing to help steady her, stopping to look with concern on her face. Still, it was the fact Cloudchaser had flown over to help assist that brought a smile to his face.

“Dia,” Remedial begun, dropping titles now that they were alone, “I think they’ll be fine.”

Dia, however, didn’t seem convinced, her eyes narrowing behind the glasses she wore. Pawing at her notebook, the mare clicked her tongue before fixing the stallion with a hard glare.

“Need I remind you that one of them gave the filly hot soup? Soup, I might add, that was it not for your quick reactions, would have resulted in severe burns to the patient.” Dia’s words struck true, Remedial rubbing between his eyes with a hoof. Seeing this, she continued, one brow now raised as she gave a small head gesture to indicate towards the male pegasus still waiting for the others.

“And, that stallion: what do we know about him? I don’t feel that pointing out that their previous interactions were alarming is necessary, but I will anyhow as you seem to have forgotten.” Fixing the male doctor with a hard stare, Dia adjusted her glasses as Remedial tried to formulate his thoughts. Support for his cause, however, came from a completely unexpected direction, at least apparently to the mare.

“Dee, I… I think they’ll be fine.” Both turned to look at Viridian, who, at that point, was still watching as the two pegasi assisted Viktoria. “They seem to genuinely care about her, and I could tell even from here that-“ The mare paused to direct a hoof at those aiding the filly, “that one, Flitter was it?”

A nod from Remedial confirmed the name for the blonde mare who smiled in thanks and continued to observe.

“Yes, that mare, Flitter, she was watching over here almost the entire time. I know you noticed as well, Dee.” Viridian tore her attention from the filly to instead gaze at her sister with a warm smile. Dia, in reply to the comment, scrunched her nose up before sighing softly and pawing at her notes once more.

“Fine, I concur: but I am still hesitant in lending my support to this decision.” Glancing first at Viridian who sighed good-naturedly, then at Remedial, Dia cleared her throat and continued. “Regardless, that isn’t the issue here.”

Remedial Oath sat quietly, only offering a small nod in agreement to his fellow doctor’s words. He, like Viridian, had joined after the initial questioning had concluded. By the time he arrived, Dia was instead making small chat with the filly. Well, it was mostly one sided if he were to be honest. The filly (or Viktoria, as he had come to learn), was still having difficulty forming words, but was giving it considerable effort.

For a second he had to push down the small surge of anger threatening to spill forth. Again he could only imagine what kind of vile pony, or ponies, could perpetrate such a horrendous act on a young filly.

“I found out several things about our mysterious little patient there, primarily her name, age, and location of her parents.” Dia begun, but the last part got Remedial’s attention instantly. Noticing this, the female doctor raised a brow before flicking to a page with the information down. “Her name is Viktoria, she’s recently turned fourteen, and as for her parents…”

Exhaling softly, Dia seemed to collect her thoughts for a moment before fixing Remedial with a glance.

“As far as I could… Understand from our little conversation…” Dia begun, not needing to spell out how difficult it must have been. Receiving a small nod of understanding from Remedial, she continued. “She has never known her parents; in her own words, she has been an orphan since ‘forever’. Also, as far as she knows at least, she has no relatives.”

That news had provided Remedial with conflicting thoughts. On one hoof, he now could easily rule out the parents having anything to do with her situation. However, with that same information, he now had no links to go on for other family members.

“That’s terrible.” The voice caught the attention of both Dia and Remedial, each looking at Viridian who had a frown over her delicate features. “But… I couldn’t help but notice how she was acting nervous, as if she wasn’t sure how to react around us, especially when you introduced me. Did I do something wrong?”

Sharing a look between each other, the doctors seemed unsure how to answer until Dia adjusted her glasses with a hoof.

“Vi, there are some… sensitive matters concerning that filly. Some of which I have not been completely forthcoming with you about.” Dia met her sister’s gaze, the earth pony blinking before Doctor Remedial rubbed under his chin thoughtfully.

“Viridian, remember when I told you about the incident that brought her into the hospital in the first place?” Remedial paused as the mare in question nodded. Glancing aside at Dia, he was also met with a small nod followed with the doctor closing her notebook. Seeing he now had their undivided attention, he rolled his head back to gaze briefly at the clouds overhead.

“Well, we have reason to believe that she may have… Jumped in, of her own accord.” A wince crossed the stallion’s face at Viridian’s reaction. The mare’s eyes went wide, both ears flattening into her mane as she dragged front hooves along the grass.

“W-What? Why… Why would she? Are you implying that she…?” Viridian’s eyes quivered as her mind appeared to struggle with this concept. Dia let a soft exhale pass through her nostrils, averting her gaze to look at the filly herself.

