• Published 23rd Aug 2013
  • 49,515 Views, 2,521 Comments

Dash of Humanity - Kaidan

Have you ever woken up as a vegan cartoon pony? I have, and she won’t shut up about it. I’m stuck in her body as our minds swap control and our memories blur. I’m not sure I can survive the rest of the day, let alone until we fix it

  • ...

11. We Need To Go Deeper.

I had woken up early after a restless night and gotten out of bed. I had looked at my alarm and saw that it was ten in the morning. It should have gone off at seven, so I rubbed my eyes and looked at it again. The alarm had changed to six in the morning. Flipping it over revealed the battery still inside it. I tossed the defective clock to the side in frustration. My phone should be next to the window and its clock was never wrong.

The window seemed to be glowing as light poured through it. Instead of sunlight being cast through the blinds in narrow slits along the wall, it poured through as if to spite my sleep. I opened the blinds and where I should have seen the tracks to a commuter train stood the Golden Oaks Library. The cartoonish look of the tree and dirt street in front of it clashed with the sharp images of my backyard.

Hey, Dash, did you inhale some bleach or something last night?

I received no reply, nor did I sense her at all. When I returned my gaze to the library I saw a Burlington Northern Santa Fe freight train passing by. A grey pegasus flew by on a wobbly trajectory before vanishing.

What the hell did we get into?!

My bedroom door was closed despite me never shutting it. I opened it and stepped through into my living room. I found myself in a marble atrium. This wasn’t supposed to be here, and my first thought was to step back into my bedroom. When I turned around the door was no longer there.

In front of me was a crumbling wasteland, drowning in shades of grey. Marble pillars lay shattered on the ground and crumbling arches ran like scars along the walls. Turning around again, I saw the pristine pillars and rich ebony doors in the arches of the untouched side.

A feeling of déjà vu washed over me, as if I’d been to this place before. On one half this almost Greek architecture was undamaged. On the other half, all had crumbled and fallen to ruin like a medieval castle. My attention was drawn to a door that was cracked open, and I found myself drawn to it. After walking over, the door opened on its own.

Walking through without hesitation, I found myself standing on the street in front of my childhood home. Looking behind me revealed the doorway had vanished, as I had expected, and yet I was not panicked. I felt safe here in my memory.

Still, the memory was wrong. Where my neighbor’s house should have stood was a pile of rubble, flickering like a flame. A large shadow was cast across the ground from a structure I could not see. Brightly painted walls and ornate windows shimmered in the distance, as a purple three-story building took shape. I had seen this before in Ponyville, but could not recall its name without Dash to aid me.

The garage door to my old home was open, and I walked inside. The bike I rode to school every day for years rested against the wall. A large ant farm I had once built out of a fish tank sat on the workbench next to a Wonderbolts magazine. I reached over to pick up the magazine and toss it away. As I touched it, I heard glass shatter and a wave of sand and ants poured out onto my arm.

Dozens of stinging sensations caused me to flinch back in pain, before swatting at my right arm. Red welts now dotted the limb from the many bites of the fire ants. The sand slowly poured through the workbench as it also faded from this memory, to join the ruins of my neighbor’s house.

I walked through the door from the garage to my house, expecting to find myself in another memory as with the past doors. Instead, I found myself in a carnival funhouse of sorts. The architecture of Equestria and Earth clashed together, rotting like burnt wood where they touched.

“Hello?” a voice called out.

“Dash?” I walked around the corner, expecting to find a pony at waist level, and ran into a tall woman instead. She stood before me nude and my gaze drifted up her midsection slowly, attempting to put two and two together. When I reached her neck and saw strands of rainbow hair, I knew this human had to be her.

“Don, I’m so glad I found you!” Dash grabbed me in a hug before I could react, holding me in the crumbling hallway.

“What’s going on? How are you huma—”

The wind was knocked out of me and I lost my voice. Ice filled the pit of my stomach and I looked down between our bodies. The black hilt of a knife stuck out of my belly, surrounded by a gushing red fountain. I could see the splattered blood on her stomach now, and her small hand gripping the handle of the knife.

“D-Dash?” I stuttered.

“Shh, it’s okay, Dude. Just relax, it always had to end this way,” Dash said.

