• Published 29th Jun 2013
  • 5,933 Views, 297 Comments

Tangled Up In Blue - ShotgunNeko

In a world where ponies and vamponies co-exist, the lovely Octavia has fallen for the dashing vampony Vinyl Scratch. Can their love survive the haters? The self proclaimed Vampony Hunter Rainbow Dash? And most importantly Vinyl's alter ego, DJ P

  • ...

Make Me Lose Control


Vinyl made her way down the dimly lit halls of the Canterlot Hospital. Because it was so early in the morning, there was little to no activity which made it easier for the white unicorn to slip by unnoticed. She floated easily past the on duty nurse, stopping in front of a familiar room. The number on the door read 112. Vinyl let her hoof rest tentatively against the door, before readjusting her glasses. She then strode into the room, careful not to wake its sleeping occupant. Vinyl took a seat beside the bed, leaning backwards as she looked around the room. The room was larger than most in the hospital. It was the hospital’s best private room. The window sill was adorned with multiple bouquets of flowers and the dresser beside the bed held an abundance of cards with well wishes.

Vinyl took a moment to study the form of the sleeping pony in the bed. Her once beautiful blue mane was now streaked with silver and grey. Her face was like a road map of time. Every wrinkle, every line had a memory attached. The unicorn ran her hoof down the side of her sleeping friend’s weathered face. Had it been so long ago?

“Vinyl...” called a weak voice from the bed.

“I’m here, Sapphire.” Vinyl said calmly, reaching out to squeeze her hoof. “How are you feeling? Are you in pain?”

Sapphire Shores smiled up at the unicorn. Her eye sight wasn’t what it used to be, and so she brought her hoof up to search for Vinyl’s face. Vinyl leaned her face into the hoof so Sapphire would know where she was.

“That’s better.” Sapphire murmured. “It does hurt. But I feel better, just hearing your voice.”

Vinyl smiled. “Sorry, it took me so long.”

“Shhh.” Sapphire said, releasing Vinyl’s face. “I’m just happy you’re here.”

Vinyl was about to say more but then Sapphire began to cough, loudly. The unicorn stood up, grabbing a glass of water with her magic, bringing it quickly to her friend’s cracked lips. As Sapphire drank, she tried to catch her breath.

“You’ll have to forgive me, I tire easily.”

“Of course.” Vinyl said, letting go of Sapphire’s hoof. “You should rest anyways. I don’t mind sitting here while you do.”

“The sun will be up soon my darling Vinyl. You should probably go.”

Vinyl shook her head as she moved to the window, pulling the window shades down.

“I’ll be okay. A little sun won’t kill me. I’ll just have to be careful.”

Sapphire moved her lips to protest, but once again she felt a blockage in her lungs and began to cough.

Vinyl levitated the glass back to the sink, filling it with water once again. This time she brought it to her hooves. She knew she couldn’t stop the inevitable, but she could make it much less painless for her friend. Vinyl, trying to be discreet, allowed her fangs to extract from her mouth with a click. Her own blood was mixed with magic and had wonderful healing abilities. In fact it was so potent that some drug dealers had taken to selling vampony blood on the streets.

Vinyl bit down on the inside of her right foreleg, allowing the blood to flow freely from the wound. She then placed her bleeding front leg over the glass of water, allowing only one small drop to fall into the cup. The unicorn knew Sapphire wouldn’t approve and banked on the fact the older pony wouldn’t be able to see clearly into the glass. She then levitated the glass to her friend, who took a good healthy dose.
The unicorn smiled as the coughing immediately stopped and Sapphire’s heavy breathing returned to normal. Vinyl looked down at her wound, which was already beginning to heal itself, and silently hoped the small amount of blood would give Sapphire some relief.

“Oh wow! You’re a real, live vampony!” Squealed a small voice.

Vinyl’s head snapped towards the sound. It had come from the door and there in the doorway stood a young charcoal colored filly with a jet black mane.

“Hello there, Ms. Shores!” greeted the filly, walking right up to the side of the bed. “I didn’t know you had a vampony for a friend.”

Vinyl’s eye twitched. She was aware that her fangs were protruding and this little one should be running for her life, and yet there she was, climbing onto the bed beside Sapphire.

“Well hello, Octavia.” Sapphire greeted. “This is my very good friend Vinyl Scratch and yes, she is a vampony, but let’s keep that a secret just between the three of us.”

Octavia nodded happily and looked up at Vinyl.

“So are those real?” she asked, pointing to Vinyl’s fangs. “What does blood taste like? How do you feel about garlic? Do you sleep in a coffin? Oh what about cavities? Have you ever had a cavity?”

Vinyl’s head was spinning. Who was this kid and where did she come from? Or better yet, where could she send her back to.

“Octavia, you must calm down. It’s impolite to ask so many questions. Why don’t you introduce yourself first?” Sapphire said, smiling at the energetic filly.

“Isn’t she precocious?” Sapphire asked.

“Funny, that’s not the word I was thinking.” Vinyl said, letting her fangs retract.

Octavia jumped from the bed and landed on the floor directly in front of Vinyl. She then curtsied, while introducing herself.

“My name is Octavia. I’m nine years old and my mother works at this hospital.” She said, looking up at Sapphire for approval.

“Like that?”

“Very good, Octavia. Now it’s your turn Vinyl.”

Vinyl frowned but offered her hoof to the little one anyways. “Vinyl Scratch. How do you know Sapp...I mean how do you know Ms. Shores?”

“Oh, I’ve watched all of Ms. Shores’ films at least twice. My Fair Filly is my absolute favorite. It’s so romantic.” Octavia sighed.

Vinyl could only nod. She had met Sapphire when her friend had been quite young. Sapphire was an up and coming entertainer. She could sing, dance and act. She went on to star in many films and stage productions. Vinyl had lost touch with her shortly after she had made it big, realizing that she needed to let the young star live her life. Sapphire had so much to give to the world, and Vinyl didn’t want to hold her back.

The unicorn whispered as quietly as she could into Sapphire’s ear. “Why is she here?”

Sapphire smiled again. “Her mother works long hours and brings her to work. Her father is a musician and is on the road a lot. I think she’s just lonely. Let’s humor her for awhile okay?”

Vinyl sighed. She couldn’t argue with Sapphire, even if the filly was a nuisance.

“Well if you’re going to hang around, try to keep the noise down okay?”

Octavia grinned, pulling up a chair next to Vinyl. “You won’t even know I’m here.”

“That’s what I’m hoping.” Vinyl replied.

“Vinyl!” Sapphire scolded.

“Just kidding.” Vinyl said quickly.

“So Vinyl, do you always wear sunglasses? Can you hypnotize ponies with your eyes? Have you ever turned into a bat?” Octavia started up again.

Vinyl smacked a hoof to her forehead. The sun’s rays had begun to shimmer through small cracks in the blinds. Vinyl contemplated excusing herself, using the light as her reason, but as she turned to Sapphire she changed her mind.

Sapphire was smiling. It was a large, genuine smile that Vinyl hadn’t seen in ages. The unicorn looked down at the filly again, who was talking a mile a minute.

Maybe the little ball of energy wasn’t so bad after all.



Octavia’s eyes fluttered open slowly as she struggled to breathe properly. She tried desperately to recall the events of the last few moments before she had lost consciousness. She reached up and felt her neck, aware that some force of magic had been gripping her throat, so tightly in fact that it felt like her windpipe was going to be crushed. She continued to gasp for breath, taking in as much air as she possibly could.

“Hey Octy, you awake?”

Octavia turned her head in the direction of the voice. As she did so, she studied the room she was in. It looked like a large dressing room. There was a mirror, a closet, a large television on the wall and in the corner was a Jacuzzi jet tub. She struggled to sit up, realizing she was on a soft, large bed.

It was then, as she turned to the voice that she realized DJ PON-3 was levitating above her. The DJ swooped down, her face inches away from the cellist’s.

“Octy?” she started, wrinkling her muzzle.

She wasn’t sure she liked the nickname. It made it sound like she had eight forelegs.

“Yep, Octy definitely suits you.” DJ PON-3 grinned, sliding her glasses from her eyes to a spot above her horn.

The DJ hovered dangerously close to Octavia, their muzzles grazing together in the process. Octavia tried to fight back a blush. She knew this was her mare, this was her Vinyl Scratch, and yet this was also a complete and total stranger.

