• Published 15th Aug 2013
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The Adventures of Damon Lipton - Mr101

After being tricked into using a forbidden spell to enter the void, Damon Lipton is turned into a Lich and thrown into Equestria by the God of Mischief. Dorian the Deranged.

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Chapter XXXII - Inner Rage

Author's Note:

[Edited version to come]

I just want to say, I'm sorry for how long this has taken to come out. If any of you have been following my blogs you will know I've had a lot of real life stuff going on as well as university work preventing me from really getting any solid writing done.

Once again, I'm sorry this took a while. I hope you enjoy it.

The Adventures of Damon Lipton

Chapter XXXII - Inner Rage

The silence in the cavern was heavy, not a single sound seemed like it could pierce through it. Everyone from the group, Princess Celestia, the elements and Damon stared at Kalanar with their eyes wide with shock and horror. No one moved as Kalanar glaring pure hatred towards Dorian.

“Master… you… you were his follower?” Damon asked softly, not believing what he had heard come out of Dorian’s mouth.

Kalanar didn’t answer, his eyes kept shifting between the group and the madman. Instead of answering, he let out a roar and charged Dorian on all fours before he pushed off from the ground and spun, drawing twin blades made of pure ice and brought them down on Dorian.

Dorian grinned as he twirled his cane and blocked the incoming attack. With a quick movement he swung his leg up and caught Kalanar in the stomach and kicked the mage up into the air, giggling as he watched Kalanar somersault backwards before landing on his feet and growling at him.

“Don’t be rude, Daloreth. Answer them.”

“Don’t call me that!” Kalanar roared.

He discarded one of the blades where it vanished before he slammed his hand down, hard, onto the ground making it crack before a column of earth shot out from under Dorian, momentarily catching him off guard. Kalanar used this opportunity to fire a torrent of wind from his free hand that slammed into Dorian, sending him hurtling backwards and into the wall with a loud boom.

The elf then quickly ran at Dorian, this time on his legs only, and roared out as he continued to repeatedly blast the impact zone with a variety of different elemental magic.

Twilight shook softly behind Celestia, her eyes filled with tears as she watched Kalanar unleash his rage upon the madman, never having seen anyone or anypony seemingly filled with this much anger before. Not even Nightmare Moon was this furious when they fought. Damon cursed to himself as he tried to teleport out to no avail, finding his Master’s magic signature preventing him from casting his teleportation spell. The skeleton quickly spun on his heels to look at Princess Celestia.

“I can’t cast my teleportation spell, Kalanar’s got a charm blocking it out. Can you get us out of here, your highness?”

Celestia’s horn lit up before she looked at Damon with a sour and slightly panicked expression.

“My magic’s not responding either, just how powerful is Kalanar?” Celestia asked with clear worry in her tone.

“Very…” Damon replied, “he is the youngest mage to reach the rank of Elder… I have no idea how powerful he really is.”

Damon looked back over to Kalanar with a concerned expression, But he is still a mortal, and mortals can hold only so much magic at a given time… if he is using that much power to hold us in, he could exhaust himself fast...

Kalanar growled as his appearance became more and more draconic, his skin was now fully covered in white scales and his head had started to form into a dragon’s snout. A tail had begun to snake out from behind him, the spines made of deadly sharp ice that had a slight, chilly mist forming around each one. His hair was ragged and unkempt, partially covering his right eye. He lept at Dorian who attempted to leap out of the way, only for the mage to grab him by by his leg and slam him into the ground over and over.

All the while Dorian cried out with an eerie and insane laugh that clashed with the sounds of his body being slammed into the ground, filling the chamber with what sounded like a mixture of torture and comedy.

Kalanar then opened his mouth and a jet of blue flames burst out, straight into the madman’s face. When the flames stopped, Dorian was no longer beneath Kalanar and was standing to the side, a large grin on his face that seemed to be impossible to physically be on a face of his size. His clothes were a fair bit burned but aside from that. Dorian appeared to have no injuries on his body.

