• Published 15th Aug 2013
  • 972 Views, 5 Comments

World's Element - Father Mordteiva

An ancient power lay's dormaint below. But when it's awaken will it be a signal of the end, or a glimpse of a new beging. Secrets are made all the time, but some are buried to be forgotten

  • ...


First Shadow

act 1

Throne Room

20 Minutes after Order’s

Chief Sergeant Light Stream was the first to get his platoon through the castle to the throne room. Other’s had opted to close off the multitude of hallways. They were beginning to to set up their magical defense’s when they heard a hollow thud that caused the room to quake. Light looked toward the back of the room to watch as the throne rose with the end of the quake. Rock dust and debris billowed out as Princess Sparkle stumbled out and fell to the ground. She flipped onto her back as she frantically scrambled behind her.

“Princess! All Call to station’s. Corporal's remove the Princess through the side entrance and post there.” He ordered his men as he fought to pick up the frantic Princess as she tried to fight his touch. “Princess you have to calm down you're safe. Princess! Calm down whe…” He noticed her mouth was moving and leaned in to hear what she was saying just under her breath.

"Έρχεται. Έρχεται. Πήρε να ξεφύγουν. Πρέπει να βρω Dash. Έρχεται. Πάρα πολύ ενέργεια. Ω Celestia είναι πίσω μου! Έρχεται. Έρχεται. Έρχεται.” She was staring wide eyed at the throne as it slid back into place covering the passage beneath it. He quickly called over a Magi.

‘What's she saying cadet.”

“I don’t know sir she’s not making any sense she just keeps repeating ‘He’s coming. He’s Coming.” The Cadet looked squarely into her eyes before she could be ushered into the next room. He spoke evenly and calmly “Πριγκίπισσα που έρχεται”. Her eyes snapped to him and she seemed to calm down. She looked around as the door was closed in the side room they were in near the front of the Throne Room. “Πριγκίπισσα που έρχεται” he asked her again.

“θάνατος” she whispered as she slacked and curled in on herself on the floor repeating the word again and again. They left the room. Light reminded the two Corporals to stand by the door.

“What did she say.” Light asked the young Magi. He was slightly shaken and seemed unsettled.

“Death. She said, Death is Coming.” Light took that in and felt a chill run down his spine. Princess Sparkle had faced Deity leveled opponents and beat them without being afraid. WHatever she saw down it that passage Had scared her though. Enough to break her and make her frantic.

“Form up I want a standard formation around the front of the throne. Spears to the front Archer’s to the rear. Let’s go hussle. You!” he pointed at a Uman axeman.

“Sir” He saluted to the sergeant.

“Run back to the first formation and have them send runners all the way back to Command and notify them where we are and that we have the Princess secured. Go!”

“Sir, yes Sir” The axeman quickly disappeared as the Formation quickly formed in a four man deep, ten man long, Crescent formation materialized out of the rest of the soldier's. Soon a deep thudding could be heard from under the Throne. It quickly got louder and before they knew it the Throne, and an unmissable amount of debris shot into the ceiling and hung there.

“Shields Up!” Light ordered and a quick bubble formed from the Magi not holding Bow’s, and the soldiers in the first two ranks pulled their shields up to make a phalanx. The dust parted as a single figure walked out into the room. He was taller than anyone he had ever seen. supporting long black hair that went down to his waist. He also had the strangest assortment of clothing. The black cloth seemed almost form fitting to his body leaving his shoulders and arms exposed. The cloth on the legs also had a seam open along the side of his hips were red leggings could be seen, ‘probably for better movement’, Light thought. The cloth on top though almost looked like a dress the way it’s rippled form almost acted as a single unit. and it seemed to tie together at his waist by means of a large multi-wrapped Green sach. Light watched out the corner of his eyes as a Avion’s wings dropped along it’s back, like a sail without wind. The man walked to the edge of the raised platform where the Throne use to stand. He looked across the room before speaking, his voice echoing out like several people were speaking.

“Insectssss” the word hissed out a if spoken from three people, sending a shiver through the room. Light watched the man as the dust slowly billowed around him. he licked his lips and breathed in to help regain his composure.

“Halt!, by the order’s of the Captain of the Star Guard you are to surrender yourself to the authority and custody of the Princesses and the Equestrian Nation. Furthermore you…

“No”. Light was cut off as the man spoke.

“Im not asking you to comply. I’m ordering you to.”

“I said no. Only those with the will to rule have the right to order another. Even then they can only order those below them. You are below me Insect. By what right do you think yourself otherwise?”

