• Published 15th Aug 2013
  • 971 Views, 5 Comments

World's Element - Father Mordteiva

An ancient power lay's dormaint below. But when it's awaken will it be a signal of the end, or a glimpse of a new beging. Secrets are made all the time, but some are buried to be forgotten

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Rule of the Royal Pony Sister’s year 12

Crystal Temple of the Wind

In a Chamber High in the Mountain of Canterlot a single woman was running around Frantically yelling as loud as she could.

“Father you must awaken they have already sealed her and stolen your Casket. Now they come here to seal you as well. My Lord WAKE UP!!!” but despite her yelling the Crystal Flower she stood before at the center of the chamber remained unmoving or showing any signs of hearing the woman's pleas. She took a step onto the Dais it was raised on, then the next. All the way to the top and Fourth Dias she stood before the Flower as it rose towering above her. she put her hand’s on it and the pedal she held glowed faintly. she dug deep within herself for a energy not that of her magic and let it overwell her. Then with all her might she thought to the center and whispered under her breath. ‘ Father Randiare, My lord you must awake from your slumber, Sombra broke our…, his vow to you and the Crystal Empire is now in rapture of the Shadows. Already he buries Randiare and sings her prison to keep her asleep. The Kingdom is soon to recover under two rulers, but i fear the previous know of this Chamber and that you now sleep, and soon you too shall be sealed away. There is a secret order going around killing all the bearers of the Elements. I am now all thats left of your order, and the guild has disbanded itself as you commanded.’ she stops as many different emotions start to drag her mind in every direction as she contemplates her next words. ‘And my daughter was born yesterday as of last week, you’d like her for she laughs and giggles at everything and already shows a spark for greatness, but…. i am dying, already i feel my life slipping away. Please my lord help us.’ she begged.

She stood there waiting for something to happen, anything at all. Nothing did and she let her hands fall to her side. she took a step back and sat down on the dais edge and looked around. The cavern was dark and would have been black if not for the Light Staffs she had planted around the walls. she looked over and saw the Black box of chalk she had drew. Her last fail safe should she fail tonight. across the Cavern she saw her Spear, Silver in color and standing a proud 6 feet from bottom to top with a specially Handcrafted, by herself, 6 inch Black Spear head. The Head was designed to inflict damage as the top 3 inches were a standard arrow shape that thinned out and came down to a jut out almost reminiscent of a sword hit, a repeat neck and then two blade like parts coming back up. The Staff of the spear seemed plain from here but she knew that the ruins she had cut and enchanted herself were all there. Her favorite and most difficult allowed the Spear to shrink so that only the top 3 inches of the blade showed and the bottom of the staff collapsed into the top 2 feet. The bonus was that it only required a little bit of wind energy to activate. She had failed though in her first task and as her life continued to drain out of her tears started to come forth. She then cried openly for all her brothers and sisters who had died, her husbands fall, and most importantly her Daughter who would never know who she was.

As she sat on the edge of the highest tier she watch her tears fall to the ground below her, wondering what she would do know. Then as one of her tears fell she saw it shine. she looked up and saw the whole Cavern was awash with a multi-hued light. She looked back behind her and saw the flower was pulsing in color. All except on pedal which glowed with a soft, dull, cream color. She ran to it and placed her hands on the pedal. A presence immediately overcame her and a voice that spoke as if it had seen everything but wished for more whispered in her ear calming and relaxing her body like a balm.

“My young champion. You have been my stalwart daughter of faith for these last 300 years and have served us well. The news of your daughter brings much light and joy to me and it saddens us to hear of your plight. What is her name?”

“Twilight, my lord. Twilight Dusk Shine.”

“A poetic name to be sure. Your husbandes fall is a tragedy on its own but your brother will care for your daughter well, no?”

“Yes my lord she already has him wrapped around her little finger.” she giggled a little to herself as she heard him laugh vigorously. she looked at the top of the pedal imagining it was her lord who stood there and she noticed suddenly two tendrils one green the other black float out. the black wrapped around her back and while the green lightly ran across her face. It wiped the tears at the corner of her eye.

“Shhh child, you stand at your own twilight and soon night shall fall but do not fear. Death isn’t a monster hunting you. He is merely the companion wishing to guide you on. Now i know that though you cared for that idiot you had to call a husband, but what will become of your fare Wife?”

