• Published 28th Jun 2013
  • 5,131 Views, 136 Comments

With the Help of a Wolf - bronzewolf78

I had an accident. With the help of a god, I got a second chance, but unfortunately, I was thrown into a colorful world of insanity.

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Chapter 3

Chapter three

As Fluttershy carried me down the stairs of the library I saw Rainbow laying on the couch in the foyer. I felt sorry for her. She looked pretty banged up; she had numerous cuts and scrapes, most of which were bloody, and her left foreleg was in a splint. She looked up when she heard Twilight’s hoofsteps on the wooden floor. Her face lit up.

“Hot Head!” She leapt up and flew up to meet us on the stairs. “I’m so glad you’re ok!”

“You’re glad I’m ok? You look pretty banged up to me.”

She shrugged and rubbed the back of her head. “You got the worst of it. I had a soft landing.” I looked down and noticed for the first time that I was cut up at least as much as Rainbow was.

When Rainbow made to give me a hug, Fluttershy said, “Careful, Rainbow. He hurt his head badly. Nothing sudden for the next couple days, OK?”

Rainbow seemed to sober up. “Oh. Ok.” She made way for Fluttershy to drift over to the table, then followed close afterwards. Spike had already set up the table for five and was waiting expectantly. Fluttershy lightly set me down on a chair, then went to go sit in the one next to me. Rainbow took the one on my other side. Twilight and Spike sat across from me.

The only part of the dinner worth mentioning was that the salad was great. Twilight tried to talk about Equestria, and Rainbow tried to bring the conversation back to herself, and sometimes her friends. I didn't really want to talk about my experiences much. Earth is pretty boring compared to being here in Equestria talking to colorful ponies, but not like they would let me. Even being ponies, they’re still girls. They talked for hours after we had finished with my minimal input. I must have even dozed off at one point, because Bronze nudged the edge of my wing and I jolted. I’m pretty sure that everyone present noticed, except for Rainbow, who was still talking about the Wondercolts.


I paid him no mind. I leaned back to stretch, my wings extending and my back cracking over the top of the back of the chair. One of the best feelings after sitting down for a while. When I relaxed again, everyone was looking at me funny. “What?”

Rainbow smiled with a pink tint on her cheeks, Twilight just smiled, Spike looked about as confused as I felt, and Fluttershy said what the mares were thinking. “You look so adorable when you’re tired!”

Spike opened his mouth and pointed into it as a gesture of disgust.

I felt heat rush to my face as Bronze chimed in behind me. “Don’t feel embarrassed. It’s a good thing when the ladies think you’re cute.”

My ears were burning. I grinned and went to rub the back of my head like Rainbow usually does, but I hit the bandaged part of my head with my hand...hoof. “Ow.”

They all chuckled. Then Rainbow stood up and stretched. “Well, I’d better be heading home. I’ve got clouds to move early tomorrow.”

“Moving clouds? Is that even possible?” I thought for sure that she was pulling my leg.

“Well, DUH! We’re pegasi! Of course we can- wait…” Rainbow was hovering now, “didn’t we already talk about this earlier?”

I shrugged. “Maybe.” I also pointed to the not-so-white bandage on my head for emphasis.

By this point, everyone else had stood up as well. Rainbow continued, “Speaking of clouds, are you ready to sleep on the best most comfortable sleeping material ever?!”

“Um… actually Rainbow, I would like to-” Fluttershy tried to cut in, but Twilight interjected without seeming to hear her.

“You’re also welcome to stay here as well, Hot Head.” Twilight stepped closer to whisper in my ear. “It would probably be a good idea to keep your distance from that one, at least until you heal.”

“Hey, I heard that!” Everyone ignored Rainbow’s outburst by unspoken consent.

“Actually, I heard Fluttershy-”

Rainbow cut in again, “Cloo-ouuds!” She drew it out into two tones, higher to lower, almost like a taunt. I glared at her and she fell silent.