“I have the Authority of my rank presented by My Captain. Who in turn was given her authority and the right to give me mine by our Princess and her Co-rulers. Who are given the trust of the Nation to know what is right and needs to be done. You have no one but yourself.

“No. I have the whole of the world at the tips of my fingers alone. So think before you challenge a Matriarch, insect.”. The man looked at the ranks of the other soldiers, before refocusing on him. “Listen to me now. Children. My very young children this will be the only chance i give you. Back down now. Surrender your weapon’s and leave, present to me the Princess know as Twilight Sparkle. Thus I may finally finish a great sin done unto this realm.” His eyes continually scanned the soldiers as he spoke as if invoking them with his will. Instead of the response the man asked for the Soldiers around Light tensed, the phalanx grew spikes as the spears held by the shield bears sprang over them.

“We will never surrender our princess to you! AT ARMS!” He yelled to the platoon. The air filled with the sound of swords being draw and arrows pulled out of quivers.Axes readying in the hands of their owners and wings preparing to fly.

“So you will stand as a shield in front of her?”

“We are the shield of the Equestrian Nation and the Sword of the Princesses!” The man's posture changed he seemed to lean back as he gave a half smile, as if in amusement.

“ Then let us test that blade shall we children? The man swept one of his feet back, almost as if bracing himself. Light decided that if he was going to be given an opportunity to catch this man before he could fully prepare he should strike now.

“Archer’s, Draw!” 12 soldiers quickly brought their bows to aim as they pulled back, Their arrows charging with non-lethal spells. Their order’s afterall were to capture anyone not authorized to be in the castle. He waited a second longer. Silently giving the man a chance to surrender in light of how outmatched and and obviously outmanned he was. “Fire”. he said directly to the archers. There was a clear ‘twang’ as 12 arrows flew simoustanly toward their goal. Light watched as the event seemed to unfold in slow motion near the end as the arrows neared their mark. ‘Just move asshole, come on move!’ he silently cried. But despite it all the man didn't budge. Just before the arrows hit their mark and each other he watched the man give a really large toothy smirk. A detonation quickly engulfed the raised platform as the different spells collided and mixed. The small cloud covered the platform entirely. They stood there watching silently waiting. ‘Damn fool’, Light thought to himself.

Ha ha ha ha ha.” ‘Impossible’ light thought as they heard the low chuckle. He looked up to the cloud to watch as a hand broke through it and swept to the side. The cloud dispersed to show the man standing without a wound on his body, and an amused smile on his face. Light thought it made him look more sinister than anything else.

“That’s it? Thats all you got? And here I thought you might have something.” Trying to salvage the situation Light quickly spoke up against the comment’s.

“Those were low level NON-LETHAL spells.” The man shook his head as it hung toward his chest with disappointment reigning in his voice.

“I give you a chance to test your blade and you use non-lethal attacks that I dont even feel.” To bad. Now Children,” His head raised back up a small spark now present in his eyes as he spoke, “It’s my turn. Let us test your shield.” His right hand came up and held away from his body at a slight angle, with his and slightly pinched. The look in his eye grew to one of foreseeable enjoyment, to the Soldiers it made them think of a mad demon ready to kill.


Twilight snapped herself together as she heard a large snapping noise. She saw her immediate surroundings and recognized the side room to the Throne room. She felt the uneasiness from early coming from the main CHamber and pushed a painting of Canterlot Castle aside. It was a special commision by Princess Celestia so she could watch nobles conduct their court. She had the painting made to cover the spell on the wall where she made it seem like a window through the wall. She saw a small platoon of soldiers standing at the ready to attack. She looked in the direction they were facing to see to her horror the man from the CHamber. She watched as he breathed in a deep breath his hands raising with his chest. And most curiously a subtle green aura that started to coat his body. As he started to breath out as a circle of light shone around his feet before he clapped his hands together. He smiled before speaking again.

“Διαίρεση” he commanded as he pulled his hands apart. Twilight watched as seven points of green light appeared between them. He then spread his arms out to his side and she saw them tumble out in front of him. Thats when she saw they were disk’s, small green disk’s no bigger than a human hand. His left hand fell to his side as the the disk’s tumbled in place. He raised his right hand loosely over the disk’s and they straightened out parallel to the floor.