“Ho boy!” Dorian cried out with glee, “I haven't had this much fun in a fight since—”

Before he could finish, he was struck by a swipe of Kalanar’s clawed hand which sent him flying up into the air, somersaulting backwards. Kalanar raised his hand up and brought it down to the ground. As he did this, a large hand linked by what appeared to be dark metal blocks that was covered in intricate and strange looking indented patterns, including an eye on the palm, glowing an eerie ice blue. In following with Kalanar’s hand, the metal blocked hand slammed down onto Dorian and into the ground below. Kalanar lifted his hand up, and in so, the metal hand rose up, revealing Dorian slightly embedded in the ground but still seemingly unhurt.

“Okay, I’ll give you that one,” Dorian chuckled whilst spitting out a tooth. “I guess I—”

His sentence was again interrupted as the metal hand came smashing down on top of him once more. When it was lifted, Dorian was more embedded into the ground and his expression had soured a little bit.

“Okay, can you—”

Again, he was interrupted as the hand came crashing down on him, Kalanar snarling as he glared at the spot where Dorian lay in the ground.

As the hand rose up again, Dorian groaned a little and tried to sit up, “Okay, just stop—”

He was silenced once more as the hand was slammed on him.


The hand slammed him again.


The hand slammed him again.

Okay! That’s it!

Before Kalanar could slam the metal hand down on him again, Dorian’s fists, albeit it slightly large than normal, shot out from the ground below and uppercutted Kalanar directly under his chin. The impact made the mage lost his focus and was sent hurtling into one of the walls.

Dorian slowly stood up, revealing his arms sticking into the ground as he gave an annoyed scowl at Kalanar as the mage slumped to the floor. The hands retracted back down into the ground followed by his arms pulling out and returning to their normal size.

“That was just plain unfair, Daloreth… now, I’m going to have to punish you for that.”

Damon and the others watched in horror as Kalanar was punched by Dorian, watching as the madman dusted himself down, a disturbing scowl on his face. But this wasn’t what was worrying him. Ever since the fight had started, Damon could feel Kalanar use up more and more of his magic. Despite his age, his body was still mortal and could only house so much magic before his energy would be depleted, and if that happened.

Kalanar would collapse and would have a high chance of dying from magical exhaustion.

The mage began to look around, trying to think of a way to disable the charm that was preventing them from escaping via teleportation. He placed his hands on the barrier and lowered his head.

“Damon, what are you doing?” Celestia asked.

“Something stupid, but if it works, you need to get Dorian away from Kalanar and calm him down and restrain him—”

“What do you mean, restrain?!” Rainbow spluttered, interrupting Damon, “have you not been paying attention?! He’s turning into a bloody dragon!”

Applejack nodded in agreement, “Ah have to agree with Dash there, Damon. Ah don’t think we could do that.”

“It does seem like a tough thing to pull off, Damon,” Twilight added.

Pinkie pouted, “We should at least try, Twilight.”

“I-I think so too…” Fluttershy whispered in agreement with Pinkie.

As the bearers began to bicker amongst themselves, a boom interrupted them as Kalanar threw a large ball of blue fire at Dorian that exploded, sending him flying back before his arms transformed into large bat wings that kept him hovering in the air.

“We don’t have time to debate this! We need to do this otherwise Kalanar will die!” Damon shouted.

“What… what do you mean?” Twilight asked.

“Princess Celestia knows,” Damon replied. “She once told Kalanar that if a unicorn drains themselves of magic they can collapse and fall into a small coma as they recover their energy.”

“You mean Kalanar will collapse and fall into a coma?” Rarity asked.

“No… he could kill himself from magical exhaustion. A body can only hold onto so much magic before its drained and the users life force is used in place of the energy, meaning if we don’t subdue Kalanar now. He could end up draining himself of his power and start to use his life force.”

“But you said Kalanar was aware of his limits,” Celestia replied.