The question hung in the air as she retreated a hand from the pedal surface trying to wipe her memory of the Horrible scene that she had walked in on.

“Clover where is FireFly.”

It was a statement, a demand to answer yet she still held her tongue as the images of coming to her house to find her true love’s neck slashed and heart pierced by a single crystal spear. She felt a coldness on her arm and looked to see the Black tendril flowing into her skin. It suddenly retracted and both tendrils turn red and withdrew into the Crystal FLower it’s color becoming angry hues of purples and reds.


Even separated she could hear him now as the chamber lit up a dark red in response to it’s master’s anger. The floor became a blaze of reds, gold's, and yellows.

I promise no swear to you Clover upon my awakening i shall bring my wrath on the empire and all who art of his descent shall feel my wrath!”

“ My lord no please you know FireFly wouldn’t want that she was to caring of a soul to wish for pain on even her worst enemies” She pleaded for it was the only thing that kept her from trying on Sombra's life as well. It was silent for a time as the color faded from the chamber and the Flower took a more pleasant showing of colors that seemed to once again calm and sooth.

“Very well but i will curse them when once again i walk the land.”

“But my lord they come for you now surely you must wake.

“I can not for the world still must heal, Our war still affects the land and Discord's influence is still not gone. I sense a new evil will arrive not long from now after this. But i promise you that when Harmony’s keep meets your fate and seeks my truth then I shall awake. And I shall do what i wish I was awake to do for you my Daughter.”

“I understand” She said aloud. She was going to activate her box when suddenly a paralyzing spell hit her from behind. She looked at the floor as she heard the clanking of armor and the flapping of wings.

“Oh my dear Clover did you think I didn't know you were this things whore?” A feminine voice called behind her.

“Platinum!” she spat, good my voice still works. she thought as she was lifted and turned.

“The One and only and that's Queen Platinum to you still dear.”

“Ha you still a queen, face it you hag you lost that title you're nothing but a High Lady of the court to Celestia and Luna!” A Hand with a heavy gauntlet on it hit her across the face.

“If i were you i wouldn’t talk to the queen like that.” a deep voice called.

“High Lord Hurricane, and let me guess you're here to High Lord Pudding Head?” She called out as the aforementioned Uman stepped out of the shadows

“Present and accounted for, so nice to see you again Clover though the”….

“Silence you Viper i don't need you lies right now” She cut him off with just as another hit from the gauntlet cut a bit of her skin.

“My what a bad tongue she has my lady.” Pudding said to Platinum.

“Yes and to think she was once my Archmage.” She took a look at Platinum as they all three stood around her. both Pudding and Hurricane holding her as the spell was disabled. She wore an actual regular dress meant more for an outing rather than court. and a black cape with a hood, she even had a purple and silver breastplate underneath the cloak. Hurricane wore his signature armor and a cloak of the same kind as Platinum, pudding was wearing regular trousers and a tunic rather than a court shirt and pants, and a cloak all three had their symbols of power

“If you're not High lords and lady then where are your Symbols of Power?” She asked pointedly to try and throw them off foot.

“Foolish girl i wouldn’t wear it so close to this abomination what if pieces of the crystals it harbors got on it, id have to commission a new crown. That one” she said as she pointed to a small storage space where it rested. “Has been passed down since the dragon's owned this land. so it’d be quite impossible to just remake.”

So you're all here, and being selfish brats and idiots. what's the deal then. Platinum becomes queen, Hurricane let me guess you get to be her general. Oh and lets not forget Pudding head, you get to be her advisor.

“Right on the money my dear” Pudding confirmed just before Platinum hit him outside the head.

“Imbecile she already knew she was right.

Oh my apologies my Queen.”

Platinum rolled her eyes. “Hurricane your troops can leave, and Pudding get that elemental person here so we can begin.”
They quickly followed their orders, and the troops that had come with them left while a single figure in a brown robe entered the chamber. He walked up to Platinum and bowed at her feet.

“What is your bidding my Queen?” He asked reverently to her. Platinum smiled at the praise before speaking.

“Do that which you explained to us and seal this monstrosity with his own power.”