Light was watching the mans spectacle. He watched as he breathed in and out. They were still waiting for some spell. Yet none came. nothing changed about the man other than him clapping his hands together once. “Διαίρεση” ‘What in the name of the divine was that?’ Light thought to himself. He looked at his magi but they all gave a blank look. None of them knew what he had said. He watched as the man's right arm came up about the level of his neck and extend all the way out, before lowering down to the level of his hip. “φέτα”, thats when something happened. there just above the top stair leading to the platform a white disk appeared making a humming, buzzing noise. The formation flexed a bit in it’s direction. Then to either side another appeared. Then another one to either side of those, till seven of the white disk’s floated there. They heard him give a low growl before speaking once more. “μύγα”. His hand Flexed over the disk’s as he spoke and suddenly they launched forward like a storm of arrows. They raised their shields and swords to defend themselves as they strengthened the barrier. The Disk’s passed right through the barrier.

“Brace!” Light gave the last command as the disk’s hit the formation, and summarily passed through it ripping it to shreds and cutting every last person who stood before them. Light felt an intense pressure pass through his shoulder as he was flipped through the air. The Room quickly filling with the screams of the Soldiers as their shields were shredded like tin foil before the spectral blades flying around them.

Twilight watched in horror as she watched the now red lined disk’s fly through the air cutting soldiers to pieces without actually going for a kill. It was torcher and horrendous. SHe quickly entered the Room and ran through the large double door’s SHe closed the doors and look back just in time to come within inches of one of the Blades as it embedded itself in the wood. The blades on the disk’s edge still spinning. SHe quickly ran down the hall in a random direction as the disk’s embedded themselves into the door in her wake.

Main Battalion Guard Headquarters

15 Minutes after Orders

Lieutenant Star Crater was waiting in the main foyer of the Night guard wing. And as usual on most days he had begun his ranted pacing.

“Stupid Star Guard Captain is late again. Doesn’t that women understand the function of time, or for that matter procedure!” His junior officers were sitting at a table to the far left of the room playing a game of cards as they tuned out the lieutenants rant. It was too common an occurrence for them to really care about, besides it kept him off them. Unfortunately fate seemed deem to ‘Brighten their day’ as it were. For soon after they heard a few crashes before the Lieutenant of the Star Guard crashed through the Foyer doors and collapse breathlessly on the ground.

“......Need…..to speak…..to the…...Captain…….Immediately!” He wheezed out between several breath’s. The other junior officers quickly pulled him to his feet and gave him something to drink.

“The Captain is busy Silver. What do you want?” Star asked him annoyed at his state.
‘the whole guard is so lazy he can't even get here without a few breaks in between i bet, not to mention his Captain still isn’t here.” he mocked to himself as Silver slowed his breathing down.

“There’s been an emergency call given by Captain Dash as of Five Minutes ago. She sent me ahead to appraise Captain Dark Light of the situation.

“So thats why she’s late, she wants to bullshit with her Command just before the change of the guard.” Silver despite his exhaustion quickly moved forward into the other Lieutenant's face.

“What did you say about my Captain.” He breathed out.

“Come even you must admit there lazy, Your captain leisurely walks from the palace to the Middle of the City before heading up the Mountain to get to Headquarters everyday. So what stupid excuse could you give me to think that she needed to muster her whole force just before the change, thats makes it seem worthy for you to have run from wherever you were to here.” He mocked to Silver as the other Junior officer’s pulled Silver back.

“I flew up here you bastard, and in a record time nonetheless. My Captain patrols the whole city everyday to make sure it is one hundred percent safe before she retires for the night! She called her forces into the Castle itself on a feeling she had, one that i….” The double door’s behind Star suddenly opened to admit the Captain of the Night Guard . Captain Dark Light was an opposing Uman. Standing almost four feet wide at the shoulder with muscles like steel. His close cropped green hair was long in three places were it looked like spines went along them. The room quickly filled with soldiers calling attention to his presence. His Almond colored eyes looked straight at Silver before speaking.

“Take a deep breath Silver and repeat to me everything that happened before she sent you here.” He calmly asked. Silver relaxed a bit as he told the Captain the events that transpired on the South Parapet. When Sliver had finished his tale Star spoke up before his Captain could.

“What stupidity is this? Is all the Star Guard insane to listen to a woman who clearly has lost her mind?”


“Yes Captain?”

“Shut up, and call in our forces. We shall need to move fast to support and reinforce Captain Dash. Especially as only her honor guard are with the castle limits this Month.”

“But Captain.” Dark gave his lieutenant a very cold stare before speaking.