“That… That leads to the other part of my hypothesis as to her injuries.” As Viridian sat, almost in a stunned state, Doctor Remedial explained to her on his findings. When he went over the high possibility of them being caused by other ponies, namely unicorns, the mare appeared horrified. By the time he was finished, she was swaying slightly, Dia moving to support her as Viridian appeared almost physically ill.

“I know it’s not a pleasant subject, but that is unfortunately the truth of the matter.” Exhaling, Remedial dearly wished he didn’t have to explain such things. But he was all too aware that if Viridian was to be part of Viktoria’s recovery, she needed to know. “That is why I believe both Miss Flitter, and Miss Cloudchaser should remain with her. You see how they support her, and you saw how she is beginning to bond with them.”

“I still wish to convey my reservations about that, we should entrust this to professionals.” Dia added before ignoring the exasperated look given to her by Remedial. Viridian, however, shook her head, pushing her unease about the whole thing aside for now. Instead she rested a hoof to her forehead and brushed her mane from her eyes.

“I… I agree with Doctor Remedial on this, Dee.” Noticing her sister raising a brow in silent question, Viridian offered a small bashful smile. With a hoof gesturing to the other group, the mare quickly sought to explain further. “What I mean is, I-If what you say is true.”

Remedial could see that Viridian was clearly struggling with that thought. Seeing the mare forcefully swallow, he couldn’t help but think there was something else causing the reaction. Letting it lie for now, he gently smiled, encouraging her to continue.

“I-If what you say is true, I think taking those two away from her now… Well, it would be the worst thing we could do.” With her ears lifting partially from her mane, Viridian looked over at the gathering of the younger ponies. Viktoria was now seated, looking rather perplexed as Cloudchaser flailed her legs, her head currently held captive in one of Thunderlane’s own fore limbs. Even as Dia gave a disapproving sound, Viridian turned to look at her sister.

“Dee, you saw her looking over there constantly, didn’t you?” The mare’s voice was soft as her sister gave a tilt of her head, acknowledging that point. With a wavering smile, Viridian looked over at the group again, her long mane being lifted by the wind as she noticed Viktoria now smiling at the antics of the other two. “I know young ponies, and I can tell you that she seeks comfort with Flitter, whether she knows it or not.”

Viridian’s face fell after that, her downcast expression looking towards the grass with shoulders slumped. “I… I just don’t understand how anypony could do that to… How could they do that to her. Who could be so monstrous as to do that to a pony her age?”

Remedial exhaled again, rubbing between his eyes with a hoof. It was the same question he had asked himself several times. The mere fact that it was the most likely possibility, well, that was disheartening on its own. But once that door was opened, other questions came about, and given his medical knowledge, the answers were all the worse. The fact he had to look over them again later to write up his report was not an enticing prospect, knowing how they would have to have been inflicted.

Dia softly exhaled through her nostrils, the movement of one of her hooves catching the attention of the other ponies. Fixing a glance at one, then the other with her, Dia flicked her book back open, reminding them of their earlier purpose.

“While we could spend all day dwelling on possibilities, I would much prefer to deal with the facts in front of me.” A glance was given to Remedial who exhaled, calming himself while Viridian shifted uncomfortably. Moving a little closer, Dia gently nuzzled at her sister’s cheek, helping to calm the mare who smiled and returned the gesture. If Remedial was bemused by the show of affection from the usually clinical mare, he showed no outwards sign of it.

“Now,” Dia begun, flicking to a page on her notebook before clearing her throat, “other than a name, age, and absence of parents, I found out very little. That’s not to say this wasn’t a very productive session, if a little impromptu. I was surprised to learn as much as I did from our first talk. Admittedly, the difficulty in her conveying words coherently didn’t help in this regard.”

Looking over at the other group, Dia exhaled and adjusted her glasses.

“In my professional opinion, the filly, or Viktoria, as she identifies herself, seems to be progressing far better than I could have anticipated. She is earnest, if a little hesitant, and seems annoyed at her inability to enunciate properly.” Flicking through more of her notes, Dia frowned on one particular scribble. “There… is one thing I wish to ask you in particular, Remedial.”

Remedial blinked at that, tilting his head before gesturing for her to continue. Dia cleared her throat before holding a hoof in the air, indicating her glasses.

“Have you noticed her squinting at all, perhaps having trouble focusing on things at a distance?”

The question was one that drew a response from both Remedial and Viridian. The mare’s eyes went wide, clearly understanding the implications. Remedial, given his obvious profession, was no slouch on reaching a conclusion either. Dia’s gesture, the question, they hinted at something unheard of, impossible even. He had noticed Viktoria had squinted often, but for obvious reasons, had put it down to her recovery.

