• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 4,822 Views, 134 Comments

Nature Of The Everfree - Lord Despair

The terrifying Everfree forest is finally about to be rid of once and for all, for the safety of ponies everywhere. The Everfree forest itself, however, strongly objects to that notion

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The King of the Forest- Part 1

Picking up from where we left off...

Everyone present within the clearing had had their pleasant, albeit brief, moment of relaxation broken within an instant. From seemingly out of nowhere, a disembodied voice, powerful and commanding, spoke out without warning and rattled the nerves of the element bearers and the guards. It wasn’t so much that it sounded threatening that put everyone on edge, it was more in that it sounded smug and incredibly confident with what it had just said.

“Heh heh heh” the voice chuckled condescendingly “Look at all the wee lil’ ponies in the big scary forest! You all look like lost little toys that got swept under a child’s bed! AHAHAHAHA!”

“Hey! Who are you calling a toy!” Rainbow Dash snapped at the voice “Are you the guardian! Show yourself! If you want to insult me and everyone else then come out and say it to our face you featherbrain coward!” she challenged. Just as she finished, the royal guard battalion quickly assumed a defensive stance and formed a protective barrier around the mane six “Grr... don’t pretend that you didn’t hear me! I know you did!”

“I don’t think that would be such a good idea lassie” said the voice “One sight of me and it’ll be the last that you’ll ever see”

“Oh yeah? And why’s that!” Rainbow shouted.

“Because if I show up, then I’m suppose to do my job. And when I do my job right, you’ll just be a rainbow colored stain on the forest floor once I’m through with you” the voice threatened, followed by another chuckle when he notice Rainbow Dash and the rest swallowing a lump in their throat.

“Listen, it’s been a while since I’ve bashed some skulls and I’m raring to get in a good scrap or two before dinner today” said the voice nonchalantly “Ahem, anyway, as a guardian of this forest I recommend that you and your band of suicidal lackeys leave while you still have the chance. I take it one of you had a ran in with my buddies the mushrooms?” he asked.

“I have” said Twilight “And I will say that you guardians don’t scare us one bit!” she stated with fire “We are the bearers of the elements of harmony, the most powerful magical artifact in all of Equestria! My colleagues and I are here to rid the Everfree forest once and for all! So hear me, stand aside and let us continue our goal or you will be struck down! You know not of the powers that you are meddling with here you blind fool!”

“Heh, as much as I like to hear you describe yourself and your band of idiots, I rather not” said the voice, unfazed by Twilight’s own threats “Hollow threats is all you got then eh, girlie? You think just because you got fancy wings, a horn and a little tiara on your head and control over some fancy schancy magic that gives you the right to barge into my grove, my home, my forest and act all high and mighty when you don’t even have the slightest clue of what you think you’re doing!” his voice grew gradually angrier.

“Well I’d it looks like a pompous little dolly and her entourage needs some setting straight!” the voice stated.

Face a guardian of this forest and tremble before the might of his power!

A loud ear splitting roar was let out once the voice finished. It was so loud and ear piercing that half of the guards found themselves falling to the ground, ears bleeding and head practically splitting into two due to the sheer intensity of the roar. Trees shook violently, leaves scattered all around, calm rivers carried torrential waves that splashed and shifted without abandon. Before long, the entire group found themselves stumbling around and landing on their own flank because of the shockwave.

It took a while but everyone’s hearing managed to return to normal after being subjected to such horrible audio torture. But the feeling of dread didn’t stop there. Slow rumbles, rhythmic in nature, caused terrible tremors with each waking second. It was as if something large was coming, and Twilight had a pretty good idea of who or what it was that was approaching.

Standing before them was a massive specimen whose shadow eclipsed the group like a mountain overshadowing an ant. Whatever it was it appeared to be bipedal in structure, with a wide and bulky frame to boot. The flow of the wind shook the edge of the creatures silhouette turning it rather fuzzy, indicating that it had fur. It had claws, short and stocky but pointy none the less. If there was ever the need for an image to represent intimidation, this imposing figure would have the very honor of doing so.

With one last step, the creature revealed itself in the light.

* * *

He was a bear, but not like those the ponies have been accustomed to. He was gargantuan, triple the size of a regular bear both in length and width. His fur was light brown in color with white highlights and was incredibly shaggy. Painted onto the fur around his his arms, legs, chest, and face were cryptic runic tattoos of sorts that glowed softly with a turquoise hue.

Parts of his furs were braided and were held together by disturbing decorative accessories that were carved out from the bones of some poor creature. Gripped between his jagged teeth ladened maw was a small branch acting similarly like Big Mac’s sprig of wheat. This beast had the look of a savage warrior with an intent to kill so strong that it was palpable.

“My name is Cratus, I am the unyielding avatar of force. I represent the raw instinct in all animals that drives their every action. But everyone else refers to me as the king” said the bear with a smug smile “I will protect the Everfree forest, the last bastion of nature and its entirety, from your kind’s ignorant meddlings” he snarled.

No one did or said a thing. They were far too awestruck and were frozen with fear that their body, no matter how much their mind pleaded for them to move, simply refused to respond to them. In spite of it all however, the element bearers searched within themselves and found the courage to break free and confront Cratus.

“Like Twilight said before, we ain’t afraid of ya!” Applejack proclaimed loudly “I bet you that you’re all talk anywho!”

“Now, Applejack. I’m sure that we can settle things in a calm manner without resorting to needless violence” Fluttershy quickly cut in, causing all of her friends to raise an eyebrow in wonder. She then stepped out of the group and bravely walked straight up to Cratus with a diabetically sincere smile on her face ”Excuse, mister Cratus, was it?”