“Do as your ordered Lieutenant. Unlike you I have know the Captain for the last 14 years and one thing I’ve learned is her Instincts are sharper than a fresh recon report. Silver!”

“Yes Captain.”

“Return to your main forces at a steady pace, no need to wind yourself on the way down. Find Rainbow and tell her i shall be there within the half-hour.” He ordered to the Lieutenant. Silver put his fist over his heart and bowed shortly at the waist before quickly jogging out. Dark Light went back into his office to pick up his Weapons muttering as he left the foyer, “Dash I Pray that your feelings are wrong for once.”

Canterlot Castle Hallways

5 Minutes after First Contact

A small group of soldiers moved through the Hallways in the direction from which Princess Twilight had come. The group numbering just five soldiers two of which were Uman, two Avion’s, and their Sergeant a Magi, soon came across the Throne Room door’s. the first thing they noticed was the presisant buzzing noise leading to the door’s. Just to upon finding out that there were seven enchanted Disks trying to cut through the door, only to appear to have gotten stuck in the process. Even though they were investigating what happened, Sergeant Clover Fall couldn’t help but be impressed with the sight. The doors were designed to withstand a Thunder of Dragons barging on it, and it had spells so old and power embedded into the wood, one would have to be stronger than the princesses to harm it. He was about to touch one of the disks when they all stopped spinning. He pulled his hand back from the door and looked at the disk he was in front of. the white blades didn't give off any kind of Magical energy he could feel, or should considering what they were lodged in. he brought a finger up and touched the top of one of the blades, which then began to spin once again. The others quickly followed suit and without a sign of hesitance or resistance flew back into the Throne Room. They all looked at each other as they readied their weapons, and for a time just stood there doing nothing.

Finally Clover grew tired of waiting a moved ever so slowly up to one of the holes and peered in. What he saw would give Nightmares to any regular person not having seen bloodshed. The floor was slick with blood . It covered the floor, and crawled up the support pillars and walls. Soldiers were strewn around , he couldn’t tell if any of them were dead but one or two looked as if they had a layer skin as the only thing holding a limb to them. ANd in the center standing over a body was a single man. His height he couldn't tell from so far in the room, he wore strange clothes, had long hair and the disk’s he saw earlier were flying in a circle randomly around his body. He was staring at the door rubbing his chin as if contemplating some great mystery. The man then sighed and shrugged his shoulders, his hands going into the air in front of him as if in defeat. His right hand came up and the disks quickly started to fly around his wrist .He flexed his palm toward the door, and the disks launched themselves toward the door. Clover quickly retreated from the door just as the disks pelted back into the door. Now there were two at the top, two at the bottom , two to either side and one embedded in the seam between the door’s. Then like it was hot butter. The disks moved simultaneously around the door, cutting all the hinges and locks when the disks finished making one circuit around the door they dissipated leaving no trace they were there. They watched to see if the door would fall and readied themselves to get out of the way. Time seemed to slow for them as they watched the door, nothing and nobody moving. They relaxed a bit, Clover took a few steps toward the monolithic doors just as a knock resounded off them. A mighty groaned soon bellowed out as both doors slowly fell forward. They all quickly ran out of the way throwing themselves to either side of the door’s path as they came down. With a large resounding thud, the two once grand doors hit the floor. The small group stared at the doors then toward the entrance as a series of foot steps became present. There atop the once standing door’s standing taller than anyone they knew alive , was a single man. with blood slowly dripping off his right hand.

“Freeze in the name of the Princesses!” Clover yelled at him as his team readied their weapons.

Why?” He asked. His voice sounding distorted, almost like multiple people were speaking. His head hung in dejection.

“Excuse me?” Clover couldn't help it the question threw him off.

Why will you all stand against me? I am merely trying to right the wrong done to this world and return its Harmony. All I ask is you stand down, and let me pass so I may reacquire the Princessss.”

“You will not touch the Princess” One of the men to his right called out. The atmosphere in the corridor seemed to freeze as everyone’s weapons pointed at this one man. He sighed before raising his hand. They readied themselves for a spell, only to watch the man put his hand against his face. With a harsh twist his head snapped to the Left , accompanied by the sounds of his neck popping. To Clover though it sounded like someone broke the man's neck it was so audible. He repeated the same gesture to the right. His arms went limp as he then rolled his shoulders. The joints popping just as loud. He breathed out slowly and loud.

If that is your wish. Then it will seem I have to choice but this one. To war it shall be, May it be glorious and bright.” he spoke as if wistfully his head raising to stare out a nearby window at the sun as it started to set.

