• Published 15th Aug 2013
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The Adventures of Damon Lipton - Mr101

After being tricked into using a forbidden spell to enter the void, Damon Lipton is turned into a Lich and thrown into Equestria by the God of Mischief. Dorian the Deranged.

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Chapter XXV - At The Gala Part II

Author's Note:

[Edited Version to come.] Any errors, feel free to let me know!

The Adventures Of Damon Lipton

Chapter XXV - At The Gala Part II

“I’m… not so sure this will go well,” Damon muttered.

“Why?” Kalanar asked.

The two were walking alongside the Elements, Trixie, Berry, Colgate, Pinchy, Spike and a four stallion guard escort through a large hallway to where they were to meet with the Princess’ and Prince.

“Well, think about it. I’m certain that they will react relatively okay towards you, I mean, you still have your flesh, Master. But me, I’m a walking, talking skeleton. Ponyville may have come to accept me after reassurance from the Princess, but… I don’t know. Part of me just thinks no matter what she says, something bad is going to happen regarding me or both of us,” Damon replied.

“I think you’re looking into it a bit too much,” Twilight said, giving him a reassuring smile. “The Princess has this motherly aura about her that will reassure everyone, hay, if you managed to get Blueblood to treat you like an equal, then you’ll be fine.”

“I never did ask about that,” Kalanar replied. “Who is this Blueblood fellow. We never did get a chance to meet.”

“He’s the nephew of Princess Celestia and Luna,” Damon explained. “He seems like an alright guy, but Twi here seems to have a bee in her bonnet about him.”

“Ah’ve been meaning to ask ‘bout that to, Twi,” Applejack said, joining the conversation. “Why do you have such a negative opinion of him? He seemed alright when he met Damon.”

“Yeah, what is that about?” Rainbow added.

“You guys didn’t grow up in Canterlot. And because I was the student of the Princess, I heard—

“It’s because of how he is seen by so many people based off one time seeing him and therefore decide that he has all these negative traits about him like pony superiority, xenophobia and sexism,” Pinkie interrupted with a grin.

Everyone stopped, including the guards, and just stared at Pinkie. The mare tilted her head and blinked in confusion.

“What? That’s how he’s usually written!”

Twilight shook her head, deciding to ignore the pink mare, “No, that’s not exactly it. It’s because… well, you hear things. Like how he treated certain ponies, or how he would act if he didn’t get his way.”

“And did you see any of that happening whilst you lived here?” Berry asked.

“Well… no, but I—”

“Did anyone else see it and tell you?” Colgate added.

“No, but they said—”

“You shouldn’t believe everything you hear, dear,” Rarity interrupted and smiled. “Rumors are more often than not untrue, I should know. I’ve heard my fair share of them in the fashion business.”

Twilight sighed and smiled softly, “You’re right… and in fairness he was alright when he first met Damon.”

“Exactly,” Rarity smiled. “Who knows, you may get along well with him and realise just how silly these rumors are. I know I’m going to get along with him.”

As Rarity giggled and shook her head left and right, fantasising about how her life would be after bagging the Prince. Spike grumbled quietly to himself as the others rolled their eyes at the unicorns filly like giggling, approaching two large doors.

“Please wait here,” one of the guards said, before he and the others opened the door and exited the hallway.

The group waited patiently before the door opened and Princess Celestia, Luna and Prince Blueblood entered the hallway with the guards.

“It’s good to see all to you,” Celestia smiled.

Twilight smiled back as she and the princess shared a gentle nuzzle, “It’s good to see you again as well, Princess.”

“You must be Elder Kalanar,” Blueblood said, looking up at the elf. “It’s good to finally meet you.”

“Indeed I am, your highness. It’s good to meet you as well,” Kalanar replied, bowing forwards.

Blueblood chuckled, “No need to bow, wouldn’t be proper of me to have the ones who stopped that… thing from possibly attacking more innocents.”

Blueblood then fully inspected Kalanar, giving his body a look over and then looked to Damon, “Forgive me if I come off as rude, but. Why aren’t you a skeletal being such as Damon here?”

“Ah, well. In truth, we are two different types of humanoids. I’m an elf, and he is human. However, the idiot got himself caught up in one of our more… annoying deity’s plans and was turned into a lich.”

“Hey, I’m not an idi—” Damon started.

“Yes, yes you are,” Berry interrupted with a deadpan expression. “Since the day we met to the end of our days.”

Damon wanted to protest, but in fairness, his track record wasn’t that good. He crossed his arms and huffed, looking away as Pinchy giggled beside her mother.

“I see…” Blueblood mused. “Perhaps we could discuss more at a later date? I feel as if you’d have more wisdom than Damon,” he said with a playful smirk at the lich.

“Hey!” Damon protested.

Kalanar nodded, resisting the urge to smirk, “I’d be more than happy to at some point.”

“Enough of this chit-chat!” Luna cried with a grin, “We have a party to attend!”