“As you command.” He walked down to the last step of the Dias and took out a piece of white chalk and began writing and drawing on the floor. She watched silently as he drew lines all over the cavern and didn’t even notice the anti magic collar going around her neck till her energy stores froze. she felt to iron as it slightly chafed her collarbone as she twisted her head back and forth. ‘Damn why didn’t I think of using my magic’ she chided herself. She watched as he for what seemed hours drew. Platinum entertained herself by using her magic to clean and beautified herself. Finally he stopped his drawing and looked back to the dais from the entrance of the temple cavern and called out. “There my Queen just as i explained it is now ready to redirect the energy toward your bidding. this is where we must now ask do you wish to continue or stop for there is no going back from here.” He warned. Platinum looked from her spot at the top of the dais and looked around at the white lines. Clover couldn’t see them too well as the cut that Hurricane had made on her face had been opened above her eye, so her vision was a little blurry and with the anti magic color on regulating her energy was like lifting a mountain and her condition already made her weak as it was. Despite that as soon as she heard him speak her skin paled and her blood froze. ‘Latin he’s speaking the language of the Lords’ she thought as he spoke and coaxed the earth in the crystals to move and crack as ordered.

“NO what are you doing working for them to seal one of the Lords. you're like me and shouldn't be working with these mon…” A grunt of pain cut her off as Hurricanes fist met her stomach.

“Silence you stupid element dog.” He commanded as he hit her again this time in the chest.

“Hit her if she speaks against us again Hurricane”. Platinum instructed as she watched her new Archmage do the job she wanted.

She had lost. Her lords sealment was coming, her daughter would be hunted, her wife was dead, and she was dyeing. SO she did the only thing left to her, and prayed.

The next half hour was the most brutal and calm in her life as she prayed while hurricane unleashed his fury on her. She could feel the broken bones throughout her body but she never cried out in pain nor showed any recognition minus the grunts when she was hit.

“Hurricane her words are starting to become ingrained in my memory.” Platinum warned him as she tried in vain to pay all her attention on her Archmage as he worked.

“She won’t silence my Lady.” He responded through gritted teeth at her defiance as he hit her again. Pudding Head who was holding her was getting annoyed as well.

“Try breaking her jaw” he suggested. Hurricane stopped mid blow to her left shoulder.

“Huh good idea” he said as he pulled his fist back to hit her face.

“My Queen it is done they heard, halting Hurricanes punch.

“Finally we can finish this” She said as she pulled to Crystals that had been given to her by Sombra the apparently “New Ruler” of the Crystal Empire. not that she cared. with her plan she would rule them as well in the coming years. She took the two crystals each looking like a thin diamond and poured her energy into it before whispering a spell the crystals had come with. She felt a small tug on her energy nothing much and ended as the crystals took on a transparent glass like look. “ Here place these as your two keystone pieces she said as he bowed to receive them.

“Yes your Highness. He walked back toward the entrance.

“Good now Clover any last words...No oh well Hurricane finish it, im tired of her babbling.”

“As you wish your highness.” He said as his fist spun around to hit her square in the jaw. blood wiped out of her mouth with a few teeth and made a spot on the Flower as well as began to pool on the floor as she sagged in Puddings grip.

“Hurricane now look at that” Jokingly chided him as she pointed at the pool of blood on the floor. Now im going to have to clean my new Throne room. His head whipped back as he laughed it’s baritone sound booming throughout the Cavern. As it died down though they heard a thud and looked over to see clover on the ground and pudding slowly backing down of the dais. “Pudding Head where are you going, grab her before she does some…” She cut herself off as she looked over at the flower as it started to pulse a dull red that was getting brighter and bigger with each pulse. Soon all three stood at the bottom of the Dias.

They all watched as the red pulsing soon encompassed the whole Flower and the markings on the floor began to all quickly glow the same way with aura’s popping out of the ground where they were at.

“What’ happening? What’s going on?” Puddinghead asked.