“To war with this asshole!” one of his Spearmen proclaimed as he jumped at the man. from the side. His spear raised to be thrusted into him. The man didn't react at all. Then a quick as a viper the man shift his legs apart and grabbed the spear just behind the tip. Then easily used his arms to whip the spear plus soldier to his left. The soldier smashed into the ground at a speed faster than his original charge. His mouth opened as a few drops of blood flew out. His spear was now in the hand of the very man he had tried to attack.

“Cobble!” The other spearman in his squad yelled. He gritted his teeth and readied his spear. Then charged at the mans back. When he got within striking distance he planted his feet and thrusted the spear ahead of him. The man pulled his right leg in, easily sidestepping the weapon, and grabbed the spear just like before. This time he thrusted back. The butend slamming into the chest of the soldier who held it. He gasped as his breath left his body. He let go of his spear and threw his arms onto his legs to hold himself up. The man took the two spears and lined them up, he leisurely walked up to the gasping soldier and swung the spears at him like a club. The spears hit his chest just behind the points and snapped them clean off. The soldier flew a good ten feet before slamming into a pillar where then slumped unconscious to the ground. The soldier next to him yelled out a hearty war cry before charging his sword raised to slice the man in half. He swung only to have the man use one of the Spear shafts in his hand to deflect the attack. Then in rapid succession hit him once in the stomach. Then immediately to the bottom of his chin, and lastly across his back. The momentum of the attack sending him crashing into the wall next to Clover.

That was it he had to act. He charged the man himself while drawing both his blades. He stepped onto the doors, Just to have one of the shafts come flying at him. He used one of his blades and slashed out of the way, Then the other shaft popped up and he used his other sword for that one. That was a mistake for after both deflects he had opened himself up the Man loomed in front of him a single leg raised. One which he firmly planted into Clover’s chest. He flew back and slammed into the PIllar next to one of his soldiers. His chest felt like it was dipped in molten lava, and he was pretty sure he could feel a rip or two pressing against the underside of his armor. His vision was blurring. He watched though as the last soldier an Axemen got right behind the man his axe raised up to dispatch this monster. He failed though as well. For the man seemed to sense him and crouch so that they stood eye level and planted his right hand into the mans chest. But rather than fly back as he should have from such a hit,if his kick was anything to judge by, he seemed to slump over the mans arm. Blood then poured from his mouth as he wheezed for air. The man yanked his arm back and stood as the soldier fell at his feet. His hand now covered with fresh blood. His face though threw CLover off, he seemed sad and maybe even depressed as if the fight had caused him an emotional pain. He knelt down to the soldier at his feet and put his hand on the soldiers chest. he waited for a second or two before standing back up. He looked at Clover as his vision doubled and made it hard to see anything but outlines.

“He’ll live, and so will all your men. It is not yours nor their time yet. Now be ready to sleep for your dreams will not come this time”. The mans right hand raised high into the air before slamming in the ruined door beneath him. Clovers vision quickly fell and the blackness of unconsciousness took him.

Twilight didn't know how far she had run yet, only that she needed to run farther.
Is there anyplace really safe from me? Twilight froze as the sound of the man’s voice popped into her head. She looked all around the corridor she was currently standing in. she was the only one there, yet she could feel him, almost like was was right next to here. She looked behind her toward the back of the long corridor to see a green light filling it. She watched as is quickly filled the corridor and zoomed past her. She looked out a near by window to see it was actually a bubble slowly expanding outward, but from where? I found you. The voice sounded in her head again. It felt as if he was looking right at her. she heard a whisper of buzzing and started running again.

Luna listened intently to the sound of running water coming from the bathroom.

Uh it been ten minutes already, how much longer?’, She was wearing an extremely sheer set of lingerie that at the same time seemed to cover nothing, yet accentuated all her curves and features perfectly. She looked herself over one more time from her place on the the bed. ‘ If this gets the reaction I hope it does I must thank Rarity for making it for me.’ Of course she tried not to think of the embarrassment between them both as the measurements were made. It was worth it, or would be hopefully, to see the look on her loves face. She felt a sudden chill creep up the back of her neck, and looked around noting the closed blinds and windows. ‘where did that come from’ she thought just as a sudden green light flashed through her room. As it went by her she felt uncomfortable, like someone was inspecting her. Yet at the same time, safe, and protected. ‘ My Queen.’