“Look at him!” Damon snapped, “He’s enraged and isn’t thinking straight! That’s why we have to do this!”

The elements and the princess were about to speak when Twilight ran forward and charged her horn, ready to attack.

“I’m with you, Damon. I’ll hit Dorian with all I have!”

“Ah shoot, if Twi’s willing, then so ahm I!” Applejack said as she stood by Twilight and scraped the ground with her front hoof, ready to charge.

“I’m not going to leave my friends hanging!” Rainbow said, flying up beside the other two, “Even if it is a stupid idea.”

The pegasus ignored the looks of her friends as one by one the other three elements joined Twilight.

“Very well, what’s the plan, Damon?” Celestia asked as she and her guards joined the elements.

“I’m going to try to absorb the magic of the barrier, at least, the charm part that is preventing us to teleport. As soon as I do, the guards need to protect the elements and you need to hit Dorian as hard as you can, your highness, as you’re the only one out of you lot that could do Dorian damage.”

“Hey!” Rainbow protested.

“Twilight, you and the others try to snap Kalanar out of it. He may be enraged, but he should still see you as friends and not foes.”

“Wait, what?” Rainbow asked.

“You ready?” Damon asked, ignoring her.

“Damon, are you sure this will work?” Twilight asked.

Damon chuckled, “I have no idea!”

He then cried out in pain as bright yellow energy flowed into his arms, his body began to violently twitch as he gritted his teeth and persevered through the pain. Suddenly, the barrier disappeared and Damon fell to the ground on his back, smoke rising from his body.

“Damon!” Fluttershy gasped.

“Go! GO!! Damon shouted.

With a slight bit of hesitation, the group charged forwards. Celestia took to the air and blasted Dorian with a huge beam of magic, sending the startled madman across the cave and slamming into the wall.

I absorbed more than I should have… Damon groaned as he stood up. I don’t think I’ve got enough power to fight fully.

“No!” Kalanar roared, “Stay out of this, he’s mine too

Before Kalanar could answer, Rainbow shot into him at great speed and knocked the wind out of him, sending him to the ground as the girls and guards ran over. Kalanar shoved Rainbow off before being tackled by Applejack followed by Pinkie. Kalanar roared and shoved Applejack off with all his might, sending the farm pony tumbling over the ground, her armor clanking as she did. Pinkie clung on with all her might as the mage tried to pull her off, his eyes flashing a dangerous glare at her.

“Don’t make me use force!” The elf cried out.

Pinkie refused to budge, making the mage all the more angrier. A wave of air suddenly blasted out from him, sending the mares and guards shooting away from him. They cried out as they were shot back, giving Kalanar the chance to attack when he felt something grab him by the chest and hold on tightly.

“Kalanar! Please!”

Kalanar looked down to see Twilight looking up at him, on the verge of tears, having teleported before the blast of air had got her.

“Miss Twilight… move,” Kalanar said coldly.

“No!” Twilight said defiantly.

“Back down, this isn’t your fight, Miss Twi—”

Kalanar stopped mid sentence when Twilight smacked him across the snout with her hoof. He blinked in surprise and looked down to see Twilight, tears streaming down her face and scowling angrily up at him.

“Please! Stop! I don’t like seeing you like this! I can’t just stand by and watch my friend throw his life energy away and lose control!” she pleaded, “You know you need us to help you beat Dorian, please calm down! We need you and you need us.”

Kalanar processed her words in his head. As this was happening, he felt the rage in his heart start to fizzle away.

“... I need you…” Twilight whispered softly as she clung to his body.

The elf stared down at her and looked at his claws, before realizing what he had done. He closed his eyes and his body began to revert to its normal self before he slumped to his knees and wrapped his arms around Twilight, holding her close to him.

“Oh, Miss Twilight… I’m so sorry… I just lost it, I let my rage—”

“You can explain later… right now we need to defeat Dorian. Together.”

Kalanar looked into her face before smiling and rising up, “Yes… together.”