“Call me mister again and I’ll force feed you your own wings, got that you little butterball?” Cratus snarled. Fluttershy noticeably recoiled from another unnecessarily graphic description of her possible demise, yet she soldiered on, doing her best to reach through to Cratus for whatever it was worth.

“I... uh... What I mean to say is... mist-” Fluttershy stopped herself just enough to realize her mistake, breathing a sigh of relief in return “Cratus” she said “You don’t have to fight us” This time, it was Cratus who rose an eyebrow at Fluttershy. He furrowed his brow and stroked his chin as he went in semi deep thought.

“Really? And why is that?” he asked with a hint of obvious sarcasm in his voice.

“Well, I’m sure that you don’t really want to fight us. Bears aren’t like that” Fluttershy said with such innocence.

“Hmm? Really now? Care to explain to me?” said Cratus with more sarcasm.

“Sure!” Fluttershy beamed, her mind rushing with exciting ideas to share “Well, bears are cute and cuddly and oh so very fuzzy wuzzy! Plus, they’re so sweet and very caring to all of my other animal friends! If we could become friends instead of fighting, then maybe I could teach how a proper bear should act instead of living here all along and fighting all day” she concluded with pleading eyes.

Cratus simply stood stock still and locked eyes with Fluttershy, his facial expression depicting incredulity. He didn’t say anything for a few seconds, then a few minutes before finally breaking the silence by falling onto his back, causing everyone to hop up, and laughing jovially at the top of his lungs without a care in the world. He couldn’t breathe, he was enjoying the joke some much he found himself slamming his massive paws into the ground leaving potholes in its wake.

“BWUAHAHAHAHA!” he boomed “Did anyone else hear that?” he said as he wiped away a tear from his eye “The little butterball here thinks that bears are suppose to be all kind and fuzzy like a bunny rabbit! Can you believe that!” he paused to catch his breath. When he finally caught his second wind, he towered over poor Fluttershy and flashed his rows of sharp jagged teeth “There’s something seriously wrong with you ponies if you think that animals are suppose to be obedient little housepets! I swear, are all ponies dropped on their head when you come out of your mother’s-”

“Don’t go there!” Rainbow Dash snapped “What do you know about us!” she tried to fly up to Cratus’ face, only to be pulled back by Twilight’s pinkish magical grip.

“Don’t even try Rainbow. I already had that same conversation yesterday. These guardians are beyond reasoning” said Twilight “I was pushing it when I thought Fluttershy could ever try to talk some sense into you barbaric savages. But you’ve only assure your own defeat for insulting my friend’s kindness” she scowled.

“The fact that I haven’t killed you lot yet is pushing it for me!” Cratus retorted angrily “Me being this patient with something like you is very, very, veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery, rare for me, so be grateful!”

“Normally I would’ve gone and turn everyone who's faced me into fertilizer by now. But being the ancient and wise being that I am, it wouldn’t be very fair to just crush everything without giving you some proper insight first to let you know the errors of your ways”

“Hmph” Twilight scoffed “Speak all you want, but as princes-”

“As princess of Equestria you have no power here before the undisputed king of the forest!” Cratus roared “My patience is wearing thin. If you refuse to look at the big picture and decide to stay self righteous then by all means, go ahead. But choose your next move carefully, little girlie...”

“Hmm, since you’re offering...” Twilight retorted with an obnoxiously victorious looking smile.

What happened next was since a familiar moment that the mane six have gone through time and time again in order to defeat countless villains during Equestria’s most dire situations. Wordlessly, they all rose together into the air, emanating a radiant and polychromatic glow that was almost too hard to look at. With will alone, everyone’s respective necklaces and tiara appeared and was rejoined with their bearers. With eyes of pure white light and pure intents of harmony, their power circulated together to form the power that stopped Nightmare Moon and Discord.

A vibrant rainbow stirred from their elements, culminating together into a massive swirl that utterly dwarfed Cratus in size. Cratus did not say nor do anything other than stand still as the rainbow swirl of harmony engulfed his very being, leaving not a single hair behind as the swirl violently churned like a powerful hurricane. Finally, it all ended with a bang. A massive boom shot out from where Cratus was standing and echoed past outwards, shaking everything in the vicinity. A single flash of light later and all that was left of Cratus was dust in the wind. Or presumably a tasteless statue in place of where he once was.

The mane six slowly descended towards the ground, the power that they controlled slowly slipping away once the job was done. The bright glow from their elements dimmed out and returned to being nothing more than fancy jewelry.

Everyone turned to face each other, victorious smiles were held all around. Even the guard had joined in with a big cheer and hollering for such a breezy victory. Then again, it’s not like they didn’t see that coming. Every single time that they were used, the element would end it at the drop of a hat. Plain and simple.

“Well it looks like truth, love, and justice saves the day once again!” Pinkie happily proclaimed.

“I believe you mean to say harmony darling” Rarity replied with a curt wave of her lavish mane “We sure taught that brute a thing or two, wouldn’t you say everyone? I’m sure that not you wouldn’t be having anymore trouble with the others now, will you, Twilight?”

“Definitely. It was all predictable, anyway. Nothing with such horrible killing intent could ever resist the powers of harmony. Anyone with eyes could see that” Twilight said smugly with her head held high “Well, it looks like thing really will be smooth sailing from now on. I doubt any other guardians will even think about attacking us after what happens today”

“I... wouldn’t be so sure about that... little girlie....”