“You… You can’t possibly be meaning…?” Remedial’s voice was hesitant, wary of even entertaining such a thought. Dia, however, just pressed her lips close together and nodded, her hooves pushing to the grass again.

“I enquired as such; the response, as I understood it, was that she had always had trouble with seeing at a distance.” Dia’s voice held an edge of emotion to it, her eyes narrowing. “I suggest that when we go back, you schedule her to get an eye test.”

Remedial felt his jaw clench before he exhaled between his teeth, calming himself. A pegasus’s magic was concentrated within the eyes, hooves, and wings. The ability to control weather and walk on clouds was through the wings and hooves, but the eyes…

Doctor Remedial rubbed the top of his muzzle as he organised his thoughts. The magic flow through the eyes allows enhanced vision and in turn, faster reflexes via acting on information provided by them.

A pegasus with vision problems was almost utterly unheard of. The only time it happened was due to injury, and even then healing spells given shortly after would, except in very rare cases, solve the issue. As Remedial looked over at Viktoria, who, thankfully was looking increasingly comfortable around the three other pegasi near her, he felt his anger boil.

“H-How, why would they… How is it even possible?” Viridian looked unable to conceive of the idea, the very concept being alien to her. Dia simply smiled slightly, apparently attempting to diffuse the situation.

“I could be wrong however, but I do suggest you test her vision.” With that, the psychologist closed her notebook and slipped it into one of her saddlebags worn. Remedial nodded, a tired smile finding its way to his face.

“I will, but for now, Viridian, do you think you could spend some time with our little patient?” The stallion’s comment snapped Viridian out of her shock, her head shaking a little before she perked both ears. Thankful for the distraction, she nodded and made to leave, only for Dia to rest a hoof on her back.

“We’ll be just a moment; I need to talk with Viridian a little first.” Noticing Remedial’s confused expression, Dia lowered a brow. “Sister stuff.”

The comment was enough for the doctor to chuckle, the warm sound tearing through any lingering horror that remained over the trio. Nodding, he waved with a hoof, making his way over to where the sisters and their friend were entertaining the filly. Once satisfied that Remedial was out of range to overhear, Dia glanced at her sister.

“Dee, she… She looks-“ Viridian begun only to be cut off by Dia placing a hoof gently to her younger sister’s muzzle. Reduced to silence, Viridian looked at the other mare, her eyes holding a silent question within.

“Vi, I know. But that filly has been through a horrendous experience. In my professional opinion, she is suffering from a multitude of issues, both physical and mental.” Noticing how her sister was looking aside now with shoulders slumped, Dia sighed and nuzzled the other mare gently. “To mention something like that may cause unforeseen reactions in the filly. For all we know she may take it to heart and it may, sadly, worsen her condition.”

Viridian, in reply, stood silent for several seconds before reluctantly nodding. Dia, in turn, lowered her hoof and smiled softly, another nuzzle given to her sister’s neck.

“But she does… Doesn’t she? I’m not just imagining it?” Viridian’s pleading eyes turned on the psychologist, Dia pursing her lips before exhaling.

“Yes, she does.”

The two mares sat there for several seconds before Viridian released a small laugh. It was forced, but her smile, at least, was genuine.

“Well, I suppose I best go and make myself useful. Are you coming?” Viridian paused to look back at her sister, who, shook her head slowly.

“No, I wish to file a report on what I have learned so far.” A smile was given, one that was warm and reserved only for her sister. “You’ll be fine, Vi.”

Returning the smile, Viridian trotted off to join the others, leaving Dia to tsk softly under her breath. As the wind teased her tail, the mare removed the notebook again from her saddlebags. Flicking to a page, one she hadn’t touched upon when talking to the others, Dia looked at the words written on the paper.

One simple question was written at the top of the page; where do you come from?

The filly had struggled over the answer, the frustration evident on her face. In seeing this Dia had offered for her to make the answer as broad as she wished. Any idea of where she came from would be helpful in possibly locating other family members.

Viktoria had thought on this for a second before replying with one word, her ears perking and a hopeful look on her young face. The answer had caught Dia off guard, yet she had allowed none of the emotion to cross her features. This had seemed to disappoint the filly who had grown withdrawn after that point; that is, up until Flitter had come over.

Dia closed the book and slipped it into her saddlebag again, moving her mouth to secure the clasps before closing her eyes. Opening them slowly she gained a look of determination as she trotted towards the hospital, her thoughts rolling over the answer given in her mind.

That answer having been one word, Earth.