• Published 30th Jun 2013
  • 1,341 Views, 62 Comments

Haylo: Sky Torn Asunder - Avalanche56

Lukas, along with his squad had one mission during the fall of reach...

  • ...

Into Light

Chapter-4 Into Light
August 5th 2552
Everfree forest, Equestria

As Lukas awoke from a dreamless slumber he noticed something odd, “I gotta stop waking up to complete darkness like this,” he mused to himself.

After a moment of trying to remove his helmet he discovered that it wasn’t in fact dark, it was just something lying on his face.

“No, not something, someone.”

After quickly activating the external speaker he decided Rainbow Dash had slept enough.

“Yo, Rainbow Dash! Wake up, I’m getting claustrophobic!” Lukas practically yelled into the stomach of what he assumed was the prismatic mare he had helped last night.

“Huh, five more minutes.” she mumbled in a half conscious voice.

“That’s a negative ghost rider.” And with that he promptly sat up, simultaneously catapulting Rainbow Dash across the smoldering embers of the camp fire and right into the shallow stream, the ice cold, shallow stream that is.

“AAAAHHHHHH!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed with a jump, “cold cold cold cold cold.”

“Heh-eh, now that you’re awake, there are a few things we need to do.” Lukas laughed as he removed his helmet. “First of I’m gonna have ask you to not sleep on my face next time.”

“Hmph, whatever, you totally deserved that for calling me adorable.” Rainbow said while crossing her front legs in defiance.

“Still not over that? Ok, well I need to replace your bandages and examine the wound regardless.” Lukas said with a dismissive wave at the Pegasus’ displeasure at being called adorable.

“Yeah, fine just get it over with so that we can go to Ponyville, knowing my friends they’re probably freaking out at me being missing.” Replied Rainbow Dash as she imagined Twilight overreacting and assembling a search party.

And with that Lukas set to removing the old bandages and inspecting the wound, he paused his examination as he looked at the odd cloud with a rainbow lightning bolt coming down from it.

“Hey Rainbow Dash, I was wonder, what is this mark on your flank?” Lukas asked as he began to reapply bandages.

“Huh? My cutie mark? Everypony gets one when-“ and that’s when Rainbow was interrupted by Lukas breaking out into laughter

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA… cutie mark… that’s the least manliest thing I’ve ever heard!” Lukas continued his fit of laughter as he fell onto his back.

“Hey, stop it! Everypony gets them eventually.” Rainbow Dash said as she glared at Lukas laughing on the floor, and then she noticed the small emblem on Lukas’ chest, “Hey Lukas, what is that picture on your chest?” She asked as she pointed to his chest.

“That, my little friend, is the insignia of the UNSC.” He said referring to the eagle perched on a globe with a dash of pride in his voice.

“What’s that? The UNSC I mean.” Rainbow Dash asked curiously.

“The United Nations Space Command, it’s the military I am a part of, but that’s a story for another time.” Lukas spoke like a mother to a child getting ready for bed.

“Ooooookay, anyway, can we get going already? It’s gonna take all day to get there with you walking so slow and I’m tired of waiting.” Rainbow Dash spoke with a look of boredom clearly plastered in her face.

“Yeah you’re good, just try not to run too much. And as for how long it’s gonna take… I don’t think it will take all day.” As Lukas spoke a smile grew on his face.

“Meh, I don’t even know how fast you walk, it was just a guess.” Rainbow said with a shrug, “oh, and I was wondering if you had a nickname or something cuz Lukas is kinda lame, no offense.”

“Well some of my friends used to call me Wolf because of my last name, but I haven’t been called that in years.” Lukas said as he reminisced over years long past.

“It’s settled then, I’m gonna call you Wolf, and you can call me Dash or just Rainbow, the whole ‘Rainbow Dash’ makes me feel old.” She said with a determined smile. “Now lets go.”

“As you wish.” And with that Lukas replaced his helmet and activated his jetpack and, with a wave, he launched himself off of the ground and into the light of the morning sun.

Rainbow Dash just kinda sat there with a very confused expression on her face as she stared at where Lukas had been standing as she tried to piece together what just happened.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter. I'm kinda experimenting with how long I want each chapter.
Also, starting last chapter (chapter-3 Movement) I have begun naming the chapters after certain things ;)
If anyone can correctly guess what, I'll be very impressed.
And yes, jet packs are fun.
Thanks for reading!