“So Octy, you sort of made me lose my lunch.” DJ PON-3 teased, letting her body float down until she was on top of the cellist. “How do you plan to repay me?”

As the DJ’s horn glowed, Octavia could feel her legs being parted and she gasped. The unicorn’s magic was holding her in place now and she was completely exposed and vulnerable. The DJ lifted a hoof and ran it slowly down Octavia’s chest and to her tummy, stopping to rest above her abdomen. The cellist’s breathing became quicker as she realized exactly what it was the DJ wanted.

“Let’s see how well you can keep up.” The unicorn taunted, baring her fangs with a sharp click.

As the DJ leaned in to Octavia’s neck, a multi-colored blur could be seen entering the room. Before the unicorn could bite down and claim her prey, a cyan colored pegasus with a rainbow mane grabbed the DJ around the neck, holding a large crossbow to the side of her head. The crossbow was loaded with a single, silver tipped arrow.

“Hold it right there Vamper. I’ve got a silver arrow with your name on it.”

Octavia’s mouth dropped open as the DJ released her magic hold on the cellist. Her head jerked towards the one who had the weapon to her head. At the same time, two other large pegasi ponies entered the room.

“Hey Rainbow Dash, there doesn’t seem to be any sign of your friend Fluttershy.”

“Keep looking.” Rainbow Dash shouted at them. “She has to be here somewhere.”

Rainbow Dash turned her attention to Octavia. “Quick, you need to get out of here.”

Octavia shook her head. Everything was happening too fast. DJ PON-3 was twisting and turning, trying to break loose of Rainbow’s grip.

“Stop fighting it. I swear I’ll kill you.” Rainbow threatened.

“Please stop!” Octavia pleaded. “She hasn’t done anything wrong.”

Octavia began to panic. She remembered that Vinyl had told her there were five ways to kill a vampony. Those being sunlight, a wooden stake to the heart, fire (although you had to be able to keep the vampony burning longer than it took for their healing powers to set in), ripping their head off, and of course silver.

Rainbow shook her head and looked at Octavia. “Listen, these vamps have powerful magic. You’re probably under some hypnotic spell. You need to escape while you can.”

As Rainbow continued to try and get Octavia to leave, DJ PON-3 made her move, turning quickly and flipping the pegasus onto her back. Not one to be outdone, Rainbow Dash pointed the crossbow right at the DJ’s heart and fired.

The deafening shot echoed through the building, as the DJ fell backwards, the silver arrow piercing her skin, coating her fur in crimson. The bow fell from Rainbow’s hooves and clattered to the floor. Octavia screamed loudly, throwing herself to the ground on top of the DJ’s lifeless body.

“No! No! No!”

At that moment, the door was kicked in and Applejack appeared. Rainbow scrambled to get up from the bed, as Applejack bucked at her, landing a kick to the pegasus’ stomach. As Rainbow clenched her gut, she grinned at the orange earth pony.

“Well if it isn’t Applejack, the traitor. How does it feel to betray your own kind?”

Applejack answered by attacking Rainbow’s lackeys. She easily laid them out in the middle of the floor. Rainbow moved a hoof across her mouth, licking her lips.

“Looks like it’s just you and me sugarcube.” Applejack taunted.
Rainbow was many things, but stupid wasn’t one of them. She wasn’t going to attempt to take on Applejack all by herself. She flapped her wings furiously and flew right by the angry orange mare, grinning as she rocketed past the doorway, navigating herself towards the exit.

Applejack didn’t bother to chase her. Instead she knelt to the floor, checking on the DJ.

“Listen sugarcube...” she said, addressing Octavia. “Jus’ because ya don’t have fangs, that don’t mean you’re weak. Now go ahead and pull that arrow out of yer marefriend’s chest.”

Octavia looked at Applejack as the orange mare encouraged her. She tentatively grabbed hold of the end of the arrow, pulling with both hooves. The unicorn on the floor beneath her made a sick hissing sound, voicing her displeasure.

“Don’t pay her any mind. Jus’ keep pullin’. Y’all should be happy that Rainbow is a terrible shot.”

Octavia nodded, her body trembling as she gripped the arrow tightly, pulling it as hard as she could from her marefriend’s blood soaked chest.

“Yeehaw! That there is how ya get er’ done. Good job.” Applejack said, congratulating Octavia.