“You really need to cut down on the glares. Your eyes intimidate people.”

I sighed. You really need to cut down on the- It was then that I noticed everyone waiting patiently for a decision. I turned to Fluttershy. “What was it that you were saying?”

“Um, well, I’d actually like to, that is, if you don’t mind, have you stay at my place, so I can, um, keep an eye on your, um… condition.”

“Well, that’s fine with me. You aren’t too hurt, are you Rainbow?” I tried to turn it into a friendly jab, but she actually seemed pretty disappointed about it.

“We can’t leave on that note,” Twilight put in. “Come here.”

Before I knew what was happening, I was swept into the middle of a giant group hug. I was swept on my hind legs, making me the lighthouse on the island of ponies. Rainbow noticed my awkwardness and said “Get used to it bro. Kind of a big deal around here.”

The hug lasted for much longer than friendly hugs do on earth, showing how much value these ponies put on friendship. Once I threw off my awkward feelings, I started to enjoy the hug. It eventually ended and we said our farewells, along with plans to meet the next day. Rainbow dashed away into the sky, and I followed Fluttershy in another direction. There was a soft thud as Twilight closed the door behind us.

I tried to make conversation with Fluttershy on our way to wherever we were going, but she would shut me down with one sentence responses. Man. She really is shy. I never thought I would meet someone with a name that fit her personality that well.

Bronze sighed from behind us. “Here. Let me help you out. If you’re going to be living with this mare for a while, you need to be able to carry on conversations with her. I know what her passion is, so I’ll go ahead and tell you. Talk about animals with her.”

Really? Animals? Somehow through our connection, I knew that Bronze nodded. I tried Fluttershy again. “So Fluttershy, how about you tell me about the wildlife here?”

Her eyes lit up and she gasped. She dove into what was so much more than what a park ranger could have told you. She loved talking about animals and what she did so much that the topic lasted until we got to her house. Located on a hill, somewhat away from Ponyville proper, with a stream at the base, the cottage seemed like a humble place to live. Granted, it was dark outside, and I couldn’t see much of it. As we crossed the small brick bridge that crossed the stream, Fluttershy reluctantly changed the topic of conversation.

“Well, here we are… Home sweet home.” We walked up to the door and she pulled a key out of her mane, passed it back to her wing, then unlocked the door.

Did you see what I just saw?

“Seems like a convenient way to carry things. You should try it.”

I wonder if my wings will ever be that dexterous.


Fluttershy led me inside and turned on the lights. Inside the cottage was probably the oddest interior decor I had ever seen. Birdhouses hung from the ceiling, little ramps and pathways ran from mousehole to mousehole in the walls, and various cages held sleeping critters in them. Other than that, the furniture seemed normal. Rug on the floor, stove over there, stairs on the far wall, that kind of thing. A little while rabbit hopped up to Fluttershy and tapped her on the leg, then glared at me.

“Oh, sorry. Hot Head, this is Angel. Angel, he’s going to be staying with us for a while.”

I glared back at him, and he didn’t seem disheartened in any way.

Fluttershy continued, “You can stay in the guest room upstairs, if you want… but um, whatever you want to do is fine.” She seemed to try to hide behind her thick mane as she spoke.

“That would be lovely. Can you show me where it is?”

“Umm… ok.” I could barely hear her response.

She led me up the stairs and stopped after we had passed a couple doors. “Well, this is it. The one next door is the bathroom, if you want to use it.”

“Thanks, Fluttershy, but I’m beat. I’d just like to go to bed.”

“Oh. Ok. Goodnight then.” She turned and walked over to another door.

“‘Night, Fluttershy. Thanks for letting me stay here.”

If she responded, I didn’t hear it. I opened the door (with my hoof, I was too tired to try the wing thing) and walked in. Some simple furniture lined the walls, but the small bed is what I was interested in. I jumped on it and fell asleep almost instantly.