“He’s waking”. they all heard the low mumble. They looked up at clover her face looking down at them as she lay on the ground bleeding from her mouth. “He’s finally waking” she said the ghost of a smile showing on her face. They looked back at the Flower as it and the room pulsed a few more times before the whole flower started to spin. each of the flower’s different ring’s of pedal spinning in a different direction than the last. A shift came about it as the top opened a little to emit a single beam of gold light that coated the cavern and walls with it’s color. They all watched in awe as the light bubbled out and extended. when it dissipated from in front of the Flower a single man stood there. He must have been easily 8 feet tall if not more. He wore a strange garment. At first Platinum thought that is was a dress. but something was off with it. she could just make out two different set’s of fabric fold for legging like pants despite how it looked and around the waist it was held by a green sash of some kind. There were also small tears at the hip that showed a red legging of some kind underneath. on his forearms were two silver etched black steel arm bracers. He had a chain of some kind around his neck that went under his shirt. He breathed in a deep breath and the air around them seemed to grow heavy and freeze, finally after an unknown time he exhaled. Platinum watched as his eyes opened, and she gasped as she saw the irises take up his entire eye before shrinking and narrowing into vertical slit’s even thinner than a dragons, it gave him an almost snake like look. His eye’s were a deep dark blue that seemed to almost freeze her blood and the air in her veins. ‘This is what we were trying to seal’ she thought to herself. ‘ I Thought it was just a stronger element user than clover or my Archmage, but this. Is he even human?’ the questions went off continually in her head and were ,unbenounced to her, mirrored by her companions.

Then she heard it speak in many different voices that sounded like all of her companions and her own speak even though the creature’s lips never moved.

“This is sacred ground that you have entered uninvited on and committed sin on despite the warning’s of it being a Holy Peace area. Will you now stand to be judged?” none of them said anything as it looked each of them over once. “Very well you stand now to be judged. You have first entered an Area your kind is forbidden to see unless invited, on this you stand...Guilty. You have done harm to others in the name of a false pretense both inside and outside of this Temple in collaboration with a fallen monster, on this you stand...Guilty.it spoke in her mind. Finally remembering she had a mouth she spoke up for herself.

“We are doing what is right for our people in freeing them from your kids try..

“SILENCE WORM YOU WERE NOT GIVEN PERMISSION TO SPEAK!” The voice boomed as the Man stared directly at her. He looked at platinum first before raising his hand ready to snap his fingers before speaking again. “Your lives are now to be matched to those you have ruined.”

“You while working with other’s in collaboration of another have ruined the life of a daughter who now will never know who they truly are and must grow up orphaned from the rights of a true family. YOU ARE GUILTY” it boomed as it snapped it’s finger’s and a tendril black as night sprang out faster than she could see it and struck her in the chest. it rose her several feet of the ground where she now hovered eye level with the Man. The tendril’s power slowly started creeping over her body and covering her.

Next he looked at Pudding Head, who was too scared and stunned to move.

You while under the employment of one guilty and in collaboration of a fallen monster are responsible for the life of many elementalist’s and most importantly a Wife to the one i call daughter and through you never got the chance to be here with her wife, will never see or hear her daughter, and was killed before her time was due. YOU STAND GUILTY.” It boomed at him at it snapped it’s finger’s again. This time the tendril struck it’s prey at his forehead he gave a mild grunt as he was lifted into the air just as Platinum was.

The grunt allowed Hurricane to come to his senses as he took a fighting stance and drew his sword. “Come at me demon i don’t fear you”.

You are to pay more than the other’s. First while in the employment of one guilty together with another guilty and in collaboration with a fallen monster have killed those of my kind. Those crimes make you GUILTY.” He snapped his finger and another tendril flew out, this time at him. he threw his sword in front of him to guard himself. The tendril went right through his sword without harming it and struck him in the chest.

“You have spilt my own blood in my temple breaking the serenity and purity of this Temple, for this you are GUILTY!” He snapped his fingers and four more tendrils pierced his chest on each side.

“Finally you have broken my Daughters body shortening her already shorten life, and through your actions before entering this temple now has had to Orphan a Daughter she will never see grow up, nor teach about the joy’s and hardships in life. With this, YOU ARE GUILTY!” He raised his hand as two more tendril’s pierced both his arms and legs, and rose him into the air beside his conspirators. They were all instantly cocooned once they were at the same height.

“You all stand accused and guilty of your crimes. Your soul’s are now forfeit to us and we take from you what you have taken from other’s. WE curse you to spend eternity to burn and hate the living while in service to us. Any last words?” he asked the black cocoon that held Platinum.
Then as my duty as your Last Shadow i take your soul and destroy your body.” He proclaimed as he closed his outstretched hand and made a fist. The three cocoon's quickly shrunk and a single Crunch could be heard from each one till only a mass of tendril’s floated in the air. They retreated from the air as he reopened his hand and down from the air floated a dark mist that quickly hid itself in one of the storage places in the wall.