My legs gave out and I slumped to the floor, my mind screaming at me to flee from this place. She went to pull the knife out and I feebly tried to bat her hands away. All the warmth in my body was leaking out the wound and I felt the chill of death in my chest.

“Y-you don’t h-have. . . We c-can both l-live,” I pleaded.

“No, we can’t. Goodbye, Dude.”

Dash yanked the knife out, causing a wave of pain to wash over me, before thrusting it into my chest over and over. I watched helplessly as blood splattered over her face and chest. The walls stopped rippling as they solidified, now entirely of Equestrian design.

I spasmed as my eyes opened up in the darkness. I could feel my body drenched in sweat and the chill of the fan blowing air across the wet bedsheets. My heart was racing and I felt pinned in place, unable to move.

A loud ringing filled my ears and a splitting headache proved to me I was alive. Once I regained my senses, I checked my chest for wounds and found none. I was definitely in my bed on Earth. I took quick stock of myself: ten fingers, two legs, two arms, one member, no knife wounds to my chest, and no psychotic half-human pony. I was okay.

[Don! Are you okay? I had this horrible dream I killed you!]

Yeah, I’m fine.

I rolled over towards the edge of the bed, sending the room spinning. I waited for the vertigo to pass and my vision to adjust to the dim light. An unpleasant pressure built in my head as I did so, my headache refusing to be ignored.

I feel like shit. I’m not so sure that was a dream. It felt like the time I poked around in your memories.

[But all I remember is being in that human house and being chased. I couldn’t see what was following me, but I could feel it getting closer.]

Two silver eyes glowed in the dark and watched me get out of bed and turn on the light. My cat sat there intently studying me as I made my way to the bathroom, using the wall to steady myself.

A splash of cold water from the sink helped me to wake up. I quickly took some tylenol to help with my headache. My forehead still felt hot even after the cold water and I figured I had a fever as well. That was when I noticed a large rash on my right arm, in a similar area to where the ants had bitten me in the dream. I noticed my one eye was still magenta so I examined the rest of the body.

Well, no tail, fur, cutie marks, or hooves. So, aside from this headache and that damn ringing in my ears, I’d say we’re okay. I don’t know if this is from how long we’ve been stuck together, but I can recognize the symptoms.

[Cool. So what is it, Doctor Dude?]

I think it’s an allergic reaction of sorts. My body might be rejecting one or both of us.

[That didn’t happen to my body though.]

I can’t explain it. I just want to get back to your all-powerful magical goddess friends to have them fix this.

[The little girl! She had a doll of me. We need to go back and find her and get answers!]

Or we could Google it.


I walked into the kitchen and got a glass of orange juice, then sat in front of my computer while it started up.

That’s right, you don’t have the internet in Equestria. The internet is what gives humanity its power. It’s an electronic network used by all sentient beings. It surrounds us and penetrates us, binding humanity together.

[Hey, shouldn’t I have known that already? I thought we could access each other’s thoughts.]

We can ask Doctor Google about memory loss.

[Doctor Who?]

Google, the search engine powered by nanobots the government puts in the drinking water, so that they can tell what you’re going to search before you search it!

[. . . Wait, please tell me you’re kidding. Why are you making it so hard for me to read your thoughts?]

It’s this damn headache. It’s hard to focus on anything else.

[Fine, but I don’t see how this internet is going to know a damn thing about Equestria. It’s not like you can just type my name in and find out what’s wrong with us!]

The computer finished loading my desktop and wallpaper. Only now did I remember my fondness for Japanese anime and their ridiculously proportioned school girls. Perhaps it would not have been a problem, but I had one such scantily clad girl as the wallpaper.

[Whoa, she’s fucking hot!]

Hey, that’s my line! And what happened to Soarin?

[Eh, he’s not here right now. But damn! I had no idea women on Earth were that hot.]

She’s not real, she’s just a drawing from the internet.

[Oh, so there is a lot of art on the internet?]

Uh. . . you could say that, yeah.

[Why. . . are you thinking of an octopus? How’d we go from that girl to tentacl—]

I clicked the internet browser to hide the background and tried to change my thoughts.

Granny Smith, Barbara Streisand, Rush Limbaugh, Justin Bieber. . .


Having successfully derailed our train of thought, I prepared to amaze my prismatic passenger with the power of our lord Google. I began to type in her name and results flooded in before I’d even finished it. My eyes went wide as millions of hits were returned for her name.

