• Published 28th Jun 2013
  • 5,131 Views, 136 Comments

With the Help of a Wolf - bronzewolf78

I had an accident. With the help of a god, I got a second chance, but unfortunately, I was thrown into a colorful world of insanity.

  • ...

Chapter 13

Chapter Thirteen

“Hey. Wake up.”

I groaned, but made no effort to obey.

“Is this going to be a recurring thing with you?”

I like my sleep.

The wet nose poked me again. “Come on. Wake up.”

I don’t wannaaa, I whined.

“Too bad. You have a visitor.”

Who, at this early in the morning?

“It’s actually pretty late. Almost noon.”

Ugh, fine. I opened my eyes, immediately closing them from the glare of the morning sun. I raised a hoof so I could get my bearings without blinding myself.

Rainbow Dash stirred next to me, letting out the most adorable yawn. Bronze stood there, looking proud of himself, next to another figure.

A golden mare with a fiery mane sat in silence, staring into the distance, lost in thought. Her eyes were an orange color, matching the darker parts of her windswept mane. She was wearing a blue jacket. Almost looked like something from a branch of the military.

Uh, how long has she been here?

"She was here when I got here a few minutes ago. She hasn't moved since."

Who is she?

"How should I know?"

Well, looks like someone isn't the omniscient one I thought him to be... I smirked.

Bronze snorted. "Good to know that you don't need to be awake to be the bastard you are."

Before I could retort, I was interrupted by a fangirl scream destroying my left eardrum.

"Uh, I mean, Captain Spitfire!" Dash scrambled painfully to her hooves, awkwardly throwing a salute due to her injuries. "What are you doing here?"

"You know this pony, Dash?" I asked groggily, rolling to a more upright position.

And there goes the floodgate. "She's only the captain of the coolest flight squad in Equestria! How do you not know of the Wonderbolts?"

"At ease, Recruit," Spitfire said coolly. She then turned towards me. "You must be the infamous Hot Head, then?"

"Yeah, that's me," I confirmed, trying to ignore the overflowing fountain of excitement next to me. I stood up and offered a hoof. "Spitfire, I take it?"

She chuckled. "What gave that away?" She gave Dash a smirk.

"So what are you here for?" I repeated Dash's question.

"I wanted to come see the flaming pony for myself. I gotta see what my new competition is," Spitfire looked up at me with a playful grin. "I have a reputation to keep, after all."

She lost her grin suddenly as it turned to a concerned frown. "Now that I'm here, what the fuck happened to you, Recruit?"

Dash gave a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of her head. "Long story. The gist of it is that I got in a fight with something I shouldn't have..."

Spitfire bright a hoof to her face and sighed. "What was the last thing I told you at the academy, Rainbow Dash?"

"Uhh...see you next year?"

"I told you to be careful. To think before you leap into things. Dammit, Dash, you're going to be the death of me," Spitfire poked the younger mare in the chest with a hoof, causing her to wince in pain. “I worry about you,” she added in a softer tone.

I was able to put together the pieces. Rainbow was a fanatic about the Wonderbolts, this famous flight group. She had gone to their flight camp and got to know the captain.

“Way to go, Sherlock.”

I was wondering when you would comment. Am I not allowed to make my own conclusions?

“Well, you know what happens when you assume things.”

I wanted to roll my eyes and sigh at him. “Not to be rude, but aren’t you a busy mare as captain?” I asked cautiously. “I mean, how do you have time to… y’know?”

Spitfire laughed. It was curious. She spoke to me casually, yet was stern to Rainbow Dash. “I’m actually not very busy when we don’t have a show coming up or when it’s peaceful.”

“Peaceful?” I interrupted.

“The Wonderbolts are also the elite wings of the air force,” Dash’s eye sparkled, the same way they always do when she talks about her favorite flying team. “It started with the EUP Guard-”

“We don’t need a history lesson, Dash,” I waved off her incoming lecture. “I get it.”

Spitfire was amused by the whole situation. “Anyway, I also came because I heard Ponyville throws a hell of a Nightmare Night celebration.”

“Shit, that’s today? I need to see Rarity!” Dash started to hobble away quickly, then froze. She immediately turned to Spitfire and saluted.

