• Published 23rd Aug 2013
  • 49,518 Views, 2,521 Comments

Dash of Humanity - Kaidan

Have you ever woken up as a vegan cartoon pony? I have, and she won’t shut up about it. I’m stuck in her body as our minds swap control and our memories blur. I’m not sure I can survive the rest of the day, let alone until we fix it

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2. Awkward Misadventure for Two

I had a dream that I was falling through the air, yet it was relaxing. The wind was rushing past me until I finally flapped my wings and began to fly. It happened automatically and it took me a while before I tried to stretch and wake up.

The first thing I noticed was that I couldn’t move. There was nothing constricting my movement or holding me down. Where I should have felt my arms—or, I suppose, now they’re pony legs—was an odd sensation. I knew they were there; I could feel them, but had no ability to control them.

Looking around proved useless too. I began to get frustrated, wishing to wake up from this stupid dream and see if Fluttershy could whip up some bacon and eggs. I could only look where the pony in my dream wanted me to look.

“Good morning, sleepy head,” Dash said.

[Wait, you’re in my dream too?]

I heard laughter coming from me, yet I wasn’t the one doing it. Slowly the realization came to me, but I tried my best to resist. “No, Dude, I got my body back! Not so fun now, is it?”

[Shit, let me go! I need to move something—] I focused my efforts on moving a leg, just an inch, but could not. I was sitting shotgun in this pony’s mind, able to only see, hear, or feel what she did. My body only obeyed commands sent by her.

“So, how’s it feel to be stuck and unable to move? You know, just the other day this jerk did the same thing to me. There I was, just watching as he ran around, pretending to be me.”

[This. . . I didn’t realize you felt like this. It’s sorta claustrophobic and like some bad first-person horror film, where they just hold the camera and run around like some boogey man is chasing them.]

Dash flapped her wings and banked left, then headed towards a town I saw in the distance. This was much different than when I had fallen off her front porch. The rush of air flowing through my wings was exhilarating. It felt like when I would comb my short hair with a brush, just to feel the brush scratch an itch on my scalp. Sometimes you just forget how good something could feel. The wind pulling at my hair felt like a massage, tugging and funneling it backwards against the wind. No wonder she loved to fly.

“You sure do think a lot about ‘my body’ and ‘my problem’. Dude, you should really think of this as my body, or at least our body. By the way, when we fix this I think you could make a living selling books about all those crazy thoughts running through your head.”

She had a point: I tended to think of her body as my body, when really it was ours for the time being. [Reading my memories still? Wait—why don’t I remember waking up at Fluttershy’s? Wasn’t your friend supposed to keep me awake? I can’t recall anything after we had sex.]

My snarky remark brought about several emotions as the Pegasus skidded to a halt in mid-air. “You did what?!” Dash demanded. I felt her anger and embarrassment, followed by something akin to jealousy.

I kept a straight face, or mind, as long as I could. Finally I broke out laughing. [Come on, you really think she’d go for a mare like us? I spent most of the night listening to her talk about her animals, though I must have fallen asleep at some point.]

She took a couple deep breaths and I realized what she had been talking about earlier. From this position in the back of her mind, without the distraction of controlling the body, it was much easier for me to read her thoughts. Everything was laid out on the surface of her mind like an open book.

Dash was thinking of Fluttershy in flight camp, and how they had shared a bed when the camp was over-crowded. She was picturing an image of Celestia blasting us with a beam of golden light, forcing me out of her mind. Images of Ponyville and the town library also entered her mind. My attention was so focused on reading her thoughts that I could almost hear her speak before she opened her mouth.

“Don, listen to me closely. You had your fun, but if you ever get in bed with one of my friends you won’t live to regret it,” Dash explained.

When Dash used my real name for a change it caught me off guard, conveying she was being quite serious. [Fair enough. I didn’t mean to offend you, though getting so defensive leads me to believe you really do have a thing for Fluttershy. In fact, ever since you two would cuddle at flight camp, you’ve never lived more than half an hour away from her.]

“Don’t invade my privacy!”