Wait. . . what the fuck?! Rainbow Dash? Rainbow Dash r34? Rainbow Dash Presents? Rainbow Dash Attacks? A bunch of art of you?

[But—it—you. . . the hell is this?]

How is this possible? My Little Pony was a show my sister watched when we were growing up in the eighties. I got in trouble for sitting on her chest and switching the channel to G.I. Joe more times than I can count.

[No, no, no! Discord, he’s made some kind of trick!]

I selected the Wiki entry for her and began to read. It was odd enough to find out she matched the brand name of a line of children’s toys from the eighties. It was nearly impossible that a new show was created that just happened to be all about her and matched up this perfectly.

I know the universe is infinite, but this is fucking ridiculous! There’s no way this can be true. A show all about you, completely independent of your world, matching up so perfectly!

[How can they know I did a sonic rainboom in flight camp? They even know which numbers I had at the Best Young Fliers contest! You’re in on this, aren’t you?! This is all some kind of trap!]

Calm down, Dash! I don’t know what’s going on, but let’s not panic. We’ll keep reading until we find something. Maybe you just erased all my memories of this and there’s a perfectly logical explanation to it.

[No! Give me control back right now! I’m getting outta here!]

I slapped myself in the face to knock some sense into her, realizing only after the fact I was actually slapping myself. My face was now burning from the stinging pain, but it had restored order for now.

Wow, it knows everything about you. Children’s show, your whole life, toys, merchandise, a planet where the sun orbits the planet!

[I reject your reality and substitute my own! This can’t be real.]

It seems rather real to me. The question is, how in the hell is it possible? And why doesn’t it mention us, if this really is a history of your entire life?

[Well, it stopped just over a year ago. That’s when Twilight became a princess. It doesn’t mention the attempted treaty with the changelings or when I went with Applejack to pay respects to her parents.]

So it’s all the events of your life up to about a year ago?

[Yeah, but I still can’t believe it.]

Well, let’s see what else is out there on the internet.

I went back to search results and went to click on videos. Instead, I hit images and loaded up hundreds of drawing of Dash. Unfortunately for both our sanity, I don’t keep safe-search enabled on my computer. We were assaulted by images both vile and arousing at the same time.

Dash and I couldn’t speak as we saw her mounting a kitchen sink and using a tea saucer in creative ways. No sooner had that image passed, we saw a dozen green tentacles wrapped around her. To see a pony I’d come to know being violated in so many ways left me unable to form any words of explanation.

[Oh. My. God! What the fucking hell?! Is—Are Scootaloo and Pinkie banging me with a loaf of bread?!]

I backed out of the tab quickly and clicked the first YouTube link I could find. It brought me to an interesting advertisement for a retail chain selling My Little Pony merchandise.

[Wait, you’re just gonna ignore that horrible stuff they had of me?]

What horrible stuff?

[That photo of me with rule 34 on it or something. What is that rule anyway?]

You don’t wanna know. Look, this link is to an episode of your show.

[Don’t click it! What if it causes one of those timey-wimey things like Twilight had to deal with, and my future self and past-self get in an argument and tons of horrible stuff happens?!]

Well, you haven’t had a rational thought in the last twenty minutes, so I’m going to keep investigating. Just keep the panicked ranting to a dull roar, okay?

[How would you feel if people were reading all about your life right now? Laughing as I shoved that vibrating toy—]

Dash! That’s gross! I hope no one ever hears about this whole ordeal. No offense, but no one will ever know about this. I plan to drink moonshine until I forget all about my trip to Equestria.

[None taken. I’ve tried Applejack’s moonshine. We use it to detonate tree stumps on the weather team. All you need is a jar of moonshine and an open flame.]

Wow, and I thought people in the deep south could make a good jar of moonshine. Remind me to never try any of AJ’s brew.

I clicked on the link to an episode of My Little Pony called “Sonic Rainboom.” It would likely have been footage of Dash’s creation of a Sonic Rainboom, however it had been taken down with a copyright notice by Hasbro.

‘Hasbro’. . . Wait, the Wiki! I think they own My Little Pony.

[Okay, so let’s go ask them why they’re spying on us!]