The golden mare sighed. “Dismissed, Recruit.”

And with that, she was gone. Man, she can still move when she wants to.

“She seems much better today than she was yesterday.”

I gave a hum of agreement. Nightmare Night is Halloween here?

“Yep. Strange how so many places share the same holidays.”

Yeah. I looked at Spitfire.

She caught my eye and turned back. “So what really happened to her?”

I frowned slightly. “She got caught by some monster in the Everfree. Not sure how she got away.”

A grunt was her reply. “Looks pretty bad. Is that why she had her mane styled differently?”

“Yeah. The doc says she’s lucky to still have her eyesight.” I decided to change the subject. “You bring a costume for tonight?”

“Nope. Didn’t bring anything besides a few bits for food and a place to stay,” she answered. Suddenly, she smirked and a glint appeared in her eye. “I have an idea for you, though.”

I was curious. Bronze’s ears perked up, signaling he thought the same way. “Really? Care to share?”

“Rainbow is going to love this…” Spitfire said menacingly.

“Is this something I want to be involved in?” I backed up a step.

"Trust me, you'll love it," she said, reaching up to pat my shoulder. "Come on!" Spitfire launched herself into the air, taking off into the distance. I watched her go, making no move to follow. After a moment, she noticed she was alone and turned back. She landed near me, giving me an odd look. "What are you waiting for?" She reverted into her drill sergeant tone.

"Well, I can't fly well," I tried to explain.

She didn't look happy. "No time like the present, is there?" she barked. "Let's see what you've got!"

A few hours later, I was on the Wonderbolts' stadium floor in Cloudsdale, exhausted, muscles burning. Oddly enough, the cloud floor wasn't soft at all. Spitfire had metaphorically beaten the basics and intermediates of flying into me. One thing was certain: she was a much better instructor than Rainbow was.

Bronze sat next to me, entertained by the last few hours and eager to see what was to come. He had easily loped along under us as we flew.

Spitfire stood a little farther away, not looking pleased. "Take a break, Recruit. I'll be back." With that, she trotted off into one of the dome entrances of the stadium.

She's a monster, I panted.

"She's actually impressed with you. She's really good with that drill sergeant mask."

Doesn't feel good. I groaned and rolled over. What did we even come here for, anyway?

I pushed myself to my hooves and made my way over to the exit Spitfire had left through. There was a cloud faucet built into the wall here, where no one on the risers outside could see it. As I helped myself, I could hear voices. Turns out clouds aren't very good at containing sound.

"Captain." A male voice bled through the walls.

"At ease, Lieutenant. We're not on duty," a voice I recognized as Spitfire's responded.

"Back so soon? I thought you had left for Ponyville on vacation."

"Relax, Soarin. I'll be out of your mane soon. I just need to grab something."

"Whatcha need?" Soarin asked.

"Do you know where that extra flight suit went? The huge one?"

"Should be with the others, I'd guess. What do you need that for? Found a potential?"

Spitfire hesitated. "You could say that."

"Nopony's been able to fill that suit since I got here. Don't we only have one super sized suit for a reason? Who'd you find?"

"I know Thunderblade's old suit hasn't been used since he retired, Soarin," Spitfire's tone started to become impatient. "He was the biggest Wonderbolt, but I found somepony who might fit it. Look, I'll explain later, okay? I'm on a time crunch."

That answer seemed to satisfy Soarin. "You're the captain."

Odd how we can hear so much. Aren't softer objects supposed to absorb sound?

"Usually. Clouds are mostly air though, maybe that's why."

You're no help.

"I'm not a physicist, either."

I'm an engineer. It bothers me.

I made my way back into the arena and broke into a hover, slowly circling the inside to wind down. Bronze kept pace with me, and we talked about nonsense for a few minutes before Spitfire arrived again, carrying a small bundle.

"Hey, you ready to go?"

I had caught my breath by this point, and I trotted over to the golden mare. "Yeah. Why did you bring me here, though?"

Spitfire shrugged. "Company," she said simply. I gave her a flat look. "What? I'm doing this for you, anyway."

"Fine. Where next?"

"Oh, I've got everything we need." She shifted the bundle she was holding. "Back to Ponyville!"

I groaned at the prospect of repeating that morning.

"Fine, I guess we can get lunch first," Spitfire said in an exaggerated exasperated tone, smiling. I narrowed my eyes at her. I know that smile. That's the smile that people use when everything goes according to plan, especially when that plan involves pranks or other hijinks.

"You know, I think we're going to get along nicely," I joked, "especially if food is involved."

"Wow, I thought I ate a lot."

Spitfire sat across from me at a small table. She had brought us to the private mess hall the Wonderbolts use. Although, 'mess hall' probably didn't to the place justice. It was a place of function over fashion, and the food it served followed the same philosophy. Nothing was fancy, but the food was everything an athlete could ask for.

Spitfire's comment made me look at all the empty plates we had left. She had a few cleaned plates, but I had a stack several times higher than hers.

"I'm not overstaying my welcome, am I?" I asked, pausing in my feasting.

Spitfire chuckled. "Not at all. We get this for free, so go nuts. I'm just amazed."

I tossed another plate onto the tower. "Life of a Wonderbolt is grand, isn't it?"

"It has its perks," Spitfire shrugged noncommittally.

A few minutes later, I had had my fill. I stretched in my chair, feeling the satisfaction of popping joints.

“You finally done?” Spitfire’s question was filled with amusement.

“Yeah. You’re going to end up being my best friend if you keep this up,” I said, standing up with the mare. I glanced around. “Where do we take these?” I pointed with a wing at the dishes on the table, wincing as I did so. Tomorrow is going to suck.

“Those? We can just leave ‘em.” Spitfire started towards the exit. “Come on, the flight back won’t be so intense. I’m not going to overwork you.”

That was a relief to hear. We left the establishment, and I still couldn’t get over the fact there there existed a city made out of clouds. And that I was in it. We took to the air, and the view just got better. I had been too exhausted to notice it when we had arrived earlier.

It was early afternoon, and so the sun wasn’t at the point of being in anyone’s eyes. Pegasi were everywhere, going to and fro about their businesses. The buildings’ architecture was both unique and a hodgepodge of different styles. I saw columns and trimmings that reminded me of ancient Roman works back on Earth, as well as modern engineering mixed in the works. There was almost no ‘ground’ to walk on, as nobody needed to walk in this city. The buildings looked almost scattered, like someone threw confetti in an area, froze time, and constructed a building where each little piece was.

We started to glide back in the direction of Ponyville. Spitfire still wouldn’t tell me what was in the bundle tied to her back, but I’m pretty sure I already knew.

“So, Spitfire,” I started a conversation to break the silence.

“What’s up?”

“Is there a reason we flew to Cloudsdale, home of the Wonderbolts, and went to the Wonderbolt stadium to get a costume for tonight? Could it possibly have anything to do with, I dunno, a certain group of fliers?” I knew I was being sassy, but sassy might have well been my middle name by now.

“Not much of a secret now, is it?” Spitfire laughed.

“Why don’t you just tell me the plan?”

“Alright, I guess you should know. You know how Rainbow Dash is obsessed with our group, right?”

“Yeah…” I still wasn’t quite sure where this was going. It had a direction, obviously, but I didn’t have a handle on how much it would diverge from the path.

“So we dress you up as a member, feed her a story on how you’re our newest guy, and watch her freak about it!” Spitfire was grinning by the end of it, despite the wind blowing in her face.

I was doubtful. “You really think she’s going to buy that? She’s been trying for years, and she’s the best flier I’ve seen. Nobody gets in in a day!”

“That’s the part that will irk her the most! It’s brilliant!”

I thought about it for a bit. I was sure that Dash wouldn’t fall for something that simple, and if she did, it would crush her. I couldn’t give up the chance that having a Wonderbolt on Nightmare Night would give, though. I needed to come up with something that would fool Dash, as well as everybody else. I got it!

“Hey, Spitfire!”

We pulled in to Ponyville and landed by the park as a familiar purple unicorn walked by. Several ponies were setting up decorations for the holiday.

“Hey, Twilight!” I called. “You’ve met Spitfire, right?”

“Hey, I know you!” Spitfire greeted Twilight. “We met at the Gala.”

“Yeah, I remember that. That night was awful,” Twilight reminisced. “N-not that meeting you was awful, I mean-”

Spitfire laughed and waved it away. “Relax, Twilight. Everypony hates the Gala.”

The two mares started to chat, and we made our way to a nearby set of benches. They shared one, while I stretched out on the other. Bronze laid down next to the bench, crossing his paws and resting his muzzle on them. The weariness of the day caught up to me, and the sun’s warmth cast a tempting cradle; I couldn’t resist passing out.

“Wow, that was quick,” Twilight commented, looking over at Hot Head.

“Dude’s probably exhausted. I worked him hard today. Kid did well,” Spitfire boasted.

“Oh, have you been teaching him how to fly? Rainbow Dash tried, but she isn’t really the teaching type,” Twilight shrugged.

“What kind of pegasus with good wings doesn’t know how to fly by a quarter of his age?”

“Well,” Twilight hesitated, “it’s probably not my story to tell, but…”

I listened in as Twilight told the pegasus the story of my charge. Well, the story that she knew. It didn’t include me, but the way she told it seemed like she was leaving something else out as well. She didn’t mention Sunbutt at all, even though they had met this morning to discuss current events. I wondered why she would leave out something like that, but maybe she just wasn't comfortable with talking about her mentor.

I sat up and scratched my ear. It wasn’t important. I was worried about what trouble Hot Head would get into tonight, and by extension, what trouble I would be getting into.

"Hey, wake up."

"I dun wanna," I rolled over. "Five more minutes."

"Party starts in an hour and a half. Come on, we still have to get ready," the voice was insistent.

"Noooooo," I whined, still half asleep.

There was a sigh, then "Up an' at 'em, Recruit! On your hooves!"

I was suddenly wide awake, standing at attention, saluting the madmare in front of me. Once I realized what I was doing, I lowered my hoof and gave Spitfire a flat look. “You suck, you know that?”

“Yeah, but you swallow,” Spitfire retorted, her grin growing to levels delegated by most as ‘shit-eating.’

Bronze howled with laughter. “I like this chick!”

Shut up, Bronze. I know you do.

“I thought you would be more classy than that, Spitfire. I guess we can be good friends after all,” I said nonchalantly.

"Come on, we're losing daylight. Where else do we need to go to get ready?" Spitfire cut to the point.

"We need to stop at Rarity's and Twilight's," I said, moving past the pegasus and continuing down the road. Spitfire fell in next to me, with Bronze taking up the rear.

"This is gonna be awesome," Spitfire commented. "I've heard stories about the pranks Rainbow Dash pulls on Nightmare Night. Pulling the wool over her eyes is going to be so worth it!"

"Keep it down," I hissed at her. "We don't want anyone finding out about it!"

"You're right. Sorry."

We talked until we reached the boutique. I stepped up to the door and knocked on it.

"It's open!" A posh voice called out.

Pushing the door open, I stepped inside Rarity's house. The interior looked exactly like one would expect from a clothing store. Racks of clothing divided the floor and dressed mannequins lined the walls.

"Who is it?" A voice called from a closed door.

"Uh, Hot Head."

"If you've come for a costume, darling, I'm afraid I can't help you. You should have come sooner," Rarity said, her voice a little strained.

"You ok, Rarity?" I asked, stepping closer to the door.

"Fine, dear, perfectly fine, don't come in! Nopony can see before the party!"

I rolled my eyes. Women. Doesn't matter the species, they're all the same.

Spitfire shook her head, sighing.

"Hey Rarity, do you have any fur dye?" I called back through the door.

"In my storeroom, second door on your left. Help yourself darling, I rarely use them."

"Cool. Thanks, Rarity!"

Spitfire and I made our way to the storeroom. The room wasn’t anything special, just a glorified closet, really. Shelves filled with linens of every kind and color lined the walls, and one in particular had a section filled with vials organized by the color of the liquids therein. I made my way over to the section of color that I needed, with Spitfire looking on a lower shelf for hers. I found mine quickly, and helped Spitfire find the rest of hers. One vial of each color would probably do it, and Rarity seemed to have several of every single color imaginable.

Ochre? The hell is ochre? How many shades of red do you need? And why is it in with the yellows too?

“There will always be only seven colors. Any more is just ludicrous,” Bronze commented.

Amen to that.

Our haul obtained, we made our way back outside, wishing Rarity good luck on getting her shit together. Of course, it was worded much more eloquently than that.

"And now we just need to go to Twilight's," I said.

"With time to spare," Spitfire remarked.

We got to the library without incident. There was a closed sign hanging in the small window on the door. I knocked, muttering, "Hope she's here."

Twilight opened the door, wearing a strange, star spangled robe and a beard faker than Rarity's eyelashes. "Aren't you guys dressing up?"

"Hey, Dumbledore. I was hoping for your help with that."

Twilight let us in, looking confused. "Who's Dumbledore? And why is Spitfire here?"

"Nevermind. I need you to make me look like a mare."

Spitfire stifled a laugh, and Twilight looked at me like I had lost it.

"You know what Rainbow does on Hollo-Nightmare Night," I caught myself. "We're gonna prank her tonight."

"I'm going to dye myself to look like Dash," Spitfire explained.

"And I'm supposed to look like Spitfire," I finished.

Twilight grinned as the gears turned in her head. "I can do you one better."

I raised an eyebrow. Twilight didn't answer, instead opting to quickly search the shelves and pull down a specific book. Spitfire and I shared an is this a good idea glance.

The wannabe headmaster came back with the book open in her aura. "I can manipulate your auras to the point where-"

"Twilight," I interrupted. "Short version. Almost out of time."

She frowned, turning back to the book. "I can make you look and sound like Spitfire. Pretty much turn you into her."

Spitfire's eyes lit up. "And me into Rainbow?"

"Easily. I just need some of her essence, like one of her feathers or some of her hair. Luckily, she crashes into the library often, and I think I have one. I'm going to need one of yours, too, Captain." Twilight winked out of existence.

"Looks like we didn't need the dye after all," I remarked to Spitfire as the golden mare reached around and yanked a feather from her wing. She just grunted in response.

Twilight came back in another flash of magenta. "You two ready?"

We nodded.

"Let's get started." Twilight’s face scrunched up as her horn started to glow. She took Rainbow’s feather and concentrated on it. Her aura spread to encompass Spitfire, and I took a step back.

I don’t claim to know anything about magic. In fact, I probably know less than the most mundane of earth ponies. Magic does...magicky things. Things a human/pegasus probably can’t even learn. That’s why I became nervous when Spitfire grimaced and started to grunt in what I could only assume was pain.

Spitfire rose off the ground, and it was as if some wind had struck inside the library. A swirl of it seemed to center around the golden mare, her mane whipping about. She clenched her eyes shut, enduring what she could. As I watched, her fur started to change color. Starting from her hooves, sky blue fur slowly enveloped her limbs. As the intruding color reached her torso, it suddenly sped up to whip around her entire torso up to her shoulders. The transformation reached her tail, adding the cooler colors to complement her fiery ones. The color spread throughout her face. When it reached her eyes, Spitfire opened them and her mouth in a voiceless scream. Her irises, from bottom to top, changed from orange to magenta. The color continued to her mane, rainbowifying that too, from the roots to the tips.
The magic aura faded, and the now blue mare dropped to the floor, panting. I took a step towards her. “...Spitfire?”

She grunted as she started to push herself to a standing position. “Yeah, it’s me.” She stopped, a shocked look on her face that I’m sure I was mirroring. What made us pause is that the sound wasn’t the captain’s voice… but Rainbow’s instead.

We both looked to Twilight at the same time. She had taken a seat, attempting to regain her breath. A confident grin plastered her face. “See? Told you… one better.”

I gaped at her while Spitfire took an inventory check. She looked over herself, then at Twilight, an eyebrow raised. “Cutie mark?” she asked, her voice cracking. “Man, this is weird.”

I looked (at her cutie mark, nothing else) and sure enough, it was still her flaming wing thing.

“Of course,” Twilight replied. “I can’t change who you are. Just how you look.”

Twilight seemed to have recovered, and she turned to me, picking up the feather Spitfire had dropped in her levitation. I backed up a step, Spitfire’s face of agony flickering across my vision. The lavender mare grabbed me before I could get anywhere.