[Hey, I’m only reading the stuff you’re thinking. Speaking of which, who is this Celestia and how do I know she’s the ruler here? All you thought about was her banishing me, but somehow I seem to know other things about her you weren’t thinking about.]

Dash resumed her flight toward Ponyville. It wasn’t much farther now. “I don’t know, but I didn’t poke through your head that much! It’s not like I’m homeland security tapping your phones and spying on you in the bathroom, Dude.”

[Of course, you just guessed that there was an organization called homeland security, on a planet you’ve never heard of, spying on people. Admit it, you must have spent all night invading my privacy.]

“Look, I didn’t but—damn, I’m not paid enough to figure stuff like this out. I handle the weather, or saving the world. I don’t do aliens and I don’t try and figure out why our memories are getting all mixed up. Just stay on your side of my brain, okay?”

[Okay, I call dibs on the left side of your brain. I’ll be over there keeping that cute little image of you and Fluttershy cuddling company.] It’s not like I had much choice in the matter. I could do little but go along for the ride and ponder how I was starting to know things before she thought them.

Dash was over Ponyville now and angled downward, gaining speed and nearing a small tree in the distance. “Look, we’re clearly gonna have to put up with each other for a while, so can you stop being such a smart ass?”

[Not much else for me to do. I’m on an alien world, with no idea how we got here or how we ended up in the same body. Speaking of which, you never answered my question. How’d you get control of your body back?]

“I don’t know, I just did. Don’t expect me to give it back anytime soon, though.”

I struggled to dig into her memory and find something from the morning. Images of oatmeal came to mind, a quick meeting with some other Pegasi to talk about weather, but nothing useful. [So, you have absolutely no idea how we traded control, or if it’ll happen again?]

“I guess,” Dash said. “At least I can talk out loud again; you have no idea how frustrated I was being only able to think.”

[Stick with me here, Dashie—]

“Dude, don’t call me Dashie!”

[Don’t call me ‘Dude’, Dashie, it’s ‘Don’! Now, hush and think about this. You don’t know why or when we’ll switch. Then, you decided to fly to. . . wherever we are headed, knowing that I can’t fly.]

I looked at the rapidly approaching building that looked like it was built into a tree. “Yeah, so?” Dash asked.

I was filled with a sense of dread as I began to regain full sensation to Dash’s legs, causing one of them to twitch. [You’ve never heard of Murphy’s Law, have you?]

She seemed to sense it too, her thoughts becoming obscured in panic. “Crap, we have to land no—”

Without warning, I found myself back in control of the body, already diving towards the ground like a missile. My wings flapped wildly at awkward angles, trying to correct our descent.

[Don, calm down! Flap them together, forty-five degrees! Legs tucked in! Head forward!]

“Not helping, Dash!” I screamed. One of my wings caught a gust of wind, turning my spiral into a spin-out. The world was flashing past as I tumbled through the air.

[Tuck and roll!]

Her command registered with me and I curled up into the fetal position just in time. I heard a loud crashing noise as I hit something. Then, I felt a wall stop my movement, sending me bouncing onto a hard floor. My legs, back, and wings were sore and I lay there in shock. Dozens of hard objects fell on me, bashing me relentlessly.

Where’s a parachute when you need one?

[What the hell! You did that on purpose!]

Yeah, I asked myself, ‘Hey, Don, how can I really screw with Dash? I’ve already hit on her friend, so why don’t I snap her neck by crashing into a fucking—where the hell are we anyway?

I groaned and opened my eyes, standing up. Books fell off me into a pile and I realized we had crashed into someone’s house.

[Somepony’s house.]

Seriously? You’re going to try to make me use pony terminology as I try to figure out what the hell just happened to us?

I saw a large gash on my right foreleg and felt a twinge of pain. There was a large dictionary on the floor and I kicked it as hard as I could in anger, sending it flying across the room. “This is ridiculous, what’s next? Drag—”

You’ve gotta be kidding me.

“Dash, are you okay?” Spike asked.

A fucking talking dragon, and I know his name!

[To be fair, I was thinking about him. You must be picking up on my thoughts, otherwise you would have panicked and bashed your head on another tree.]