It’s not that simple. One, I don’t know where their headquarters are, and if I did, it would likely take days to get there. Two, we’d have to force our way in and hope to find the person who knows what’s going on. Three? We’d just get thrown out on the street for being crazy.

[Well, we can’t do nothing. If they think they own My Little Pony, who owns Hasbro? Maybe we can find answers if we go to the owner.]

Fine, let’s look into it. I’m telling you, however, that we can’t just walk up to someone that famous and ask for an interview.

I went back to Google and searched for the owner of Hasbro. I quickly tracked down the name and Wikipedia account of John De Lancie. Scrolling down to his film and T.V. credits, I found some interesting notes.

It says here that this guy did the voice of Discord on the show. Him and his wife, Lauren De Lancie, were co-creators of the show. Later on he made enough money from that show and Star Trek that. . . wait.


I scrolled back up to his picture and my jaw fell open in shock.

Q! He played this prankster on one of my favorite sci-fi shows! He’d go around using others for his own personal amusement, snapping his fingers to use his powers. He was a god.

[That sounds just like Discord. God of chaos, uses others for his own amusement.]

It says here he was asked to step down as executive producer after self-inserting himself in the show as Discord. Six months later in a ruthless buyout, he took ownership of Hasbro, and the branch that makes the show.

[Wait, if he was part of the show, and the show is about my life. . . and he’s just like the Discord in my life. . . what if he is Discord?]

Huh? Like, Discord lives in both worlds?

[Yeah. That would explain how they made a cartoon about my life. It was just Discord recalling past events.]

I suppose I’ve heard crazier conspiracy theories. He made a fortune off the shows, and being an all-powerful, trans-dimensional god of chaos would make it easy. Still, didn’t he spend a few thousand years in stone? How would he know any of this?

[I don’t know. Maybe he had a chatty gardner tend to his statue? We did sort of free him too, so he could have done all sorts of things. Imagine being able to just step to another world to hide from your enemies! I bet that’s why he’s been so scarce since his ‘reform.’]

I sighed and leaned back in my chair. “This is just fucking great.” I heard a meow and turned to see my cat. “Bagheera, I need you to keep an eye on the house. I have to find a way to make a demigod fix all the mischief he’s caused and restore my life to normal.”

My cat tilted his head to the side in confusion.

Right, I’m talking to a cat.

[Dude, you’re feeling pretty upset now.]

I feel like just quitting is more like it! How are we supposed to fix this, or force him to fix it? Plus, we’re stuck here on Earth where I’d be lucky to get within fifty feet of this guy at a sci-fi convention! And by then I’m pretty damn sure we’ll both be dead!

[Okay, relax. My friends won’t abandon me. As soon as they found out I’m missing, they would never stop trying to get me back.]

Well what are we supposed to do, sit here and wait?

[Let’s look around some more. Maybe we could watch an episode.]

I moaned and went back to Google to begin searching for more information about My Little Pony. We went to every site we could find and read every conspiracy theory out there. Nothing like this had happened before on Earth. We came across everything from fictional stories about humans visiting Equestria, to posts arguing Chrysalis and Mr. Cake was the one true pairing.

Searching the internet and the apparently vast fandom of adults was not helping my headache in any way. So far we had read up on every aspect of Discord’s human persona. Dash and I could name the favorite meals of each voice actor, and had seen lyrics to every song Pinkie had ever sung. Yet this information did nothing to help us figure out how, or why, we were sent back.

[Come on, Google Soarin again!]

Will you quit? I only looked him up to see if his description matches your memories. It’s weird enough knowing there is a cartoon show based around your existence. I don’t think looking up images of your boyfriend is gonna help.

[Come on, if someone turned your life into a show you’d want to read up on all your friends, right?]

Fine, if it buys me some peace and quiet.

I typed in “Rainbow Dash Soarin” and hit enter. Google happily brought back a plethora of articles and pictures, which I began to click through.

See anything you like? I mean, he doesn’t even speak in the show so how would anyone even know what he’s like? I don’t think Discord really cares about anypony but the Elements.

[Probably because we’re the coolest and make him the most money. Does that make me a mascot?]

I had surfed through a dozen pages of results from Google when something caught my attention. Beneath the title “Rainbow Dash and Soarin” was a small excerpt, with the words strict bondage jumping out at me.

What’s this?

