• Published 30th Jun 2013
  • 1,341 Views, 62 Comments

Haylo: Sky Torn Asunder - Avalanche56

Lukas, along with his squad had one mission during the fall of reach...

  • ...

Dinner with the Moon

Chapter-7 Dinner with the Moon
August 6th 2552
Canterlot, Equestria

The Sun was hanging low in the sky by the time Lukas' demonstration was completed and the Royal Guard training fields were now all but empty, the only exception being a white and red armored biped and a sky blue pegasus sitting in the light of the fading Sun. They didn't talk much, not because they had nothing to say, but because one of them had too much to say and no clue how to say it. The silence was finally interrupted when the Sun was half way below the horizon.

"You know, despite the war and everything I had always wondered if there were aliens that didn't want to kill me and everyone I cared about," Lukas spoke softly, "I never even considered that I would call anything other than a human a friend."

Rainbow Dash blinked in confusion before responding, "and I always imagined aliens sucking out brains through tiny straws, but you aren't half bad yourself."

A tiny chuckle escaped the human's lips, "right back at you," a moment of silence before he continued, "you think we're gonna have dinner sometime soon?"

"Can't you think of anything other than food for a sec?"

"Nah, not really, gotta stay focused on something or else I might lose it."

Just then, before Rainbow could respond a guard approached them, bandages wrapped around his ears, he spoke in a manner as if he couldn't properly hear himself. "Captain Armor sent me to inform you that you have been invited to dine with the Princess this evening, dinner will be served in ten minutes."

With that he about faced and wandered off to do guard things.

"Finally some food," the famished ODST hopped too his feet and turned to Rainbow, "you coming?"

"Yeah, let's get going." They walked for maybe five minutes through the halls of Canterlot Castle, all of which still looked identical to Lukas.

"You have no idea where we are do you?"

Lukas stopped dead in his tracks, squinted and looked around. "... No, but that bust looks familiar."

"Alright c'mon, I'll lead the way, or else we'll be late for dinner." Rainbow led the disgruntled soldier through the identical hallways as if they were clearly marked with neon lights and giant arrows. Lukas paced after her, examining the walls for any sign or indicator that she was using to navigate.

- - - - - - -

The Sun had been lowered and the Moon had been raised, the table was set and four of the six expected participants of tonight's dinner were already seated. At one end of the table sat the Princess of the Sun, opposite of her sat her sister, Princess Luna. Their respective guard captains sat to each rulers right, Captain Shining Armor by Celestia and the Captain of the Night guard, Starlit Sword, sat by Luna.

"I just don't understand how you could let it wander unguarded for so long, Armor," began Starlit, "a creature as armed and dangerous as that should be kept under lock and key."

"You worry too much, he's been with an element bearer all day, no one better to watch him."

"Exactly my point, if it can supposedly kill a manticore with such ease do you really think we should let one of the most important mares in Equestria go unsupervised with such a dangerous creature? You must be losing your touch, imagine if it was your sister alone with this 'alien' all day."

Armor squirmed in his seat, but before he could retort Celestia cut in. "This wasn't a decision my Captain made, I judged this 'creature,' as you call him, to be trustworthy."

Luna spoke up for the first time, "Surely you jest, this 'Lukas' has only been known to you for merely a day, not even you, dearest sister, can so accurately judge a character in so little time."

"Do remember that the same mare you are so concerned about right now vouches for this human's trustworthiness. You would be hard pressed to find a more loyal mare than our beloved Rainbow Dash, she would not so easily trust some-" Just then the doors to the room began to open and in walked the remaining two participants of the evening's dinner.

"Some what? Princess?" asked the most interesting, and only man to walk into the room.

All eyes had turned to him as he spoke and yet no one responded.

Rainbow was the one to break the awkward silence, "so uh, dinner, amirite?"

"Yes quite, ahem." Celestia cleared her throat, that felt very dry all of a sudden. "Allow me to introduce you to my sister, Princess Luna and her guard captain, Starlit Sword." She turned to Luna while gesturing to Lukas and Rainbow, "This is Lukas and I'm sure you remember Rainbow Dash." Lukas acknowledged the introduction with a small nod to both Luna and Starlit.

"Hey Princess Luna, how's it hanging?" was the pegasus' casual response.