In front of me was a juvenile dragon, clad in purple and green scales. He looked awfully human for a dragon, as I’d always pictured them being much larger, kidnapping princesses, and eating sheep in one bite.

Thanks for the vote of confidence. With an attitude like that we’ll be back to normal in no time!

[Look, you want a truce you’re gonna have to act like an adult.]

You first.

“Dash?” A purple claw was waved in front of my face, grabbing my attention. “You’re just staring at the wall. Come on, let’s get that leg fixed.”

“I can’t believe this, you’re a dragon,” I said.

Spike looked up at me and tilted his head to the side. “I think you crashed pretty hard. Uh, Dash, how many fingers am I holding up?”

Glancing at his hand I saw three fingers. I recalled what it was like to have fingers, and moaned loudly. “There are three fingers.”

“No, there are four fingers,” Spike corrected.

I looked at him again, and it was a bit blurry, but I could swear there were three fingers. “There. Are. Three. Fingers!”

[Dude, you’re freaking losing it now. He’s got four fingers!]

I squinted and blinked, willing my blurred vision to correct itself.

Spike ran off without another word and came back in with a small white box with a red cross on it. “You’re lucky Twilight made me read that book on pony first aid, given how often you crash through our windows. What’s the deal with that, anyway?”

“Oh, I just enjoy crashing so much that I aim for the library. It’s much softer than hitting Sugarcube Corner.”

I winced in pain as he poured something on my leg. It turned out to be alcohol, something I was familiar with from my time on Earth. He put some paste on the cut, then wrapped a white bandage around my leg.

Taking stock of our situation revealed I had another headache coming on, and the sore spot from hitting the tree yesterday was still warm and throbbing. He had bandaged the one leg, but my wings felt worse.

Sorry if I broke your wings.

[Nah, I’ve had worse crashes. That’s just the feeling of spraining the muscles attached to the wings and losing a few primaries.]

Thank God at least one of us knows what is going on.

“So, Spike, you can breathe fire, right?” I asked.

[Yeah, that’s our first priority. Seriously, you’ve never seen a dragon before?]

They don’t exist on Earth.

“Of course.” Spike shut the first aid kit and looked at me. “But you already know that. Did you get another concussion?”

“Probably, but that’s neither here nor there. Dash wanted me—us to come here to see Twilight. I’ve got a small problem. I woke up inside Dash yesterday and I can’t get out.”

Spike chuckled and grinned. “Oh, this is another prank isn’t it? You and Pinkie are at it again. Listen, you’re still kinda acting funny, so stay here until Twilight gets back.”

He didn’t seem very interested in, or capable of, helping us. I walked over to a nearby chair and sat down. “So, when will Twilight be back?”

The front door opened as if on cue, and she walked in. “Spike, I’m—what happened?!”

With a nervous smile I rubbed a hoof over my head. “I sorta crashed?”

Twilight looked at me and ran over. She ran right past me to the pile of books on the floor. “I just had this organized!” Twilight began levitating books back onto the shelves, completely ignoring me.

Wow, how inconsiderate. I nearly killed us and she’s focused on alphabetizing her books.

[Yeah, she’s like that. I have a running bet with Applejack that once she gets a coltfriend and gets laid, she stops being so obsessive.]

I grinned and spoke up loudly. “Hey, Twilight, I bet once you get a colt—”

[What? Don’t repeat that!]

“—friend and get laid, you won’t be so obsessive!”

Twilight turned to face me at last. “. . . What, Dash?” She started blushing as my comment set in, and finally she noticed the white bandage on my leg. “Oh, you got hurt!” She rushed over to examine me.

“Nice of you to notice,” I said.

“This is bad, this is really bad!” Twilight said. “I have a report due in less than an hour, and the book is somewhere in that mess! I can’t afford to be late again!”

“We’ve got bigger problems on our hooves than a book report. This is gonna sound a little crazy, but I’m not Dash. I’m an alien that woke up in her body and I need you to get me out.”

[Real smooth. Why not tell her Discord is tap dancing out front for charity?]