I clicked on the link and a large image of Dash in a rubber Wonderbolts suit opened up. She was gagged and being mounted by Soarin. The artist had gone to great lengths to give the image as much detail as possible.

That’s. . .

[. . . Awesome! It’s like that dream we had.]

Gah, no way, we’re not going there.

I closed the tab and went to The Chive to look at images of scantily clad women—“Mind the Gap” to be precise.

I’m getting tired of being turned on by ponies.

[Well, at least these humans are really hot. I’d love to get my hands on those flanks of hers.]

And what? Tell poor Soarin you’re into alien females now?

[Yeah? Well, it’s not as stupid as being into ponies, you pervert!]

Let’s get our mind out of the gutter for a minute and find something productive to do.

[How about you get your mind out of the gutter? I’m not the one standing at attention here.]

Yeah, well I’m sure as hell not gonna do anything to fix that little problem to an image of you and Soarin. That’s for damn sure.

I heard a meow and noticed my cat staring at me from next to the computer.

[A cat is fine too.]

At the rate your mind entered the gutter I’m beginning to wonder if I was the pony and you were the human all along.

[It’s only a matter of time until I get control back, and you’ve just taught me how to use the internet. We’re gonna have fun tonight.]

I dare you to try that tonight, Dash! I’ll eat the biggest steak in the morning you’ve ever seen, wrapped in bacon, and with a side of greasy chicken strips.

[Heh, well you wouldn’t last ten sec—]

The phone rang and interrupted our train of thought. It was within arms reach, so I lifted it to my ear. “Hello?”

“Don? It’s Anthony. I need you to come back to the ER,” he said.

His voice was monotone and a bit deeper than normal, conveying his somber attitude. “Alright, what’s wrong with me?”

“We’ll talk about that when you get here.”

“Cut the bullshit, we’re professionals. What’d the lab results say?”

“Don, are you sure?”

“Yeah, you’re not gonna get me to come in to the ER by beating around the bush. I’ve got a lot on my mind.”

I heard him sigh and some papers shuffling. “Don, I ordered as many tests off the samples you have already provided as I could. I don’t want to worry you pre-maturely, but with these white blood cell counts, the CK levels, creatinine in the urine. . . I think you could be having serious issues with your immune system.”

“Shit, well that explains the rash and fever.”

“Wait, you’ve had more symptoms? You idiot! Why didn’t you come in immediately?”

I shook my head and glanced up at the screen, seeing several tabs still open to various pony related websites. “Like I said, a lot on my mind.”

“We need to run more tests. Somehow the change in eye color, your sickness, maybe even the mental status changes are all tied into a massive autoimmune—”

“Stop, what was that last part?”

The phone was awkwardly silent for a moment. “Uh, your sickness?”

“After that.”


“No! Fucking mental status changes,” I shouted.

“Sorry, I didn’t want to worry you.” He sighed and took a deep breath. “Melody got the board involved. . . They’re moving to fire you for being mentally ill and a threat to patients. We can fight this. She made you work while sick, but I absolutely have to admit you for evaluation and further testing.”

We can’t go in. If your friends do come looking for us, we have to be here waiting.

[He’s right, though. I can feel your body too. You feel worse than you look, and you look like shit. We should go let him help. It won’t do either of us any good if you get hurt.]

You don’t understand, we could be stuck there weeks!

“No thanks, maybe tomorrow.” I started to move the phone away from my ear.

“Wait!” he shouted. I brought the phone back to my ear. “Don?”


“Look, this is why I didn’t want to tell you over the phone, but these lab results are really bad. Judging by them, and the fact you just admitted to further symptoms, I think your immune system will cause massive organ failure inside a week. You need to come in now or you’ll be dead before your next shift!”

Author's Note:

It felt so good to get all the meta-humor and references out of my system. Also, it immensely alleviated my writer's block. Expect a cloptional chapter exploring the absurdity of rule 34 soon, and to he whom spots the most references and memes in this story, I shall honor them with some sorta prize or something.

Only edited by 1 out of 2 editors, so if the quality is bad, keep it to yourself. :rainbowwild:
Honestly, I'm a very paranoid author when it comes to releasing updates.

I mean, um. . . if that's okay with you. Because I love you all and thanks for awaiting this update patiently. Expect a random story update a day until I burn out Sunday. :yay: