• Member Since 2nd Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen May 8th


Darkness will always end up out lasting the light.

Comments ( 60 )

I see.

First time clopfic writer, I presume?

wow....i don't know if i should take that as an insult or something else

also no this isn't the first time, this is like the 9th time


It shouldn't be taken as anything more than my own curiosity. I meant no disrespect, I was just asking.

it's fine i still love ya

Pinkie special pony

Uhh... I hate to say this, but starting out your description with an immediate grammatical error isn't really boding well for this fic.

woops forgot to add that

Pretty good! Though I would recomend going over it again, I did notice some spelling errors.


Hey, I've been promoting your group all day.

Coolio, your story should go into this group. It will be welcomed.

i've added it to that group, about half an hour ago


You're ahead of the game, man. Good for you.

Also, bam. Favorited. Keep it up.

well, i don't have a reply to that


Saying you have no reply is a reply.


very detailed and i'd loveto talk to you about a story i'm writin'

as i mean we could help each other out one day

ah sure, pm me details and we can talk

:pinkiecrazy: This is delicious and glorious in sooooooooo many levels!

:pinkiehappy: Please keep up the epic work.

Yours truly... Necromancerx69

Ps... :pinkiecrazy: Any chance for part 2 (pinkie drunk, pinkie drunk!) or more incest with the rest of the main 6?

Uh.....no. Just no. :ajbemused:

first of all, incest isn't a sin
you i say yes to, because your avatar just screams, "she's going to rape me!"

sorry about not posting the one story idea yet,(sweetie belle monster love story) it's taking a little bit of time, i need to finish like 5 stories before i get to that one, i hate not finishing stories, but i have a little bit of it started so:yay:

trying to screw with you, i like getting into arguments, it's fun

:pinkiecrazy: Muhahahaha, you silly filly, who do you think I am? the tax collector?
:twilightsmile: Nope! Take your time with the story, because I know it will be the most exquisite thing I have ever read. I am a very patient kind of guy (because if I wasn't my home town would be in ashes).

:twilightangry2: You still haven't answer my question.

Ps... :pinkiecrazy: Any chance for part 2 (pinkie drunk, pinkie drunk!) or more incest with the rest of the main 6?

:pinkiecrazy: I love you <3

i was thinking of it actually, but i didn't know where to go with it

Van #29 · Aug 6th, 2013 · · 1 ·

Never enough Pinkiecest! :)

wait did her hubby dump her?? :applecry:

i don't know, why are you asking me? oh wait. hehehe I'll tell you if i write more, but i doubt i will

part 2 :pinkiehappy:


.........suddenly i have a strange image in my head............ a broken body of a stallion, his breathing ragged, slowing, a cyan mare with a prismatic mane, soaked in blood, standing over him, looking over to a house. he looks up to the face, which turns to him, sees the rosy eyes full of a hatred unlike anything he ever seen. his assailant, that his magic was no use against........ his killer.
as the world begins to fade black, the mare looks over to the home he just left, and her face transforms. the twisted snarl she bared the entire attack turned to a sad, soft smile. her eyes ever softer and brimming with tears.
"Don't worry pinkie. We won't let anyone hurt you again....... None of us will."
these were the last words he ever heard. and the last he saw was of four other figures coming forward from the dark.

Level 5?

Ill have you know my power level is well OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!

3682360 i think they ment lavel of the story, not there personal power level:facehoof:

Im not a huge fan of Pinkie but i love this story it was very well written and kinda cute. I wouldnt mind reading this again. my final rateing 4/5 and im glad lil puff isnt an alicorn

... i like this it's a super super super toned down verstion of scootaloo's master... sorta... actually not really.:unsuresweetie:oh well this still is liked and fave:twilightsmile::moustache:

Is he still going to rape her daily?

Well, that was interesting. Good, though.

Ill rape her everyday:rainbowhuh: Well that's somethin else:moustache:

Finally got to this one.
Well, that was short and sweet. :pinkiehappy:

4172863 you should do a sequal...maybe he does do it every day.

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