Twilight took a step back and her eyes went wide. “What? Really, Dash? You want to joke around and play pranks when I’m late for my report to the princess? Spike! Are you in on this?”

“Nah, she tried the same line on me, Twi,” Spike answered.

“You’re not listening! This is no prank, I’m not Dash! I’m a human fro—”

Twilight levitated one of the books I had knocked over in front of me. “A human from Camelot? Knight of the round table?” She was holding up a copy of King Arthur in her magic, and shook her head. “Really, Dash, put more effort into it next time.”

[Well, didn’t see that coming. I think you’re cursed with bad luck, Dude.]

Is she always this pig-headed?

[Remind her about Cadence’s wedding, when she was able to tell something was wrong. She needs to use her magic or something to see we’re telling the truth.]

“Remember the wedding, where you knew Cadence was a changeling? This is the same thing, you have to just look and you’ll see I’m not Dash.”

Twilight glanced up at my swollen forehead, and seemed to ponder my story for a moment. She lit up her horn, and I felt my headache vanish and the bruise on my head tingle as it healed. “Look, you hit your head pretty hard, so I did what I could. If you were some sort of changeling I’d know: my library is warded against them. I’m sorry, Dash, but you need to leave. I’m too busy right now.”

Wow, what a douche.

[Hey, that’s my friend!]

Yes, your friend who is blowing you off, to let you stay stuck here, with me, until we find a way to convince her.

[She gets like this sometimes, okay? Let’s just wait an hour until her report is done and come back.]

Good idea, I don’t see what could possibly go wrong in an hour.

“Fine, but I’ll be back later and you’re gonna sort this whole mess out for me and send me back to Earth.” I got up and walked towards the door.

On the way there I passed Spike who had been watching us the whole time. “Hey, Spike, do me a favor? Show Twilight your middle finger.”

Spike looked puzzled but lifted his claw up. He held up his middle finger, examining it like I had hidden some sort of prank on it. I tried to stifle my laughter as he waved his claw around, flipping Twilight off.

[I don’t get it.]

“Yeah, that’s perfect, Spike. Bye!” I walked up to the door and pushed it open with a hoof. Once outside, I looked around. The street was little more than dirt with a few bushes denoting where one house’s yard ended and another yard began. The sun was high in the sky and there were no clouds in sight.

“Well, what are we supposed to do now?” I asked.

[Sit still for an hour until Twilight is done, without making any witty remarks, and definitely not hitting my head against anything else?]

“I don’t know, sounds awfully boring.” My stomach rumbled and I realized how hungry I was. “How about something to eat?”

[Good idea, there’s a restaurant just down the road.]

“What kind? Burgers, pizza, steak, or even some chicken would be good.”

[Not sure what some of those are, but we don’t eat meat. We’re ponies, Dude, we eat vegetables!]

I moaned, realizing she was right. Ponies were herbivores. “So, no red meat? No juicy steaks cut fresh from a cow and grilled to perfection?”

The sensation of wanting to vomit came over me briefly. [Gross, Dude! How can you live like that? Killing cows to eat them? That’s cannibalism.]

“Cannibalism is only when you eat your own species, not some dumb cow,” I explained.

[Cows aren’t dumb! They can talk and I bet any one of them would be better company than you!]

I began to trot down the road, glad that her memories of how to walk without tripping seemed to be equally shared between us. Maybe later she could whip me up a memory on how to fly. “Talking ponies, dragons, and cows. What’s next? Talking griffins? Wyverns and hydras? Maybe ancient evil beings who have a dark tower, and sit atop it peering over the land, waiting to find their one ring?”

[Is there a point to all this talking, or do you just enjoy making me suffer? We’re up to two now. I’ll be back in control and get even eventually.]

“Two? What’d I do this time?” I groaned and shook my head. “Hey, I’m trying, okay? I’m sorta pissed off about this whole thing and making jokes helps me handle that. I’m. . . I’m sorry if my jokes are making you that upset, okay?”

[You mean it?]

