• Published 19th Jun 2013
  • 4,397 Views, 92 Comments

Of Strawberries and Lemonade - Sam Cole

Twilight and Rarity try a spell to find their special sompony, then try everything to change the results

  • ...

Dating was Never Meant to be an Olympic Sport!

Chapter 4: Dating was Never Meant to be an Olympic Sport!

“Hello darling,” A simply accessorized Rarity greeted her date. She had fought off the urge to wear anything fancy or elegant, and instead chose a necklace Twilight had gotten her for her birthday a year ago and a very nice hat.

“Hey Rarity,” Twilight smiled. “How was the dentist?”

With a shudder not lost on Twilight, Rarity faked composer. “It was fantastic.”

“She pulled out the drill, huh?”

“I nearly wet myself when I saw that thing,” Rarity admitted with a laugh. The pair stepped out, leaving the small dragon in charge of the Library for the afternoon. They happily walked along, heading to their favorite cafe in town, enjoying the beautiful weather.

“Rainbow Dash did a great job clearing the skies this morning,” Twilight smiled.

“She thinks she’s helping our little date.” Rarity smiled.

“Five bits says they all try to secretly help us,” Twilight whispered.

“Oh please. You know they will. That’s no bet,” Rarity giggled. They walked together in blissful silence a while longer, taking time to stop here and there, smell the flowers, irritate any ponies following them.

“Grr, speed up already,” Rainbow snarled in the bush as she hid with Fluttershy, who was wishing right now that they had gotten to choose who they did this part with.

“Give them time,” She argued with her athletic friend. “This is an important part of the date.”

“They’re taking too long,” Rainbow snapped back. “Don’t they know how much I’m sacrificing here? I could be practicing right now!”

“Well you’ll just have to wait another day to break your wing again,” Fluttershy muttered.

“What was that?”


The pair of unicorns finally stopped stalling, and continued on their way, now taking a detour into the busy market district. Rainbow Dash was ready to pull out her mane from boredom, while Fluttershy began to worry needlessly.

“What if they spot us? There’s nowhere to hide in the market!”

“Um, Shy. We have wings...”

“Oh, hehe, right...”

“Besides,” Rainbow smiled. “They’re gonna walk right past AJ’s stall. We’re set.”

But down on the streets it was a different story as the two unicorns ducked and turned, enjoying their little game. “Darling, do you think we lost them yet?” Rarity asked as they twisted and turned with the crowd.

“Yeah, Let’s cut through the alley,” Twilight smiled, enjoying the game of cat and mouse with her friends. As they did this, two pegasi landed behind the farmer’s stall, and quietly got her attention.

“What are y’all doin here!?” Applejack snorted at them.

“We couldn’t follow them anymore,” Fluttershy hesitantly offered.

“Well they ain’t in the market anymore. Ah thought Ah was supposed to meet Pinkie at the cafe? What’s goin on?”

“Those two horn heads are being all lovey dovey,” Rainbow wretched. “Smelling flowers, and window shopping.”

“What the... Oh darn it,” Applejack swore. “They made ya.”

“What?” The two fliers asked.

“They spotted ya,” Applejack sighed.

“Oh no. It was all my fault. That bush was much too small,” Fluttershy squeaked.

“It’s alright sugarcube. Just get back on em. Those two left alone will be getting hit on by every colt in town,” Applejack pressed.

“We’re on it!” Rainbow saluted.

“We are?!”

“Come on Shy!”

“Where in the heck are they?” Applejack snorted as they sat at the large mushroom tables of the cafe. “They took the shortcut. They should be here.”

“Are we in the wrong place maybe?” Fluttershy panicked.

“Not likely. Twi loves this cafe.” Rainbow dismissed.

“Maybe they stopped for ice cream?” Pinkie shrugged.

“Why would they get ice cream? They’re going to lunch!” Dash shot back.

“Well, maybe we should go check the ice cream parlor to be sure,” Pinkie retaliated.

“... Y’all just want ice cream, don’t ya?”

“Great idea Applejack! Let’s go get some!”

“Shush, there they are.” Applejack said before they lost all hope of containing the pink party machine. The four all had wigs and glasses, hoping to hide their identities from the pair. Twilight appeared to be looking their way, making Fluttershy panic.