“But we are going to talk later, Mister.” Twilight added, giving him a stern look. “Now, let’s go help the Princess!”

The looked over to see Dorian and Celestia locked in a beam battle. Celestia’s white and yellow beam was slowly pushing Dorian’s black and white beam back. As they were about to join in on the fight. Dorian suddenly flapped into the air on his wings, dodging her beam that exploded behind him and snapped his fingers making a ‘T’ with his hands.

“Time out!” he cried.

“What?” Celestia spluttered, confused and startled by his sudden outburst.

“I nearly forgot!” Dorian grinned, “I was too pre-occupied with Daloreth that someone here isn’t meant to be here!

Dorian pointed a finger at Damon before snapping his fingers and making the mage vanish in the same way as the guards.

“Damon!” Kalanar shouted.

“Relax,” Dorian smirked, “I only sent him out the caves. My dear friend Discord merely wanted to meet the fellow! Said something about something in him interesting him, I don’t know. Discord’s odd like that.”

As the elements grouped behind Celestia along with her guards and Kalanar took a place beside the alicorn, Dorian cracked his hands and grinned before his skin started to slowly darken and his eyes slowly turned white as his form began to deform slightly and grow in size.

“Now… where were we?” he asked, a secondary deep tone underlying the his normal tone.

Damon found himself outside the cave, confused and blinking against the suns harsh rays. He looked around his surroundings before he realized he had been teleported outside of the cave and quickly rushed to go back in, only to have the cave suddenly blocked by a large wall of what appeared to be large blocks of chocolate. The mage stumbled back a bit, still a little run down from absorbing the charm on the barrier.

“What the—?”

“Ah, you made it!” A voice cheerfully cried behind him.

Damon spun on his heels and came face to face with the creature that he had been told about. Discord himself. Discord was grinning from ear to ear as he floated in the air, his paw behind his back and a cup of what Damon assumed to be tea floating beside him. Damon immediately punched his fist out, shooting a cone of fire at Discord.

Discord merely teleported before the flames could hurt him and appeared nearby, sipping daintily at his drink. Damon snarled and swung his hand up, making a spear of earth rise up and collide with the draconequus who yelled out in pain before splitting into two Discord’s.

“Well that was not very nice!” One of the Discord’s said.

“I quite agree!” The other replied.

Damon coughed slightly and groaned, Damn it! Draining that barriers damn near drained me

“Now, can we talk like two grown ups or do I have to put you on the naughty step?” Discord asked as his two halves reformed before a long staircase appeared beside him, the words ‘naughty step’ on the bottom one.

“What do you want to talk about?” Damon sneered.

“Why, I wish to make a deal with you!” Discord grinned from ear to ear.

Damon blinked, “A deal?”

“That’s right!” Discord replied, giving Damon a huge thumb up.

Damon eyed the chaotic creature with suspicion, “And why, exactly, would I make a deal with you?”

Discord gave him a mock gasp as he held his paw to his chest and choked back a sob, “D-Damon, I’m hurt!”

Damon merely glared at the draconequus who in turn snorted at the mage.

“Okay, the real reason is because of this!”

Discord reached behind him and pulled out a bundle of pink fluff. He snapped his talon and the fluff transformed into a small filly being held by the scruff of her neck.

A filly Damon was very close to.

“Pinches!” Damon shouted.

“Uncle Bones!” Pinchy cried, her eyes on the verge of tears.

“Put her down, Discord,” Damon growled, his hands engulfed in flames as he glared at the draconequus.

“Why? I found this lil cutie wandering all by herself in town with no guardian. Luckily, good old uncle Discord found her and is going to keep her very safe from harm.” Discord replied, hugging Pinchy closer to him, making the filly all the more terrified.

“I’m warning you, Discord.” Damn said with a cold tone, “Put my niece down…”

Discord pretended to think, stroking his beard which made it stretch out before snapping back into place.

“How about no? You crazy mage bastard,” he replied. “You think I’m stupid enough to hand over my bargaining tool?”