The Archmage watched all of this from his spot near the entrance in thrall at the Lord of Wind. He wasn’t truly loyal to Platinum, but she had his family so he served. he watched as the Lord’s and Lady were turned and cursed for eternity and tried to hide in the shadows of the archway.
he then watched the Man as he lowered himself till he sat down next to the young girl and cradled her head in his lap.

“Wake my daughter. You must wake your time is not yet here.” Clover heard the voice and was slowly coming around. she felt warm, amazingly warm and cozy.

“Five more minutes please.” She heard a loud booming laugh and finished waking up to see her Lord holding her like he use to when she was a child. “You did wake up my lord she said happily, to bad i'm to late to celebrate with you.”

“Clover i'm not awake. this is just a shadow my power is pouring into. i Still Sleep. I’m sorry.” he said meaningfully to her. She watched him before smiling and speaking again.

“Im sorry for failing you my lord, I wont be there when you awake or to see my daughter grow. Can you watch her?” she asked hopeful.

“No her fate is in her hands and she must go through life as best she can.” she felt her face drop at the words. She looked to the side as a tear came to her eye. She was surprised though when something wet dropped on her cheek. She looked up and saw that he had shed a tear and was holding back many more. “My dear do not fret if she is even half of your wife she will do just fine in the world, but i can offer you a choice. Join me in my sleep and i shall bind your soul so that when the time comes you may say what you want to her Daughter's, Daughter’s, Daughter or Son.” She looked in surprise at him was she being offered what she thought.

“My lord i do not wish to live forever, especially with..

“You won’t” he cut her off as he cupped her face, “You’ll live till i release your soul after you speak your piece, i promise.” he said. she thought about it for a second before smiling and nodding her head. He kissed her forehead whispered in her ear,” Then finish what you started and let us sleep.” She nodded and reached out a hand till she felt the chalk square she had drawn. She dug out all of her power even that which kept her barely alive and began to place her final and greatest spell.

The Archmage had watched as they spoke unable to hear what they were saying till after the Lord Had kissed the girl’s forehead and looked at him saying “Then finish what you started and let us sleep.” The Archmage stood frozen for a second but nodded his head and dropped the first crystal into a slot just big enough for it. The aura’s died away and the lines turned a brilliant white color. He watched the Dais as it sunk into the ground. He then dropped the second and saw the final act’s of his sealing circle activate and the flower move ever so slowly into the ground. The Man bent and Kissed the girl’s forehead as a Gold Square lit up on the ground and her arms went slack. Her body then began to glow the same color and dissolve into mist. he watched the Lord stand up the mist condensing in his cupped hands. He pressed them together for a second before holding in one hand a Purple 6 pointed star with a gold shape at it’s center. He pulled the chain out from under his shirt as Half the flower now was sunk under the floor. He put the Star on the chain that glowed Gold before fusing with it. He looked at the Archmage just as the flower started to close to give one last Warning.

“I will not sleep forever and when i wake i shall bring justice to the crimes of past.” And with that he shone a bright gold and disappeared as the flower closed back up before disappearing below the crystal flooring.

For an unknown time the Archmage stood in his place at the entrance. he waited for something to bring him a punishment like the others but none came. Finally he breathed in and out a few times before pulling a scroll out. A testament that, as there was no resistance and need for a fight, he was thinking of burning. But he now pulled out an empty parchment and copied it while adding a few lines in it to warn those who should find the place. he then took the old parchment and cast a spell to copy their signatures before levitating it up to an empty storage space. HE walked out and took one last look at the Great Serpent spanning the archway to bow and write in Latin a warning to stay away.

He knew it wasn’t enough, and that what they did today wasn’t the end but merely the beginning of greater evil.

Author's Note:

Okay so I decided to revise a few thing's. and add a prologue that contains hints and items from throughout the story. Now im having stupid problems with it and it won't let me upload from google doc's which is pissing me the fuck off.....I will leave the address for it and advice you read it from there rather than here. if someone can help me directly upload documents from google do'cs id be eternally grateful.....by the way the first chapter now has both the first and second, I thought it ran better........ANd Mordteiva has no comment right now but if she does you'll be able to tell.

Never mind thanks to Eldarado I fixed Google doc's. so know enjoy