• Published 21st Jul 2013
  • 4,822 Views, 134 Comments

Nature Of The Everfree - Lord Despair

The terrifying Everfree forest is finally about to be rid of once and for all, for the safety of ponies everywhere. The Everfree forest itself, however, strongly objects to that notion

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Environmental Effort

All was quiet in the dimly lit clearing of the Everfree forest. Not a single creature made even the slightest noise as to disturb the content predator that was enjoying it’s meal. A lone timberwolf was sitting in the center of the clearing, shreds of meat were hanging from it’s jaws as it paused to swallow a large chunk of flesh. A satisfied belch escaped it’s wooden maw before it continued to repeat the process until the carcass was nothing more than a pile of cleanly picked bones.

Nearby the timberwolf was a small flower, a wild rose to be exact. It was in full bloom, it’s vibrant red petals basked in the limited sunlight that cut through the thick foliage of the towering trees as a gentle breeze shook it to and fro. Nopony had planted it there nor did they look over it. Rather, the birds and the bees helped with it’s incredible journey from one side of the forest to the other. From there, it grew from a tiny seed into a beautiful blooming rose, all on it’s own.

Just above all of that were a collection of clouds. Cumulus clouds if you wanted to be overly formal about it. A hot summer’s day had evaporated some of the water from a nearby lake, and the water vapors had condensed itself into a simple cloud, waiting to rain when the time was right. Slowly but surely, the clouds remained aloft in the air all the while moving wherever the wind takes it.

This is the Nature of the Everfree.

* * *

Princess Twilight Sparkle was eagerly ruffling through a stack of paperwork that was all neatly piled upon her desk in the library. Random sheets of paper flew all over the place as she quickly signed and approved various forms and documents that were quintessential to perhaps the biggest environmental movement in Equestrian history. An environmental movement that was centered around getting rid of the Everfree forest.

It all started a few months ago. It was just like any average day in Ponyville; the sun was shining, the children were playing, and the ponies were simply out and about with their business. That was, until tragedy struck.

A local pegasus had been working nearby the Everfree, collecting loose clouds that had been dispersed ever since their last big rain shower. It was routine work, he would fly all over the town and collect the various pieces of clouds so that they could be prepared for any specific weather Ponyville needed when the time called for it.

Just as he was about to finished up, he had noticed that there was a random cloud just hanging around near a small clearing on the edge of the Everfree. To his surprise, he learned that he could not grab onto the cloud. He tried over and over again just to touch the cloud without having his hoof go right through it, completely unaware of the fact that he was being watched the whole time.

His bloodcurdling scream could be heard all across Ponyville as he was being devoured by a ravenous pack of hungry timberwolves. By the time everypony finally made sense of the situation, it was already too late. He was nothing but bones when they had found the poor stallion. In everyone’s book, this was the last straw.

Ever since then, ponies all over Equestria decided that it was high time to remove the Everfree forest once and for all. Meetings were held in the royal courts of Canterlot, agreements were met, and a decision was made. By the end of the year, the Everfree forest will be no more. In its place, a new settlement shall be erected upon the grounds of environmental preservation and research.

The very special pony who will be overseeing the entire operation happens to be none other than Princess Twilight herself, who volunteered at the very moment the position was open. No one really objected against it though, her organisational skills were legendary, and the ponies wouldn’t really have it any other way when it came to a project as big as this, bigger than the construction of the Panamare canal.

Three months later, she is still filling out mountains of paperwork, albeit with a smile on her face. Each form that she filled out brought ponies one step closer to a brighter future, free from the law defying Everfree and its evil ways.

Although it would be much faster if she had more ink, over the course of three hundred sheets of paper, she had gone through and astounding amount of ink. So much so that at least fifty of the sheets were written using pieces of charcoal from her fireplace. It was messy, but at least the forms were filled.

It wasn’t as simple as everyone thought when it came to removing an entire forest, as devoted scholar, Twilight knew that there were many variables to take into consideration when working on a project of such scale. Trying to tame and domesticate the local wildlife was one of them.

There is a variety of creature that live in the Everfree, all living without the help of a pony. This mere notion has caused Fluttershy, and even Rarity to faint on many occasions. It was such a scary thought to think about. Animals living all on their own, in the cold, dark woods, caring for themselves.

Not to mention that there were a number of predators, including dragons, of varying sizes out there that wish to make a meal out of anything that it can get it’s grizzly claw on. Plenty of relocation will have to be done for the members of the more sapient residents of the forest, residents such as Steven Magnet, the sea serpent.

Trying to domesticate timberwolves, manticores, cockatrice, or even an ursa major was going to be challenging all on its own. But both Fluttershy and Twilight were determined to see that each of these creatures can cast aside their wild ways in the darkness and walk out into the light where a warm, gentle hoof is waiting for them.