“Whos there” Luna called out to the room. A sensation growing in her that felt old and hungry rising. ‘I hope that we may one day serve you as we should’

“I demand you show yourself!” she practically yelled as she jumped off the bed looking around. She felt the chill on her spine spread through her body. ‘ITs him!’ she heard a voice inside her head call out, one that she had thought gone forever.

“Nightmare? No thats impossible, the elements destroyed you.”

We must act. He is reborn and shall seek the destruction of the world!”

“No i wont let you take control again. I’d sooner die then…”

“We won’t control you, but act now or the ones you love will die, and the world will be crushed under his fingers!”

“Who, who are you so afraid of?” Luna demand. there was silence in her mind for a time. She waited and counted to twenty. She was starting to wonder if she just imagined the voice.Then like a harsh winter wind it return this time it was different sounding not that of the nightmare but of three other voices, one she could hear the tones of someone feminine while the other two were obviously male.

“We have to act if you wont, we will.”

“NO i refuse to let anyone control me again.” Luna was clutching her head as a pain like a spike ran through it. she fought it for what felt like a few minutes before a cooling fell like water ran up her spine.
Luna the one love and those you care about are in danger. If you don't act then they may very well be killed.” Nightmare’s voice sounded in her head as images of some humanoid creature covered in cloaks of shadows held the still beating heart of her love. While in the background her sister and friends all were held impaled through their chest.

“No please, stop. Your lying just like last time.

Im sorry Luna, but I won't let this come to pass.” Nightmares voice said with regret. Wait regret. But before she could go along that train of thought a heavy cold like a thick blanket consumed her mind.

Luna woke from the Darkness in her mind. she was laying on her side. She could hear, almost like she was in the room itself, the sound of the water as it went down a drain and wet feet as they walked on tile. The sound was all hyperfocused, she looked toward the bed. Noting that for some reason it seemed sublime and unreal, like she was viewing someone else’s view and not her own.

Luna you can move, wake up quickly. He’s on the move.”

“Nightmare what did you do. No i can't leave, If Celestia see’s me she’ll think I turned.

“Luna please I promise nothing will come to harm im only giving you my power, but you are in control just go, and when things are safe I’ll, well I’ll leave.”

“NO i wont be used again!” Luna said with determination as she stood up. Wait she stood up. By her own will. Last time when she had Let NIghtmare Moon take control she wasn't in control. It was more like watching a showing of what was going on. “What trick is this/”

“None I swear just go and save whoever you can.”

Luna stood in the spot she was for a time not knowing what to do. On one hand she looked like she was turning into the Nightmare, her eyes she noted were slitted like a cats and aquamarine, and she stood taller. Her skin was a more Olive tone than white. Her hair was still Midnight blue, her face hadn’t really changed , nor anything else for that manner. She noted as she looked at a mirror on a wall, thankfully she was wearing a Dress Uniform. “ Fine ill help” she said as she walked out of the room. “wait i dont even know where im going”

Yes you do just follow the sensation thats surrounding your spine.” she said matter-of-factly. Luna was going to argue when she noticed the feeling. ‘It’s coming from the west wing. And so is Twilight.’ and with that she walked down the hallway.

Back in her room a tall figure walked out of the Bathroom a Towel wrapped around thier body.

“Hmmm I wonder where Luna went usually she waits for me before starting the Night Court.”

Author's Note:

Okay so I was having problems with Google Doc's. It prevented me from having any of the story viewable, but the site still showed I had Xthousand of words. I figured out that it was because I was using symbols that the site disagreed with, will remember that for Later.

If any pictures or links I have here arnt viewable on any of this chapters do comment or PM about that so I can get another to replace it. Another thing im looking for inspiration on a race name for the Alicorn's besides Alicorn. If you have an idea do tell. Lastly a quick summary to go after all this for the lull's
But ask questions they give ideas and things.

Having exspaed from the Chamber below Twilight runs into a mobalized squad of soldiers. The man followers her an engages the platoon easily sweeping them and their attacks away. She then runs through the castle to try and get away. The Castle quickly fall's into disorder trying to stop him. Elswhere Luna is getting *ahem* ready for some private time. But lo and behold Nightmare Moon still exist's inside to resurface, but wait she's not after eternal night *GASP* and lends Luna her power. Why? Will He be stopped? Will Twilight escape? And will the Night Guard Mobilize in time or make a difference?

Lastly a disclaimer

I do not own any images, or videos used in the chapter above or previous, Nor My little pony, which is property of Hasbro and Lauran Faust. Nor any quotes or lines from other sources.