“Yeah, that’s just who I am. I’ll try to dial it back some, but imagine if you woke up in my human body. How would you cope with that? All alone in an alien world that eats meat, mocks the homeless, and is constantly at war with one another.”

“Hey, Dashie, why are you talking to yourself?” Pinkie said.

I turned to face her and could feel Dash’s annoyance. Memories of how insanely hyper Pinkie could get came to mind. She also had feelings of deep loyalty to her. “Just the usual, I’m keeping myself entertained while I look for some food.”

Pinkie’s shoulder twitched and it ran down her leg. “Oh, alright. I never knew you talked to yourself. I bet you sing in the shower too. I sing in the shower all the time, only Mr. Cake says that I shouldn’t do it so loud while the twins—”

I see what you mean. Do they feed her nothing but caffeine?

[This is just sugar. The coffee shops in Ponyville know better than to let her near their espresso makers.]

Pinkie stared at me until I realized she was waiting for a response. “Uh, what was the question?”

“I said, have you seen the new pony? I keep getting the Pinkie Sense for new pony, but I can’t find them! And it’s really strong when I stand next to you, so you must know where the new pony is!”

Should we tell her that I’m human?

[We could try, but I doubt she’d take it seriously.]

“I haven’t seen any new ponies, Pinkie. I have seen a human, though, and he sort of got lodged in my head,” I explained. “I was gonna get Twilight to fix it but she was too busy to help.”

Pinkie pulled a stethoscope out of her mane, and a nurse’s cap. She grabbed my ear without hesitation and looked in it, then held the stethoscope up to my skull.

“What the heck?” I asked.

“Shh, I’m listening for the human. I didn’t see him in there but maybe he’s being quiet.”

[Oh Celestia, the one pony who wants to help get you outta my head and she thinks she’ll find you with a stetho—thingy.]


“Open wide,” Pinkie said.

“Wha—” She grabbed my jaw with her hooves, which were covered in dirt. I felt my jaw pulled wide open and gagged out of reflex as I got a good taste of the dirt now resting on my tongue.

For a moment, I almost thought she stuck her entire head in my mouth. I couldn’t see it, but I could feel her looking around in there. She was just as odd as Dash’s memories of her suggested. Finally, she let my mouth go and then yanked me forward, looking in my eye.

“Hey, stop that!” I protested.

“Hmm, Nurse Pinkie doesn’t see anything wrong with you, Dashie. You get a clean bill of health.” Pinkie put the props away and her front left shoulder down to her hoof trembled again.

Why do they get to call you Dashie?

[They’re not holding me hostage in my own brain.]

“Thanks, looks like you can’t help me after all. At least you tried. Now, I am really hungry and need something to eat,” I explained.

“Oh, want a cupcake?” Pinkie pulled out a cupcake and held it in front of me in her hoof.

“Where’d you get that?” I asked.

[Don’t encourage her!]

“I carry cupcakes around in case of a cupcake emergency! I also stash them all over Ponyville!”

I sigh at the idiocy of it all. “Then, wouldn’t you have to go around every single day and switch all the cupcakes out for fresh ones?”

“Yep! It takes a while and the Cakes say that all those free cupcakes have to come out of my paycheck, which is funny because they don’t pay me! It’s worth it though to have fresh cupcakes on hoof whenever a pony is feeling sad or lonely!”

Does her unbridled happiness ever make you want to tie her up, duct tape her mouth shut, and drop her down a well? Does she have any setting other than happy?

[For starters, I happen to like her happiness in small controlled doses. Second, she does get sad; but trust me, you don’t want to see her when she’s sad and lonely.]

An image formed in our mind of a bucket of turnips, some rocks, and a dust bunny having a tea party. I had no idea what that had to do with the pony in front of us until I saw Pinkie sitting there with her eyes wide and drifting apart.


“Dash? Why do you keep staring off into the air like that? Are you daydreaming?”

“No,” I said, “just talking with Dash.”

“Oh, okay. Well, do you want the cupcake?”

“Fine,” I said. I reached for the cupcake and noticed how she is holding it in one hoof. I was about to reach my other hoof out to help me lift it, when I realized I’d have to be flying to lift both forelegs off the ground.