“Bargaining tool?” Damon asked.

“Remember, I mentioned a deal?” Discord asked.

He snapped his talons and a small screen appeared, showing the conversation the literally just had regarding a deal.

“Oh, they never capture my good side,” Discord tutted.

“Really trying my patience Discord… what is this damn deal?!”

“Well, you see, Damon…” Discord began and snapped his talons.

From somewhere nearby, a set of violins that hovered near him started to play sad and slow music as the draconequus suspended Pinchy in a ball of magic before he threw his arm over his face in a melodramatic way.

“I’m not at my full power to take over Equestria, those blasted elements could very easily defeat me in this state! And bless his little socks for that display at the Gala to get me free, but Dorian wasn’t able to give me nearly enough chaotic energy for me to try and make Equestria my own little playground again.”

He then turned his head to look at Damon with a large smirk on his face.

“But you see, Damon… there’s something inside you.”

“What are you driveling about?” Damon asked with great irritation.

“Dorian doesn’t seem to see it, but I do. Inside you, Damon. There’s great power, power that just reeks of chaotic energy. And as the only wielder of such magic in Equestria... I think I have the right to that power.”

The draconequus snapped his talons and Pinchy appeared back in his grip, struggling to get free.

“So, here’s the deal Damon. You’re going to give me that power in exchange for the little snookums.”

“Just like that?” Damon scoffed, “Forgive me for not trusting you.”

“My good sir, I am a draconequus of my word! And besides, you don’t want something bad to happen to dear old Pinches here do you?”

“Uncle Bones… I’m scared…” Pinchy whimpered.

“Don’t worry, Pinches. I’ll save you.”

“Tick-tock~!” Discord said in a singsong voice.

Damon glared at the draconequus as Discord chuckled, trying to think of anyway he could go about it without having to give up his power. But as he thought, Discord increased his grip on the little filly who cried out in pain, making Damon flinch and growl.

“Fine…” Damon replied, knowing he had little to no choice in his current state. “take my power…”

“No Uncle Bones, you can’t!” Pinchy screamed.

“Oh do hush up, the grown ups are talking,” Discord snapped.

The filly grunted and glared at the draconequus. In a single desperate moment to protect her uncle the filly somehow managed to fight her fear and she bit down hard on Discord’s thumb

Discord yelped in pain as Pinchy clamped down on his thumb as hard as she could, drawing some blood out of his paw. Discord swung his paw outwards and Pinchy went flying as Damon watched in silent horror, the filly slamming into a nearby tree head first and letting out a pained yell as a crack filled the area before she fell to the ground.

Her body not moving.

Damon stared at her body, feeling time slow down as every sound faded into nothing around him except for the crack of Pinchy’s head hitting the tree. As he stared, he felt his entire frame become as cold as ice. A strange feeling of energy began to stir within him as a burning rage began to build.

“Stupid little filly,” Discord muttered as he sucked on his thumb, “now, as I was saying—”

Discord paused as he felt the wind kick up and the sky started to darken. He looked over at Damon. The mage was staring at the spot where Pinchy lay, his face frozen in shock.

“I say, old sport, you okay?”

Damon didn’t respond. Instead, he slowly rose up to his feet, his head hanging low as the winds kicked up around him. Making his robes and the nearby branches and leaves blow violently about. The wind started to pick up speed as a low boom of thunder rumbled above them. Discord nervously took a step back, his eyes never leaving the mage. Discord was about to speak but stopped when he noticed Damon slowly rise his head.

The mage’s skull was now covered with rotting flesh that clung to the bone, his robes started to become darker in colour as they rotted in several places revealing more flesh covered bones. Discord’s eyes watered as the stench of decay hit his nostrils like a freight train and had to hold back the urge to vomit. Damon’s green flames in his eyes then suddenly turned a crimson red before he spoke spoke in a deep, cold voice that sent a chilling shiver down the draconequus’ spine.

“You… are… DEAD!”

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