Celestia rolled her eyes and tittered, “Very well. Now, before we go in, this is how it will go.”

Everyone gave Celestia their attention as she nodded to the guards to leave them.

“As all the guests have arrived, Luna and I will announce the start of the Gala and introduce the Elements as one of the two special guests. We will then announce you and Damon, stating you are guests of honor from the realm of Cyrium beyond the Veil Sea.”

“Veil Sea?” Damon asked.

Luna nodded, “It’s the largest ocean on our planet. Not much is actually known beyond its horizon as it is very difficult to traverse, given its weather acts like the Everfree forest but worse. Nopony would question your origins if we state you came from beyond the horizon as ambassadors, at least, that’s the hope.”

“I see, whilst I have my doubts. I’ll go along with it,” Kalanar replied.

Celestia smiled, “Very good. Shall we get started?”

The group nodded as the Princess’ and Prince left, along with Berry, Pinchy and Colgate who left to mingle with the crowd leaving the Elements, Damon and Kalanar behind.

“Nervous?” Dash asked, nudging Damon in the side.

“Hmm? Me? Naah, this will be a breeze,” Damon replied with a cocky grin.

“Just… try not to embarrass me or yourself. Again,” Kalanar sighed.

“Again?” Twilight asked.

“Uh, nevermind. Don’t worry about it!” Damon suddenly said, nervously smiling as he waved his hands dismissively.

The girls looked to one another before a curious, yet mischievous smirk etched on their faces save for Fluttershy who merely smiled.

“Worry about what?” Twilight asked.

Nothing!” Damon said, ringing his bony hands together in a clear act of panic.

“Well,” Kalanar started, smirking at Damon’s actions. “It began when we were travelling in the Kingdom of Rhunae...”

Please don’t!” Damon begged.

“We gained an audience with the King himself, and just as he was about to greet us. Damon’s nerves got the best of him and he—”

“Lady Twilight?” A guard interrupted from the open door. “The Princess is about to introduce you and the other Elements.”

“Thank you, come on girls,” Twilight said, a little dejected.

“Darn, I wanted to know what happened,” Applejack grumbled.

Rainbow Dash huffed and nodded, “Yeah, I bet it was something so uncool and totally embarrassing.”

As they watched the elements enter the room and the door close, Damon spun on his heels and glared at Kalanar. Grabbing his shoulders and shaking him in anger.

“You swore you would never speak of that again!”

Kalanar rolled his eyes and smacked the back of Damon’s head, “I wouldn’t have mentioned it, you twit. I was teasing. Remember, that… incident wasn’t particularly good for me either…”

“True…” Damon said, rubbing the back of his head.

The two shuddered and remained in silence for a moment before the door opened again, revealing the guard from before.

“Elder Kalanar? The Princess is about to announce you and Damon.”

“Thank you,” Kalana nodded as he and Damon made their way to the room.

“Well… here we go,” Damon sighed before muttering. “May Varlos watch over us…”

They made their way towards the open door and entered. They walked behind the guard through another hallway, which in the distance they could see Celestia, Luna, Blueblood and the elements standing at the top of some stairs face to their right. The guard motioned them to wait as Celestia noticed them and smiled warmly before turning her attention to the large crowd of noble ponies that eagerly awaited her next words with baited breath.

“Fillies and gentlecolts,” she began. “Many of you have wondered what destroyed the abomination that was spotted the other day, attacking the nearby town of Ponyville.”

The crowd mumbled in agreement, the anticipation growing with every second passing as the princess continued her speech.

“They have traveled to Equestria from beyond the Veil sea in order to make contact with our fair ponies, and I’m pleased to announce, that they are our guests of honor this evening. Would you please show your appreciation of Equestria’s newest allies. The ambassadors of Cyrium, Elder Kalanar and his student, Damon Lipton.”

As she turned her head to nod to the two humanoids, the crowd began to stomp their hooves loudly in applause.

To imagine, there was something beyond the Veil sea. Not to mention, the ones who had defeated what had been called the ‘monster of Ponyville’ had been the two visitors.

As Kalanar started to approach them, Celestia fought back the urge to bit her lip. It was the moment of truth, the moment the alicorn was gambling on, unsure on how her subjects would react.

Kalanar stepped into the light first, cameras flashing left right and centre as he made his way to join the royals. He bowed to the crowd and smiled, waving as Damon followed suite, his hat covering his face. As Damon turned round, the crowd saw him and a loud, collective gasp.

Save for two mares, one earth one unicorn, who were waving at him with a smile and a madly waving unicorn filly who was on top of the earth ponies head.

The cameras kept flashing as Damon blinked at them, looking at his outfit and looking back. He resisted the urge to grin as an idea came to his head, and he couldn’t help himself.

“What? Is there something on my face?” he asked whilst touching his face.

Somewhere in the crowd, a mare gasped and fainted.

Dorian grumbled as he sat on the cliff overlooking the ocean. He had since reverted back to his earlier form the ponies had seen him the day when he brought the corrupted Ursa to Ponyville and had left the castle more annoyed and confused than when he had entered.