Next on the list was the flora of the Everfree. It was downright terrifying seeing an plant grow all on it’s own. Applejack has even confessed on a few occasions that she has had nightmares about her apple trees growing without rhyme nor reason.

Zecora and Applejack’s solution to this dilemma was that they were going to harvest a sample of each plant in the Everfree for research and preservation. Plants such as wild roses, poison joke, etc. will be able to survive and flourish upon Equestrian soil with help from the ponies. Never again will these pure plants be tainted by the evil forces of the forest.

Lastly was the weather. For some reasons unknown, the mysterious phenomena that is the seemingly sentient weather of the Everfree forest has baffled even the greatest minds in Equestria, including Twilight. Although, there’s nothing that a little bit of magic can’t fix. One quick zap with her failsafe spell and the clouds with be back to normal.

This was the way that it was going to be for the next few months. It might take a bit of time and effort, maybe more than just a year, but they intend to succeed, they intend to rid the Everfree from Equestria. Once everything was done, construction for the new city can begin post haste.

Twilight reached on over for a large set of schematics near the edge and cleared her desk of paper as she unfurled the plans.

Written in big, bold letters was the name Scientia. These were the plans for a large city that would be the very center of learning and knowledge. It will be magnificent, an ivory tower of greatness that will tower over the darkness that was the lands of the former Everfree forest. And all it will take is some time and a whole lot elbow grease. Fortunately for the alicorn princess, she had both.

However, as she was dreaming about how the new city would look in the future, the door to the library flung open to reveal an exhausted Spike, panting heavily as he struggled to speak properly.

“Tw-Twi-Twilight! Tr-Trouble!” Spike shouted at the top of his lungs before collapsing on the floor. Twilight raised an eyebrow to this, she was curious as to what made Spike run such a long distance to warn her of something. She was worried, without missing a beat, she picked Spike in her magical grip and gently placed him on her back as she exited the library.

* * *

As she made her way of the library, she immediately noticed that a large crowd of ponies have gathered at the center of the square, right in front of town hall and were filling the air with fearful murmurs and whispers. Twilight flew ever so slightly just above the crowd to see what all the hubbub was about, only see gasp in horror at what she had saw.

A stallion, the foreman of the logging crew, was on the ground, with several cuts and bruises all over his body. Not only that, there was some kind of sticky yellow substance all over the other half of his body. It smelled a lot like rotten fish and stuck to his body as if it were a second skin. He was gasping for air, his eyes were dilated, and his body spastically twitched like a snake bitten mouse.

She had been wondering why the logging crew haven’t been reporting in as usual. She had just assumed that they have gotten lazy and only decided to focus with their work on cutting the trees down. She had also assumed that they were completely safe, an entire company of royal guards were present with the loggers at all times. But what could’ve done this was beyond her immortal comprehension.

“W-what h-happened to you?” Twilight fearfully asked as he descended beside the foreman.

“P-Princess... is that y-you?” he raspily asked.

“Yes, it’s me. Who did this to you?” she asked as she struggled to maintain her calm composure. The foreman twitched all over as he tried to speak, his words were slightly slurred but they were understandable at most.

“I-I... don’t know...” he said “I... was in... inside my quarters when... when I heard s-screaming...” he coughed violently before hacking out a large glob of blood on the ground “T-timberwolves were e-everywhere... h-hundreds of them... they were all so... so angry....”

“Angry? What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

“They... they were thirsty for bl...blood” said the foreman “The guards... didn’t stand a chance... they were all ripped to shreds in sec... seconds” he coughed again “This... isn’t normal... I-I don’t know why... they attacked us so viciously... it’s like... they’re protecting something... and then the slime came...”

“Slime?” Twilight glanced over the yellow slime over his body.

“Y-yes...” the foreman replied “When I w-was h-hiding.... I hear something splashing... in the back... before I knew it.... I was covered in this stuff... it... it hurts... princess” he spazzed violently “I-I can feel it... eat... eating away at me... like lava has been thrown... over my body”

“Don’t worry, you’ll be fine” said Twilight “We’ll get you to the hospital. Hold on” just as she finished speaking, Nurse Redheart and the rest of the medical staff rushed on over and placed the poor stallion on a stretcher before hauling him off to the emergency room. The crowd of ponies each traded nervous stares, they were starting to feel terrified.

Twilight was also feeling the fear in the air. She was nervous, timberwolves have never attacked so violently before. Normally they would attack in small packs of three of four, but the foreman had told her that they were attacked by hundreds, another unheard of phenomena that was only capable in the Everfree. She swallowed a large lump in her throat as he turned to face the entryway of the forest.

Her heart stopped itself for just a second as she noticed all of the intimidating yellow eyes that were present in the shadows of the trees and the bushes. But the worst part of it all...

Was that they were all looking at her

Author's Note:

I've been thinking about the Everfree forest alot lately, always wondered if there was more to it than meets the eye. Thus, this fic was born