Bronze woke me up with a nudge. “Hey, wake up. We need to leave.”

Huh? Why?

“Just trust me. Follow me. It’s important.”

But Bronze, it’s still dark outside!

“Come on. Hurry up.” He shoved me out of bed.

Fine, I’m up. Where are we going?

“Don’t ask questions.”

I felt a little suspicious about it, but I followed him out the door anyway. He led me outside.

Bronze, I can’t see.

He sighed. “Bite my tail and follow me.”

I thought he seemed impatient, so I tried to find his tail. I eventually found it and bit onto it. He led me away from Fluttershy’s cottage. At one point I lost sight of the stars. Bronze?

“Relax. We’re just in a forest.”

I blindly followed him for what seemed like hours until I could see stars again in the sky.

“You can let go now. We’re here.”

As soon as I let go, there was a flash of light in front of me. For some reason, it wasn’t blinding, and I could see that I was in a clearing of some sort. When the flash faded, I couldn’t detect Bronze anymore. I started to panic.

Bronze…? Bronze?

I heard a laugh. I could only describe it an an evil laugh. Or maybe a corrupt one. Then a voice rang out in the clearing. “This is all too easy. Humans must be way more stupid than I remember! You are so gullible!” The being laughed again. I started to get angry. “You must be really attached to that whimpering pup. Here, let me help you.”

The last thing I remember was feeling a finger press against my forehead.

I woke by something landing on my snout again. Ow! That little snot… But as I looked up, I saw Hot Head walking out the door. It’s the middle of the night! Where is he going? I was going to call out to him, but some sense told me to just follow him instead. I saw him leave the mare’s house, seem to dawdle a bit before biting down on something, then wander unerringly towards the Everfree Forest. Oh no. Shitshitshit- I started to chase after him, when the same sense told me that stealth might be a virtue. He didn’t seem to notice me stalking him for a while until he reached a clearing. I stayed back in the shadows of the trees.

There was a flash of light, and someone that I had hoped to never see again appeared. The creature looked like an abomination, by choice. He claimed that it fit his domain. Mismatched limbs, a goat head, lizard tail, even mismatched horns and wings. Discord. I couldn’t help but let out a low growl at the sight of him. I hated every part of him, but I knew I couldn’t take him on in a fight. As I watched, he touched Hot Head’s forehead. Hot Head’s eyes rolled up and he collapsed to the ground. That was the last straw.

I became blinded by rage.

I laughed again. This is just so easy! That fool fell asleep on the job. It was too simple to take his pet away. Now what can I do to him? I heard one calling him Hot Head. Why don’t I make it true? Before I could make it a reality, I heard a growl from the bushes.


“Ah, look who finally made it to the party!” I teleported as he lunged at me. Now on the other side of the pathetic human, I snapped my fingers. His flame colored mane and tail burst into flame. I chuckled. What else could I do? I blinked away again as Bronze sailed past where I was, teeth open in a snarl. I could have fun with this.

“You know, Bronze,” I traveled through space once again. “You should really take care of your pets better. I mean, you couldn’t even bring him here without disrupting the fabric of magic.”

He snarled again. I grinned as I realized I was making him furious. “I will not let harm come to him!”

I laughed again. “Famous last words, Bronze.” He lunged again, and I yawned, swatting him out of the air. He bounced in front of the human, over him, then skidded into a thick tree. I turned my attention back to the human, directing my words to Bronze, more than myself. “Why don’t I help him out a little bit? Super strength couldn’t hurt, could it?”

“Don’t touch him!”

“Silly Bronze, you should know that I don’t need to!” I avoided another clumsy attack as I snapped again. Although nothing obvious happened, the human’s form became a little more bulky. As I hovered, pondering what else I could do, Bronze landed on my back. Before he could take a bite, I teleported and he landed heavily on his back. “Here, Bronze, I’ll give him a present. From you.” I snapped another time, and nothing obvious happened again.