Looking at my hoof showed that it can bend, and I took a moment to try and process how that is physically possible. I’m no horse breeder, but back on Earth I was fairly certain horses could neither fly, use magic, nor grasp things with their hooves.

I shook the thought from my head. Who am I to poke holes in the logic of this place? I’m just a visitor, after all, and I’ll be back to boring old Earth sooner or later. I grabbed the cupcake and tossed it in my mouth.

The taste was indescribable. I don’t think I’ve ever tasted something with so much sugar in it. Frosting melted against the roof of my mouth, making my teeth ache from the high sugar content. Already I could feel the rush of energy inside me. Beneath that, the chocolate cake slowly dissolved in my mouth and I swished it around with my tongue. There were even chocolate chips inside of the cupcake.

When I opened my eyes, I’d swallowed my cupcake but drooled about half of it down my face and neck.

[You eat like a drunk stallion. Wipe that off before anypony sees!]

Pinkie was giggling as I wiped my face off with my bandaged foreleg. I looked down and realized I had just smeared the crumbs and drool all over my leg.

[Not like that!]

How am I supposed to wipe it off? You have a towel?

[Ask Pinkie.]

She’s not gonna have a towel.

If it were possible to roll her eyes from within my head, I knew that’s what Dash would’ve been doing. It was almost like we shared a mind’s eye to convey our emotions back and forth. I suppose that’s why other ponies thought we kept spacing out. Yet again, Pinkie was staring at me expectantly, waiting for me to come back from Lala Land.

“Pinkie, you have a towel?” I asked, rolling my eyes.

“Here you go!” She replied. I looked at her and my mouth fell agape. Sure enough, she had a pink dish towel.

Okay, talking ponies I can accept. Dragons I can accept. Magic I can accept. But, how the hell is she doing that? Does she have a backpack in her mane? Some sort of Aleph she uses to reach through dimensions?

[Nope, she’s Pinkie Pie.]

You expect me to just accept ‘because Pinkie Pie’ as a logical explanation for her?

[The rest of Ponyville does.]

Seriously, no one has tried to figure her out?

[Technically, Twilight tried to prove her ability to sense the future was false once. She went mad, erupted into flames, and then accepted Pinkie’s abilities out of faith like the rest of us.]

Shaking my head I grabbed the towel with a hoof and wiped off my muzzle and neck. I had enough problems to solve right now and I wasn’t adding Pinkie Pie to that list. Once I had cleaned myself off, I handed the dirty towel to Pinkie Pie.

Alright, smarty pants, let’s see where you put the dirty towel.

Pinkie smiled and tossed the towel onto her back, letting it sit there. I just stared at her, expecting something more. “Aren’t you going to put that in your mane or something?”

“No, silly filly, it’s dirty! Plus, Gummy is in my mane,” she explained.

“Gummy?” I asked.

“Yep! I brought him out for a walk. Come on out, Gummy!”

A second later a green alligator poked its head out of her mane. I stared at it and watched it lick one of its own eyes. That’s when I noticed it had no teeth, thus the name Gummy.

“Yep, I’m done here.”

I turned around and started walking away, unwilling to even attempt to understand her.

“Wait! If you see the new pony you have to tell me! The party is at six, and I’ve been getting a Pinkie Sense like crazy since yesterday! I know they’re here. . . Mark my words, I’ll find them!” Pinkie shouted.

I kept on walking, refusing to even accept she somehow knew I was the ‘new pony’ she was looking for. If I accepted she could sense my presence, that’d open a whole other can of worms involving aliens, dimensional travel, and frankly, stuff way above my ability to comprehend.

No, I was going to find this Sugarcube Corner and eat more cupcakes. Then, I was going to figure out how to fly back to Dash’s house and sleep until Twilight pulled the book out of her ass and fixed this mess.

Author's Note:

I was excited to get so much writing done today. Passion is a fickle thing and makes all the difference in writing. Be sure to leave comments to let me know what you think. The feedback is part of what keeps the artistic juices flowing.