"Quite well, I'm coping very well thanks to you and your friends, and Tia says I've made 'great progress' with my modern Equestrian. Although I still fail to see the point in talking like a peasant." Luna responded, "no offense, of course."

"Well I'm clearly out of the loop." remarked Lukas as he looked at the gathered ponies.

"Never mind that, it's a topic for another time." Celestia began, "please, take a seat, let's begin."

With that Lukas placed his helm down on the table and took a seat near Shining Armor, Rainbow Dash took a seat across from him. Like clockwork, waiters appeared and set the table with all due diligence.

The Captain of the night guard couldn't help but examine Lukas, paying close attention to his armor and the awkward way he sat at a table clearly designed for ponies. The way his back was ramrod straight, and how his sharp blue eyes seemed to take in every detail at once. In short, the human looked ready to jump into action at the drop of a hat, and the Captain was sure this creature would show no mercy if it came down to it.

"Is there something on my face?" asked Lukas, suddenly focusing on Starlit. "You should know, its rude to stare."

"What? No, I meant no offense. I was simply... inspecting your armor." Stammered the Night Captain, ears folded down.

"And?" Pressed the ODST, "what did you deduce from your, hmph, 'inspection?" Lukas' lips began to curve upwards, ever so slightly.

"Well, to be honest, your armor, it seems very, how should I put this? Bright." Spoke the Captain. "And unless you are trying to blind someone, what's the point?"

"Ah, yeah, I guess that's a fair point." Lukas ceded the point before continuing. "The color of my armor doesn't matter though, not in the conflict humanity is a part of."

Luna, who had been observing the conversation up until now, decided to interject before her Captain could continue. "And why, pray tell, is that?"

Shining shuddered in his seat remembering how heated the Man had become the last time his species' war was mentioned.

"When the enemy, the Covenant, wants you dead, there is no color that can save you, not even becoming invisible will save you." Lukas began, adopting a cold, hard tone. "No matter how well you think you are hidden, they know where you are, I don't know if it's their advanced tech that lets them know, or if it's their sense of smell that can pick up on your sweat from 20 meters away. The Covenant, especially their Elites are creatures made to hunt, they tower above you with their terrifying mandibles and can cleave a marine in half with a single swipe of their blades." Lukas' gaze softened, "no amount of bio-foam is going to save you from that."

"Listen, never mind about all that stuff, let's get this dinner rolling." Rainbow said in an attempt to salvage the conversation. "I mean, you've been whining about food all day, dude."

"Right, of course, let's try to avoid topics not suited for the dinner table, sorry." And like that harmony was restored, and just in time as the waiters started bringing out food for the assembled ponies and human.

Salads, pastas, and oddly enough, an omelet for both Luna and her Captain were brought out and placed on the table. Celestia and Luna took their first bites in almost perfect sync and with that, dinner truly began.

"So," started Lukas between bites of what was some kind of pasta that looked edible to humans, "what's up with breakfast at dinner." Gesturing with a fork at Luna's end of the table.

"Well, for my sister and Starlit, this is the start of the day. At twilight, the guard changes from Day to Night and Luna assumes control." Celestia took another bite before continuing. "However, I should make it clear we share equal power during all hours and when important enough matters arise we come to a decision together."

"Indeed, We keep watch over the night and ensure the safety of Equestria. We also hold an open court, although not many ponies seek our council in the later hours of the night."

"C'mon now, there must have been some ponies that have sought you out, and I'm sure you totally helped them out Princess." Rainbow Dash said, face still stuffed with food.

"Yes, I admit the number of ponies seeking council has been steadily increasing, thestrals especially come seek me out. It's all quite rewarding."

"Thestrals?" asked the Human, unfamiliar with the term.

"Like my good Captain, Starlit Sword here." Luna gestured to the night pony by her side. "She has been a loyal companion since my return."

"Oh, I see." Lukas paused, "I should probably learn more about the many different races that live here." He said to no one in particular.

"I'm sure our archives have many books that can help you."

Dinner, or for some, breakfast, continued for a while longer. Little more was said until everyone had finished their meals, the table was cleared in the same professional fashion that the waiters seemed to always exude. Shining Armor and Starlit Sword had excused themselves to ensure that the change of the guard had gone smoothly.