“She knows.”


Rarity and Twilight didn’t say anything though as they took their seats, enjoying the warm sun and talking rapidly, they way they tended to. To the outsider, it looked like just two friends having a good lunch. Till they kissed.

“Damn it!” Applejack snapped as she bolted over to avert some prying eyes. A glance back at the pair found them delving deeper into the kiss, drawing the comments of all around, and even some ponies on the street. What the Everfree Forest are they doin?!

“Okay, stop it!” Rainbow cried at a pair of colts that decided to try and take a picture. “Move it bub!”

“Girls, be quiet!” Fluttershy hissed at the two rather impulsive mares as Pinkie sighed and shook her head.

“I knew I should have brought my party cannon...”

“Twilight,” Rarity asked as they broke the kiss, “Do you think they got the message yet?”

“Let’s see,” Twilight smiled. She looked back to the orange and cyan mares threatening to fight literally everypony there if they continued to look. “Nope.”

“Oh, let’s give them a break. Rainbow Darling!” Rarity called out to the prismatic mare. “We appreciate the gesture, but we’re just fine here. Why don’t you four go along now.”

“How long have you known?”

“The whole time,” Twilight smiled. “You all are so easy to read sometimes.”

With a sigh, Rainbow nodded and admitted defeat. “Alright. Come on girls.”

“Right behind ya RD.”

“Later girls, have a good date,” Pinkie smiled as she left. “Hey Dashie? Now can we get ice cream?”

“Sure...” Dash sighed.

“Yay!” Fluttershy squeaked, smiling like a foal. Whether it was from the ice cream to come or not having to play spy anymore was unclear, though neither unicorn cared that much right now.

“Well darling. Our first date, and every pony in town now knows we’re together,” Rarity giggled.

“Yep. We’re doing pretty good,” Twilight smiled.

“Oh darling. We’re doing fantastic.”

The days came and went, seeing many more happy dates for Twilight and Rarity. They enjoyed picnics by the lake, shopping trips around town, and even a trip to see Rarity’s dad’s team retire his old Hoofball jersey in Canterlot, and induct him to the hall of fame. It was an amazing time. So tonight's date of a fashion show that Rarity was a part of was really special.

“Oh wow,” Twilight gasped, looking around the back stage. “Rarity, your dresses look amazing.”

“Thank you darling,” Rarity smiled as she leaned over and kissed Twilight on the cheek.

“So when are you on?” Twilight asked, looking around. “And could somepony please get these mares a sandwich?”

“Oh hush,” Rarity giggled. “You’ll scare them off. The very thought of eating makes them sick.”

“I can tell,” Twilight giggled. “You- You think I look good, don’t you?”

“Oh darling, of course,” Rarity dismissed. “I hate the bare bones look.”

“But I’m... you know...”

“Beautiful? Smart? A wonderful mare that makes me very happy?”

“A little plump,” Twilight pouted.

“Oh darling,” Rarity laughed. “I like it. Makes you really warm to cuddle with.”

“Rarity!” Twilight snorted. “You’re gonna make me laugh.”

“Oh, a challenge,” Rarity smiled.

“Oh don’t you dare,” Twilight chuckled. “I would like to not get the evil eye on at least one date.”

“Go take your seat darling,” Rarity ordered with a giggle. “And remember, smile!”


Twilight headed out to the stage, and found her seat. She realized as soon as she sat down that she had failed her goal, as every fancy pony there began to stare at the naked mare.

“And who are you?” One mare next to Twilight asked in a haughty voice.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m Twilight Sparkle. Nice to meet you,” Twilight smiled, holding out her hoof.

“Miss Twilight Sparkle, we do-” The snooty mare began, til Twilight interrupted.

“It’s Lady Twilight Sparkle actually,” She said with her smile intact. “Personal protege of Princess Celestia and heroine of Equestria, twice.”

“You- You’re- Oh my word,” The mare giggled awkwardly, “I had no idea.”

“I’m sorry,” Twilight offered. “I don’t normally brag like that. I’m just here to enjoy the fashions. I hear Miss Rarity’s works are absolutely stellar tonight.”

“Really?” The mare once again smiled, the smile of one who has already put their hoof in their mouth and are now trying to make up for it. “I’m sure her designs are to be the very best here.”