“DISCORD! What did you do to him!?!”

I laughed again. This was all too funny! “Oh, nothing special.” I teleported by his side and whispered in his ear, then poofed back to where I was before he could react. “Lycanthropy.”

Bronze’s angry shout shook the ground. His fur started to billow, as if there was a strong breeze to move it. “DISCORD! YOU WILL FIX HIM, RIGHT NOW! OR I SWEAR, I WILL-”

“You’ll what? Come and get me? You stand no chance against me, my dear lost puppy.” To normal eyes, Bronze’s form would have been blurred by his enraged speed. But to mine, he was still slow enough to track. He lunged, swiped, bit, and whatever else wolves do, to try and hurt me, but I dodged each one, laughing the whole time. I started to think about the little human again. “Actually, the lycanthropy-” I dodged another swipe “-will give him strength. He seems--a little too Mary Sue, don’t you think--, Bronze?” He didn’t even register my words anymore. He was too lost in his rage. “Maybe I’ll take away the extra strength-- I gave him. As fun as it sounds, I don’t want him to be accidentally-- knocking down houses.” I snapped again, and the bulk stayed on his body, but I could tell that the supernatural part was gone. I tried to bat the wolf away again, but this time he managed to lodge onto my scaled arm. I flailed it about, and he ripped it off. I stared at the hole in my torso, then laughed again. “Did you really think you could hurt me, Bronze?” He sprang at me again, and I teleported behind him. When I reappeared, I had my arm back. “I guess my work here is done. I’ll leave him with you now. He’s better off; the chicks will dig the flame mane. But don’t get it wet! And you’ll be able to bond better! You’ll both be wolves!”

Bronze growled threateningly at me again.

“Sayonara, Bronze!” I teleported away from the clearing, letting my laugh echo around after I had left.

I could still taste his flesh on my tongue. It was revolting, but satisfying at the same time. As the red faded from my vision, I looked down and realized how royally screwed I was. Hot Head (I really have to get him a better name) was still laying on the forest floor, his mane and tail ablaze. Damn it. How could I have let this happen? I could bring him to Celestia, but even if she could fix him, she would tell the Alpha. I shuddered. I could not let that happen.

I realized that my charge was on fire. As I frantically thought about what to do, Discord’s words echoed in my mind. “Don’t get it wet!” What did he mean by that? Even given Discord’s nature, when he gives advice, it’s best to follow it. But it’s bound to be a trick. No, it couldn’t be. Hot Head looked too peaceful to be in pain. I hovered my paw over his burning mane. I felt heat, but it wasn’t as if I was over a campfire. Maybe he would be fine.

I couldn’t just put him back in Fluttershy’s spare bed. He might burn the house down. I looked at the tree Discord had flung me at. There was heavy evidence that something large had rammed it. A few broken branches were scattered on the ground. I retrieved one and brought it back to my ward. I held it over his head. Nothing happened. I stuck it in the flame. Nothing happened. It was then that I noticed his bandage wasn’t burning either.

I found it odd. Discord had supposed to have been turned good a couple of months ago. I never trusted him, even afterwards. And I was right, but he seemed to have developed some kind of conscience in that he made sure that Hot Head wouldn’t burn anything. I just hope that I can help him control his inner lycan.

I looked down at his sleeping form again. How was I going to explain this to him? How was I going to explain Hot Head to the mares?

I nudged the grey pegasus. “Hey. Wake up.” He didn’t move. I shook him with both paws. “Come on buddy. Wake up.” I considered waking him up with magic, but I didn’t know how it would interfere with Discord’s magic. I just consented to have to carry him back.

Something was shaking me. “Come on. Wake up.”

Bronze, it’s too early!

“This is important. Wake up.”

But Bronze-

“Fuck it.” Something washed over me and suddenly I was wide awake. I rolled over in Fluttershy’s spare bed and looked at Bronze. He didn’t have the smile he normally had plastered over his muzzle.