"So," Lukas looked around at the remaining ponies, "what happens now? To me, I mean?"

The two Princess exchanged a glance before Celestia responded. "We have come to a decision, you will remain in Canterlot Castle for the time being-"

"That's not fair! He hasn't done anything wrong!" Rainbow jumped out of her seat and hovered there.

"I assure you, Rainbow Dash, he will be treated as an esteemed guest, but until we can trust him one hundred percent, we simply can't allow an unknown to wander free." Luna calmly yet firmly stated.

"This is totally not cool Princess." Rainbow folded her arms.

Before anypony could get a word in Lukas spoke up, "Sounds good to me."

"See, it's totally la-" Rainbow blinked, "wait, what? How are you okay with this?"

"I mean, to be honest, I'd say as long as I'm not naked, strapped down to a cold steel table, and missing some organs it's a pretty damn good deal in terms of first contact." Lukas casually said with a shrug of his shoulders. "Your Princesses owe me nothing and yet they are allowing me to walk around their seat of power, armed to the teeth, and all I have to do is prove I'm trustworthy. Seems like a sweet deal to me."

Rainbow was stumped, she landed on the marble floor with a 'clack' of her hooves and looked down contemplatively.

After a quick glance at the prismatic mare Celestia began, "yes, it will hopefully be a temporary arrangement and afterwards you can do as you please, within the boundaries of the law, of course."

- - - - - - -

Not long after a guard was summoned to guide Lukas to the chambers he would be staying in for the foreseeable future, Rainbow Dash would stay that night in an adjacent room and leave by chariot in the next morning.

"I still don't think it's fair."

"Will you give it a rest, I'm sure I'll be out of here soon," Lukas thought for a sec, "give me a week, two weeks tops and they'll be fine with me getting out."

Finally Rainbow Dash did give it a rest, and not longer after went to get some rest. Lukas decided it wouldn't be a bad idea to get some rest himself and set to stripping his gear and neatly piling it up next to the extremely soft looking bed. After a quick once over in the bathroom, Lukas, now in just his skivvies, went to bed.

- - - - - - -

The next morning, Rainbow awoke at dawn, something she rarely ever did. After her morning routine, which wasn't much she crept out of her room, only to be surprised by the guard standing outside the next door over, Lukas' room. One of the guard's ears was rotated towards the door he was guarding and he seemed to be listening intently for some sound.

"What are you doing out here, dude?" Rainbow asked the lone guard.

"Quiet, do you hear that?" He responded.

Rainbow slowly pressed her ear to the door and sure enough heard a distinct click every few seconds. "What is that?" she whispered to the random guard.

"No idea, but it started almost half an hour ago and has been going steady." he whispered back.

"Hey, aren't you supposed to be all silent and stuff anyways? what gives?" Rainbow asked, suddenly curious.

"Yeah, but I'm off duty, my shift doesn't start for another thirty minutes."

"Well I'm gonna go in there and check out whats making that noise." Rainbow asserted.

"You sure? I heard it was a special guest in this room, should we really disturb them?"

"Trust me, this guy is my buddy, what could go wrong?" and with that she pushed open the door.

Lukas sat, shirtless and covered in a sheen of sweat, at the edge of his bed, feet firmly planted on the ground, elbows on his knees, and six inches of cold steel pressed hard to a temple. Every few seconds he would pull the trigger, 'click,' another few seconds another 'click.'

Rainbow had stopped as soon as she was half way through the door. "Uhhh, yo Lukas, you good dude?"

The soldier finally took notice of the ponies in his doorway. "Y- Yeah... ahem." He cleared his throat, "Yes, I'm good, give me a minute I'll be right out.

"Errr, okay... whatever you say." Rainbow stepped back into the hallway not quite sure what she had just seen.

Rainbow and the guard stood in awkward silence as they heard the sounds of Lukas making himself ready for the day, after quick shower and once he had strapped on his armor he was ready. It took five minutes for Lukas to finally emerge, fully armored and helmet held under one arm, he looked much more presentable.

"What were you doing in there?" Rainbow asked, "you looked pretty freaked out."

"Just... Remembering I'm not crazy" Lukas eventually replied before taking note of the guard, "who's your friend?"

Rainbow shrugged, then turned to the guard.