The show was quickly underway, and word spread through the crowd like wildfire that a royal mare was in attendance tonight. Shortly, and unbeknownst to Twilight, the crowd made a definite shift. They agreed with everything she liked, and hated everything she seemed passive about. Due to this, Rarity swept the show, and it seemed her designs would be the talk of Canterlot for months now, making the mare ecstatic. That was, till she went on stage to thank them all for the affection.

“And who is this pony?” One stallion scoffed as Rarity trotted out. She was not dressed fancy, but instead functional as to better aid with quick wardrobe changes and last minute alterations backstage. She could feel the crowd slipping, but telling them who she was would clear that up in-

“Yay!” Twilight giggled and clapped, and soon everypony noticeably stumbled to change from a mocking tone to a tone of congratulations, and some began to talk loudly about how stylish she looked, and this was sure to be a hit in Canterlot.

“Oh no,” Rarity groaned, putting her hoof to her head. She smiled at Twilight to calm the mare, and then addressed the crowd. “Fillies and gentlecolts, thank you very much for the praise you have shown this evening for my designs. It means the world to me. I wish I had possessed the time to change into something a little more fashionable, but alas, I just had to say Thank you, and did not want to distract from my wonderful models already beautiful performance.”

“My word, you alone designed all of those glorious works of clothing art?” One pony asked.

“Haha, yes good sir, I did.” Rarity smiled. “Oh Lady Sparkle, may I see you backstage?”

Twilight knew she was in trouble as she trotted back there, to find she was now surrounded by three angry designers, many more agitated models, and one noticeably irate date.

“Why did you not like my designs?” One designer asked, thinking this was a free for all.

“Not now Flash,” Rarity dismissed. “It’s my turn first.”


“Twilight,” Rarity sighed, shaking her head, “You just had to tell them you were royalty, didn’t you?”

“How did you-”

“They followed your lead all night. That’s about the only thing I can think of that would make those sheep follow like that,” Rarity snorted, but thankfully her rage was not at Twilight after all.

“Wait, she’s roy-” The same designer started again.

“Shut up Flash,” Rarity snapped. “I’ve had it with the mindless for one night.”

“Sorry Rarity. They insulted me, so I just told them the truth...” Twilight pouted, shrinking down a tad.

“It’s alright dear. But now no designer will take me seriously for about a month,” Rarity dismissed. “Oh well.”

“What does that mean for your business?” Twilight asked.

“Business as usual. No large orders for now,” Rarity shrugged, and made Twilight smile. “What is it darling?”

“No large orders means more free time,” Twilight giggled.

“Oh,” Rarity smiled. “How true. But if you ever do this again on purpose, I’ll be angry with you for a week.”

“No,” Twilight pouted, and instantly Rarity wished she hadn’t taught her that move.

“Fine. I’ll just make you buy dinner afterwards.” Twilight continued to pout. “Okay fine! But you will owe me dessert!”

“Deal,” Twilight smiled. “How about we go get some now?”

Another week, another date, this time to the Ponyville wax museum. Twilight was meeting Rarity there, and was excited to show her around the place.

“Oh, look here,” Twilight giggled as she rushed in with the white mare. “It’s Gallupo Marx! Oh, I just love his movies.”

“Really,” Rarity giggled, “I never would have guess dear. We need to do a movie night then. I have almost all of his works.”

“Really? You like silent movies?”

“I like some,” Rarity conceded. “Mostly the comedies. The dramatic films are too hard to follow with all the short choppy dialogue, ugh.”

“Hey,” Twilight smiled as she took out her camera, “Strike a pose.”

“Oh I would never do something so foalish,” Rarity mocked as she stood next to the statue and began to mime his signature pose with the cigar, the same pose as the statue actually.

This continued with almost every statue, with either Twilight as the photographer, or Rarity, or Twilight’s magic holding the camera so they could both pose, which was quickly becoming their norm.

“Oh, look, it’s that minotaur, Iron Will,” Twilight whispered.

“Why are we whispering?” Rarity asked.

“Cause I like when you lean in to whisper to me,” Twilight confessed.

“Oh you.” The girls ran up to the statue, with it’s arms crossed over it’s chest, and began to stick their tongues out and float the camera into place.