I grunted, gritting my teeth. It felt like something was kneading my flesh with molten needles. Agony reigned as I shut my eyes. I couldn’t bear to look, but I couldn’t hide from the pain. The needles made their way up my legs, seemingly crushing and compacting them as they went. After about an eternity, my legs were done, but that meant my pelvis was next. I actually heard bone snap, and Rainbow’s gasp. Spitfire, not Rainbow. The thought vaguely went through my mind, quickly flushed by more pain. Something important near the pelvis was next. “Twilight… I kinda need those!” The pitch of my voice rose with every word, but it was too late. Gone. My ribs were next, receiving the same burning, crushing treatment. My shoulders joined the pain party accompanied by more cracks of bone. My breaths were coming in ragged gasps by this point, and the needles across my neck didn’t help much either. The biggest obstacle to bear came when it reached my head.

It got into my brain. The lake of consciousness I thought I was so familiar with. Twilight’s spell was the dynamite that destroyed the dam I didn’t even realize was there. Another large body of water flowed to mingle with mine. This process itself wasn’t painful, just… different. It felt almost like a different entity, yet the familiarity I felt told me it could be nothing other than myself.

Hitting the floor broke me out of my thoughts. I layed there for a minute, taking a moment to realize the pain was gone. I opened my eyes. Rainbow Da-No, Spitfire gasped and jumped back. The golden legs in my vision looked so alien, yet I felt… awakened. Enlightened somehow. I raised a hoof to look at it more. It looked like a normal hoof, yet smaller, slightly more delicate. I turned over and sat up, looking down. Gold. It was so bright. It was...weird. Also weird was how feminine I felt. I had lost most of my masculine form, including... Yeah, that. I was... curvy. I never thought I'd use that word to describe myself.

"Hot Head?" Twilight's voice derailed my train of thought. "You ok?"

I felt Bronze trying to talk to me. "I... I think I need a minute," I said, Spitfire's voice tumbling out of my mouth. I stood up and let him in.

"Dude, are you ok? I didn't like the look of that magic, so I severed the connection in case it would fuck with something."

I...I think so, I told him. At least my thoughts still sound like me.

"I could only imagine what losing that would feel like... You have my sympathy."

How chivalrous of you.

I felt a hoof on my shoulder. "Hot Head-"

I jumped, spinning around. "Rainbow Da-!" I started, calming down when the mare came into view. "Spitfire... You gave me a heart attack," I made a face, hearing my words in something other than my voice. "You're right, this is fuckin unreal."

"You alright? The captain of the Wonderbolts can't afford to be this jumpy," Spitfire joked.

"Is this what it feels like to be sexy?" The words came out of my mouth before I realized what I was saying. Bronze fell on his back, howling with laughter. I felt heat rush to my face.

Spitfire laughed Rainbow's laugh. "I'll take that as a compliment. And look, you're not a campfire anymore," she gestured with a blue foreleg to a full-size mirror on the wall.

I looked, but had a hard time realizing what I was seeing. The thing staring back from the mirror was Spitfire in every way, except for the lack of a cutie mark. It moved the same way I did. This is so bizarre.

“Does this mean I can’t be vulgar around you anymore?”

I’m still me, Bronze… I think. I ran a hoof through my mane, amazed that I actually had one in place of the flame I had become accustomed to.

“Hey girls, the party starts in twenty minutes,” Twilight said. “We should get going.”

I gave her a look. “Girls? Excu… oh. Right.”

Spitfire chuckled, sauntering past me towards the door. “It’s nice, isn’t it? I’m going to have to teach you how to do this,” she added, implementing more sway of her rump as she walked. Twilight laughed, following her.

“Nah… I think I’ll pass. Thanks.”

“That actually sounded like me! Keep working at it!” Spitfire called back over her shoulder.

I sighed. Tonight is gonna be some kind of fucked up.

Bronze chuckled. “On a scale of one to succeed, you’re bound for a negative seven.”

Thanks, Bronze. Good to know you have my back.

Author's Note:

Eight. Eight months. I know.
See blog post for more details, and a State of the Author kind of thing.