“Damn ponies… why are you as stubborn as dwarves?” he grumbled. “Well… guess they could be considered dwarves, being smaller than an average horse…”

He leant back as his mind wandered to the reason for his long sulk.

“Dorian, you can’t just assume people you kidnap will assist you, you know,” Star Swirl sighed.

Dorian pouted as his mask floated beside him, entertaining itself by making faces, “Well, they should! Discord can do it, and—”

“Discord cheats, he always has done and always will,” Star Swirl interrupted. “Just how he cheated at chess back in the day.”

“... True,” Dorian nodded.

“How are you at chess, Dorian? Still awful?” the unicorn smirked.

“Anyway!” Dorian said, throwing his arms up and ignoring the question. “Do you have anything useful to help me or not? Help a pal out.”

Star Swirl sighed and looked away from within the orb, “I’m afraid I don’t. While I don’t particularly condone what you did with this Damon fellow. I don’t know what you and Discord even did to anger Celestia to result him being cast into stone and banishing you back to Cyrium. At first, I thought it was because she blamed you for my… experiment mishap with this orb.”

“I forget, what were you trying to do again?” Dorian asked, tilting his head. “I never did understand that correctly…”

“I was trying to use the orb to see into other realms of existence and the spell backfired, sucking me into the orb and trapping me here,” the old unicorn said with a heavy sigh.

“Ah yeah…” Dorian muttered.

“So… are you going to tell me what this Damon fellow is here for exactly? And why this relates to Discord?”

“Uhm… no,” Dorian replied. “Not yet at least.”

“... You two idiots cocked up massively, didn’t you?” Starswirl deadpanned.

“... Possibly.”

“You’re both idiots,” Star Swirl sighed. “Still, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt for now. As long as you keep my existence hidden from Celestia.”

***Dorian cursed silently as a burning cross formed on his chest where his heart resided.

“I will, I’m a man of my word. Even with that bloody promise curse you made me swear on… I still don’t understand why you don’t want her to know… she isn’t going to be mad at you, every student makes mistakes.” Dorian said softly as he floated around the orb. “Why won’t you just let me ask her for help? I’m sure that she knows a spell to release you.”***

“You don’t get it, Dorian. You aren’t someone’s student.” Star Swirl glared. “I was her top student, the best of the best even better than Time Master himself! The student of the ruler of the sun! I wasn’t allowed to make errors! I need to figure this out for myself, only then will everything be alright.”

“I still think you over reacted a little bit. What would you have done if Clover had made the same error, and you found out via me?” The mischief god asked as he crossed his arms.

“That’s low, Dorian. You damn well know I wouldn’t have been angry at her!” Star Swirl snapped.

“Exactly!” Dorian shouted. “So why would Celestia? She treated you like a damn son!”

“Because… because…” Star Swirl started, trying to think of an answer.

“Exactly!” Dorian shouted again, louder than before. “You can’t answer, but I can. She wouldn’t have been angry at you in the slightest, I may be crazy but at least I’m sane enough to see that!”

Star Swirl stared at him in silence, his eyes wide and ear low. The two were silent for a while before the unicorn turned his back on the mischief god.

“I think we’re done here…” he said softly. “I’ll see you another time…”

And with that, the vision of Star Swirl faded, leaving Dorian in the room alone. He sighed loudly and silently floated out of the room, his appearance reverting as he came to stand at the top of the stairs and bange dhis fist against the door frame.

“Damn it, Star… why, why are you ponies so bloody stubborn!”

He took one last look down the stairs and shook his head, before vanishing into thin air.

Dorian lifted his head up from his palms and looked out across the sea, watching the gulls cry as they flew overhead. He then glared at them, snapping his fingers and turning them into chickens which squeaked in alarm as they slowly floated down to the sea. He grinned as a large shark leapt up and snapped the seagull-turned-chicken in one go and stood up, stretching his back and popping it as he dusted himself down.

The mischief god stood up and popped his back, yawning loudly as he rested his hands on his hips and grumbled.

“Still not happy,” he growled softly. “I need to vent my—”

“Well look at this, brother of mine!”

“It’s a strange being that we’ve never seen before!”

Dorian spun on the spot at the sudden voices, arching his brow as he spotted two unicorn stallions, one with a moustache. Both of them were wearing white and blue striped jackets and a dapper hat. Behind them was a large machine, something Dorian was instantly curious about.

“I don’t suppose you could tell us where the town, ‘Ponyville’ is? I’m afraid my brother and I have lost our way,” one of them asked.

The other nodded, “Tis a sad tale, dear brother, isn’t it? Oh, how we wish we never lost that map!

Then, Dorian’s lips curled into a mischievous smile.

“Perfect…” he chuckled.

***Promise curse - When a person is under the effects of a promise curse, they are physically unable to mention what the promise relates to. In this case, Dorian is physically unable to tell Celestia about what he has promised.

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