“Iron Will wants to know what exactly you two are doing,” The not so statue said, scaring both mares into falling backwards.

“Holy cow he’s real!” They both shrieked.

“Not cow! Iron Will is part oxen.”


“What?” The minotaur repeated. “Iron Will digresses. What are you two doing, making faces at Iron Will? That hurts Iron Will’s feelings, you know.”

“Yes, we’re so sorry about that,” Rarity began. “You were standing so still, we thought you were a statue as well...”

“Iron Will figured that much, but why make the faces at him?”

“Well,” Twilight fought to explain this. “You see... You’re really big and scary, and we thought it would look funny if we, you know...”

“Well next time, think of how that makes somepony feel,” Iron Will huffed. “Iron Will doesn’t like being scary, Iron Will likes helping ponies!”

“By turning them into enraged bullies,” Rarity retorted.

“No pony makes fun of them after that,” Iron Will argued.

“Well, technically it is a form of success...”

“Not helping Twilight,” Rarity snorted.

“So Iron Will, why are you here?” Twilight asked with a smile.

“Weekly poker game,” Iron Will shrugged. His look made it clear that was the end of that line of discussion, so the mares said their peace, and headed into the hall of Equestrian Heroes. Twilight knew this area well, and acted as tour guide for her date.

“Well, this one here is Victory. She helped repel the griffons in the year 136 CA,” Twilight explained from memory.

“CA darling?”

“Celestia Alone. It’s what historians are calling the time when Luna was Nightmare Moon.”

“I can’t imagine something like that. Being immortal and all powerful, and yet unable to help the one you love the most...” Rarity sighed. “It must have been so hard for her.”

“It was,” Twilight nodded, and continued around the corner to modern Heroes. “Hey, recognise this guy?”

“Oh my,” Rarity giggled as she laid eyes on the waxen form of Spike. “He looks good in wax. Very slimming.”

“And here we... Oh,” Twilight gasped as she came upon her favorite statue, the one of her and her friends, after the first time they used the elements. She didn’t love it for the vain reasons others would, but for what it meant to her. And now, some pony had defaced that meaning, scratching an crude ‘FF’ on her statue and Rarity’s.

“Oh the nerve!” Rarity snorted. “I really thought Ponyville here was more accepting than that.”

“Well,” Twilight smiled, “Let’s fix the statues. Make them a little more accurate.”

“Oh?” Rarity asked as she saw Twilight mend the damage, then pick up the two statues and begin to mold their forms. Twilight placed them next to each other, in what was clearly a loving pose. “Oh darling,” Rarity giggled, “We can do better than that.”

Rarity focused her own magic into the wax figures and turned them to be snout to snout, and did her best to make them smile. Twilight fixed that with a giggle, and after ten minutes of playing with their own wax figures, they were proud of the scene, even if it was a little more R rated than Twilight had initially planned.

“Rarity, is it just me, or are those figures doing more than we actually do with each other?” Twilight finally asked.

“Well, we had to play it up a bit for the crowd, no?”

“Well, it looks like they’re having fun,” Twilight smiled.

“Indeed.” Rarity giggled. “I think they look fabulous.”

“I think they don’t look like we made them,” The angry curator yelled at them. “Out! Now!”

“Twilight! Hello darling,” Rarity called out as she enter the library. “Are you ready for our date?”

“Sup Rarity,” Spike whispered. “Keep it down please. Twi’s not feeling too well.”

“Oh no,” Rarity frowned. “She caught that bug going around town?”

“Yeah. Come on up,” Spike nodded as he moved over for the white mare, letting her up to see her ailing friend.

“Oh you poor girl. How are you feeling?”

“I’ve been better,” Twilight wheezed in an almost non existent voice.

“I would think so. Is there anything I can get for you?”

“I’m good. I have Spike here,” Twilight smiled. “He can’t catch pony illnesses after all.”

“Hmm, that is a good point,” Rarity nodded as she pulled up a chair and sat next to Twilight. “Then again, some of us don’t care.”


“No buts,” Rarity chided as she floated over a few books from Twilight’s shelves. “You look miserable, so I’m going to help you. Now, let’s see here...”

“Thanks Rarity.”

