• Member Since 13th May, 2022
  • offline last seen 16 hours ago



Comments ( 16 )

Before you can react, you feel it go taught

The word you want is "taut".


Nice catch. Thank ya kindly. :twilightsmile:

yes, it's in the theme of the first story. But for me, this is painfully stretching the limits of comedy if it's actually happening to Anon. Pinkie is restraining Anon, impersonating him, and sexually assaulting him to satisfy her perverse delight in making Twilight swallow Anon's semen. And somehow Pinkie seems to think it's all okay because she's just doing some matchmaking so that Anon and Twilight will become lovers, and then everybody will be happy.
For me, this would work better if it were Anon imagining it as a sexual fantasy, although I think he'd have to be drugged to go that far.
On the other hand, some of your readers may just think this is a laugh riot. But I'm an old-school Boomer, so I may be in the minority of your targeted audience. You did get all the basics right with spelling, punctuation, and italicized sounds.
I'll be interested in reading the comments of your other readers.


Thanks wd, I appreciate the feedback. :twilightsmile:

This installment definitely leans a bit more into the ridiculous and outlandish than the first, inviting some more exaggerated aspects into the portrayal of the scene. The scene itself is meant to be something of a fantastical one—ideally a bit of a playground for Anon's (the reader's) imaginations to go a little wild without taking things too seriously.

The intent was to portray Anon as something of a conflicted individual coming (quite unexpectedly) to realize (and fret over) some of their own more unique desires at Pinkie's "prompting," though I can see how others might see things in a different light.

In all, good food for thought—I appreciate you bringing up the topic. Stories like these are fun little outlets to work with, and it's always nice to explore what others have to say about them.

I have to echo wdfarmer here; while it's a fun story, and some readers who prefer a more passive, submissive experience will certainly enjoy it, the rape of Anon and the repeated non-con sexual acts on Twilight feel...weird in tone, I guess.


Appreciate the feedback on that, Hamburger. More insights from readers are always welcome.

...and some readers who prefer a more passive, submissive experience will certainly enjoy it...

I'd agree that readers looking for that sort of experience are the most likely audience. It's definitely a bit of a [fetish] piece—more on the niche side of things than your usual vanilla or vanilla+ clop.

(Perhaps I could have done a better job setting that expectation in the description—I'll keep that in mind going forward.)

I mean...
>strange powers
>invoked to seal and enforce verbal agreements
>bizarre worldview
Could easily see some kind of luxuria demon. The goalposts have just moved far enough that it no longer matters.

And she's definitely either that or wants in on the relationship.

I hope anon gets to be on the other side, and we watch Twilight struggle not to enable Pinkie's perversions.

Well...my gawd, wasn't that something. Thanks for the entertainment on a otherwise dull Sunday. Like, fave and follow!:trixieshiftright:


Could easily see some kind of luxuria demon. The goalposts have just moved far enough that it no longer matters.

And she's definitely either that or wants in on the relationship.

You never know with Pinkie Pie. :pinkiecrazy:


I hope anon gets to be on the other side, and we watch Twilight struggle not to enable Pinkie's perversions.

We'll have to see what the future has in store. :twilightsmile:


Well...my gawd, wasn't that something. Thanks for the entertainment on a otherwise dull Sunday. Like, fave and follow!:trixieshiftright:

I do aim to please. :raritywink:


Glad to hear. :twilightsmile:

Well I enjoyed the first one, and the first half of this was cute, but sheesh way too much rapey noncon for me

The fact this kind of content perfectly-captures Pinkie's absurdity makes this all infinitely-funnier. I guess I somewhat-understand how Anon is falling for her. Poor Twily.

Yeah, there are some major consent issues here no two ways about it... but setting that matter aside for you and your parole officer, you really nail the tension. Yowza!


Duly noted and agreed. Hopefully the inclusion of the appropriate tags and flags a while back lets folk know what to expect ahead of time.

(Tension-wise, though, there's nothing more terrifying than a pink pony who knows she's in a cartoon. :pinkiecrazy:)

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