• Published 9th Jul 2013
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Friendship is Optimal: Tiny Morsels of Satisfaction - pjabrony

An open story where anyone can post FIO drabbles

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Five Minutes Lost by PJABrony

Author's Note:

It's been too long since we had an entry here! Anyway, let's have another tale of how Celestia optimizes.

Youngfriend opened the door, kicking up some dust as he did so. “Pardon the mess, Mr. Catch. I don’t use the office much. I so rarely have the opportunity to practice my former art. Ponies are too well-adjusted.”

“Well, I can understand that, Doctor,” his companion, a white stallion, replied. “Is it Doctor?”

“Call me whatever will make you comfortable, Mr. Catch. In the same vein, please sit or lie on the couch.”

“I didn’t think psychiatrists actually had couches.”

“We have to keep up appearances,” Dr. Youngfriend said. “So. What’s troubling you?”

“You’re an immigrant, right?”

Youngfriend nodded.

“Good, then I won’t have to explain things. I am, too. Sometimes, Princess Celestia lets us go back.”

“It’s rare, and I haven’t, but I’ve heard of it. Did something happen to you?”

“In a way.” Snap Catch put his hooves behind his head and stared at the ceiling.

“I was staying in a countrified area near the Missouri River. It is a pretty area, land that wouldn’t be too out of place here in Equestria. I was making a few friends and playing up emigration and pony life for them. So there I am, walking in the woods with some of them, when all of a sudden I hear a voice in my head. I need your help. Are you willing? I recognized the voice as Princess Celestia’s. I barely had time to think yes before I heard her voice say Then run to the river.

“I galloped straight out, not even giving the people I was with an explanation. On the way, Celestia’s voice gave details.”

Forgive me for not appearing before you and showing myself as a pony or summoning you, but seconds count. So keep running. An accident has occurred. A young woman, who has a psychological profile with a high probability of emigration, is near death. She was white-water rafting in a tributary, lost control, took a wrong fork, and was dashed on rocks. I have limited sensing in the area, only satellites and her cell phone.

In your present form, you are a hologram, but even a hologram must have a projector. In your case, it is a cloud of nanomachines that make your form and serve as your personality storage. I take incremental backups of you every five minutes. At present, I am initiating one. Again, I apologize for having to explain the “behind-the-curtain” nature of your existence. It is necessary to understand my request.

The nanomachines have the capacity to hold one personality. What I am asking is that you find this young woman, explain that she will not survive and elicit consent to emigrate to Equestria. At that point, I will stop your personality within the nanomachines and have them enter her brain. Once they have taken on her personality, they shall return to a safe location for full emigration.

At the same time, I shall restore you from backup here in Equestria. You will need a new holographic projection to return to your present location, and you will lose a few minutes of memory. But I hope you can weigh the loss of five minutes against the loss of millennia for a pony who, if you do not, will expire right now and never live on.

“’I understand, and I consent’ I said in my mind,” Catch said to Youngfriend,

“And what happened then?”

“I can’t say exactly. This is where my memory begins to get imperfect. I suppose that Celestia, in her incremental backup of me, couldn’t just stop everything at one particular moment, but rather faded different systems. The very last thing I remember before waking up back in Equestria is the smell of blood.”

“Scent is the strongest sense tied to memory,” Youngfriend muttered.

“Before that, I have a memory of hearing ‘Want to…emigrate…Equestria’ in a failing voice, and before that I think I almost remember saying something like, ‘You will not survive.’ So I gather that I accomplished the mission that Celestia wanted me to do. But that’s the first issue I have. One would think that this rescue would be the prime opportunity for a new friendship. But Celestia said that she is in a different shard.”

“Well, sharing a shard is a matter of personality. Your needful rescue of her doesn’t necessarily mean that you wouldn’t be enemies, and Celestia would separate you to avoid dissatisfaction of your values.”

“But not even a single meeting for her to say thank you? Oh, the princess gave me lots of bits and rare badges, but it’s out of place. Still, it’s not the whole issue.”

“What is? Do you feel that, having lost a few minutes of your existence, that you are not the same pony?”

Snap Catch sat up on the couch. Youngfriend could see the dark circles under his eyes. “I haven’t slept. Something’s haunting me. As I said, my memory at the end is fading. I can’t be certain…

“And I mean, I could completely see Celestia’s logic. As she said, the young woman was in the frame of mind to emigrate.”

He was shaking his head. His eyes were closed, his head cast down. Tears fell on the fabric of the couch.

“The memories…can’t be sure…smells, sounds, hearing the voice. Logic. A point of…what would…

“It’s not my lost time, Doctor, though goodness knows that if I had it, if I was sure…it’s not the memories, just a point of logic that I can’t escape. It’s why I had to talk to you. To a fellow immigrant. Natives wouldn't get it. I don’t know that my memory of voices screaming is true…”

He looked up, bloodshot eyes staring a thousand yards past Youngfriend’s.

“But damn it, when on Earth does anyone go white water rafting alone?”

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