The charcoal earth pony could only tremble in response. She could feel the tears beginning to brim at the corners of her eyes as she knelt down once more, throwing her arms around the DJ’s neck. The DJ made no response as Octavia buried her muzzle into the unicorn’s fur. As Octavia lay there sobbing, she suddenly felt the warmth of the DJ’s arms as they wrapped tightly around her middle. She looked up, and was greeted by a pair of mischievous crimson eyes.

“Whoa Octy, you saved me!” exclaimed DJ PON-3. “You must REALLY like me.”

Octavia managed to sit up and watched in awe as the large open wound that just moments ago covered the DJ’s chest, began to close. The cellist’s heart continued to race as the DJ sat up, still holding Octavia close to her.

“Applejack! Applejack are you okay?” Rarity asked, rushing into the room.

The force of Rarity’s quick movement knocked Applejack onto the bed, with the alabaster unicorn falling on top of her. Rarity began to check Applejack for any injuries, much to the earth pony’s chagrin.

“S-Stop that Rares, Ah’m fine.” Applejack protested, blushing profusely.

“Nonsense. If they harmed one adorable freckle on my Applejack, they will pay dearly.” Rarity declared, shaking a hoof before she proceeded to cover Applejack’s cheeks in tiny kisses.

Despite everything that had just happened, Octavia found herself smiling. DJ PON-3 even laughed softly at the sudden display of affection between the rough and tumble Applejack and her mistress.

“Applejack is SOOO whipped.” The DJ said, making a sound like the cracking of a whip as well as the hoof gesture.

“Ah’m not.” Applejack huffed, trying to escape from Rarity’s arms.

“Come darling.” Rarity whispered. “I think I need to check your body more thoroughly.”

As Rarity pranced out of the room, a very red and blushy Applejack followed, muttering a string of inaudible curse words.

The two remaining occupants of the room were quiet for a few moments, both forgetting that they were curled up on the floor rather intimately. DJ PON-3 was the first to notice as she slowly released Octavia from her grip.

“I still have no idea who you are.” She mused.

Without thinking, Octavia brought her hooves up to the DJ’s face, startling her. The cellist gazed longingly into the eyes of the mare she had come to know so well. The mare that was also a mystery.

“I know it doesn’t make sense to you and I am not sure how to explain it, but I do know that deep down somewhere inside, you remember me.”

DJ PON-3 looked as if she was trying hard to recall something, and then her face went blank.

“I’ll have to take your word for that, Octy. But how do I know you aren’t just some rabid fanmare?”

Octavia’s cheeks flushed. “W-What? No way!”

As the protesting cellist became increasingly flustered, the DJ couldn’t help but give the mare sitting on her lap the once over. She resisted the urge to whistle. Whoever this mare was, she was gorgeous.

“You’re hot.” The unicorn blurted out.

“W-What?” Octavia stammered mouth agape.

It was the second time in thirty seconds that the DJ had completely floored her. As she tried to form a coherent response she couldn’t help but feel a little excited. She knew Vinyl found her attractive, and somehow knowing DJ PON-3 did as well, made her heart beat faster. Octavia didn’t have time to further contemplate that thought as she felt herself being picked up from the floor. DJ PON-3 held her firmly, moving her onto the bed. Octavia said nothing as she let the DJ slide on top of her body. Her eyes closed as she realized how tired her body suddenly was. She heard the familiar clicking sound of the DJ’s fangs close to her ear. The cellist whimpered softly as the DJ took control, feeling the unicorn’s fangs as they pressed roughly against her neck.

“Please...” Octavia moaned.

The DJ didn’t hesitate. Using her magic, she undid the cellist’s signature pink bowtie, letting it drop beside the pillow. In one swift motion she sunk her teeth into the charcoal mare’s soft, warm skin. Instinctively, Octavia wrapped her hind legs forcefully around the DJ, pulling her closer. As the cellist slipped deeper into a lust filled frenzy, her last thought was of her dear Vinyl Scratch.

Would Vinyl be able to forgive her?

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Next time: Holy flashbacks batman! What will Vinyl do when she realizes Octavia slept with DJ PON-3? More Rainbow Dash?

Thank you once again to everyone who reads and leaves a comment! I continue to enjoy your thoughts on the story and I do try to reply to everyone when I can!