• Published 29th Jun 2013
  • 5,933 Views, 297 Comments

Tangled Up In Blue - ShotgunNeko

In a world where ponies and vamponies co-exist, the lovely Octavia has fallen for the dashing vampony Vinyl Scratch. Can their love survive the haters? The self proclaimed Vampony Hunter Rainbow Dash? And most importantly Vinyl's alter ego, DJ P

  • ...

Mare of Two Minds

Flashback --Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash was sleeping soundly in her bed. She was peacefully dreaming about her very favorite thing. The thing that made her the happiest in the world.


Rainbow was soaring above the clouds, weaving in and out. She could feel the wind briskly ripple through her mane and against her feathers. Slowly she began to pick up speed as a huge rush of blood and adrenaline began spiralling through her veins.

This was it.

She was going to perform a Sonic Rainboom for the very first time.

The small cyan filly rocketed upwards, her front hooves pointed out in front of her. Just as she was about to take off, she heard a familiar voice calling out to her.

"Help me..."

Rainbow's head whipped around and as she flapped her wings uselessly, she soon realized she was no longer in the sky, but now alone in her bedroom.

"Please...Help me!"

Rainbow pulled back her covers and began to walk quickly to her bedroom door. It sounded like the voice had come from her parent's room. As she entered the hallway she could hear the sound of more voices. Warning bells sounded in the young filly's head. There was no way her parents would be up at this hour and let alone have company.

She raced to the bedroom her parent's shared and quickly flipped open the door. Her eyes surveyed the gruesome scene. It was something no pony let alone a child, should ever have to see in their lifetime.

On the bed was the corpse of her once vibrant mother, Firefly. She had been completely drained of all her blood. On top of her was a large, white male unicorn with a longe golden mane. Rainbow had never been so terrified. The unicorn flashed her a huge smile, showing off his two large pointy canine teeth. After a few moments, she realized he was not alone. In the corner was another white unicorn, this one had a blue mane and sported a fancy moustache. He was sitting in front of her father. His eyes and horn were glowing and he kept repeating the same words over and over again.

"You didn't see anything. You didn't see anypony. You killed your wife."

"Dad!!!" Rainbow yelled, urging her father to snap out of it.

Prism Dash could only rock back and forth as he repeated the phrases the unicorn was cementing into his brain. He was unable to fight the powerful spell that he was under.

Rainbow looked back to her mother, her mouth open wide. She didn't know what to do. Who could help them? Somepony had to help them!

The vampony on top of her mother smiled down at her again as he continued to rut Firefly's lifeless body. Rainbow knew she should run, but her hooves and wings seemed useless. She heard a loud thud and turned as her father's body fell to the floor.

"Did you kill him?"

"No, he's just exhausted and very traumatized."

"Good job."

"Thank you, my prince. Do you wish to have some fun with our new guest?"

The unicorn defiling her mother, finally pulled out. In an instant he was standing next to Rainbow Dash. The filly shook helplessly as he raised his hoof and slowly trailed it down her back and to her flank.

"Although it's true I prefer them young, my dear Fancy Pants, I believe this one is even too young for me."

Fancy Pants nodded. "Then shall I remove her memories as well, Prince Blueblood?"

Blueblood shook his his head. "No, I want this little one to remember me. To know the truth but be too young to be believed by anypony. To remember my name and know that at any time, I could come for her and do the exact same things I did to her mother."

The prince grinned maliciously as Rainbow Dash processed his words.

"Blueblood." the Prince whispered cruelly, sending shivers down Rainbow's spine.

It was a name she would never forget.


"You're suddenly very quiet. That's odd for you. Is everything okay? Octavia asked.

DJ PON3 nodded her head, closing her eyes as she lay very still.

"Are you sure you don't need to feed? Its been awhile and I don't need you to baby-sit me." Octavia said, crossing her forearms.

"I'm fine." the DJ replied. "And you aren't safe, so I'm not going anywhere."

"Seriously, I'll be okay. I can take care of myself."

The DJ just shook her head.

Octavia sighed again loudly. She couldn't help but wonder how much longer Vinyl's alternate would be occupying her body. It had been almost a full day now and Octavia was getting restless. The combination of being stuck in her own apartment and unable to talk to Vinyl Scratch was making her slightly crazy.