“Not a problem dear. Here we are, ‘The Princess’s Errand.’ I love this story myself.” Rarity smiled as she opened the book. “You just relax while I read.”

“Hmm. I might just fall asleep on ya,” Twilight coughed and chuckled.

“Feel free to darling. I’ll be here when you wake up if you fall asleep.” Rarity smiled. “Now: Only once does opportunity knock. Sometimes it is at your door, other times, your soul. The ones at your door were easy, they waited for you to show up. But those of the soul do not.” Rarity read while Twilight settled in, letting her warm blanket soothe her pain away.

It did not take long for the lavender mare to fall asleep, but true to her word, the fashion icon was there when she woke up. It was a much better date than either had planned.

“I had a lot of fun today Rarity,” Twilight smiled as she stood on her step after another of their wonderful dates.

“So did I, Twilight. I’m glad I decided to give us a chance.”

“Yeah... Rarity, I...”

“Oh come on,” Rarity scoffed. “Say it.”


“We both know you’re going to say the L word first, so just say it already,” Rarity persisted.

“Why do I have to say it first?” Twilight sassed.

“Because, you’re that type of pony,” Rarity smiled. “So just say it.”

“Oh no. I’m not gonna break first. You say it.”

“I have more willpower dear, so you should just say it now, save yourself the hassle.”

“Miss Rarity, I never,” Twilight scoffed. “I’m going to win, and get you to say it first.”

“Never going to happen darling,” Rarity chuckled as she kissed Twilight goodbye. Twilight turned around to head inside, but paused, scrunched up all of her muscles in an effort to stop the inevitable.

“I love you Rarity!” Twilight cried.

“I know!”

Twilight smiled, and took a step before she caught on. “Hey!”

“I love you too Twilight!” Rarity called back.

The morning was beautiful, the sun was shining, and Twilight had a spring in her step. She was ready to see Rarity again. A visit to the beautiful mare would help take her mind off the disappointment of the spell book she received last night. Twilight was practically singing as she woke up, and pranced outside.

“Everything is going to be.... Fine!” Twilight sang, dancing around town, and even on a table at the cafe, which she would have to explain later... “Cause everything is going to be-”

A splash of cold water cut her off mid song, again. Everytime I start to sing! Damn it! “Really Rainbow Dash?”

“Oh my, I’m so terribly sorry dear,” Rarity offered. “I’m having a bit of trouble with the thundery ones...”

“Rarity?!” Twilight reeled, and one glance at her girlfriend told her the worst. Her cutie mark was swapped out for Rainbow’s. “Something tells me everything is not going to be fine!”

Twilight rushed over to the white mare with the wrong mark, worry pumping through her. “Rarity, why are you doing Rainbow Dash’s job?”

“Whatever do you mean Twilight? I’m only doing what I’ve done everyday since I got my cutie mark... Well not really,” Rarity admitted. “I thought I was a super fast pony, but I think not today. I ran as hard as I could this morning, but there was no sonic rainboom. All I heard was a pop, and I think that was my lungs...”

“That’s... not good,” Twilight mulled the thought, then shook it off. “But why are you clearing the weather? Where is Rainbow Dash?”

“Why whatever do you mean? She’s at her cottage by Whitetail woods like always dear,” Rarity supplied, with a very confused look about her.

“I have to go see her,” Twilight said, fearing the worst, as she turned to leave thought, a white hoof grabbed her. “Yes Rarity?”

“I’m not having a very good day so far, honey. Could I get a kiss to make it better?” Rarity pleaded.

“Well, at least you remember the important things,” Twilight giggled as she kissed Rarity.

“What do you mean by that?”

“Nothing. I have to go. Ponyville in danger, friends to save.”

“Ah. So just a normal Tuesday then,” Rarity smiled as she went back to weather patrol. Twilight took a step before one last question stopped her.

“Hey, where’s the weather team at?”

“I sent them home. Poor fillies know nothing of design,” Rarity complained. “I mean really, is it so hard to display all weather patterns at once?”

Author's Note:

A big shoot out tonight to Neobrony7, without who's help this chapter would have been held up and I would have been... TARDY!!! I had to, alright. We all loved Psycho Sparkle, and don't say you didn't. But seriously, he helped me out majorly, and I won't forget that. Peace out amigos, Sam.