"Oh, you can call me Ardent," the guard continued, "aren't you the reason all those guards' ears got messed up?"

"Ha, you heard about that? Yeah that was me." Lukas thought for a second, "hey, Ardent, you mind showing me to where I can get some breakfast?"

"Of course, the kitchens should already have some food prepared, follow me."

Ardent led the Human and pegasus duo to the kitchens while asking some basic questions about Lukas, such as what he did and where he was from, he got the same answers that Lukas provided to Shining Armor the previous day.

"So you're a soldier? You should totally come to the training field today after my shift! The other guards would love that." Ardent enthused, "besides, what better way to make friends and gain trust then by sweating alongside them?"

"You know," started Rainbow, "he makes a good point, get involved with the guards and the Princesses will trust you in no time!"

"I'll give it a shot for sure, but I should probably clear things with your Captain before I start messing around with your training time." Lukas waved the topic away and continued, "but more importantly, what do they serve for breakfast here?"

- - - - - - -

After a quick breakfast, mostly oatmeal, Lukas and Rainbow sought out Shining Armor. Ardent had reported to his post after leading the two to the kitchens and giving vague directions on where to find the Captain. Eventually they found both Shining and Celestia in the throne room discussing some matter concerning troop movements, but the conversation died long before Lukas could catch onto what was being said.

"Good morning, Lukas, Rainbow Dash." Celestia greeted with a bright smile.

"Morning," Lukas said with a wave.

"Hey Princess, about that chariot back to Ponyville," Rainbow started, "I should probably get back soon, I still need to patch up my house." She shot Lukas a quick glance.

"Oh yeah, sorry about that, still can't believe you live in a cloud."

"Of course, we can have a chariot ready within the half hour." The Princess replied.

With the wave of a hoof, a guard at the side of the room saluted and ran off to ready a chariot for Rainbow Dash. "I must admit, I'm a tad bit surprised that you aren't just flying back to Ponyville under your own power."

"I've got this feeling that I'll have a long day of work and answering questions ahead of me," Rainbow shrugged, "might as well get all the rest I can."

- - - - - - -

Not long after, a chariot had been readied and Lukas had seen Rainbow off with little more than a wave and a few kind words. Once she was off, Lukas turned to Shining Armor. "Hey, you mind showing me to the Archives, I'd like to get some reading done."

"Sure thing," Shining agreed with a nod, "I'm headed that way myself, walk with me."

As they walked through the halls Lukas tapped away at his Tac-Pad with the occasional glance up to make sure he stayed on track.

"What are you doing with that thing?" asked the Captain curiously, head cocked at a slight angle.

"I doubt I'm going to memorize these halls anytime soon, so I'm trying to get this damn thing to auto-map for me, but I need to spend more time wandering around for it to get its bearings." Lukas stated without looking up.

"That thing can make maps? Sounds like some of our surveying tools, but they aren't nearly accurate enough for interiors."

"The fact you guys have anything like this surprises me," Lukas took a break from trying to figure out the tac-pad and looked at Armor. "By the way, while I have this chance to ask you, do you mind if I show up to the guard training grounds this afternoon?"

"I don't see why not. What brought this about though, if you don't mind my asking?"

"One of your guards, Ardent, I think, thought it would be a good idea for me to get involved with the guard. You know, make some friends."

"Well it sounds like a great idea to me, I'll send Ardent to get you when his shift ends."

"Thanks, Armor."

The Captain acknowledged with a nod before stopping in front of an ornate door with guards on either side. "The Canterlot Archives are just through here, you'll have access to the public section."

"Thanks again."

With that, Lukas walked on in while Shining Armor continued on to his office. Inside the Archives, the human sought out books on the different species that inhabited Equestria and the surrounding lands, he spent the rest of the morning familiarizing himself with the basic anatomies of ponies, griffon, and deer.

The existence of griffons threw Lukas for a loop, this entire planet was a joke on human mythology and it bothered the medic to no end. In the end, he couldn't afford to think about it too hard, he had to keep moving forward until he was mentally prepared to deal with the realization that he was probably trapped on this planet with no hope of rescue.

And so the hours ticked on by.

Author's Note:

hey its been a while.

Comments ( 2 )

Don't be so dramatic, it has only been like 4 years since my last update.

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