DJ PON3 continued to lay silently. She could feel her strength depleting slowly as every hour passed. Being captured and then tortured by Rainbow Dash and her goons had taken alot out of her. When she had woken up she had been extremely disoriented and followed Sunset Shimmer away from the group to feed. Sunset had lured a group of Pegasi to them and they had just begun to feast when the DJ had felt that Octavia was in danger. Abandoning Sunset, she had rushed to this apartment, spurred on by some odd force she could not control.

Now, unmoving, she was listening carefully to the sounds in and around Octavia's apartment complex, making sure there were no signs of trouble. Between Rainbow Dash and possibly Sunset Shimmer, she knew she needed to keep an eye on Octy.

She also needed blood and not the kind that came in a bottle. She decided to take a chance.

"Octy, I'm getting weaker." she murmured.

Octavia raised her eyebrow but got up from the chair she was currently sitting in and made her way over to the bed.

"What's going on? I knew something was wrong!"

"Sorry..." the unicorn looked away.

"What is it?"

"I haven't fed in awhile and my body still hasn't recovered from the attack. Do you like your neighbors? I think I need a snack."

"The neighbours? What? No!"

"I'm kidding." DJ PON3 said, smiling, reaching up to run her hoof gently against Octavia's neck.

Octavia shivered, but allowed the vampony to remove her bow tie.

"I'll make you a deal. Let me feed on you and when I regain my strength, I will teleport us out of here and to Fangtasia. We can meet up with Rarity and the others and decide what to do about our problem. There's safety in numbers."

Octavia looked down at the unicorn. "You make it sound like you've given me a choice."

The grey earth mare climbed up on top of the DJ's body, wrapping her arms around the unicorn's waist. She instantly felt the soft smooth tip of her marefriend's tongue as it was flicked hungrily back and forth across her neck.

"Relax." the vampony commanded, feeling the uneven beating of Octavia's heart against her chest.

Octavia closed her eyes as the sharp fangs pierced her skin. For a moment she felt nothing and then it felt like a flood of warmth had cascaded down around her body, engulfing it completely. She now understood why certain ponies would seek this out. It was an incredibly euphoric experience. For a few mere seconds her mind was connected to her lover's. The first time she had let the DJ feed it had been different. This time she could feel something more. Was it love? Was it Vinyl Scratch coming through?

DJ PON3 held Octavia tightly as she continued to suck on her neck. With every drop of blood she consumed, she could feel herself becoming stronger. She could also feel Octavia. There was something about her that the DJ just couldn't understand. She had fed off hundreds of thousands of mares in this lifetime, and yet this was different. Why did Octavia's blood taste so good?

The DJ held that thought for a moment before slowly letting go of Octavia's neck. Octavia's eyes fluttered open and her breathing became slightly erratic. The vampony gently began to stroke a hoof over the earth mare's chest. The slow and rythmic movement began to calm Octavia's body and soon her breathing returned to normal.

Octavia lifted her head slightly to look up at her unicorn. DJ PON3's mouth and fur were stained dark red, and her fangs were still dripping with fresh blood. It may have been an unsettling sight for many ponies, but Octavia found it oddly comforting. Expecially when the vampony shot her a cheesy grin.

"Are you okay, Octy?

Octavia could only nod as she lay in the DJ's arms waiting to regain her own strength.

"Don't worry Octy, I'll take good care of you." the DJ winked.

Octavia smiled as she felt herself being cradled by the unicorn.

She wasn't sure how long it would take for her body to fully recover. She supposed that this incident would be one more incident to add to the pile of things she needed to divulge to her dear Vinyl Scratch. In the meantime she decided to be content just laying in her Vinyl's arms, even if it wasn't really her Vinyl, even though it was.

This was all too confusing to think about right now. Her eyes closed again when she felt the unicorn's lips on her forehead. As she drifted slowly into sleep she wondered if it was possible to be in love with two ponies at once.

Or to be in love with one pony that was two?

Or was it two ponies that were one?

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Vinyl where are you? LOL

Thank you to everyone who continues to read, comment and support this story. I know updates are few and far between, but I am always thinking of this damn story even when I'm not able to physically write anything down.
Next chapter as it sits in my head will have more action and progress the story a bit more....hopefully lol
Thank you again all you good looking and wonderful readers ;)

Also please forgive or point out any grammatical or spelling mistakes as i am using a new program and still trying to work out the bugs.