“Do you remember anything about last night?”

He sounded so serious. He was never this serious. I remember Twilight’s dinner, walking back with Fluttershy, you... leading me out into a forest...then a creepy laugh… and that’s it.

“Fuck.” Bronze was cursing a lot more than he normally does. Something was wrong. I sat up more. “That wasn’t me last night.”


He held up a paw. “Let me explain. That wasn’t me. That was an evil god. His name is Discord.” He growled as he said the name. “He likes to pick on us lesser gods. He saw you as an easy way to get to me. He’s an abomination. All of his limbs are mismatched. A crazy, wild look in his eye. Completely unpredictable. The bastard had crashed almost every council that the gods held, claiming that it was his right, as the god of chaos, to be there. I wasn’t even allowed to attend; only the higher-ups, like Celestia, Luna, the Alpha-I’m getting sidetracked. Only the greater gods got invited. When they summoned me there to allow me to have my first ward -you- he showed up and promised to make it hell for me. Then he left before anyone could do anything. Last night, he disguised himself as me to trick you into going out into the forest.”

He hesitated. “I don’t know all of what he did to you, but I know one thing.” He took the body sized mirror on the dresser in his mouth, flipped it in the air, then caught it so it was facing me.

What I saw freaked me out. A large grey pony sitting in a bed stared back at me. One eye was red, the other completely void of color. Its mane was on fire. It looked like a beast from hell. I gave a yelp and rolled off of the other side of the bed by reflex. When I popped my head back up above the bed, Bronze had already put the mirror back.

“Your mane and tail are made out of flames. Don’t worry though, I have already tested it: they will not burn anything, or anyone, although they are still sources of heat. He did tell me something though. He told me to not let your mane get wet.”

Butbutbut… how?

Bronze sighed. “Magic. Discord’s corrupted magic.”

But what do I tell people? They’ll just freak!

“I don’t know if you saw him last night, but just explain to Fluttershy that a creature with a goat head and mismatched limbs snatched you away last night. Try explaining that it was a dream. She should know what you are talking about. And by the way, she’s coming down the hallway right now.”

What! You have to give me more warning than- A knock on the door interrupted me.

Fluttershy’s voice came through the door. “Um, Hot Head? I’m sorry if I woke you up… It’s just that I have breakfast ready, and um… I was wondering if you wanted any.”

“Thanks Fluttershy! I’ll be right down!” What do I do, what do I do… I saw a stetson hanging on a peg by the mirror. Perfect! I put it on and looked at myself in the mirror. If I tilted it down in the front, I could hide the front of my flame. If I could keep her in front of me the entire time, I would be fine. I glanced around the room for anything else I could use. I didn’t see anything else. I walked towards the door.


What else can I do about it, Bronze? There’s nothing else in here!

“Uh, fuck, I don’t know!”

Shit, Bronze, she’s waiting for me! What do I do?

“Press some buttons, I dunno!”

Aw man, I love buttons! But there aren’t any in here! What made you come up with that?

“Well, when there are buttons, pressing random ones always does something.”

I’m just going to go anyway. I opened the door to find an empty hallway. I heard soft singing from downstairs. I reached the top of the stairs and stopped. Bronze, she’s going to freak.

“You could just take the hat off, run down there like a maniac screaming that you’re on fire.”

That’s not happening.

I started down the stairs and saw Fluttershy setting the table with sunny-side-up eggs, singing to birds that fluttered around her. My stomach growled. She must have heard it, because she looked up at me, smiling. The look quickly turned into one of frightened concern, and she ran towards a door. Before I could say anything, she opened the closet and took out a bucket of water. Who keeps a bucket of water in their-oh no.

“Don’t let her-!”

Too late. She threw the water over me. I felt very weak all of a sudden. Fluttershy started to blur into the background. The stetson fell to the floor, and I followed it soon after.

Author's Note:

If anyone recognizes both references in this chapter, they will win an internet cookie.