• Published 9th Jul 2013
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Friendship is Optimal: Tiny Morsels of Satisfaction - pjabrony

An open story where anyone can post FIO drabbles

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Sky Dust's Wish by Lemma Prism

Sky Dust stood before the shallow wishing well in the Princesses’ courtyard while endlessly shifting her weight from hoof to hoof. The night’s eternal lullaby, clear and sweet under the moonlit sky, did little to unwind her fluttering wings.

Sky forced herself still long enough to nose open her saddlebags and fetch the last of the appleberry cider Peppermint had given her earlier in the night. She didn’t notice, but she habitually muttered a prayer to calm herself down before drinking down the cider to soothe her body and mind.

Sky would have to compliment Peppermint on that drink. She was truly masterful at brewing cocktails for just the right occasion and Sky couldn’t come close to matching her. In fact, it was almost as if Peppermint knew Sky was going to get herself all wound up tonight. Then again, she probably did. Sky did that all the time.

Now that she was a little calmer, Sky Dust turned her attention back to the wishing well that stood before her. It was, naturally, Celestia’s creation and wasn’t so much a well as a small marble pool of water. It was a gift to Sky Dust from shortly after her immigration. In addition to giving requests an in-universe explanation (’make me happy to be a pony’ supposedly being a common one right after ‘make me a dragon’) the wishing pool also served to alleviate Sky’s unyielding urge to pray to Celestia to fix every little problem that faced her.

Equestria’s greatest strengths are its goddesses who can tailor everything to your every need, but for Sky that had also proved to be its greatest weakness. The very comfort that perfect incorruptible guardians granted her also took away the desire for Sky to… try. To trouble herself with anything. If there’s no risk of pain then what is there to motivate you?

It was similar to using cheat codes, but instead of cheating the game you cheated life itself. Sky’s first foray in such cheating was when she played Sim City. She loved the game and eventually she learned that it had cheat codes and was eager to try them out. Thereafter, every time she had a problem she typed out ‘fund’ to get free money, and that always made things better. It also had the unexpected effect of stripping all the fun out of the game until she stopped playing.

After moving on to Contra she discovered yet another code, pressing ‘↑, ↑, ↓, ↓, ←, →, ←, →, B, A, start, select.’ Same thing happened. And on it went: Doom? Type ’IDDQD’. GTA? Have a seizure on your controller. Skyrim? Type ‘killall’. Equestria? Whisper into the wind, “Oh Celestia, grant me the speed and strength to beat Angelfire in our race tomorrow morning,” after betting all her bits on it. In other words, pray to the local goddesses. Then pray some more (ok, a lot more) during the race itself for good measure.

Praying actually friggin worked too! Celestia refused to comment one way or the other but Sky was sure of it, and now Sky found herself tempted to pray for everything to the point that it became a compulsion that distracted her from actually enjoying life. A distraction made all the worse because there was literally never a moment when she couldn’t mutter a little prayer for something or another, so she did it nigh constantly. That was fundamentally why Celestia gave her the wishing pool and promised to henceforth ignore all prayers unless they came through the pool as a wish.

It worked pretty well, as far as it went. Sky didn’t… constantly pray for clear weather and whatnot during her races and romantic dates anymore. Really, the worst thing was probably that the pool was so close by. Sky didn’t live in Canterlot but her wings—love them though she might—allowed her to reach it much faster than her earth-bound friends. Sky could fly to Canterlot and back in well under an hour without breaking a sweat when she found an excuse to do so. And she found a lot of excuses to come here, sneak into the courtyard, and make an inane wish she didn’t need. Let’s just say that Sky was embarrassed by how many friends she’d made in Canterlot and leave it at that.

Sky sighed to herself. It was just trading one problem for another. Well, at least the wish she was making tonight couldn’t possibly leave her worse off with unforeseen consequences. She turned her head to see Princess Luna waiting patiently behind her. Sky had bounced the idea off Luna earlier that night after she’d joined Sky and her friends to do some stargazing.

“Sky Dust,” Luna had said after Sky had explained her situation, “Equestria does not burden its ponies with choices marred by the possibility of unsatisfying decisions. There exist only good decisions, and indecision.”

Despite the memory of Luna’s assurances Sky once again began to furl and unfurl her wings in an agitation that counteracted the calming effect of Peppermint’s cider. She always got really nervous when it came to big decisions, and this one felt like it could be a life changing one. Finally, she shook her head and flapped her wings once, and then twice, before settling down. Suddenly feeling calm again—an aftereffect of the cider, maybe?—Sky turned back to face the pool of water. If this wish proved to be a bad one in spite of Luna’s reassurances then Celestia simply wouldn’t grant it.

Sky stepped up to the pool of water that was the wishing well and unfurled one wing. She had no quill or parchment at hoof like the other times she had come here, but Celestia was flexible that way. Sky Dust extended a wingtip until it touched the water’s edge. She took a moment to compose herself and then began tracing her letters into the surface of the water itself. Of course they vanished immediately but Celestia would read it all the same.

I, Sky Dust, give Celestia permission to do anything she needs, at any time, for any reason, whenever I need it.

That was more like a legal document than a wish but Sky Dust felt that that kind of formality was more appropriate here since she was handing off the responsibility of granting her permission. Sky held her wingtip just above the pool’s surface and was wondering if that was clear enough when the slowly flowing water suddenly stilled itself and began to flow backwards. Sky supposed that that was a good sign—though the pool usually glowed instead—and she took a step back while wondering if this really would take away her source of discontent.

Sky Dust relished in the memory of flying back to her friends’ campsite. It had been a beautiful night, more so than she had realized before. It had become a perfect moment for a relaxing flight listening to the night’s calm melody.

Sky Dust had followed the ancient treasure map until she was deep within the Everfree Forest and thoroughly lost. If only she could fly up and see where she was… but no, life as an Earth pony had always left her relying on her friends. But that never held them back, it simply deepened their trust in one another. Hence why she was out here searching for Angelfire all by herself after they were separated yesterday during their treasure hunt.

But now Sky was lost too… oh, how would she find her friend now? Then a memory came to her, telling Sky that she had seen a castle from a cliff face yesterday and that it was sure to have drawn Angelfire’s attention. Sky didn’t question why she couldn’t remember the reason for being at a cliff yesterday, she just downed a potion of haste from her brewing session with Peppermint and dashed eastward in her excitement, trusting her instincts like always and quickly forgetting her source of guidance.

Sky Dust was showing Peppermint how to brew ciders and magical concoctions. Sky so loved to show off her expertise, and what better way than by teaching your friends?

Peppermint was proving very adept too. Not as good as Sky, perhaps, but easily good enough to pick up on her tips and tricks just like when Sky learned from watching her mother as a young filly. The two of them could make a great team someday.

The magical potions were in preparation for a treasure hunt she had planned with Angelfire. They’d found a treasure map the other day and were both real excited to see where it led.

Sky Dust reminisced about the past and recalled the days when she could hardly stand life. Why was that, again? She couldn’t remember. But that was ok, it didn’t actually matter that life used to be unpleasant, it just filled Sky with joy to think back on how much she had grown.

She had really bonded with all her old friends since moving from her childhood home of Cloudsdale, and she’d made so many new friends, too!

Why, she even remembered the night she befriended Luna…

Sky Dust relished in the experience of flying back to her friends’ picnic site. It was such a beautiful night. The perfect moment for sharing a relaxing flight and listening to the night’s calm melody with the Princess of the Night. It sure was nice of Luna to offer a tour of Canterlot or Sky may have missed out on sharing this tranquil moment.

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